12 Noon, Saturday, September 2, 2023 Sadler Ranch Sale Facility Perkins, Oklahoma
Matt Sims, Sale Manager / Auctioneer (405) 641-6081 (C)
Dustin Layton, Auctioneer (405) 464-2455 (C)
Jeff Mafi, Angus Journal (816) 344-4266 (C)
DeRon Heldermon, Oklahoma Cowman (405) 850-5102 (C)
Phil Stoll, Weekly Livestock Reporter (817) 366-7332 (C)
Jeffrey Hallowell, The Stock Exchange (405) 922-4648
GPS address: 10819 S. Rose Rd., Perkins, OK 77864. Located 5.5 miles east of Perkins on Hwy. 33. Watch for the Sadler Ranch sign on the north side of Hwy. 33. Go 3/4 mile north to ranch.
Thursday, August 31, 2023
10 a.m., Sale cattle begin arriving at the Sadler Ranches
Friday, September 1, 2023
12:00 Noon – Cattle in place at the Sadler Ranches’ sale facility.
1:00 p.m. until 5:00 – Cattle available for preview at the Sadler Ranches’ sale facility.
Saturday, September 2, 2023
9 a.m. – Sale cattle on display at the Sadler Ranches’ sale facility.
11 a.m. – Lunch – Sadler Ranches’ sale facility. Noon – Oklahoma Angus Gathering Sale
508 E Main St., Cushing, (405) 743-1306
On behalf of the Oklahoma Angus Association, welcome to the 24th Annual Oklahoma Angus Gathering Sale, held again on Labor Day Weekend, Saturday, September 2, 2023, at the Sadler Ranch Sale facility near Perkins, OK.
Sale Manager Matt Sims (405) 641-6081
matt@mcsauction.com www.mcsauction.com
Sale videos are available at www.mcsauction.com
I am especially excited about this year’s offering. In my opinion, this is the deepest and most impressive offering we have ever had in the Gathering Sale in terms of numerical quality and pedigree, and the most uniformly presented. Breeders who have attended past years’ Gathering Sales have had the opportunity to see outstanding Angus cattle from herds throughout the state. The 2023 offering consists of a young set of productive females that are backed by the most popular genetics in the Angus breed. We have an outstanding set of bred and open heifers along with an impressive group of spring pairs and some outstanding fall calving heifers and cows. The 24th Annual Gathering Sale features one of the largest set of spring pairs, bred and production age females ever offered in this event. The genomically-enhanced EPD profiles of this offering are as impressive as their phenotype. This sale is intended to provide a marketing outlet for the membership of the Oklahoma Angus Association, and we encourage everyone to take advantage of what has been among the top state sales anywhere in the country.
I would like to again extend my sincere thanks to Brent Sadler and his family and crew at Sadler Ranch for the preparation and continued improvements to their facility and for allowing us to again hold this annual event at this great location. It is my pleasure to continue working with Oklahoma Angus breeders while coordinating this sale, and I am very pleased, as I know you will be, with the offering assembled for Saturday, September 2.
If you have any questions or if I may be of assistance prior to or at sale time, please give me a call.
Matt C. SimsEPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www.angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLink®, CAB®, Pathfinder®.
Sale Terms and Conditions Registered cattle will sell under Suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association. All cattle are to be paid for by the purchaser during or immediately after the sale and will not be released until after settlement has been made. Buyers must be sure to furnish the sale clerk complete information for the transfer of registration certificates. Ownership will not be transferred until cattle are paid for in full.
Absentee Bids Please contact the owners, the sale manager or any member of the sale staff to place a bid if you will not be able to attend the sale or bid on LiveAuctions.TV.
Health All cattle will have interstate health charts required for immediate shipment. Bred females will be pregnancy tested prior to sale time. Each animal will be at the purchaser’s risk after it is sold.
Insurance Insurance for your purchases will be available sale day at the clerk’s desk.
Note Announcements made sale day from the auction block will take precedence over statements in the salebook and/or other advertising. All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. As the sale manager, Matt C. Sims Auction, Inc. is only an agent for the seller and has no responsibilities other than those involved in conducting the sale. Neither Sadler Ranch or the Oklahoma Angus Assn., the consignors nor the sale management assume liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property.
Sale sponsored by the Oklahoma Angus Association
Roger Wann, President
Jordan Cook, Vice-President
Jaryn Frey, Secretary/Treasurer & Editor, Oklahoma Angus Challenger
Sydnee Gerken & Justin Strate, Northwest District
Mark Sexton & Sarah Sweet, Northeast District
Terry Brink & Andrew Cooper, Southwest District
Dennis Bowen & Jeff Penz, Southeast District
Jeremy Leister & Clint Grissom, At-Large Directors
Jim Strate, Past President
Sale book and videos can be viewed online: mcsauction.com • angus.org/AngusProductions/SaleBooks oklahomaangus.com
OK 73063
TOP 1% TOP 10% TOP 25%
Maternal brother to lot 2
• Sells open.
• This fall yearling by Fireball outpaced her contemporary group to ratio 127 at weaning making her the highest performing heifer at Wann Ranch.
• Her highly productive dam records 3 progeny records at 115 ratio at weaning to place her as one of the top cows in the Wann herd.
• It would be difficult to find more performance and carcass merit anywhere. Of Non- Parent daughters of Fireball who have a CED of 9 or better, this heifer is among the top six in that contemporary group for WW EPD.
• Ranks in the top 1% for WW, YW, MW, CW, $F, $G and $B; top 2% for MARB and $C; top 10% for CEM; top 15% for RE and $W; top 20% for CED and PAP.
6I6 of 4B20 6807
+*Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +5 +5.8 +99 +178 +1.52 +12.2 +8 +33
DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +30 +.44 +.49 +1.30 +140 +91 +1.44 +1.06 +.014
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +58 +75 +130 +99 +229 +355
• Sells open.
• This fall yearling by Fireball is out of a very efficient Top Game daughter that originated in the Pfeiffer Angus herd. Lot 2 traces to the $153,000 Riverbend and Deer Valley foundation donor, Rita 1I98 who produced two daughters who sold for $205,000 as the top-selling fall yearling and $100,000 as the top-selling bred heifer of the 2006 Wehrmann Angus Sale.
• Dam has recorded 6 progeny records at a 110 weaning ratio while this yearling posted an individual weaning ratio of 110.
• It would be difficult to find a heifer with a more impressive combination of growth and carcass traits.
• Posts the third highest WW EPD and YW EPD among the entire population of non-parent daughters of GB Fireball 672.
• Ranks in the top 1% for WW, YW, MW, CW, $F, $B and $C; top 2% for $G; top 4% for MARB; top 10% for MILK, DOC, RE and $W; top 15% for SC; top 25% for Claw.
$300,000 valued grandam of lot 4
$1,000,000 valued third dam of lot 4
• Sells open.
• With her breed elite Marb EPD placing her in rarified air, this daughter of the $11,500 2/3 interest Express, Callahan, and Meadowview herd sire, EXAR Fire Brand 0139, is one of only fourteen individuals in the entire GE non-parent female population to offer her combination of CED, BW, PAP, Marb, $B, and $C as of 8/8/23, making her a top donor candidate capable of contributing to any level program regardless of their goals.
• The foundation dam of this angular and feminine female was the $62,000 half interest Lot 1 selection of Pollard Farms of a past Big Event and her nearly $250,000 in progeny sales in the Pollard program include a $70,000 valued purchase of Black Gold, a $50,000 purchase of Silveira, a $36,000 valued purchase of Steve Hillhouse and a $17,000 flush sister to the dam of this female chosen by Spruce Mountain.
$124,000 valued foundation fourth dam of lot 3
#*Mill Brae Identified 4031 #*Koupals B&B Identity
+*HPCA Veracious *Mill Brae Pro Blackcap 1092
+*H P C A Sunrise A246 #+*G A R Sunrise
+*H P C A Prophet A3
+*V A R Power Play 7018 #+*Basin Payweight 1682
+*Vintage Isabel 9362
+*Baldridge Isabel C221
• Sells open.
+*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
+baldridge Xpand x743
*Baldridge Isabel Y69
• Grandam is the $300,000 valued foundation Vintage Isabel from the flush that included the $320,000 half interest donor for Express and Spruce Mountain and the $580,000 record-setting Baldridge Colonel from the $1,000,000 valued Baldridge Isabel Y69 that has multi-millions of dollars in progeny sales for Baldridge Performance Angus and Lee Nobmann.
• A maternal sister to the dam of lot 4 sold half interest for $100,000 to Rooney Angus Ranch in 2019 with another maternal sister at Vintage selling for $26,000 to AAA Farms to contribute to the donor dam’s more than $350,000 of progeny sales at Vintage.
• As of 8/8/23, this donor prospect is one of only ten GE non-parent females to offer her combination of WW, YW, RE, $M, $B, and $C among the entire population.
for MILK, DOC and MW; top 15% for FAT and $G; top 20% for Claw.
• Lots 5 thru 10 are out of one of Sweet T’s best young donor females, Rita 604, who, in turn, is a daughter of the Sweet T donor Rita 2201, that is also a third-generation donor in the Deer Valley Farms program and combines the proven growth of the now-deceased Weigh Up K360 and the Marb. of Select Sires feature, Predestined with the $3.5 million producer and CED leader of the Deer Valley Farms donor program, Objective 2345.
• Maternal siblings to the grandam of lots 5 thru 10 include: Progress, the breed’s proven Marb. leader and featured calving-ease specialist at Select Sires; Rita 9274, the $130,000 valued former BoBo Angus and Express Ranches donor; Predestined 2578, the $40,000 featured Edisto Pines Farm donor; and Rita 0249, the cornerstone donor in the Rutherford Ranches program selected in the 2010 Deer Valley Farm Sale.
• The sire of lots 5 thru 10, Step Up, sold two-thirds interest for $132,500 to Edisto Pines to set a record at EZ Angus Ranch and he has gone on to establish himself as one of the rising stars of the Angus breed as was evident in the recent Edisto Pines record setting sale.
*G A R Big Step K715 #+*G A R Sure Fire
+*EZAR Step Up 9178 +*Chair Rock Prophet 3131
+*Basin Lucy 4261 #*EXAR Denver 2002B
+*Basin Lucy 1022
#*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229
+*Sweet T Rita 604 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
+*Deer Valley Rita 2201 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Deer Valley Rita 9266
CED 22 BW 37 WW 31 YW 24 DMI 54 YH 56 SC 13 Doc 19 HP 56 CEM 16 Milk 25 MW 21 MH 36 CW 38 Marb 4 RE 20 Fat 69 Tend 73
• Ranks in the top 2% for Angle; top 4% for CEM; top 10% for WW, YW, MILK, MARB, $W, $G, $B and $C; top 15% for SC and DOC; top 20% for Claw, MW, CW, RE and $F.
EZAR Step Up 9178 Sire
• Sells open.
• Ranks in the top 1% for DOC; top 2% for $M; top 3% for Angle; top 4% for Claw; top 5% for $W; top 10% for WW, SC, MARB, $G and $C; top 15% for YW and CEM; top 20% for PAP and $B.
*G A R Big Step K715 #+*G A R Sure Fire
+*EZAR Step Up 9178 +*Chair Rock Prophet 3131
+*Basin Lucy 4261 #*EXAR Denver 2002B +*Basin Lucy 1022
#*V A R Generation 2100
#*Connealy Consensus 7229
+*Sweet T Rita 604 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 +*Deer Valley Rita 2201 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Deer Valley Rita 9266
• Ranks in the top 3% for SC and Angle; top 4% for CEM and $W; top 5% for RE and $M; top 10% for WW, MARB, $G and $C; top 15% for YW; top 20% for HP and $B.
*G A R Big Step K715 #+*G A R Sure Fire
+*EZAR Step Up 9178
+*Basin Lucy 4261
#*V A R Generation 2100
+*Sweet T Rita 604
+*Deer Valley Rita 2201
• Sells open.
+*Chair Rock Prophet 3131
#*EXAR Denver 2002B
+*Basin Lucy 1022
#*Connealy Consensus 7229
+*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
#*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
+*Deer Valley Rita 9266
• Posts the second highest WW EPD and tenth highest YW EPD among the breed’s entire population of daughters of EZAR Step Up 9178 and the highest WW EPD in this offering at +101!
• Ranks in the top 1% for WW and YW; top 2% for RE and $W; top 10% for DOC, MW, CW and $C; top 15% for $F and $B; top 20% for SC, Angle, FAT and $G; top 25% for Claw and $M.
A R Sure Fire +*EZAR Step Up 9178
*G A R Big Step K715
Rock Prophet 3131
+*Basin Lucy 4261 #*EXAR Denver 2002B +*Basin Lucy 1022
#*V A R Generation 2100
+*Sweet T Rita 604
#*Connealy Consensus 7229
+*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
• Ranks in the top 4% for $G; top 5% for MARB and $M; top 10% for DOC and $C; top 15% for HP and $W; top 20% for WW and $B.
+*EZAR Step Up 9178
*G A R Big Step K715 #+*G A R Sure Fire
+*Basin Lucy 4261
Sweet T Land & Cattle Co.
#*V A R Generation 2100
+*Sweet T Rita 604
+*Deer Valley Rita 2201
+*Chair Rock Prophet 3131
#*EXAR Denver 2002B
+*Basin Lucy 1022
#*Connealy Consensus 7229
+*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
#*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
+*Deer Valley Rita 9266
10 BD: 08-10-2022 COW +*20593848 TATTOO: 218 CED 47 BW 66 WW 21 YW 49 DMI 71 YH 39 SC 7 Doc 8 HP 48 CEM 23 Milk 74 MW 17 MH 11 CW 31 Marb 13 RE 4 Fat 17 Tend 93
• Ranks in the top 3% for WW and RE; top 4% for DOC and Angle; top 10% for YW, SC, MW, $G, $B and $C; top 15% for CEM, Claw, MARB and $W; top 20% for CW and FAT; top 25% for $F.
• Lots 11 thru 13 are flush sisters by BJ Surpass out of one of Sweet T’s best donor females, Rita 718, who is sired by the former phenotype leader of the Express Ranches and Wilks Ranch herd sire rosters, Cowboy Up out of Rita 2201, that is a third-generation donor in the Deer Valley Farms program and owned with Sweet T. The grand-dam of lots 11 thru 13 combines the proven growth of the now-deceased Weigh Up K360 and the Marb. of Select Sires feature, Predestined with the longtime CED leader, Objective 2345.
• In addition to offering outstanding EPD profiles, the phenotype of this cow line is close to perfection. They combine a beautiful and feminine head and neck with a long, deep, and powerful body that is supported by a wide base, and great bone and feet. These sisters have donor potential powerful enough to fit any program.
LOT 11
LOT 12
+*BJ Surpass +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete
LOT 13
+*BJ Prophet 5275 #+*G A R Prophet *BJ Complete 1165
#*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008
+*Sweet T Rita 718
Valley Rita 2201
Sweet T Land & Cattle Co.
• Sells open.
• Ranks in the top 1% for WW; top 2% for YW, Angle and $W; top 5% for MW; top 15% for HP, CEM and CW; top 20% for $F and $C; top 25% for MILK and Claw.
13 Sweet T Land & Cattle Co.
#+*TEX Playbook 5437 #+*Basin Payweight 1682
+*BJ Surpass +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete
+*BJ Prophet 5275 #+*G A R Prophet
*BJ Complete 1165
#*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008
+*Sweet T Rita 718
#*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 +*Deer Valley Rita 2201 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Deer Valley Rita 9266
• Ranks in the top 2% for Claw and Angle; top 5% for $M; top 10% for WW; top 15% for CED, YW, HP, CEM and $W.
*Mead Magnitude #*K C F Bennett Southside
*AF Magnum AI 8084
#*Mead Primrose N198
+*AF Miss Annie 4051 #+*GAR-EGL Protege #AF Miss Annie 9080
+*G A R Prophet K263 #+*G A R Prophet
*Kuhle Miss Prophet K263 F271
+*Kuhle MS Discovery 2103 D173
• Sells open.
+*Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131
#*V A R Discovery 2240
+*RB Lady 7125-890-2103
• The dam of this donor prospect is a direct daughter of GAR Prophet K263 stems back to a daughter of VAR Discovery 2240 and the ever-popular $29,000 RB Lady 7125-890-2103, who is a full sister to the $80,000 top-selling female in the Inaugural Linz Heritage Angus Sale currently working in the Ingram Angus program in Pulaski, Tennessee, RB Lady 890-116.
• Another full sister to the third dam of lot 14 sold for one-half interest for $32,000 for a $64,000 valuation through the 2016 Double R Bar Ranch sale going to Quaker Hill Farm and Spring Grove Ranch of Virginia.
• Grandam is a full sister-in-blood to the $15,000 selection of Larry Mangum of Tennessee through the 2020 fall Riley Brothers sale, RB Lady Discovery 2170-5125.
• Ranks in the top 1% for $W; top 2% for WW, YW and $C; top 3% for CW; top 4% for $B; top 5% for $F; top 10% for MILK, DOC, RE and $G; top 15% for MARB and $M; top 20% for Angle; top 25% for MW.
Poss Easy Impact 0119 #Poss Total Impact 745
+*Baldridge Alternative E125
Baldridge Blackbird A030
+*Colburn Primo 5153
+C&C Winnie 0219
+*C&C Winnie 4103
• Sells open.
Poss Elmaretta 736
#*Hoover Dam
Baldridge Blackbird X89
*Dameron First Class
+*Silveiras Saras Dream 1339
+*EXAR Classen 1422B
+RAC Winnie 7456
• This exciting November show and donor prospect possess all the attributes to be successful at any level. She is exquisitely designed with tremendous bone and overall stoutness combined with an excellent neck and front end. As you project this heifer to maturity, her center body width, femininity and soundess should allow her to remain a force throughout her show career and while transitioning into a productive donor.
• Her dam, Winnie 0219, was shown successfully by Gavin Layton with her career culminating with a Division Championship at the Tulsa State Fair. Her grandam, Winnie 4103 was also campaigned successfully including being named Supreme Female at the 2016 Oklahoma Preview Show and before becoming a valuable donor in the Callahan Cattle program where she has produced the $22,500 C&C Winnie 9201, a maternal sister to the dam of lot 15.
• Ranks in the top 15% for RE.
BD: 08-06-2022 COW +*20593845
*WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149
+*Wilks Regiment 9035 War CC&7 Z044 X029
*Vintage Chloe 6137 +*V A R Empire 3037 +*V A R Chloe 2227
Sweet T Land & Cattle Co.
#*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 #*Sitz Upward 307R
Sire of lot 15
+*Deer Valley Ideal 22104 #Barbara of Plattemere 337
+*Deer Valley Ideal 7984 #*G A R Predestined +Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286
LOT 14
LOT 15
+12 +.4 +66 +119 +1.25 +13.5 +12 +30
+4 +.57 +.46 +1.45 +66 +53 +.16 +.93 -.049
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid
+67 +96 +37 +133 +232
• Sells open.
• This visually impressive donor prospect is a grand-daughter of Ideal 7984, who was one of the featured half interest fall yearlings in the second Deer Valley sale, and is a direct daughter of the $110,000 valued feed efficiency matriarch, Ideal 4465.
• Maternal sisters to the grand-dam of 16 include: Lady 1175, the top-selling female of the Limestone, LLC dispersal selling to Quaker Hill Farm and Price Farms; and Lady 2P61, the $110,000 foundation Whitestone Farms and Tanner Farms donor.
• Ranks in the top 2% for FAT; top 10% for CED; top 15% for CEM and RE; top 25% for MILK, $W and $F.
Sire of lot 16
LOT 16
Conley South Point 8362
Sire of lots 17 and 18
S A V Resource 1441
Sire of lot 19
LOT 18
LOT 19
+*Stevenson Turning Point #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
+*Conley South Point 8362 #+*Stevenson Pride I167x
A V Net Worth 4200 P R 587 205-537 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 #S S Traveler 6807 T510 CCC Blackcap 2077 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 CCC Isabell 010 +*ThreeTrees Predestined U0116 +V N A R Isabel 8302
17 CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +16 -1.9 +49 +90 -.35 +15.3 +16 +24 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +0 +.55 +.50 +.08 +24 +33 +.70 +.58 +.009 $Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +69 +53 +90 +55 +145 +257 BD: 10-06-2022 COW 20640663 TATTOO: 2072 CED 10 BW 22 WW 55 YW 49 DMI 7 YH 23 SC 96 Doc 95 HP 7 CEM 29 Milk 52 MW 61 MH 48 CW 35 Marb 42 RE 22 Fat 53 Tend 59 C7 Farms
• Ranks in the top 1% for CED and CEM; top 4% for BW; top 20% for HP; top 25% for PAP.
10-08-2022 COW *20640661
Turning Point #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Conley South Point 8362
18 CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +12 -.2 +52 +90 +1.08 +17.8 +7 +28 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT -5 +.42 +.55 +.62 +27 +30 +.16 +.51 -.001 $Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72 +59 +73 +27 +100 +202 BD:
+Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 #R R Rito 707
#+*S A V Resource 1441 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076
*S A V Blackcap May 4136 #S A V 8180 Traveler 004 #+S A V May 2397
#*Connealy Onward #Connealy Lead On +Sandpoint Proud Formera 7760 Altune of Conanga 6104 #Pow of Conanga 677 #*N Bar Emulation EXT #Hyannis H R 628
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +4 +2.0 +48 +85 +1.26 +14.2 +6 +33 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +1 +.48 +.42 +.50 +15 +40 -.01 +.88 +.016
$Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined
65 BW
• Bred AI on 4/26/23 to G A R Home Town. Checked safe, due approximately 2/2/24.
• This lead lot in the spring bred heifer division of this offering offers the highest $Combined value index and the highest $Beef value index in the sale and is destined to make her mark as a top donor.
• This Fireball bred heifer ratioed 101 at weaning, 113 at yearling, and 107 for Ribeye area. Her CC&7 grandam made pathfinder for Wann Ranch, as did her forth and fifth foundation dams.
• Her fourth dam by EXT raised calves for Wann until she was 16 years of age and no doubt has had more influence on their program and any other single cow. Her tattoo was 850 and our bull customers have learned that anytime old “850” is in a pedigree they should take him home.
• It cuts deep to sell a heifer like this one. She has a huge future, and all the work is done for you.
• Ranks in the top 1% for RE, $F, $G, $B and $C; top 2% for CW and FAT; top 4% for YW, MW and MARB; top 5% for WW; top 20% for Angle and $W.
• Bred AI on 5/20/23 to G A R Home Town. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/26/24.
• This powerful donor prospect by the Pollard herd sire, 8258B, is a maternal sister to Pollard Karama 2304, the $180,000 valued female whose half interest was the $90,000 selection of Express Ranches from the 2023 Denim & Diamonds Sale at the Cattlemen’s Congress where she was the top selling lot and featured as lot 1. Pollard Karama 2304 is the HIGHEST $C FEMALE AMONG THE 766 FEMALES IN THE POLLARD HERD AND AS OF 8/8/23 RANKS NUMBER TWO AMONG THE 3443 FEMALES IN THE EXPRESS PROGRAM FOR $COMBINED VALUE INDEX.
• Four maternal sisters to lot 21 have sold to date for an impressive average of $30,857 while five maternal brothers to lot 21 have averaged $14,350 with four of the five selling to Dewey Hay in Kansas and one to Weston Winters in Enid.
• A maternal sister to lot 21 is being featured as lot 6 in the Pollard Sale 26 where a heifer pregnancy from the maternal sister to lot 21 sells as lot 5, while another heifer pregnancy from Karama 2304 is featured in the Express Big Event as lot 42.
• Lot 21 was at the side of her dam when she was selected by Strate Cattle Co. from the 2022 Pollard Sale. Karama 8327 is now a mainstay in the Strate donor program and is a 7/8 sister to lot 1 in the 2022 Spruce Mountain Sale, Spruce Mtn Erica 8369 who was the $42,500 selection of TK Cattle Company, Menard, TX; as well as: Erica 8364, the $55,000 selection of AAA Farms as a featured bred heifer of the 2020 Spruce Mountain Sale; Erica 8375, a featured donor in the Riverbend Ranch program; and Erica 8067, the half interest selection of Magnum Farms in the 2018 Powell Farms Sale.
• Ranks in the top 2% for WW; top 4% for SC, $M and $W; top 5% for YW and $C; top 15% for DOC, $G and $B; top 20% for Angle, CW and $F; top 25% for MARB.
HF Safe & Sound 019
$26,000 maternal brother to lot 23
*Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316
*DB Iconic G95
Frey Angus - Clarence and Anita
#MCATL Blackbird 831-1378
*DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120
#*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus
*EXAR Royal Lass 5520 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551
#+*EXAR Royal Lass 2732 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +Exar Royal Lass 1067
• Bred AI on 4/30/23 to GB Fireball 672. PE’d from 5/1/23 to 6/20/23 to Rutledge Fireball 11. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/6/24.
• Clarence and Anita always bring their best to this sale and lot 22 continues that trend. This daughter of the widely popular Iconic traces to the dam of the legendary $340,000 third interest record-setting sire, EXAR Denver 2002B, and possesses the same exquisite phenotype we expect from that cow line while complimenting her looks with a well-balanced numerical profile that features 19 traits in the top 25% or better.
• Lot 22 was at he side of her dam when she was selected by Anita and Clarence at the 2022 Express Grass Time Sale where she was a standout among the spring heifer calves in that offering.
• Ranks in the top 4% for $W and $C; top 5% for WW and $B; top 10% for YW, MILK, CW, MARB, $F and $G; top 20% for SC; top 25% for MW and RE.
BD: 02-03-2022 COW +*20306125 TATTOO: 216
*Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316
*DB Iconic G95
Hilton Farms
#MCATL Blackbird 831-1378
*DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240
DB Ms Final Tool 4120
#+*TEX Playbook 5437 #+*Basin Payweight 1682
*HF Empress 804 +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete +*HF Empress 6007 #+*Connealy Courage 25L +*OSU Empress 1114
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +9 +1.4 +83 +150 +.85 +4.6 +10 +32
DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +29 +.57 +.51 +1.79 +107 +64 +.82 +.71 +.041
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +42 +79 +103 +60 +163 +253
• Bred AI on 4/16/23 to Connealy Craftsman. Ultrasounded safe AI with a sexed bull fetus, due approximately 1/23/24.
• Lot 23 is a tremendous Iconic sired donor prospect with added rib and capacity and an elite spread from birth to yearling that is sure to be among the phenotypic favorites of this elite offering.
• She is a maternal sister to HF Safe & Sound 019, the $26,000 Select Sires and Connealy herd sire that has proven himself to be a calving-ease sire while improving muscle and phenotype.
• The donor dam of lot 23 was the $20,000 top-selling bred cow from the 2022 Angus Gathering Sale, purchased by Ingram Angus in Tennessee.
• Flushed one time, producing six high quality embryos.
• Ranks in the top 4% for YW and $W; top 5% for WW; top 10% for DOC and MW; top 15% for MILK and $F; top 20% for CW; top 25% for $B.
01-23-2022 COW *20430399
#*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100
+*E&B Plus One
Elbanna of Conanga 1209
#+E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023
*Casino Bomber N33
W 3 Bar Belle 010
G G Belle 356
E&B Lady 878 New Design 441
#+*KM Broken Bow 002
#*Casino Annie K48
#*SydGen Trust 6228
GG Belle 6277
• Bred AI on 5/16/23 to Dameron Viroqua. PE’d from 5/27/23 to 7/15/23 to W 3 Bar Intuition 211. Checked safe AI via BioPryn blood test, due approximately 2/22/24.
• This big-ribbed daughter of Plus One has the maternal look of a big time donor cow an sports a double digit CED and a negative BW EPD while maintain impressive growth and carcass EPDs that yield equally appealing $Value Indexes and Angus-on-Dairy $Values that make her an excellent candidate to produce sons that will be in high demand.
• Ranks in the top 10% for YW, $W, $F and $C; top 15% for BW, WW, CW and $B; top 20% for CED and $G.
+*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 #*EXAR Denver 2002B
*E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Blackcap 0A32
#+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress #+*G A R Progress
+Edgewood Lady 968
#*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus
CCC Rita 4028 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551
CCC Rita 2074 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 V N A R Rita 8163
• Bred AI on 5/12/23 to BJ Surpass. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/18/24.
• This uber feminine daughter of Peyton offers attractive genetic indicators for growth and carcass traits and her mating to Surpass could produce something special.
• She stems from the $60,000 GAR Precision 1559 that was selected by Steve Jorstad, Oak Tree Angus, Morris, IL, and Sunny Valley Farm, Yorkville, IL, from the 2003 Gardiner Angus Sale.
• Ranks in the top 3% for MW and $F; top 4% for YW and RE; top 5% for WW and $B; top 10% for CW; top 15% for FAT, $G and $C; top 25% for $W.
+*G A R Ashland *G A R
• Bred natural service on 5/30/23 to EXAR Certified 1321B. Checked safe, due approximately 3/8/24.
• This unique daughter of the $475,000 half interest record-setting G A R Home Town leads off a set of three outstanding paternal sisters that combine outstanding phenotype with numerical quality.
• This donor prospect features the highest CED in the offering coupled with the lowest BW EPD in the offering while maintaining breed elite genetic indicators for Marb and RE and above average growth EPDs, thus allowing her new owner to have a multitude of options when choosing her next mate, but in the meantime, anticipate greatness in the calf she is carrying by the $40,000 2/3 interest Cunningham and Express sire, EXAR Certified 1321B.
• Ranks in the top 1% for CED; top 3% for BW; top 4% for CEM and $G; top 10% for PAP and MARB; top 15% for RE and $B; top 20% for MILK and $C; top 25% for $W.
+*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird
*G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018
+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire
#+*Baldridge Colonel C251
#+*EXAR Rita 8782
+*BoBo Rita 4535
+*Chair Rock Progress 3005
+baldridge Xpand x743
*Baldridge Isabel Y69
#*V A R Generation 2100
+*BoBo Rita 1559
• Bred AI on 4/3/23 to Basin Jameson 1076. Checked safe, due approximately 1/10/24.
• Sure to be among the phenotypic favorites in the offering like her grandam Rita 4535 was when she sold as the $120,000 top selling ½ interest selection of Express Ranches from the 2016 Pollard sale and produced PF Rita 6507, a maternal sister to the dam of lot 27 that was the top selling female in the 2017 Pollard sale to Vintage for $230,000.
• The now-deceased third-dam of lot 27 is the $175,000 ½ interest Deer Valley and Express donor BoBo Rita 1559 who produced EXAR Stud 4658B, the $116,000 ½ interest selection of Basin Angus Ranch, Sydenstricker Genetics Inc, and Thunder Valley Ranch from the 2015 Express bull sale.
• Ranks in the top 2% for CEM; top 4% for $G; top 5% for PAP; top 10% for CED, BW and MARB; top 15% for RE; top 20% for $W, $B and $C.
BD: 02-10-2022 COW +*20282699
+*G A R Ashland
*G A R Home Town
+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095
#*HA Cowboy Up 5405
+*Sweet T Rita 718
+*Deer Valley Rita 2201
*G A R Early Bird
+*Chair Rock Ambush 1018
#+*G A R Sure Fire
+*Chair Rock Progress 3005
*HA Outside 3008
#*HA Blackcap Lady 1602
#*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
+*Deer Valley Rita 9266
• Bred AI 4/14/23 to E & B Wildcat 9402. Checked safe AI via BioPryn blood test, due approximately 1/21/24.
• This stunning high Marb, low PAP female is out of one of Sweet T’s best donor females, Rita 718, who is sired by the former phenotype leader of the Express Ranches and Wilks Ranch herd sire rosters, Cowboy Up out of Rita 2201, that is a third-generation donor in the Deer Valley Farms program and owned with Sweet T. The grand-dam of lot 28 combines the proven growth of the now-deceased Weigh Up K360 and the Marb of Select Sires feature, Predestined with the longtime CED leader, Objective 2345.
• Maternal sisters sell as lots 11 thru 13.
• Ranks in the top 4% for WW and YW; top 10% for FAT, $W and $G; top 15% for MW and MARB; top 20% for DOC, PAP and RE; top 25% for $B and $C.
EXAR Certified 1321B
$40,000 2/3 interest service sire of lot 26
BoBo Rita 4535
$240,000 valued maternal grandam of lot 27
G A R Home Town Sire of lots 26 thru 28
#*S S Niagara Z29 #*Hoover Dam
*Tehama Patriarch F028 Jet S S X144
Tehama Elite Blackbird D826 #Connealy Thunder Tehama Elite Blackbird Z630
*WR Epicenter #3F Epic 4631
*WR Miss Lucy Epicent 011-725 +*Lone Star PWT Blackcap L360
WR ABS Miss Lucy 725-514 #*K C F Bennett Absolute WR PRO Miss Lucy 514 - 6024
• Bred AI 5/16/23 to B A R Dynamic. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/22/24.
• This high-performance daughter of the popular Tehama Patriarch checks many boxes.
• While only weighing 63 pounds at birth, she went on to ratio 120 at weaning, 110 at yearling and 118 for Ribeye area.
• She sells safe to the Brinkley sire Dynamic who excels for calving ease, performance and carcass merit.
• This is the herd building kind, all the work is done for you.
• Ranks in the top 2% for $W; top 3% for WW and YW; top 10% for MILK; top 15% for MW, CW, MARB and $G; top 20% for $B and $C.
#*S S Niagara Z29 #*Hoover Dam
*Tehama Patriarch F028 Jet S S X144
Tehama Elite Blackbird D826 #Connealy Thunder Tehama Elite Blackbird Z630
#*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008
*Sweet T Henrietta 712 #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 +*Deer Valley Henrietta 2182 #*Connealy Impression +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 639T
KW 3033 Weigh Up 6222
Maternal grandam of lot 31
• Bred AI on 5/25/23 to GB Fireball 672. Checked safe AI via BioPryn blood test, due approximately 3/2/24.
• This Patriarch daughter provides an outcross pedigree to many of today’s popular sire lines while offering a huge spread from BW to YW and the rib, body, and functional phenotype we have come to expect from the Henrietta Pride cow line.
• Traces to Henrietta Pride 639T, the full sister to the $85,000 proven growth sire, Upward 307R and the $390,000 valued and multi-million-dollar producer, Henrietta Pride 643T.
• Ranks in the top 4% for WW, YW, SC and $W; top 10% for Claw, CW and $F; top 15% for Angle, FAT, $M and $C; top 25% for HP, MW and $B.
BD: 02-23-2022 COW *20304251 TATTOO: 219
*G A R Big Step K715 #+*G A R Sure Fire
+*EZAR Step Up 9178
+*Chair Rock Prophet 3131
+*Basin Lucy 4261 #*EXAR Denver 2002B
Hilton Farms
+*Basin Lucy 1022
+*Stevenson Big League 70749 #*Jindra Acclaim
+*Pollard 6222 0003
*RL 9061 Birdie 3102
+*KW 3033 Weigh Up 6222 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*KW 3137 Consensus 7229 3033
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +10 +.1 +74 +124 +1.49 +8.9 +10 +31 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +17 +.39 +.43 +2.80 +72 +56 +.70 +.74 +.007
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +64 +78 +100 +57 +157 +268
• Bred AI on 5/25/23 to HF Safe & Sound 019. Checked safe AI, due approximately 3/1/24.
• This big-spread donor prospect is sired by Step Up whose two-thirds interest sold for $132,500 to Edisto Pines to set a record at EZ Angus Ranch from a dam who was Hilton Farms’s $10,000 selection from the 2021 Pollard Farms Annual Production Sale.
• Dam is a maternal sister to the $25,000 half interest herd sire selection of Express from the 2022 Pollard Farms bull sale to give the donor grandam of this heifer 11 sons sold for an average value of $9,390 with total progeny sales in excess of $200,000 headlined by a $27,500 daughter to Spruce Mountain and a $25,000 daughter to Riverbend for an average of $9,440 on 10 daughters.
• Ranks in the top 5% for $W; top 15% for SC and Claw; top 20% for CED, WW, MILK and $F; top 25% for BW and Angle.
*EXAR Monumental 6056B #3F Epic 4631
*EXAR Monumental 0332B *FWY 7008 of C085 4029
*EXAR Lady 8344 *Basin Payweight Plus 6048 EXAR Lady 6561
+*G A R Prophet K243 #+*G A R Prophet
*EXAR Blackcap 5079 +*Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131
*EXAR Blackcap 6152 *EXAR EXclusive 4016B Deer Valley Blackcap 1731
• PE’d on 5/8/23 to EXAR Certified 1321B. Checked safe, due approximately 2/15/24.
• This Monumental daughter combines impeccable phenotype with a “no holes” EPD profile to yield a young donor prospect with endless mating possibilities. The calf she is carrying by the $40,000 2/3 interest Cunningham and Express sire, Certified, is sure to provide an immediate return on the buyer’s investment.
• Traces to the $280,000 valued former Express Ranches donor and only sister to GAR Grid Maker, GAR 044 Traveler 2328.
• Ranks in the top 3% for HP; top 10% for YW and $G; top 15% for CW, MARB, $W, $B and $C; top 20% for WW and $F; top 25% for BW and MILK.
• Bred AI on 8/9/23 to EXAR Stock Fund 9097B. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• A powerful direct daughter of Monumental with a Heifer Pregnancy EPD that suggests high fertility and a BW EPD that will allow her to produce calving-ease sons that demand top dollar.
• Ranks in the top 10% for BW; top 20% for DOC, MW, FAT, $F and $B; top 25% for HP, MILK, PAP and $G.
*EXAR Monumental 6056B #3F Epic 4631
*W 3 Bar Monumental 006 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029
G G Pride 695 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55
G Pride 3148
*Casino Bomber N33 #+*KM Broken Bow 002
*W 3 Bar Erica 003 #*Casino Annie K48
G G Erica 6144
Trust 0568
G G Erica 910
+.51 +.52 +.98 +51 +54 +1.10 +.44 +.067 $Maternal
• Bred AI on 5/11/23 to E&B Plus One. PE’d from 5/27/23 to 7/15/23 to W 3 Bar Intuition 211. Checked safe AI via BioPryn blood test, due approximately 2/17/24.
• Another calving-ease descendant of Monumental with a Marb EPD that suggests she should produce high demand sons that pass that trait on to their progeny thus qualifying them for CAB premiums.
• Ranks in the top 2% for SC; top 15% for BW, MARB and $B; top 20% for CEM, $F, $G and $C.
EXAR Monumental 6056B
Sire of lot 33 and paternal grandsire of lots 32 and 34 LOT 34
03-26-2022 COW *20334016 TATTOO: 2246
#*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension
+*Stevenson Big League 70749 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111
*RL 9061 Birdie 3102 #*S A V Thunderbird 9061
#*RL 0145 Image 102
#+*K C F Bennett Fortress #*Connealy Consensus
*EXAR Joy 8514
*Thomas Patricia 9705
+EXAR Joy 6635 #+*G A R Prophet Basin Joy 6278
• Bred AI on 4/3/23 to EXAR Cover The Bases 0819B. Checked safe, due approximately 1/11/24.
• This visually impressive daughter of Big League post a big-time spread from BW to YW and completes her numerical profile with a solod set of $Value indexes.
• Third dam is the herd bull maker, Basin Joy 6278, who is the dam of EZX, Rest Easy, Untapped and X-Man.
• Ranks in the top 2% for $W; top 4% for WW; top 10% for YW and CW; top 15% for BW and $F; top 20% for CEM, MW and $B; top 25% for MILK and $C.
EXAR Stock Fund 9097B
Sire of lots 36 and 37
• Bred AI on 4/29/23 to E & B Wildcat 9402. PE’d from 5/1/23 to 6/19/23 to Rutledge Fireball 11. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/5/24.
• The progeny of Stock Fund have been among the most popular and valuable in recent times and this daughter from the TC Eileen family is sure to add to that trend with her elite numerical profile that features a big spread from BW to YW.
• Ranks in the top 1% for DOC; top 4% for $W; top 10% for WW and MILK; top 15% for YW; top 25% for MW and $F.
BD: 02-09-2022 COW 20408013 TATTOO: 2214
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund #+*Basin Payweight 1682
*EXAR Stock Fund 9097B +*Deer Valley Rita 36113
*EXAR Empress 0875 +*G A R Prophet K243
Frey Angus - Mike, Jamae, & Jaryn
EXAR Empress 2622
+EXAR Impression 2127B #*Connealy Impression
JLF Impression Girl 1445 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 5255
MDF Pioneer Girl 1050 #S A V Pioneer 7301
MDF Designer Girl 0458
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +13 -.8 +73 +125 +.76 +12.3 +14 +26
DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +19 +.45 +.46 +.30 +49 +47 +.10 +.69 +.033
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +82 +76 +84 +24 +108 +222
• Bred AI on 4/21/23 to E & B Wildcat 9402. PE’d from 5/1/23 to 6/19/23 to Rutledge Fireball 11. Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/28/24.
• Another well-designed daughter of Stock Fund whose CED and BW EPDs coupled with her growth indicators that rank in the top 25% or better will allow her to produce high performing, calving-ease sons that demand top dollar.
• Ranks in the top 4% for CEM; top 10% for CED, $M and $W; top 15% for BW; top 20% for WW; top 25% for YW.
*DL Dually
#DL Sonic 444 #*KG Solution 0018
*DL Incentive 2103
Barbara 792
Incentive 228
Karama 39
#*Connealy Impression #Connealy Reflection
+*Deer Valley Henrietta 2182
+*Sitz Henrietta Pride 639T
Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194
#*Connealy Onward
*Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
• Bred AI on 4/23/23 to GB Fireball 672. Checked safe AI via BioPryn blood test, due approximately 1/30/24.
• A visually impressive donor prospect with huge growth numbers and a pedigree that is an outcross to many of today’s hottest sires.
• This direct daughter of foundation the Sweet T Henrietta Pride donor, 2182 traces to Henrietta Pride 639T, the full sister to the $85,000 proven growth sire, Upward 307R and the $390,000 valued and multi-million-dollar producer, Henrietta Pride 643T.
• Ranks in the top 5% for WW; top 10% for YW and DOC; top 15% for SC, $M and $W.
BD: 09-22-2021 COW *20292780
*Bar R Jet Black 5063
#*Connealy Black Granite
+*EXAR Jet Fuel 9706B Bar R Iris Anita 0113
+*EXAR Lucy 5727 #*Sitz Top Game 561X
+*EXAR Lucy 0901
#+*WR Journey-1X74 *B/R Future Direction 4268
*Rutledge Erroline 79
2 Bar 5050 New Design 7831 Rutledge Erroline 93 #+*G A R Sunrise Rutledge Erroline 94
• Bred AI on 5/26/23 to EXAR Stock Fund 9097B. Checked safe AI, due approximately 3/1/24.
• This daughter of EXAR Jet Fuel 9706B, the $70,000 two thirds interest second top-selling bull in the 2020 Express Ranches Spring Bull Sale stems from the Rutledge Erroline cow family and offers and elite genetic indicator for marbling score.
• Dam was selected by Spear B from the 2019 Gathering sale.
• Ranks in the top 10% for MILK, MARB and $G; top 15% for FAT.
#+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak
*Pollard Neurology 6512
*Crazy K Blackcap 4224
LOT 38
LOT 39
Dam of lot 39
+*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355
*V A R Confirmed CKR 1269
*Crazy K Blackcap 2013
#+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743
*Potts Bros-CGC Fanny 8000
+*SJH Confidence of 9360 2682
*Baldridge Isabel Y69
#*Connealy Confidence 0100
+*2 Bar Mile High 9360
• PE’d from 5/27/23 to 6/30/23 to Strate’s Annuity S519 and Strate’s Cowboy S481 from 6/30/23 to present. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• Offers a rare combination of CED, BW, and RE.
• Sired by Pollard Neurology 6512, whose one-half interest was the Lot 1 and top-selling selection of Silveira Bros. from the 2018 Pollard Bull Sale from a dam that was Strate’s selection from the 2021 Pollard female sale stems from a third dam who is the $110,000 valued foundation female of the Fanny family for Crazy K, Freeway and Hillhouse whose dam was a $30,000 foundation donor for Deer Valley and Edisto Pines.
• Ranks in the top 2% for RE; top 3% for Claw; top 10% for CED, BW, Angle and $G; top 15% for FAT; top 20% for CEM and PAP.
Dam of lot 40
LOT 40
+*KR Cadillac Jack *CFCC Black Jack 001
*KR Synergy WK Blackbird 5066
• Bred AI on 6/1/23 to Conley South Point 8362. PE’d from 6/15/23 to 7/22/23 to MCAL Discovery 0073. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• This daughter of KR Synergy, who was the $45,000 feature of the Krebs Ranch Bull Sale chosen by Panther Creek Ranch, IL. & Cattle Visions, MO, has the physical attributes to make a front pasture matron.
• Ranks in the top 15% for BW; top 25% for Angle.
Strate Family Cattle
• PE’d from 5/27/23 to 6/30/23 to Strate’s Annuity S519 and Strate’s Cowboy S481 from 6/30/23 to present. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• An impeccably designed Primo daughter whose dam was selected from the 2022 Gathering Sale stemming from the famed OSU Jilt cow line.
• If you want one to produce top show prospects, take a look here.
• Ranks in the top 25% for PAP and MW.
OSU Jilt 6152
Dam of lot 42
20405489 TATTOO: S514
#+*PVF Insight 0129 #*S A V Brilliance 8077
+*Strate’s Insight S441 +*PVF Missie 790
+*PF G18 Rita 1506 #*Hoover Dam
+*SandPoint Rita 5382
Strate Family Cattle
+*J&J Currency 175 +OSU Currency 8173
Strate’s Star S391 +J&J Queen 414
*Strate’s Moonpie S224 B E B Juneau 104
+Limestone Moonlight S354
• PE’d from 5/27/23 to 6/30/23 to Strate’s Annuity S519 and Strate’s Cowboy S481 from 6/30/23 to present. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• This Insight grand-daughter is exquisitely designed and descends from a grandam that was a donor for Strate and 74-51 that produced several top-sellers in the past Red Dirt Diva Sales.
• Ranks in the top 10% for MW and $F; top 15% for Angle and FAT; top 25% for DOC and RE.
+*Stevenson Turning Point #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Turning Point 9719
Pride I167x
• Bred AI on 5/20/23 to G A R Home Town. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/26/24.
• A well-designed daughter of the Strate herd sire, Turning Point 9719 with added muscle and dimension.
• The grandam is a daughter of the $54,000 Blackbird 4058.
• Ranks in the top 20% for MILK.
+*Stevenson Turning Point #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
*Conley Turning Point 9719
+*Pilgrim Blackcap May 1017
+*Strate’s Tiger S324
#+*Stevenson Pride I167x
#+*Basin Payweight 1682
*S A V Blackcap May 5403
+*SCC First-N-Goal GAF 114
Strates Lady Precision S383 #+V A R Tiffany 7102
+74-51 Forever Lady 8109
#Basin Franchise P142
+EXG Forever Lady P626 R3
• PE’d from 5/27/23 to 6/30/23 to Strate’s Annuity S519 and Strate’s Cowboy S481 from 6/30/23 to present. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• A low-birth bred heifer with the lineage of champions.
• The maternal fourth dam of lot 45 is the $75,000 twice National Western Reserve Grand Champion, VAR Forever Lady 4304, who was a past ROV Embryo Dam of the Year and generated more than $1 million in progeny sales.
• Ranks in the top 1% for MILK and Claw; top 15% for BW; top 20% for DOC; top 25% for $W.
+*Stevenson Turning Point #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
*Conley Turning Point 9719
+*Pilgrim Blackcap May 1017
+71-54 Truevalue 066
#+*Stevenson Pride I167x
#+*Basin Payweight 1682
*S A V Blackcap May 5403
#Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C
Strate’s Liza S323 +Womack Hurricane 702
• PE’d from 5/27/23 to 6/30/23 to Strate’s Annuity S519 and Strate’s Cowboy S481 from 6/30/23 to present. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• The last of this trilogy of daughters of the Strate herd sire, Turning Point 9719, again illustrates the consistent phenotype this sire has produced in their program.
LOT 49
#*S A V Brilliance 8077 #+S A V Bismarck 5682
#+*PVF Insight 0129 S A V Blackcap May 5270
+*PVF Missie 790 #+*P V F New Horizon 001
#Schurrtop MC 2500
+OSU Jilt 6106
P V F Miss Raptor 024
#Schurrtop M C
Schurrtop R S 1413 2153
• Bred AI on 5/20/23 to G A R Home Town. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/26/24.
• Grandam, OSU Jilt 7143, has raised 8 natural calves averaging a birth ratio of 100, nursing ratio of 102 and yearling of 104 while her 33 progeny scanned by ultrasound balance IMF and REA ratios of 104 and 102.
• The Jilt family is the second highest income generating cow family in the OSU herd, second only to the Empress line. In addition to 7143, other famous descendants of the Jilt family include OSU Jilt 8100, the $40,000 top selling lot in the 2009 OSU Cowboy classic that was a many time champion for the Schnoor Family in California and the 2009 National Western Angus Bull Sale Champion, OSU Orion 8102.
• Ranks in the top 2% for RE; top 3% for $F; top 15% for PAP, MW and FAT; top 25% for Angle.
• Bred AI on 5/20/23 to G A R Home Town. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/26/24.
• Dam was Strate’s selection from the 2014 Denim and Diamonds Sale and is a direct daughter of Prosperity 3207, who was named the 2007 ROV Cow-calf pair of the year and 2008 ROV Show dam of the year after an impressive show record that included: Supreme Champion Female over all breeds at the 2006 Arizona National; Senior Champion Female at the 2005 American Royal, 2005 North American International, and 2006 National Western open shows; Reserve Senior Champion at the 2006 Western National Angus Futurity Open Show and Champion Cow-calf pair in the Junior show; and Champion Cow-calf pair at the 2006 and 2007 National Western Junior Shows.
• Ranks in the top 20% for $F.
BD: 11-03-2021 COW 20275702 TATTOO: S500
#+Northern Improvement 4480 GF #TC Stockman 365 B E B Juneau 104 Blackcap of
Strate Family Cattle
R 5367 B E B Erica 963 #+Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullback O S U Erica 822Z
+*Strate’s Tiger S324 +*SCC First-N-Goal GAF 114 Strate’s Bella B S396 #+V A R Tiffany 7102 Strate’s Anabella S300 +71-54 Truevalue 066 May Ramblin Elba 180
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +4 +.5 +42 +68 -.01 +6.7 +6 +33
DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +13 +.42 +.38 +1.21 +34 +27 +.20 -.02 +.004
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +48 +51 +68 +22 +90 +165
• PE’d from 5/27/23 to 6/30/23 to Strate’s Annuity S519 and Strate’s Cowboy S481 from 6/30/23 to present. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• A direct daughter of the Strate Family, Walter, and Meyer deceased sire, B E B Juneau 104, whose semen still demands a premium when marketed on a rare occasion. Lot 49 offers genetics that are hard to come by!
• Ranks in the top 10% for MILK and Angle; top 20% for Claw.
Blackcap 9296 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
+*V A R Blackcap 1059
• This lead lot in the fall calving bred heifer division of this offering is a true donor in the making!
• Her dam was Hopson’s selection from the 2021 EZ Angus Ranch Sale and has more that proven her worth by producing this daughter of Step Up whose two-thirds interest sold for $132,500 to Edisto Pines to set a record at EZ Angus Ranch and has gone on to establish himself as one of the rising stars of the Angus breed as was evident in the recent Edisto Pines record setting sale.
• The grandam of Lot 50 was selected as the $77,000 top selling fall pair of the 2014 Big Event and is a direct daughter of the $220,000 valued and longtime highlight of the Deer Valley Farms and Vintage Angus Ranch joint embryo
EZAR Blackcap 9296 Dam of lot 50
programs, New Design 4212 sired by the proven RE sire in the Deer Valley Farm roster, Complete. The grandam of Lot 50 records a WR 3@103 and a YR 2@101 while showing ultrasound ratios IMF 72@103 and REA 72@100.
• Maternal sibs to the dam of lot 50 include: Gold Rush 6001, selected by Express Ranches, Basin Angus, ABS, Ford and Sons and Turner Meadow as the $90,000 lead-off bull of the first EZ bull sale; Blackcap 3091, the $175,000 top-selling bred heifer of the 2014 Big Event selected by Deer Valley Farm and Edisto Pines Farm; Blackcap 7070, the secondgeneration EZ Angus donor and dam of Big Step 9209, the $60,000 second high-selling bull of the 2020 EZ Angus Bull Sale selected by Grimmius Cattle Company; Blackcap 0014, the $45,000 selection of Vintage Angus in the 2020 EZ Sale; Blackcap 6016, the $40,000 selection of Crazy K Ranch and Teixeira Cattle Company as the third high-selling open heifer in the record-setting 2017 Bases Loaded Sale; Blackcap 8106, the $30,000 selection of Vintage Angus Ranch in the first EZ sale; Blackcap 9237, the $17,000 selection of Jac’s Ranch in the 2020 EZ Sale; Enhance 9183, the $15,000 sixth high-selling bull of the 2020 EZ Bull Sale selected by JLB Ranch; Blackcap 4933, the selection of Edisto Pines Farm in the 2019 Big Event; Blackcap 7069, the selection of Teixeira Cattle Company in that offering; Blackcap 6028, the selection of Smith Valley Angus in that event; Blackcap 8198, selected by Ingram Angus in the 2019 EZ Angus Sale; Blackcap 9070 selected by Spruce Mountain Ranch in that same offering; Blackcap 9046 selling to Wall Street Cattle Company in that same event; Blackcap 7155 selling in that same offering to Zybach Angus; and Blackcap 9162 selling in the 2020 EZ Sale to Blue Lake Cattle.
V A R Blackcap 1059 $77,000 maternal grandam of lot 50
EXAR New Design 4212
$220,000 valued third dam of lot 50
TRM Pure Pride 252
Maternal grandam of lot 52 and third dam of lot 51
(pictured as a bred heifer)
LOT 53
+*E W A High Weigh 3123 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
*K A High Weigh 8111 Edgewood Jaunty 128
K A Miss Discovery 5168 #*V A R Discovery 2240
Frey Angus - Clarence and Anita
#S A V Bruiser 9164
K A Miss Top Answer
#+S A V Bismarck 5682
#S A V Miss Bobbie 7463
Impression 2154
51 CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +5 +1.3 +78 +143 +.74 +15.6 +13 +26 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +20 +.47 +.47 +2.28 +73 +66 +.88 +.43 +.019 $Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +78 +72 +113 +61 +174 +304 BD: 09-05-2021 COW 20330011 TATTOO: 6721 CED 68 BW 41 WW 22 YW 11 DMI 71 YH 11 SC 45 Doc 41 HP 8 CEM 5 Milk 51 MW 38 MH 31 CW 24 Marb 23 RE 89 Fat 73 Tend 17
• Ranks in the top 10% for YW, CEM, $F and $C; top 15% for WW, HP, CW, $M, $W and $B.
#*SydGen Exceed 3223
#*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus
+*JDD Ten X C720 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551
Jordan Cook
*JDD Beauty 010 #+GDAR Game Day 449 #JDD Beauty 882
#+*KM Broken Bow 002 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55
#*JDD Wild Flower E201 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12
#JDD Wild Flower C507 #+*G A R Prophet
Thoene In Focus H20
WW 1 YW 1 DMI 99 YH 4 SC 72 Doc 19 HP 86 CEM 23 Milk 58 MW 6 MH 4 CW 2 Marb 30 RE 33 Fat 48 Tend 84
• Bred AI on 12/14/22 to Connealy Craftsman. PE’d from 1/4/23 to 2/20/23 to JDD Total G938. 2+ months safe on 3/24/23 to JDD Total G938.
#+*Deer Valley Old Hickory #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
*JDD Old Hickory F812
Rita 1126
• Bred AI on 11/25/22 to E & B Wildcat 9402. PE’d from 1/4/23 to 2/20/23 to JDD Total G938. Checked safe AI, due approximately 9/2/23.
• Posts impressive individual ratios 114 for weaning weight and 109 for yearling weight.
• Grandam, EXAR Winnie 2665, was a $20,000 daughter of the 1999 Reserve Grand Champion Female at the 1999 National Western Stock Show, WK Winnie 7305.
• A maternal sister to the dam of this lot by Connealy Confidence 0100 sold in the 2015 Oklahoma Angus Gathering for $7,200 to Mark Kennemer, Elk City, OK while pick of maternal sibs to lot 54’s dam by First Class sold to Express Ranches in the 2016 Denim and Diamonds Sale.
• Full sisters to Winnie 2665 include: the $83,000 EXAR Winnie 7418; the $70,000 EXAR Winnie 6219.
• Ranks in the top 10% for YW, PAP, $F, $B and $C; top 15% for CW and $G; top 20% for WW, CEM and Angle; top 25% for MARB.
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S
*B/R MVP 5247 21AR O Lass 7017
*B/R Blossom 3254 *B/R Destination 7222-1148 +*B/R Blossom 1102
+*E W A High Weigh 3123 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
*JDD Blackcap Brandi F829 Edgewood Jaunty 128
+JDD Blackcap Brandi 8782 S A V Payroll 5281
+JDD Blackcap Brandi 6760
• Bred AI on 11/18/22 to Connealy Emerald. PE’d from 1/4/23 to 2/20/23 to JDD Total G938. 2+ months safe on 3/24/23 to JDD Total G938.
• The sire of this well-designed bred heifer, MVP, is nearing over 1,000 BW records and daughters are working in production throughout the country.
• Stemming from one of the most respected performance herds in the breed, MVP is backed by maternal excellence from some of the great B/R females to complement the Blackcap Brandi family that is among the most prolific in the JDD herd.
• Ranks in the top 10% for $F; top 15% for MILK; top 20% for Angle; top 25% for YW, PAP, $W, $B and $C.
#+*Basin Payweight 006S #Vermilion Payweight J847
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +Basin Lucy 3829
O Lass 7017
LOT 54
[ M1P ]
Pendleton 765 J H
O Lass F24A
*Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064
BF Magic ten 1936
BF Ten Answers 1455
*Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900
A R Ten X 7008 S A B F Bextor’s Answer 113
• Bred AI on 1/23/23 to G A R Home Town. PE’d from 2/6/23 to 6/10/23 to Double GG Fireball 0226. Checked safe AI, due approximately 11/1/23.
• Johnny always brings the top end of his bred heifers and this unique individual leads off another group of Brookshire females that continue that trend.
• Ranks in the top 15% for $F and $C; top 20% for HP, CEM, MARB and $B; top 25% for SC and $G.
EXAR Winnie 2665
Maternal grandam of lot 54
LOT 55
B/R MVP 5247
Sire of lot 55
LOT 56
Basin Payweight 1682
Sire of lot 56 and paternal grandsire of lot 55
#+*PA Power Tool 9108 #*G A R Predestined #*Raven Powerball 53 *Shamrocks Beebee Queen 3095
+*Raven Emma E 4241 #*Hoover Dam PCAR Emma E 2215
#+*R B Tour Of Duty 177 #+*Werner War Party 2417
BF Net Tour 1655 +*B A Lady 6807 305 B F Lady Predestined 1251 #*G A R Predestined QCA Lass U86
• Bred AI on 1/10/23 to G A R Home Town. PE’d from 1/25/23 to 6/10/23 to Double GG Fireball 0226. Checked safe AI, due approximately 10/19/23.
• Lots 57 and 58 are paternal sisters by Powerball whose daughters were the most popular mature sire group of the 2021 SITZ “Elite Sort” Female Sale where seven sold for an average of $19,357 as they were headlined by the $50,000 that produced a $40,000 natural heifer calf.
• Ranks in the top 15% for HP and $W; top 20% for WW, CEM and $C; top 25% for MILK, CW, $F, $G and $B.
LOT 58
• Bred AI on 1/21/23 to Deer Valley Growth Fund. PE’d from 2/10/23 to 6/10/23 to Double GG Fireball 0226. Checked safe AI, due approximately 10/30/23.
• Check out the combination of calving-ease and marbling this bred heifer has to offer.
• Ranks in the top 10% for BW and HP; top 15% for CEM, MILK and PAP; top 20% for CED, MARB and $W; top 25% for $G.
LOT 59
BD: 09-23-2021 COW 20370662 TATTOO: 2134 CED 22 BW 9
*Jindra 3rd Dimension #*Jindra Double Vision #*Jindra Acclaim Jindras Sapphire J 417 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 #*Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102
Brookshire Farms
#S A V Net Worth 4200 #S A V 8180 Traveler 004
B F Net Worth Ext 1100 +S A V May 2410 B F Bar Power 411 #*N Bar Emulation EXT D
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +7 +.1 +52 +106 +1.04 +16.5 +5 +44
DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +5 +.43 +.44 +.34 +84 +58 +.61 +.69 +.043
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +46 +58 +105 +49 +154 +246
• Bred AI on 1/21/23 to G A R Home Town. PE’d from 2/3/23 to 6/10/23 to Double GG Fireball 0226. Checked safe AI, due approximately 10/30/23.
• The heifer pregnancy EPD of this bred heifer indicates that she and her progeny will be highly fertile.
• Ranks in the top 1% for MILK; top 10% for HP; top 15% for $F; top 25% for BW and Claw.
#*S A V International 2020 #*S A V Harvestor 0338
BF National Brand 1545 #+*S A V Emblynette 5483
QCA Blackcap Mary U66 #+*Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Baldridge Blackcap Mary S307
#*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus
BF Miss Image Maker X 1497 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551
#+QC Emily Xe3 #+H A Image Maker 0415 BFF Miss Emily
• Bred AI on 1/19/23 to G A R Home Town. PE’d from 2/2/23 to 6/10/23 to Double GG Fireball 0226. Checked safe AI, due approximately 10/28/23.
• A high growth female with a maternal pedigree that should allow her to make a great brood cow in production.
• Ranks in the top 10% for FAT; top 15% for WW, YW and $F; top 25% for MW.
#3F Epic 4631 *Varilek Product 2010 04
#+*Baldridge Bronc #*EF Commando 1366
BF Lady Bronc 1878 *Baldridge Isabel Y69
BF Total Improvement 1135
Total 410
F Improved Fortune 608
• Bred AI on 1/19/23 to G A R Home Town. PE’d from 2/2/23 to 6/10/23 to Double GG Fireball 0226. Checked safe AI, due approximately 10/28/23.
• This daughter of the Brookshire herd sire, Epic Directive, offers elite genetic indicators for growth and docility.
• Ranks in the top 4% for WW; top 10% for YW, MW and $W; top 15% for FAT; top 20% for DOC; top 25% for SC, Angle, CW and $F.
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +11 -1.1 +54 +98 +.72 +10.8 +15 +38 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +4 +.57 +.51 -3.15 +47 +31 +.90 +.44 +.033 $Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +53 +65 +65 +61 +126 +217 BD: 12-04-2021 COW 20464725 TATTOO: 2162 CED 8 BW 7 WW 83 YW 75 DMI 38 YH 36 SC 57 Doc 95 HP 61 CEM 9 Milk 7 MW 69 MH 29 CW 85 Marb 24 RE 67 Fat 65 Tend 20 Brookshire Farms
*BF International Bronc 1864 *Baldridge Isabel Y69
#+*Baldridge Bronc #*EF Commando 1366
BF International Object 1701 #*S A V International 2020 B F Objective Bando 815
#*LD Emblazon 999 #+O C C Emblazon 854E
BF Emblazon Fortress 1969 #+SH Forever Lady 3124 5118
BF Fortress Beauty 1732 #+*K C F Bennett Fortress +V N A R 6807 Rita 6081
+.35 +.43 +3.12 +63 +37 +.56 +.49 +.028
63 CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +6 +.4 +59 +110 -.25 +11.5 +8 +37 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +20
E & B Wildcat 9402
Sire of lot 64A
LOT 64
Basin Payweight 1682
Sire of lot 64 LOT 64A
A R Discovery 2240
*E & B Wildcat 9402 *G A R Ingenuity 3132
E&B Lady Plus 643
#*Connealy Confidence Plus
#+E&b Lady Credence 190
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S
+*Stucky Eisa Erica 8129 21AR O Lass 7017
*Stucky Eisa Erica 2613
#*Connealy In Sure 8524
Stucky Eisa Erica 0652
• Bred AI on 6/29/23 to GB Fireball 672. Checked safe AI, due approximately 4/6/24.
• 8129 was selected from the 2019 Stucky Ranch Bull and Female Sale and has been a high producing donor dam with tremendous maternal performance 3@108 WW, 2@107 YW, 7@113 IMF and 7@102 for RE.
• This proven donor exhibits a powerful body type, ideal udder quality, and beautiful type and kind.
• Flushed two times producing 24 high quality embryos.
• Ranks in the top 10% for WW, YW, MW, CW, $W and $F; top 20% for RE and $B.
• Sells open.
• Adj. WW: 742 lbs.
• This daughter of E&B Wildcat 9402, who was a $50,000 sale highlight from the 2021 sale season, offers a breed elite CED and BW combination with an exceptional spread from birth to yearling and added marbling.
• Ranks in the top 2% for CED; top 10% for BW, $W, $G and $C; top 15% for WW, YW, CEM, MARB and $B; top 20% for $F; top 25% for CW and $M.
Sale book and videos can be viewed online: mcsauction.com • angus.org/AngusProductions/SaleBooks • oklahomaangus.com
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Tobin
#*Connealy Confidence Plus
Elbanna of Conanga 1209
Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#*Connealy Consensus
Elbasta of Conanga 9703
#+*S A V Resource 1441 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
+*HF Everelda Entense 607
+*Limestone Ever Entese Y122
*S A V Blackcap May 4136
#+*Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon
+*Limestone Ever Entense S292
• Bred AI on 5/11/23 to Connealy Commerce. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/18/24.
• A powerful and highly maternal daughter of Confidence Plus with +97 $Maternal Index!
• As a yearling heifer, 116 scanned an adjusted %IMF of 9.56 and her donor dam records 2@102 WW, 2@105 YW, 8@104 %IMF and 8@102 for RE.
• Speer Farms and Foster Angus Ranch selected donor dam from the 2020 Angus Gathering Sale where she combined with the maternal sister to lot 65 at her side that was selected by Express Ranches to become the $13,000 top-selling spring pair in that offering after a full sister to lot 65 was selected for $6,500 by Belle Point Ranch in the 2021 Gathering Sale and still serves as a donor in their herd.
• The third dam of lot 65, Limestone Ever Entense S292, is a flush mate sister to the dam of the $130,000 Lot 1 female from the 2008 record-setting Limestone, LLC Sale and a direct daughter of Ever Entense 491G, the $320,000 one-time record-setting female.
• Ranks in the top 1% for $M; top 10% for RE, $W and $C; top 15% for Angle; top 20% for BW, HP, MILK, DOC, Claw and $G; top 25% for CED, YW, PAP and MARB.
*Sitz Resilient 10208 *Sitz Stellar 726D
*J Trademark 1037 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 Mill Brae Iden Georgina 4086 #*Koupals B&B Identity
+Mill Brae FA Georgina 0237
#*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 +*HF Everelda Entense 116 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 +*HF Everelda Entense 607 #+*S A V Resource 1441 +*Limestone Ever Entese Y122
• Sells open.
• Adj. WW: 700 lbs.
• Sired by the $165,000 Conley Angus and Coleman Angus herd sire J Trademark 1037.
• 321 is the #4 non-parent female by J Trademark 1037 in the breed for $Maternal!
• Elite blend of Docility, Heifer Pregnancy, Claw, Angle and $EN.
• Ranks in the top 1% for $M; top 3% for HP; top 5% for $C; top 10% for MILK and $W; top 15% for Angle and $F; top 20% for YW, Claw and RE; top 25% for WW, PAP, CW and $B.
HF Safe & Sound 019 $26,000 Sire of lot 66A
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Tobin
#*Connealy Confidence Plus Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Elbanna of Conanga 1209
#*Sitz Top Game 561X
+*HF Queen 7012
#*Connealy Consensus Elbasta of Conanga 9703
#+GDAR Game Day 449
#Sitz Pride 88T
*OSU Queen 2139 +OSU Currency 8173
OSU Queen 0168
• Bred AI on 5/11/23 to Connealy Commerce. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/18/24.
• Impressive two-year old with balanced genetic merit and beautiful phenotype from the heart of the Hilton Farms program.
• A flush mate sister was the $17,000 top-selling spring pair from the 2022 Gathering sale, acquired by Sadler Ranches and her natural heifer calf purchased by Express Ranches.
• A full brother was purchased by Don Johnson Angus, KS for $10,000 in the 2022 Sexton Genetics bull sale.
• The third dam of lot 66, Queen 0168, who was the $15,500 top-selling spring pair in the 2017 OSU Cowboy Classic Sale and has been a tremendous producer in the Londigan Angus.
• A flush from 0168 that Pembrook Cattle Co. and Brown Farms purchased from Londigan Farms in the 2019 Denim and Diamonds Sale resulted in the $20,000 BF PCC Queen 9H, the $18,000 BF PCC Queen 80H who was named Reserve Supreme Champion Female at the Kansas State Fair for Eva Henrichsen, and the $16,000 LWHF PCC Queen 160H who was a class winner at Cattlemen’s Congress and Angus Junior National for Jelani King.
• Another daughter of 0168 by First Class, LF PCC Class Queen, sold for $25,750 in the Pembrook Cattle Co. Holiday Lights sale.
• Ranks in the top 1% for MILK and $W; top 4% for DOC; top 10% for WW, YW, Claw and $M; top 15% for Angle, CW and $C; top 20% for $F; top 25% for SC and $B.
• Sells open.
• Adj. WW: 704 lbs.
• This donor prospect is a direct daughter of HF Safe & Sound 019, the $26,000 Select Sires and Connealy herd sire that has proven himself to be a calving-ease sire while improving muscle and phenotype.
• She combines impeccable phenotype and numerical balance to yield a top donor and herd matron prospect.
• Ranks in the top 1% for MILK; top 3% for $W; top 15% for CED, CEM, Claw and $M; top 20% for $F and $C; top 25% for CW.
+*FF Highwayman 4W10 #*Baldridge Waylon W34
*FF Rito 7W30 of 5B65 4W10
+G A R Daybreak M721
+*FF Rita 5B65 of 356H 3S10 +*Rito 3S10 of 9Q15 Progress
+J/R Queen of New Design 356H
#*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*SydGen Googol
SydGen Enhance +*SydGen Forever Lady 1255
SydGen Rita 2618 #*SydGen Liberty GA 8627
#Fox Run Rita 9308
+*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A
*Vintage Blackcap 7293 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
*V A R Blackcap 3065 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*V A R Blackcap 0395
• Bred AI on 5/17/23 to Connealy Commerce. PE’d from 6/10/23 to 7/22/23 to 44 Maverick 9797. Checked safe to 44 Maverick 9797.
• This young female has the numerical profile to produce great herd sire prospects, and that is exactly what she did when you analyze the late April bull calf at her side.
• Ranks in the top 3% for $B and $C; top 5% for MARB and $G; top 10% for CED, CEM and $F; top 15% for WW, YW, PAP, CW and $W; top 20% for BW; top 25% for MW.
[ M1P ]
*SG Salvation +*Baldridge Alternative E125
*SG Salvation 0753
JP Rita 7037
*Zebo Queen 601 *Varilek Product 2010 04
*FF Rito 7W30 of 5B65 4W10
TMG Ideal 20
*Zebo Ideal 830
• BW: 76 lbs.
• Bred AI on 5/29/23 to GB Fireball 672. PE’d from 6/10/23 to 7/22/23 to 44 Maverick 9797. Ultra sounded safe AI with a sexed heifer fetus, heifer, due approximately 3/6/24.
• This big-spread, high marbling, daughter of Enhance compliments her combination of growth and carcass EPDs with a top 20% $M Value.
• Foundation dam was produced by the Riverbend $500,000 Rita 1I98 foundation Blackcap.
• Grandam posts progeny ratios of 4@90 for BW; 4@102 for WW.
• Ranks in the top 1% for DOC; top 2% for CED; top 5% for YW and SC; top 10% for BW, WW, MARB, $W, $G, $B and $C; top 20% for CEM and $M.
N A R Isabel 9074
Highwayman 4W10
Rita 5B65 of 356H 3S10
• This son of the Trademark herd sire, Salvation 0753, is sure to grow into money with the elite genomically enhanced numerical profile he offers.
• Ranks in the top 3% for $B and $C; top 4% for CED and $F; top 5% for CW and MARB; top 10% for WW, YW, CEM and $G; top 15% for BW, MW and $W.
BD: 03-21-2023 BULL *20671358
*SG Salvation +*Baldridge Alternative E125
*SG Salvation 0753 +*MGR JP Rita 7037
*Zebo Queen 601 *Varilek Product 2010 04 V N A R Isabel 9074
Trademark Ranch
SydGen Enhance #*SydGen Exceed 3223
*Double GG Blackcap 9061 SydGen Rita 2618
*Vintage Blackcap 7293 +*V A R Foreman 3339 *V A R Blackcap 3065
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +9 +.5 +81 +153 +1.49 +9.4 +11 +21
• BW: 77 lbs.
• Another son of the Trademark herd sire, Salvation 0753, that offers “monster math” when you analyze the genomically enhanced numerical profile he possesses that is sure to make him a high demand sire prospect next spring for his new owner.
• Ranks in the top 1% for DOC; top 4% for YW; top 10% for WW, CW, MARB, $F, $B and $C; top 15% for SC, MW and $G; top 25% for CEM and $W.
A R Prophet
69 CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +1 +3.4 +64 +104 +.78 +8.9 +10 +19 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +26 +.43 +.48 +2.34 +28 +28 +1.40 +.23 +.021 $Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +75 +55 +64 +85 +149 +268 BD: 01-28-2018 COW *19228163 TATTOO: F49 CED 90 BW 83 WW 61 YW 78 DMI 27 YH 53 SC 50 Doc 26 HP 75 CEM 35 Milk 94 MW 90 MH 65 CW 94 Marb 3 RE 95 Fat 73 Tend 5 Davis Angus
Acclaim H17. Checked 2 months safe to H17 on 8/7/23.
• Offers a breed elite Marbling score EPD that is sure to transmit added value to her progeny.
from 5/15/23 to 7/25/23 to JDD Acclaim H17. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• A beautiful uddered, highly feminine calving-ease daughter of the JDD herd sire, D83, with an elite heifer pregnancy EPD, suggesting her calving-ease sons like the one at her side will be a valuable commodity when marketed.
• Ranks in the top 3% for HP; top 10% for BW and CEM; top 15% for CED and MARB; top 20% for PAP, $G and $B; top 25% for MILK and $F.
SydGen Enhance +*SydGen Forever Lady 1255
#*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*SydGen Googol
SydGen Rita 2618 #*SydGen Liberty GA 8627 #Fox Run Rita 9308
+*EXAR Prophetic 5732B #+*G A R Prophet
*JDD Lady Esso F49 +*BoBo Rita 1559
JDD Lady Esso C109
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK I+5 I+2.0 I+67 I+121 I+1.09 I+10.7 I+9 I+26 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT I+29 I+.42 I+.53 I+6.12 I+52 I+40 I+1.29 I+.46 I+.004 $Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +72 +64 +81 +84 +164 +285 BD: 03-06-2023 BULL *20705567 TATTOO: L139 CED 41 BW 49 WW 69 YW 41 DMI 59 YH 82 SC 55 Doc 33 HP 50 CEM 59 Milk 82 MW 76 MH 65 CW 81 Marb 8 RE 68 Fat 71 Tend 22 Davis Angus
• You will appreciate the individual performance this herd sire displays or his age and his interim EPD profile suggests he will be an easy sale next spring, particularly if his numerical profile improves once his genomic enhanced EPDs return prior to sale day.
• Ranks in the top 10% for DOC, MARB and $G; top 15% for $C; top 20% for Claw and $B.
*G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 JDD Ten X D83 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A
JDD Lady Esso F09
JDD Blackrock Beauty A102
JDD Lady Esso A70 *JDD Totus Medius 117 #JDD Osu Cowgirl 208
• BW: 70 lbs.
• The interim EPD profile on this son of Ashland suggest he will be a candidate for heifer service and with many herds building their numbers back with young females, calving-ease bulls like this one will be in high demand come spring.
• Ranks in the top 10% for CED; top 15% for CEM and $G; top 20% for BW, PAP and MARB.
PF 5682 Henrietta Pride 0533
$80,000 valued maternal grandam of lot 71
BD: 02-17-2020
COW *19678526 TATTOO: 0137
#+*PVF Insight 0129 #*S A V Brilliance 8077
+*PF Insight 6191
+*PF Baar Princess 3590
Jordan Cook
$390,000 valued third dam of lot 71
CED 50
+*PVF Missie 790
+*Silveiras Style 9303
+*EXAR Princess 5401
#*SAC Conversation *Silveiras Conversion 8064
+*PF Henrietta Pride 66B4 #*Laflins Farrah 0252
+*PF 5682 Henrietta Pride 0533 #+S A V Bismarck 5682
+*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
+7 +2.1 +64 +116 +1.24 +11.0 +7
DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +16 +.58 +.57 +1.23 +83 +44 +.16 +.56 +.019
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +43 +61 +86 +26 +112 +188
• Bred AI on 5/3/23 to Yon Top Cut G730. PE’d from 6/1/23 to 7/14/23 to JDD Legendary J48. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• This powerful female is elegant in her design and would be a valuable addition to any herd regardless of your program’s direction or goals.
• The $80,000 valued, now-deceased grandam of lot 71, Henrietta Pride 0533, was arguably the breed’s most impress daughter of Bismarck and one of the most popular daughters of 643T and has amassed progeny sales in excess of $620,000 on approximately 42 head and is still adding to it. 0533 typifies the blend of phenotypic quality, numerical balance, and genetic superiority that is present in this grand-daughter that carries on the family descending from the Pollard, Deer Valley, and Express $195,000 half interest donor and multi-million dollar producer, SITZ Henrietta Pride 643T, the full sister to the record-setting Pathfinder Sire SITZ Upward 307R.
• The sire of lot 71, 6191, affectionately known as “Malcolm” was the $12,500 2/3 interest selection of May Cattle in Mineral Point, WI from the 2018 Pollard bull sale.
• Ranks in the top 15% for MW; top 20% for SC and MILK; top 25% for YW.
BD: 12-27-2020 COW *20128378 TATTOO: H21
*Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite
*EXAR Jet Speed 9334B Bar R Iris Anita 0113
#Chapman Sandy 6059 #+*Basin Payweight 1682
Brink Angus
EXAR Sandy 4401
BAF Renown D07 #+*S A V Renown 3439
BA Miss Renown E12 MCS 004 Taz T363
BAF Ms 10 Speed C31 #*S A V Ten Speed 3022 TB Miss Superior 1413
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +7 +3.2 +78 +139 +.97 +7.9 +8 +29 DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP MW CW MARB RE FAT +10 +.57 +.51 +2.73 +108 +60 -.02 +.50 -.020
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +35 +66 +103 +19 +122 +193
• Bred AI on 7/5/23 to EZAR Gold Rush 6001. PE’d from 7/15/23 to 8/31/23 to EXAR Iconic 2154B. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• The sire of 72, EXAR Jet Speed 9334B, was the $15,000 two-thirds interest selection of Bring Angus from the 2020 Express Ranches Spring Bull Sale and has done an excellent job for Brink Angus as is evident in this daughter with her combination of phenotype and genetic indicators for growth.
• Ranks in the top 10% for YW and MW; top 15% for WW, FAT and $F; top 25% for CW and $W.
Price Farms
TAG: 82
Lots 73 thru 77
Price Farms
TAG: 143
VanMeter Angus
TAG: 2201
VanMeter Angus
TAG: 2205
VanMeter Angus
TAG: 2203
VanMeter Angus
TAG: 2204
Lots 78 thru 82
• Bred AI on 4/24/23 to CHL Knight of 8273. PE’d from 4/27/23 to 7/15/23 to low-birth-weight Angus bulls. Vet checked safe AI.
TAG: 2206
VanMeter Angus
TAG: 2206
Lots 83 thru 92
TAG: 2209
VanMeter Angus
TAG: 2210
• Bred AI on 6/26/23 to GB Fireball 672. PE’d from 6/30/23 to present to SG Powerball 1651. Pregnancy status available sale day.
• These heifers gained 5.08 lbs./day thru 75 days dry forage testing and bred on with an average weight of 975. These heifers have a strong maternal base of S A V Platinum 0100, SAV 8180 Traveler 004, and Bon View New Design 878 genetics.
There’s only one DNA profile created specifically for Angus cattle. Angus GS™ is the new standard in genetic testing for Angus cattle. Created by Angus Genetics, the profile is purely Angus DNA, so it will have better predictability and deliver more power and accuracy than any previous generation genomic enhanced EPD, and at a much greater value. Visit angus.org/agi for the test that only Angus Genetics could create. For Angus. by angus.
At Zoetis Genetics, it’s more than providing tools and resources to make more profitable breeding decisions; we have a dedicated team of experienced experts ready to help. From selection to mating to marketing, our genomic tools help beef and dairy producers make smarter decisions. With today’s technology, identify better animals earlier and reduce costly selection and breeding mistakes.
The most successful cow-calf operations are built on disciplined breeding programs. DNA testing enables seedstock and com-mercial beef producers to make more informed decisions and capitalize on animals with superior genetic merit. Unlock greater profit potential through more dependable bull and replacement heifer selection, mating and marketing.
Take a closer look at how genomic testing with the support of our team can build the herd of your future.
Kevin Milliner | Strategic Account Manager, Animal GeneticsZoetis | 11262 N. County Road 3190, Paoli, OK 73074
Mobile: 806.679.7161 | Home: 405.484.7369 | kevin.milliner@zoetis.com
Visit us: zoetis.com