Doctor Who Vortex: A Trip to the Archives

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DWV is a fan-made magazine I made just for the hell of it when I had time to kill. However, I was the only person ever to see it and as some of the information is now out of date – I decided to make this “archives” issue featuring all the best articles from 2009. The DWV experience continues on my youtube channel at

The Sontarons are a race of warriors. Cloned Warriors. They have only one purpose in life – to fight. They feed and breath through a probic vent at the back of their necks. This means that they always have to face their enemies. So any quiet enemy of theirs only has to creep up behind and hit them in the vent. The Doctor first met a Sontaron called Linx in medieval times. It was also the first time that Jon Pertwee's Doctor met Sarah Jane Smith. (Sarah then met up with the potato warriors in her own series (this time only one)). Then they crept up again this time facing both Patrick Troughton and Colin Baker in “The 2 Doctors” The first time we actually saw a whole batallion of them was in the 2008 episode when they planned to choke the world with poisonous gases.

Davros was a power mad scientist from the planet Skaro where he planned to transform the people, called Kaleds, into better fighters against their enemies the Thals. Soon the Kaleds were having none of it and turned against Davros. Bad move! Davros had created the most perfect killing machine ever. Soon the daleks began exterminating the Thals and Kaleds alike... but the Daleks themselves had realised Davros's power madness and turned against him and shot him. Davros kept cropping up again... each time weakened by the doctor's previous attempt to end his reign of terror. But In 2009 he returned with a fleet of pure Dalek (unlike the previous half-human Daleks). The Doctor alone could not defeat him... so he called on all of his friends to help him out.


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The Cybermen. Along side the Daleks are the Doctor's most famous enemies and they've been redesigned as many times as the Daleks. Created from a human brain inside a metal suit. With an electro-shock inside their hands they are ready to kill, which for them isn't a problem with them having no emotions. Their hollow empty silver shells bear no pain, no fear. It could be said that they do have the emotion – HATE! They HATE everything. The Doctor included. They'll kill you in a second and then go onto the next. We've met the Cyber-controller, Cyber-king, the creator (John Lumic) and the Almighty Cybermen from the Christmas episode. Yes, now we've met the family – will there be any more members?

32 years before David Tennant did the very same, in 1975 Tom Baker, dressed as the Doctor switched on Blackpool's famous illuminations.

Cpt. Jacks's' Vortex Manipulator can be used to scan for aliens, run medical scans and even basic time travel... That's before the Doctor disables it!


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