Doctor Who Vortex Issue 11 (FAN MADE)

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no. 11

SERIES 7 IS COMING A Tribute to Caroline John

DAVID TENNANT on Hacking, Typecasting, Bad Reviews & Confidence

DWV is a fan made publication by Stephen Henderson and is no way connected to BBC. Doctor Who, The Doctor Who logo, TARDIS, Dalek (Terry Nation), K-9(Bob Baker and Dave Martin) and Cybermen (Kit Pedler & Gerry Davis) are all registered trademarks of the BBC. All photography remains the property of the original owner, generally this is BBC. Text Š Stephen Henderson. DWV is published on on a non-regular basis.

insideThis issue 4. NEWS: Series 7 is Coming! 6. A Tribute to Caroline John 8. NEWS: David Tennant on Hacking, Typecasting, Bad Reviews and Confidence 9. NEWS: Noel Clarke swaps the TARDIS for the Enterprise 9. Facebook groups you may 'like'

^ Five Doctors... One Stage, NOTHING CAN BE MORE EPIC!

SERIES 7 IS COMING! The first OFFICIAL pictures of Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman on set together have been released by the BBC.


Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill (Amy & Rory) will leave in Episode Five, an episode which will feature the Weeping Angels and Alex Kingston as River Song.





Jenna-Louise Coleman appears as the new companion in Episode Six, also the Christmas special. Writers, other than series head, Steven Moffatt, this series will include Mark Gatiss, Toby Whithouse (who has written episode three's Wild West story – filmed in Spain starring starring Ben Browder, Adrian Scarborough, Dominic Kemp and Rob Cavezos) and John Fay. Chris Chibnall will write, Episodes 2 and 4.



Episode One will be called Asylum of the Daleks, to star every type of Dalek ever – even the Special Weapons Dalek. This will be written by Steven Moffat and directed by Nick Hurran. Steven Moffat has also hinted at the scariest monster EVER on twitter: "See this new monster I've invented? This is a GOOD one. This will SCARE you. Oh yes."




Caroline John

The first story of the 'old series' I ever saw was “Spearhead from Space�. I had just gotten into Doctor Who after it's recent regeneration when I stumbled across a re-run on BBC Four. It was interesting they had chosen this episode to screen as it has similar elements to the first episode of the new series, everything from the shop window dummies to the zoom down to earth intro. Then, sat in a taxi, in her first scene, was Liz Shaw as brilliantly played by Caroline John. I had no idea who she was as I knew very little about the series at that point (how times change!).

The only companion I had to compare with was Rose and it is quite clear they are very different people. Rose is a shop assistant while Liz is a scientist. She was the first companion for Jon Pertwee, but also for the new colour, earth-bound series. Previously, companions had to be screamers. They were there for three reasons, 1) to ask the Doctor questions to allow us to have an insight to the world of Doctor Who, 2) to scream and run away from monsters and 3) to give the dads a reason to watch. Liz was different, just as lovely and caring and fiesty as those who came before but with the brains to match the brawn, similar to her predecessor Zoe. Liz was more than a match for the Doctor and was employed as his Scientific Assistant

She only starred in five stories, (beside two brief reprisals in 'The Five Doctors' and 'Dimensions in Time'') just one series worth yet made an impression that lasts to this day. Liz Shaw, the brainy one. Liz was written out of the series after John's contract was not renewed due to the fact that Liz wasn't quite the companion he needed at that time. The reason given in the story for her departure was that she felt un-needed, only there to “pass the Doctor his test tubes”. However, she was brilliant companion showing her brains, her empathy and her courage. Her character was written for her brains, but it would seem that John was cast more for her looks. When she was a actress looking for her big break, she sent a picture of herself in a bikini along with her resume to various productions. Unsurprisingly she got call-backs from every single one, one of which was Doctor Who.

Caroline John sadly passed away in June 2012. Steven Moffat, Doctor Who’s lead writer and Executive Producer, paid tribute on the Doctor Who Website: “Caroline was a brilliant actress and in her role as Liz Shaw, a tremendous co-star for Jon Pertwee in his first year as the Doctor. She was not just a sidekick but a scientist in her own right and a match for the universe's number one know-all. The Doctor's companions should never be his assistants - they're the people who keep him on his toes, and that's what Caroline did. From everyone at the show, our thoughts go out to Caroline’s family.” In recent years she stayed connected to the Doctor Who world recording DVD commentaries and the audio book for the late Elisabeth Sladen's autobiography. Also, she was married to fellow Dr Who star Geoffrey Beevers (The Master). Outside of Doctor Who she was known for her role in 'Love Actually' and touring with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre and her television credits include Z Cars, Agatha Christie’s Poirot, A Perfect Spy and the BBC’s 1981 adaptation of The Hound of the Baskervilles, playing opposite Tom Baker.

John films a DVD extra interview alongside her successors Katy Manning and Louise Jameson

She will be sadly missed by those who knew her and those who did not.

DAVID TENNANT ON... HACKING CONFIDENCE, TYPECASTING & BAD REVIEWS David likes to keep his private life and his public life separate. He doesn't do exclusive photoshoots of his wedding or the birth of his child to OK! Magazine.

David Tennant has admitted that the fame that came with landing his dream job as the Doctor took away his confidence and his privacy, but doesn't believe that he's been typecast.

Speaking in the Radio Times he cast his views on the press invading his private life:

Speaking to the Radio Times he said: "Of course I lost a certain amount of right to privacy, which is not what I’d choose, but I accept. No one can teach you what it’s like to be observed in public. I remember, before I was that person, watching well-known people walk into a room – you imbue them with inner confidence and a slightly royal presence. Yet when it’s you, it’s terrifying. The world’s perception of you has changed while you remain the same.

“I’ve had a go at them. I’m not suggesting my phone was hacked, although it would make sense of certain moments in my life when I was surprised about how some information became public. It’s difficult to do anything about inaccuracy or intrusion even if you think you have a good case. Grapple with the Daily Mail and you’re up against some serious lawyers”

"You understand what you’re getting into by being on TV. I’m not that naive. But there’s a sense everyone in the public eye has to have moral purity. “I don’t see why, because you’re in a TV programme, you have to be perfect."

^ Pictures of his marriage to Georgia Moffet made their way into the tabloids.

But he has no regrets joining or leaving Doctor Who. "Mercifully, I haven’t been typecast and it opened more doors than it closed. I was never bored, but I wanted to make sure I left before it became a job. It’s still thriving and Matt Smith is brilliant in the part.”

He's also been hitting back at mixed reviews of his latest projects which have included the Hollywood remake of Fright Night and his indie-movie the Decoy Bride which were well received but were not financially successful. “It’s disappointing when something in which you’ve invested time and love isn’t well received. But there’s little you can do. As the years trundle on you become objective. I thought it was a lovely film, but critics probably aren’t writing for its intended audience. Every fresh project is a gamble. You draw a deep breath, and ask yourself, ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’ and the answer is, ‘That it’s not very good?’ You can’t worry.”

NOEL CLARKE SWAPS THE TARDIS FOR THE ENTERPRISE Former Doctor Who star Noel Clarke has been speaking about landing a role in the new Star Trek movie. While his exact role hasn’t been revealed in the new film, he’s said to be playing a family man in the movie, one with a wife and daughter. Talking to London 360, Noel said “It was just an audition like all the others, really. You do your lines and see what happens, and luckily this time I got the job”. “I was at home, [when I found out] in my kids’ room, because they were making noise in the living room!”, Clarke said. “And yeah, I was told I’d got it, and yeah, I was happy. I was happy. I don’t get over-excited about things, because I’m just kind of like that. I’m happy, but a job is a job. You get some, some you don’t get. But you can’t get over-excited about stuff”. “I think it’s just one of those things where it’s another level of accomplishment where you’ve done another job that’s bigger than the ones you’ve done before … all of that stuff helps in your career Hopefully it will just help me with mine. But how people look at me is up to them.” JJ Abrams' sequel of the rebooted movie franchise is still in production, with a release date set for 2013, will also star Sherlock's Bendedict Cumberbach, rumoured to be playing the 'bad guy'.

Every DW FB page is pretty much the same, pictures, news updates the odd quiz or caption competition but they've all got their own little bit of character that makes them special. “BBC Doctor Who” : The official DW FB page, has key moments of the DW story into it's timeline feature such as the dates of memorable episode such as when the Doctor regenerated. “Doctor Who and the Tardis by Craig Hurle” : Pretty much one of the best facebook pages with random postings of pictures and news. There's also a similarpage for Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adnevtures, Primeval, Sherlock, The Fades and Merlin “The Timelord's Academy” : Set out in 'houses' you can win points for your house with caption competitions, name the story and the like. “Wearing Red Converse and Feeling like the Tenth Doctor” : it's just so random focussing on one small bit of the DW universe, thats what makes it so good. And it's cover page was created by some one called Stephen Henderson!?! “Life of a Whovian fan-girl” : fan-girls, obsessed with DW running a FB page, and their admin names are companions so you think your getting a message from Amy Pond, Donna or Rose. And it's cover page was created by some one called Stephen Henderson!?!

Asylum of the Daleks SEPTEMBER 2012 BBC ONE

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