27th August 2021 at 21:00pm
Success is no coincidence Success is not a coincidence, it is acquired through a constant strive for improvement, which starts with the selection of our horses. This investment has resulted in an unprecedented sporting success. Some of our top sport mares are already retired and are being used for breeding. They unite the most desirable genes that every breeder dreams of. Mares like Fragance de Chalus and Narcotique de Muze II are on the wish list of every breeding farm. I want to give you the chance to also benefit by sharing these genes and to contribute to the sport, as it all starts with breeding. The name Stephex Exclusive Breeding Collection was not chosen by chance. Our auction collection offers you the opportunity to introduce the most exclusive bloodlines in the world in your breeding.
Succes is geen toeval Succes is geen toeval, het is een permanent streven naar verbetering, dat begint bij de selectie van onze paarden. Deze investering resulteerde in ongekend sportief succes. Enkele van onze topsportmerries zijn inmiddels met pensioen en dragen nu bij aan onze fokkerij. Ze verenigen de felst gegeerde genen, waar elke fokker van droomt. Merries zoals Fragance de Chalus en Narcotique de Muze II staan op het verlanglijstje van elke fokkerij. Hun genen wil ik nu met jullie delen, omdat ik iets aan de sport wil teruggeven en alles begint met de fokkerij. De naam Stephex Exclusive Breeding Collection werd niet toevallig gekozen. Onze veilingcollectie biedt u de kans om ontegensprekelijk de meest exclusieve bloedlijnen ter wereld in uw fokkerij te introduceren.
Stephan Conter
Stephan Conter CEO of Stephex Group
Collection Overview
Collectie Overzicht
Comme il faut x Elchinni vd flandria (Chin Chin) Oak Grove’s Heartthrob x Pironella (Non Stop) Eldorado vd Zeshoek x Elchinni vd Flandria (Chin Chin) Winningmood vd Arenberg x La Belle Dame Z (Levisto Z) Grandorado TN x La Belle Dame Z (Levisto Z)
Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z x Maya-S (Chacco-Blue) Chacco-Blue x Uberlina K (Lux Z) Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z x Erenice Horta (Diamant de Semilly) Conthargos x Takotak Z (Telstar de la Pomme) Chacco-Blue x Espyrante (Obourg) Verdi TN x Kracotte Z (Kannan) Catoki x Korvette Z (Kannan)
02 Colt - Hengst
Mare - Merrie
Comme il faut x Elchinni vd flandria (Chin Chin)
Oak Grove’s Heartthrob x Pironella (Non Stop)
Mare - Merrie
Mare - Merrie
Eldorado vd Zeshoek x Elchinni vd Flandria (Chin Chin)
Winningmood vd Arenberg x La Belle Dame Z (Levisto Z)
Mare - Merrie
Mare - Merrie
Grandorado TN x La Belle Dame Z (Levisto Z)
Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z x Maya-S (Chacco-Blue)
Mare - Merrie
Mare - Merrie
Conthargos x Takotak Z (Telstar de la Pomme)
Chacco-Blue x Espyrante (Obourg)
08 Colt - Hengst
Mare - Merrie
Chacco-Blue x Uberlina K (Lux Z)
Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z x Erenice Horta (Diamant de Semilly)
Mare - Merrie
VERNAZZA POMMEX Z Verdi TN x Kracotte Z (Kannan)
EMBRYO Catoki x Korvette Z (Kannan)
As ever, Stephex offers an available exclusivity. Where can you get as close to the stars of showjumping as during Knokke Hippique? Where can you get as close to the stars of breeding as in the Stephex Exclusive Breeding Collection? In the seaside town of Knokke, we offer you the chance to purchase the genes of incredible mares, such as Erenice Horta, Jeunesse van’t Paradijs and more. Years of experience, networking and knowledge are being brought together in a list of 12 unique foals. The future is now.
Zoals steeds biedt Stephex een bepaalde exclusiviteit. Waar kan u zo dicht bij de sterren van de springsport komen als tijdens Knokke Hippique? En waar kan u zo dicht bij de sterren van de fokkerij komen als in de Stephex Exclusive Breeding Collection? In de badstad Knokke bieden wij u de kans om de genen aan te kopen van ongelooflijke merries, zoals Erenice Horta, Jeunesse van’t Paradijs en meer. Jarenlange ervaring, netwerking en kennis worden samengebracht in een lijst van 12 unieke veulens. De toekomst start vandaag.
The daughter of Chin Chin and Major de la Cour has jumped GP herself. From the very start of that sport career, she has produced, by embryotransfer, an incredible amount of horses competing at the highest level. The name of Usha is known all over the world as being the synonym of jumping quality. Many tried, but never ever has there been an auction that brought so many foals who are this directly related to one of the best breeding mares on this planet, if not the very best.
De dochter van Chin Chin en Major de la Cour heeft zelf GP gesprongen. Vanaf het begin van haar sportcarrière heeft ze via embryotransfers een ongelooflijk aantal paarden voortgebracht die op het hoogste niveau meedraaien. De naam Usha staat wereldwijd bekend als het synoniem voor springkwaliteit. Velen hebben het geprobeerd, maar nooit is er een veiling geweest die zoveel veulens heeft gebracht die direct verwant zijn aan één van de beste fokmerries
Elchinni van de Flandria, een dochter van Chin Chin, heeft niet zo veel producten maar wat ze wel heeft voortgebracht, is verbluffend. De Stephex familie wist het al lang maar nu weet de hele wereld het: Elchinni’s eerste dochter Jasmien vd Bisschop is één van de meest getalenteerde paarden op het circuit. Op 12 jarige leeftijd is ze één van de absolute sterren van Daniel Deusser door o.a. de GP van Hamburg en Sopot te winnen. Belangrijk is dat ze vorig seizoen het meeste prijzengeld won in de Global Champions Tour met een dubbel foutloos parcours in de finale van de teams. Jasmien’s jongere broer Kurtis presteert al op 1.50m niveau.
ELCHINNI VAN DE FLANDRIA Elchinni van de Flandria, another daughter of Chin Chin, has not that many products but what she did produce, is stunning. The Stephex family knew it for a long time but now the entire world knows: Elchinni’s first daughter Jasmien vd Bisschop is one of the most talented horses on the circuit. At 12 years of age she is one of Daniel Deusser’s absolute stars by winning for example the Hamburg and Sopot GP. Importantly, she won the most price money in the Global Champions Tour last season with a double clear in the final of the teams. Jasmien’s younger brother Kurtis is yet performing at 1.50m level.
Young mare Takotak Z combines the blood of Narcotique de Muze II and Stephex Stallion Telstar de La Pomme! Narcotique de Muze II the successful 160cm horse of Eric Lamaze, daughter of the legendary Qerly Chin! Next to her sport success, Narcotique de Muze II is the mother of a multitude of international top horses: Querlybet Hero, Boyante de Muze, Sea coast Ferly, Farfelu de Muze, ..... you name it! Takotak started competing with the Stephex Stables team just earlier this year and has already impressed the crowds with Kendra Claricia Brinkop. The young mare shows scope and talent like hardly met, recently coming second at the Belgium Young Horse 7yo Championships.
De jonge merrie Takotak Z combineert het bloed van Narcotique de Muze II en de Stephex hengst Telstar de La Pomme! Narcotique de Muze II is het succesvolle 160cm paard van Eric Lamaze, dochter van de legendarische Qerly Chin! Naast haar sportsuccessen is Narcotique de Muze II de moeder van een veelvoud aan internationale toppaarden: Querlybet Hero, Boyante de Muze, Sea coast Ferly, Farfelu de Muze, ..... noem maar op! Takotak kwam eerder dit jaar uit voor het Stephex Stables team en heeft met Kendra Claricia Brinkop al veel indruk gemaakt. De jonge merrie toont enorm veel talent, ze werd onlangs tweede op het Belgisch kampioenschap voor 7-jarige jonge paarden.
Pironella is natuurlijk de bekende merrie die met Daniel Deusser alle topniveaus heeft gesprongen! Ze won onder andere de 155cm 5* proef van Doha ; werd 5e op het CSIO5* Spruce Meadows 2014; 6e op het CSI5*-W Lyon 2014 en 9e op het CSI5* St. Tropez 2015! In haar stamboom vinden we een goed geselecteerde combinatie van topsportbloed via de vaderlijn, BWP-hengst Nonstop, die zelf op het hoogste niveau uitkwam en de Duitse foklegende Pilot op de moederlijn, de beroemde Westfaalse vader, die de jongste vader is waarvan de nakomelingen meer dan een miljoen dollar hebben gewonnen.
PIRONELLA Pironella is of course the well-known mare that has shown all around the top levels with Daniel Deusser! Among others she won the 155cm 5* class of Doha ; was placed 5th at the CSIO5* Spruce Meadows 2014; 6th at the CSI5*-W Lyon 2014 and 9th at the CSI5* St. Tropez 2015! In her pedigree we can find a well selected combination of top sport blood through the sire line, BWP stallion Nonstop, who himself competed at the highest level, and German breeding legend Pilot on the dam line, the famous Westfalian sire who was the youngest million-dollar sire of all times.
Erenice is still very much on top of our minds not only for her sport success but also her breeding achievements! Herself she was able to score top results such as 7th in the CSI5*-W of LondonOlympia in 2012, 5th of the CSI5*-W Lyon 2012 and 5th of the CSI5* ‘s Hertogenbosch 2012! Moreover, her famous daughter, Irenice Horta, the grey mare produced by Zoe Conter to 5 * Level , then to Lorenzo de Luca who jumped the WEG at Tryon and afterwards sold to Cian o’Connor who jumped the biggest GP with her as the ROLEX GP of Aachen. Erenice’s other offspring, Morris Horta, is also already performing at the highest levels! The future looks bright!
Erenice Horta zit nog steeds vers in ons geheugen, niet alleen vanwege haar sportieve successen maar ook vanwege haar fokprestaties! Zelf wist ze topprestaties neer te zetten zoals o.a 7de in de CSI5*-W van Londen-Olympia in 2012, 5de van de CSI5*-W Lyon 2012 en 5de van de CSI5* ‘s Hertogenbosch 2012! Bovendien is haar dochter de beroemde Irenice Horta, een schimmelmerrie die door Zoe Conter naar 5* niveau werd gebracht. Vervolgens ging ze naar Lorenzo de Luca die de WEG te Tryon sprong en haar daarna verkocht aan Cian o’Connor die met haar de grootste GP sprong, namelijk de ROLEX GP van Aken. Erenice’s andere nakomeling, Morris Horta, presteert ook al op het hoogste niveau! De toekomst ziet er rooskleurig uit!
La Belle Dame Z, dochter van Grande Dame Z (Grannus) die op het hoogste niveau heeft gesprongen met JUDY ANN MELCHIOR , heeft indruk op ons gemaakt met haar prestaties! Na vele succesvolle 2* en 3* klasseringen met zowel Zoe Conter als Petronella Andersson, maakte La Belle Dame dit jaar gemakkelijk de overstap naar het topniveau op haar eerste 5* show in La Baule! We hebben hoge verwachtingen voor de toekomst van deze merrie. Naast haar aanhoudende goede sportresultaten, beschikt ze ook over een topafstamming. Haar fantastische moeder Grand Dame Z (Grannus) was zelf 1e op CSI-W Bordeaux 2003; 2e op CSI-W Amsterdam 2001 en 4e op CSI5* La Coruña 2006. De vader is niemand minder dan de foklegende Levisto Z! Samen met Judy Ann Melchior toonde hij zijn potentieel in vele wereldbekers en 5*GP’s en zijn nakomelingen staan bekend om hun geweldige sportmentaliteit en rijkwaliteiten.
LA BELLE DAME Z La Belle Dame Z, daughter of Grande Dame Z (by Grannus) who competed on the highest level with JUDY ANN MELCHIOR , has been impressing us with her performances! After many successful 2* and 3* placings with both Zoe Conter and Petronella Andersson, La Belle Dame transitioned easily to the top level this year at her first 5* show in La Baule! We have high hopes for this mare’s future. Besides her continued sport results, she also holds a top pedigree.Fantastic mother Grand Dame Z (by Grannus) was herself 1st CSI-W Bordeaux 2003; 2nd CSI-W Amsterdam 2001 and 4th CSI5* 2006 La Coruña. Sire is none the less than the breeding legend Levisto Z! Together with Judy Ann Melchior he showed his potential in many world cups and 5*-GPs and his offsprings are well-known for their great sport mentality and rideability.
Discovered in the national Belgian circuits, as many other Stephex references, she has grown into an absolute legend for the Stephex family. Daniel Deusser rode her at the biggest level after which Emilie Conter took over the reins and Espyrante proved herself to be absolute gold in Emilie’s development as a rider. A mare with such an incredible mentality will be a ticket to success in breeding terms.
Ontdekt in de nationale Belgische wedstrijden, zoals vele andere Stephex referenties, is ze uitgegroeid tot een absolute legende voor de Stephex familie. Daniel Deusser reed haar op het hoogste niveau, waarna Emilie Conter de teugels overnam en Espyrante van gouden waarde bleek te zijn voor Emilie’s ontwikkeling als amazone. Een merrie met zo’n ongelooflijke mentaliteit zal een ticket zijn naar succes in de fokkerij.
CASTELLUCIA Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
08-03-2021 Mare - Merrie Grey - Grijs 21%
Pommex Z
Sire: COMME IL FAUT (Westf, 2005, bay, stallion by Cornet Obolensky) Approved for: Hann, Holst, KWPN, OS, SF, Westf, Z - Level 1.65m - Marcus Ehning (DEU) and 6 wins - 35 placings @ 1.60m 1st CSI5* GCT/GCL 2019 Chantilly (FRA) (1.60m); 1st CSI5* GCL Play off 2018 Prague (CZE) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5*-NC Final 2018 Barcelona (ESP) (1.60m) Sire of: CHECKER 47 - Level 1.60m - €210,112; CAPE CORAL - Level 1.60m - €79,742; FAUT-IL DES 7 VALLONS - Level 1.55m - €55,506 1st dam: Elchinni van de Flandria (BWP, 2004, grey, mare by Chin Chin) JASMIEN VD BISSCHOP (BWP, 2009, grey, mare by Larino) 1 placing @ Level 1.65m - Daniel Deusser (DEU) and 3 wins - 12 placings @ 1.60m 2nd CSI5*-W 2020 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.65m); 1st CSI5* GCL Play off 2019 Prague (CZE) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5*-NC EUD1 2019 Sopot (POL) (1.60m) KURTIS VD BISSCHOP (BWP, 2010, grey, stallion by Darco) Level 1.60m - Andrea Benatti (ITA) and 1 placing @ 1.50m 9th CSI4* 2019 St. Tropez - Cogolin (FRA) (1.50m); 1st A5* 2021 San Giovanni in Marignano (ITA) - Nat. (1.45m) Castellucia Pommex Z (Z, 2021, grey, mare by Comme il faut) 2nd dam: Globe Pp Z (Z, 2000, dark chestnut, mare by Goodwill) Elchinni van de Flandria (BWP, 2004, grey, mare by Chin Chin) : see above 3rd dam: Cadin (Holst, 2000, bay, mare by Corrado I) Globe Pp Z (Z, 2000, dark chestnut, mare by Goodwill) : see above CLOUDBREAK (Eburon PP, Kleiner Onkel) (BWP, 2004, chestnut, stallion by Heartbreaker) 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Maria Madenova (RUS) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 8th CSIO4* 2016 Linz-Ebelsberg (AUT) (1.60m); 6th CSI3* 2015 Drachten (NED) (1.55m); 3rd CSI3* 2015 Samorin (SVK) (1.50m) 4th dam: Ciwi (Holst, 1988, chestnut, mare by Königspark xx) Picasso 296 (Holst, 1995, chestnut, gelding by Liostro) Level 1.50m - Luis Sabino Gonçalves (PRT) Cadin (Holst, 2000, bay, mare by Corrado I) : see above
Princess out of the Queen’s mother Sale Price:
ORVIETO Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z
23-03-2021 Colt - Hengst Dark Bay - Donker Bruin 21%
Sire: Oak Grove’s Heartthrob (Hann, 2016, chestnut, stallion by Heartbreaker) Approved for: BWP, Hann - 1 win @ Level 1.15m - Michael Baumgartner (CHE) and 3 wins - 1 placing @ 1.10m 1st Manche 1: Opglabbeek 2021 PAVO HC (1.15m); 1st CSIYH1* 2021 Knokke (BEL) (1.10m); 1st CSIYH1* 2021 Knokke (BEL) (1.10m) Sire of: Habiba Wb Z - (); Orchidée Imaginaire Kc Z - (); Umberto van Hippo-Lux - () 1st dam: PIRONELLA (CWHBA, 2005, black brown, mare by Nonstop) 5 placings @ Level 1.60m - Daniel Deusser (DEU) and 1 win - 3 placings @ 1.55m 5th CSIO5 2014 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m); 6th CSI5*-W 2014 Lyon (FRA) (1.60m); 9th CSI5* 2015 St. Tropez (FRA) (1.60m) Orvieto Pommex Z (Z, 2021, dark bay, stallion by Oak Grove’s Heartthrob) 2nd dam: Palisandra (Westf, 1985, bay, mare by Pilot) Gwendoline (Westf, 1989, bay, mare by Goldrausch II) PUMA (Westf, 1993, bay, gelding by Pluspunkt) Level 1.60m - Natale Chiaudani (ITA) and 2 placings @ 1.40m 2nd CSI5*-W 2008 Mechelen (BEL) (1.40m); 4th CSI-W 2002 World Cup 2002 Wellington (USA) (1.60m) PIRONELLA (CWHBA, 2005, black brown, mare by Nonstop) : see above 3rd dam: Ariane (Westf, 1980, bay, mare by Aarstein) Palisandra (Westf, 1985, bay, mare by Pilot) : see above Phill 4 (Westf, 1998, dark bay, gelding by Piano II) Level 1.45m - Holger Wulschner (DEU) 4th dam: Falka (Westf, 1968, mare by Frühtau) Ariane (Westf, 1980, bay, mare by Aarstein) : see above
100% Stephex Sale Price:
Pommex Z
Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
28-03-2021 Mare - Merrie Grey - Grijs 21%
Sire: ELDORADO VAN DE ZESHOEK TN (BWP, 2004, bay, stallion by Clinton) Approved for: AES, BA, BWP, Hann, KWPN, NRPS, OS, SF, SWB - 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Willem Greve (NLD) and 1 placing @ 1.55m, 8th CSIO5* 2015 St. Gallen (SUI) (1.60m); 5th CSI3* 2015 Eindhoven (NED) (1.55m); 1st CSI3* 2015 Arnhem (NED) (1.50m) Sire of: KILLER QUEEN VDM - Level 1.65m - €792,750; ELEKTRIC BLUE P - Level 1.65m - €604,167; JEUNESSE - Level 1.70m 1st dam: Elchinni van de Flandria (BWP, 2004, grey, mare by Chin Chin) JASMIEN VD BISSCHOP (BWP, 2009, grey, mare by Larino) 1 placing @ Level 1.65m - Daniel Deusser (DEU) and 3 wins - 12 placings @ 1.60m 2nd CSI5*-W 2020 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.65m); 1st CSI5* GCL Play off 2019 Prague (CZE) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5*-NC EUD1 2019 Sopot (POL) (1.60m) KURTIS VD BISSCHOP (BWP, 2010, grey, stallion by Darco) Level 1.60m - Andrea Benatti (ITA) and 1 placing @ 1.50m 9th CSI4* 2019 St. Tropez - Cogolin (FRA) (1.50m); 1st A5* 2021 San Giovanni in Marignano (ITA) - Nat. (1.45m) Evita Pommex Z (Z, 2021, grey, mare by Eldorado van de Zeshoek TN) 2nd dam: Globe Pp Z (Z, 2000, dark chestnut, mare by Goodwill) Elchinni van de Flandria (BWP, 2004, grey, mare by Chin Chin) : see above 3rd dam: Cadin (Holst, 2000, bay, mare by Corrado I) Globe Pp Z (Z, 2000, dark chestnut, mare by Goodwill) : see above CLOUDBREAK (Eburon PP, Kleiner Onkel) (BWP, 2004, chestnut, stallion by Heartbreaker) 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Maria Madenova (RUS) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 8th CSIO4* 2016 Linz-Ebelsberg (AUT) (1.60m); 6th CSI3* 2015 Drachten (NED) (1.55m); 3rd CSI3* 2015 Samorin (SVK) (1.50m) 4th dam: Ciwi (Holst, 1988, chestnut, mare by Königspark xx) Picasso 296 (Holst, 1995, chestnut, gelding by Liostro) Level 1.50m - Luis Sabino Gonçalves (PRT) Cadin (Holst, 2000, bay, mare by Corrado I) : see above
The best you can get Sale Price:
WAPITI Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z 04-04-2021 Mare - Merrie Bay - Bruin 21%
Sire: WINNINGMOOD (Winningmood van de Arenberg) (BWP, 1999, grey, stallion by Darco) Approved for: BWP, sBs, SF, SI, SWB - 6 wins - 37 placings @ Level 1.60m - Luciana Diniz (PRT) and 1 win - 16 placings @ 1.55m 1st CSI5* GCT 2015 Wien (AUT) (1.60m); 1st CSI5* GCT 2015 Madrid (ESP) (1.60m); 1st CSI5*-W 2011 Lyon (FRA) (1.60m) Sire of: WINNING GOOD - Level 1.60m; WINNETOU DE LA HAMENTE Z - Level 1.60m - €192,482; FANCYFACE - Level 1.50m 1st dam: LA BELLE DAME Z (Z, 2011, grey, mare by Levisto Z) Level 1.55m - Petronella Andersson (SWE) and 7 placings @ 1.45m 2nd CSI2* 2019 St. Tropez - Cogolin (FRA) (1.45m); 2nd CSI2* 2021 Kronenberg (NED) (1.40m); 2nd CSI2* 2020 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.40m) Wapiti Pommex Z (Z, 2021, bay, mare by Winningmood) 2nd dam: GRANDE DAME Z (Zorann) (Old, 1992, black brown, mare by Grannus) 4 wins - 3 placings @ Level 1.60m - Judy Ann Melchior (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 1st CSI-W 2003 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI-W 2001 Amsterdam (NED) (1.60m); 4th CSI5* 2006 La Coruña (ESP) (1.60m) Angel III (Old, 1996, bay, mare by Acord II) Level 1.45m - Carian Scudamore (GBR) LA BELLE DAME Z (Z, 2011, grey, mare by Levisto Z) : see above 3rd dam: Zola (Old, 1988, bay, mare by Ramino) GRANDE DAME Z (Zorann) (Old, 1992, black brown, mare by Grannus) : see above 4th dam: Zora (Old, 1980, bay, mare by Zeus) Zola (Old, 1988, bay, mare by Ramino) : see above
Winningmood’s scope and Levisto’s type Sale Price:
GUARDA Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z
22-04-2021 Mare - Merrie Dark Bay - Donker Bruin 21%
Sire: GRANDORADO TN (KWPN, 2011, bay, stallion by Eldorado van de Zeshoek TN) Approved for: Hann, Holst, KWPN, OS, SF, Z - 2 placings @ Level 1.55m - Willem Greve (NLD) and 4 placings @ 1.50m 8th CSI5* - GCT/GCL 2021 Valkenswaard (NED) (1.55m); 9th CSI5* 2021 ‘s Hertogenbosch (NED) (1.55m); 5th CSI5* - GCT/GCL 2021 Valkenswaard (NED) (1.50m) Sire of: Latrichta - (Level 1.15m) - €1,465; Granada Lvp - (Level 1.15m) - €352; Larado O - (Level 1.25m) - €213 1st dam: LA BELLE DAME Z (Z, 2011, grey, mare by Levisto Z) Level 1.55m - Petronella Andersson (SWE) and 7 placings @ 1.45m 2nd CSI2* 2019 St. Tropez - Cogolin (FRA) (1.45m); 2nd CSI2* 2021 Kronenberg (NED) (1.40m); 2nd CSI2* 2020 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.40m) Guarda Pommex Z (Z, 2021, dark bay, mare by Grandorado TN) 2nd dam: GRANDE DAME Z (Zorann) (Old, 1992, black brown, mare by Grannus) 4 wins - 3 placings @ Level 1.60m - Judy Ann Melchior (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 1st CSI-W 2003 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI-W 2001 Amsterdam (NED) (1.60m); 4th CSI5* 2006 La Coruña (ESP) (1.60m) Angel III (Old, 1996, bay, mare by Acord II) Level 1.45m - Carian Scudamore (GBR) LA BELLE DAME Z (Z, 2011, grey, mare by Levisto Z) : see above 3rd dam: Zola (Old, 1988, bay, mare by Ramino) GRANDE DAME Z (Zorann) (Old, 1992, black brown, mare by Grannus) : see above 4th dam: Zora (Old, 1980, bay, mare by Zeus) Zola (Old, 1988, bay, mare by Ramino) : see above
Perfect combination Sale Price:
TRINIDAD Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z
05-05-2021 Mare - Merrie Chestnut - Vos 21%
Sire: SCUDERIA 1918 TOBAGO Z (Tobago Z) (Z, 2008, chestnut, stallion by Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve) 1 placing @ Level 1.70m - Daniel Deusser (DEU) and 1 win @ 1.65m, 2nd CSIO5* 2019 Aachen (GER) (1.70m); 1st CSI5*-W 2019 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.65m); 1st CSI5* 2021 Wellington (USA) (1.60m) Sire of: Otello De Guldenboom - (Level 1.40m) - €1,464; Obelix de Guldenboom - (Level 1.40m) - €453; Top Gun Z - (Level 1.40m) - €195 1st dam: MAYA-S (BWP, 2012, chestnut, mare by Chacco-Blue) Level 1.50m - Michael Hughes (USA) and 1 placing @ 1.45m 1st NatChYH 2019 Gesves (BEL) (1.40m); 3rd CSI2* 2021 Kronenberg (NED) (1.40m); 3rd CSI2* 2021 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.40m) Trinidad Pommex Z (Z, 2021, chestnut, mare by Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z) 2nd dam: Usaura-S (BWP, 1997, chestnut, mare by Heartbreaker) AMAAI S (BWP, 2000, chestnut, gelding by Perhaps vh Molenvondel) Level 1.50m - Anouk Kort (NLD) and 1 placing @ 1.30m 1st CSI2* - 4e 2014 2014 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.20m); 1st CSI1* 2014 Roosendaal (NED) (1.20m) BONHEUR-S (BWP, 2001, bay, stallion by Toulon) 6 placings @ Level 1.50m - Luca Maria Moneta (ITA) and 3 wins - 14 placings @ 1.45m 4th CSI5*-W 2015 Helsinki (FIN) (1.50m); 5th CSI5*-W 2015 Madrid (ESP) (1.50m); 6th CSIO3* 2016 Drammen (NOR) (1.50m) VERDINE SZ (Z, 2007, bay, mare by Verdi TN) 1 win - 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Giulia Martinengo Marquet (ITA) and 7 placings @ 1.50m 1st CSIO5* 2018 Rome (ITA) (1.60m); 4th CSIO5* 2018 Falsterbo (SWE) (1.60m); 7th CSIO5* 2018 Sopot (POL) (1.60m) Ivoir-S (BWP, 2008, grey, stallion by Clinton) Approved for: AES - 1 placing @ Level 1.30m - Massimiliano Baroni (ITA) Laurens - S (BWP, 2011, chestnut, gelding by Spartacus TN) € 5,253 - 1 placing @ Level 1.45m - Charles Berthol (FRA) and 2 wins - 10 placings @ 1.40m 1st CSIYH1* 2018 Arezzo (ITA) (1.40m); 1st CSIYH1* 2018 Arezzo (ITA) (1.40m) MAYA-S (BWP, 2012, chestnut, mare by Chacco-Blue) : see above 3rd dam: Ozon-S (BWP, 1991, bay, mare by Feinschnitt I van de Richter) Usaura-S (BWP, 1997, chestnut, mare by Heartbreaker) : see above 4th dam: Lys Vrouw-S (BWP, 1988, bay or brown, mare by Lys de Darmen) Ozon-S (BWP, 1991, bay, mare by Feinschnitt I van de Richter) : see above Roxane ‘s’ (BWP, 1994, chestnut, mare by Voltaire) Axanne S (BWP, 2000, bay, mare by Nonstop) Level 1.45m - Marcel Vinzent (DEU)
The biggest names in sport and breeding Sale Price:
CHACOLINA Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z
08-05-2021 Mare - Merrie Brown - Donker Bruin 21%
Sire: CHACCO-BLUE (Chacco Blue) (Meckl, 1998, bay, stallion by Chambertin) Approved for: Hann, MV, Old, OS, Rhein, SF, SI, SWB, Westf - 4 placings @ Level 1.60m - Andreas Kreuzer (DEU) and 1 win - 2 placings @ 1.55m, 3rd CSIO5* 2011 Aachen (GER) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO5* 2010 Falsterbo (SWE) (1.60m); 7th CSIO5* 2011 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m) Sire of: EXPLOSION W - Level 1.70m; BLUE MOVIE - Level 1.70m; VDL GROEP MISS UNTOUCHABLE - Level 1.60m 1st dam: UBERLINA K (KWPN, 2001, bay, mare by Lux Z) Level 1.50m - Zoe Conter (BEL) and 5 placings @ 1.40m Chacolina Pommex Z (Z, 2021, dark bay, mare by Chacco-Blue) 2nd dam: Pikolina (KWPN, 1997, bay, mare by Zuidhorn) Level 1.35m - Linda Bratomi (ITA) UBERLINA K (KWPN, 2001, bay, mare by Lux Z) : see above 3rd dam: Happylina (KWPN, 1989, chestnut, mare by Uniek) Ladylina (KWPN, 1993, chestnut, mare by Amethist) Tinalina (KWPN, 2000, chestnut, mare by Guidam) dam of Vegas des Forets (SF, 2009, bay, stallion by Orlando) Level 1.45m - Brahim Ait Lounis (DZA) and 3 placings @ 1.35m Toberlina Deux (KWPN, 2000, bay, mare by Zuidhorn) Level 1.45m - Bobo Fuchs (SWE) AEROLUS SOW (KWPN, 2005, bay, gelding by Ephebe For Ever La Silla) Level 1.55m - Clément Boulanger (FRA) and 1 placing @ 1.35m 4th dam: Aberlina (KWPN, 1982, dark bay, mare by Legaat) Daberlina (KWPN, 1985, chestnut, mare by Uniek) Labordina (KWPN, 1993, bay, mare by Daimler) dam of UBERLINA (KWPN, 2001, bay, mare by Lux Z) Level 1.50m - Nina Fagerström (FIN) and 1 placing @ 1.45m Saberlina (KWPN, 1999, grey, mare by Cavalier) dam of ZORRO (KWPN, 2004, grey, stallion by Clinton) Approved for: BWP, SWB - Level 1.50m - Vincent Lambrecht (BEL) and 1 placing @ 1.45m Naberlina (KWPN, 1995, bay, mare by Landwind II B) VIVOLINUS (KWPN, 2002, chestnut, gelding by Guidam) Level 1.60m - Caroline Thorvaldsen (NOR) and 2 placings @ 1.50m 6th - 2018 Drammen (NOR) - Nat. (1.50m); 9th - 2017 Arendal (NOR) - Nat. (1.50m); 9th CSIO3* 2016 Odense (DEN) (1.50m) Paberlina (KWPN, 1997, chestnut, mare by Landwind II B) Chellina Z (Z, 2002, mare by Chellano Z) dam of UMEUNIG Z (Z, 2006, chestnut, stallion by Untouchable Z) 4 placings @ Level 1.60m - Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) and 1 win - 3 placings @ 1.55m Sivolina (KWPN, 1999, black brown, mare by Hemmingway) COLLINUS (KWPN, 2007, bay, gelding by Nabab de Reve) 1 placing @ Level 1.55m - Philippe Leoni (FRA) and 2 placings @ 1.50m 5th CSI3* 2017 Vermezzo (ITA) (1.55m); 1st CSI2* 2017 Rome, Foro Italico (ITA) (1.45m); 3rd CSI2* 2016 Manerbio (ITA) (1.45m) Evolinus (KWPN, 2009, dark bay, stallion by Nabab de Reve) 1 placing @ Level 1.50m - Cassio Rivetti (BRA) and 1 win - 3 placings @ 1.45m 1st CSI3* 2020 Thermal CA (USA) (1.45m) Udaberlina (KWPN, 2001, bay, mare by Guidam) ZOLINA (KWPN, 2004, black brown, mare by Solitair) Level 1.55m - Evelyne Blaton (BEL) and 1 win - 12 placings @ 1.45m 1st CSN 12 2016 Meerdonk (BEL) - Nat. (1.45m); 2nd CSN 39 2015 Neeroeteren (BEL) - Nat. (1.45m); 2nd Classic Tour - Sellerie Gilbert 2018 Basècles (BEL) - Nat. (1.40m)
Filly by Chacco Blue Sale Price:
TSELANO Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z
12-05-2021 Colt - Hengst Bay - Bruin 21%
Sire: SCUDERIA 1918 TOBAGO Z (Tobago Z) (Z, 2008, chestnut, stallion by Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve) 1 placing @ Level 1.70m - Daniel Deusser (DEU) and 1 win @ 1.65m, 2nd CSIO5* 2019 Aachen (GER) (1.70m); 1st CSI5*-W 2019 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.65m); 1st CSI5* 2021 Wellington (USA) (1.60m) Sire of: Otello De Guldenboom - (Level 1.40m) - €1,464; Obelix de Guldenboom - (Level 1.40m) - €453; Top Gun Z - (Level 1.40m) €195 1st dam: ERENICE HORTA (BWP, 2004, grey, mare by Diamant de Semilly) 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Edwina Tops-Alexander (AUS) and 3 placings @ 1.55m 5th CSI5*-W 2012 Lyon (FRA) (1.60m); 7th CSI5*-W 2012 London-Olympia (GBR) (1.60m); 5th CSI5* 2013 ‘s Hertogenbosch (NED) (1.55m) IRENICE HORTA (BWP, 2008, grey, mare by Vigo d’Arsouilles) 3 placings @ Level 1.65m - Cian O’Connor (IRL) and 8 placings @ 1.60m 2nd CSIO5* 2019 Rome (ITA) (1.65m); 3rd Tryon (USA) 2018 WEG-S (1.65m); 7th Tryon (USA) 2018 WEG-S (1.65m) Morris Horta (BWP, 2012, grey, stallion by Eldorado van de Zeshoek TN) Level 1.55m - Martien Vander Hoeven (USA) and 1 placing @ 1.50m 2nd Pin Oak Charity II 2021 Katy, TX (USA) - Nat. (1.45m); 2nd Pin Oak Charity I 2021 Katy, TX (USA) - Nat. (1.45m); 3rd Spring 6 2021 Tryon (USA) - Nat. (1.45m) Tselano Pommex Z (Z, 2021, bay, stallion by Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z) 2nd dam: Berenice of Colors (BWP, 2001, grey, mare by Parco) ERENICE HORTA (BWP, 2004, grey, mare by Diamant de Semilly) : see above Le Diamant Horta (BWP, 2011, grey, stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Approved for: BWP - Level 1.45m - José Luiz Guimaraes De Carvalho (BRA) and 1 win - 1 placing @ 1.40m 1st CSN 5 2018 Gesves (BEL) (1.40m); 1st CSN 905 (Meerdonk) 2018 PAVO HC (1.30m) Quint Horta (BWP, 2016, bay, stallion by Mosito van het Hellehof) Approved for: AWHA 3rd dam: Herenice de Baugy (SF, 1995, bay, mare by Qredo de Paulstra) Berenice of Colors (BWP, 2001, grey, mare by Parco) : see above Gernice of Colors (BWP, 2006, dark bay, mare by Corrado I) Level 1.40m - Awad Alqahtani (QAT) and 11 placings @ 1.35m Kasco Horta (BWP, 2010, grey, stallion by Cassini I) 1 placing @ Level 1.50m - Niklas Jonsson (SWE) and 1 placing @ 1.45m 3rd - 2020 Högbo (SWE) - Nat. (1.50m); 10th Summer Games with ATG Riders League 2021 Sundbyholm (SWE) - Nat. (1.50m) ISIDOOR VAN DE HELLE (BWP, 2008, bay, stallion by Canturo) Approved for: sBs - 1 win - 3 placings @ Level 1.60m - Constant Van Paesschen (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 1st CSI4* 2021 St. Tropez - Grimaud (FRA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI4* 2021 St. Tropez Grimaud (FRA) (1.60m); 6th CSI4* 2020 St. Tropez - Grimaud (FRA) (1.60m) 4th dam: Urenice de Baugy (SF, 1986, bay, mare by Grand Veneur) Dear de Baugy (SF, 1991, bay, mare by Laudanum xx)Indiana de Baugy (SF, 1996, mare by Urbain du Monnai) dam of TANGO DU TERTRE (SF, 2007, gelding by Calvaro Z) Level 1.50m - Antoine Goffin (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.45m Jokawa de Baugy (Jowaha) (SF, 1997, bay, mare by Papillon Rouge) dam of Plinton (SF, 2003, grey, gelding by Clinton) Level 1.50m - Xavier Vacher (FRA) and 2 placings @ 1.40m Far West de Baugy (SF, 1993, bay, stallion by Laudanum xx) Approved for: SF Available Ohio (Ohio de Baugy) (SF, 2002, bay, stallion by Flipper d’Elle) Level 1.50m - Tim Hoster (DEU)
Son of the star Erenice Horta Sale Price:
CASTEL Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z 23-05-2021 Mare - Merrie Bay - Bruin 21%
Sire: Conthargos (OS, 2004, dark bay, stallion by Converter I) Approved for: FWB, Hann, Holst, MV, Old, OS, Rhein, S-ZV, Westf Sire of: COSA NOSTRA - Level 1.65m - €99,468; EASY GIRL - Level 1.60m - €89,485; CONCONA - Level 1.65m - €82,817 1st dam: Takotak Z (SF, 2014, chestnut, mare by Telstar de la Pomme) 1 placing @ Level 1.45m - Kendra Claricia Brinkop (DEU) and 2 wins - 3 placings @ 1.40m 2nd Opglabbeek 2021 NatChYH (Belgium) (1.45m); 1st Opglabbeek 2021 NatChYH (Belgium) (1.40m); 1st Opglabbeek 2021 NatChYH (Belgium) (1.40m) Castel Pommex Z (Z, 2021, bay, mare by Conthargos) 2nd dam: NARCOTIQUE DE MUZE II (sBs, 1997, bay, mare by Darco) Level 1.60m - Eric Lamaze (CAN) and 1 win - 1 placing @ 1.50m 1st CSI2* 2009 Wellington (USA) (1.50m); 10th CSI5* 2008 Deauville (FRA) (1.50m) QUERLYBET HERO (Loro Piana Querlybet Hero) (sBs, 2000, bay, stallion by Baloubet du Rouet) Approved for: BWP, sBs, SF - Level 1.60m - Philippe Le Jeune (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.50m 4th CSIO5* 2011 La Baule (FRA) (1.50m); 10th CSI5*-W 2011 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.50m); 10th CSN 35 2009 Duisburg (BEL) - Nat. (1.50m) Azuela de Muze (BWP, 2000, bay, mare by Heartbreaker) Level 1.40m - Fanny Queloz (CHE) and 2 placings @ 1.35m dam of VEDET DE MUZE ET (sBs, 2005, bay, stallion by Cartani 4) 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Joe Clee (GBR) and 4 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSIO5* 2015 Rotterdam (NED) (1.55m); 7th CSI3* 2014 Brussels Stephex Masters (BEL) (1.55m); 9th CSI5* 2015 Basel (SUI) (1.55m) LORO PIANA BOYANTE DE MUZE (BWP, 2001, chestnut, mare by Kashmir van Schuttershof) 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Carla Cimolai (ITA) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 4th CSI5*-W 2011 Lyon (FRA) (1.60m); 7th CSI4* 2011 Amsterdam (NED) (1.60m); 5th CSI3* 2013 Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BEL) (1.55m) ESTOY AQUI DE MUZE HDC (BWP, 2004, chestnut, mare by Malito de Reve) 21 placings @ Level 1.60m - Kevin Staut (FRA) and 1 win - 5 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSIO5* 2016 Aachen (GER) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO5* 2013 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m); 4th CSI5* 2014 Los Angeles (USA) (1.60m) Sauterelle de la Pomme STX (sBs, 2002, bay, mare by For Pleasure) Level 1.45m - Philippe Le Jeune (BEL) and 1 placing @ 1.35m VAGABOND DE LA POMME (sBs, 2005, bay, stallion by Vigo d’Arsouilles) Approved for: KWPN, sBs, SF - 2 wins - 29 placings @ Level 1.60m - Nicolas Delmotte (FRA) and 1 win - 11 placings @ 1.55m 1st Göteborg (SWE) 2016 World Cup Final (jumping) (1.60m); 1st 2015 - Las Vegas (USA) 2015 World Cup Final (jumping) (1.60m); 2nd CSIO5* 2018 Sopot (POL) (1.60m) Teekitiezzie de Muze (Teekitiezzy De Muze) (sBs, 2003, black brown, mare by For Pleasure) Level 1.45m - Jonas Vervoort (BEL) GO EASY DE MUZE (BWP, 2006, bay or brown, stallion by Vigo d’Arsouilles) 11 placings @ Level 1.60m - Darragh Kenny (IRL) and 4 wins - 4 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSIO4* 2020 Wellington (USA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI5*-W 2016 Lyon (FRA) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO5* 2018 Ocala (USA) (1.60m) HOCUS POCUS DE MUZE (BWP, 2007, chestnut, stallion by Tinka’s Boy (Hooper)) 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Harrie Smolders (NLD) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 3rd CSI4*-W 2019 Vancouver-Langley (CAN) (1.60m); 2nd CSIO5* 2018 Gijon (ESP) (1.55m); 1st CSI3* 2017 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.50m) ICEMAN DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, bay, stallion by Erco van ‘t Roosakker) Approved for: BWP - 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Schuyler Riley (USA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 9th CSI3* 2018 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.55m); 3rd CSI5* 2019 Saugerties, NY (USA) (1.50m); 4th WEF 1 2020 Wellington, Palm Beach (USA) - Nat. (1.50m) Elite de la Pomme (BWP, 2004, grey, mare by Malito de Reve) Hapache de Verby (BWP, 2007, bay, mare by Lord Z) dam of NERO DE SEMILLY N. (BWP, 2013, bay, stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Approved for: AES - € 8,293 - Level 1.50m - Jeroen Appelen (BEL) and 2 wins - 3 placings @ 1.40m Exellentia de Muze (BWP, 2004, bay, mare by For Pleasure) HUXX DE MUZE (BWP, 2007, bay, gelding by Nabab de Reve) Level 1.60m - Jonathan Chabrol (FRA) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 7th CSI3* 2018 Vittel (FRA) (1.55m); 7th CSI4* 2016 Ascona (SUI) (1.55m HEROINE DE MUZE (BWP, 2007, bay, mare by Tinka’s Boy (Hooper)) 5 placings @ Level 1.60m - Taizo Sugitani (JPN) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 3rd CSIO5*-W-NC EUD2 2019 Athens (GRE) (1.60m); 4th CSI3* 2021 Samorin (SVK) (1.60m); 4th CSIO3* 2017 Samorin (SVK) (1.60m) dam of LEVIS DE MUZE (BWP, 2011, bay, stallion by Elvis ter Putte) Approved for: Z - € 54,724 - 4 placings @ Level 1.60m - Ioli Mytilineou (GRC) and 3 placings @ 1.55m INSHALLAH DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, chestnut, stallion by Nabab de Reve) Approved for: BWP - Level 1.60m - Julio Arias Cueva (ESP) and 2 placings @ 1.45m 3rd CSIYH1* 2016 Drachten (NED) (1.40m) INCROYABLE DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, bay or brown, mare by Nabab de Reve) 2 placings @ Level 1.50m - Marc Bettinger (DEU) and 2 wins - 8 placings @ 1.45m 3rd CSIO5* 2017 Gijon (ESP) (1.50m) IPHIGENEIA DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, bay, mare by Erco van ‘t Roosakker) 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Grégory Wathelet (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 7th CSI5* 2019 Paris (FRA) (1.55m) FARFELU DE LA POMME (BWP, 2005, chestnut, mare by Vigo d’Arsouilles) 3 placings @ Level 1.60m - Jos Verlooy (BEL) and 3 placings @ 1.55m 4th CSI2*-W 2014 Las Vegas (USA) (1.60m) SEA COAST FERLY (Ferly de Muze) (BWP, 2005, grey, mare by Calato Z) 4 placings @ Level 1.60m - Gudrun Patteet (BEL) and 7 placings @ 1.55m 8th CSI5* 2017 Paris (FRA) (1.60m) GIOVANI DE LA POMME (BWP, 2006, bay, stallion by Shindler de Muze) Approved for: SF - 5 placings @ Level 1.60m - Julien Epaillard (FRA) and 5 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSIO5* 2017 Lummen (BEL) (1.60m) 3rd dam: QERLY CHIN (Querly Chin) (BWP, 1993, bay, mare by Chin Chin) 5 placings @ Level 1.60m - Christophe Barbeau (CHE) 4th CSI-W 2004 Amsterdam (NED) (1.60m); 5th CSI-W 2003 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.60m) MERVEILLE DE MUZE (sBs, 1996, bay, mare by Nabab de Reve) Level 1.60m - Davide Kainich (ITA) and 1 win @ 1.45m 1st CSI2*-W 2008 - World Cup 2008 Lipica (SLO) (1.45m) Bamboula de Guldenboom (Bamboula de Muze) (BWP, 2001, bay, mare by Rubens du Ri d’Asse) Level 1.50m - Orlando Izzo (ITA) and 3 placings @ 1.45m dam of LORO PIANA FILOU DE MUZE (Filou de Muze) (BWP, 2005, bay, stallion by Stakkato) Approved for: sBs - 8 placings @ Level 1.60m - Lucia Le Jeune Vizzini (ITA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m EDISON VAN SCHUTTERSHOF (sBs, 2010, black, stallion by Darco) Approved for: AES - € 32,349 - 1 placing @ Level 1.55m - Gilles Thomas (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.50m 3rd CSIY-A 2019 Valkenswaard (NED) NARCOTIQUE DE MUZE IV (sBs, 1997, chestnut, mare by Quidam de Revel) Level 1.50m - Johan Philippaerts (BEL) 2nd CSI2* 2006 Beervelde (BEL) (1.45m); 10th CSI3* 2007 - Grand Prix 2007 Arezzo (ITA) (1.50m) JENSON VAN ‘T MEULENHOF (BWP, 2009, bay, stallion by Vagabond de la Pomme) Approved for: sBs - Level 1.70m - Niels Bruynseels (BEL) and 4 placings @ 1.60m 2nd CSIO5*-NC Final 2019 Barcelona (ESP) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO5*-NC EUD1 2021 La Baule (FRA) (1.60m); 4th CSI5* GCT/GCL 2019 London (GBR) (1.60m) Dieu Merci van ‘t Meulenhof (sBs, 2009, bay, gelding by Bamako de Muze) 1 placing @ Level 1.45m - Yves Houtackers (NLD) and 2 wins - 9 placings @ 1.40m 2nd CSI2* Silver 2018 Waregem (BEL) (1.45m); NARCOTIQUE DE MUZE II (sBs, 1997, bay, mare by Darco) : see above Werly Chin de Muze (BWP, 1999, chestnut, mare by Nabab de Reve) Level 1.60m - Richard Davenport (GBR) 10th CSI4* 2008 - Grand Prix 2008 Vejer de la Frontera (ESP) (1.60m) DERLY CHIN DE MUZE (BWP, 2003, chestnut, mare by For Pleasure) 9 placings @ Level 1.60m - Sharn Wordley (NZL) and 3 placings @ 1.50m 2nd CSI5*-W 2012 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m); 3rd CSI4* 2012 Antwerpen (BEL) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO4* 2012 Wellington (USA) (1.60m) dam of KILLER QUEEN VDM (BWP, 2010, bay, mare by Eldorado van de Zeshoek TN) € 792,750 - 1 win - 1 placing @ Level 1.65m - Daniel Deusser (DEU) and 5 wins - 13 placings @ 1.60m DIABLESSE DE MUZE (BWP, 2003, chestnut, mare by Baloubet du Rouet) 8 placings @ Level 1.60m - Joe Clee (GBR) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 2nd CSI5*-W 2014 Zürich (SUI) (1.60m); 4th CSIO5* 2014 Rome EVERLYCHIN DE LA POMME (BWP, 2004, bay, mare by Malito de Reve) Level 1.60m - Shane Sweetnam (IRL) and 2 placings @ 1.50m 6th CSI4*-W 2012 New York - North Salem (USA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI4*-W 2013 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.50m); 9th CSI5* 2013 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.50m) dam of KASANOVA DE LA POMME (BWP, 2010, bay, stallion by Bamako de Muze) Approved for: BA, BWP, OS - € 15,124 - 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Koen Vereecke (BEL) and 1 placing @ 1.50m KIRSCHWASSER SCF (BWP, 2010, chestnut, stallion by Amaretto d’Arco) € 109,006 - Level 1.65m - Shane Sweetnam (IRL) and 2 wins - 6 placings @ 1.60m 1st CSI4* 2019 Bridgehampton (USA) (1.60m); 1st CSI5* GCT/GCL 2019 Mexico City (MEX) (1.60m); 4th CSIO5*-NC EUD1 2019 Dublin (IRL) (1.60m) EXQUIS WALNUT DE MUZE (Walnut de Muze) (BWP, 1999, bay, mare by Nabab de Reve) 4 wins - 19 placings @ Level 1.60m - Harrie Smolders (NLD) and 1 win - 2 placings @ 1.55m 1st CSI5* 2012 Madrid (ESP) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5* 2009 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m); 2nd CSI5* 2010 Madrid (ESP) (1.60m) FALAISE DE MUZE (BWP, 2005, chestnut, stallion by Wandor van de Mispelaere) 2 placings @ Level 1.50m - Annelies Vorsselmans (BEL) and 5 placings @ 1.45m 10th CSI3* 2015 Drachten (NED) (1.50m) I’M SPECIAL DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, dark bay, stallion by Emerald) Approved for: BWP, Holst, OS, SF - 2 placings @ Level 1.50m - Zoi Snels (NLD) and 1 win - 2 placings @ 1.45m WALLOON DE MUZE (BWP, 1999, black brown, mare by Nabab de Reve) 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Cedric Bellanger (FRA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 10th CSI3* 2011 Canteleu (FRA) (1.60m) Centa de Muze (BWP, 2002, grey, mare by Cento) dam of HORIZON DE REGOR (BWP, 2007, chestnut, stallion by Obourg) 6 placings @ Level 1.60m - Pieter Clemens (BEL) and 5 placings @ 1.55m TOUPIE DE LA ROQUE (SF, 2007, chestnut, mare by Kannan) Level 1.65m - Julien Epaillard (FRA) and 2 wins - 5 placings @ 1.60m 1st CSI5*-W 2020 Amsterdam (NED) (1.60m); 1st CSI5*-W 2017 London-Olympia (GBR) (1.60m); 2nd CSI4* 2017 Rouen (FRA) (1.60m) Whyaway de Litrange XXxiii (BWP, 1999, bay or brown, mare by Mr. Blue) ENSOR DE LITRANGE LXIII (BWP, 2004, bay, gelding by Nabab de Reve) 1 placing @ Level 1.70m - Lorenzo de Luca (ITA) and 7 wins - 36 placings @ 1.60m 1st CSIO5*-NC Final 2018 Barcelona (ESP) (1.60m); 1st CSI5* GCT/GCL 2017 Valkenswaard (NED) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5* 2017 Rome (ITA) (1.60m) 4th dam: KERLY D92 (BWP, 1987, chestnut, mare by Pachat II) Level 1.60m - David Jobertie (FRA) 2nd CSI-B 1996 Lummen (BEL) (1.60m); 3rd CSI-B 1995 Lummen (BEL) (1.50m); 3rd CSI-B 1996 - Grand Prix 1996 Filot (BEL) (1.45m)
Mother is vice Belgian champion Sale Price:
CHILLY Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z 10-06-2021 Mare - Merrie Chestnut - Vos 21%
Sire: CHACCO-BLUE (Chacco Blue) (Meckl, 1998, bay, stallion by Chambertin) Approved for: Hann, MV, Old, OS, Rhein, SF, SI, SWB, Westf - 4 placings @ Level 1.60m - Andreas Kreuzer (DEU) and 1 win - 2 placings @ 1.55m 3rd CSIO5* 2011 Aachen (GER) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO5* 2010 Falsterbo (SWE) (1.60m); 7th CSIO5* 2011 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m) Sire of: EXPLOSION W - Level 1.70m; BLUE MOVIE - Level 1.70m; VDL GROEP MISS UNTOUCHABLE - Level 1.60m 1st dam: ESPYRANTE (Espyrante Van Het Groeshof) (BWP, 2004, chestnut, mare by Obourg) 1 win - 7 placings @ Level 1.60m - Daniel Deusser (DEU) and 1 win - 4 placings @ 1.55m 1st CSI5*-W 2015 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI5* 2013 Lyon (FRA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI4* 2013 Chernyakhovsk (RUS) (1.60m) Chilly Pommex Z (Z, 2021, chestnut, mare by Chacco-Blue) 2nd dam: Watch-Me (Watch-Me Van Het Groeshof) (BWP, 1999, chestnut, mare by Pauillac de Meia Lua) ESPYRANTE (Espyrante Van Het Groeshof) (BWP, 2004, chestnut, mare by Obourg) : see above 3rd dam: Pykette (BWP, 1992, chestnut, mare by Sheyenne de Baugy) Variant de Pykette (Variant de Pykette vh Groeshof) (BWP, 1998, chestnut, gelding by Pauillac de Meia Lua) Level 1.50m - Bart Anthonissen (BEL) Watch-Me (Watch-Me Van Het Groeshof) (BWP, 1999, chestnut, mare by Pauillac de Meia Lua) : see above Finesse de Pykette vh Groeshof (BWP, 2005, chestnut, mare by Jockey Club Tresor) Izane van het Groeshof (BWP, 2008, chestnut, mare by Muscaris d’Ariel) Level 1.45m - Alexandra Lepage Rantet (FRA) and 4 placings @ 1.30m 4th dam: Holiday (BWP, 1984, bay, mare by Melchior) Pykette (BWP, 1992, chestnut, mare by Sheyenne de Baugy) : see above Roman Nra (Roman) (NRPS, 1999, bay, mare by Animo) INTERNATIONAL POPCORN (Glossy) (KWPN, 2011, bay, mare by Bustique) € 3,958 - 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Denis Lynch (IRL) and 4 placings @ 1.45m 7th CSI3* 2019 Birmingham (GBR) (1.60m); 1st CSIYH1* 2019 Frankfurt (GER) (1.40m); 1st CSIYH1* 2019 Frankfurt (GER) (1.40m)
Both parents jumped 1.60m Sale Price:
VERNAZZA Birthdate - Geboortedatum Gender - Geslacht Colour - Kleur VAT - BTW
Pommex Z
15-06-2021 Mare - Merrie Dark Bay - Donker Bruin 21%
Sire: VERDI TN (Vanquidam-M, Q-Verdi) (KWPN, 2002, bay, stallion by Quidam de Revel) Approved for: AES, Hann, Holst, KWPN, Old, OS, SF, Z - 3 placings @ Level 1.70m - Maikel van der Vleuten (NLD) and 17 wins - 70 placings @ 1.60m 2nd CSIO5* 2018 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.70m); 8th CSIO5* 2018 Aachen (GER) (1.70m); 1st CSI5* GCL Play off 2018 Prague (CZE) (1.60m) Sire of: CHAPLIN - Level 1.60m; IBELLE ASK - Level 1.70m; NEW YORK - Level 1.60m 1st dam: Kracotte Z (Z, 2014, black brown, mare by Kannan) Vernazza Pommex Z (Z, 2021, dark bay, mare by Verdi TN) 2nd dam: NARCOTIQUE DE MUZE II (sBs, 1997, bay, mare by Darco) Level 1.60m - Eric Lamaze (CAN) and 1 win - 1 placing @ 1.50m 1st CSI2* 2009 Wellington (USA) (1.50m); 10th CSI5* 2008 Deauville (FRA) (1.50m) QUERLYBET HERO (Loro Piana Querlybet Hero) (sBs, 2000, bay, stallion by Baloubet du Rouet) Approved for: BWP, sBs, SF - Level 1.60m - Philippe Le Jeune (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.50m 4th CSIO5* 2011 La Baule (FRA) (1.50m); 10th CSI5*-W 2011 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.50m); 10th CSN 35 2009 Duisburg (BEL) - Nat. (1.50m) Azuela de Muze (BWP, 2000, bay, mare by Heartbreaker) Level 1.40m - Fanny Queloz (CHE) and 2 placings @ 1.35m dam of VEDET DE MUZE ET (sBs, 2005, bay, stallion by Cartani 4) 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Joe Clee (GBR) and 4 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSIO5* 2015 Rotterdam (NED) (1.55m); 7th CSI3* 2014 Brussels - Stephex Masters (BEL) (1.55m); 9th CSI5* 2015 Basel (SUI) (1.55m) LORO PIANA BOYANTE DE MUZE (BWP, 2001, chestnut, mare by Kashmir van Schuttershof) 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Carla Cimolai (ITA) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 4th CSI5*-W 2011 Lyon (FRA) (1.60m); 7th CSI4* 2011 Amsterdam (NED) (1.60m); 5th CSI3* 2013 Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BEL) (1.55m) ESTOY AQUI DE MUZE HDC (BWP, 2004, chestnut, mare by Malito de Reve) 21 placings @ Level 1.60m - Kevin Staut (FRA) and 1 win - 5 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSIO5* 2016 Aachen (GER) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO5* 2013 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m); 4th CSI5* 2014 Los Angeles (USA) (1.60m) Sauterelle de la Pomme STX (sBs, 2002, bay, mare by For Pleasure) Level 1.45m - Philippe Le Jeune (BEL) and 1 placing @ 1.35m VAGABOND DE LA POMME (sBs, 2005, bay, stallion by Vigo d’Arsouilles) Approved for: KWPN, sBs, SF - 2 wins - 29 placings @ Level 1.60m - Nicolas Delmotte (FRA) and 1 win - 11 placings @ 1.55m 1st Göteborg (SWE) 2016 World Cup Final (jumping) (1.60m); 1st 2015 - Las Vegas (USA) 2015 World Cup Final (jumping) (1.60m); 2nd CSIO5* 2018 Sopot (POL) (1.60m) Teekitiezzie de Muze (Teekitiezzy De Muze) (sBs, 2003, black brown, mare by For Pleasure) Level 1.45m - Jonas Vervoort (BEL) GO EASY DE MUZE (BWP, 2006, bay or brown, stallion by Vigo d’Arsouilles) 11 placings @ Level 1.60m - Darragh Kenny (IRL) and 4 wins - 4 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSIO4* 2020 Wellington (USA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI5*-W 2016 Lyon (FRA) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO5* 2018 Ocala (USA) (1.60m) HOCUS POCUS DE MUZE (BWP, 2007, chestnut, stallion by Tinka’s Boy (Hooper)) 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Harrie Smolders (NLD) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 3rd CSI4*-W 2019 Vancouver-Langley (CAN) (1.60m); 2nd CSIO5* 2018 Gijon (ESP) (1.55m); 1st CSI3* 2017 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.50m) ICEMAN DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, bay, stallion by Erco van ‘t Roosakker) Approved for: BWP - 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Schuyler Riley (USA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 9th CSI3* 2018 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.55m); 3rd CSI5* 2019 Saugerties, NY (USA) (1.50m); 4th WEF 1 2020 Wellington, Palm Beach (USA) - Nat. (1.50m) Elite de la Pomme (BWP, 2004, grey, mare by Malito de Reve) Hapache de Verby (BWP, 2007, bay, mare by Lord Z) dam of NERO DE SEMILLY N. (BWP, 2013, bay, stallion by Diamant de Semilly) Approved for: AES - € 8,293 - Level 1.50m - Jeroen Appelen (BEL) and 2 wins - 3 placings @ 1.40m Exellentia de Muze (BWP, 2004, bay, mare by For Pleasure) HUXX DE MUZE (BWP, 2007, bay, gelding by Nabab de Reve) Level 1.60m - Jonathan Chabrol (FRA) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 7th CSI3* 2018 Vittel (FRA) (1.55m); 7th CSI4* 2016 Ascona (SUI) (1.55m HEROINE DE MUZE (BWP, 2007, bay, mare by Tinka’s Boy (Hooper)) 5 placings @ Level 1.60m - Taizo Sugitani (JPN) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 3rd CSIO5*-W-NC EUD2 2019 Athens (GRE) (1.60m); 4th CSI3* 2021 Samorin (SVK) (1.60m); 4th CSIO3* 2017 Samorin (SVK) (1.60m) dam of LEVIS DE MUZE (BWP, 2011, bay, stallion by Elvis ter Putte) Approved for: Z - € 54,724 - 4 placings @ Level 1.60m - Ioli Mytilineou (GRC) and 3 placings @ 1.55m INSHALLAH DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, chestnut, stallion by Nabab de Reve) Approved for: BWP - Level 1.60m - Julio Arias Cueva (ESP) and 2 placings @ 1.45m 3rd CSIYH1* 2016 Drachten (NED) (1.40m) INCROYABLE DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, bay or brown, mare by Nabab de Reve) 2 placings @ Level 1.50m - Marc Bettinger (DEU) and 2 wins - 8 placings @ 1.45m 3rd CSIO5* 2017 Gijon (ESP) (1.50m) IPHIGENEIA DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, bay, mare by Erco van ‘t Roosakker) 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Grégory Wathelet (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 7th CSI5* 2019 Paris (FRA) (1.55m) FARFELU DE LA POMME (BWP, 2005, chestnut, mare by Vigo d’Arsouilles) 3 placings @ Level 1.60m - Jos Verlooy (BEL) and 3 placings @ 1.55m 4th CSI2*-W 2014 Las Vegas (USA) (1.60m) SEA COAST FERLY (Ferly de Muze) (BWP, 2005, grey, mare by Calato Z) 4 placings @ Level 1.60m - Gudrun Patteet (BEL) and 7 placings @ 1.55m 8th CSI5* 2017 Paris (FRA) (1.60m) GIOVANI DE LA POMME (BWP, 2006, bay, stallion by Shindler de Muze) Approved for: SF - 5 placings @ Level 1.60m - Julien Epaillard (FRA) and 5 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSIO5* 2017 Lummen (BEL) (1.60m) 3rd dam: QERLY CHIN (Querly Chin) (BWP, 1993, bay, mare by Chin Chin) 5 placings @ Level 1.60m - Christophe Barbeau (CHE) 4th CSI-W 2004 Amsterdam (NED) (1.60m); 5th CSI-W 2003 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.60m) MERVEILLE DE MUZE (sBs, 1996, bay, mare by Nabab de Reve) Level 1.60m - Davide Kainich (ITA) and 1 win @ 1.45m 1st CSI2*-W 2008 - World Cup 2008 Lipica (SLO) (1.45m) Bamboula de Guldenboom (Bamboula de Muze) (BWP, 2001, bay, mare by Rubens du Ri d’Asse) Level 1.50m - Orlando Izzo (ITA) and 3 placings @ 1.45m dam of LORO PIANA FILOU DE MUZE (Filou de Muze) (BWP, 2005, bay, stallion by Stakkato) Approved for: sBs - 8 placings @ Level 1.60m - Lucia Le Jeune Vizzini (ITA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m EDISON VAN SCHUTTERSHOF (sBs, 2010, black, stallion by Darco) Approved for: AES - € 32,349 - 1 placing @ Level 1.55m - Gilles Thomas (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.50m 3rd CSIY-A 2019 Valkenswaard (NED) NARCOTIQUE DE MUZE IV (sBs, 1997, chestnut, mare by Quidam de Revel) Level 1.50m - Johan Philippaerts (BEL) 2nd CSI2* 2006 Beervelde (BEL) (1.45m); 10th CSI3* 2007 - Grand Prix 2007 Arezzo (ITA) (1.50m) JENSON VAN ‘T MEULENHOF (BWP, 2009, bay, stallion by Vagabond de la Pomme) Approved for: sBs - Level 1.70m - Niels Bruynseels (BEL) and 4 placings @ 1.60m 2nd CSIO5*-NC Final 2019 Barcelona (ESP) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO5*-NC EUD1 2021 La Baule (FRA) (1.60m); 4th CSI5* GCT/GCL 2019 London (GBR) (1.60m) Dieu Merci van ‘t Meulenhof (sBs, 2009, bay, gelding by Bamako de Muze) 1 placing @ Level 1.45m - Yves Houtackers (NLD) and 2 wins - 9 placings @ 1.40m 2nd CSI2* Silver 2018 Waregem (BEL) (1.45m); NARCOTIQUE DE MUZE II (sBs, 1997, bay, mare by Darco) : see above Werly Chin de Muze (BWP, 1999, chestnut, mare by Nabab de Reve) Level 1.60m - Richard Davenport (GBR) 10th CSI4* 2008 - Grand Prix 2008 Vejer de la Frontera (ESP) (1.60m) DERLY CHIN DE MUZE (BWP, 2003, chestnut, mare by For Pleasure) 9 placings @ Level 1.60m - Sharn Wordley (NZL) and 3 placings @ 1.50m 2nd CSI5*-W 2012 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m); 3rd CSI4* 2012 Antwerpen (BEL) (1.60m); 3rd CSIO4* 2012 Wellington (USA) (1.60m) dam of KILLER QUEEN VDM (BWP, 2010, bay, mare by Eldorado van de Zeshoek TN) € 792,750 - 1 win - 1 placing @ Level 1.65m - Daniel Deusser (DEU) and 5 wins - 13 placings @ 1.60m DIABLESSE DE MUZE (BWP, 2003, chestnut, mare by Baloubet du Rouet) 8 placings @ Level 1.60m - Joe Clee (GBR) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 2nd CSI5*-W 2014 Zürich (SUI) (1.60m); 4th CSIO5* 2014 Rome EVERLYCHIN DE LA POMME (BWP, 2004, bay, mare by Malito de Reve) Level 1.60m - Shane Sweetnam (IRL) and 2 placings @ 1.50m 6th CSI4*-W 2012 New York - North Salem (USA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI4*-W 2013 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.50m); 9th CSI5* 2013 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.50m) dam of KASANOVA DE LA POMME (BWP, 2010, bay, stallion by Bamako de Muze) Approved for: BA, BWP, OS - € 15,124 - 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Koen Vereecke (BEL) and 1 placing @ 1.50m KIRSCHWASSER SCF (BWP, 2010, chestnut, stallion by Amaretto d’Arco) € 109,006 - Level 1.65m - Shane Sweetnam (IRL) and 2 wins - 6 placings @ 1.60m 1st CSI4* 2019 Bridgehampton (USA) (1.60m); 1st CSI5* GCT/GCL 2019 Mexico City (MEX) (1.60m); 4th CSIO5*-NC EUD1 2019 Dublin (IRL) (1.60m) EXQUIS WALNUT DE MUZE (Walnut de Muze) (BWP, 1999, bay, mare by Nabab de Reve) 4 wins - 19 placings @ Level 1.60m - Harrie Smolders (NLD) and 1 win - 2 placings @ 1.55m 1st CSI5* 2012 Madrid (ESP) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5* 2009 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m); 2nd CSI5* 2010 Madrid (ESP) (1.60m) FALAISE DE MUZE (BWP, 2005, chestnut, stallion by Wandor van de Mispelaere) 2 placings @ Level 1.50m - Annelies Vorsselmans (BEL) and 5 placings @ 1.45m 10th CSI3* 2015 Drachten (NED) (1.50m) I’M SPECIAL DE MUZE (BWP, 2008, dark bay, stallion by Emerald) Approved for: BWP, Holst, OS, SF - 2 placings @ Level 1.50m - Zoi Snels (NLD) and 1 win - 2 placings @ 1.45m WALLOON DE MUZE (BWP, 1999, black brown, mare by Nabab de Reve) 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Cedric Bellanger (FRA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 10th CSI3* 2011 Canteleu (FRA) (1.60m) Centa de Muze (BWP, 2002, grey, mare by Cento) dam of HORIZON DE REGOR (BWP, 2007, chestnut, stallion by Obourg) 6 placings @ Level 1.60m - Pieter Clemens (BEL) and 5 placings @ 1.55m TOUPIE DE LA ROQUE (SF, 2007, chestnut, mare by Kannan) Level 1.65m - Julien Epaillard (FRA) and 2 wins - 5 placings @ 1.60m 1st CSI5*-W 2020 Amsterdam (NED) (1.60m); 1st CSI5*-W 2017 London-Olympia (GBR) (1.60m); 2nd CSI4* 2017 Rouen (FRA) (1.60m) Whyaway de Litrange XXxiii (BWP, 1999, bay or brown, mare by Mr. Blue) ENSOR DE LITRANGE LXIII (BWP, 2004, bay, gelding by Nabab de Reve) 1 placing @ Level 1.70m - Lorenzo de Luca (ITA) and 7 wins - 36 placings @ 1.60m 1st CSIO5*-NC Final 2018 Barcelona (ESP) (1.60m); 1st CSI5* GCT/ GCL 2017 Valkenswaard (NED) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5* 2017 Rome (ITA) (1.60m) 4th dam: KERLY D92 (BWP, 1987, chestnut, mare by Pachat II) Level 1.60m - David Jobertie (FRA) 2nd CSI-B 1996 Lummen (BEL) (1.60m); 3rd CSI-B 1995 Lummen (BEL) (1.50m); 3rd CSI-B 1996 - Grand Prix 1996 Filot (BEL) (1.45m)
Best possible genetics Sale Price:
EMBRYO Birthdate - Geboortedatum Type of embryo VAT - BTW
Catoki x Kannan
15-03-2022 In surrogate mare 21%
Sire: CATOKI (Holst, 1998, bay, stallion by Cambridge) Approved for: Bay, Hann, Holst, Meckl, Old, OS, Rhein, S-ZV, SF, Westf - 5 wins - 12 placings @ Level 1.60m - Philipp Weishaupt (DEU) and 3 placings @ 1.55m, 1st CSIO5* 2012 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.60m); 1st CSI5*-W 2011 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.60m); 2nd CSI5*-W 2010 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.60m) Sire of: CONTANGA 3 - Level 1.60m; AMSTERDAM 27 - Level 1.65m - €330,433; KEOKI - Level 1.60m 1st dam: Korvette Z (Z, 2014, chestnut, mare by Kannan) Full sister to : BABBE VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER Level 1.60m; George Z Level 1.45m Embryo (Korvette) (2022, van Catoki) 2nd dam: USHA VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 1997, bay, mare by Chin Chin) Level 1.50m - Marlon Modolo Zanotelli (BRA) and 1 placing @ 1.35m 1st CSIU25-A 2010 Mechelen (BEL) (1.30m) Aquita van ‘t Roosakker (BWP, 2000, chestnut, mare by Calvados) HARKITO VAN DEN BERG (BWP, 2007, bay, gelding by Darco) Level 1.60m - Jessica Geurts (BEL) and 6 placings @ 1.50m 5th CSI2* 2017 Lier (BEL) (1.50m) MUFASA (Iquando van den Berg) (BWP, 2008, chestnut, gelding by Wandor van de Mispelaere) Level 1.60m - Emilie Conter (BEL) and 4 placings @ 1.50m 6th CSI3* 2019 Dinard (FRA) (1.50m); 7th CSI3* 2019 Dinard (FRA) (1.50m); 10th CSI3* 2019 Knokke (BEL) (1.50m) Atoucha van ‘t Roosakker (BWP, 2000, bay, mare by Darco) ELECTRA VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2004, chestnut, mare by Carthago Z) 5 placings @ Level 1.60m - Jos Lansink (BEL) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 6th CSI5*-W 2012 London-Olympia (GBR) (1.60m); 7th CSI5*-W 2012 London-Olympia (GBR) (1.60m); 8th CSI5*-W 2013 Bordeaux (FRA) (1.60m) dam of HORPLEASURE VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2007, chestnut, gelding by For Pleasure) Level 1.60m - Manon Hebette (FRA) and 2 placings @ 1.45m dam of KAPRICE (BWP, 2010, chestnut, mare by Echo van ‘t Spieveld) € 190,114 - 2 wins - 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Kent Farrington (USA) and 7 placings @ 1.50m FALCO VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2005, grey, stallion by Berlin) Level 1.60m - Eugenio Grimaldi (ITA) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 2nd CSI3* 2014 Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BEL) (1.55m); 3rd CSI4* 2014 Antwerpen (BEL) (1.50m); 5th CSIO4*-W 2014 Porto Alegre (BRA) (1.50m) GATOUCHA VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (Gwenny van ‘t Roosakker) (BWP, 2006, bay, mare by Diamant de Semilly) 1 placing @ Level 1.50m - Michael Korompis (NLD) dam of TINKOUCHA HERO Z (Z, 2010, bay, mare by Tinka’s Boy (Hooper)) € 20,622 - 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Leonie Peeters (BEL) and 20 placings @ 1.45m Hiamant van ‘t Roosakker (BWP, 2007, bay, mare by Diamant de Semilly) dam of VDL GROEP ELEGANT HERO Z (Elegant Hero Z) (Z, 2011, bay, stallion by Echo van ‘t Spieveld) € 39,206 - 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Leopold van Asten (NLD) BABBE VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2001, bay, mare by Kannan) 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Cara Raether Carey (USA) and 4 placings @ 1.45m 4th CSI2* 2011 Wellington (USA) (1.60m); 5th CSI3* 2010 - Grand Prix 2010 El Jadida (MAR) (1.50m); 8th CSI3* 2010 - Grand Prix 2010 Vimeiro (POR) (1.50m) ERCO VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2004, bay, stallion by Darco) Approved for: BWP - 4 placings @ Level 1.60m - Lorenzo de Luca (ITA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 6th CSIO5* 2015 Mannheim (GER) (1.60m); 6th CSIO5* 2015 Rome (ITA) (1.60m); 7th CSIO5* 2015 St. Gallen (SUI) (1.60m) GIORGIO VAN ‘T HAGENHOF (BWP, 2006, bay, gelding by Bentley vd Heffinck) 2 placings @ Level 1.60m - Caitlin Creel (USA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 7th CSI3*-W 2017 Sharjah (UAE) (1.60m); 9th CSI5* 2017 Al Rayyan (QAT) (1.55m); 1st CSI5* 2018 Calgary, Spruce Meadows (CAN) (1.50m) GEENA (Geena van ‘t Roosakker) (BWP, 2006, bay or brown, mare by Darco) 1 placing @ Level 1.55m - Janika Sprunger (CHE) and 4 placings @ 1.50m 5th CSI3* 2015 Humlikon (SUI) (1.55m); 2nd CSI3* 2014 Ascona (SUI) (1.50m); 5th CSI3* 2015 Humlikon (SUI) (1.50m) dam of KHEROS VAN ‘T HOOGEINDE (BWP, 2010, bay, gelding by Echo van ‘t Spieveld) € 30,528 - 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Rene Lopez (COL) and 2 placings @ 1.55m DULHAN DE LA ROQUE (KWPN, 2008, light bay, gelding by Quidam de Revel) Level 1.60m - Reynald Angot (FRA) and 5 placings @ 1.45m 1st CSI2* 2019 Sevilla (ESP) (1.40m) Britt van ‘t Roosakker (BWP, 2001, bay, mare by Carnute) Level 1.45m - Jerome Ringot (FRA) ATHENA (Femken van ‘t Roosakker) (BWP, 2005, grey, mare by Berlin) Level 1.60m - Vincent Voorn (NLD) and 3 placings @ 1.50m 7th CSI3* 2015 Vejer de la Frontera (ESP) dam of Elias (KWPN, 2009, bay, gelding by Canturano I) Level 1.60m - Tressy Muhr (FRA) and 2 placings @ 1.50m CELLA (Centoia van ‘t Roosakker) (BWP, 2002, bay, mare by Cento) 5 wins - 17 placings @ Level 1.60m - Ben Maher (GBR) and 2 wins - 1 placing @ 1.55m 1st CSI3* 2014 Wellington (USA) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5* 2013 Dublin (IRL) (1.60m); 2nd CSIO5* 2014 Dublin (IRL) (1.60m) HANDOR VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2007, bay, gelding by Wandor van de Mispelaere) Level 1.50m - Jérôme Guery (BEL) and 1 placing @ 1.45m 3rd CSI3* 2015 Bonheiden (BEL) (1.45m); 1st CSI2* Top Series 2015 Brussels - Stephex Masters (BEL) (1.40m); 1st CSI2* Top Series 2015 Brussels - Stephex Masters (BEL) (1.40m) HAPPY WANDOR VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2007, grey, stallion by Wandor van de Mispelaere) Approved for: AES - 1 placing @ Level 1.60m - Carlos Ramirez (COL) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 2nd CSI3* 2018 Tryon, NC (USA) (1.50m); 6th CSI4* 2017 Tryon, NC (USA) (1.50m); 7th CSI4* 2018 Tryon, NC (USA) (1.50m) Evita van ‘t Roosakker (BWP, 2004, bay, mare by Nabab de Reve) JACKSON VD BISSCHOP (BWP, 2009, chestnut, gelding by Flipper d’Elle) Level 1.60m - Ingrid Gjelsten (NOR) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 7th CSI3* 2018 Zwolle (NED) (1.55m); 1st CSIU25-A 2021 Stockholm (SWE) (1.50m); 2nd CSI2* 2018 Opglabbeek (BEL) (1.50m) LUIGI VD BISSCHOP (BWP, 2011, bay, stallion by Bamako de Muze) € 11,922 - Level 1.60m - Matt Archer (USA) and 1 placing @ 1.55m 10th CSI3* 2021 Thermal CA (USA) (1.55m); 5th CSI3* 2021 Thermal CA (USA) (1.50m); 9th CSI3* 2021 Thermal CA (USA) (1.50m) EMPERIO VAN’T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2004, chestnut, stallion by Nabab de Reve) 9 placings @ Level 1.60m - Emanuele Camilli (ITA) and 5 placings @ 1.50m 4th CSIO5* 2015 Sopot (POL) (1.60m); 4th CSIO4* 2015 Linz-Ebelsberg (AUT) (1.60m); 7th CSIO3*-W 2015 Celje (SLO) (1.60m) EQUADOR VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 2004, chestnut, stallion by Nabab de Reve) 4 wins - 38 placings @ Level 1.60m - Frederic David (FRA) and 2 placings @ 1.55m 1st CSIO5* 2017 Al Ain (UAE) (1.60m); 1st CSIO5* 2016 Al Ain (UAE) (1.60m); 1st CSI3* 2015 Sharjah (UAE) (1.60m) George Z (sBs, 2012, chestnut, stallion by Kannan) Approved for: Z - € 10,723 - 7 placings @ Level 1.45m - Michael Hughes (USA) and 17 placings @ 1.40m 2nd CSI2* 2021 Knokke (BEL) (1.45m); 2nd CSI2* 2021 Kronenberg (NED) (1.40m); 3rd CSI1* 2020 Oliva - Valencia (ESP) (1.40m) 3rd dam: Rosanne van de Withoeve (BWP, 1994, bay, mare by Major de la Cour) Full sister to : Tokio van de Withoeve Level 1.45m USHA VAN ‘T ROOSAKKER (BWP, 1997, bay, mare by Chin Chin) : see above 4th dam: Hawai vd Padenborre (BWP, 1984, chestnut, mare by Fleuri du Manoir)
Rare embryo by the popular Catoki Sale Price:
ONLINE BIDDING Register and bid online on our website: Registreer en bied online op onze website:
after registration
BY PHONE TOM KERKHOFS (NL-FR-ENG-DE): +32 478 44 76 63 GEERT BAERTSOEN (NL-FR-ENG): +33 679 60 48 13 FILIP VAN ASSCHE (NL): +32 475 27 37 57
STEPHEX STABLES NV, a public limited company with its
to follow the auction via the internet and participate in the auction as a
registered office at 8 Lovegemstraat, 1861 Meise, Belgium, registered in
bidder. STEPHEX STABLES NV has and does not take any responsibility
the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises register under number 0477.214.858,
for the organization and course of the auction via its website (for example
organises during her event BRUSSELS STEPHEX MASTERS an auction with
and without intending to be exhaustive: the failure of the website during the
11 foals and 1 embryo to be held on Friday evening 27.8.2021. STEPHEX
auction or the delay in the operation of the website during the auction ).
STABLES NV sells its own foals and embryo through its auction.
STEPHEX STALBLES makes every effort to protect its systems against loss
Participation in this auction shall imply the explicit taking note
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to be authorized to perform legal acts and the buyer declares himself
by means of auctioning and knocking down to the highest bidder after
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question. STEPHEX STABLES reserves the right to refuse or unilaterally
VAT. The auction shall be supervised by an Auctioneer to be designated by
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document, failing which the buyer may not participate in the auction. The
buyer is obliged to ensure that all information to be provided by the bidder
EUR, per 2,000.00 EUR up to 30,000.00 EUR, per 3,000.00 EUR up to
to STEPHEX STABLES is completed completely, correctly and truthfully upon
50,000.00 EUR and per 5,000.00 EUR from 50,000.00 EUR)
registration and the buyer guarantees the correctness and completeness of
The bids and payments shall be made in EUROS.
the information provided by him. Should this information change at any time,
The auction lots shall be knocked down to the highest bidder
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If the buyer suspects that someone else knows his or her password, the
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bidder must notify STEPHEX STABLES immediately. The buyer is liable for
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a right of withdrawal of 14 days. The initial buyer is obliged to pay STEPHEX
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difference in the purchase price that was not realized during the resale.
The buyer is aware and expressly agrees that the services
available through the website are limited to making it technically possible
The auction lots shall be auctioned in the state they are in at the
The sale shall be made in accordance with the laws of Belgium
The bids are made by auction (per 1,000.00 EUR to 20,000.00
If the Buyer withdraws, for whatever reason, STEPHEX STABLES
If the buyer cannot be identified, STEPHEX STABLES NV is
entitled to resell the auction lot.
complete and without giving guarantees. STEPHEX STABLES NV shall not be
liable for any printing errors and/or material errors in the auction catalogue or on
The provisional knocking down shall be made under the condition
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down of the auction the Auctioneer shall request STEPHEX STABLES NV to
confirm its eventual approval in order to obtain the final knocking down of the
hidden defects. In any case, the liability of STEPHEX STABLES NV shall be limited
auction lots.
to the maximum amount paid by the Purchaser and to the amounts covered by
its insurer.
The settlement amount shall be due immediately upon the knocking
STEPHEX STABLES NV shall not be liable for any visible and/or
down. The ownership of the auction lot shall be transferred at the moment of
receipt of payment by the Purchaser by STEPHEX STABLES NV.
sold with a guarantee of 45 days pregnancy. The buyer of an embryo pays, in
STEPHEX STABLES NV shall issue an invoice to the Purchaser, which
addition to the settlement amount, a deposit of 1,500.00 EUR for the recipient
invoice shall be payable cash and must be settled on the account of STEPHEX
mare, which will be returned to the buyer if the recipient mare is delivered to
STABLES NV prior to the delivery.
STEPHEX STABLES NV in perfect condition and at the latest 180 days after the
If STEPHEX STABLES NV has not received full payment from the
The embryo offered for sale was implanted in a carrier mare and is
Purchaser within 5 working days from the auction, the Purchaser shall be legally
in default and obliged to make, in addition to the other amounts owed to and in
document within 3 months from the auction; otherwise the VAT due shall still be
favour of STEPHEX STABLES NV, (a) an interest payment of 1% per month on the
charged by STEPHEX STABLES NV to the Purchaser
total settlement amount due to be calculated from the day of the auction until the
day of full payment and (b) to pay additional damages amounting to 10% of the
Terms and Conditions without prior notice. Should one or more of the provisions
settlement amount.
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If STEPHEX STABLES NV has not received full payment from the
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Purchaser within 5 working days from the auction, STEPHEX STABLES NV shall
new provision shall replace the aforementioned provision that is not legally valid,
also be entitled to consider the purchase terminated without notice of default,
which will correspond as much as possible to the old provision that is not legally
with the possibility for STEPHEX STABLES NV to charge fixed damages of 20%
valid with regard to content, scope and purpose.
on the settlement amount.
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Any liability with regard to the auctioned lots shall pass to the
In the event of export, the Purchaser shall submit a valid export
STEPHEX STABLES NV reserves the right to modify these Auction
In the event of a dispute, only the Dutch text shall apply. The
Purchaser immediately after they have been knocked down. After the auction
Dutch shall be merely for information purposes.
and payment, the Purchaser and STEPHEX STABLES shall come to an
arrangement for the delivery of the lots in mutual consultation. The delivery
arise during the auction transactions with regard to the sale.
shall take place in Belgium at the address of the registered office of STEPHEX
STABLES NV unless agreed otherwise in writing between the parties hereto. Any
governed exclusively by the laws of Belgium to the exclusion of the provisions
transport costs shall be borne by the Purchaser.
of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The
Brussels Dutch-speaking Enterprise Court and the Brussels Dutch-speaking
STEPHEX STABLES NV draws the attention of the purchaser to the
fact that the purchaser has the option of taking out insurance with Catherine De Buyl Insurance immediately after purchase. 19.
STEPHEX STABLES NV shall ultimately settle any and all such
disputes as may arise during the auction transactions with regard to the sale. 20.
The Purchaser cannot derive any right from the fact that STEPHEX
STABLES selected the auction lots. 21.
The information regarding the foals offered for sale is only intended
to give an impression of the qualities of the lots, without pretending to be
STEPHEX STABLES NV shall ultimately settle all such disputes as may
Any dispute arising from this auction and its consequences shall be
Court of First Instance shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any disputes.
STEPHEX STABLES NV, met maatschappelijke zetel te 1861
is omgegaan met zijn / haar gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord.
Meise (België) aan de lovegemstraat 8, ingeschreven in het KBO-register
onder het nr. 0477.214.858 organiseert tijdens haar evenement BRUSSELS
dat de via de website beschikbare diensten beperkt zijn tot het technisch
De koper is zich er van bewust en stemt er uitdrukkelijk mee in
STEPHEX MASTERS een veiling van 11 veulens en één ingeplante embryo
mogelijk maken van het via het internet volgen van de veiling en het als
dewelke gehouden wordt op vrijdagavond 27.8.2021. STEPHEX STABLES
bieder participeren aan de veiling. STEPHEX STABLES NV heeft en neemt
verkoopt enkel loten dewelke haar eigendom zijn.
geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid voor de organisatie en het verloop van
Het deelnemen aan deze veiling impliceert de uitdrukkelijke
de veiling via haar website (bijvoorbeeld en zonder limitatief te willen zijn: het
e n vo o r b e h o u d s l oze ke n n i s n a m e e n a a nva a rd i n g va n d eze
uitvallen van de website tijdens de veiling of de vertraging van de werking
van de website tijdens de veiling).
De live veiling wordt uitgezonden op het internet via
STEPHEX STALBLES stelt alles in het werk om haar systemen te beveiligen
clipmyhorse. De koper die online wenst te bieden dient zich via de website
tegen verlies van gegevens en / of tegen enige vorm van onrechtmatig te registreren op de door STEPHEX STABLES
gebruik en treft hiertoe passende technische en organisatorische
voorgeschreven wijze op de veilingwebsite alvorens hij kan deelnemen
maatregelen. In zijn omgang met STEPHEX STABLES is de koper verplicht
aan de veiling. Deze registratie geldt als onvoorwaardelijke aanvaarding van
om de computer en / of elk ander apparaat dat hij / zij gebruikt om toegang
de veilingvoorwaarden. Verder verklaart de koper door deelname aan een
te krijgen tot de veilingwebsite adequaat te beveiligen, en zoals gebruikelijk
veiling bevoegd te zijn tot het verrichten van rechtshandelingen en verklaart
te beschermen tegen virussen of andere onwettige programma’s of
de koper zich bevoegd tot het sluiten van een koopovereenkomst met
bestanden die kunnen verspreid via internet.
betrekking tot het betreffende veulen. STEPHEX STABLES behoudt zich het
recht voor om de registratie en deelname aan een veiling op elk moment
van de veiling.
te weigeren of eenzijdig te beëindigen. Op eerste verzoek van STEPHEX
STABLES dient de koper een geldig identiteitsbewijs te overleggen, bij
middel van veiling en toewijzing aan de hoogste bieder na betaling van het
gebreke waarvan de koper niet mag deelnemen aan de veiling. De koper
afrekeningsbedrag al dan niet te verhogen met BTW. De veiling staat onder
is verplicht ervoor te zorgen dat alle door de bieder aan STEPHEX STABLES
toezicht van een door STEPHEX STABLES NV aan te duiden veilingmeester
te verstrekken informatie bij inschrijving volledig, juist en naar waarheid is
dewelke een proces-verbaal van de toewijzing opmaakt.
ingevuld en de koper staat in voor de juistheid en volledigheid van de door
hem verstrekte informatie. Mocht deze informatie op enig moment wijzigen,
20.000,00 EUR, per 2.000,00 EUR tot 30.000,00 EUR, per 3.000,00 EUR tot
dan is de koper verplicht STEPHEX STABLES onmiddellijk van deze wijziging
50.000,00 EUR en per 5.000,00 EUR vanaf 50.000,00 EUR)
(en) op de hoogte te stellen. De gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord die
De betalingen geschieden in EURO
door de koper voor een veiling worden gebruikt, zijn strikt persoonlijk en
De loten worden op het einde van de veiling toegewezen aan
mogen door een koper niet aan derden worden overgedragen. Als de koper
de hoogste bieder. De afrekening wordt ten aanzien van de koper als
vermoedt dat iemand anders zijn of haar wachtwoord kent, moet de bieder
volgt berekend: de toewijzingsprijs + de van toepassing zijnde BTW, is het
STEPHEX STABLES hiervan onmiddellijk op de hoogte stellen. De koper is
afrekeningsbedrag. Met het uitbrengen van een bod verbindt de bieder zich
aansprakelijk voor en gebonden aan alle transacties die plaatsvinden op
na toewijzing tot betaling van het afrekeningsbedrag.
een veiling en die voortvloeien uit het gebruik van zijn / haar wachtwoord en
/ of gebruikersnaam, ook in geval van misbruik indien de koper onzorgvuldig
STEPHEX STABLES NV gerechtigd om het veulen opnieuw te verkopen.
De loten worden verkocht in de staat waarin zij verkeren ten tijde
De verkoop komt tot stand volgens Belgisch recht door
De biedingen geschieden per opbod (per 1.000,00 EUR tot
Indien de Koper zich terugtrekt, om welke reden dan ook, is
De particuliere koper/consument beschikt over een herroepingsrecht van 14 dagen.
De initiële koper is gehouden tot betaling aan STEPHEX STABLES NV van de kosten
loten heeft geselecteerd.
dewelke met deze wederverkoop gepaard gaan, minstens van het verschil in de
koopprijs dewelke tijdens de wederverkoop niet gerealiseerd werd.
gericht een indruk te geven over de kwaliteiten van de loten, zonder de pretentie
volledig te zijn en zonder daarmee garanties te geven. STEPHEX STABLES NV is
Indien de koper niet geïdentificeerd kan worden, is STEPHEX STABLES NV
De koper kan geen recht ontlenen aan het feit dat STEPHEX STABLES de
De informatie betreffende de te koop aangeboden loten is er enkel op
gerechtigd om het veulen opnieuw te verkopen.
niet aansprakelijk voor gebeurlijke drukfouten en/of materiële vergissingen in de
catalogus of foutieve vermeldingen op haar website.
De voorlopige toewijzing geschiedt onder de opschortende voorwaarde
van de goedkeuring door STEPHEX STABLES NV. Onmiddellijk na de toewijzing
zal de veilingmeester aan STEPHEX STABLES NV verzoeken om haar gebeurlijke
verborgen gebreken. Alleszins is de aansprakelijkheid van STEPHEX STABLES NV
goedkeuring te willen bevestigen om de definitieve toewijzing van het veulen te
maximaal beperkt tot de door de koper afrekeningsbedrag en door de bedragen
kunnen bekomen.
dewelke door haar verzekeraar gedekt worden.
Het afrekeningsbedrag is onmiddellijk verschuldigd bij toewijzing. De
STEPHEX STABLES NV is niet aansprakelijk voor zichtbare en/of
De te koop aangeboden embryo werd ingeplant in een dragermerrie
eigendom van het veulen gaat over op het ogenblik van de ontvangst door STEPHEX
en wordt verkocht met een garantie 45 dagen dracht. De koper van een embryo
STABLES NV van de betaling door de koper.
betaalt bovenop het afrekeningsbedrag een borgsom van 1.500,00 EUR voor
STEPHEX STABLES NV reikt aan de koper een factuur uit dewelke contact
de dragermerrie dewelke geretourneerd wordt aan de koper indien de koper de
betaalbaar is en voorafgaandelijk aan de levering van het veulen aan de koper
dragermerrie in perfecte staat en uiterlijk 180 dagen na de geboorte weer afgeleverd
vereffend dient te worden op de rekening van STEPHEX STABLES NV.
Indien STEPHEX STABLES NV niet binnen de 5 werkdagen na de veiling
In geval van export zal de koper binnen 3 maanden na de veiling een
de algehele betaling van de koper heeft ontvangen, is de koper van rechtswege in
geldig exportdocument voorleggen op straffe van het alsnog door STEPHEX
verzuim en verplicht om naast het overig verschuldigde aan en ten behoeve van
STABLES NV in rekening brengen van de verschuldigde BTW.
STEPHEX STABLES NV te betalen (a) een intrestvergoeding van 1% per maand over
het totaal verschuldigde afrekeningsbedrag te berekenen vanaf de dag van de veiling
veilingvoorwaarden zonder voorafgaande aankondiging aan te passen. Indien een of
tot op de dag van de integrale betaling en (b) een aanvullende schadevergoeding ten
meer van in de veilingvoorwaarden genoemde bepalingen niet rechtsgeldig zouden
bedrage van 10% op het afrekeningsbedrag.
zijn of worden, blijven de overige bepalingen verder rechtsgeldig. In dat geval treedt in
STEPHEX STABLES NV behoudt zich het recht voor om deze
Indien STEPHEX STABLES NV binnen de 5 werkdagen na de veiling de
plaats van de bedoelde niet rechtsgeldige bepaling een nieuwe bepaling, die met de
algehele betaling van de koper niet ontvangen heeft, heeft STEPHEX STABLES NV
bedoelde oude niet rechtsgeldige bepaling zoveel als mogelijk overeenkomt voor wat
voorts het recht zonder ingebrekestelling de koop als ontbonden te beschouwen, met
betreft inhoud, het bereik en het doel daarvan.
de mogelijkheid voor STEPHEX STABLES NV om een forfaitaire schadevergoeding
van 20% op het afrekeningsbedrag in rekening te brengen.
deze veilingvoorwaarden in een andere taal dan het Nederlands is louter informatief.
Iedere aansprakelijkheid ten aanzien van de geveilde loten gaat
Bij betwisting geldt uitsluitend de Nederlandse tekst. De vertaling van
STEPHEX STABLES NV zal in laatste aanleg alle geschillen regelen die
onmiddellijk na toewijzing over op de koper. Na de veiling én betaling treffen koper en
kunnen ontstaan tijdens of over de veiling.
STEPHEX STABLES in onderling overleg de schikkingen voor de levering. De levering
geschiedt in België op het adres van de maatschappelijke zetel van de STEPHEX
uitsluitend beheerst door de Belgische wet met uitsluiting van de bepalingen van
STABLES NV tenzij andersluidende schriftelijke afspraken tussen partijen. Gebeurlijke
het Weens Koopverdrag inzake internationale koop-verkoop. De Nederlandstalige
transportkosten zijn ten laste van de koper.
Ondernemingsrechtbank van Brussel en de Nederlandstalige rechtbank van eerste
aanleg van Brussel zijn exclusief bevoegd om kennis te nemen van gebeurlijke
STEPHEX STABLES NV maakt de koper er attent op dat de koper de
mogelijkheid heeft om onmiddellijk na aankoop een verzekering af te sluiten bij Catherine De Buyl Insurance. 19.
STEPHEX STABLES NV beslecht in laatste instantie alle betwistingen die
tijdens de veilingverrichtingen nopens de veiling zouden kunnen ontstaan.
Elk geschil voortvloeiende uit deze veiling en haar gevolgen wordt
Linthoutseweg, 1861 Wolvertem-Meise, Belgium