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Nijeul Porter 11-12 Multi-Cultural Fellow with Steppenwolf’s Young Adult Council

9-Month Apprenticeship Deadline to apply: March 15, 2012 The Apprenticeship Program is a professional training program for aspiring arts administrators and theatre production practitioners. Participants are given practical learning experiences, independent and collective projects, and the responsibility of an entry-level staff person in an administrative or production department. Apprentices receive opportunities to attend professional development seminars and tickets to productions throughout Chicago. These positions pay minimum wage and are eligible for Steppenwolf’s part-time limited benefit medical and dental plan, as well as vision insurance and a pre-tax Chicago Transit Authority card.

3-Month Internship

Multicultural Fellowship

Deadline to apply: February 15, 2012 The Internship Program is for current students or early career professionals looking for an introduction to arts administration and production. This program provides direct interaction with and access to Steppenwolf Theatre Company.

Deadline to apply: February 15, 2012 The Multicultural Fellowship is a professional development program for early career persons of color interested in working in arts leadership. Through hands-on experience, independent and collective learning projects, mentorship and career guidance, fellows are given the tools to become strong, new voices in the leadership of the arts.

Interns receive opportunities to attend professional development seminars and tickets to productions throughout Chicago. Participants can either volunteer or apply for academic credit. This program is supported in part by the James S. Kemper Foundation

The Fellowship includes a generous monthly housing and transportation stipend for those facing financial hardship as well as eligibility to receive compensation towards Steppenwolf’s part-time medical, dental, and vision insurance. Fellows are paid minimum wage. This program is supported in part by The Joyce Foundation.

To apply visit: .


participating departments: artistic




costume shop •

school at steppenwolf


production management •


steppenwolf for young adults


stage management


theatre management


scenic carpentry •


S te p p e n wolf T h eatr e C o m pany wa s nam e d on e o f th e Top 1 5 S mall Wor k p lace s by th e Wa ll S t r e e t J ou r nal an d W i n n i ng Wor k p lac e s a s w e ll a s on e o f Vau lt. c o m’s “ Top 1 0 I nte r n s h i p s i n Am e r ica .”

focus on professional d e v e lo p m e nt & n etw o r ki n g

l i f e l o n g c o n n e cti o n s t o p e e r s , m e n to r s & a rt i sts

h a n d s -o n e x p e r i e n c e f o r f u tu r e c a r e e r o p p o r tu n it i e s

w it n e s s f i r st h a n d h o w a w o r l d c l a s s th e atr e o p e r ate s

i n d e p e n d e nt & c o l l e ct i v e l e a r n i n g p r o j e c ts


75 8 W. N o r t h Ave n u e Ch icago, IL 6 0 6 1 0 No n -P r of i t Or g . U . S . P os tag e P A I D C h icag o , IL Pe r m it No. 5006



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