Russian Transport Program

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n a i s s Ru Transport


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Contents Welcome to Russian Transport

Letter from Artistic Director Martha Lavey

20 From Zero to a Hundred

Playwright Erika Sheffer, Director Yasen Peyankov and Dramaturg Dassia Posner discuss Russian Transport. Edited by Dassia Posner

24 The Shifting Line in the Sand

As told to Jenni Page-White

E d i to r

C o n t r i b u to r s


Cove r

N eel McN e i ll

Aaron Carte r

Donovan Foote

Ensemble members Ti m Hoppe r an d Alan Wi lde r

J e ffr ey Fauve r Evan Hatfi eld Martha Lavey Suzanne M i lle r

Photographer Sand ro

Joel Moor man

To A d v e r t i s e Contact: smARTMagazines/smARTSponsorships Bryan Dowling 773-360-1767 or

Contents 3

n a i s s Ru Transport welcome to

B y M a r t ha

Welcome to Russian Transport by Erika Sheffer. We are very excited to welcome ensemble member Yasen Peyankov as a director on our Subscription series. You know Yasen as an actor who has been in many Steppenwolf productions: most recently, The Wheel. Yasen’s first appearance as an actor with Steppenwolf was in Time To Burn directed by ensemble member Tina Landau. Time To Burn was, coincidentally, Tina’s first production with Steppenwolf so it’s a pleasure to have Yasen’s first foray as a director on our subscription series occur in a season led off by Tina. It’s certainly not Yasen’s first outing as a director: he directed our 2008 SYA production of The Glass Menagerie and before he joined Steppenwolf, Yasen was the founding artistic director of the European Repertory. He is currently the head of the theater program at the University of Illinois/Chicago, where he directs regularly. Yasen is an ideal director for Russian Transport because, as you may know, he came to the United States in 1990 from Bulgaria and has translated several of Chekhov’s plays for the stage. His familiarity with the cultural milieu of Russian Transport—which surveys the experience of a family of Russian immigrants in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn— is personal and deeply felt. As is the playwright’s, Erika Sheffer. Erika is candid to say that the play springs from her own family’s experience. I hope that you will read the interview of Yasen and Erika in this program to learn more about them both. In Russian Transport, Sheffer tells the story of a family that has established a life in the United States. The father, Misha, runs a (not very successful) car service, and his wife, Diana, works in an office. They are parents to 14-year-old Mira and 18-year-old Alex. Both children help out in the car service and Alex works in a Verizon store and is expected to contribute to the family income. 6 Welcome

L av ey

The transformative event of the play—and in the family—is the arrival of Diana’s brother, Boris, from Russia. Boris comes to establish a life in the United States, and moves in with the family. Boris sets up the business he began in Russia—which is neither legal nor benign—and, on the sly, he enlists his nephew Alex’s participation. It’s here that the central drama of the play resides. Our season theme, GETTING AHEAD: HOW FAR WILL YOU GO? is brilliantly explored in Russian Transport. It’s fitting that our theme should be given such relevance in the reflection of an immigrant story. Ours is a country of immigrants: if we reach far back enough in each of our families, we encounter a generation of immigrants and can witness, first-hand, what survival looks like. We have great admiration in America for “pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps” but what does that look like really? What does it mean to have nothing, to want everything, and to know that money is the ultimate measure of success? Are our personal ethics a luxury of prosperity? One of the most interesting aspects of Russian Transport is its exploration of the generational divide in an immigrant family. Misha, Diana and Boris, born in Russia, have one conception of America and what success looks like. Alex, though born in Russia, has spent the majority of his life in Sheepshead Bay, and Mira is American born— both children are decidedly American in their outlook. Both parents have great ambition for their children but are distinct in their conception of what that means. Diana is ferocious in her desire to succeed financially. She sees her husband failing in his business and vests her ambition in her children’s success. It is easy to see her unsentimental and demanding behavior towards her children as shockingly brutal, but she feels the weight of her household and sees herself as a realist—the one on

whom the viability of the family depends. She depends on Alex to bring in family income and regards Mira’s desire to study abroad as a luxury that the family cannot afford. Too, she feels a need to curtail Mira’s desire for adventure in the broader world out of protectiveness for Mira’s well-being. When Boris enters the family, he brings the history of Misha and Diana into their home. Their shared history in Russia, from which Misha has made a definitive break, is exposed to their children. I think that the great heart of the play is the moral and ethical dilemma that the children in the play must confront. Alex sees the image of two men: his father, Misha; and his uncle, Boris. Misha’s business is failing but lawful. Boris’s is successful but illegitimate and exploitative. Alex is involved in both. Which course will he choose? Which course makes a man? And Mira: she wants to break from her mother’s restrictive hold on her. She wants a wider world and Boris seems to approve of her desire to travel and is alert to her sexual awakening. But who has her best interests at heart? Does either her mother or uncle have any understanding of her real need or desire? The great dividing line for Diana is family. She accepts Boris’s involvement with an illegal business because it’s profitable. That he is exploiting young women who are the same age as her daughter is irrelevant. Her ethics apply strictly to her family circle—anyone outside of that is fair game. Inside of the play lies the question: is it possible to maintain one set of ethics inside of the family and act in the world with a different set of ethics? Can we live in two worlds at once? Can family be a sanctuary against the world? Or is that membrane inevitably permeable? A further pleasure in the play—and an elaboration of the themes of family and outsiders, and of the generational divide—is Sheffer’s movement in language between Russian and

English. When the characters break into Russian, we are made aware of the language and interiority of the family circle, and of the differing communication between generations. As an English-speaking audience, we find ourselves slightly outside of the family’s intimacy—we understand but we aren’t part of it. It’s a deft move by the playwright—we experience, for a moment, the liminal condition of the immigrant. Russian Transport is a funny, robust, and complex vision of the American immigrant experience. We deeply prize success in this country and our measure of success is so often financial gain. Each generation is expected to better the success of their parents. What happens to our values when we measure success by making money? I think that by making the ethnicity of the family in Russian Transport so specific, Erika Sheffer has written a universal story because she is grounded in experience and truth. By taking a deep dive into her own experience and generously presenting the immigrant family in both its incredible fortitude and sometimes cramped provincialism, she immerses us in the complicated dualities that are so central to our American identity. How far will we go to succeed? (How far must we go?) I look forward to our conversations about the play and of the presiding question: Getting Ahead: How Far Will You Go?

Steppenwolf Artistic Director Martha Lavey Welcome 7

Martha Lavey †* Artistic Director

Davi d Hawkanson Executive Director

S t eppe n w o l f T h ea t r e C o m pa n y p r e s e n t s

Steppenwolf salutes the sponsors of our production of Russian Transport C o r p o r a t e p r o d u c t i o n Sp o n s o r

n a i s s Ru Transport By Erika Sheffer Directed by ensemble member Yasen Peyankov†*

I n d i v i d u al P r o d u c t i o n Sp o n s o r s

Fea t u r i n g

J u li e and Rog e r Bas kes

Aaron H i melste i n*, Ti m Hoppe r †*, Mar iann Maybe r ry †*, M elan i e N e i lan*, Alan Wi lde r †*

M e r le Res ki n B etty B radshaw Georg e A. Joseph and Carolyn Bateman


Har ry and Susan S e ig le

Joey Wade + Scenic Design Ana Kuz man ic + Costume Design Scott Z i eli ns ki + Lighting Design Rob M i lb u r n & M ichael Bodeen + Sound Design and Original Music +

Stephan Maz u r e k Projection Design Dass ia N. Posne r Dramaturg Eva B r eneman Dialect Coach E r ica Dan i els° Casting Director Malcolm Ewen* Stage Manager Cass i e Calde rone* Assistant Stage Manager

Originally produced in New York City by The New Group (Scott Elliott, Artistic Director).

ComEd is the 2013/14 Season Lighting Sponsor.

Russian Transport is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York.

Steppenwolf Theatre Company is a constituent of Theatre Communication Group (TCG), the national organization for nonprofit professional theater. † member of the Steppenwolf Theatre Company ensemble. * member of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers. + member of United Scenic Artists, Local 829 of the IATSE. ° member of the Casting Society of America.

8 Russian Transport

Contents 9

Cast and contributors C a s t (in alphabetical order)

A dd i t i o n al S ta f f

Aaron H i melste i n* Alex

Lu da Lopati na Solomon Artistic Consultant & Russian Language Coach

Ti m Hoppe r †* Boris

Scott We i nste i n Assistant Director

Mar iann Maybe r ry†* Diana

J u lia G r igg Assistant Dramaturg

M elan i e N e i lan* Mira, Sonya, Vera & Girl

Taylor Orva Research Assistant

Alan Wi lde r †* Misha

Aaron O’N e i ll Assistant Scenic Designer Wi lliam C. Ki r kham Lighting Assistant

U n de r s t u d i e s Ty Olwi n Alex Lor etta Re zos Diana B r ennan Stacke r Mira, Sonya, Vera & Girl Steve Walke r Boris and Misha

Zoe S h i ffr i n Assistant Charge Artist Kar en Thompson Light Board Operator Clau dette Pr zygoda Sound Board & Projections Operator

Create your Career Columbia College Chicago offers more than 100 programs taught by accomplished, awardwinning faculty. At Columbia, students learn to transform their passions into successful careers as part of the world’s next generation of artists and innovators.

D es i r ee Ar nold Properties Overhire Matt Retz laff Running Crew B randy Kar lsen Wardrobe Crew

Se t t i n g S heepshead Bay, B rooklyn. Pr esent Day.

There will be a 15-minute intermission.

Penny Lane Stu d ios Hair & Wigs E lli e Kaplan Stage Management Apprentice Mam i e Zwettle r Stage Management Volunteer

There will be a post-show discussion immediately following the performance.

† member of the Steppenwolf Theatre Company ensemble. * member of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers. + member of United Scenic Artists, Local 829 of the IATSE. ° member of the Casting Society of America.

10 Cast and Contributors

As a courtesy to the actors and your fellow patrons, please turn off your cell phones before the performance and after the intermission. The taking of photographs and the use of any type of recording device are not allowed in the theater during performances and is a violation of state and federal copyright laws. Digital media will be deleted, and tape or film will be confiscated.

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exclusive airline of Goodman theatre

Ensemble Member Alan Wilder

In Rehearsal 13

coming next to the

th r e e c o m pan i e s. th r e e plays. o n e stag e.

february 14 – april 20, 2014 Cast Member Melanie Neilan

Ensemble Member Tim Hopper and Cast Member Aaron Himelstein

th r e e pr o d u cti o n s by s o m e o f c h i cag o’s m o st i n n ovative sto r e fr o nt th eate r c o m pan i e s, pr e s e nte d i n r otati n g r e pe rto ry.

wr ite r s wh o r o c k. awe s o m e n ew plays. s e e th e m fi r st.

Understudies Brennan Stacker and Ty Olwin

Cast Member Aaron Himelstein

july 26 – august 24, 2014

th r e e d eve lo pm e ntal pr o d u cti o n s o f b r an d-n ew plays by e m e r g i n g am e r i can play wr i g hts.

Director and Ensemble Member Yasen Peyankov with Assistant Stage Manager Cassie Calderone

Ensemble Member Mariann Mayberry

all tickets are only $20.

14 In Rehearsal

bios 15

n a i s s Ru Transport Bios A a r o n H i m el s t e i n (Alex) returns to Steppenwolf Theatre Company where he was last seen in Morning Star. Off Broadway credits include The Dead Eye Boy (Drama Desk nominated, MCC Theater); and Galileo opposite F. Murray Abraham (Classic Stage Company). Chicago credits include Watch on the Rhine (Eclipse Theatre). Los Angeles credits include Speech and Debate and Dickie and Babe (The Blank Theatre). Television credits include Joan of Arcadia, Las Vegas, House, Community, the voice of Desna on Nickelodeon’s Legend of Korra and HBO’s 2014 series Doll & Em. Film credits include Austin Powers in Goldmember, Remember the Daze, Assassination of a High School President, The Informers, All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, Fast Food Nation and Losers Take All. T i m H o ppe r (Boris) At Steppenwolf he has been seen as a drug-addled Marine in Vietnam and a mortally wounded French soldier in WWI; a doctor carrying a torch for his terminally ill patient; an astronaut, a fast-talking obstetrician, and a tourist; and a terrified clown, among other roles. He directed Buena Vista for the 2013 First Look Repertory and Pursued by Happiness for the 2008 First Look Repertory. Recent television credits include The Americans, Chicago Fire and The Good Wife. Film credits include School of Rock and To Die For. Ma r i a n n Ma y b e r r y (Diana) has been a Steppenwolf Theatre Company ensemble member since 1993 and most recently appeared in Good People. Other Steppenwolf credits

16 bios

include August: Osage County (Chicago, Broadway, London and Sydney) and many others. Broadway credits also include One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest and Metamorphoses. Off Broadway credits include Go Back To Where You Are (Playwright’s Horizon); and The Notebooks Of Leonardo Da Vinci (Second Stage). Some other favorites include Still Alice and Argonautika (Lookingglass Theatre Company); The Odyssey (Goodman Theatre); Hamlet (Chicago Shakespeare Theater); and How I Learned to Drive (Northlight Theatre/Alliance Theatre). Television credits include Person of Interest, Are We There Yet, Law & Order (C.I., Trial By Jury, SVU), Mercy, The Dave Chappelle Show and The Pennsylvania Miner’s Story. Film credits include Dogman, The Company, War of the Worlds and Since You’ve Been Gone. Mela n i e Ne i la n (Mira, Sonya,Vera & Girl) is thrilled to be working at Steppenwolf Theatre Company for the first time. Chicago credits include A Very Merry Unauthorized Children’s Scientology Pageant, The Iliad and Our City, Ourselves (A Red Orchid Theater). She is a founding member of A Red Orchid Theater’s Youth Ensemble. In 2012, she traveled to Beijing and Zibo, where she sang and danced with celebrated singer Zhiwen Zhu on Chinese national television. Originally from Highland Park, Illinois, she now attends college in Los Angeles, where she has also recently earned television credits in shows such as Showtime’s Shameless. A la n W i lde r (Misha) a Steppenwolf Theatre Company ensemble member since 1976 has played roles in more than 60 productions. He is the world’s foremost actor you

thought you saw somewhere but can’t quite place. Most recently, Alan did not appear in The Birthday Party that we know of. He was heard but not seen in Good People but we’re pretty sure that he was seen in several places in The March. On screen, some people have reported seeing Alan Wilder play a pedophile psycho-killer in L.A. Sheriff’s Homicide. Mr. Wilder also might have appeared as the terrified priest in the sit-com, Public Morals. Your guess is as good as ours. Erika Sheffer (Playwright) Her playwriting debut, Russian Transport, had its world premiere at The New Group in January 2012, directed by Scott Elliott (John Gassner Award nomination by the Outer Critics Circle). She is the current recipient of The Vineyard Theater’s Paula Vogel Playwriting Award. Her work has been read and developed at The New Group, The Vineyard Theater, Naked Angels, Primary Stages, The Woodshed Collective and Personal Space Theatrics. She has performed original pieces at Upright Citizens Brigade and Dixon Place. Erika has been commissioned by Steppenwolf Theatre Company and received multiple fellowships from SPACE on Ryder Farm, where she is a member of the 2013 Working Farm Writers Group. Russian Transport is published by Dramatists Play Service. Erika holds a BFA in Drama from Syracuse University. Ya s e n P e ya n k o v (Director) has been a Steppenwolf Theatre Company ensemble member since 2002 and last appeared in The Wheel. Yasen’s last directing endeavor at Steppenwolf was the Steppenwolf for Young Adults’ production of The Glass Menagerie. He also directed the Bulgarian premiere of August: Osage County at the National Theatre in Sofia, Bulgaria. Other directing credits include Uncle Vanya, Stars in The Morning Sky, Macbeth, Roberto Zucco, Go Away Go Away, Slavs! (European Repertory Company); Overweight, Unimportant, Misshape: A European Supper (Trap Door Theatre); and Ladybird (Rushforth Productions); among others. On stage he has appeared in productions at Goodman Theatre, Court Theatre, European Repertory Company,

Next Theatre Company, Seattle Repertory Theatre, American Conservatory Theater, making his Broadway debut in Superior Donuts in 2009. Film and television acting credits include A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas, Contagion, Transformers 3, Crime Fiction, The Company, The Mob Doctor, The Beast, Gifted Hands, Karen Sisco, Alias, The Practice, The Unit, Numb3rs and others. Yasen has translated and adapted Russian plays by Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Nikolai Kolyada, Alexander Galin and Vassily Sigarev all of which developed into productions. His translation of Chekhov’s Ivanov was produced by European Repertory Company and then published by Ivan R. Dee. He is a recipient of a Joseph Jefferson Award, Fox Fellowship Award and currently serves as the Head of Theatre in the School of Theatre and Music at the University of Illinois at Chicago. J o e y Wade (Scenic Design) is so excited to be back at Steppenwolf Theatre Company again where he designed The Dazzle directed by David Cromer, The Duel with Yasen Peyankov (produced in association with European Repertory Company), and Uncle Vanya directed by Sheldon Patinkin. Joey has been honored to receive Joseph Jefferson Awards for his scenic designs for A Month in the Country (Bailiwick Chicago); Impossible Marriage (Strawdog Theatre Company); and was recently nominated for The Fall of the House of Usher (The Hypocrites). Currently he is designing Judith (Trap Door Theatre); and Solstice (A Red Orchid Theatre); where he also designed The Grey Zone and The Opponent. Other Chicago favorites include The Price (Writers’ Theatre); Madame De Sade (European Repertory Company); and Harold Pinter’s The Dumb Waiter (TUTA Theatre Chicago). Joey assisted internationally renowned master designer Ralph Koltai on designs for Nottingham Playhouse (UK), Scottish National Opera, Teatre de l’Orange (Italy), Ralph Koltai Retrospective Exhibition at Lethaby Gallery (London), and Timon of Athens (Chicago Shakespeare Theater). A native of Atlanta, Joey’s other credits include designs for theater, film, opera and dance, there as well as in New York, North Carolina, Indiana and the Virgin Islands. Joey teaches scenic design at University of Illinois at Chicago. Joey would like to say thank you to Yasen for prying him out of “retirement” and for sharing the joy of Chicago theater again.

bios 17

A n a K u z m a n i c (Costume Design) is thrilled to be back at Steppenwolf Theatre Company, where she previously designed costumes for The Wheel, Penelope, Hot L Baltimore, Superior Donuts and August: Osage County among many others. Her Broadway credits include Tony Award-winning August: Osage County, Robert Falls’s Desire Under the Elms and Superior Donuts directed by Tina Landau. Ms. Kuzmanic’s work was seen in many Chicago theatres, including Lookingglass Theatre Company where Ana most recently collaborated with actor/director David Schwimmer on Keith Huff ’s new play Big Lake Big City. As a frequent collaborator of Tony Award-winning director Robert Falls, Ms. Kuzmanic designed King Lear, Desire Under the Elms, A True History of the Johnstown Flood, Seagull and Measure for Measure (Goodman Theatre); as well as The Jacksonian (The New Group). Regionally, Ms. Kuzmanic has designed costumes at Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, McCarter Theatre Center, Shakespeare Theatre Company, Trinity Repertory Company, Geffen Playhouse and Oregon Shakespeare Festival. These days Ana is working on Mozart’s Don Giovanni at The Lyric Opera of Chicago and Hero at Asolo Rep in Sarasota, Florida. A native of former Yugoslavia, Ana earned her undergraduate degree in costume and fashion design from Faculty of Applied Arts of Belgrade and an MFA from Northwestern University where she is an associate professor of costume design. She is a company member of The House Theatre of Chicago. To see more of Ana’s work, please visit anakuzmanic.‌com Sc o t t Z i el i n s k i (Lighting Design) returns to Steppenwolf Theatre Company after most recently lighting The Wheel. His work has been seen extensively in New York and regionally throughout the United States. Internationally he has designed for productions in Adelaide, Amsterdam, Avignon, Berlin, Bregenz, Edinburgh, Fukuoka, Gennevilliers, Goteborg, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Linz, London, Luang Prabang, Lyon, Melbourne, Orleans, Oslo, Ottawa, Paris, Reykjavik, Rotterdam, Rouen, St. Gallen, Singapore, Stockholm, Stuttgart, Tokyo, Toronto, Vienna, Vilnius and Zurich. Upcoming projects include Facing Goya for Spoleto Festival USA/Singapore Arts Festival and Splendid’s for Centre Dramatique National d’Orléans (France).

18 bios

R o b M i l b u r n & M i c h ael B o dee n (Sound Design and Original Music) Broadway credits include music composition and sound for No Man’s Land & Waiting for Godot, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, The Miracle Worker, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Speed of Darkness, music for My Thing of Love and sound for the Steppenwolf Theatre Company production of Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Superior Donuts, reasons to be pretty, A Year with Frog and Toad, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Hollywood Arms, King Hedley II, Buried Child, The Song of Jacob Zulu and The Grapes of Wrath. Off-Broadway credits include music and sound for Checkers, Inked Baby, After Ashley, The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Boy Gets Girl, Red, Space, Marvin’s Room, sound for Jitney, Family Week, Juvenilia, Brundibar, The Pain and the Itch and music direction and sound for Eyes for Consuela and Ruined. They have created music and sound at many of America’s resident theaters (often with Steppenwolf Theatre Company) and at several international venues. S t ep h a n Ma z u r e k (Projection Design) returns to Steppenwolf Theatre Company where he last designed projections for The Wheel. Other Steppenwolf credits include The March, The Tempest, Sonia Flew, The Cherry Orchard, and Of Mice and Men. His work as a photographer, cinematographer and documentary filmmaker can be found at D a s s i a N . P o s n e r (Dramaturg) is delighted to be returning to Steppenwolf Theatre Company as the dramaturg for Russian Transport. Previous Steppenwolf credits include Three Sisters (dramaturg and literal translator). Additional dramaturgy credits include Pride and Prejudice, A Flea in Her Ear, Othello, Tommy, Comedy of Errors, Galileo (Connecticut Repertory Theatre); Tears of Heaven (National Theatre, Korea); and Endurance (Split Knuckle Theatre). A Russian theatre historian, Dassia studied at the Moscow Art Theatre School. She is an Assistant Professor of Theatre at Northwestern University, where she teaches Russian theatre history, history of directing, dramaturgy, and puppetry. Her co-edited book The Routledge Companion to Puppetry and Material Performance will be published in the summer of 2014. She is also currently writing a book on Russian theatricalist directors entitled The Director’s Prism. She is a graduate of Tufts University.

E v a B r e n e m a n (Dialect Coach) is delighted to be back at Steppenwolf Theatre Company where she previously worked on Tribes, Lord of the Flies, Good People, The March, The Brother/Sister Plays, The Diary Of Anne Frank, Huck Finn and Master Harold...And The Boys. Other recent Chicago credits include To Master The Art (Broadway Playhouse); By The Way, Meet Vera Stark (Goodman Theatre); Port Authority (Writer’s Theatre): Blood And Gifts (TimeLine Theatre Company); The Merry Wives of Windsor, Elizabeth Rex (Chicago Shakespeare Theater); Skylight (Court Theatre); and North China Lover (Lookingglass Theatre Company). Regional credits include Around The World In 80 Days (Centerstage/Kansas City Repertory); and Mamma Mia! (National Tour/Las Vegas). Television credits include Betrayal and The Chicago Code. Eva is an associate artist at TimeLine Theatre Company, and a production affiliate of Lookingglass Theatre Company. Malc o l m E w e n (Stage Manager) spent last year stage managing Steppenwolf Theatre Company’s Tony Award-winning Broadway revival of Edward Albee’sWho’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. Since 1987 he has been one of Steppenwolf ’s stage managers, where his credits include The March, American Buffalo, The Tempest, The Diary of Anne Frank and Man From Nebraska. He has taken four Steppenwolf shows to Broadway including The Grapes of Wrath. Also on Broadway he was the production stage manager of Paul Simon’s musical, The Capeman. He serves on the Council of Actors’ Equity Association. A graduate of Amherst College, he returns every summer to the Green Mountains of Vermont to direct at the Weston Playhouse. C a s s i e C alde r o n e (Assistant Stage Manager) is happy to return to Steppenwolf Theatre Company after assistant stage managing The Wheel this fall. Recent credits include The Gospel of Franklin, Head of Passes (Steppenwolf Theatre Company); and Song for the Disappeared (Goodman Theatre). Other Chicago credits include Betrayal, Gary, Fair Use, To Kill a Mockingbird, Venus, Man in Love, fml: how Carson McCullers saved my life, two productions of The Glass Menagerie (Steppenwolf Theatre Company); Grease, A Chorus Line (Paramount Theatre); The Homosexuals (About Face Theatre); Million Dollar Quartet (Chicago); The MLK Project (Writers Theatre); The Sparrow (The House Theatre /Broadway in Chicago); and the Gay Games Opening Ceremony at Soldier Field. Regional credits include work with ArtsPower National Touring Theatre, Catharsis Productions,

Opera Illinois, Portland Stage, and the Colorado, Illinois and Virginia Shakespeare Festivals. Cassie is a proud member of AEA. “Love to my new wife, Kelly.” Ma r t h a L a v e y (Artistic Director) has been an ensemble member since 1993 and has appeared at Steppenwolf Theatre Company in over 20 productions. Elsewhere in Chicago she has performed at Goodman Theatre, Victory Gardens Theater, Northlight Theatre and Remains Theatre and in New York at the Women’s Project and Productions. She has served on grants panels for the National Endowment for the Arts, Theatre Communications Group, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, 3Arts, USA Artists and the City Arts panel of Chicago. Lavey holds a doctorate in Performance Studies from Northwestern University and is a member of the National Advisory Council for the School of Communication at Northwestern. She is a recipient of the Sarah Siddons Award and an Alumni Merit Award and honorary Doctorate of Arts from Northwestern University. D a v i d Ha w k a n s o n (Executive Director) prior to Steppenwolf Theatre Company was the Managing Director of Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, Minnesota, under the artistic leadership of Joe Dowling. Before the Guthrie, he served for eight years as the Managing Director of Hartford Stage in Connecticut with Artistic Director Mark Lamos. Earlier in his career, he was Managing Director of Arizona Theatre Company. He was a former senior staff member at the National Endowment for the Arts and subsequently chairman of its Theater Program. He has also had an active career as an arts management consultant and trustee for many national organizations and foundations. He currently serves as a trustee of the League of Chicago Theatres and of the Arts Alliance Illinois. He is a graduate of Lawrence University.

bios 19

D a s s i a P o s n e r : Erika, how did you come to write this play?

Zero From

to a

Playwright E r i ka S he ffe r, Director Yasen Peyan kov, and Dramaturg Dass ia Posne r discuss Russian Transport. Edited by Dass ia Posne r

E r i k a S h e f f e r : I was an actor for a while. When I started writing, I got to a point where I wanted to write something more personal. My parents and my brother moved here from the Soviet Union a couple years before I was born, and then I was born here. My uncle stayed with us later when he came from the Ukraine and got on his feet. As a playwright, for me it’s important to talk about things that I care about and that I think are going to translate to a wider audience. For me, this has always been the question of how people are able to do terrible things and justify it. So the play became about those two things. D P : How did the play come to Steppenwolf ? Ya s e n P e ya n k o v : Martha Lavey gave me the play to read, and I loved it. I recognized the experience of my own family. The way these people communicate. The way they love each other. The way they get on each other’s nerves. It also reminded me of many other families of Eastern European descent. There is something about the language that’s so real. It’s like you overheard it. It reminds me of how Tracy Letts writes. To someone who might not be familiar with the culture, some of the scenes might look borderline abusive, but I find them hilarious. It is a play that really looks like it was written by an actor. There are strong, focused characters who want particular things in life. And they couldn’t be more different from each other. So when all of these wants get in the middle, they clash. D P : Erika, you said something once about being interested in people who are on the edge of doing


the right thing. That’s so central to this play. These characters are between cultures, between life paths. They’re struggling to define what it means to survive, what it means to be happy. How has this shaped this play? E S : I understand the appeal of abhorrent characters. But for me to really empathize with that person, I want to believe they’re a good person in bad circumstances doing terrible things. Because I could be that terrible, too, if under the same circumstances. I want to see characters who, even if they might be doing things that are awful, have love in them and are capable of goodness. D P : Each of us has Eastern European roots. I had a Russian grandmother. Erika, you were born here, but your family is from Ukraine. Yasen, you were born in Bulgaria. What are some of the differences from American culture? Y P : I know I’m home when I can’t finish my sentences, because I’m being interrupted constantly. You start talking, and then, literally, a half-sentence into it, “Yeah, yeah, that happened to me too,” and you end up doing a lot of listening. One of the first things I noticed when I moved to the States is that here you say, “How are you doing?” But it really means hello. But if you say this in Europe, you might get, “Well, I haven’t been so well the last couple weeks...” There’s the need to say what is important to you and how you feel. And there’s just a certain kind of politeness that doesn’t exist. Also the emotions. I remember a few years ago, I was celebrating something with my friend Max, and he’d had quite a bit of vodka, and as he was smiling and laughing, he just started weeping. It was just a little story that we remembered from our childhood, and the joy of

Features 21


D P : This play deals very smartly with the perspectives of different generations of immigrants. A few years one way or another in a new culture can make a profound difference in somebody’s world outlook. E S : One of the big things is that when you’re raised under that kind of totalitarian regime, it seeps into who you are and into the way you look at the world. Even here, my parents still have an internalized paranoia that anything bad could happen. My grandparents, they were even worse. They were Holocaust survivors, so for them, really, anything bad could happen. D P : Also, if you were trying to get daily needs in the late Soviet period, you got it where you could. You went around your obstacles, and sometimes an obstacle might be the law. E S : Absolutely. My grandfather was in prison for selling jewelry on the black market. When they arrested him, they interrogated my grandmother and my mom, who was eight. They interrogated my grandmother because she knew about it, but she didn’t report him. She went to prison for ten months. It’s not like they were gangsters or anything. They were workingclass people—but that was the only way you could have enough.


Minutes from Chicago on the Edens or Metra

E S : And there’s this trickle-down effect. You think, “No one takes care of me, why should I take care of anyone else?” Y P : You learn to take care of your own, your family. D P : In this play, there’s a dance between cultures, between generations, and between negotiating how to define one’s own ethical system. There’s also a dance between languages. What prompted this? E S : I don’t speak Russian, actually. My family is from Western Ukraine, so they speak Russian, Hungarian and Yiddish. I speak Hungarian. When I was growing up, we would have birthday parties and dinners where there would be a lot of different languages. Sometimes I would understand, when people were speaking English or Hungarian. Some people would only understand if they were speaking Russian, and some understood all three. I learned from an early age that you can really understand what’s going on, even if you don’t know what’s being said. That was an important part of the play for me: getting it to a point where an American audience understood everything that is happening. And showing them that you can follow the action without literally understanding the words.








at 325 Tudor Court, Glencoe


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Y P : And it’s up to us, the theatre artists, to tell the story in a way where you understand even if you don’t speak the language.




E S : What’s crazy, too, is that from a hundred to zero is the same. It’s just as fast. The fight is over, and then you’re done.

Y P : In a way, I am grateful that I spent my first 25 years in that kind of society, because I feel I learned a lot and created a system of survival for myself. Even though nothing horrible has happened to me personally, everybody had somebody affected by that system.


the occasion, and the sadness of old times that were probably much better for him, and that mix of emotions… I’ve directed quite a few Russian plays, including Chekhov. The trick is to explain to the actors that the range from zero to a hundred is very short and sometimes happens in three seconds. The acceleration from joy and laughter to tears and utter despair.

First Person


Shifting Line in the Sand as told to J enn i Pag e-Wh ite

This season, we’re expanding First Person to include stories from the Steppenwolf Theatre Company community. In this installment, Literary Associate Jenni PageWhite asked the Steppenwolf Ensemble about their oddest jobs.

The first-generation immigrant family at the center of Russian Transport is scraping together a living by any means necessary. Overworked and underappreciated, 18-year-old Alex forks over all the cash from his multiple unglamorous jobs to help support his family. He drives for the family car service, he hustles phones at Verizon, and the only money he manages to hold on to comes from the shady gigs he hides from his family. But hey—when your mother hoards every last penny you earn, sometimes you wind up in suspect


circumstances trying to make a little pocket money on the down low. In the spirit of the play, we thought it would be fun to check in with our ensemble about the questionable jobs they held on their upwardly mobile path to success. Many of our ensemble members come from humble beginnings and had a variety of odd jobs before they got their big break in the arts industry. We asked them to share the sketchiest jobs they held in order to make ends meet along the way.

Features 25



A la n W i lde r



R o b e r t B r u ele r Ensemble member since 1987 and most recently seen in The Wheel, Robert was hired as a professional actor to read a deposition in place of the testifying witness, who could not attend. He soon discovered that a court of law could be a problematic arena for flexing his muscles as an actor. I was reading a deposition for a prosecuting attorney in a multi-million dollar law suit where 10 ophthalmologists were suing the American Association of Ophthalmologists because they wouldn’t recognize the validity of Radial Keratotomy. My lawyer told me to make the Doctor’s deposition as mean and ugly as I could. During the recess the opposing lawyer asked me how much would I charge to make him a charming, friendly ophthalmologist. I realized how these guys work. Turned down the second guy, finished, and never took another deposition gig. And that, friends, is the story of quite possibly the only time Robert Brueler refused to take direction. Though the action being requested of him was not necessarily criminal per se, Robert knew he had to draw the line.

Even our own ensemble, respected and talented artists all, have stumbled into suspicious employment during their hardscrabble days. Luckily, they saw what was coming down the road and knew well enough to get the heck out of Dodge. We all know that the line in the sand is a shifting line. It can be drawn and redrawn, depending on the desperation of the moment. Has your own line ever moved?

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Photo by Paul B. Goode.



Photo by Hidemi Seto.

Long before she sat at the helm of Steppenwolf as Artistic Director, Martha (ensemble member since 1993) found herself in a job in which her duties included a questionable daily task for a boss with a suspicious habit. I was working as an office temp and got called into a law firm in the West Loop. Mid-morning of the first day, the boss (he, of the twitchy behavior and intense mien) gave me a brown paper bag and asked me to keep it for him until the end of the day. A couple of hours later, he asked for the bag. Then went into his office and when he came back, he gave it back. Then he left early. I stayed about three days— same deal every day. Then I decided not to go back.

NOW Photos courtesy of Chick Corea Productions.

Ma r t h a L a v e y

I sometimes wonder if the design of our new open-concept administrative offices at Steppenwolf was in any way influenced by the secret behavior of Martha’s long-ago boss. Thankfully, our staff seems to have nothing to hide from each other!

Photo by Andrew Eccles.

An ensemble member since 1976 and currently playing Misha in Russian Transport, Al told me a story about a dubiously funded film that he was involved in. Somewhere in the 90s, I was cast in a straight-tovideo martial arts action movie, shooting in TheDetroit-of-Italy: Turin. I was thrilled to be playing a British director of the movie-within-the-movie. The leading man/martial artist/screenwriter was also one of the producers. And his Danish leading lady was the other producer, who, because she claimed to have been one the babes on Baywatch, was the main funder of the project. Problems arose when we found that she was a bald-faced liar about both being on Baywatch and having the bucks for the second week of shooting. Needless to say, the plug got pulled on the project. Al mentioned—almost in passing—that the actors weren’t the only ones who found themselves suddenly without a paycheck. He was accosted by the Italian-speaking hotel owner who was upset about overdue bills. Not being fluent in Italian, Al didn’t know how to explain that he wasn’t the person responsible for payment, and the thought crossed his mind that he might have to sneak out a window in the middle of the night.

Official Hotel Partner

T h e S t eppe n w o l f E n s e m b le first began performing in the mid-1970s in the basement of a Highland Park church, the ambitious brainchild of three high school and college friends: Jeff Perry, Terry Kinney and Gary Sinise. Fast forward 36 years and the Steppenwolf Theatre Company has become the nation’s premier ensemble theater––redefining the landscape of acting and performance. The ensemble has grown to 43 members who represent a remarkable generation of actors, directors and playwrights. Thrilling, powerful, groundbreaking productions from Balm in Gilead and The Grapes of Wrath to August: Osage County—and accolades that include the National Medal of Arts and 12 Tony Awards—–have made the theater legendary. Steppenwolf’s artistic force remains rooted in the original vision of its founders: an artist-driven theater, whose vitality is defined by its sharp appetite for groundbreaking, innovative work. That work is represented in production photos displayed throughout the theater.

Joan Allen

Kevin Anderson

Alana Arenas

Randall Arney

Kate Arrington

Ian Barford

Robert Breuler

Gary Cole

Kathryn Erbe

K. Todd Freeman

Frank Galati

Francis Guinan

Moira Harris

Jon Michael Hill

Tim Hopper

Tom Irwin

Ora Jones

Terry Kinney

The Steppenwolf Ensemble Tina Landau

Martha Lavey

Tracy Letts

John Mahoney

John Malkovich

Mariann Mayberry

Tarell Alvin McCraney

James Vincent Meredith

Laurie Metcalf

Amy Morton

Sally Murphy

Austin Pendleton

Jeff Perry

William Petersen

Yasen Peyankov

Martha Plimpton

Rondi Reed

Molly Regan

Anna D. Shapiro

Eric Simonson

Gary Sinise

Lois Smith

Rick Snyder

Jim True-Frost

Alan Wilder

steppenwolf 29

S t eppe n w o l f S ta f f

B o a r d o f T r u s t ee s

Martha Lavey

Terry Kinney, Jeff Perry and Gary Sinise

David Hawkanson

Artistic Director

Executive Artistic Board

Executive Director



Neel McNeill

Erica Daniels

Executive Assistant

Marketing Assistant

Associate Artistic Director

Lupe Garcia Quiles

Shilla Shakoori

Aaron Carter

Events Management Associate

Graphic Designer

Angela johnson


Office Management Associate & Receptionist

Director of Audience Services

Producing Associate

Jackie Snuttjer

Audience Services Manager

Jenni Page-White

Finance Specialist

Director of New Play Development

Greta Honold

Literary Associate



Stage Carpenter

Parking Staff

Volunteer Usher Coordination

Director of Development

Tracy Letts Amy Morton Jessica Thebus Yasen Peyankov


Audience Services Supervisors


Molly Layton

Production Manager

Emilie De Angelis

Group Sales Associate

Associate Artists

Director of Campaign Gifts


Megan a. Smith

Subscriptions and Audience Services Assistant

Sheldon Patinkin Artistic Consultant

Steppenwolf for Young Adults Hallie Gordon Artistic and Educational Director

Megan Shuchman Associate Education Director

Lauren Sivak Education and Community Programs Coordinator

Amanda Jane Dunne Ali Hoefnagel Marie Cisco L’Oreal Jackson Michael Leon Blake McKay Ashley Roberson Samuel Roberson Emilio Robles Teaching Artists

Administration David M. Schmitz Managing Director

Rachel D. Freund Director of Finance

Heather C. Joireman


Associate Director of Development

Director of Corporate Relations

DEBORAH STEWART Director of Foundation and Government Relations

KENDRA VAN KEMPEN Director of Special Events

Suzanne Miller Annual Fund Manager

Lauren Fisher Major Gift Coordinator

Jessica Gretch Kaleigh Lockhart Cioffi

Human Resources and Professional Leadership Programs Coordinator

RUSSELL POOLE Technical Director

Robert S. Brown Assistant Technical Director

Christopher Kristant Shop Foreman

christopher grubb Kyle Land Russell Scott Scenic Carpenters

Melissa rutherfoord


Charge Scenic Artist

Jenny DiLuciano Properties Master

Anna Brenner

Antonio Ibarra


Development Associate

Physical Plant Supervisor

Assistant Properties Master

Lauren Connor

Peter van kempeN


Foundation and Government Associate

Operations Coordinator

Master Properties Artisan

Adrian castro RYAN PALMA

Emily Guthrie

Facilities Staff


David Barati Victor David Padam Dhungel Tika Ram Kafley Ethan Ozaniec Bhagirath Timsina Biak Sang

Wardrobe, Hair & Make-up Supervisor

Custodial Staff



Assistant Costume Designer

Director of Audience Experience


Sarah Tongren Special Events Associate

Eric Van Tassell Corporate Relations Associate

Marketing, Publicity & Audience Services

erika Nelson Associate Director of Marketing

jeffrey fauver Communications Director

Donovan Foote Design Director

Brian Hurst

jamie alexander

Finance Coordinator

Marketing Manager

Samar Sharba


IT Associate

Digital Content Producer

30 Russian Transport

Assistant Production Manager

Director of Operations

Scott Macoun

Kate holst Test

Brianna Parry


Director of Marketing and Communications

Company Manager


Development Coordinator

JOhn Zinn

Erin Cook

Audience Services Associates

Individual Giving Coordinator

Events Management Director IT Director


Danielle shindler Front of House Manager


House Carpenter


Mike brunlieb MATTHEW LYLE

Casting and School Assistant



Jessamyn Fuller

Head Electrician

Front of House Staff

Audience Services Subscription Manager



Properties Artisan

Melissa tulchinsky Staff Wardrobe



E x ec u t i v e C o m m i t t ee

T r u s t ee s

E m e r i t u s T r u s t ee s

Sarah B ear dsley

J. Robe rt Bar r

Nora Daley Chair

M ichael W. B ende r

Lawr ence B lock

E r ic Le fkofs ky Secretary

E bs B u r noug h

John N. Fox, J r.

Te r r i L. Cable

Glor ia Scoby

Pau l W. Good r ich Treasurer

Rob i n Tennant Colb u r n B eth Boosali s Davi s

P a s t C h a i r pe r s o n s

H en ry S. B i enen

Ki m Davi s

Wi lliam L. Atwell

Carole L. B rown

Amy E shleman

Lar ry D. B rady

Doug las R. B rown

J. Scott Etz le r

Doug las R. B rown

M ichael Cahan

N ene Foxhall

Lau r ence E dwar ds

E li zabeth H. Connelly

Lawr ence M. G i ll

John N. Fox, J r.

Stage Managers

R ich Fe itle r

Matthew G ray

E lliott Lyon

Call Center

Caryn Har r i s

Robert J. Greenebaum, Jr.

Gor don M u r phy


Lynn Lockwood M u r phy

John H. Hart

Wi lliam H. Plu mme r

Associate Campaign Director

Kenneth J. Por r ello

Te r ry J en ki ns

B r uce Sagan

Daniel Rubens Tiffany Rae Wilson

D eborah H. Quaz zo

Georg e A. Joseph

Glor ia Scoby

Audience Outreach Supervisors

Randall K. Rowe

Donna La Pi etra

Donna Vos

Laura Barati Sidney Cristol Charles Frydenberg Marilyn Hillary Jennifer Hogan Elliot Ivins Max Lando

B r uce Sagan

Martha Lavey

Har ry J. S e ig le

Mary Lu d for d

Stephan i e B. S m ith

Ronald J. Mallicoat, J r.

John R. Walte r

Janet M elk

H elen Zell

Davi d E. M endelsohn

GREGOR MORTIS Assistant Audio Engineer

Cassie Calderone Malcolm Ewen Christine D. Freeburg Laura D. Glenn Michelle Medvin Deb Styer

Audience Outreach Associates

MICHAEL BESANCON Alexis Chaney Kathleen Dickinson Kevin Dwyer Elizabeth Gottmann Elle Kaplan Lexy Leuszler Andrew Lex Gee Hoon Lim Adrienne Littlefield david Masnato Patrick McGovern Chrystle Morman Diana Raiselis Travis Ray Raisa Stebbins Aaron Stephenson Karyn Todd Kathryn Zukaitis

L. H eathe r M itchell Ch r i stophe r M. M u r phy Davi d C. Pi sor M e r le Res ki n M ichael R. Salem Robe rt Sanbor n Man u el “Manny” Sanche z Anna D. S hapi ro Matthew S hapi ro Colette Cachey Smithburg


Head Draper

Kevin Peterson Shop Foreman

lynae vandermeulen Staff Draper

Daisy lindas Project Coordinator

J. R. LEDERLE Lighting Supervisor

steppenwolf 31

The Seafarer, 2008

Detroit, 2010

The Brother/Sister Plays: In the Red and Brown Water, 2010

photographer michael brosilow

Last of the Boys, 2005

Steppenwolf is proud to recognize our leading contributors

ST E P P E NWO L F FOR YOUNG A D U LTS Alphawood Foundation Paul M. Angell Foundation Helen Brach Foundation


2014 GALA BMO Private Bank Merle Reskin

Joyce Foundation



BMO Harris Bank

American Express


Richard and Mary L. Gray

Edgerton Foundation

CNA Financial Corporation

Bob and Amy Greenebaum

multi-year commitment to Steppenwolf’s artistic development

Irving Harris Foundation

The Crown Family

John H. Hart and Carol Prins

Lloyd A. Fry Foundation

George A. Joseph

Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal

Martha Lavey

Christopher and Eileen Murphy


Steven D. Loucks

National Endowment for the Arts

Northern Trust

Jim and Kay Mabie

The Negaunee Foundation

Polk Bros. Foundation

Grainger Foundation

The Priztker Traubert Family Foundation

Gary Sinise Foundation


Grand Patrons Julie and Roger Baskes Joyce Chelberg The Davee Foundation The Harris Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. King Harris Kathy Harris Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Szokol Mr. and Mrs. William Friend Mr. and Mrs. John Harris Liz and Eric Lefkofsky Merle Reskin Helen Zell Distinguished Patrons Sarah Beardsley


Lynn Lockwood and Barrett B. Murphy

Northern Trust

Kenneth J. Porrello and Sherry L. McFall

J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation

Sage Foundation

Deborah and Stephen Quazzo

Philip and Suzanne Rooney

Steppenwolf Auxiliary Council


Susan and Harry Seigle

Robert and Louise Sanborn


Buchanan Family Foundation

Toni Sandor Smith

Colette Cachey Smithburg and Tom Smithburg

Julius Frankel Foundation


Bill and Orli Staley

Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation

Allstate Insurance Company


Philip and Janice Beck


Neal Zucker and Marko Iglendza

Michael Bender and Sheridan Prior

Meredith Bluhm-Wolf and William Wolf

Henry and Leigh Bienen

Leslie Bluhm and David Helfand

Betty Bradshaw

Douglas R. Brown

The Comer Foundation

Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation

Nora Daley and Sean Conroy

Chicago Community Trust

Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust

Shawn M. Donnelley and Christopher M. Kelly

Richard M. Daley and Family

Theatre Communications Group

Frank G. and Gertrude Dunlap Fund

Zell Family Foundation

32 Russian Transport

Mary and Paul Finnegan

James S. Kemper Foundation

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Nonprofit Finance Fund

Dr. Scholl Foundation

Helen Zell

OFFI C I A L E X C L USIV E A IR L IN E United Airlines

Illinois Arts Council, a state agency

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

OFFI C I A L M A RK E TING P A RTN E R Ogilvy & Mather, Inc.

Prince Charitable Trusts Rhoades Foundation Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust The Shubert Foundation, Inc. Smart Family Foundation

Contact Sandy Karuschak, Director of Development, at 312-654-5621 or to learn more about unique ways to support the work on our stages.

steppenwolf 33

2 0 1 3 / 1 4 Sea s o n Sp o n s o r s

Steppenwolf’s reputation derives from our willingness to take on challenging, ambitious projects. Our future relies upon the generous support of season sponsors who provide invaluable resources for the work of our actors, directors and playwrights. We thank you for your commitment to the vision of our ensemble. Steppenwolf Theatre Company’s 2013/14 season is generously sponsored by: Grand Benefactors


C o r p o r a t e , F o u n da t i o n a n d G o v e r n m e n t C o n t r i b u t o r s

With a partnership founded on our common ideals of innovation and community engagement, Steppenwolf is proud to recognize OptionsHouse as the Corporate Production Sponsor of Russian Transport. OptionsHouse, a top-rated online brokerage, believes in the importance of celebrating its success and giving back to our community. This generosity helps make it possible for Steppenwolf to continue our important mission of advancing the Chicago theatre community.

Dedicated to the Chicago community, the Alphawood Foundation is a generous supporter of diverse arts and cultural organizations that enrich our community. The Foundation’s longstanding support for Steppenwolf for Young Adults provides broad access to artistically exceptional and meaningful theater experiences for thousands of Chicago youth and families such as this season’s productions of Lord of the Flies and Leveling Up. We are proud to partner with the Alphawood Foundation in our shared commitment to Chicago youth and their families.

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s support for more than 200 arts and cultural organizations in Chicago and the region is an expression of its civic commitment to the community where the Foundation is headquartered. The Foundation’s multiyear commitment of unrestricted operating funds provides sustaining support for leading Chicago cultural institutions like Steppenwolf, ensuring this city’s world class reputation as a vibrant place to live, work and visit.

Steppenwolf is excited to continue our partnership with JPMorgan Chase & Co. as the major corporate supporter of Steppenwolf’s career readiness and professional leadership program. JPMorgan Chase seeks to provide opportunities for individuals and companies to better compete in the global economy and to help youth commit to their futures. Their support of Steppenwolf’s career readiness programs, including Steppenwolf for Young Adults and the Professional Leadership Program, helps teens and young adults acquire new skills and prepare for future arts careers.

Leading for the Future, a national program of the Nonprofit Finance Fund funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has provided a select group of artistically outstanding performing arts organizations with extraordinary resources to strengthen their business in a shifting environment. For Steppenwolf over the last five years, it has supported critical research and programming to engage young audiences and artists more deeply and intentionally in the theater. While our multiyear initiative draws to a close we will reap the benefits of this work for years and decades to come, even as we share our learning and model millennial engagement efforts with other arts organizations nationwide.

For more information on how you can support Steppenwolf’s artistic intiatives as a sponsor or corporate partner, please contact Megan A. Smith at 312-654-5697 or 34 Russian Transport

steppenwolf 35

Steppenwolf gratefully recognizes the community of people who serve in leadership roles and provide invaluable support to the Theater. 2 0 1 4 Gala Steppenwolf ’s Gala Co-Chairs plan the signature fundraising event led by the theater’s Board of Trustees. Lawr ence M. G i ll* and Ch r i sti ne Alb r ig ht Kathleen and Te r ry* J en ki ns

D i r ec t o r s C i r cle C o m m i t t ee The Directors Circle Committee’s purpose is to steward and help grow the Directors Circle program comprised of generous donors who annually support Steppenwolf’s artistic initiatives. Ton i S m ith, Chair

Au x i liary C o u n c i l The Auxiliary Council Executive Committee is the leadership team for Steppenwolf ’s junior board comprised of more than 100 dynamic young professionals with a shared interest in supporting the theater’s education program for teens, Steppenwolf for Young Adults.

B eth B. Davi s*

F i f t h A n n u al S t eppe n w o l f Sal u t e s W o m e n i n th e Arts Lu nch eon The Women in the Arts Luncheon Committee spearheads our annual fundraising event honoring leading women for their artistic contributions to theater, film and television, which supports Steppenwolf ’s Professional Leadership Program. Sarah B ear dsley* E li zabeth H. Connelly* Nora Daley*

P la n n ed G i v i n g A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t ee

P u b l i c Sq u a r e C o m m i t t ee

Y o u n g A d u lt Council

The Planned Giving Advisory Committee, comprised of estate planning professionals, provides expertise and serves as a valuable resource in supporting Steppenwolf ’s planned giving activities.

The Public Square Committee helps Steppenwolf foster public dialogue driven by the work on our stages and our relationships with community partners from the Chicago metropolitan area.

Steppenwolf’s Young Adult Council is a unique after school program for high school students who see the entire Steppenwolf season and organize events for their peers around Steppenwolf productions.

Ch r i sti ne Alb r ig ht Chair

Amy E shleman Co-Chair

And r ew R. Gelman

Lynn Lockwood M u r phy* Co-Chair

E dwar d A. Ge r shman

J. Robe rt Bar r*

James H. Good r ich

Sarah B ear dsley*

J u li e G ustafson

E bs B u r noug h*

Le ig h S. Harte r

James Ches i r e

J u li e H end r icks

Steve Collens

Kath ryn Kennedy

Joel Cor n feld

Robe rt LoPr ete

B eth Davi s

G r eg D esmond

E x ec u t i v e O f f i ce r s

R itu D h i ng ra

Ki m Davi s* President

Pamela L. Luci na

S haron Fai r ley

The r esa Marx

Pau l Gaynor

Franci s Sadac Immediate Past President and Directors Circle Liaison

Colleen McE lligott

Geoffr ey Goldbe rg

Susan A. Payne

Pau l W. Good r ich*

J u d ith M. Pi epe r

Sand ra P. G uthman

Clau d ia B. Sang ste r

Lynn Hause r

Jasm i ne G uy Vice President of Member Experience

Kathleen O’Hagan Scallan

Ann H ickey

R ichar d B. Th i es

Kenneth H u nte r

Kat Rothste i n Vice President of Communication & Outreach

Fran k Trocch io

J usti ne J entes

J u li e G ustafson M i ke G ustafson S he r r i Kayse r M ichael Kennedy M ichael LaTona B eth Loeb Cathy Nathan Franci s Sadac Gai l Ste i ngold Fran Tu ite Susan War r i ngton Steven N. Wayland

Isaac Colu nga Vice President of Partnerships

Syb i l Mad i son-Boyd Donna La Pi etra*

J enn i fe r Stuart Vice President of Development

Janet M elk* N e i l Ross Nancy Sch u mache r

Mary D empsey

E x ec u t i v e C o m m i t t ee

Amy E shleman*

Vanessa Ab ron

N ene Foxhall*

J enn i fe r Wesley

Kr i stophe r Ande r son

Caryn Har r i s*

N i na Wi nston

Jon B lanc

Donna La Pi etra*

Sarah Wolff

Steven Collens

Li z Le fkofs ky

Robe rta B. Zabel

B ryce Coope r

Janet L. M elk*

Ai mee G raham

Jane Mody

Cone ry Hoffman

Susan Olear i

Ryan Staffor d

D eborah Quaz zo*

Tanya Stan fi eld

Colette Cachey Smithburg*

J e ff Tsai

Ann i e Tu lly

N icolas D iaz de Leon Freshman, Jones College Prep Ch r i sti ne Jor dan Senior, Providence St. Mel School Mar io Joseph Senior, TEAM Englewood High School Danny Kapi nos Senior, John Hersey High School Lu i s Lope z Re ichli ng Senior, St. Benedict College Prep H eathe r Mack Senior, Oak Park River Forest High School Molly McGaan Junior, Senior, Francis W. Parker School Salomon Navar ro Senior, Curie Metropolitan High School
 Mar ia Pr ivite ra Sophomore, University of Chicago Laboratory School Mali k Pau ldon Senior, Chicago Academy for the Arts Donald Rapi e r Junior, Lindbom Math and Science Academy High School Sam Reyolds Senior, University of Chicago Laboratory School N ia Rob i nson Junior, Lane Tech College Prep Olivia S h i ne Sophomore, Senn Fine Arts M elan i e Thompson Senior, Prosser Career Academy Joey Vargas Junior, Senn Fine Arts Ch r i stian Vazqu e z Junior, Lincoln Park High School J e r em iah Watson Senior, Urban Prep Charter Academies

Bobett Taki ff H elen Zell* To get involved or learn more, please contact Eric Evenskaas, Associate Director of Development, at 312-654-5615 or

36 Russian Transport

Remy D h i ng ra Sophomore, Latin School of Chicago

* Steppenwolf Trustee

* Steppenwolf Trustee

Mar iah Woods Junior, Lindbom Math and Science Academy High School D eja Wou ld folk Junior, Air Force Academy High School

steppenwolf 37

C o r p o r a t e , F o u n da t i o n & G o v e r n m e n t C o n t r i b u t o r s

Grand Be n e f ac t o r s The Davee Foundation‡

J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation Sage Foundation Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation ‡

Pat r o n s

($ 1 00 ,00 0 + )

Joyce Foundation‡ John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation*‡ Andrew W. Mellon Foundation‡ Nonprofit Finance Fund‡ Ogilvy & Mather, Inc. Shubert Foundation, Inc. Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust ‡ United Airlines Zell Family Foundation

Be n e f ac t o r s ($ 5 0 ,00 0 – 9 9 , 9 9 9 ) Allstate Insurance Company* Alphawood Foundation Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Chicago Community Trust ComEd The Crown Family‡ Julius Frankel Foundation BMO Harris Bank* J.P.Morgan Northern Trust* Polk Bros. Foundation*‡ Smart Chicago Collaborative Smart Family Foundation Target Theatre Communications Group

P r o d u ce r s ($ 2 5,0 00 – 4 9 , 9 9 9 ) Paul M. Angell Foundation Grosvenor Capital Management Illinois Arts Council, a state agency National Endowment for the Arts The Negaunee Foundation OptionsHouse PNC Prince Charitable Trusts

38 Russian Transport

TRUiST Vinci William Blair & Company, LLC

S u s ta i n e r s ($5 ,0 0 0 – 9,9 9 9)

( $1 0 ,0 0 0 – 2 4 ,9 9 9 ) Anonymous (2) Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture American Express Bank of America* Barclays Capital Baxter International Inc.* Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois The Boeing Company The BOKA Group Helen Brach Foundation Buchanan Family Foundation Capri Capital, LP Chopper Trading, LLC CNA Financial Corporation* Comer Foundation Deloitte DLA Piper LLP (US) Edgerton Foundation The Field Foundation of Illinois Lloyd A. Fry Foundation GCG Financial, Inc. Grainger Foundation Green Courte Partners, LLC Grund & Leavitt, P.C. The Hillshire Brands Company Illinois Tool Works Foundation InterCall Katten Muchin Rosenman, LLP James S. Kemper Foundation Kraft Foods* Limelight Food Illuminated Marsh Private Client Services McKinsey & Company, Inc. National Philanthropic Trust Norcon, Inc The Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation The Roche Family Foundation Rhoades Foundation Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman, LLP Dr. Scholl Foundation Seigle Family Foundation Gary Sinise Foundation Swett & Crawford Group

Aon Corporation Robert and Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc Modestus Bauer Foundation Margaret S. & Philip D. Block, Jr. Family Foundation Carol Lavin Bernick Family Foundation Philip H. Corboy Foundation Crown Packaging International/ Polycon Industries Inc. John R. Halligan Charitable Fund Irving Harris Foundation Hart Davis Hart Wine Co. Hub International Ice Miller LLP Newcastle Limited Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation Pratima N. Shah Family Foundation Howard and Jackie Shapiro Foundation Siragusa Foundation The Skender Foundation Takiff Family Foundation

G u a r a n to r s ( $1,000 – 2,4 9 9) The Alter Group, Ltd. Arcadis Arts Federation Cafaro-Livingston Charitable Trust Complete Mailing Service Inc. Daley Mohan Groble Efroymson-Hamid Family Foundation GoodSmith Gregg & Unruh Google Matching Gifts Program Hamilton Thies & Lorch, LLP Hotel Lincoln Illinois Humanities Council Innovative Benefits Consultants JAM Productions Jensen Litigation Solutions Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Donald S. Levin Family Foundation Ligne Roset Luminaire Mesirow Financial New Horizon Foundation Patzik, Frank & Samotny Ltd. Plante Moran Sahara Enterprises, Inc. Sidley Austin, LLP


Sp o n s o r s ($2 ,5 0 0 – 4,9 9 9) Amsted Industries Foundation City of Chicago, Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events Peter & Paula Fasseas Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund FROST Grover Hermann Foundation The Morris Kaplan and Dolores Kohl Kaplan Fund of the Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation KlearSky Solutions, LLC The Public Hotel Suite Home Chicago Westside Mechanical Group

* Corporations and foundations that have made employee matching gifts






1357 W Concord Place Chicago IL 60642 773 252 7300

‡ Multi-year pledge

Vesta_stepp_halfpage_4_fnl.indd 1

11/14/13 3:13 PM

Your gift can inspire a lot at Steppenwolf 1

An artistic home to our ensemble of actors, directors and playwrights


2 3 More than


performances a year on our

3 stages

65 1976

Our productions travel the world and allow Steppenwolf to serve as a cultural ambassador for Chicago.

More than world premieres since

Mentoring the next generation of theater artists through the Garage Rep

9 plays presented during our

(Steppenwolf started in a basement!)

40 Russian Transport

If you are already a donor, thank you! If you are not, consider joining the family of supporters.


Open Captioning, American Sign Language Interpretation, Audio Description and Touch Tours available for audience members at all

5 subscription shows.

provides professional productions to more than

students, teachers, and family audiences a year. have enjoyed subsequent world premieres at other theaters.

2013/14 season

Ways to give: Online at

call Steppenwolf

at 312-654-5617


Veterans’ Night

brings more than 900 local area veterans and active service members to dinner and the final dress rehearsal of our subscription plays each year at no charge.

Steppenwolf for Young Adults

Donor support allows Steppenwolf’s artistic and community programs to thrive. As a not-for-profit organization, our work is only possible because of donors like you.



More than students have learned the inner-workings of professional theater through the YOUNG ADULT COUNCIL and Steppenwolf’s Professional Leadership Program.

Steppenwolf Theatre Company 1700 N Halsted St Chicago IL 60614

visit the Box Office steppenwolf 41

E n d o w m e n t Sp o n s o r s

…cont’d Directors Circle

Hope Abelson Fund for New Play Development

Ford Foundation Artistic and General Operating Endowment Funds

Avy and Marcie Stein Sustaining Fund for the Ensemble

Artistic Endowment established through the Leading National Theatres Program, a joint initiative of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Richard and Mary L. Gray Production Endowment Fund

Steppenwolf Board Designated Endowment Fund

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Fund for the Development of New Work

Steppenwolf Theatre Company Endowment Fund created with Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust

Douglas R. Brown Playwright/Director Endowment Fund

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Daniel E. McLean National and International Production Fund

Nancy L. Wald Production Endowment Fund John and Carol Walter Production Endowment Fund

I n d i v i d u al C o n t r i b u t o r s V i s i o na r y C i r cle We are honored to recognize the following individuals who have included Steppenwolf in their will or estate plans. The esteemed members of the Visionary Circle help ensure the vitality of Steppenwolf for future generations. Contact Sandy Karuschak at 312-654-5621 or to learn more about the giving options to consider in your estate planning.

Valerie and Paul Goodrich Bob and Amy Greenebaum King and Caryn Harris John H. Hart and Carol Prins Terry and Kathleen Jenkins George A. Joseph Liz and Eric Lefkofsky Lynn Lockwood Murphy and Barrett B. Murphy Mary and Bill Ludford Ronald J. Mallicoat Jr. Janet Melk Kenneth J. Porrello and Sherry L. McFall M.K. and J.B. Pritzker Deborah and Stephen Quazzo Merle Reskin Randy and Susi Rowe Bruce Sagan and Bette Cerf Hill Michael R. Salem Manuel Sanchez and Pat Pulido Sanchez Harry and Susan Seigle Matthew Shapiro Toni Sandor Smith Colette Cachey Smithburg and Tom Smithburg John and Carol Walter Helen Zell


Michael Goldberger

Valerie and Joseph Abel

Michael Hansen and Nancy Randa

Kenneth J. Porrello and Sherry L. McFall

Robert C. Anderson

John H. Hart

Sylvia J. Pozarnsky

Dr. Marvin and Joyce Berman

Lynn Hauser and Neil Ross

Dr. Edward O. Riley

Norma Borcherding

Stephen Johnson

T. Marshall Rousseau

Douglas R. Brown

Jared Kaplan and Maridee Quanbeck

Harry Seigle

Janice and Rob Esser

Melanie G. Larch

Rose L. Shure


Robert H. Glaze

Dr. Paul Lisnek

Judy Sugarman

( $10,000 – 24, 9 9 9)

We remember the following members of the Steppenwolf family who have made a bequest to the theater. Their legacy will help to ensure that Steppenwolf continues to flourish. Hope A. Abelson Alba Biagini

Jo Hopkins Deutsch Marjorie Douglas

Andrea Romain and Cleo Orthel Nancy L. Wald

I n d i v i d u al C o n t r i b u t o r s D i r ec t o r s C i r cle The generosity of Steppenwolf’s Directors Circle members annually provides vital support for Steppenwolf’s many streams of artistic and community programming. In recognition of their contributions, members receive complimentary subscriptions with VIP ticketing services and are invited to private events with the artists of Steppenwolf. To join this distinguished group, call Jessica Gretch at 312-654-5672 or e-mail GR A N D P A TRONS ($ 2 5,0 00 + ) Anonymous Julie and Roger Baskes Sarah Beardsley

42 Russian Transport

Michael Bender and Sheridan Prior Henry and Leigh Bienen Marlene Breslow-Blitstein and Berle Blitstein Douglas R. Brown Terri L. Cable

Joyce Chelberg Elizabeth H. Connelly Nora Daley and Sean Conroy Rich and Margery Feitler Raj Fernando Nene Foxhall

Anonymous Philip and Janice Beck Leslie Bluhm and David Helfand Meredith Bluhm-Wolf and Bill Wolf Cindy and Michael Bonds Betty Bradshaw Carole L. Brown Phil and Mary Beth Canfield Frances Comer The Honorable Richard M. Daley Beth Boosalis Davis and Maxwell S. Davis Kim Davis and Brian Eble Shawn M. Donnelley and Christopher M. Kelly Frank G. and Gertrude Dunlap Fund Scott Etzler Mary and Paul Finnegan Scott and Rita George Christine Albright and Lawrence Gill Matthew and Leslie Gray Richard and Mary L. Gray David Grund Michael Hansen and Nancy Randa Mrs. John M. Hartigan David Herro and Jay Franke

Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal Martha Lavey Steven D. Loucks Jim and Kay Mabie Cynthia Luse-McKeen and Douglas McKeen L. Heather Mitchell and Kenny Mitchell Christopher and Eileen Murphy James F. Oates David and Hilary Pisor Penny Pritzker and Bryan Traubert Dr. Christopher Randolph The Rooney Family Cari and Michael J. Sacks Robert and Louise Sanborn Stephanie B. Smith and Gerald Smith Bill and Orli Staley Frances E. Tuite

P A TRONS ($ 5, 000 – 9, 9 9 9) Anonymous (2) Loren Almaguer William and Sharon Baker Dr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Berman Shaun and Andy Block Larry and Debbie Brady Michael and Merle Cahan Ann and Richard Carr Isaac Colunga Fred J. Costello Amy Eshleman and Lori Lightfoot Amy and Cameron Findlay John and Katherine Fox M. Julie and Michael Gustafson Ms. Joan Harris Jon Michael Hill David Hiller Willard and Lori Hunter, The Hunter Family Foundation Marko Iglendza Marian, Fruman and Lisa Jacobson Stephen Johnson David and Susan Kalt Dr. Mary Dochios Kamberos Pamela Kendall-Rijos and John Rijos Robert M. and Diane VS. Levy Amos and Anat Madanes Anne and Don Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Cody Phipps Burton X. and Sheli Rosenberg Neil Ross MD and Lynn Hauser MD The George H. Scanlon Foundation Howard and Jackie Shapiro Foundation Leif Selkregg Rose L. Shure

Jeffrey Singer and Patricia Carman Bonnie and James Spurlock Marcie and Avy Stein Jacqueline Tilton Michael and January Ward Robert and Susan Warrington Steven Wayland and Jennifer Wesley Tom and Blaine Wells Nina B. Winston Robert and Leslie Zimmerman Neal Zucker

SUSTA IN E RS ($ 2, 5 00 – 4, 9 9 9) Anonymous (5) Ms. Carina Abbaticchio Jack J. Adrian Kristopher J. Anderson Andrew and Susan Arnold Paula Ausick John and Caroline Ballantine Mr. Gerry Barad Zoe and Ken Barley Bob and Trish Barr Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berghoef Susan O. Berghoef Doug Bradbury Debbie Bricker Lois Browning David Callahan and Terri Abruzzo Keith Cardoza Nicole and Billy Cheeseman Drs. Rex Chisholm and Kathleen Green Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cohen Steven Collens Jerry and Josephine Conlon Bryce Cooper Kate Cornelius-Schecter Dennis R. Cowhey Judy and Tapas K. Das Gupta Diane Dawson Mary A. Dempsey Greg Desmond and Michael Segobiano Philip and Marsha Dowd Bernard J. Dowling Drs. Thomas E. Durica and Susan Jacob Dr. Steven B. Edelstein Donald and Anne Edwards Laura and Scott Eisen Mary M. Emerson George Engeln James and Kelly Epstein Tom and Pat Erickson Marc Falleroni Roxanne Hori and Robert Felsenthal David and Mimi Fiske Steven Florsheim and Jennifer Friedes

steppenwolf 43

…cont’d Directors Circle

Leonard Gail and Robin Steans Ethel and Bill Gofen Bob and Carol Goldberg Mrs. Keith Goldstein and Mr. Rodney Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Gottfred Sue and Melvin Gray The Green Family William and Nanci Greene James and Brenda Grusecki Jack and Sandra Guthman Marcy and Harry Harczak Pam and David Harrington Mrs. Louise Hart David R. Hawkanson Jeffrey W. and Julie Conboy Hesse David Kistenbroker and Cynthia Heusing Judy and Jay Heyman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Hill Conery and Gail Hoffman Dr. and Mrs. David Ingall Timothy B. Johnson and Valerie B. Wiley Jared Kaplan and Maridee Quanbeck Reis and Sherri Kayser Jen and Brad Keck Melinda Kempton and Jane Fleming Kathryn G. and Michael J. Kennedy Brad and Kim Keywell Mr. and Mrs. Sanfred Koltun Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Korbet Raminder and Vinay Kumar Mr. Matthew Kutcher and Ms. Rebecca Richards Christine and Michael LaTona Steven and Jody LaVoie Bernard and Averill Leviton Susan Lichtenstein and John Rokacz Robert Bud Lifton and Carol Rosofsky Timothy and Christine Loyer Mark and Frances Mann Alex and Pat Marren Becky and Bob McLennan Kevin and Beth McMeen Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mendelsohn Mike and Adele Murphy Howard and Sandy Nagelberg Cathy and Robert Nathan Jean and Jordan Nerenberg Geoff Nyheim Simon and Kim Perutz Dale and Loretta Pierson Mrs. Sherri Pincus Jennifer and Perry Pinto Bradley and Patricia Reid Linda Johnson Rice Margaret Robson Desirée Rogers Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr.

44 Russian Transport

Ellen Sandor Roberta Schaffner David and Susan Schmid Mark and Kimberly Shadle Smita N. Shah Michael Shannon Gail and Eugene Steingold Matthew Steinmetz Kristin and Stan Stevens Lisa Swanson Richard and Elaine Tinberg Steven L. and Stephanie A. Victor Donna and Dirk Vos Cate and Rick Waddell Dr. David Wasserman - In Memory of Abby S. Magdovitz-Wasserman Dr. Carey Weiss and Dr. Karen Pierce Lorrayne and Steve Weiss Jane and Greg Wintroub Ronald and Geri Yonover Elizabeth Ziegler

B E N E F A C TORS ($1 ,5 0 0 – 2 ,4 9 9 ) Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. John Aalbregtse Kathi and Roger Adams Karen and Scott Alexander Nicholas and Kathleen Amatangelo Kimball Anderson and Karen Gatsis Anderson Carolyn H. Andress Stephanie and Dana Arnett Jeffrey S. Arnold and Ellen J. Neely Edgar Bachrach Richard and Janice Bail Yuri and Elena Balasanov Solomon Barnett‡ Sandra Bass Martha and Al Belmonte Bruce and Debbie Bentcover Shirley and Tom Berchou‡ Susen H. Berg and James C. Berg Dennis and Joan Berger Ron and Colleen Bess Nicholas Biederman Patricia C. Bobb Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boychuck Michael and Cathy Brennan Kevin and Linda Buggy John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Timothy Burroughs and Barbara Smith Stephen Byrne and Kerry Shannon Sheila J. Chapman and David D. Soo Dr. Rosalyn Chrenka Prncss and Daddio Michael and Edie Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Tuey Connell Liam and Francesca Connell Kevann M. Cooke

Merle R. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cornell Joel Cornfeld Cynthia and Patrick Coyle Carl and Cynthia Curry Emilie De Angelis and Bert Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Menahem Deitcher David and Tracy Deno Donald Deutsch Gautam and Ritu Dhingra Roberta S. Dillon Patrick and Denise Dills Anne M. Donahoe Erin and Ian Drury Stephen and Dorne Eastwood Sidney and Sondra Berman Epstein Juliet and Marc Fallah David and Mary Farkas Mary Jo and Robert Fasan Randall Fearnow and Beth Compton Harris J. Feldman, M.D. Carol and Steven Felsenthal Marilyn and Larry Fields Lois Farrell Fisher Elaine Fishman Stacy and Ian Fleming Lisa and John Folkers Al Franklin Jim and Sandy Freeburg Kate and Michael Fridholm Kate Friedlob Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Friedman Mr. Stephen Fussell Noreen Ann Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Galvin Patti Eylar and Charlie Gardner Terri and Stephen Geifman Dr. Michael Gelbort Gary L. Gephart Beverly Wyckoff and Charles Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Elizabeth Glassman Sheila and Tom Gorey Thomas and Kristine Gorman Peter and Joellen Granson Mary and Jim Greene Charles R. Grode Renata and Michael Grossi Joan Hall Mary Elizabeth Hamlin Shannon Stacie R. Hartman Mark and Joelle Hayes Sandra L. Helton and Norman M. Edelson Marlene and Sonny Hersh Richard and Elaine Heuberger Ann S. Hoenig and Jonathan L. Hoenig Kathleen and Jack Horn Katie and Nehl Horton Brian W. Huebner Michael Hsu

…cont’d Directors Circle

Mary Ittelson Tom and Jan Jakobsen Patricia Jeffers Jeffrey and Lisa Jozwiak Anna and Jeff Kelch Gerould and Jewell Kern Jonathan Klein and Susan Cohn Stephanie and Peter Klein James Kochalka Suzy Krueckeberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lad Karen Lalor Carol and Jerome Lamet Gerald R. Lanz and Lisa Kearns Lanz Foundation Eileen and Paul LeFort Tanya Levshina and Ilya Volvovski Benita T. Levy Stephanie F. Linn and Seth B. Krantz Dr. Paul M. Lisnek Beth Loeb Abby and George Lombardi Fran Lambros and John Lowry Mr. Brian Lukanic Alan and Michelle Luke Arlene Manelli‡ Sandy and Jerry Manne Barbara and Larry Margolis Christine and David Markovitz Jim and Lynn McClure— Mary McClure Miller Foundation Bob and Barb McCullough Randi Merel and Allen LeHew Robert Merrilees Ellie and Bob Meyers— Harvey B. Levin Charitable Trust Amy Laiken and Tim Michel Michael and Susan Miller Dr. and Mrs. George and Maureen Miz William and Kate Morrison Bill and Lorna Filippini-Mulliken Patrick J. Nash, Jr. Judy Neafsey and Terry Conway

David Ellis and Hope Nightingale Carlos Noble Bruce Norris Joe O’Leary Bob and Joyce O’Malley Bridget R. O’Neill Susan and George Obermaier Susan and Ted Oppenheimer Elizabeth Orelup and Lawrence Sonntag Sandra and Mark Ostler Brian A. Paetow and Gretchen K. Beetner Phyllis Parish Amy and Brent Peebles Raymond Perry David Peterson and Tony Gueimunde Patricia Pippert and Steven Redfield Carl and Barbara Plochman Andrew and Judy L. Porte Mary Beth and Terry Porter Sylvia J. Pozarnsky and Tom Riley Elliott Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rauner Linda Reid Lynne Remington and Geoff Goldberg Sherry and Bob Reum New Horizon Foundation Oksana Riberdy Lauri Riggen Susan and Edwin Ritts John C. Roberts and Lynn D. Fleisher Dr. Abbie and Sandra Roth Holly B. Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. John Rothstein Janet and Philip Rotner George and Kimberly Ruhana Francis C. Sadac Richard H. Sanders Pamela and Fred Sasser Paul Scavone and Donna Pawlus Susan Schaalman Youdovin and Charlie Shulkin Michelle Maton and Mike Schaeffer

Gail Schaffner Matthew and Tina Schubert John Schuchert and Alan Kozlowski Diana and Richard Senior David and Judith Sensibar Surendra and Dorothie Shah Hope and Jeffrey Sheffield Scott and Tommy Sheridan Judy and Jeffrey Silverman Robert and Nancy Singleton James and Mary Jo Slykas Charles Smith Neil Smith Family Ron and Leslie Smith Lisa Stevak Ellen Stone Belic Gail and John Straus Mary Stowell and Jim Streicker Lauren and Steve Strelsin Judy Sugarman William and Julie Szematowicz Corrine P. Taylor James E. Thompson Carrie Thoms The Tipton Family John and Maribeth Totten Nick Trakas and Marc Cerone Reed and Rosemary Tupper Hollis and Alvan Turner Stacey Turner Scott Turow Tali and Liat Tzur Marilee Unruh Shawn VanDerziel and Jay Clarke The Wakes Jeanne Marienthal Westcott Jack and Keli Wildermuth Donna Wilkinson Johner Wilson Eugene H. Winkler Nancia Shawver and Larry Weiner Robert Williford Richard and Mary Woods Bobbi Zabel

I n d i v i d u al C o n t r i b u t o r s A nn u al F u nd Steppenwolf thanks the many supporters who help bridge the gap between annual operating costs and ticket sales. We regret that, due to space limitations, we are unable to recognize gifts below $150. To all our benefactors, we thank you for making possible another season of engaging, provocative theater. Make your gift today by visiting or calling Suzanne Miller at 312-654-5617. Gifts are as of December 2, 2013. P RO D U C E RS ( $1,000 – 1,4 9 9) Anonymous (2) Ellen Alberding and Kelly Welsh

Kris Alden and Trisha Rooney Alden Robert C. Anderson Gustavo Bamberger Ted and Robbie Beaty‡

Robin and Mark Tebbe Stephen and Lynn Bolanowski‡ George and Joyce Brown‡ Janet Burch

‡Step-by-Step We salute the individual donors who have committed to a recurring monthly or quarterly gift to steppenwolf 45 Steppenwolf. Their ongoing support helps fuel Steppenwolf’s mission of superior acting and risk-taking work.

…cont’d annual fund

Ebs Burnough Mr. John Butler and Mr. John Vanderlinder Joseph and Cory Cancila‡ Mr. and Mrs. Rob Clements Mr. Michael Davis and Mr. Art Williams Nancy Dehmlow John C. Donnelly Patricia and Richard Doonan Rachel Dvorken Michael and Jacky Ferro Lori Mae Frith Tom and Beth Garrow‡ Stephen C. George Susan and John Gibbons Mark and Greta Giesen Gordon and Wendy Gill James and Dianna Goldman Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Greenberg‡ Ms. Jasmine E. Guy Ginger and Del Hall Victoria and Charles Harris‡ Lois and Marty Hauselman Katie Hazelwood and Todd Kaplan Larry Hochberg Mr. and Ms. Jeff Jacobson David Kathman‡ Dr. Claudia Anne Katz‡ Judith and Jerry Kaufman Hilary Odom

Jean Ann Klingenstein Pat and Mike Koldyke Beth L. Kronfeld and Matthew D. Means Donald S. Levin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry Levine Mark and Carol Lorenz Mrs. Barbara Lucas and Ms. Toni Sieve‡ Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Randolph Lyon Daniel and Vida Marks Michael McCaslin Janelle Hoekstra and James McMullin‡ Dr. Janis Mendelsohn‡ Tamara Meyer Margaret Minneman Jane Mody Patricia Murray-Rutz Bruce and Colleen Mygatt Catherine B. and Robert T. Napier Jo and Wally Nard‡ Howard and Cathy Niden Barbara and Daniel O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Mark Osmond Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Pasquesi Linda Lowy and Jeff Perry Mary Reusché Sharon and Jerry Rhoads‡ Mr. Robbie Robinson Ms. Breda Rugai Joanne and Paul Ruxin

Ms. Sonia Sahai Richard and Betty Seid Ralph Senst and Karen Zelden Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Shortridge Heather and Adam Smedstad‡ Ryan Stafford Nikki and Fredric Stein Tricia and Kevin Stewart Dr. and Mrs. James V. Talano Mrs. Vernon B. Thomas Frank Trocchio Brady I. Twiggs Mr. and Mrs. R. Todd Vieregg Mr. and Mrs. William Wardrop Mr. Jim Welch Dr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Westerman Beth and Bruce White Mr. Michael Wilczynski Ruth Winter Andrea Worth‡ Clifford Yuknis Peter A. Zadeik

E NS E MB L E ( $ 5 0 0 – 9 9 9 ) Anonymous (13) Vanessa Abron Tord and Carrie Alden Brian and Jennifer Alves Jim and Sheila Amend‡

Guests enjoying a backstage tour at the 2013/14 season kickoff.

46 Russian Transport

…cont’d annual fund

Peggy Bagley and Rabbi Douglas Goldhamer Dr. Stephanie and Mr. Andy Baker‡ David Pruitt and Marjorie Baltazar Cindy Barbera-Brelle Robert Bartell Ms. Courtney Bass Kathleen Hughes and Armand Beaudoin Susan R. Benner Adrian and Arta Beverly Lois J. Bider Jerry Biederman Beryl and David Bills‡ Jon Blanc Mr. and Mrs. Philip Block III Mr. and Mrs. David C. Blowers Mr. David Blowers Jr. James Botana Leslie Buchbinder Michelle and David Buck Rony and Tom Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butler John Byrd Mr. Kevin Caceres John and Libby Cady Ray Capitanini Ms. Diana Chafey and Mr. Charlie Olson J. Morgan Chism-Diebold Nancy Ciezki and Diane Kostecke James and Julie Coffman Marge and Lew Collens Pam and Howard Conant Constance Coning‡ Everett and Susan Conner‡ Ed and Melissa Cook J. Gorman Cook Mr. and Ms. Robert Creamer Maureen Crowley Liese Dallbauman Rathin Datta Jonathan Davila Ms. Pam Davis and Mr. Dan Davis Richard and Lisette Davison Mr. and Mrs. Habeeb Dihu Michele and George Dragisity John F. Dziedziak‡ F.S. Eberts Jennifer M. Ellin Susan Emmerson Erika Erich Malcolm D. Ewen Ms. Morgan Flatley and Mr. Luke Johnson Foley Family Foundation Jean and Jim Foley Mr. Robert Forest Joanne B. Friedland

Kathryn C. Froney Myriam Fullard Denise Michelle Gamble Timothy A. Gant and Scott Perry Hank and Sandy Gentry William J. Gibbons Tara Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glaser Keith Goggin Eileen M. Golan Ms. Deidra Gold Chester Gougis and Shelley Ochab Kerry and Kim Grady‡ Ms. Aimee Graham John S. Mrowiec and Karen Granda Dedrea Gray Dr. Kitty Green Michael and Lisa Greenfield Katherine and Adam Greetis Mr. Michael Guyader and Ms. Jean Guyader Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hacker‡ Faith Dansereau and Larry Haefner Donald and Susan Hallberg Janice Halpern Melanie Harris Liz Hartong James and Anne Heger Emily Heisley-Stoeckel and Kevin Stoeckel Frank and Midge Heurich Scott Hildebrand Melinda and Craig Hilsenbeck James and Margot Hinchliff Anne Linsdau-Hoeppner and Walter F. Hoeppner III Ms. Cheryl Hoffman Kilton Hopkins‡ Arnold and Judith Horwich‡ Holly E. Humphreys Clare and Mark Hurrelbrink‡ Jean Perkins and Leland Hutchinson William E. Ibe Heather Ingraham Tim Jaster Hal and Dona Jensen Carolyn Johnson Mr. Douglas W. Johnson Sharon R. Johnston‡ James A. Jolley, Jr. and R. Kyle Lammlein Ernest and Harriett Karmin Dennis and Kathryn Karsh Adam and Renee Keats Mr. Thomas Keim Sr. Sheryl and Tom Keith‡ Brian Feiges and Tamar Kelber Michelle Keller Chris Kendrick and Kasturi Haldar‡ Helen J. Kessler

William Ketchum Ms. Vicki King Frank and Katherine Kinney‡ Janet Knauff‡ Annette Baldwin and Paul Kolansinski Rob and Laura Kozloff Rachel Kraft Melinda Kramer Neal Kulick Family Fund Ms. Deborah Lacusta Chuck and Diane Laff George M. Langlois, Ph.D.‡ Robert and Lynn Larry Patricia Lauber Marc-Paul Lee Lesnik Family Foundation Patricia L. Levy Catherine Leyser‡ Kaleigh Lockhart Mr. Larry Loziuk Karyn Lutz Ms. Meredith Mack Frank and Chris Maggio Sandra Mangurian‡ Randi Ragins and Bob Markowski Jennifer Marling Mr. and Mrs. George J. Matkov Robert and Eleanor M. McAllister Mr. and Mrs. R. Edward McGreevy‡ Paul and Lana McHenry Hugh and Marybeth McLean Kathleen A. McQueeny Susan Messing Karen Meyer Tom Mikrut Helen Harvey Mills Marcus Mintz Robert and Lois Moeller Joyce Morimoto Blake and Debra Moritz‡ Darcy Morowitz Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Morrow Pamela Moy Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Muller Michael and Kathleen Murtaugh Joseph Mwachullah Walter Nathan Randy Nease Joan Neil Wendy Norris Emily and Hank Neuberger Barbara Rawley and Daniel Nordby‡ Ralph and Victoria Nuzzo Margaret O’Connor and Michael O’Meara Peg O’Connor‡ Ms. Maureen O’Brien Richard Ostrow Grayce Papp

‡Step-by-Step We salute the individual donors who have committed to a recurring monthly or quarterly gift to steppenwolf 47 Steppenwolf. Their ongoing support helps fuel Steppenwolf’s mission of superior acting and risk-taking work.

…cont’d annual fund

Patricia Parchem and Candace Zimmerman‡ Jana O’Brien and Wayne T. Parman John and Roberta Paskvalich Thomas Pawlik and Ava Cohn Sandra and Michael Perlow Bill and Judy Pesetski Dr. Susan Burland and George Plumb Brett Plyer Podolsky Family Foundation Avi and Joan Porat Ms. Sara J. Potts V. Pristera, Jr.‡ Jonathon Pyburn‡ Ms. Barbara Morse Quinn and Mr. Barry Quinn Marsha Raanan Richard and Joan Ralph‡ Jesus Ramirez Jeff and Susan Rashid P. Kevin Reidy‡ Fred and Karen Rhynders Thomas Kapacinskas and Judith Robert Stephen and Caryn Robin Randy and Betsy Rochman Steve Rodichok and Renee Gattone‡ Joseph Ross and Jean Shutler Lisa and Doug Rosskamm Kimberly and Ari Rubenfeld Diana and Ed Ruthman Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Henry J. Sampson‡ Sheldon and Lynne Sandman Chris and Barb Sanford‡ Brett Saternus Bill Savage Curt Schade Ms. Susan Schaefer Stephanie Scharf and David Taber‡ Marie-Claude Schauer‡ Mr. and Mrs. Darryl G. Schimeck Danelle Schuch Nancy and Mark Schumacher Susan and Gary Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schwab Carla Scott‡ Nedinia Searle Ms. Leslie Shad Mr. Josh Shames David Shanahan Michael Shapiro and Deb Gohr Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. David R. Shevitz Brent Siegel Julia Simpson Christine A. Slivon Sharon Specht Mr. Michael Stashwick

48 Russian Transport

Mr. Frank Steeves Michael and Salme Harju Steinberg Patty Sternberg Linda and John Stock Kelly Stonebraker and Deborah Stonebraker Mary Strabel Mr. Gary Strandlund Terri E Strauss Ms. Jennifer Stuart Ms. Patti Szabo Tracy Tajbl and Neil Jones John R. and Catherine Taylor Dick and Alice Teutsch Jane Tyner Susan Vonderheid Karen and Herb Wander Laura and Bob Watson‡ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webster John W. Wheeler Brian and Nancy Whitlock Leslie Whittet Ms. Michele Willmott Gary and Modena Wilson‡ Matthew Wilson and Anne Posner Mr. Mark Wilson Cynthia Wirth Jessica and Jeff Wisniewski‡ Charlotte Wojnowski‡ Ms. Sarah Wolff and Mr. Joel Handelman Jane Worthington Mr. Naywri Wright Carol N. Yamamoto Stephanie Yancey

D E SIGN E RS ($250 – 499) Anonymous (26) Thomas W. Abendroth and Terri L. Mascherin Jeannie L. Adams Ms. Yolanda T. Adler Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ahern Thomas B. Aldrich III Helen and Mark Alison Ms. Mar Alkemade Ms. Polly Allen Denise Allsberry Richard and Jill Almeida Greg and Janine Amoroso Ken and Donna Amos‡ Ms. Mimi Anderson Mary and Paul F. Anderson Scott and Jeanna Ando Cedric H. Antosiewicz and Margaret M. Gudenas Jurgis and Dalia Anysas Walter Aque

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Armada Jean Arrington John Asplin and Christine Orders Mr. Hrayr Attarian Mike and Karen Atwood Kaye B. Aurigemma‡ Jim Babin Melissa and Richard Bacon Spencer and Daniel Baker John and Sharon Baldwin Michael and Mary Baniak Catherine Bannister Roy Barber Cynthia Barginere Leslie and Bill Barker Charles Barnett Mr. and Mrs. James Barone Mr. Matt Bartel Mia A. and Scott Bass Laura M. Batzer‡ Brian and Jennifer Bauer Maria Bautista Judy and Chris Beardsley Thomas Bearrows and Holly Hirst Mr. Michael Beasley Ms. Claudia Crilly Bellucci John and Taru Berg John and Elizabeth Berge‡ Dorothea Berggren Julian and Joan Berman Gene and Natalie Bernadoni Mandy Berry Jane E. Berry Mr. Jeff Berta Dr. Mary E. Belford MD and Mr. Ric Berta Ms. Leslie Bertagnolli Martha Berzon Laura and Philip Bierman Lois and Stanley Birer James Bishop Frances and Ed Blair Nicholas J Blair Mr. Terry Blake Dan Bleil Mr. Mark Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boardman R. Darrell Bock Anthony Boggiano Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bolas Ms. Deborah Bone Nina Boryszczuk Albert Boumenot‡ Donald F. Bouseman Samuel and Phyllis Bowen Jeff Boyce Michael and Kate Bradie‡ William Brady Dr. Michael C. Branch MD Andrea Brands

…cont’d annual fund

Mrs. John J. Bransfield, Jr. Karen Breen Elia and Louis M. Elia‡ Mr. Robert Brewer David Briggs Robert and Joell Brightfelt Sarah Brittin‡ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brooks Jean Broom Julie A. Brown Susan Buchanan and Steve Buchanan Ed Bucher‡ Ms. Cynthia Buckley David A. Buls Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burfeind Bruce and Kate Burgun John and Maureen Burke Ms. Genevieve Burns Crystal and Thomas F. Bush Richard Butler Robert and Cheryl Byron Toni and Mike Cainkar David and Janna Caldarelli Karen A. Callaway Andrew Campbell and Dana Campbell Terri Candela Ms. Alexandra Carlson Barry Carlson Ms. Lindsay Walter Carlton and Mr. Christopher Carlton Fairbank and Lynne Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Jay Case Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Chandler Gerry and Carol Chrisman Mr. Mike Christ Mr. Timothy Christian Sam and Kathleen Ciulla‡ Drs. William and Elizabeth Clark Mr. James Clark and Ms. Christina Labate Dr. and Mrs. Robert Clark Carol and Michael Clarke Bente Clausen Betty Cleeland‡ Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Curt Coolidge Mr. Robert Corbett Ron Corthell & Laura Bartolo Robert Crawford Colin and Teri Cross Mr. Bruce Crown Mr. Scott Cullen James Culp Allyson Cunningham Mr. Dan Curley David and Jean Curtis Laura and Frank Czechanski Josh Daitch‡ Stephen F. Danziger Ms. Mary Davidson

Anne Megan Davis‡ Michelle and Ronald De Vlam‡ Linda DeBolt Roxanne Decyk and Lew Watts Ms. Cheryl Deese Brian Dennen Pierre Desy and Michel Desjardins Matthew J. Devereux April Dial Austin Dias Jennifer Dienes Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Dimun Mr. Vincent Dina Jeff Dineen Michele and Robert Disselhorst Edward Dobbins William and Phyllis Dobrin Dorothy L. Domuray Ms. Nancy Dondero Ms. April Donnellan Mr. Paul Donnellan Raymond and Marybeth Drake‡ Raymond H. Drymalski Natalie Dudek‡ Mr. Paul Dufallo Mr. Michael Dumke Will Dunne Gregory Durkin Leah Mooshil‡ Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Dutcher Joan and John Dysart David and Alexandra Earle

Deb Feldman Toni and Joel Fenchel Mr. William Field Mr. Dan Filowitz Dr. and Mrs. James M. Fisch Liz Fisher Jeremiah Fisher Paul and Christy Fisher‡ Marilyn E. Fites Catherine S. Flanagan Adrienne Flowers Jim and Yvonne Fogerty‡ Mike Folk Ms. Betty Forman Mr. Joseph Fosco Timothy and Janet Fox Reverend Mark A. Fracaro‡ Dr. and Mrs. James Franklin Ms. Rhona Frazin Joy Frey Kimberly Masius June Freidlich Susan and Sy Frolichstein Susan Fuchs, M.D. Phillip D. Funkenbusch‡ Mr. Vince Gaffney Heather Gardner Ellen Garippo Royal Gaston Mark and Bonnie Gehrman Dr. and Mrs. Mark Gendleman Philis and Alex George‡

“For us, Steppenwolf is so much more than what takes place on stage. As donors, we appreciate the opportunities to look behind the scenes at what makes these incredible plays come to life. Meeting the actors, hearing first-hand from directors and joining in discussions about the plays completes the picture.” — Mark and Kimberly Shadle, Steppenwolf supporters since 2005

Jeanene Ebert Estia Eichten and Deborah Eichten Sharon Eiseman and Noel Hertz Michael and Kristen Goggin‡ Linda A. Ellis Ms. Heather Erickson Brian Fabes and Lisa Schneider Fabes Edith and Gerald Falk Maurice Fantus and Judith Aiello Demitri and Pamela Fardelos Linda and Ed J. Farkas Ms. Juliette Feld

Thomas and Patricia Germino‡ Ms. Alison Geyer Sandra Gidley Clark and Nancy Gilpin Carlen Gilseth Mr. and Mrs. Marin Gjaja Mr. William Glascott and Ms. Jane Pothoff Gerry and Stan Glass Anneliese Glick Jaye and John Golanty Florence Bonnick and Jay M. Goldberg

‡Step-by-Step We salute the individual donors who have committed to a recurring monthly or quarterly gift to steppenwolf 49 Steppenwolf. Their ongoing support helps fuel Steppenwolf’s mission of superior acting and risk-taking work.

…cont’d annual fund

Karen Goldstein‡ Marsha and Michael Goldstein Enid J. Golinkin Sue-Gray Goller Samuel J. Goodman Leo and Linda Gordon Robert Gordon Darla Goudeau Joanne Graham Laurence and Carrie Grant Paula Turner Grasso Susan Leigh‡ Mr. Sherwin Green Dr. and Mrs. Robert Greendale The Greffin Family Mrs. Katharine C. Gross Marie Gunn‡ Dr. and Mrs. John W. Gustaitis Mick Guzman William C Haddad Sarah Hadley Mr. David Haley Bob and Melanie Halvorson‡ Bill Hamilton Chester and Phyllis Handelman Howard Handler Dr. Raymond and Arlene Handler Kristin and Charles Harper Ms. Barbara Hart Tom and Virginia Hartley‡ Julianne Hartzell Richard and Dorothy Harza Ali Hassan and Amber Fritz‡ Robert and Linda Hauser Van and Ruth Hawkins‡ Jean Hawkinson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hayes Stephen Henderson Pat and Ron Henning Joyce K. Herdliska Constance Herrera‡ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hession‡ John and Martha Higgins Lina and Dave Hilko‡ Fred Hill Linda and John Hillman Mr. and Ms. Bill Hinchman Bill and Pat Hitt Mr. Karl Hoffman Philip and Eileen Hoffman Jerri and David Hoffmann John E. Holland Jo Holzer‡ Paula Horn Eric Horng Mr. Peter Hoskow Ms. Karen Hott Leigh and John Hourihane Thomas and Karen Howell

50 Russian Transport

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hughes Karen Hunken‡ Patricia Hunt‡ Dard Hunter Robin and Harry Hunter Patricia Hurley Jim and Joyce Ibers Mr. Troy Ihlanfeldt Jim and Peg Isherwood Ronald and Lizette Jacobson John David Jawor‡ Douglas and Margaret Jayes‡ Emily Jelsomeno Rebecca Johnston Todd and Jennifer Jones Daniel and Mary Ann Jordan Sandra L. Jordan Angela Kabbes Melvin and Annie Kahn Ms. Heather Kalita Joseph J. Kane Olwyn J. Kane Mr. Jon Kaplan Norma and Nolan Kaplan Cantor Aviva Katzman and Dr. Morris Mauer‡ Dr. Susan A. Kecskes‡ Ms. Stephanie Keenan Eva Kellogg Ms. Sheena Kemp Ms. Lucy Kereta-Bloch Andrew Keyt Seema Khan‡ Candace Killian Mike and Leslie King Sylvia and John Kinney Drs. Tom and Linda Kirch Dr. and Mrs. M. Barry Kirschenbaum Matt and Karen Klickman Dawn Klingensmith and Jeff Pinkerton Mr. and Mrs. David Knapp Anne Chipman and Joe Knecht Ms. Molly Kobelt John Kobza Steve Koch Mr. Michael Kochman Ms. Sheila Komarek Cheryl and Robert Kopecky Barry and Cheryl Kreiter Mr. Craig Krenek Mary Kupferberg Walter and Elaine Kurczewski Terri Lacy Marcia Lafferty‡ Mr. Kurt Lagerloef‡ Ed and Bettine Landon Terrence Landry Ghita Lapidus Thomas Lariviere‡ Edward and Laverne Larsen

Nancy and Alan Lasser Dr. and Mrs. Jules H. Last Marc Lauerman Peter and Shirley Dugdale Laundy Douglas Lavanture Catherine and Peter Lawler Mr. Michael Leb Jill S. Lederman‡ Olivia Lee Bill Lee and Malinda Hamann‡ Peggy and Greg Legan‡ Brett Legner and Eve Sorenson‡ Linda Legner Travis Leiser Sheila Fields Leiter Laurie Leli Jeffrey and Elise Lennard Jeffrey Lennard David and Sandy Lentz Darrell Leonard and Ed Nowak Carolyn S. Levin Dr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Levin Grant and Michelle Ley‡ Rachel Libman Fran and Chuck Licht‡ Robert and Martha Lichter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Liebenson Cheryl Lindquist Barbara and Edward Linn Lynn Liston‡ Lee Litas Margit “Maggie” Livingston‡ Velda Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Gershon Locker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lofgren Renee Logan Katherine M. Lorenz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lovaas Jeff and Nancy Lowenthal‡ Judy and George Lowman James and Janet Lusk Matt MacKenzie Jim Maclennan Madeline MacMillan Mr. Joe Madden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Magill Ms. Karen Maki Joseph and Rose Manak Brooke and Mike Mandrea Samantha & David Mann Steve and Melissa Marovich Ed and Linnea Martin‡ Mr. Michael B. Masius Jr. Erica and Frank Matagrano‡ David and Karen Mattenson Mr. and Ms. Sergey Mavrody Mike and Cindy McCabe John McCambridge Mr. And Mrs. Michael Mccarthy

…cont’d annual fund

Drs. Linda Skitka and William McCready Nicolette McDavid‡ C. A. McElligott Terrance and Jane McElroy Sharon McGee Elisabeth and Michael McHugh‡ Ryan and Claire McKenzie Joan Mclane Kathy and Alan McLaughlin‡ Ms. Mary McNulty Nuncia and Rafael Medina Sheila and Harvey Medvin John and Lisa Merlock Bruce Merrick Allyson Metcalf and Brian Tennison‡ David and Linda Metschke‡ Nina Kavin and Kerry A. Miller Sheba Miller-Morris Alison Millerick Craig and Donna Mindrum Dino and Heathre Moler Barbara and Ron Moline Mort and Joan Mollner Reginaldo and Jennifer Montague‡ Jack Montgomery Janet and Robert Montgomery‡ Forrest Moore Sheba Miller-Morris

Corinne S. Morrissey Dr. Martin Mozes and Mrs. Chava Mozes Charles G. Mueller Ms. Ellen Muench Gerald and Maia Mullin Mr. Patrick Mulvey James and Jean Murphy Tom Murray Tom Myers‡ Mike and Nance Nalepa Denise E. Nedza Vernon Nelson and Kay Alden Mr. Jack Newell Mark Noethen Mr. and Ms. Carlton Nolan Kitty Norton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norwesh Susan and Nicholas Noyes Mary Pat O’Brien Mike and Joan O’Brien Karin O’Connor John and Megan O’Connor‡ Ronan and Jill O’Donovan Dennis J. O’Keefe and Mary Jo Barrett Barbara and Franklin A. O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. John O’Malley Timothy O’Neill and Jane Rutherford Nancy and Myles O’Reilly‡ Patrick and Eileen O’Sullivan

Gary and Marcie Ochs Larry and Barbara Olin Paul Oliver Don Olson Bruce Oltman Jamie and Rachel Orlikoff Mr. and Ms. Don Oros Ms. Anastasia Osipova Pilar Ossorio Mayor John and Jacqueline Ostenburg Michelle Owens Mr. Dale Packard and Ms. Linda Edral‡ Frances and William Paden Hilda and Jose Padilla Ronna Page‡ Deborah Page Catherine and Robert Parks Mr. Pradip Patiath and Ms. Shalini Sharma Sheldon Patinkin Peggy Paulsen Robert Payne III Charles and Melanie Payne Lynn and Mel Pearl Margaret Pendry Leanne Perlman Ross and Jackie Peterson Andy Phelps Charles and Mary Phillips Linda S. Piccolo

Season kickoff guests learning about the upcoming plays from the companies of the Garage Rep 2014

‡Step-by-Step We salute the individual donors who have committed to a recurring monthly or quarterly gift to steppenwolf 51 Steppenwolf. Their ongoing support helps fuel Steppenwolf’s mission of superior acting and risk-taking work.

…cont’d annual fund

Ms. Laura Pichon Barb and Ned Piehler William and Suzan Pinsof Chuck and Judy Piper Ms. Vera Pless Elizabeth and Harvey Plotnick Danielle Pollard Dan Polsby‡ Ellen Pomes‡ Frank C. Pond‡ Pam and Dean Pontikes James and Gayle Prete Jean and Preston Price‡ David and Valeria Pruett Dave and Darby Putman Pamela Qualls Kevin and Dagmara Quast Leona Quist Lori Ramsey Mr. Craig Randall Barbara Rapp Mr. and Ms. Scott M. Rappe Robert Rauschenberg Gabriel and Dorit Raviv Steve Reagan Diane Reilly Lisa Remby Clisson and Patricia Rexford Trisha Rich Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Richter, Jr.‡ Laura Riddle Susan and Rick Rieser Jacob Ringer Bill and Deborah Roberts Carol and Riney Robertson Sandra and Jeffrey Rochman Mr. Bruce Rodman Mary Lu and Kenneth Roffe Beverly J. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogoz Mrs. Sarene L. Rosen Mr. David Rosenbaum Honey and Howard Rosenfeld Mary Rosengrant Hilary Rosenthal Mr. and Ms. Richard Rosenthal Mrs. Donald S. Roth Michael and Bonnie Rothman Kathryn Rothstein Maureen A. Rubino Susan B. and Dr. Myron E. Rubnitz Manfred Ruddat Ms. Joseph Rulli Matt Russell‡ Brad S. Rutledge Dan and Deni Ryan John and Eileen Saksa A. Sue Samuels Julia Nowicki and

52 Russian Transport

Timothy A. Sanborn MD Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sargent Christopher and Ann Marie Saternus John and Mary Satter Robert and Mary Ann Savard‡ Jane Schaafsma Edna Schade Allison and Charles Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Schewe Seymour Schiff and Bernice Elbin Schiff William B. and Carolyn A. Schildgen Tony and Celeste Scolaro‡ Nedinia Searle Jeff and Sonia Semenchuk‡ Mr. John Sevcik Ms. Sandra Shane-DuBow and Mr. Richard Hay Bill and Kristen Shaner Jeffrey S. Sharp and Elizabeth D. Sharp David and Kimberly Shaw Courtney Shea Luna Okada and Wynn Sheade Cathy Shelko Timothy Sherck‡ Karen Shields Bradley and Ellen Shorser Ms. Renee Shrier Mr. Peter Sichrovsky Eric and Sabrina Sigg Margaret and Alan Silberman Rhett Silver Judy Silverman Susan and Paul Silverman‡ Patricia Costello Slovak Laura C. Smail Karen Smilie Betty Scott Smith Chuck Smith Edith Smith Drs. Carol Payne and Robert L. Smith Mr. Stephen A. Smith James Smutniak Jackie Snuttjer Henry So and Joe Senese Mr. Andrew Sobol Raymond Socki‡ Ms. Dana Sodikoff Ms. Jamie Sodikoff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sodikoff Michael Solberg Sonja L Solberg‡ Mr. Joseph Spellman and Ms. M. Drazba Stephen Spigel and Diana Williams Marilyn and Joel Sprayregen Shantha Sreekanth Colin Stalnecker Diana and Thomas Stamborski

Ms. Tanya Stanfield Mr. Eric Stavriotis Sarah Stec and Doug Bobenhouse Peggy Steffy Jeremy Steglitz Seena and Carey Stein The Steinbachs‡ Dorie Sternberg Ms. Barbara Stewart Todd Stofflet and Jason Stevens Jeanine Stout Mr. Paul Strabbing Mercedes and Martin Straus Ms. Bethany Stripp Mr. Larry Stuckey Robin Kline and William Summers Ms. Janet Sussman Yvonne Sutor‡ Ms. June Tate and Mr. Samuel Coffee, Jr. Ms. Elaine R. Taylor Vivian Teng Ilene Patty and Tom Terpstra Richard and Anita Thies Barbara and Randolph Thomas Ms. Sue Thompson Cade Thurlby Richard Tobiason Mr. David Todd Trevor Tomkins Ms. Sharlene Toney Mr. Eddie Torres Jeanne Towns John and Madalyn Traff Ronald Trigg Jeff Tsai Ms. Anne Tucker Mary and Greg Tuite Edward and Edith Turkington Annette Turow Deborah Twardowski Chris Ulmer Mr. and Mrs. Mike Unetich Mr. Peter Van Kempen Betty Vandenbosch Peter and Lilian Vardy Kathryn Vehe‡ Butch and Debbie Viccellio Ken and Lorraine Victor Jessica Videlka Paul D. Waas Eugene and Sandra Wagner Robert and Rose Wagner Ms. Amy Waldon William and Sharon Wallin Mr. Matthew Walsh William and Patricia Walsh Mary Lou Waltz‡ Deborah and Neil Warner‡ Elissa B. Weaver

…cont’d annual fund

Melanie and Judson Weeks James Weidner Michael Weiland and Shelley MacGregor Ms. Wallace Weinper Sherrie and Albert Weiss Adam and Jamie Weyeneth Charles and Leah Wheelan Steve and Bonnie Wheeler Esther White and Mindy Terrell Dot and Dan Whittenberger Larry and Susan Wikman Mrs. Barbara Wilder Jon Will and Ada Mary Gugenheim‡ Johner “JT” Wilson Susan and Bob Wislow Iris S. Witkowsky Ms. Elizabeth Wohlleb Esther and Stanley Wojcicki Lawrence Wojcik Ann R. Wolfe‡ Lisa Wolfe and Mark DiGanci Joe Wolnski and Jane Christino Andrew and Meghan Woltman‡ Kelly Wood Dr. Rodney and Susan Yergler‡ Linda Yin Sandy Young Francesca Zambello David and Nikki Zarefsky Daniel Ziembo and Nancy Cook Tighe Zimmers Mark and Margie Zivin Kathy Willhoite and Rodd Zolkos

P L A Y E RS ( $ 1 5 0 – 2 4 9 ) Anonymous (37) Frida Abrahamian Richard and Louise Abrahams Mr. Steve Abrams Nancy Abshire Mr. Brian Acuff Heidi Adams Donna Dorl-Adams and Tom Adams Dwetri Addy Ms. Kaleem Ahmed Mr. Robert Airhart John B. Albright Mr. Kenneth Alexander Barbara and Oscar Alonso‡ Alyssa Altman Caryl and Brian Anderson Judith Anderson Testosterone Tom Anson Mr. Dean Antonopoulos Robert Arensman Rosemary Crowley Mr. Rex Babiera

Linda A. Bacci James M. Bachner Bill and Ann Baker Elizabeth and Jack Bannon Mr. Simon Bare Merrill Barnes Beverly Bartel Jeanette and Vern Bartels Dr. Bruce and Sally Bauer‡ Jayne Bazos‡ Mr. Frank Bear Anne Beck Dan Bell Nanette Benbow Christine and Michael Benton Judith Bergen Harvey and Helene Berlin‡ Ruth Berns Mr. Larry Bernstein Mr. Stephen Best Mary Anne and Joe Bigane Ben Birch John Blackburn and Bill Gilmer Marc D. Blakeman Judith L. Blank Teresa N. Blaurock‡ Bernard and Nancy Blayer Claudia and John Boatright Linda Bolte Ms. Sarah Bordson Catherine Borowski Larry and Margo Bostrom Mr. Kurt Bowden Bob and Sue Bowker Philip Boyd Elaine Brandstetter Steven and Lisa Bosco Nicole and David Braun Susan M Brazas Judith and Harold Bregman Stephanie Brenner‡ Carolyn Brna Albert and Jean Broday Tim Brogla and Laura Demoor Beth Sprecher Brooks Frank Brooks and Andrea Twiss-Brooks‡ Beth Brown Evelyn G. Brown Robert and Ilene Brown Edith Brownman John Buenz Anne Burke Tripp Burton Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bussell Mr. James Butler William Butler Kelly and Kasia Byrne Ms. Amy Callahan Stephen C. Carlson

Mrs. Constance K. Casey Nick Casto Beverly and Dennis Cavanaugh James Challancin Ms. Leemor Chaplin Stephen and Jane Chernof Ms. Debbie Chipman James Christle Ms. Virginia Clark Dr. Neil Clipstone Thomas and Kathleen Coleman Ms. Roma Colwell-Steinke Cheryl and Gary Conley Allan Connolly and Jennifer Williamson Peter and Judith Connolly‡ Marcia Mary Cook‡ Dr. Tracy Cooley Zachary Cooper Harvey and Arlene Coustan Ms. Merle Cowin Mr. Danny Cox Carol I. Crane Shirley Craven, Ph.D. Tony Creed Mr. Mark Curran Paul and Deanna Danao‡ Kathleen Daniels Daphne M. Daume‡ Bruce and Tina Day Barbara L. Dean Ms. Rebecca Delcomyn Maureen and Mel De Matoff Michelle and Christopher DeMent Mr. Bob Dengel Mary and Daniel Deziel Stewart and Shari Diamond Harriet and Lou Dicerbo Rachel and Paul H. Dieterle Lauri Dietz‡ Evan Djikas and Jennifer Djikas Carmelita Dockery, PhD Student Maria Domanskis Joseph Dellaratta Susan V. Downing Donald and Beatrice Drayer Judy and Jerry Drommerhausen Rosanne Druian Eileen and Howard Dubner Patrick and Julie Duffy David and Suzanna Dulin Arthur and Elizabeth Duquette Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Durot John and Pat Dyble Wendy Eager Rick Eddington Carla and Jay Edelston Marci Eisenstein Whitney Ekblad Nancy Felton-Elkins and Larry Elkins Julie Ellafrits

‡Step-by-Step We salute the individual donors who have committed to a recurring monthly or quarterly gift to steppenwolf 53 Steppenwolf. Their ongoing support helps fuel Steppenwolf’s mission of superior acting and risk-taking work.

…cont’d annual fund

Phyllis Ellis Derrick English Mark and Virginia Erlanson Judy Erwin Ed Everett Jamie and Sam Evins Ms. Jenifer Fabian Paul Fahy Tom and Terry Fallon David and Loren Farmer Mr. Stephen Fedo Ms. Mary Feeney Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fegan Drs. Richard and Roberta Feldman Mr. Kyle Fennell Ira Fenton Mark Fenzel KC Ferguson Ms. Katherine Feucht Elaine Filus Marty and Susie Fine Peter Fischer Mr. and Ms. Donald Fisher Sara Stern and Ted Fishman‡ Chad Fitzloff Sam Fleischacker and Amy Reichert‡ Kass Fleisher‡ Heather and Jeff Fleitz Sandy Fliegelman Jeanne Flosi Art Fogel Bernadette Foley and Richard Landgraft‡ Paul Fong Calvin Forbes Ms. Carma Forgie Marilyn and Eric Fors‡ John and Adrian Foster Mr. William Fotis Donna Fredricksen William Freitag Richard and Lois Fuhrer Daniel and Dorothy Fusco Ms. Julie M. Galiotto and Mr. Tony Galiotto Mr. Brandon Gardner Raymond and Patricia Gass Cheryl Gehrke Barbara J. Geist Ava George Stewart Nancy Gidwitz Geoffrey L. Gifford Hugh and Doris Gilbert Patricia and James Gladden Mitchell Glaser Sarah E. Tarabori Sue Golan Marvin and Phyllis Goldblatt Mr. Ivan Golden

54 Russian Transport

Jennifer Goldman Dr. Deirdre Dupre and Dr. Robert Golub Jessica L. Gonzalez Sandra and James Goodman Bruce Gorchow and Marie Fioramonti Sophie and Bob Gordon Patricia Graham Bobby Grant‡ William and Diane Grant Judy Grasmick Chris Gravenites Allen Greenberger Hannah Greene James and Lynn Grogan Merle and Barry Gross Jeffrey Gross Nathan and Evelyn Grossman Bryan and Pamela Gruley David A. Hall Ted and Kathleen Halloran Ms. Mary Kay Hardcastle Anne Harney Alex Harris and Stefanie Glover Ameerah Harris Edward and Louise Hartigan Patrick and Carol Haverty Steve Hayes and Patricia Olcenica Dave Hayes and Mary Stelmach-Hayes Diana J Healy Bridget and Richard Heathfield Albert and Amy Heber Mr. and Ms. Bruce Hecktman Alison Hefele Bonney Alison Heiser Drs. Uri and Tamar Heller Sandra Helton Martha Henry Ms. Lynne Hensel Eileen Herber Nancy Herring Marcia and Darrell Herschler‡ David and Patricia Hight Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hill James Hill and Patrice Keleher Michael Hinz Nancy and Allen Hirschfield Morgan and Melissa Hirst Vivian and Dave Hock John and Virginia Hogan Ms. Karolina Hogueisson Ms. Janet Hoiberg Nancy C. Holland‡ Donald and Karen Holmberg Ms. Carol Holmes Mr. Jeffrey Holst Mr. James Holzhauer Chanda Hott William Hubbard Annie Nabra

Mr. Dave Dimmlich and Ms. Beth Hummelberg Ms. Amy Hutchison Richard Hutner and Lena Motev Matthew Ingenito Beartriz Iorgulescu Grady Irey Joan Istrate Ms. Eileen Jeffers Patricia A. Jiganti Mr. Tony Johnson Ruth Johnston‡ Jasond A Jones Joyce D. N. Jones Mary Jo Kanady Shelly Kaplan Mr. Steven Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. James Kargman Jerry Karlin Mel and Renee Katten Matthew J. Keller Valerie Kendrick Ms. Portia Kennel Harry Kenny Bonnie Kepplinger Rita Kerns Linda Belan and Vincent Kinehan‡ Dawn and Jim Kink Maureen and Kim Klatt Kelli Klauber Susan Klein Douglas and Catherine Knuth Zachary Koenig Janet Kohrman Betty H. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kooperman Stanley J. Koziol Jennifer A. Krug Ken and Janet Kubis Bob Kunio and Libby Roth‡ Ms. Kim Kusiciel Carol L. Kutak Pamela K. Ladd Steve LaHaie Kevin Lamanna Ms. Margaret Lambrecht Allen Lawent Dayna Lee Neil Lenhoff Wallace and Carol Lennox Robert Levels Marc and Cynthia Levin Michael R. and Cara Levinson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Levitin Susan Levitt Gregory Lewis and Mary Strek‡ Jacquie Lewis Arlene Lieb Arnie Liepa and Susan Warren-Liepa Jean Linsner

…cont’d annual fund

Peter Lipton Ms. Sherry Liske Mr. and Mrs. Burton Litwin Judi Lockhart Ingrid LoGiudice Thomas and Susan Long Sherry Lundell Elliott and Miriam Lyon Mardie MacKimm Alice R. Macy Claude Maechling and Carrie McNally‡ Mr. Patrick Magee Ms. Veronica Maldonado J.V. and Tracey Malkovich Ms. Donna Mallon Loretta Malone Pamela Manning Wendy Manto David Marker and Georgann Joseph Nancy and Kenneth Marks Tom and Robin Martin Anthony and Laura Massaro Henry and Peggy Matson Mr. and Mrs. R. David Matthews Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Maurice John May Margaret F. May Lisa Mayntz and William M. Blidy John M. McCabe Thomas and Barbara McCaffrey Leonard Mccormick Stacey and Patrick McCusker Danny and Mary McDermott Denise McGuffin Anastasia McGuire Ms. Therese McGuire and Mr. Rob Porter Joseph and Agnes McHugh Erin E. McInerney Ann and Christopher McKee‡ Angie McKie Robert and Lorel McMillan Tom and Adrienne McMullen Claretta Meier Maureen Meier Scott and Beth Mercola Michael and Nancy Merel Eric and Jess Mersmann Terri Mertz and Richard P. Deranian Chuck and Sylvia Meyers‡ Ron Micheletto‡ Dean A. Miller and Martha H. Swift Ron and Pat Miller Sandy and Scott Miller‡ Susan M. Miller Nathan Fleming and Abby Mohaupt‡ Roger and Pauline Mohr Drs. Terri Monk and B. Craig Weldon‡ Chris and Kathe Monley‡

Ms. Carolyn Montford Brian Weatherford and Steven Montgomery Ms. Shannon Moore Ms. Shirley Moore Ms. Mary Louise H. Morrison David and Linda Moscow William Myers Ms. Lois Mysliwy Jenny Nagaoka and Bart Longacre Jamie Nagle Elke Aippersbach and Piers Nash Jack and Leanne Neurauter Charlotte Newfeld Tom and Julia Nicholas Dani Nichols Mark and Maggie Nichter‡ Karen Nickelson Lynne Nieman Mary Nolen Mr. Peter Norman Mr. Hans Frank Normolle Ms. Ellen Noth Daniel and Laura O’Neill Maria and Ev Ocasio The Odom Family Shelia and Julian Oettinger Christine Olson and James Eccleston Kirsten Olson Peter and Alanne Ori Susan Orlowski County Clerk David Orr Marjorie Orr Mr. Nick Paavola Jim and Sue Pajakowski Lynne Pantalena Mark and Mary Partridge Audrey and John Paton Douglas and Linda Paul Dr. Steven and Mimi Binette Elyse Pearlman and Brad Teckenbrock Denny and Kay Pearson Caroline Pearson Raymond Olson and Paula Pederson Vanessa Perkins Ms. Leann Perlman David and Lindsey Peters Katherine D. Peterson Tim Peterson Sheldon and Marcia Pevsner Larry Pfaffenbach David M. Pierce Christine Pilat Chrystin and Lonnie Pleasants‡ Geoffrey Polk Emily R. Pollock Ms. Cecilia Porter Mr. Charles Porter Ms. Regina Porter Posner Family Trust

Renee Preftakes Charlie Propsom Mr. and Mrs. William B. Prugh Lynn and Clayton Pruitt Laura Quayle Katherine Quigg Bernard and Joan Rabinowitz Heidi Ralli Dean Rapp Ms. Azar Rashidfarokhi Bridget Ray Jeff Raymond Mr. Chuck Rebesco John Rice Sandi Riggs Paul Rink Burton R. Rissman Stacey Robbins Marjorie Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Russ Rockenbach Susan W. Rogaliner Deborah Rogers Dr. Daniel A. Roller and Ms. Lynn A. Hellwig Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rosenberg Lorraine Rosenberg Michael Rosenberg Linda Rosenblum and Steven Swiryn Bernhard and Judith Rosenstein Michael Ross and Erin Lavelle Robert and Sue Ross‡ T. Marshall Rousseau Ms. Shirlee Rubenstein Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubinstein Adrienne and Miles Russ Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Michael Ryan Krista Sahakian David Salkin and Dirk Dennison Van and Sue Salmans Dr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Salter Carolyn Clayton and Patrick Sandercock Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sandoval Ursula Sanne Mr. Gabriel Sayer Ms. Theresa Scales Susan Tobias and Alan Shapiro Alice and Don Schindel Robert and Barbara Schmid Mr. Ed Schmidt Rose Schmidt Frank and Karen Schneider Chris Schroeder Mrs. Margaret Schuring Ms. Michele Schuller Robert I. Schwartz John Scott and Linda Johnson Barbara Jo and Thomas D. Scott Thomas and Mary Ellen Scott‡

‡Step-by-Step We salute the individual donors who have committed to a recurring monthly or quarterly gift to steppenwolf 55 Steppenwolf. Their ongoing support helps fuel Steppenwolf’s mission of superior acting and risk-taking work.

…cont’d annual fund

Steppenwolf Donor Events These one-of-a-kind events celebrate the work seen on our stages with our acclaimed ensemble of artists. The Red or White Ball F r i da y , Ma r c h 2 8

Join Steppenwolf’s young professional board, the Auxiliary Council, for their signature event benefitting Steppenwolf’s nationally recognized education program, Steppenwolf for Young Adults. Guests of the 2014 Red or White Ball will enjoy small bites from hot Chicago restaurants, multiple open bars, musthave silent auction and raffle prizes, and dancing late into the night. This event is open to the public. For more information on how to purchase tickets, please contact Kaleigh Lockhart at 312-654-5623 or

Directors Circle Member Night— Technical Rehearsal for The Way West T u e s da y , A p r i l 1

Directors Circle members are invited to join us for a special behind-the-scenes look at the exclusive world premiere of The Way West, directed by ensemble member Amy Morton. The evening will start with an enlightening presentation by the members of the design team, followed by a private viewing of the play’s technical rehearsal in the Downstairs Theatre. This event is for Directors Circle members only. For more information on becoming a member, please contact Jessica Gretch at 312-654-5672 or directorscircle@steppenwolf.‌org

Steppenwolf’s 2014 Gala Benefit Sa t u r da y , Ma y 3

Individual Tickets are $1,000; proceeds benefit Steppenwolf’s artistic and educational programs. For more information or to reserve your table or tickets to the 2014 Gala, call 312-654-5632 or email

Images from Steppenwolf’s 2011 Red or White Ball

Join our acclaimed ensemble and Board of Trustees for an unforgettable night in support of Steppenwolf Theatre. After an exclusive 30-minute performance of scenes from The Way West, enjoy a lively cocktail reception and gourmet seated dinner with members of the Steppenwolf ensemble, an exciting live auction featuring once-in-a-lifetime adventures with our artists, and a private rock concert by Steppenwolf co-founder Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band, followed by a late-night DJ and chic after-hours lounge.

Jo and Glenn Seiden Benjamin C. Seigle Elizabeth G. Selmier Mary Lou Shadle‡ Sugar Shankman Kay Shannon Elizabeth and Michael Shapiro Neil Shapiro‡ Elizabeth and William Sharpe‡ Jennifer P. Sheffield Cheryl and Philip Sheridan‡ Rebecca Shilling Robert and Nancy Shipley Mr. and Mrs. William Shorey‡ Debra Siegel Mark Silver Mrs. Dolores Silverman Ilene Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinise Jane Sisco‡ Rae and David Smerling Ms. Janet Smith Lois Smith Mr. Larry K. Snider Vivien Sookram Ben Sosewitz Gary Spangler and Julie B. Aimen-Spangler Dusica Korda-Sparks and James C. Sparks Lisa Spector Patricia Staab Rebecca Stanfield Patricia Staszak Donald F. Steiner Wallace Stenhouse Kay Stephens Charles and Janet Stern Gardner Stern and Maxine Weintraub‡ Robert and Mary Rose Strezewski‡ Jennifer Strople Lisa Sullivan Ms. Patricia Sullivan Linda and Stephen Sullivan Michelle Sweet Ms. Sylwia Szewczyk Richard and Anne Taft Susan C. Taylor Saren A. and Robert D. Tepper Mr. Darrin Thomas William Thomas‡ Floyd Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Towers Daniel Trainor and Claudia Berg Kristin Trovillion Edward and Julie Turner Susan D. Tuteur Dmitry Tyomkin Shawn Tyrrell

Ms. Cynthia Vahlkamp Virginia Vale Caren and Walter Van Slyke Dr. and Mrs. Vanagunas Suzanne Venecek‡ Mr. TJ Veneris John Viars Mr. and Ms. Darren Vilmin Mr. Jon Volkert Michael L Wagner Nancy Wai Mr. James T. Walesa Allante Warren Gwenyth B. Warton Mr. David Waud Al Wayne and Lynne Copp James and Christine Webb Mary Jo Weis Hava Weissberg Barbara A. Weithaus Donna Werner‡ Mr. and Mrs. Doug West Elayne L Wheeler‡ Ms. Ann Whitney Deborah B. Williams, Ph.D.‡ D. Terry and Sharon Williams Audrey Wilson Fredlyn Wilson David Wise and Dianna Niebylski Coleman Wolf and Ellen Chapelle‡ Stephanie Wolf Joyce Woods Patrick Woods and Kathleen Clark Mr. James Wright Anita and Steve Yablong Dick Yankow Steve and Arna Yastrow Judith Youngs David and Teresa Zembower Barbe and Bill Zillman

‡Step-by-Step We salute the individual donors who have committed to a recurring monthly or quarterly gift to steppenwolf 57 Steppenwolf. Their ongoing support helps fuel Steppenwolf’s mission of superior acting and risk-taking work.

I n d i v i d u al C o n t r i b u t o r s A u x i l i a r y C o u nc i l

I n d i v i d u al C o n t r i b u t o r s H o n o r and M em o r i al G i f t s

Comprised of more than 100 Young Professionals, Steppenwolf’s Auxiliary Council works each season to raise funds for the Steppenwolf for Young Adults Programs. We salute the governing members for giving generously of their time and resources. Contact Kaleigh Lockhart at 312-654-5623 or to become an Auxiliary Council member today.

By making an honorary or memorial gift to Steppenwolf Theatre Company over the past year, the following individuals celebrated a special occasion or paid tribute to a loved one. Make an honorary gift by contacting Suzanne Miller at 312-654-5617 or

E x ec u t i v e O f f i ce r s

G ove r nor s

A s s o c i at e s

Ki m Davi s‡ President

Vanessa Abron Kristopher Anderson Courtney Bass Jonathan Blanc David Blowers Jr. Julie Brown Haydee Caldero Alexandra Carlson Steve Collens‡ Isaac Colunga Chanel Coney Bryce Cooper Joel Cornfeld Danny Cox Kim Davis‡ Brian Eble‡ Heather Erickson Juliette Feld Jami Gekas Stephen George Aimee Graham Jasmine Guy Conery Hoffman Adam Keats Andrew Keyt Rachel Loftspring Sergey Mavrody Ashley Mintz Marcus Mintz Derek Nelson Brett Plyler Kathryn Rothstein Francis Sadac‡ Dina Searle Ryan Stafford Tanya Stanfield Jennifer Stuart Frank Trocchio Jeff Tsai

Karma Abraham Stephanie Ailor Nicholas Alexsovich Melissa Andrews Marjorie Baltazar Andrew Banas Marisol Barrera Christina Batorski Andrew Cioffi Molly Clark Derrik Dickinson Tom Ehrhart Nina Esshaki Sean Finn Jodi Frank Rebecca Fons Myriam Fullard Anne Gillespie Tara Gillespie Justin Glasson Ivan Golden Mark Greer Reginald Guy Lucy Hall Matthew Herek Gail Hoffman Amanda Hope Erica Jaffe Maureen Johannigman Kelli Johnson Dana Katz Sheena Kemp Molly Kobelt Jeff Koh Nate Kush Katie Lanigan Travis Leiser Marc Levy Gary Light Oren Lund

Franci s Sadac‡ Immediate Past President and Directors Circle Liaison Isaac Colu nga Vice President of Partnerships Jasm i ne G uy Vice President of Member Experience Kat Rothste i n Vice President of Communication and Outreach J enn i fe r Stuart Vice President of Development F o u n d i n g O f f i ce r s Mar i sa B ryce Nora Daley*‡ E x ec u t i v e C o m m i t t ee Vanessa Ab ron Jon B lanc Steven Collens ‡ B ryce Coope r Ai mee G raham Steve S he r man Ryan Staffor d J e ff Tsai

Julia Luscombe Josh Mallamud Jen Mallamud James Miles-Polka Carolyn Montford Kristina Morris Brittany Mosley Tyler Murphy Catherine Napier Christina Napolez Kate Nardin Stacy Newman Akin Owolabi Brad Perkins Leann Perlman Sara Potts Ryan Powers David Pruitt Rissa Reddan Joseph Richiusa David Rigler Michelle Schlack Bengi Selcukoglu Joe Senese Laura Sexauer Ryan Shafer Steve Sherman Chandra Simmons Pier Smith Lydia Snowden Henry So Jamie Sodikoff Michael Stashwick Lisa Stevak Kerry Straub Jennifer Strople Michael Tutino Shana Vitek Kerstin Walker Bill Walsh

In Honor of Michael Cahan Walter Nathan In Honor of Doug Brown and Rachel Kraft Judith and Jerry Kaufmann In Honor of Martha Lavey Rhona and Julian Frazin In Honor of Nora Daley Shawn M. Donnelley In Honor of Frank Galati Susan Lane

In Honor of Steve Loucks and Doug Lyon Wayne Box and Max Goonan David Germaine and Rob LoPrete Esther Gross; The Testa family

In Memory of Jerry Horton Katie and Nehl Horton

In Honor of Ronald and Paula Mallicoat Richard and Elaine Tinberg

In Memory of William H. Minneman Margaret Minneman

In Honor of Jan Melk Richard and Katie Gottfred

In Honor of Bruce Sagan and Bette Cerf Hill Anita and Jamie Orlikoff

In Honor of John and Carol Walter Roger and Pam Weston

In Honor of Lawrence M. Gill and Christine Albright Merle Reskin In Honor of David and Susan Kalt and Eric and Liz Lefkofsky Laura and Scott Eisen

In Honor of Ralph Senst and Karen Zelden Linda A. Ellis

In Memory of Abby S. Magdovitz-Wasserman Dr. David Wasserman

In Memory of James D. Suchy Richard J. Kos In Memory of Kari Timm Jill O’Donovan

In Memory of Dr. Morton Arnsdorf Rosemary Crowley

In Memory of Nancy Wald Albert Wald

In Memory of John J. Bransfield, Jr. Myriam L. Bransfield

In Memory of Esther Zadeik Mr. Peter A. Zadeik

I n d i v i d u al C o n t r i b u t o r s In - K i nd C o n t r i b u t o r s Steppenwolf salutes the following individuals and organizations who donated significant goods and/or services. Joan Allen Apex3 Security ARK Restaurant Group Balena Chef Rick Bayless Leonard Becker, Attorney at Law David Binder Kevin Boehm The BOKA Group Catering Chocolate The Chicago Cubs City Winery ClientFirst Consulting Group Crain Communications Inc. CS Magazine Danny Macaroons David Burke’s Primehouse Michael Davis, Hart Davis Hart Wine Co. Deca Restaurant and Bar Diageo DJ Madrid Edge Audio Services Event Creative Fred’s at Barneys New York Frontera Grill Frost Lighting Tony Goldwyn Goose Island Beer Company Joan Hackett Halls Rental Service Halsted Vodka John Hart, Hart Davis Hart Wine Co. HMS Media Hotel Indigo Hotel Lincoln Jellyfish JW Marriott, Chicago Chef Stephanie Izard Neringa Kardelyte Rob Katz Chef Michael Kornick Donna La Pietra Martha Lavey

Tracy Letts The Lincoln Center Limelight Food Illuminated Lowitz & Sons Linda Lowy Magnolia Photo Booth Co. Mark Campbell Photography James Vincent Meredith Laurie Metcalf Microsoft Corporation Sandro Miller MK Restaurant Bruce Norris Ogilvy & Mather, Inc. Partytime-HDD Productions, Inc. Peak6 Investments Jeff Perry William Petersen POP The Public Hotel Rondi Reed Jeffrey Richards Associates Riviera

Schiff Hardin LLP Anna D. Shapiro Shure Incorporated Gary Sinise Sono Wood-Fired Spin Spun Structured Development Sun-Times Taco Joint The Talbott Hotel Tasty Catering Theatre Development Fund Tipsycake Steve Traxler David Turner Photography United Airlines Venue One Viaggio Vinci V.I.P. Valet Services, Inc. Bellamy Young The Weinstein Company Whole Foods Sarah and Kerry Wood

Please note that gifts listed above reflect contributions made as of December 2, 2013. Every effort is made to ensure that the information included in our program is accurate. If you have a question about your recognition or wish to alter your listing, please call the Individual Giving Department at 312-654-5617.

58 Russian Transport

* Steppenwolf Trustee

‡ Directors Circle Member

steppenwolf 59

Accessibility at Steppenwolf Committed to providing services and programming that enhance the experience of guests with disabilities, Steppenwolf is proud to feature: • Audio-described performances, artistic conversations and touch tours of the stage for guests who are blind or visually-impaired.

aCtors theatre Presents


• Wheelchair accessible seats and restrooms in all of our theaters.

Join playwrights, producers, press, theatre professionals and cultural tourists for a celebration of new American plays that delivers an amazing array of panel discussions, receptions, networking events and 7 fully produced premieres by American playwrights.

Would you like to utilize or learn more about these services? Audience Services 312-335-1650 TTY 312-335-3830 E-mail

Customized Weekend PaCkages

• Guides dedicated to assisting patrons during audio-described performances. • Complimentary playbills in Braille, large-print and audio formats. • Sign language-interpreted and open-captioned performances for guests who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. • Volunteers who use sign language to greet the audience at sign-interpreted performances. • Assistive listening devices in our Downstairs and Upstairs theaters.

Steppenwolf Customer Service Tips Driving to the theater? Rather than arriving to discover that our garage has reached capacity (which can happen during busy performances), please enter the Steppenwolf Parking Hotline (312-335-1774) into your cell phone and call us when you’re a few minutes away from the theater—we’ll tell you if there’s still space available in our facility, or suggest the most convenient alternative. Spending your intermission in line at the bar? Enjoy the entire break by ordering and paying for your intermission refreshments before the show. When you exit the theater at the end of the first act, your drinks will be waiting for you. Need restaurant information or the score of the ballgame? Please visit our book shop and information desk at the south end of the main floor lobby. Hailing a cab after the play? This is typically an easy affair—Halsted is a busy street and sees a fair amount of taxi traffic. If you’d like assistance hailing a cab or calling a company, though, just ask a member of the house staff; we’re happy to help.

Lost or Found? On-site? Please check in with a member of the house staff. Already left? Call the Front of House office at 312-932-2445. Want to provide feedback? Your input is always valuable to us. Have an opinion about the play or artistic content? Stick around for the post-show discussion featured after every performance, fill out the 60-Second Survey inserted in this program or join the conversation at Have a comment about your overall experience at the theater ? Please ask us for a customer service form to fill out, or e-mail us at

new Play getaway Weekends March 14–15 March 21–23 March 28–30 April 4–6 industry Weekends March 28–30 April 4– 6

Need to contact a patron during a performance? If you need to contact a patron during a performance in our Downstairs or Upstairs Theaters, please call our Concierge Desk at 312-932-2476. Hours: one hour prior to curtain until 15 minutes after curtain call.

Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the House Manager. The theater reserves the right to limit admission of children younger than the age of six. The taking of photographs and the use of any type of recording device is not allowed in the theater during performances and is a violation of state and federal copyright laws. Digital media will be deleted, and tape or film will be confiscated. Photo/Video Disclaimer: During your visit, you or members of your family may be filmed, videotaped, and/ or photographed by a Steppenwolf employee, contract photographer or the media. Your attendance at Steppenwolf events serves as permission for the use of your image, or the image of your family members, by Steppenwolf.

60 Russian Transport

Content Disclaimer: Steppenwolf offers an advisory about any stage effect of potential concern to patrons’ health. We will post this information as soon as it’s available. We don’t offer advisories about subject matter, as sensitivities vary from person to person. If you have any concerns about content, please contact audience services.


Additional support provided by:

The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust

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