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Environmental Consulting



The innovative, market leading provider of professional clean energy projects and energy efficiency solutions. Projects and solutions that are supplied and supported by a world-class social enterprise to increase business acumen, enhance market opportunities, provide access to capital, demonstrate impact, and build an engaged community.



Cant (Founder & President)

Our Big Bet – pg. 4 -14

Renewable energy will set new records, generating large portions of power needs. The biggest change will be for the lives of people in poor countries, which will improve faster in the next 15 years than at any other time in history. Their lives will improve more rapidly than ever before. Read more about our view of the future here.

Campaigns – pg. 15 -16 We’re excited about the potential to make a meaningful difference all over the world. We’re putting our credibility, time, and money behind these campaigns – and asking others to join us – because we think there has never been a better time to accelerate progress and have a big impact around the world. Click here to check out a few of the campaigns we’ve got on the go.

Services – pg. 18 - 39 Steps for Mankind offers a variety of services to provide environmentally conscious solutions for your projects. Environmental and social performance is critical to meeting the core business objectives of our customers. We provide services in Water Resource Management, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Environmental Management, and Social Responsibility Services. Click here for more information.

Clean Development Mechanisms – pg. 21 Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency – pg. 22 - 25 Environmental Information System – pg. 26 - 29 Natural Resource Management – pg. 30 - 31 Solid Waste Management - pg. 32 - 33 Water Resource Management – pg. 34 - 35 Social Responsibility Services – pg.36 - 37 Carbon and GHG Management Advisory – pg. 38 - 39 2

Our Tea m

Ryan Cant Founder & President Ryan Cant founded Steps for Mankind in 2015, offering innovative technology and lean business methods to promote social, environmental, and economic justice. Mr. Cant has extensive experience in all scales of project delivery that include different project execution models, from small feasibility studies and program management assignments to large EPCM delivery. His professional career is complemented by project management and consulting assignments across Canada and Central America.

Justin Barnes Vice President Justin Barnes is a Political Scientist and Geographer with broad-reaching experience in the water resourcing, environment and energy industries. Over the past 4 years, he has held various roles, encompassing academic research, project technical execution and management. Mr. Barnes has worked on multiple projects in industrial and municipal sectors across Canada and Central America. Mr Barnes has an indepth understanding on the impacts of climate change. He can evaluate watershed functions and watershed management, land degradation, and land use planning using Spatial Decision Support Systems, such as, spatial statistics and computer spatial modeling (ArcGIS).

Jay Spok Director of Business Development Jay Spok is a business and advertising specialist with technical expertise in project management in the United States of America. Mr. Spok has extensive experience in the identification, quantification and financial treatment of risks and reward associated with projects, as well as the integration of clients’ sustainability goals, commitments and objectives into the design, delivery and execution of projects. Mr. Spok’s expertise includes project management, financial analysis, lifecycle assessment, decision support consulting, risk management, sustainable project consulting, and regulatory compliance.


Renewable energy will set new records, generating large majority of power needs. The biggest change would be for the lives of people in poor countries, which will improve faster in the next 15 years than at any other time in history. And their lives will improve more than anyone else’s.

WE SEE AN OPPORTUNITY AND WE WANT TO MAKE THE MOST OF IT. We’re putting our credibility, time, and money behind this bet — and asking others to join us — because we think there has never been a better time to accelerate progress and have a big impact around the world. Some will say we’re irrational to make this bet too. A skeptic would look at the world’s problems and conclude that things are only getting worse. And we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that a handful of the worst-off countries will continue to struggle. But we think the next 15 years will see major breakthroughs for most people in poor countries. They will be living longer and in better health. They will have unprecedented opportunities to get an education, eat nutritious food, and benefit from renewable energy products. These breakthroughs will be driven by innovation in technology — ranging from new vaccines and hardier crops to much cheaper smartphones and tablets — and by innovations that help deliver those things to more people.


The rich world will keep getting exciting new advances too, but the improvements in the lives of the poor will be far more fundamental — the basics of a healthy, productive life. It’s great that more people in rich countries will be able to watch movies on super hiresolution screens. It’s even better that more parents in poor countries will know their children aren’t going to die. It is fair to ask whether the progress we’re predicting will be stifled by climate change. The most dramatic problems caused by climate change are more than 15 years away, but the long-term threat is so serious that the world needs to move much more aggressively — right now — to develop energy sources that are cheaper, can deliver on demand, and emit zero carbon dioxide. The next 15 years are a pivotal time when these energy sources need to be developed so they’ll be ready to deploy before the effects of climate change become severe. Ryan Cant is investing time in this work personally (not through our Non-profit) and will continue to speak out about it. We’re excited to see how much better the world will be in 15 years. Here are some of the breakthroughs we see coming. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Renewable energy products will help the poor transform their lives. Africa, Central America, and South America will be able to feed itself. Child death will go down, and more disease will be wiped out. A call for global unity.


It’s time to prove wrong the widely held stereotype about renewable energy only being for rich countries. Energy sources in Africa, specifically Kenya, have diversified since 2000, when renewable power capacity contributed 5.4 per cent of the country’s total energy mix. By 2012, this figure had grown to 16.2 per cent. With smart planning and prudent investment, all African countries, and poor countries around the world, can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and leapfrog into a sustainable future. And, as Africa makes the transition to renewable energy in the coming years, new projects will provide much-needed jobs and power economic growth. Many of the poorest countries are blessed with plentiful land and natural resources. Prodigious sunshine blankets the continents for much of the year, ideal conditions for solar power. Hot rocks in areas store geothermal energy. Vast plains and mountain ranges are great sites for wind turbines while mighty rivers can be harnessed for hydropower projects. Finally, biomass is abundant – all providing multiple opportunities for renewable energy production.


This vast potential of renewable energy can be realised with effective cooperation and successful projects that cross borders. This will help the world to triple its production of renewable energy by 2050 and avoid catastrophic climate change. Just as importantly, this is all possible while taking the continent to new levels of prosperity.With the world population expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, poor countries are currently at a crossroad.

“Africa, will need another 250 gigawatts of capacity between now and 2030 to meet the demands of its quickly growing populations and economies.” Countries can either power its surging growth with fossil fuels, which would put the world on an unsustainable path to climate change, or it can fuel development with vast renewable energy resources. The solution to providing that energy and keeping prices in check is to tap into clean, reliable, indigenous, affordable and abundant renewable energy sources. Renewables present an economically and environmentally beneficial framework to power the continent’s growth. Scaling-up the worlds energy infrastructure to accommodate the growing energy demand is necessary, but scaling it up in a smart way to include more renewable energy in the energy mix is paramount. Steps for Mankind’s initiative encourages the deployment of hydro, geothermal, biomass, wind and solar options around the world to increase capacity, stabilise the grid, and reduce fossil fuel dependency. It is a regional approach, promoting international cooperation across countries power pools to develop vast energy resources, optimise the energy mix and attract more investment. The plan identifies development zones to cluster renewable plants in areas with high potential, resource planning, new financing models and knowledge and capacity building. With the right combination of policy, investment and rapid deployment, we can make substantial progress in decarbonising the world’s energy mix while generating growth and employment. Until now, many of the poorest countries growth has mostly been powered by fossil fuels. However, these countries now have the opportunity to continue their growth and to thrive and emerge with confidence and prosperity in a cleaner way than ever.

Is renewable energy only for rich countries? Absolutely not – with good planning and intelligent frameworks for international cooperation, We are working hard to prove this stereotype wrong, once and for all.


In the next 15 years, however, innovations in farming will erase these brutal ironies. The world has already developed better fertilizer and crops that are more productive, nutritious, and drought- and disease-resistant; with access to these and other existing technologies, African farmers could theoretically double their yields. With greater productivity, farmers will also grow a greater variety of food, and they'll be able to sell their surpluses to supplement their family's diet with vegetables, eggs, milk, and meat. With the right investments, we can deliver innovation and information to enough farmers in Africa to increase productivity by 50 percent for the continent overall. Agricultural extension, the process by which farmers get information — what seeds to plant, how to rotate crops to protect their soil, how to get the best prices at market — is complicated and expensive. Traditionally, it requires highly trained agricultural experts who know the local language and local crops in every region of vast countries. Agricultural extension also tends to be geared toward male farmers (for example, it may focus on the crops that men tend to grow), even though women do at least half of the farm labor in Africa. This is one reason women farmers are kept from being as productive as men, even when they have equal access to seeds and fertilizer. Investing in extension so that it helps more farmers in more places — women as well as men, smallholders as well as more commercial farmers — is the only way to reap the full benefit of innovation. One promising trend is that, as more farmers have access to mobile phones, they will be able to receive all sorts of information, from weather reports to current market prices. 8

Information needs to reach as many farmers as possible, because the challenges farmers face are growing more difficult. Population growth in Africa means they'll have 200 million more people to feed. And over time, climate change will make farming more difficult, with more droughts and more floods. Bigger variations in the weather will mean both more bumper crops and more poor harvests — which makes raising productivity and improving food storage crucial. If farmers can grow and store more food, they'll be in a better position to ride out the lean years. There are other limitations besides productivity that keep Africa from feeding itself. The lack of infrastructure across the continent, for example, means that it's almost impossible to move food to the places it needs to go. (The most extreme case: The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the size of Western Europe, with a population of more than 60 million, but it has fewer than 2,000 miles of paved roads — the same amount as any middle-sized Western European town.) Trading within the region can be so difficult that it's often easier to fly food in from other continents than to drive it a couple hundred miles. But countries are building better roads. Ghana has recently cut travel time through its interior by two thirds, simply by widening the highway that connects its agricultural heartland to the airport and seaports. Countries like Senegal are removing the constant checkpoints that make overland transportation so burdensome. By growing more varied and nutritious food and getting it to the people who need it at the right time, Africa, Central America, and South America can achieve food security by 2030. It will still import food when it makes sense to do so, but it will also export much more, eventually achieving a net positive trade balance. Famine will strike less often — and when it does, it will be presiding countries that will take care of their own response. Improving agriculture, the backbone of the "Third World" economy, can drive massive poverty reduction and improve life across the continent.


UNTIL RECENTLY, THE WORLD WAS SPLIT IN TWO. In one half, virtually all children were vaccinated, received clean drinking water, had sufficient nutrition, and received proper treatment for common illnesses like diarrhea and pneumonia. The number of children in this half who died before they reached the age of 5 was well under 1 percent.

Then there was the other half. Here, vaccination coverage was spotty at best, children tended to be malnourished, and standard childhood illnesses went untreated. About 10 percent of these children died before they turned 5; in some countries that percentage was much higher.


Constructing sustainable Solid Waste Management systems (SWMS) is one of the avenues to decrease disease. By constructing innovative Waste to Energy Systems (WtE), we can decrease the disease that we are continuously in contact with. Also, by creating recycling programs we can improve health conditions and improve local sustainability initiatives. Therefore, access to innovative waste management and clean drinking water is fundamental to our sustainable development for 2030. These initiatives can help decrease the percentage of illness and death each year. When we started our Organization, we were looking for the most strategic ways to help equalize the two halves of the world. We thought that if the world put a little more innovation behind saving the lives of poor children - we could make a lot of progress When we look at the progress the world has made in the past generation, since 1990, we believe global health equity is an achievable goal. Increased investment in health care has led to better coverage with the vaccines and treatments that were already available, and intensified R&D has led to the development of new vaccines and treatments. The percentage of children who die before age 5 has been cut in half.


SO WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO MAKE SURE THAT THE LIVES OF THE POOR IMPROVE FASTER IN THE NEXT 15 YEARS THAN EVER BEFORE? As we said earlier, it will take innovation in technology and in ways to deliver it to the people who need it most, which is what our Non-profit Organization works on. There’s another crucial factor: informed, passionate individuals working together to form effective movements for change. People who care about helping those in the world’s poorest places improve their lives. We call their efforts "steps", which contribute to mankind's greater goal for unity. And with this letter, we’re helping to kick-start an effort to take millions of STEPS. Putting one foot forward doesn’t mean you have to dedicate your life to helping the poor. It does mean you follow an issue of global importance—whether it’s one we wrote about in this letter, or another, like human rights or governance. You take a few minutes once in a while to learn about the lives of people who are worse off than you are. (In fact, if you’re still reading this far into our letter, you are probably a global citizen.) You’re willing to act on your compassion, whether it’s raising awareness, volunteering your time, or giving a little money.


Improving life for the poor will take contributions from everyone. There is overwhelming evidence that people care about others who are suffering—when they can see the suffering. Just think of the global outpouring of support whenever a devastating tsunami or earthquake makes the news. The problem is that ongoing tragedies like deadly diseases and poverty don’t make the news. They’re invisible to many of us. And so the caring of millions of people goes untapped.We hope to help change that. With the effort we’re helping launch, we want to raise the visibility of these problems. We want to give people a way to lend their voice, urging governments, companies, and non-profits to make these issues a priority.

It is called Steps for Mankind, and you can sign up at You will be able to get updates on how you can help, share what you’re learning, and connect with other people and organizations who care about similar issues. But being a contributor is not just about being part of one organization; it’s about being part of a movement made up of many effective organizations including global groups like CIVICUS, Save the Children, the ONE Campaign, ActionAid, Oxfam, and Greenpeace, as well as smaller national organizations from all over the world. We hope this effort will help these groups grow, building the movement of global citizens. Their millions of members are also global citizens, working on different global problems.


Contributors have an especially important role to play this year. In September, the United Nations will agree on a set of goals about what should be done for the poor over the next 15 years. The UN did this once before, in 2000, and it was one of the best ideas for development either of us has ever seen. It focused the world on key measures of how many people get the basics of a productive life: good health and a chance to get an education and make the most of economic opportunities.

We hope the goals adopted this year continue that work. Nearly 1,000 organizations in 130 countries have come together to launch a campaign called action/2015 to make sure they do. But we need even more voices—and by joining Steps for Mankind, you can add yours. Along with other groups, Steps for Mankind will be asking their members to hold their leaders accountable for the goals they sign up for in February, particularly those relating to the renewable energy revolution. - Ryan Cant (Founder & President 14

Ca mpa igns

Steps for Mankind is excited about the potential to make a meaningful difference all over the world. There is overwhelming evidence that people care about others who are suffering—when they can see the suffering. Just think of the global outpouring of support whenever a devastating tsunami or earthquake makes the news. The problem is that ongoing tragedies like deadly diseases and poverty don’t make the news. They’re invisible to many of us. And so the caring of millions of people goes untapped.. We hope to help change that. With the effort we’re helping launch, we want to raise the visibility of these problems. We want to give people a way to lend their voice, urging governments, companies, and non-profits to make these issues a priority. Check out a few of the campaigns we've got on the go:


Ca mpa igns Continued

Steps for Mankind is investing in clean energy in Haiti to boost Haiti’s recovery, recognizing that providing efficient renewable energy sources to reduce energy costs and dependency on fossil fuels are key to improving Haiti’s energy structure. This is an incredible opportunity to take my experience and put it to the contribution of a small yet fast growing social enterprise pursuing a social mission as well as environmental one. Your donations will directly help improve the lives of Haiti's poorest people and also contribute to climate change efforts by supporting clean energies.

Helping Those Who Ca n’t Help Themselves. Steps for Mankind aims to brings solar powered lights and other life changing products to India’s urban poor communities that have no access to electricity and clean water.

Steps for Mankind hopes to expand and scale up their operations to other major cities in India. This is an incredible opportunity to take my experience and put it to the contribution of a small yet fast growing social enterprise pursuing a social mission as well as environmental one. Your donations will directly help improve the lives of India's poorest people and also contribute to climate change efforts by supporting clean energies. 16

Steps for Mankind offers a variety of services to provide environmentally conscious solutions for your projects. Environmental and social performance is critical to meeting the core business objectives of our customers. Our mission is to identify the environmental and social challenges facing our customers and provide innovative, cost-effective and long-term environmental solutions.

Clean Development Mechanism

Going through the process of CDM project development and application requires highly specialised skills and experiences. We are dedicated to provide “One-Stop” services, from developing and guiding GHG emission reduction projects step by step from start to finish for both project developers and buyers of CERs. We also undertake research and studies as well as capacity building for both the governmental and private sectors in dealing with CDM issues.

Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency

Steps for Mankind is comprised of assets critical to the supply and distribution of renewable energy in the Canada. Renewable energy covers a diverse range of technologies and deployment concepts. These are zero or low emission generation technologies whose “fuel” resource is virtually inexhaustible including solar, wind, water, geothermal and biomass resources. These “fuels” are also free of price and supply volatility, a key renewable energy advantage. Our renewable energy specialists have extensive experience across the industry and a diverse range of customers.


Our Services Continued

Environmental Information Systems

We are offering professional services in a number of fields connected to UAS assisted surveying. The services are performed through assistance by select strategic partners utilizing Steps for Mankinds UAVs. With our strong presence and domain competence in aerial surveying we can be your preferred supplier of professional services. A subset of available services are described below. Feel free to contact us with further questions and to learn what other surveying services we can provide.

Natural Resource Management

Our natural resources professionals continually apply their technical skills and offer valuable experience and guidance to clients to successfully achieve desired project outcomes. Steps for Mankind takes a pro-active multi-disciplined team approach in working with clients to develop a practical and cost-effective plan that meets project schedules, complies with local, state and federal regulations and maintains environmental stewardship. Steps for Mankind is accustomed to working in both the public and private sectors to address a broad range of needs. Steps for Mankind are qualified natural resource professionals offer the services for the focus areas presented below.


Our Services Continued

Water Resource Management

Finding an optimum water supply that meets current requirements, and is sustainable over the long-term, requires a detailed understanding of hydrology, hydrogeology and catchment processes.The constraints and opportunities for water re-use and recycling alternatives must also be understood. Our consultants enable customers to make accurate, reliable and informed water resources decisions that are underpinned by expert knowledge in engineering sciences, water valuation, stakeholder and external factors and integrated technical solutions.Steps for Mankind provides customers with the expertise, experience and vision to create sustaining solutions for their business.

Solid Waste Management

Our Industrial Waste Management consultants’ services cover industrial waste, nuclear waste, drilling waste, mine tailings, chemicals, sludge materials, wastewater and non-hazardous general waste. These services cover waste handling (including avoidance and reduction), temporary storage, transfer and or processing stations, waste tracking, waste minimization, waste recycling and energy recovery, treatment, and ultimate disposal.


Our Services Continued

Environmental Management and Soclal Responsibility Services

Steps for Mankind is a provider of environmental management and social responsibility services for the resources and energy sectors. Environmental and social performance is critical to meeting the core business objectives of our customers. These include the ability to maximize access to resources/reserves and production, certainty of project delivery, optimization of the full value of assets, localization, future-proofed assets, and safe guarding reputations.

Carbon and GHG Management Advisory

Fighting climate change while keeping industries competitive and strong is part of the government’s economic plan for Ontario. The four-part plan is building Ontario up by investing in people’s talents and skills, building new public infrastructure like roads and transit, creating a dynamic, innovative environment where business thrives, and building a secure retirement savings plan. We are excited about the cap and trade policy and look forward to helping companies meet their cape limits. Together we will build a low carbon economy.


Clea n Development Mecha nism


Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a flexible financing mechanism for climate-friendly environmental investment. A mechanism for developed and undeveloped countries to support sustainable development while meeting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission target. The project are financed and supported by the sales from Certified Emission Reduction (CERs). Eligible projects’ examples include :WASTE: e.g. Landfill gas recovery, biogas recovery from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) and animal waste treatment etc.


Going through the process of CDM project development and application requires highly specialized skills and experiences. We are dedicated to provide “One-Stop” services, from developing and guiding GHG emission reduction projects step by step from start to finish for both project developers and buyers of CERs. We also undertake research and studies as well as capacity building for both the governmental and private sectors in dealing with CDM issues. Our specific services include: • Step-by-Step CDM Application Assistance; • Documentations and Approvals; • Post Registration Monitoring and Verification; • Revision and Deviation of Monitoring Plan; • Carbon Trading Advisory Services; • Financial and Technology Feasibility; and • Capacity Building, Training and Research.


Renewa ble Energy & Energy Efficiency Energy tha t Promotes a Susta ina ble Future

THE INDUSTRY Power generation is evolving throughout the world, driven by emission issues, policy and transforming markets. An increased interest in generation alternatives, including renewable energy has developed and this brings new challenges around issues of deployment, technology, risk, price and integration. These challenges apply to small businesses with considerable electricity cost exposure; utilities struggling with changing portfolios or looking to reduce carbon emissions; or a business simply looking to source cleaner energy. Steps for Mankind is comprised of assets critical to the supply and distribution of renewable energy in the Canada. Renewable energy covers a diverse range of technologies and deployment concepts. These are zero or low emission generation technologies whose “fuel” resource is virtually inexhaustible including solar, wind, water, geothermal and biomass resources. These “fuels” are also free of price and supply volatility, a key renewable energy advantage. The renewable energy industry is maturing fast with deployment at utility-scale becoming routine. While high generation cost has been a primary concern for renewables, the size of the industry is reaching more efficient economies and this has put downward pressure on prices; in some applications now, renewables are a purely commercial proposition. Renewable energy has been used for many years in commercial power generation, particularly hydroelectric, and only recently other forms have appeared for mainstream use. This diverse mix of technologies provides both opportunities and challenges to the power industry.


Renewa ble Energy Continued

OUR SERVICES Our renewable energy specialists have extensive experience across the industry and a diverse range of customers including: • Extensive knowledge of power generation to navigate choices and challenges of renewable installations • Collaboration with technical capabilities within Steps for Mankind including offshore marine structures, resource assessment, project constraint mapping, and advanced computational fluid dynamics • Assessment, feasibility, delivery and operational expertise including business decision advice, permitting and planning, and plant asset management adding value across the full renewable energy spectrum The renewable energy power group assists our customers to find appropriate power solutions by offering a comprehensive suite of technical, project and business services including:


Renewa ble Energy Continued

TECHNOLOGIES Our specialists' expertise spans the renewable energy technologies spectrum including including emerging industries: Solar (PV and CSP) Wind Bio-energy Geothermal Hydro Multiple technology and integrated fossil/renewable hybrid options o Others, such as ocean energy, energy storage, and others in the research and development phases. o o o o o o


Renewa ble Energy Continued


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Making decisions about renewables – where to invest, what technologies, how to integrate, finance and deploy them. Advising Governments on policy development, incentive programs and the focus of research Assessing large, regional scale renewable strategies across siting, technologies, interconnection, deployment and market constraints Emissions reduction or fugitive offset strategies Financial assessment including services including PPA's, off-take and connection agreements, including green certificates Engineering expertise including front end and detailed design across various elements of renewable projects Program and project management (PMC, EPCM) Integration of renewables into existing power plant portfolios Project feasibility studies, technology selections, optimizations and portfolio integrations Plant site evaluation and selection, including the use of sophisticated GIS based mapping and hierarchical constraint assessments Fossil/renewable hybrids analysis and design Renewable energy cost estimates and cost/benefit analyses System modeling and network access negotiations . Performance predictions, resource monitoring and mapping Environmental Impact Studies and permitting Specification preparation, contract negotiation and procurement Plant operations and maintenance Steps for Mankind works extensively across the renewable energy industry for a wide range of customers. Our roles are diverse, mirroring the complexity of our business and the expertise we can offer ranging from small, discrete consultancies to management of full project delivery.

Renewa ble Energy Continued


Environmenta l Informa tion Systems

Ca na da ’ s 1st Full Service Aeria l UAV


Good environmental management involves a multi-disciplinary knowledge and the, integration of a variety of data and information. Large amount and the complexity of data generated need to be computerized and managed in a systematic way: a solution would be to establish an Environmental Information System (EIS). EIS is a basic platform where necessary data and information are stored, managed, and easily shared via Google Earth. OUR Planners, managers and environmental officers can utilize EIS to support their planning and management functions effectively.


Our specific services include: Data Collection, Conversion and Reporting • Data collection and verification • Data conversion, processing and analysis • Standardization and coding • Integrated Environmental Information System (EIS) design • Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping • Data reporting We are offering professional services in a number of fields connected to UAS assisted surveying. The services are performed through assistance by select strategic partners utilizing Steps for Mankind’s UAVs. With our strong presence and domain competence in aerial surveying we can be your preferred supplier of professional services. A subset of available services are described below. Feel free to contact us with further questions and to learn what other surveying services we can provide. 26

EIS Continued


Enhanced Forest Inventory (EFI) offers forest professionals innovative solutions that lead to an improved management strategy resulting in cost savings and increasingly predictable operations. Accurate data and statistics are applicable to many aspects of forest management, and can make a positive contribution to operational planning, accurate volume predictions, and environmental risk management. Using state of the art equipment and methodologies, Steps for Mankind collects integral data on forests that contributes to sustainable operations, planning, and harvesting. Customized EFI solutions are delivered rapidly, and yield more accurate results than traditional forest inventory methods, providing stakeholders the information required to make vital decisions regarding both short and long term strategies. EFI is developed through a combination of digital images and LiDAR data, which are compared to a series of field plots.


LiDAR technologies offer an efficient and accurate method to survey transmission lines, monitor pipelines and tailing ponds. By conducting routine aerial surveys, energy providers are able to closely monitor troublesome areas of vegetation encroachment, and mitigate risks of costly power outages and the consequential fines from authorities. Airborne LiDAR can provide accurate elevation models for transmission lines, allowing utility providers to: • measure the shape of the ground below the transmission line • locate the position of towers and poles • measure the sag on wires • measure the up-growth of any vegetation or other possible illegal obstructions


Ca na da ’ s 1st Full Service Aeria l UAV


Accurate monitoring of mines is imperative in relation to productivity, safety, and legal compliance. Airborne surveys offer several advantages when exploring existing or potential mine sites. Aerial photography can offer new and improved perspectives on your site, revealing related opportunities and risks. Aerial LiDAR collection can efficiently acquire millions of points within each square kilometer, creating a robust data set for volume calculations, slope management, geomorphology, and structural geology. Through consultation with experienced engineers and geologists, Leading Edge Geomatics has developed an accurate and affordable approach to topographical surveying of open pit and strip mining. By conducting ground and aerial surveys simultaneously, our teams efficiently collect extensive data on your mining site, contributing to the enhanced productivity and safety of your operations.


Steps for Mankind’s LiDAR solutions offer clients a cost-effective, efficient and accurate method to monitor agriculture and surrounding vegetation. LiDAR data produces extremely accurate 3D representations of structures, trees, vegetation, and moisture content. Aerial LiDAR surveys are completed rapidly and provide accurate data on the entire crop, identifying potential and existing hazards to vegetation. This allows farmers to provide and deal with immediate issues, and proactively plan for long-term management of vegetation, avoiding future hazards (climate change) and providing the foundations for healthier crops.


EIS Continued

DEVELOPMENT / PLANNING / EXPANSION LiDAR and Aerial Imagery provide a versatile dataset that supports various projects in regards to municipal departments, infrastructure, roads and highway planning. Access to accurate data allows users to virtually explore areas of interest before committing physical and human resources to a site visit. Planners and engineers are able to examine project locations from the office, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

The future of EIS

The Future is Bright & Full of Opportunity


Na tura l Resource Ma na gement


Our natural resources professionals continually apply their technical skills and offer valuable experience and guidance to clients to successfully achieve desired project outcomes. Steps for Mankind takes a pro-active multi-disciplined team approach in working with clients to develop a practical and cost-effective plan that meets project schedules, complies with local, state and federal regulations and maintains environmental stewardship. Steps for Mankind is accustomed to working in both the public and private sectors to address a broad range of needs. Steps for Mankind are qualified natural resource professionals offer the services for the focus areas presented below.


Steps for Mankind can provide multiple water resource assessment services to develop baseline conditions, assess potential impacts and provide post project restoration services.

Wetlands • • • •

Identification/Delineation/Functional Assessments/Reporting Jurisdictional Determinations Avoidance and Minimization Strategies/Alternative Analysis Mitigation Design and Monitoring For Permit Compliance


True Stewa rds of Ea rth a nd a ll of its Inha bita nts

Streams and Aquatic Resources • • • •

Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Assessment Aquatic and Riparian Habitat Assessments Stream Restoration-Assessment, Design and Monitoring Watershed Assessment and Plan Development

PERMITTING Steps for Mankind is experienced staff is knowledgeable in the regulatory process at local, state and federal levels and can navigate through the agency coordination and review process to successfully achieve environmental clearance. • Pre-application Meetings • Municipal, County, Provincial and Federal Government Coordination • Joint Permit/General Permit Applications

THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Our biologists can provide ecological services to identify and evaluate sensitive communities and species. Early project screening is key to integrating measures to avoid and minimize impacts upon protected species. • Provincial and Federal Resource Agency Coordination • Project Consultation • Plant and Wildlife Species Habitat Assessments/Surveys • Biological Assessments 31

Solid Wa ste Ma na gement

Your #1 Industria l W a ste Ma na gement Consulta nts

CHALLENGES Sustainable waste management is a global issue. Our customers seek innovative, cost-effective and long-term environmental solutions to waste management problems from non-hazardous industrial, municipal and mining waste, to highly hazardous or problematic waste. Customers need confidence they’re getting the right advice when addressing issues such as waste generation, waste minimization and reuse, collection of all waste materials (solid and liquid) and disposal infrastructure. In addition disposal techniques need to be based upon environmentally sound practices and within the requirements of relative legislation and regulations. 32

SERVICES Our Industrial Waste Management consultants’ services cover industrial waste, nuclear waste, drilling waste, mine tailings, chemicals, sludge materials, wastewater and non-hazardous general waste. These services cover waste handling (including avoidance and reduction), temporary storage, transfer and or processing stations, waste tracking, waste minimization, waste recycling and energy recovery, treatment, and ultimate disposal. 1. Human and ecological risk assessments, risk modeling, and environmental management of soil, groundwater, and surface water around waste facilities 2. Waste stream characterization 3. Operational process reviews 4. Investigations, planning and feasibility studies 5. Design and implementation 6. Remediation and aftercare

Wa ste Ma na gement Continued


Wa ter Resource Ma na gement

Integra ted Approa ches to W a ter Resource Ma na gement

CHALLENGES Water resources management is no longer a one-off activity to find a water source and to maintain its supply. The industrial water-cycle now allows a host of opportunities to be explored and requires more advanced catchment management techniques, innovative water treatment and recycling methods, footprint reduction initiatives and efficiency. Finding an optimum water supply that meets current requirements, and is sustainable over the long-term, requires a detailed understanding of hydrology, hydrogeology and catchment processes. The constraints and opportunities for water re-use and recycling alternatives must also be understood. Our consultants enable customers to make accurate, reliable and informed water resources decisions that are underpinned by expert knowledge in engineering sciences, water valuation, stakeholder and external factors and integrated technical solutions. 1. Surface water and groundwater impact assessments 2. Water management frameworks 34

Wa ter Resource Ma na gement Continued

SERVICES To meet global water demands, Steps for Mankind provides customers with the expertise, experience and vision to create sustaining solutions for their business. 1. Groundwater and surface water exploration and water source assessment 2. Water accounting and water trading 3. Water risk assessment 4. Eco assessment 5. Integrated stakeholder engagement and approvals management 6. Regulatory risk assessment 7. Sustainable water supply modeling 8. Climate change management 9. Water resource planning and sustainable yields optimization 10. Surface and groundwater monitoring and modeling 11. Water system optimization 12. Compliance reporting 13. Cumulative effects modeling, monitoring and compliance reporting


Environmenta l & Socia l Responsibility a t the Highest Level

Socia l Responsibility Services

CHALLENGES Environmental and social performance is critical to meeting the core business objectives of our customers. These include: o The ability to maximize access to resources/reserves and production o Certainty of project delivery o Optimization of the full value of assets o Localization o Future-proofed assets o Safe guarding reputations Socia l Responsibility is Susta ina ble Development


Environmenta l Ma na gement & Socia l Responsibility Services Continued

SERVICES Steps for Mankind is a provider of environmental management and social responsibility services for the resources and energy sectors. Our environmental and social consultants help our customers: Site, develop and operate facilities, wells, mines and infrastructure with sensitivity to environmental and social values Engage with communities to build trust and enable them to benefit from development Gain project approvals in least time and with practical conditions of approval Achieve leading practice during design and construction Demonstrate compliance with international standards Seek opportunities to continually improve the environmental performance of operations Plan for and execute decommissioning, progressive rehabilitation and restoration projects The services our consultants provide include: Sustainability in engineering design, project delivery and operations management Capacity and global footprint to deliver leading multi-disciplinary services Experienced environmental project leaders and teams A strategic approach to approvals, government affairs and stakeholder engagement Project controls for cost, schedule, safety performance and community relations Our Environment & Society consultants provide two major offerings: Environmental Management & Approvals Social Performance & Stakeholder Management

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Lets Stop Clima te Cha nge Together

Ca rbon & GHG Ma na gement Advisory

INTRODUCTION Under the new cap and trade system most industries and businesses will have their carbon emissions capped, and those that want to burn more fossil fuels can buy carbon credits from those that find efficiencies and burn less. Government will skim off a piece of the action, which Premier Wynne said will "be reinvested in green technology and green infrastructure", such as public transit.

OUR SERVICES Whether you wind up being a buyer or seller of carbon credits, whether your industry gains an exemption, or whether your business is not even covered by the agreement, one simple law of nature still applies: Reducing your carbon footprint and your greenhouse gas emissions will save you money. Like all good laws of nature, the inverse is also true. Reducing your maintenance costs will reduce your carbon footprint. Efficiency is sustainability. Sustainability is efficiency. It is not rocket science that tells us that saving resources and energy with a Steps for Mankind will mitigate climate change, however; if Einstein had been a maintenance systems supervisor, his famous formula would have been.

Sustainability = Efficiency

Steps for Mankind is the driver that propels maintenance efficiency, which saves the money, which reduces the carbon footprint. 38

Ca rbon & GHG Ma na gement Advisory Continued

OUR SERVICES Our services include: • Carbon disclosure and reporting; • Carbon footprint; • Carbon management and strategy plan; • GHG inventory; and • Training and workshop.

Five ways Steps for Mankind reduces your carbon footprint: • • • • •

Real-time equipment monitoring of sensor data can be used to reduce catastrophic failures and environmental damage. Cloud-based work order software streamlines maintenance site trips and drives efficiency and productivity. Prolonging asset life postpones manufacturing new equipment. Preventative maintenance reduces equipment failure and out-of-spec production, in turn reducing scrap or re-works. Well maintained assets, improves their efficiency reducing their resource intensity.

And now that you’ve done a great job on maintenance, Steps for Mankind can generate the reports that document your carbon footprint reductions and cost savings. Not a bad return on your investment! Susta ina bility = Efficiency


Conta ct Us STEPS FOR MANKIND Address: 615 Laurier Dr. Windsor, ON, N9J 1M6 tel: 403-999-2849 email:

We look forward to working with you soon and make positive Steps for Mankind.

-Ryan Cant (Founder and President)


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