1 minute read
Dearest TFO Family,
Welcome to the 12th season of the Taneycomo Festival Orchestra! We are delighted that you’ve decided to spend these very special two weeks with us as we perform our favorite music in Branson and Hollister.
As you peruse this program book, you will find lots of wonderful information about our musicians and music. We hope you enjoy learning about this amazing orchestra. We have an incredible Festival lined up for you, and we hope to see you at as many concerts as possible!
We also encourage you to visit our merchandise table to check out all the great ways you can support your Taneycomo Festival Orchestra. We have many volunteer opportunities as well as donation levels, and all funds raised provide travel reimbursement to the musicians who are donating their time and talents to this organization. After all, the TFO wouldn’t be possible without your contributions!
We also have fabulous t-shirts and CDs designed by our flutist-designer-photographer-extraordinaire, Steven Smith! These make excellent additions to any wardrobe/collection and are great ways to show your support for the TFO!
Again, thank you for joining us this summer! Can’t wait to see you at the concerts.
Larkin & Patti Co-Directors