December 2005
Post 5
We hope this newsletter finds all of our Amy friends and family in good health and spirits this holiday season! We were lucky enough to find a really cute little house to rent nearby so we can stay in the same area and at the same school. This past year I have spent most of Our address and phone will remain the my time working on my family genealsame, so keep in touch! Merry Christmas and Happy ogy. I have had lots of wonderful New Year from our family to yours. help from family and have even found some very kind people on the Internet that are willing to look a few things up in their areas. I didn't spend much time working on my crafts as I AMBER should have and the dust is proof! I am still trying to find a teaching job, but am having trouble getting Tennessee to agree that I am as highly qualified as I started second grade this year and Michigan says I am! Keep your fingers crossed and I'll I am learning something new everykeep everyone posted. day, but if you ask me what I'm sure I've already forgotten! I really like to read and I'm getting much faster every day! I spent my summer vacation in Michigan with Grandma Jo Jo, Grandpa Terry and Papaw Jeff. I had MISSY so much fun! I dressed up as a clown for Halloween This year I spent most of my time lickand I’m already thinking about next year! ing and sleeping. I found a new sleeping spot on top of a high box in Amber's room. I can even watch out the window while I lie down! The vet gave me my shots and license this sumSTEVE mer. Can't say I enjoyed that visit too much! I'll probably do all the same things this next year, but in our new house I'll have more windows to look I am now the Art Director at the Journal! My business out, places to sleep, and I'm sure I'll be lickcard collection has reached nearly 77,000. One day I ing my long fur everywhere! hope to reach over one million. Thanks to those who keep sending me business cards, as well as telling others to save business cards for me. Please do not throw away any business card, I beg you to please keep sending me the business cards to add to my collection! If you PUMPKIN haven’t checked out my web site yet, then now is a great BREAD IV time to check it out! 1+1/2 teaspoons baking 3 cups canned pumpkin This year I dressed up as a pirate and went powder puree 1+1/2 teaspoons baking 1+1/2 teaspoons ground cups vegetable oil trick-or-treating with the family. 1+1/2 soda nutmeg 4 cups white sugar We attended a UT game against 6 eggs 1+1/2 teaspoons salt 1+1/2 teaspoons ground teaspoons ground cloves Vanderbilt. I also found a 4+3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1+1/2 cinnamon cool new hobby called DIRECTIONS: “Where’s George.” Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour three 9x5 inch loaf pans. a large bowl, mix together the pumpkin, oil, sugar, and eggs. Combine the flour, You can track where In baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves; stir into the pumpyour money has come kin mixture until well blended. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans. in preheated oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour. The top of the loaf should spring from and where it will Bake back when lightly pressed. Add raisins, mini chocolate chips, pecans, or walnuts. go next.
12 Days of christmas
The 12 days of Christmas are the 12 days that separate Christmas day on December 25 from Epiphany, which is celebrated January 6. Depending on the church, January 6 may mark Christ's baptism (the Catholic tradition), or it may mark the day that the wise men visited the baby Jesus with their gifts. 1. Partridge in a pear tree (The One true God revealed in the person of Jesus Christ) 2. Turtle Doves (The Old and New Testaments) 3. French Hens (Faith, Hope and Charity) 4. Calling Birds (The Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists) 5. Golden Rings (The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch" which contain the law condemning us of our sins.) 6. Geese A-laying (The six days of creation) 7. Swans A-swimming (The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments of the Catholic faith) 8. Maids A-milking (The eight beatitudes) 9. Ladies Dancing (The nine Fruits of the Spirit) 10. Lords A-leaping (The ten commandments) 11. Pipers Piping (The eleven faithful apostles) 12. Drummers Drumming (The twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed)
dough ornaments
What you need: Christmas Cookie Cutters 2 cups flour 2 cups salt 1 cup water Paint and brushes Yarn Any other decorations What to do: Mix the flour, salt and water to make the dough. Knead it for about 10 minutes. Roll out the dough and cut it with the cookie cutters. Make a hole (for the yarn to hang it) with a pencil. Put the cookies on a cookie sheet and bake them at 225 degrees F for 2 or 3 hours. (Flip them a couple of times so they bake evenly.) When they're done, let them cool completely. Then, paint them! And use glue to add any other cool decorations (like glitter or sequins or googly eyes). Thread the yarn through the hole, and hang your very own decoration on the tree!
prayer of the presents
Unknown Lord Jesus, Wise men travelled for miles to bring you the first Christmas presents. So may we, too, remember with thankful hearts the love that comes with each present we open. We also thank you for the amazing love you have for each of us, and we thank the christmas tree you for the many gifts that you give us. The Christmas Tree originated in Germany in the Amen 16th century. It was common for the Germanic people to decorate fir trees, both inside and out, with roses, apples, and colored paper. It is believed that Martin NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS Luther, the Protestant reformer, was the first to light a Steve: Sort out my many boxes of busiChristmas tree with candles. While coming home one ness cards, put them into categories, place dark winter's night near Christmas, he was struck with them in my binders. the beauty of the starlight shining through the branches Amy: To lose weight. Ha Ha Ha, doesof a small fir tree outside his home. He duplicated the n't everyone say that?!? starlight by using candles attached to the branches of Amber: To do better at multiplicahis indoor Christmas tree. The Christmas tree was not tion. widely used in Britain until the 19th century. It was Missy: To find a new window to lie brought to America by the Pennsylvania Germans in in. the 1820's.
The Pattersons