Elide Romรกn
very single person in this universe is different. There will never be two persons that are the same. That’s the cool thing about life. Every time one meets someone they will find something new about them. Some things may be good and some may be bad, but at the end of life, that’s what makes them who they are. We will always ask ourselves “Who am I? Why am I here?” and our answers will always be different. It all depends on how secure we are about ourselves. I am Elide Roman. I am eighteen years old and I was born on December 12, 1994, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I consider myself to be full Mexican since I was raised by Mexican parents, and lived under the culture and tradition of a Mexican family. Furthermore, my family motivate me each day to become a better person and try to improve my life in different ways. Since I was a little girl I would always spend a great deal of time with my dad. Thanks to him I know how important it is to spend time with animals. I love to ride horses and spend time with them. My dad taught me that horses don’t just need attention. One needs to talk to them and treat them like best friends. My father has also been a role model in my life. He will never stop telling me how important education is. There is a Spanish phrase that he always uses “Si quieres salir adelante, hay que saber luchar y que mejor arma de batalla que la educacion.” What this means is that, if one wants to be successful in life, they have to fight for it, and what better battle weapon than education. However, it hasn’t been easy since my first language is Spanish. It was difficult to learn all the skills of the English language. However, the difficulties have made me realize how important it is to learn both languages because it is invaluable in life. Being bilingual has helped me because I am able to communicate with more people and has led me to find new opportunities in life. Furthermore, I graduated from Albuquerque High School with honors and my Bilingual Seal on May 17, 2013. When I graduated I felt proud of myself because I had accomplish one of my main goals in life, and also because I knew I was becoming a good example for my little nephews. My little nephews are a great part of my life; in fact, they are more than my nephews, they are my little brothers. After my graduation I knew I had to continue with my education to show them that we can make our dreams come true and accomplish all the goals we have in life no matter how hard it gets or the circumstances we face. Getting a better education will help me succeed in life by helping me get a better job and, most importantly, I will be a woman with an education. 1
From this I have decided to major in nursing. The reason that nursing is relevant to me is that I have always wanted to help people when they need it. I want to start off as a nurse and then continue my education until I get a degree as an Oncologist. When we first found out that my grandmother had cancer I got really sad, thinking that God would be taking her away from me any moment. I loved her so much, and the fact that she had been one of the persons that had always been there for me, made me sadder to know that she was going to die any day and would not get the chance to see me accomplish my goals. When she passed away I decided to that I wanted to become an Oncologist in order to help people, and, if it’s possible, I want to work with kids because they are the future of this world and they don’t deserve to suffer that way. I will feel good when I’m able to help others, and will always have my grandmother in mind when I finally become an Oncologist. However, there are still issues with myself that sometimes make me think I will not be able to get where I want to get. There are times when I just want to keep all of my problems to myself and not let anyone know what’s going on with me. I would rather just deal with it myself, but I have realized that there are times where we need to ask for some help and let others know what we’re going through. For instance, stress is a very huge issue that I face in my life; I get stressed out really bad when I know that things are not coming out the way I want them to. Thankfully, my sister is always there to listen to me or to just give me a hug when I need it. Thanks to her, I have overcome a great deal of stress in my life. She has made her mistakes in life, but learning from them has also shaped who I am now, and who I am becoming each day. Every day I feel very lucky and special to know that my life is giving me a lot of reasons to never give up and determination to continue with what I am doing to become a better person in life. My family has always been there for me as a motivation and support. I know that I am who I am today thanks to them in that they have never let me down. They will always be there when I accomplish things or when I fail at something, but I will never be alone.