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Self, Team, Victim (STV)

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This acronym is used is emergency service training especially in and around water. We can apply this in a rescue scenario to ensure a structure is followed and the prevent the situation worsening. Using S.T.V. will give you the coach time to take a breath, stop and think before our natural urge to get involved immediately.


Whilst we may be concentrating on others we must turn focus to ourselves as the coach and ensure that we are not in danger, injured and ready to take appropriate action.


In this instance, our group. Are our group that are in our care safe? We may need to move them to a different area, ensure they are together or even be dispatched to get help?


Once our group is safe or not in a situation to worsen then we must address the rescue of the person difficulty.

This may all seem to make sense however in the heat of the moment or faced with any scenario that requires us to act to preserve or save life, S.T.V can help us. Equipment, is at the bottom of our list to be saved. However if possible and safe to do so, will be the final important piece in the jigsaw and possibly important if any investigation required.

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