Revenge #2

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Revenge Chapter Two

Written by Stewart Cook Breakdowns and colours by Stewart Cook Finished art and tones by Joel van der Knaap Cover by Giannis Milonogiannis Thanks to Joel, Anthony, Lucas and Cheeny, your support amazes me. HUGE thanks to Giannis for taking the time out of his schedule to put together an AMAZING cover.

Revenge and all characters are copyright Stewart Cook and Anthony Sherratt Š 2013 - First Printing

it never leaves.

the guilt.

it never fucking leaves me be.

there’s no reason for it.

and i’m tired of it.

survivors guilt.

my courage is empty

i can’t believe he still comes here.

animals find comfort in the familiar I guess.

well... it’s time for this one to roll over...

and what the fuck...?!

let him go!

listen friend, there’s a lot of money available for you if you turn around and walk away

you sick pile of shit drop the knife and let him go

you’re making a mistake

this isn’t what you think!

the 15th precinct. to be all torn up over this sack of crap’s demise cos we’ve got this ‘anti-violence’

so the victim at f lamingo’s has a healthy sheet of priors and i’m supposed

task force nonsense to jump all over? and now you’re telling me we get to add another murder courtesy of yesterday’s house f ire in the sherratt district?

the coroner’s saying the body that was found had received extensive injuries prior to death. this included having every bone in his right hand broken. a smashed right elbow, a shattered left knee and his jaw all but broken off.

nope! you’ll be happy to know I’ve found a possible link between the victims

someone really didn’t like this guy.

so we got two men beaten to shit and killed with a lot of rage. coincidence?

this morning taylor, i love you as much as my coffee.


dr. craig wright, M. Psych (Clin)

so tommy, if you don’t mind i’d like to talk a little further about your father.


i hope he burns in hell.

if i was to ask you to distill your feelings about him down to a single sentence what would it be?

as we discussed previously, you’re just lowering yourself to his level with these revenge fantasies. if you would just let these feelings go and try to forgive...

forgive! forgive that asshole for raping me?! for destroying my childhood... my, my entire fucking life!!

have you ever listened to a word I’ve said?!

do you have any idea how I feel?

forgive?!! fuck you!

tommy’s place

oh god, my head. never again tequila.

and of course there’s nothing on the tv for this inevitably wasted day of recovery. i wonder if I can convince tommy’s man to spring for cable?

ugh, who is that at this hour? Maybe tommy forgot her keys.

hmmm if that is tommy I hope she’s got some junk for breakfast.

did you forget your key... oh!

uh hi. i’m annie.

is tommy home?

um not right now,

i’ll wait.

is that blood? are you ok?


to which part?

the hate won’t wash away.

the pain, the rage...

the shame.

oh, hey thanks for opening the door annie.

no. what the fuck does that mean? no!

great to meet you, tommy’s told me so much about you. really? well she talks you’ve about you all known each the time. other since you were kids right?


the door again?

tommy better have some answers for me.

have I...


cos I’m sure that shit was totally blood.


what the fuck!?

fuck. can’t see straight.

mother fucker...

from what’s left of him, yeah, but we’ll need to run DNA to conF I rm

and we’re positive this is judge hewson?

you realise this all but conF I rms taylor’s theory

less supposition and more detective work martins. i want this homicide closed asap. this vigilante crime spree shit has to stop THE MAYORS SETTING UP SHOP IN MY ASS AND I WANT HIM OUT!

is that a crowbar in his ass?


we’ve got a witness. a little boy.


he’s a victim of the deceased.

honestly, i don’t know how I feel about catching this guy

we’re paid to do a job taylor and we do it. what these men have been doing is heinous but vigilante justice won’t solve anything.

i’m surprised they haven’t retaliated yet

i’m gonna killyou, you piece of shit. you killed my fucking brother.

thats right you fuck, he was a child molesting sack of shit.

i stomped his face into the urinal where it fucking belonged!

the first take on revenge appeared in fistfull of comics vol. 2 #3 in June 2009. these two pages were all that were published, with pages three and four remaining unseen until now.

Revenge Concludes next issue

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