Savannah StreetPortraits
Todd Smith

Street Portraits by Todd Smith

This is not a book about Savannah. It does not come close to exemplifying the diverse population and architectural splendor or this historic port town. Rather, like every location specific photography book I’ve made to date, it is unabashedly subjective and eclectic. For severals years, after our move to Asheville in 2004, my wife and I celebrated our late December anniversary with a trip to the east coast, alternating between Charleston and Savannah. More recently, after Debbie’s niece and her husband moved to Savannah, our trips there became less seasonal and more frequent. Because Chuck and Dawn’s house was within walking distance to Forsythe Park, that area became the epicenter of my photography explorations. This therefore is a compilation of shots taken over a fifteen year period, a time of renewal and architectural revitalization, largely due to the influence of SCAD and the industrious energy of Savannah’s people.
Todd Smith Asheville, 2024