October-November Troubadour Tribune 2011

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Troubadour Tribune Dear Parents and Friends of St. Francis High School, Without a doubt, fall is my favorite season. For me it verifies that God is very much alive in His world, clothing the earth in a grand kaleidoscope of colors. The season with its myriad changes brings out whatever poet is in me. It also piques my awareness of other beauties that are not part of the physical landscape per se, but arouses my spirit to a deeper appreciation of God working among His people.

St. Francis

5900 Elvas Avenue Sacramento, CA 95819 Phone: 916.452.3461 Fax: 916.452.1591 www.stfrancishs.org

Catholic High School

October-November 2011

Two unique instances of this kind occurred early this fall. The first came in the form of a very generous gift from a special benefactor: a $100,000 annuity to benefit St. Francis High School upon the donor’s death. The gift is impressive because this benefactor has no daughters here, nor granddaughters, and won’t have his name etched above some classroom or building. This donor sees that the work accomplished in the young women at St. Francis High School has ramifications for the greater community and the world. It is our hope that his shining example will spark a fire in others who have the capacity to make such a gift. Another, but very different kind of beauty, came as a result of our commitment to Care for God’s Creation. We are exceedingly proud to be the first Catholic High School in the Sacramento region to bring Solar Power to its campus. In the next several weeks you will see activity on our rooftops as we prepare them to receive the sun-collecting panels. Literally hundreds of hours of work have been spent by staff, volunteers, and students to bring this green and beautiful 1

work to fruition. By bringing solar power to our campus, we are modeling to our school community that we are not just teachers, but doers as well. Additionally, over the next 25 years, the system will net over $1,000,000 in savings, with no out-of-pocket initial costs. This project demonstrates our commitment to care for God’s creation in a visible, practical, reliable, and proven method. Sometimes fall brings magnificent changes as green leaves are transformed into red and orange and yellow visions of beauty. Sometimes the beauty is reversed: sometimes it transforms something ordinary into green. My best wishes for a beautiful and bountiful autumn,

Marion L. Bishop President See page 3 for more information on the SFHS Solar Installation Project. Mission Statement St. Francis High School is a Catholic diocesan college preparatory school dedicated to serving young women and their families who seek spiritual growth and academic excellence. We are committed to integrating faith with the learning process, promoting the gospel values of Jesus Christ, building community, and providing opportunities for worship. We strive to help each student develop her gifts and talents to become a model of Pax et Bonum, (peace and goodness) through leadership and service.

Big Sister Little Sister Gatherings Freshmen meet monthly with their Big Sisters throughout their first semester. These gatherings assist the freshmen through their first semester activities through mentoring and support. Freshman parents, please mark your calendars for October 27 and December 7 to bring your daughters to school for their 8:00am Gatherings. And Big Sister parents, please continue to support your daughter’s efforts to be a loyal and supporting Big Sister. Thank you.

St. Francis Day “Superhero Training Day” Tuesday, October 4th

Feast of All Saints Mass On Tuesday, November 1, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. Parents, grandparents and alums are invited to join their prayers with ours during this feast day. Names of our faithful departed are brought to this Mass then kept on our chapel’s altar throughout the month of November. Mass begins at 10:30am, guests must sign-in at the front office prior to Mass.

Our school-year theme for the 20112012 school year is: “Formed in the Spirit, United in Justice and Peace” – a theme that focuses on the Catholic Social Teaching principles of solidarity and the dignity of work. Knowing that God calls us to use our gifts and talents in service of others, our St. Francis Day celebration this year celebrates the Heroes Among Us! Students come to school dressed as their superhero self - dazzling, bright, charged and powerful! St. Francis Day is a mandatory day of school. The schedule for the day is posted on the online calendar.

Prayer Services Parents and grandparents are always welcome to join in our school-wide prayer services. In the month of November we will gather for the Spirit Prayer Service – kicking off Spirit Week on November 9; and the Thanksgiving Prayer Service – taking to prayer our gratitude for our life’s blessings – November 22.

Adoration Parents and grandparents are invited to join us once a month for our school-wide Eucharistic Adoration. We can get so busy that we don’t take time to sit down and think awhile, to stop and prayerfully reflect, or to quietly relax in the presence of God.

Christian Service Graduation Requirement Students are reminded to log their direct service hours working in non-profit organizations within six months of service through TroubieServe, ourschool’s online service database. The TroubieServe link and Christian Service program guidelines are available on the school website. At the Campus Ministry Orientations, the Campus Ministry Kick-off Assembly, and the Core Service Faire in September, students learned of the St. Francis High School Core Service Programs and other service opportunities available to them this year.

Upcoming dates for Adoration are: October 11 and November 8 (between 7:30am and 3:00pm). Sign-in at the front office, come to the Chapel and join us. You will find peace and joy by spending some time in quiet with our Lord. It is a perfect way to let go of all our busy nervousness and rest with Him without distractions. Social Justice Week In an effort to better highlight Catholic Social Teaching in a more intentional way, Campus Ministry is introducing a week dedicated to educating the St. Francis community about the importance of the Church’s social thought. This Social Justice Week, on October 24-28, will be a chance for deepening our understanding of this body of teaching, especially the two principles of Solidarity and the Dignity of Work/Rights of Workers, on which this school year theme is based. The week will be structured around daily themes based on issues that stem from these two principles: Sweatshops, human trafficking, underemployment and the working poor, homelessness, refugees and migrant workers. Highlights of the week will include a fair trade sale, the Women and Social Justice Art Show put on by the Art Department, an assembly featuring Ernest Pierucci, Esq. (Senior Fellow at Catholics for the Common Good), a presentation by Sr. Libby Fernandez, RSM (Executive Director of Loaves and Fishes), and much more. It is our hope that we can make this an annual event so that students, faculty, staff and parents can grow in their understanding of the Church’s teachings and learn how to better respond to the needs of those around us locally, nationally and globally as we are Formed in the Spirit and United in Justice and Peace.

Charity Drives We continue our toiletries collection for our neighbors at Wellspring Women’s Center in Oak Park. Thank you to everyone who donated travel size shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and other ladies toiletries for these special women. We keep a collection basket in the CLC throughout the year for this cause. Thank you to all who gave generously to our Back to School Supply Drive for St. Joseph’s Elementary School. The students and staff of this needy school send you their thanks for making their school year a little easier by giving them the supplies necessary for their success. St. Francis students interested in assisting in tutoring may join the St. Joseph’s Tutoring Core Program. Retreat Registration Registration continues for Campus Ministry retreats. (September retreats filled up very quickly!) We remind parents to help their sophomore, junior and senior daughters to select the best date for their class level retreat. Attendance is an excused absence from classes. Teachers “extend, excuse or modify” missed work. Students of all faiths are welcome. Financial assistance is available. Please contact Stephen Tholcke at stholcke@stfrancishs.org for more information.formation can be found on the school web page under Campus Ministry/Retreats. 2

Big News: SFHS Solar Installation

Dean of Students

On September 20, 2011, the Finance Council of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento approved a proposal by St. Francis High School for a campus 309KW (DC) photovoltaic installation to be completed by the end of this calendar year.

Mr. Bill Hanrahan Please help me. I really don’t want to give a detention for the use of a cell phone, so please review the school policy with your daughter.

The school’s solar project: • is designed to produce 30.6% of the school’s current electricity requirements. • will save the school more than $1,000,000 in electricity costs over the next 25 years. • will lock in the cost of electricity for 30% of the school’s needs, thus serving as an effective hedge against future inflation in the cost of electricity (California utility rates have increased an average of 6.7% over the last 30 years). • will be funded through a US Treasury Grant, SMUD rebates, and reductions in electric utility bills. • will result in a significant reduction in carbon emissions compared to traditional forms of generating electricity. • will advance the Catholic teachings which emphasize the importance of caring for all of God’s creations, including the environment. • will further enhance the leadership role of the Church, the Diocese and the school in the community.

Cell Phone Policy: Please remind your daughters that their cell phone is to be turned off (Powered Down) and in their backpack between 7am-3pm every school day (even late start days). If a student is ill, she must use the office phone to contact a parent. If a parent plans to pick-up their daughter during the school day, advance notification to the attendance office is needed (916-737-5050). I know Drop-Off/Pick-Up is still an issue, but I have received a lot of positive feedback on the opening of the student parking lot gate. Thank you for being patient during this transition. I am currently working on other solutions. In the mean time, please help out by following these instructions: Drop-Off /Pick-up: All drop-off and pick-up must occur in the dropoff/ pick-up lanes in front of the school. Students may not be dropped off in the back parking lots or along M street. This is because we have an agreement with our neighbors and the City of Sacramento to keep pick-up and drop-off from happening in the M Street area.

During October 2011 St. Francis High School will engage in engineering, re-roofing, and acquiring permits, with construction to begin in early November. The school has contracted with Valley Solar, Inc. to conduct the engineering and installation.

Please do not arrive before 3:20pm to pick up your daughter. We must keep the back parking lot clear of parents until our student drivers exit. The added congestion increases the chance of accidents. Please help keep our students safe by following these guidelines.

St. Francis High School’s Director of Finance and Business Operations, Sharon Tobar, worked closely with the school’s Finance Council to bring the solar project to fruition. Tim Lien, parent of Lori ’08 and husband of Kim, who is the current president of the SFHS School Board, became involved in the project early on and spent hundreds of hours on the proposal. Paul Lau, SMUD Assistant General Manager and parent of Kristen ’14 and Nicole ’11, was one of many SMUD representatives instrumental in the planning stages. Senior Kate Ely also served on the Solar Planning Team.

SAVE THE DATE Please mark your calendars for January 17, 2012 from 7:008:15pm. St. Francis High School is partnering with Christian Brothers High School to welcome Jason Evert, a national speaker on the topic of Chastity. He will be presenting a parent evening at Christian Brothers High School for St. Francis and Christian Brothers parents to attend. Each parent attending will receive 1 parent volunteer hour.

Father-Daughter Dinner Dance December 3

This event is a cherished St. Francis tradition – and a traditional sell-out! Dads (or fatherfigures) and daughters should put their tables together and be prepared to make reservations when the online reservation form goes live in November. We will notify parents and students via email, student announcements and the website; then be sure to submit your RSVP quickly as this event will fill up.

Please click here to RSVP using the Online Form. Your daughters will have the opportunity to hear him speak the following day, January 18, 2012 at a planned assembly. For more information on Jason’s work please see his website.

Volunteers are also needed to help with set-up, check-in and more. Please contact Julie Handy at handyjul@comcast.net or 916-631-9201 if you would like to earn parent volunteer hours on this fun event.

Athletics: Fall Sports

Cross Country • Golf • Tennis • Volleyball • Water Polo Check out the Fall 2011 Sports Team Rosters and Schedules at SF Teams. Scores and schedules are updated regularly on highschoolsports.net. Come out and support our Troubies!

Asbestos Program Management Plan The annual notification of Asbestos Program Management Plan, as required by the diocese, is available for your review at Health & Safety Alerts.

Follow team action on the St. Francis Troubadour Athletics Facebook page! Basketball fans – don’t miss the Alum v. Varsity game on Friday, November 25. See page 5 for details. 3

Guidance Department Sacramento Area Parochial And Private High Schools College Fair at Christian Brothers High School Wednesdy, October 5, 2011; 6:30-8:30 PM

On October 12th, seniors will enjoy “College Day.” They are encouraged to visit local college campuses and work on college applications. Seniors are not required to be on campus.

Christian Brothers High School will host this year’s College Fair for Sacramento Area Private and Parochial High Schools. Over 100 colleges and universities have been invited. Speak with representatives from: UC, CSU, Community Colleges, Private and Public Colleges in California and across the country. It’s like a nationwide college tour in your own backyard. Make connections, get questions answered, and have fun too! Carpooling is advised. Christian Brothers asks that only junior and seniors and their parents attend.


College Reps Visit SF Campus

Junior Student/Parent In-Class College Counseling will be held on January 9th & 10th during English.

Each year, over fifty colleges and universities send representatives to visit the St. Francis campus. College Representatives meet with students in the Guidance Center unless otherwise noted. Students can log on to Naviance to see the dates and times of visits and sign up to meet with a college rep. Juniors and Seniors may ask permission to attend if the visit is scheduled during a block when they have class. Freshmen and Sophomores may only attend on a free block.

For All Parents

Mark your calendars for the parents’ workshop “Paying for College” to be held on Wednesday, December 7th from 7:00 – 9:00PM at St. Francis. You will learn about the college financial aid process from an expert who has several years of experience in the field.


Seniors received in-class college counseling in September in preparation for the college application filing process. Seniors are also scheduling individual college counseling appointments, and we encourage parents to attend with their daughter. Seniors are encouraged to check their e-mail and Naviance daily for announcements about college visits in the area, college fairs, and additional college-related information.

Wellness for Your Teen Daughter

Kasey (Henrickson) Cardinale, Wellness Counselor During the month of October 2011 St Francis High School is focusing on Drug and Alcohol Education and Awareness. Red Ribbon, occurring during the last week of October every year, is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention program. This year, on our campus, the first three weeks of October will be dedicated to this worthwhile topic. We will focus on Social Justice the last week of October (as scheduled on the calendar). Throughout October, during homeroom announcements, your daughter will hear current statistics about drugs and alcohol. This is an effort to remind your daughter not only about the legal issues surrounding alcohol and other drugs, but also to highlight the physical and emotional consequences of experimentation and misuse. Your daughter will also have the opportunity to visit our chapel the third week of October to pray for a loved one who has been affected by alcohol and/or other drugs. She will have the opportunity to pick up a red ribbon in the chapel to attach to her skirt or backpack in expression of making healthy and safe choices. Please ask your daughter about these statistics. We encourage you to have a conversation about these important topics at home. To support you in these efforts we are hosting a speaker to specifi-

Mrs. Greene is meeting with each Junior for a “Junior Checkin” appointment September through November. Students recieve a transcript and a timeline for Junior year and any other questions/ concerns are discussed. The PSAT will be administered on Oct. 12th. All Juniors have been registered for the test by St. Francis High School. See additional information about the PSAT on the SF website at PSAT Info.


Sophomores are meeting individually with Mrs. Millner from September through November. Individual and small-group counseling is also available throughout the year. The PSAT, a practice SAT test, will be administered on October 12th. All Sophomores have been registered for the test by St. Francis High School. All sophomores are encouraged to keep day dreaming about college by taking a casual walk through college campuses and creating a “dream” list on Naviance.


Freshmen have been meeting with their counselor for group counseling meetings. These meetings will be completed by November 2nd. The meetings have focused on involvement in St. Francis and discussion on their 4 year plan. Freshmen will take the PLAN test on October 12th. St. Francis High School has already registered all freshmen for this test. Information will be shared with freshmen in their homerooms. Freshman parents are asked to help their daughters make notes on the “Instructions for Completing Your Answer Folder,” which will be distributed to students in advance of the test. cally address our SFHS parent community. On October 26th, Sharon Justis, LCSW will be offering a parent workshop in our Campus Life Center (CLC) from 7-8:30pm. This workshop, entitled “Maintaining Your Parental Sanity: Surviving and Enjoying these Extraordinary Years,” has been a great success at Jesuit High School. You are invited to learn new ways to relate to and to communicate with teens. This workshop provides the backdrop to handling more challenging behaviors, including substance abuse and other risk taking behaviors. You will receive 1 parent volunteer hour for attending this event. Please use the online form to RSVP. Additionally, Jon Daily, LCSW, CADC II, a local speaker on the topic of Adolescent Drug Use will be offering continuing education to our faculty and staff on October 27th. His seminar will focus on two main points: defining the signs and symptoms to look for in students who may be using today, as well as how to incorporate more drug and alcohol education into the daily curriculum. Jon’s website at Recovery Happens is a wealth of information for parents. Please download these two important articles to start/continue conversation on this important and pressing issue: Jon Daily: Clearing Up the Myths About Adolescent Drug Use Family Health: Adolescent Drug Use


Student Activities

Update on this Year’s Dances Frosh/Soph Open Dance • October 7 The theme is “Country Western Fair.” The open dances this year are undergoing a change: instead of just dancing, we will be emphasizing a “group social” aspect. The students will have dancing in upper Serra Court (they’ll be taught how to line dance, etc.), there will be games available in the cafeteria and karaoke/wii “Just Dance” in the CLC. Our goal is to encourage positive social interaction and pull away from the graphic dancing of recent years. There will still be dancing to top 40 songs, but they’re including a significant number of country songs (to encourage group dancing) and slow songs as well. Also, the number of tickets sold will not be limited as in the past. Rain or shine the students should be dropped off and picked up in front of the school near the cafteria entrance. Should it rain, our Fair will be moved from outdoors to the gym where we will still have our social with games and dancing. Although students are encouraged to dress for the “Country Western” theme, we are only allowing them to wear jeans (no denim shorts or skirts) in an effort to reduce dress code issues. Junior/Senior Open Dance • October 28 This dance has been added to the calendar. (The Frosh/Soph Dance was included on that date in error and has been cancelled.)

Parent Volunteers Needed

Parent chaperones are requested to help with coat check, water sales and perimeter monitoring on both October 7 and 28, as well as the Homecoming Dance on November 19. Volunteers will be needed from 6:45pm10:30pm. Please email Leah Newton with your availability: lnewton@ stfrancishs.org. Parents, please see additional parent volunteer opportunities on the SF website: Parent Volunteer Opps. We recommend you bookmark this page, as it is updated regularly.

Congratulation: Class of 2015 Officers President Erin DeMarois Vice President Elizabeth Wagstaff Secretary Chloe Kardasopoulos Treasurer Kristi Edrosolan Historian Maddie Merwin Spirit Coordinator Sydney Hunter Ministry Coordinator Angela Lazo The Class of 2015 selected as its mascot Pascal (from the movie “Tangled”) who will be portrayed by Savannah Watson.

Magazine Drive News

From the Student Body Officers We are in the middle of our magazine sales. Magazine sales are extremely important for our student activities because the funds raised from magazine sales go directly to activities such as dances, clubs, and rallies. Anything done for homecoming (i.e decorations, dance, penny war, after-rally party, and the rally itself) is funded by the money raised from QSP sales. Big Incentives The rewards for selling magazines can be great. For example, last year, if a student sold three or more magazines, her senior ball ticket was discounted to $10. However, if a student didn’t sell three, she paid the regular price of $85- a savings of $75 just for selling 3 magazine subscriptions! Below are a few things that each class receives based on available magazine funds: • Freshmen: discounted Frosh/Soph tickets • Sophomores: discounted Frosh/Soph tickets • Juniors: discounted Prom • Seniors: discounted Ball, Senior Luncheon, and Senior Banquet tickets • Clubs: discounted or free tickets for club trips (if approved) • Extracurricular Activities - funds to support their purpose (e.g. Hula received money for costumes, the Garden received funds for the project) • School: money for homecoming, tuition assistance As you can see, the money goes to things that are very important to students, and we greatly appreciate your support! Your students received packets in homeroom. However, if you would like to purchase online, go to QSP.com. When you place your order you will be able to write in a student’s name and she will receive credit. Sincerely, Megan Musilli, Student Body President

Seeking Host Families for Japanese Exchange Program Host a girl from our sister school in Japan, March 5-15 - great, culturally enriching experience that your family will remember for a life-time. We need 40 families. Check our website for more information or to download the application form: Host Family Info. Or contact Roberta Kubes, parent organizer, at rjkubes5@aol.com. Also on that website page you will find an application to travel with SFHS to Japan this summer as soon as school is out. Get your applications in soon, as there is limited space for hosting and for traveling. See more photos at Nakamura Gakuen Visit 2011. 5

Finance Office

SFHS Open House and Shadow Days Parent Help Needed

On Monday, December 5, 2011 clearance cards will be distributed in homeroom. Clearance cards are required for students to take their semester final exams. Students will not receive a clearance card unless tuition accounts are current as of November 15, 2011. If you think you have a past due balance, please contact Michael Gallo at (916) 737-5042 to make payment arrangements. The status of your account could also affect your daughter receiving her quarterly/semester report card and access to NetClassroom. Please note that a monthly late fee of $25 is charged to all accounts with a past due balance. Additionally, overdue library books, unserved detentions, negative cafeteria balances, and athletic holds can delay the receipt of your daughter’s clearance card.

The committee will also need help with set-up, decorating, clean-up, and replenishing refreshments. Saturday, Oct. 8, 9am-12pm: Refreshment preparation, flower arranging and decorating Sunday, Oct. 9: 10am-12pm: Set-up and decorating 12-4pm: Food replenishing 4:30-6pm Clean-up (double hours) Please contact Moira O’Brien at mobrien@stfrancishs.org if you can provide cookies or volunteer your time. Please let Moira know how many cookies you will provide and if volunteering, what hours you can work.

Senior Parents: Please remember that your 15 hours of parent service must be completed and reported by January 15, 2012. If you plan to fulfill your hours on specific events or projects in the second semester, please complete a service report form and indicate what service you plan to perform and an estimated number of hours. Verification will be made following the event or project. Statements for the additional $300 non-participating tuition will be sent early in the second semester to senior parents who haven’t reported hours.

The Open House is the largest annual gathering on campus. We ask our current school families to provide your favorite homemade cookies for this event. We will need lots of them! (Earn 2 service hours per batch.) Please package them carefully to avoid breakage and deliver on Thursday, October 6; 7:30-9:30am or 2:00-3:00pm or Friday, October 7; 8:00am – 10:00am or 2:00-3:00pm, or Saturday, October 8; 9:0011:00am.

Senior Graduation Fee pays for the facility rental at Memorial Auditorium, cap and gown and other miscellaneous costs. The payment methods are below depending on your payment plan. Electronic Funds Transfer Plans - The Senior Graduation Fee of $150 will be deducted along with your regular electronic funds transfer in the month of November.

Please help spread the word! OPEN HOUSE for prospective students and their families is Sunday, October 9, 2011 from 1:00 to 4:00pm. Tour the St. Francis campus and speak with administrators, teachers, students and parents about all the wonderful opportunities St. Francis has to offer.

Annual and Semi-Annual Payment Plans - November 1st, 2011 is the due date for those who have not already paid.

Essential Fundraiser The Annual Stewardship Program provides money necessary for the ongoing operation of our school. Tuition alone does not cover the costs of a St. Francis education.

During the fall, the Admissions Office will be arranging “shadow days” for the eighth grade girls from our diocesan Catholic schools. The eighth graders are partnered with a St. Francis “shadow buddy” who takes them to classes, introduces them to friends and answers any questions they have. Any interested 8th grade girl attending a non-diocesan school may arrange a shadow day by calling or emailing the Admissions Office: Moira O’Brien at 737-5095; mobrien@stfrancishs.org

We ask all parents, alums and friends of SFHS to support this necessary program with a pledge or gift. You will be hearing more about this program soon and can access information on the SF website at Annual Stewardship Program.

SF Alumnae 10th Annual Jerry Poole Alumnae/Varsity Basketball Challenge

up to 5 people and proceeds benefit the SFHS Scholarship Fund. All are welcome - current students and parents, alums, family, and friends. Don’t miss the fun! Alumnae varsity bas¬ketball players are invited to play. If you are an alum interested in playing, or you plan to attend the event, please contact Carla Zilaff ’01 czilaff@stfrancishs.org. RSVP by Friday, November 18 with your reservations and indicate the number of people so we can estimate food quantities.

• When: Friday, November 25 (Thanksgiving weekend) • Where: SFHS Gym and Cafeteria • Time: 5:00pm The celebration includes a basketball game between former St. Francis players across the years and the current SFHS varsity basketball team. Enjoy a BBQ after the game hosted by the SFHS Booster Club. Cost is $5 per person or $15 for a family

Entertainment Books

The SFHS Alumnae Association is selling Entertainment books. Pick one up in the school office or order online: Entertainment. 6

The Arts

Elly Awards

Revelry! – Saturday, October 22

Sacramento Area Regional Theatre Alliance (SARTA) presented its regional awards for excellence in theatre on September 25. Last year’s SF Play was “A Piece of My Heart” and it was honored with 10 Elly nominations and four awards in the Education category: Cheryl Watson for Direction; Shelby Vice ’13 for Leading Actress; Shannon Clark ’11, Sara Foust ’13, and Steve Decker for Lighting Design; and the entire production crew and cast for “Overall Production, Play.” Cheers and Congrats to the SF Arts Community.

Join the fun by helping with St. Francis High School’s biggest fundraiser of the year! See the Revelry Page on the St. Francis website for event details.

Email revelry@stfrancishs.org to offer your help with: • Guest Check-In • Decorations • Set Up • Clean Up • Decorations for Display Tables • Marshaling Silent Auction Tables • Live Auction “Runners” • And other duties. Thanks to all the volunteers who have already come forward to help with the planning of this event.

Thoroughly Modern Millie

The St. Francis High School musical, Thoroughly Modern Millie, has a guest choreographer for several dances this year. Alum Lauren Parker ’06 will be choreographing two dances in the musical and teachers and students are thrilled to have her back on campus! Lauren was the first Dance Captain named under dance director Christy Costales at St Francis High School, “Lauren basically set the standard for future Dance Captains and I’m so happy to be working with her again!”- Christy Costales

Many thanks, too, to all the generous sponsors and donors who have come forward to assure Revelry 2011 is a grand success! Make your reservations online today at Revelry!

Troubie Travel • Summer 2011 A Tour of Madrid, Provence and Paris by Señora Evelyn Vargas

Thoroughly Modern Millie opens with a Gala on November 3, at 7:30pm. All theatre goers are invited to come dressed in their favorite 1920’s wear. Have fun with it and mingle in the Speakeasy during intermission where you will find desserts, martinis and more! The fun, lively show, which is full of wonderful music and tap dancers, will run for 2 weeks with evening and matinee performances. There are 2 shows during the day for school groups. For tickets to shows go to Tickets and for school groups call 916-737-5002. Tickets for the Gala are $25.00, weekend and matinee shows are $15 and $10. School group tickets are $2.00. Show dates and times: Friday, Nov 4 • 7:30pm Saturday, Nov 5 • 7:30pm Friday, Nov 11 • 7:30pm Saturday, Nov 12 • 1:30pm Matinee Saturday, Nov 1 • 7:30pm

First Installment: Madrid Eight intrepid Troubadours - Chloe Carrillo ’13, Amanda Garren ’13, Daniella Qvistgaard’14, Courtney Yarber ’13, Marisa Zanobini ’13, Ella Winje ’11, her mother Linda Winje and Mrs. Evelyn Vargas departed from Sacramento early in morning of July 14. We traveled many kilometers for almost a full day to arrive in Barajas, Madrid’s main airport. We surrendered our credentials and passports and had an interview with a handsome caballero, a customs agent, who charmingly commented on our beauty, our youthfulness, our sense of style, our perfect hair, our good manners and excellent Spanish. Keeping our eyes on our luggage, we had some refreshments at the airport café and enjoyed watching other travelers while we waited for the arrival of the students from the West Virginia school who were to be our travelling companions for the next two weeks...

Visual Arts

Our newest class, Digital Photography 1, is exhibiting “Mini Triptychs” as part of the annual Itsy Bitsy Exhibition of miniature paintings, drawings and sculpture. Stop by the Arts Complex to see the work of fifty new photographers telling stories with three images! Over one hundred minute works on paper and canvas, and sculpture will be on display through October 24th.

Read the rest of Señora Vargas’ travelogue at Troubie Travel. Future newsletters will cover Provence and Paris.

We are eagerly anticipating class of ’95 alumna Carmen SalazarBurke’s exciting series of workshops with our photographic artists this fall and spring. Carmen is the owner of Carmen Salazar Photography. She has an extensive background in art history, commercial and fine art photography. 7

Honor Roll • Spring 2011 General Excellence The following students achieved a 4.0 grade point average or better for the second semester 2010-2011. Freshmen (Class of 2014): Ariana Almazan, Victoria Anasovitch, AnnaMaria Arostegui, Alexia Backhus, Gillian Balbierz, Sydney Barnard, Mary Battistella, Tess Berghoff, Lindsey Bock, Colleen Brown, Laura Cabral, Natalia Caprile, Sidney Castro, Christina Connolly, Annie Cotter, Alana Curry, Amanda Davenport, Elise DeCristoforo, Olivia Dewey, Courtney Dowd, Melissa Dugoni, Alexandra Ellison, Kylee Espena, Elisa Espinosa, Delaney Feener, Alexandria Foley, Josee Fournier, Megan Foy, Elena Fricke, Melanie Fu, Alejandra Garcia, Racquel Katrina Gonzales, AnnMarie Griffin, Madisen Grinnell, Elaine Headrick, Katherine Heiler, Isabella Hill, Clarissa James, Maddison Johnson, Ramneek Kahlon, Sophie Kershaw, Brittani Klindworth, Ashley Kyalwazi, Lauren LaRocco, Emily Laskin, Kristen Lau, Francesca Lauria, Juliana Lauria, Melisa Linenberger, AnnClaire MacArt, Ana Macaspac, Nina Madsen, Christina Marengo, Jenna Mark, Lyndsie Mark, Amy Marks, Mary McDonnell, Colleen Mercado, Alexandra Meredith, Kelly Miller, Sofia Molodanof, Kathleen Moore, Megan Mulholland, Hibba Munir, Cheryl Murbach, Claire Murphy, Athena Nguyen, Elizabeth Nguyen, Victoria Ogorodnikov, Martina Penalosa, Meaghan Phelan, Perneet Powar, Nicole Ramos, Madison Rawson, Julia Rehwald, Jullisa Romani, Skylar Saca, Elizabeth Sadler, Amanda Schnabel, Alexa Selden, Eliana Sisneros, Natalia Smith, Marcela Sosa, Kendall Spector, Samantha Sruba, Erin Stone, Madison Strong, Hannah Takekawa, Kayla Teeple, Madeline Thompson, Alyssa Vallero, Victoria Vardanega, Eileen Walsh, Sara Warady, Rachel Warne, Ireland Webb, Lauren Wells, Danielle Wendell, Shannon Westerberg, Leah Willover, Camille Wilson, Katherine Wobbema, Melissa Woodard Sophomores (Class of 2013): Giulia Arostegui, Mollie Babich, Christine Baltazar, Rebecca Bauer, Aspen Bonini, Elise Borgfeldt, Carolina Brown, Mika Brown, Blair Burleson, Karly Cabrera, Rachel Cerkleski, Allison Child, Amanda Cradeur, Amy Crayne, Gianna Cronin, Jacqueline Cummings, Ellen Dahl, Andrea Damian, Julia Dasen, Natasha De Sousa, Sophia DiGiambattista, Tatiana DiMugno, Megan Dotterweich, Natalie Dowd, Bianca Dunn, Emily Dutton, Madeline Dyer, Audrey Dyte, Maia Evrigenis, Laura Farris, Eleanor Ferguson, Emma Ferrell, Morgan Finegan, Jasmine Florentino, Regina Maria Flores, Mary Kate Foraker, Cassie Fortes, Isabel Fox, Rachel Frank, Elizabeth Gollnick, Natalie Green, Emma Harrelson, Makenna Hartzell, Michelle Helweh, Celeste Holben, Rachel Jacobs, Erin Jarvis, Ashley Jones, Jena Keffer, Megan Keshishian, Morgan Kimball, Jessica Klopfenstein, Marisa Kolokotronis, Beverly Kyalwazi, Kimberly Lackner, Emma Lombard, Amanda Luong, Kendall MacKay, Isabella Martinez, Emily Martis, Emily Mazur, Chandler McGuire, Kathryn Meissner, Elizabeth Mendez, Elaina Milton, Sarah Moloo, Parissa Monem, Ashley Newcomer, Tessa Oliaro, Alexis Ortiz, Gabriella Palmeri, Theresa Pasion, Victoria Quiniola, Haylee Rademann, Morgan Robledo, Eleanore Rominger, Katherine Rotas, Isabella Rusconi, Vida Sandoval, Maria Angela Sarte, Chelsea Saurer, Taylor Semon, Madeline Seto, Rachel Shebert, Gabrielle Marie Siao, Holly Siino, Hannah Silva, Anne Sompayrac, Eleni Spanos, Makena Strand, Kendra Stumbos, Alexis Taylan, Krista Tenerelli, Heather Urquhart, Amanda Ursano, Alexandria Valdez, Dana Vestman, Kathryn Vierra, Alison Vogelsang, Margot Wagner, Claire Wobbema, Kasandra Ziebert, Nicole Zimmerman Juniors (Class of 2012): Kristin Anderson, Lauren Anderson, Maya Aramouni, Sara Artale, Aneesha Baliga, Aliska Berry, Theresa Bersin, Abigail Bisi, Gabrielle Blanchette, Elizabeth Blue, Jordan Borg, Rachel Broghammer, Leah Campbell, Lia Ceccarelli, Lauren Chang, Sara Chehrazi, Kristen Cichocki, Courtney Coan, Alexandra Cochran, Sarah Cornett, Nicole Crane, Mary Creel, Natalie Crone, Megan Daly, Ava DeLu, Sarah DeMarois, Danielle Demas, Caroline Doherty, Meagan Durante, Camille Dyer, Emma Edwards, Kathryn Ely, Cara Emard, Katherine Enos, Katherine Esparza, Michelle Fat, Susan Frazier, Olivia Godby, Hannah Francesca Gonzales, Katerina Gregoriou, Alexa Harris, Camille Harry, Michelle Hartwick, Lauren Headrick, Julian Holley, Jordan Holmes, Kamali Houston, Kathryn Hovious, Jennifer Jacobs, Abigail Johnson, Kendall Johnson, Francesca Karkoski, Madison Kenny, Emily Koon, Emma Kuchera, Kaitlin Lathrop, Jamie Leatherby, Natasia Lutes, Julia Maples, Megan Massoud, Kathleen Menz, Blair Mitchell, Victoria Mitchell, Olivia Molodanof, Megan Musilli, Natalia Navarro, Minh-Han Nguyen, Madeline Nicolaus, Ashley Noda, Kristen Obana, Natalie Ochoa, Paige Oliver, Mayme O’Toole, Hayley Palilla, Hyang Eun Park, Rachel Patron, Caitlyn Petersen, Lauren Redd, Laura Richardson-Sherb, DeAna Riggs, Krista Roberts, April Rosas-Willett, Claire Rosburg, Haylee Roush, Mary Ryle, Abigail Scheid, Erin Scheller, Ashlyn Schmitgen, Kira Selden, Paige Sellers, Clara Shader-Seave, Megan Shanahan, Jillian Shuler, Mariela Silva, Tatiana Smith, Alyssa Sutter, Nicole Torneros, Maribel Tovar, Emilie Uhrhammer, Nicolette Valicenti, Bianca Velez, Madeleine Verspieren, Brooke Vowell, Kathryn Wagstaff, Sarah Wagstaff, Brayden Weninger, Alicia Wun, Monica Yassear, Kaitlin Zablotsky, Tooka Zokaie Seniors (Class of 2011): Maheen Ahmed, Alyssa Andersen, Kathryn Arnett, Jayla Asare, Melyssa Astorga, Elizabeth Balbierz, Susan Basharkhah, Whitney Baxter, Hannah Bonotto, Sarah Cheever, Marisa Cherry, Seungwon Choi, Jacqueline Cima, Mary Clark, Shannon Clark, Katherine Cotter, Gabby Cronin, Kasey Curtis, Stephanie Dalton, Bianca De Sousa, Chantelle Dills, Kelsey Dunbar, Sandra Dusi, Elizabeth Earley, Katherine Evans, Amelia Evrigenis, Diane Fletcher, Katherine Franceschini, Sheridan Frank, Haley Gable, Bryce Gassner, Madelyn Geary, Marina Gonzalez, Sabrina Gunn, Alyssa Hall, Sarah Handy, Hailey Hayes, Katherine Heidig, Eloise-Lucile Huneidi, Paige Ingram, Kelsey James, Margaret Kashuba, Sarah Kelly, Meghan Kennedy, Soo (Sally) Kim, Madeline Kimball, Rachel Klas, Paige Klugherz, Nicole Lau, Amanda Laufer, Amber Le, Jayla Lee, Jolise Limcaco, Rachael Lindquist,

Kalin Lippsmeyer, ChangChang Liu, Lauren Lum, Kristen Mansfield, Briana Mao, Amanda Martial, Sarah Mathai, Erin Matranga, Maria-Christina Milanes, Katelyn Moorhouse, Christina Morris, Danielle Morton, Jane Mueller, Coryn Mulder, Anjaly Nedumala, Katie Newman, Nicole Nguyen, Bailey O’Brien, Payton O’Neal, Deborah Oyeyemi, Jennifer Peng, Morgan Penney, Carly Preston, Annie Pywell, Katelyn Rader, Jessica Rea, Isabella Reyes, Jennifer Reynolds, Kaylynn Rothleder, Emilee Rudd, Bianca Rusconi, Melissa Salvatin, Kristabel Sandoval, Alexandra Sargent, Mary Kate Sarte, Brianna Simoneau, Jamie Slater, Sarah Snyder, Brooke Sperbeck, Olivia Stevenson, Whitney Stormberg, Katherine Sullivan, Chelsa Thompson, Katherine Thompson, Evanne Torrecillas, Caroline Waterman, Sarah Whalen, Elizabeth White, Kate Wigginton, Ella Winje, Camille Wolfersberger, Alexandra Wood, Megan Woodard, Julia Wreden, Lauren Wynne High Honor Roll The following students achieved a grade point average between 3.75 and 4.0 for the second semester 2010-2011. Freshmen (Class of 2014): Elizabeth Campbell, Shelly Der, Angelique Doty, Abigail Dow, Allison Goings, Natalia Gomez, Madison Gonzalez, Heather Handy, Christin Henderson, Stephanie Heyward, Justine Hostler, Elizabeth Lathrop, Alexandria Lima, Melina Marshall, Imani McCray, Mackenzie Moreno, Lillian Murphy, Madeline Orlando, McKenna Payne, Tess Perez, Daniella Qvistgaard, Mary Roseanne Ramos, Meghan Rice, Savannah Sellers, Jaitika Singh, Megan Vollmer, Courtney Williams, Shannon Williams Sophomores (Class of 2013): Haleemah Afzal, Nida Ahmed, Tyler Albert, Molly Baker, Emily Bamberger, Alexandra Bittle, Jenna Boras, Alyssa Byerly, Valerie Calhoun, Rachel Carstensen, Katherine Cloninger, Madeline Cook, Kaitlyn Cozens, Martina Ferri, Sara Foust, Kendall Gassner, Madelyn Gibbons, Sarah Hemmen, Naomi Holland, Tierney Huppert, Zoe Jones, Jessica Josiah, Allison Klas, Sydney Koewler, Morgan Kuppenbender, Minh Le, Joy MacDonald, Makayla Mellas, Lana Myerson, Scarlett O’Brien, Paige Passantino, Anna Ponta, Courtney Robledo, Emma Roses, Lily Styer, Caitlin Telford, Briana Teresi, Samantha Tousey, Katrina Woollgar Juniors (Class of 2012): Lauren Azar, Bryce Beckwith, Meredith Bragg, Eva Cedros, Gabriella Chisick, Katherine Clark, Alyssa Cook, Andrea Cook, Jessica Diaz, Elana Franklin, Andrea Furtado, Chloe Garcia, Katerina Hardin, Melissa Hubbert, Madeline Jaime, Ashley Kanady, Madison Kilian, Hannah Kirschman, Amanda Kozina, Nhi Le, Marie L’Hermine-Watkins, Jamie Mark, Laura Mayhofer, Alexa McKim, Michael Miller, Jaeda Ochoa, Emily Pons, Haizen Poole, Ridgely Provencal, Jillian Renteria, Nataly Sanchez, Grace Savinovich, Emily Simpson, Charlotte Stewart, Gina Tambellini, Frances Wiese, Kristin Yelle Seniors (Class of 2011): Ashley Angeles, Alyssa Ansell, Lauren Aviles, Farren Balint, Ashley Beatie, Nicole Bellini, Eva Bulgakova, Haley Cooper, Haley Damele, Caitlin DeMorales, Laura Devine, Jessica Erickson, Sarayh Fields, Erika Frandrup, Jade GoodwinCarter, Umna Khan, Voletta Krieg, Brielle Kuhn, Megan McKinnon, Vinke Menardo, Elizabeth Monsoor, Zoe Nightingale, Erin Nolan, Elise Nyland, Meghan Pedroncelli, Ashley Peng, Katie Ponta, Elizabeth Reali, Sarah Nicole Remollo, Gabriella Rubino, Kaitlyn Tinsley, Camille Totah, Hannah Vice, Shelby Vollmer Honor Roll The following students achieved a grade point average between 3.5 and 3.75 for the second semester 2010-2011. Freshmen (Class of 2014): Elizabeth Banister, Brinnley Barthels, Anna Baytosh, McKayla Beavers, Abigail Bland, Caroline Boals, Anjeline Buencamino, Margaret Chavez, Gabriella Chelini, Jessica Cosca, Daria Davis, Micaela DeGregorio, Lea Felton, Huiyan Guima, Chloe Hakim, Kathryn Hawkins, Anna Kropf, Katarina Lendl, Lauren Levi, Alexa LoGiudice, Clarisse Macasaet, Mary Molitor, Noa Nightingale, Sophie Noda, Kayla Rahe, Meredith Ray, Savannah Richey, Rianna Saenz, Selena Shannon, Danielle Solone, Jeslyn Mae Tabieza, Cassidy Travis, Ariel Young, Marisa Zanobini Sophomores (Class of 2013): Jasmine Adams, Erika Anda, Elizabeth Arikawa, Lauren Baker, Samantha Baydaline, Moriah Beatty, Meagan Bennett, Jennifer Bloomquist, Chloe Carrillo, Jacqueline Coleman, Sarah Conway, Faith Emmert-Sanchez, Katelyn Fidler, Ericka Gustafson, Jessica Gutierrez, Johanna Hayes, Grace Hollingsworth, Britt Hurley, Rachel Jenkinson, Charlotte Leszinske, Elizabeth Mannering, Lorelei Neft, Siena Overstreet, Julia Peterson, Madelyn Rollofson, Noelle Santana, Rachael Serrao, Shelby Vice, Abbey Williams-Campbell, Hannah Wong Juniors (Class of 2012): Alexa Bandala, Jenna Beavers, Mackenna Davis, Jacqueline Emmerich, Abigail Feller, Corinne Friend, Alexandra Galvan, Olivia Glatt, Elizabeth Grotewohl, Deren Guidara, Isabella Houston, Kacey Irvan, Emma Keene, Lauren Koll, Michaela Kwoka-Coleman, Mollie Leal, Lindsay Lee, Jennifer Lum, Isabelle McFetridge, Vanessa Mercado, Havva Munir, Jane Nazareno, Lucina Negrete, Clara Nowinski, Yasmine Puentes, Natalia Quiniola, Elizabeth Riehl, Marina Rodriguez, Edna Rush, Locksley Russ, Josephine Sami, Christina Sardo, Emalia Seto, Camille Soutiere, Madeleine Stanley, Katia Stie, Alison Young Seniors (Class of 2011): Josefina Araya-Munoz, Heather Arnold, Elizabeth Bertolino, Marisa Bodine, Desiree Bonner, Ashleigh Brown, Brooklyn Bueno, Justina Burns, Priya Busfield, Cammi Carter, Mariah Chastaine, Lauren Cowie, Robin Curry, Chelsea David, Sabine Davis, Arianne Delman, Mai Do, Patricia Fernandez, Katherine Gipe, Chelsea Golding, Leah Hassett, Katrina Heller, Emma Hilder, Sydney Johansen, Samantha Jones, Sara Kalmbach, Lindsay Kawano, Juhee Krishan, Madeline Lasell, Hannah Lee, Fiorella Lema, Nicole Leonel-Motta, Chelcie Limcaco, Daniella Lubey, Christine Luetke, Mia Macaspac, Sarah Mahan, Sara Martinez, Sarah Masterson, Pauline Meehan, Lauren Moore, Katarina Naldoza, Cekarri Nixon, Keira Nocetti, Erin Perez, Jessica Poelman, Marissa Ricaurte-Van Meter, Olivia Saalsaa, Elisabeth Scott, Sierra Shebert, Mackenzie Stille, Alexandra Stoffel, Natalie Storm, Linda Tran, Mikaela Vaden Kristin Anderson, Lauren Anderson, Maya Aramouni, Aneesha Baliga, Aliska Berry, Theresa

Bersin, Rachel Broghammer, Leah Campbell, Lauren Chang, Sara Chehrazi, Kristen Cichocki, Alexandra Cochran, Mary Creel, Ava DeLu, Danielle Demas, Caroline Doherty, Meagan Durante, Camille Dyer, Kathryn Ely, Cara Emard, Katherine Enos, Katherine Esparza, Michelle Fat, Susan Frazier, Olivia Godby, Hannah Francesca Gonzales, Katerina Gregoriou, Alexa Harris, Camille Harry, Lauren Headrick, Julian Holley, Jordan Holmes, Abigail Johnson, Kendall Johnson, Emily Koon, Emma Kuchera, Kaitlin Lathrop, Jamie Leatherby, Marie L’Hermine-Watkins, Julia Maples, Megan Massoud, Megan Musilli, Ashley Noda, Kristen Obana, Paige Oliver, Hyang Eun Park, Rachel Patron, Haizen Poole, Lauren Redd, Laura Richardson-Sherb, DeAna Riggs, Krista Roberts, April Rosas-Willett, Erin Scheller, Kira Selden, Paige Sellers, Clara Shader-Seave, Tatiana Smith, Alyssa Sutter, Nicole Torneros, Emilie Uhrhammer, Nicolette Valicenti, Madeleine Verspieren, Brooke Vowell, Kathryn Wagstaff, Sarah Wagstaff, Alicia Wun, Kaitlin Zablotsky, Giulia Arostegui, Christine Baltazar, Rebecca Bauer, Aspen Bonini, Elise Borgfeldt, Mika Brown, Carolina Brown, Blair Burleson, Karly Cabrera, Rachel Cerkleski, Allison Child, Amy Crayne, Gianna Cronin, Jacqueline Cummings, Ellen Dahl, Andrea Damian, Julia Dasen, Natasha De Sousa, Sophia DiGiambattista, Megan Dotterweich, Natalie Dowd, Bianca Dunn, Madeline Dyer, Audrey Dyte, Laura Farris, Eleanor Ferguson, Emma Ferrell, Jasmine Florentino, Mary Kate Foraker, Isabel Fox, Rachel Frank, Elizabeth Gollnick, Natalie Green, Emma Harrelson, Celeste Holben, Rebecca Kasten, Megan Keshishian, Marisa Kolokotronis, Beverly Kyalwazi, Kimberly Lackner, Amanda Luong, Kendall MacKay, Isabella Martinez, Emily Mazur, Chandler McGuire, Kathryn Meissner, Makayla Mellas, Elaina Milton, Sarah Moloo, Ashley Newcomer, Tessa Oliaro, Gabriella Palmeri, Theresa Pasion, Eleanore Rominger, Isabella Rusconi, Vida Sandoval, Maria Angela Sarte, Chelsea Saurer, Taylor Semon, Rachel Shebert, Gabrielle Marie Siao, Holly Siino, Hannah Silva, Anne Sompayrac, Eleni Spanos, Makena Strand, Kendra Stumbos, Alexis Taylan, Heather Urquhart, Amanda Ursano, Alexandria Valdez, Dana Vestman, Kathryn Vierra, Alison Vogelsang, Nicole Zimmerman

General Excellence - Cumulative The following students have earned a 4 or 6 semester cumulative 4.0 GPA or above at the end of the spring semester 2011. Seniors (Class of 2012): Kristin Anderson, Lauren Anderson, Maya Aramouni, Aneesha Baliga, Aliska Berry, Theresa Bersin, Rachel Broghammer, Leah Campbell, Lauren Chang, Sara Chehrazi, Kristen Cichocki, Alexandra Cochran, Mary Creel, Ava DeLu, Danielle Demas, Caroline Doherty, Meagan Durante, Camille Dyer, Kathryn Ely, Cara Emard, Katherine Enos, Katherine Esparza, Michelle Fat, Susan Frazier, Olivia Godby, Hannah Francesca Gonzales, Katerina Gregoriou, Alexa Harris, Camille Harry, Lauren Headrick, Julian Holley, Jordan Holmes, Abigail Johnson, Kendall Johnson, Emily Koon, Emma Kuchera, Kaitlin Lathrop, Jamie Leatherby, Marie L’Hermine-Watkins, Julia Maples, Megan Massoud, Megan Musilli, Ashley Noda, Kristen Obana, Paige Oliver, Hyang Eun Park, Rachel Patron, Haizen Poole, Lauren Redd, Laura Richardson-Sherb, DeAna Riggs, Krista Roberts, April Rosas-Willett, Erin Scheller, Kira Selden, Paige Sellers, Clara Shader-Seave, Tatiana Smith, Alyssa Sutter, Nicole Torneros, Emilie Uhrhammer, Nicolette Valicenti, Madeleine Verspieren, Brooke Vowell, Kathryn Wagstaff, Sarah Wagstaff, Alicia Wun, Kaitlin Zablotsky Juniors (Class of 2013): Giulia Arostegui, Christine Baltazar, Rebecca Bauer, Aspen Bonini, Elise Borgfeldt, Mika Brown, Carolina Brown, Blair Burleson, Karly Cabrera, Rachel Cerkleski, Allison Child, Amy Crayne, Gianna Cronin, Jacqueline Cummings, Ellen Dahl, Andrea Damian, Julia Dasen, Natasha De Sousa, Sophia DiGiambattista, Megan Dotterweich, Natalie Dowd, Bianca Dunn, Madeline Dyer, Audrey Dyte, Laura Farris, Eleanor Ferguson, Emma Ferrell, Jasmine Florentino, Mary Kate Foraker, Isabel Fox, Rachel Frank, Elizabeth Gollnick, Natalie Green, Emma Harrelson, Celeste Holben, Rebecca Kasten, Megan Keshishian, Marisa Kolokotronis, Beverly Kyalwazi, Kimberly Lackner, Amanda Luong, Kendall MacKay, Isabella Martinez, Emily Mazur, Chandler McGuire, Kathryn Meissner, Makayla Mellas, Elaina Milton, Sarah Moloo, Ashley Newcomer, Tessa Oliaro, Gabriella Palmeri, Theresa Pasion, Eleanore Rominger, Isabella Rusconi, Vida Sandoval, Maria Angela Sarte, Chelsea Saurer, Taylor Semon, Rachel Shebert, Gabrielle Marie Siao, Holly Siino, Hannah Silva, Anne Sompayrac, Eleni Spanos, Makena Strand, Kendra Stumbos, Alexis Taylan, Heather Urquhart, Amanda Ursano, Alexandria Valdez, Dana Vestman, Kathryn Vierra, Alison Vogelsang, Nicole Zimmerman

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