2 minute read

Law, finance, engineering, media – graduate careers live

I’m not sure if you’ve heard already, but following last year’s special programme on Degree Apprenticeships, we’re producing a new TV programme to introduce Year 12 sixth form students to the graduate job

market and degree apprenticeships.

Graduate Careers Live! is at 2pm next Thursday 27th April and will provide invaluable inspiration, information, and practical guidance about how university – or one of the growing number of degree apprenticeships –can lead to aspirational, rewarding careers in areas like technology, law, banking & finance, and engineering.

If you’ve already registered to watch the programme – thank you – but please do share this information so that as many Year 12 students and their parents are are able to watch too: https://graduatecareers.live/

The programme features employers, recent graduates, degree apprentices, recruitment experts and special guests – including Robert Halfon, Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships & Higher Education and Zoe Thomas, author of The Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide – plus the very latest research and insight on what it takes to be successful in the graduate job market.

Graduate Careers Live! will be essential viewing for all Year 12 students and their parents, just before they begin considering their post-sixth form options, visiting universities and researching degree apprenticeship opportunities.

The programme is being presented by Levi Jouavel, a BBC Three presenter who began her career as a BBC apprentice and Martin Birchall, Editor of TheTimesTop100GraduateEmployers.

It is being produced by High Fliers Research, in partnership with the Department for Education.

We hope you’ll be able to join us for the programme on Thursday 27th April – live at 2pm – or on catch-up afterwards.

Law Lecture: How mental health is protected by law

Some of you may be interested in listening to this law lecture exploring how mental health is protected by law. The materials are produced by The University of Law.


Lawscot Foundation Applications now live – U6 only

I am writing to you as I am pleased to announce that the application window for the Lawscot Foundation is now live. This opportunity is invaluable to students who are interested in pursuing a career in law who may otherwise not be able to attend without some support. We are committed to supporting talented young people who show drive and determination who have the potential to excel as a Scottish solicitor. We give priority to individuals from less-advantaged backgrounds, so students’ social and economic situation will be taken into consideration.

To be eligible to apply, students must be able to answer yes to the following questions:

 Doyouhaveanoffertostudylaw(knownastheLLB)ata Scottishuniversity*startingin2023?

 Withoutfinancialsupportyouwouldstruggletoaccessand participateinhighereducation(university)

 Areyoucurrentlyatschoolorcollege,orhaveleftschoolor collegewithinthelasttwoyears(butnotcurrentlyattending university)?

*In order to apply, you must have a place to study law (known as the LLB) at one of the ten universities accredited by the Law Society of Scotland. These universities are:

1. University of Aberdeen

2. University of Abertay

3. University of Dundee

4. University of Edinburgh

5. Edinburgh Napier University

6. University of Glasgow

7. Glasgow Caledonian University

8. Robert Gordon University

9. University of Stirling

10. University of Strathclyde

I have attached the application form to this email for ease of reference. This document can also be found on our website here.


L6 Future UP Event on June 14 with KPMG

Some of you may already have signed up for this event in June: https://uptree.co/events/futuresup/1355641258/?pk_campaign=bulletin

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