2 minute read

Medicine and Dentist Work Experience – look here!!

Are you struggling to find good quality medical work experience?

Looking for a full package of application support, to help you through the whole process?

Then check out the Medic Mind Medicine Work Experience!

This full week of application help will include targeted exam support, hands-on experience in a hospital setting and interview help, led by a team of real doctors and application experts.

You will get:

 real insights into a medicine career, with thought-provoking prompts.

 a motivating, supportive group learning environment.

 learn from real doctors, and learn real life skills ahead of your course.

 help with your UCAT, BMAT and interviews.

 stay in central London and meet other medical applicants!

Learn more about the Medicine Work Experience!

Our intensive summer camp is a great option for students looking for a boost of help. Students can pick a full week option with all accommodation and food included, or choose to come for just the days that they need most support on.

Keen for more information, or interested in registering a school group? Contact us today and our Partnerships Manager, Daniela, will be happy to help you out!

Words from happy students...

"I found the course super helpful... it was a great chance to ask questions." - Shreya

"A really enjoyable experience- I'm convinced of my decision to study Medicine!" - Hetty

"I would have never been able to organise something this hands-on myself." - Ahmad

"Thank you for your help... I got 3 offers for medicine!"Sara

Register your interest here!

MEDSOC Resources and Work Experience

These might be useful for any MEDSOC meetings coming up soon.

Article 1 - Medical School Options for Year 12s

Article 2 - Medical Work Experience Week - April & Summer

Article 3 - NHS Strikes - What do we know?

Please feel free to share these with your students. If there is anything we can do to support your medics, just let me know.

Kind regards,

Mark Williams Director of Learning

W: www.medicalprojects.co.uk

P: +44(0)191 704 2064

Award-winningresources,supportandcoursesforaspiring medics


Multi-Industry Careers Event for S5, S6 with KPMG Glasgow

Happy Scottish Apprenticeship from all of us at Uptree! We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about out upcoming multi-industry careers event for senior phase students.

FuturesUP is an interactive careers event which allows students to meet with a range of employers from across industries, get inspired, and learn about the range of career pathways available to them post-school.

This year FuturesUp is taking place on 14 June at KPMG's offices in Glasgow.

Who should apply: S5, S6 or college students who want to explore careers and develop their skills.

What will attendees do?

 Take part in Q&As with apprentices at leading companies.

 Meet employers and find out about opportunities in a range of industries.

 Work on group industry taks.

 Speed network with professionals and like-minded students.

 Build confidence in professional settings.

Students can apply to FuturesUP here.

New law course at Edinburgh

Those interested in a career in law may wish to find out more about the new course Edinburgh University will be offering from 2024:

LLB Global Law | The University of Edinburgh

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