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3 Alternative Pathways to Medicine

Medic Monday is a weekly update from The Medic Portal.

Every Monday, we share top tips to help aspiring medics get ahead!

This week we're exploring alternative pathways to Medicine for any applicants with no Med School offers this year. We've got guides to Graduate Entry, Transferring and Studying Abroad.

Guide: Graduate Entry Medicine

Learn more about this pathway to Medicineincluding where you can study GEM, the entry requirements and the number of places.

View The Guide

Guide: Transfer To Medicine

Find out which universities typically have transfer to Medicine schemes - and get an insight into how competitive this pathway can be.

Guide: Study Medicine Abroad

Discover what it's like to study Medicine abroad with our guides to medical degrees in Europe, the Caribbean, Australia and more.

See The Options

Upcoming Free Webinars

Want free tips and advice for your Medicine application and the UCAT test? Join our webinars!

Learn More

Subject Taster Videos for University

See the wealth of videos to help you when making decisions about whether to study and what to study at university: https://www.unitasterdays.com/ondemand

SurgeryLive: Operating Theatre Surgical Work Experience

My name is Veronica, and I am emailing from DoctorsLive to tell you about our upcoming flagship course SurgeryLive virtual operating theatre surgical work experience. `

In this exciting full-day course, students will gain insight into the world of Surgery and learn what it's like to be a surgeon. The online interactive course combines real-life surgical cases with real-time surgical theatre simulations and guest doctors from varied specialities to share an insight into their lives. And lastly, the most popular session with students is the live suturing demonstration. Students will be sent a full medical suturing kit through the post to learn to suture under the guidance of practising NHS surgeons.

The next SurgeryLive virtual course will be held on Saturday, June 24th. 2023. We have received excellent feedback from previous courses and are thrilled to be able to offer this opportunity to more students. The cost of the full-day course, including a full medical suture kit, access to recordings and course certificate, is £87.

More information and enrolment can be found on our website at: www.doctorslive.co.uk/surgerylive

I would be grateful if you could share our information with any of your students who you think would benefit from our course. Places are usually oversubscribed and are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions.


ummer courses for S5: Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science

Some of you may be interested in summer taster courses in Biomedical Engineering and Electronics and Computer Science with the University of Southampton - 31 July - 4 August.

For more details, go to www.taster.ecs.soton.ac.uk There are also scholarships (Zepler Scholarships) available.

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