Sun 2 Nov 2014
If you are new or visiting, we hope Bring your whole family and friends to our you feel at home. If you require Christmas Day BBC Live Service! help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please Adults to be seated by 9am Recording live from 10am until 11am fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved. The service will then continue for a short time Children will be occupied between the arrival time and when Today’s Services the recording starts - getting dressed up to play their part! Please also visit our Christmas website which is now LIVE! 10.30am Morning Worship Lead: Mark Harlow Preach: Jon Swales 6.30pm
Evening Worship Lead: Chris Sayburn Preach: Joanna Seabourne
PCC Meeting Mon 3 Nov Academy of Life Wed 5 Nov 10.30am Community Church (HC) Alpha Away Day Sat 8 Nov Lead: Roy Foster Remembrance Sunday Preach: Bob Powley Sun 9 Nov Walking Group Prayer for the Crypt Sat 15 Nov Please continue praying for the ‘Grow Academy of Life your Tenner’ deal. You can still donate Wed 19 Nov £10 and have it matched. Please also Contemporary Carols pray for the Opera North event this Sun 30 Nov Wednesday, 12noon in Church. 10.30am Wrangthorn Lead: Hannah Sansome Preach: Jimmy Lawrence
This Week Mon 3
Tue 4
Play and Pray
Wed 5
Academy of Life
Thu 6
Morning Prayers
Comm. Room
Sun 9
10.30am Holy Communion 5.30pm Student Teas 6.30pm Evening Worship
Church Centre Church
We’re shaping up our Christmas team, with a variety of services that need committed volunteers to fill lots of roles. From ushering people to their seats to cooking meals for musicians, and from car park attending to mulling wine, we would love to have you on team! If you can offer to help at one or more services, please contact the office or sign up in the foyer. Thank you!
If you would like to be baptised, our next service will take place on Sun 7 Dec. Please speak to a member of clergy if you are interested.
Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday
In previous years, our church family has blessed the children of Hunedoara, Romania, who would not otherwise receive a gift for Christmas. Please consider making a shoebox, perhaps as a small group activity. Please pick up a flyer from the notice board in the foyer, create your gift then put it in the big box in the foyer. The deadline for shoeboxes is Sun 16 Nov, after which they will be transported to Romania. More information can be found online, or please contact Ann. /shoebox2014.pdf
Thanks so much to all who contributed to the Christmas banner for 2014 - it will take centre stage for our Christmas services coming soon!
The Choir for Christmas Eve is urgently in need of sopranos and altos who have previous experience of singing in a choir. For more info, contact David. 0113 261 2679
Autumn St George’s LIFE is out now in the foyer and online. This seasonal edition covers this term until the New Year. Please check out stories from our mission partners, prayer and more.
All St George’s notices will reside on the notice board by the office, including sign ups, group events and current activities. Network details and events will go on the board near the info desk. All non-St George’s items such as job vacancies, housing offers and community events will be put on the board in the bookstall area.
This charity are in need of Finance/Admin/IT Volunteers. Specifically a volunteer with bookkeeping/finance/audit experience is needed to take over the central finance administration. With 14 food outlets and over 400 volunteers throughout the city of Leeds, there are many key roles to be filled. Please contact Janet Clark.
Please support the GROW YOUR TENNER Appeal from Tue 14 Oct. Donate £10 to St George’s Crypt via the website and it will be matched by £10. Thanks for your support. stgeorgescrypt
12noon, Wed 5 Nov, Church This free taster concert by the Opera North Chorus will take place in church in association with the Crypt. All are welcome.
7-9pm, Sat 8 Nov, Centre Joy used to be an intern at St George’s and has a passion for Chinese culture and evangelism. This evening will include her singing, sharing stories of God at work and a special homemade Chinese buffet. There is also a chance to support her work. Please email Joy to book a place.
10am-12.30pm, Sat 8 Nov, South Parade Baptist Church 20,000 people live with sight loss in Leeds - this conference is to help those in churches to have awareness and understanding with practical training. To register, please e-mail.
3-5pm, Sat 8 Nov, St Barnabas, Alwoodley Refuel is a termly event for 7-11 year olds, where we learn about God's love with children and leaders from all over Leeds, sing songs, do craft, play messy games and more. For more info, please visit the website.
8.30am, Sat 15 Nov, Bridge St. Come along for breakfast with Kidz Klub and see their Saturday morning club in action. Please see the notice board in the foyer or to book, visit the website.