05 Oct Notice Sheet

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Sun 5 Oct 2014



If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved.

Today’s Services 10.30am Morning Worship Lead: Jon Swales Preach: Jonathan Clark 6.30pm

Welcome, students! St George’s is set up to help you make the most of your time in Leeds. Whether you’re in 1st or 5th year; musical, artistic or sporty; in Hyde Park, on campus or elsewhere we want to join you in working for His kingdom. Please chat to one of the team, pick up a student welcome pack and join us at one of our network gatherings. Let’s see what God can do this year! For info, e-mail our student team.


   Sun 26 Oct, Church

Evening Worship Lead: Mark Harlow Preach: Mark Powley

Alpha Launch/AOL 3 Wed 8 Oct Pray 4 Leeds 10.30am Wrangthorn Fri 10/Sat 11 Oct Lead: Jimmy Lawrence Network Sunday Preach: Joanna Seabourne Sun 12 Oct Walking Group 10.30am Community Church Sat 18 Oct Lead: Margaret Saint Bridge Cafe/AOL 4 Preach: Stuart Roberts Wed 22 Oct Pick & Mix/Harvest Prayer for the Crypt Sun 26 Oct Please pray for World Homeless Day on Friday 10 October, that we raise Youth Event - Club Neon Fri 31 Oct awareness of the issues around homelessness and raise funds from our street collection.

This Week Tue 7


Play & Pray


Wed 8


Academy of Life


Thu 9


Morning Prayers

Comm. Room

Fri 10


Pray for Leeds


Sun 12 10.30am Morning Worship 5.30pm Student Teas 6.30pm Evening Worship

Church Centre Church

In a few weeks we will be having our harvest collection with all donations going to the Crypt. Some items they have requested are: Tinned Steak, Beans, Eggs, Tuna, Tomatoes, Coffee, Sugar. Monetary donations will go towards new beds, as over 1000 people have slept in the Crypt this year and new ones are desperately needed!

 7-9.15pm, 8 Oct-26 Nov, Centre The Alpha Course is a great way to explore the big questions of life, running for 8 Wednesdays. Please invite friends. Email Lisa for info.

lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday

 7pm Fri 10 Oct - 7pm Sat 11 Oct, Church (Fri 7-9.30pm) Pastor Jonathan Oloyede, a convert from Islam, will speak at this event to start 24 hour prayer in church which will be open through the night and Saturday. Please give some time to help at this event - e-mail for info.


  On Thursday 12 people are going on a St G’s pilgrimage to Israel/ Palestine. At the Pick and Mix on 26 Oct, Christian and Jewish members of the Network will be offering an illustrated presentation of their work together over the last two years.

 10am-6pm, Fri 10 Oct, Leeds St George’s Crypt will be in the city centre raising awareness and collecting donations. They will also be handing out biscuit samples made by apprentice volunteers. Please come along!

 

 

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a national consultation to hear how employers/employees' experiences in the workplace have been affected by their religion or belief, or those of other people. If you have experienced difficulties in your workplace as a result of being a Christian, please follow the link.

If anyone would be interested in working part-time as a Centre Manager/Debt Coach in North East Leeds, contact Stuart.

equalityhumanrights.com/ religion

 A reading group for those who wish to grow in understanding and become more equipped to live Christian lives. The group members choose together which books they would like to read and share their thoughts and experiences with others. If you wish to join, please email Sami.


 If you wish to help Christians fleeing from Iraq, please visit the Tearfund website to donate.


 Please bring in blue, purple, shiny, sparkly material of any size and put them in the box in the foyer for Pick & Mix on Sun 26 October.

 7.30pm, Thu 23 Oct, Adel Join us to see ‘Rutherford & Son’, a theatre classic set in Yorkshire. Sign-up in the foyer or by email to Andy Hoye – cost £8.


 3-6pm, Sat 18 Oct, St Richard’s Church, Seacroft, LS14 1BX Young people aged 10-15 learn new creative skills through interactive workshops. This includes pizza, skill building and worship with the theme of upcycling, only £3.50. Please bring old cotton stuff for rag art and make loom bracelets. To book, call Judith Shalkowski.

07759 470 199 www.createleeds.btck.co.uk

stuart.roberts@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 If you have a spare kettle or microwave to give/lend for a few weeks to someone in need, please contact Jonathan.

07541 947830 jonathan.beatham@gmail.com

 East Leeds Foodbank is looking for new volunteers as it opens further outlets. If you are interested please contact Stuart Roberts, or visit the website.

leedseast.foodbank.org.uk/ get-involved

 An Iranian student with good English who we hope will help with the Farsi Network is looking to rent a room with a Christian family. Please contact Mojtaba or Jonathan if you can help.

mojidarzi@gmail.com jonathan.beatham@gmail.com

 Leeds Citizens is a new focus for a nationwide community organising group. We’re seeking another five or so people to get involved on behalf of St George's. More info online or e-mail Che.

leedscommunityorganising .wordpress.com che.seabourne@ymail.com

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