Sun 6 Apr 2014
Hello! If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved or join a Network.
Today’s Services 10.30am A Positive Vision of Sexuality Lead: Jonathan Clark Preach: Sean Doherty 6.30pm
A Positive Vision of Sexuality Lead: Mark Powley Preach: Sean Doherty
10.30am Wrangthorn Lead: Joanna Seabourne Preach: Hannah Sansome
7pm refreshments, 7.30pm start, Wed 30 April, Church Anyone wishing to stand for any post must be on the Electoral Roll and fill in an application form. More info is available on the notice board.
Today is your last chance to register for the Electoral Roll or PCC. Forms are available in the foyer.
On Sun 8 June there will be an opportunity for 10.30am Community Church ACM baptism or confirmation. If Lead: Ann McKenna you are interested, speak Preach: Mary Jarvis to a member of clergy or fill in a Contact Card.
This Week Tue 8
Wed 9
11.30am Bridge Cafe
Thu 10 7.30am
Play & Pray Prayer Meeting
Sun 13 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening Worship
We are thankful for the growth in our Children’s work over the past three years and grateful to Jennifer Roberts and Cat Sayburn in their part-time roles. To continue growth, the PCC has decided to merge and expand these roles into a full-time Children and Families Pastor, to start in September. We will advertise the post shortly. If you know anyone who might be interested, details and forms are available from Janet.
Sat 12 April, Stamford Bridge This month we will be meeting to walk a 12 mile route in the Yorkshire Wolds. For more info please contact Alison Oldfield. Centre Meet in Church Comm. Room Church Church
Prayer for the Crypt Our food cupboards are nearly empty and we are giving out about 40 food parcels a week to families in desperate need. We also feed about 100 people a day who come to the Crypt. Please pray that we get a response to our appeal from businesses, churches and other organisations so we can continue this important work.
7pm, Wed 23 April, Centre Join us for an evening of live music from local musicians including our house band. Complimentary refreshments, free entry, no need to book, ideal to invite friends to!
Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday
Roots will spend this week blessing Cottingley in "Impact Week". We hope to grow as a community, learn about God's heart for mission, serve practically through gardening, kids clubs and put on a Family Fun Day. Please pray for our youth and leaders as they serve, and for Cottingley.
The next course will be on 13 and 27 September. It’s open to all couples, whether getting married here or elsewhere. Contact Janet Gibson for details.
Wednesdays, 30 April-18 June Alpha is a brilliant way for those wrestling with the big questions of life to come and explore. We are looking for volunteers to join our team to help set up, serve, lead tables and aid discussions where needed. Please email Lisa or fill in a Contact Card.
7.30pm, Mon 7 Apr, LS17 5DT The next meeting of the STP Group is dedicated to the memory of Paul Vinall. Dr Rhoda Hawkins will lead a discussion on biophysical concepts of “What is life?” in relation to philosophy and theology. Venue: 17 Saxon Mount (entrance via Saxon Gate). RSVP to Smylers. 07905 322 733
9.15am - 2pm, Sat 12th April, Centre The 50+ Network is pleased to present a seminar exploring this major life event - coping with change, free time, health issues, relationships, spiritual matters, time management and financial aspects – in 4 presentations. If you are approaching retirement or have been retired a while, this seminar is for you. Cost is £12 to cover lunch and materials. For more info or to sign up, please contact the Church Office. 0113 243 8498
6.30pm, Fri 11 April, Centre We will decorate Easter eggs and have a roast dinner, with a talk and discussion time. Please RSVP to Cecilia before 8 April.
Wed 16 April, Centre 11am Midweek Communion 12 noon Guest speaker the Venerable Paul Hooper (Archdeacon of Leeds) followed by lunch at 1pm. Apologies to:
Cilbie Appleyard 268 4487 Rev. John H Walker 249 6239
A weekend of training to share the Good News with Muslims/ Arabs using videos which give a chronological overview of the Bible revealing the identity of the Messiah. All will receive videos and guides to use. For full info please contact:
Hannah: Tom:
Food stocks at the Crypt are low. We are having a food drive at Waitrose in Meanwood: Fri and Sat 11/12 April, 9am to 6pm; and Sun 13 April, 10am to 4pm. We hand out flyers and talk to people about the work of the Crypt. If you could spare a couple of hours on those days, please contact Arja. Thank you.
Easter Services Thu 17 7.30pm Fri 18
Communion Service
10.30am An Hour at the Cross United Walk of Witness 3pm Reflection at the Cross
Sun 20 10.30am Family Communion 10.30am Family Communion 6.30pm Evening Worship
Wrangthorn St George’s Around Leeds Wrangthorn St George’s Wrangthorn St George’s
God in the City Easter Outreach - All Welcome! 2-4pm, Sat 12 Apr, Church