Sun 10 Sept 2017
If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details about St George’s pick up a Hello Card.
7.30pm, Wed 13 & Thur 21 Sept, Church Centre We are holding 2 welcome evenings for anyone who is new to St G’s or would like to find out more info about getting connected to the life of the church. We’d love to see you there!
Today’s Services St George’s Church 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening Worship Wrangthorn 10.30am Holy Communion 5.00pm Evening Worship Lighthouse 12.30pm St George’s Crypt Cafe-style Service, Testimony and meal
Next Sunday 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening Worship Prayer for the Crypt Please pray for the clients who have been to Marrick Priory last week. Pray that they will take strength from their time spent there. Deadline for Notice Sheet: 12 noon Thursday. Please email notices to
INTERNATIONAL WELCOME: LUNCH HOSTS NEEDED Sun 17 Sept Would you like to host lunch for 2 - 4 international students after the morning service with a family favourite meal? If so, please let Laura Palmer know how many students you can host by Mon 11 Sept
CHURCHSUITE To help our new rector Lizzy Woolf familiarise herself with people, could we ask all congregation members to update their ChurchSuite profile page with a current photograph. If you need any help doing this, please contact
ALPHA TEAM 7pm, Wed 4 Oct - 22 Nov Alpha is a great chance for people who are wanting to know more about Christianity, to ask questions of life & faith. We are currently looking for team members to help with: - hosting tables - welcoming guests - setting up the room - serving the meals. Training will be provided. If you are interested contact
TERM PROGRAMME The new autumn term programme is now available. It can be accessed via the church website. Hard copies are also available in the foyer.
Our Next Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 26 Sept, Centre
St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |
MEN’S MINISTRY 7pm, Sat 23 Sept, Men's outdoor film and BBQ evening £7 or £10 for you & a new guest. Watch 'Point Break' under the stars, with Silent Disco headsets. Food from 6.30pm, film starts at 8pm. For more info & to book, contact Graeme Collins
COPING WITH RELATIONSHIP BREAKDOWN 7.30pm, Thur 5 Oct, Centre Affected by divorce in the family, separation, relationship breakdown? All are welcome to join us for an evening which will be facilitated by Maureen Lawrence. For more details please contact John Walker
THE SHACK REVISITED 7.30pm, Fri 13 Oct, 9.30am - 9.30pm, Sat 14 Oct, St Luke’s Church, Holbeck Following the release of the film 'The Shack' in June, Dr C. Baxter Kruger will be holding a conference to discuss the theology underlying the book. Free entry. For further details
CHRISTMAS SERVICES CHOIR 7.30pm, Mon 18 Sept, Church Centre Good singers who are new or returning to Leeds are invited to join St George’s and St Augustine’s Choir, who will be rehearsing weekly. No auditions required. Please note the revision of the start date for rehearsals. For full details
david.jackson600@ 07944 955 154
CLASSICAL CONCERT 3pm, Sat 30 Sept, South Parade Baptist Church, LS6 3LF Come and enjoy an afternoon of classical piano and organ in aid of Transformations Leeds. There will be a range of classical music from JS Bach to Ravel, played by Joschka Althoff with tea and cake. Tickets £7.50 in advance, £10 on the door.
ST PAUL’S IRELAND WOOD TUESDAY 7.30 - 9pm, Tues 12 Sept Fortnightly meetings will be held at St Paul’s Ireland Wood starting this week, for those that are interested in being a part of the church plant. It will be a place to pray together in the building and in the local area. Do come along if you are interested. Get in touch for more information
ALPHA PRAYER LIVE 7.15pm, Thur 14 Sept, Centre This week Alpha are praying each day for churches and communities in the UK in partnership with ‘24 -7 Prayer’, as a new season of Alpha kicks off. Join us as we host an event praying to see more people come to know Jesus in Leeds. For more info contact Emily
LEEDS DIOCESE VACANCIES Closing date: Mon 18 Sept Interviews: Fri 22 Sept School Advisors: - Senior Leadership (primary) - Senior Leadership (secondary) - Religious Education See noticeboard in community room for details
‘THE CASE FOR CHRIST’ Fri 15 - 18 Sept Opens at Leeds Showcase Cinema for 3 days. For further details see
TABLE TALK 12 noon, Wed 20 Sept, Centre The speaker will be the Revd John H Walker. For catering purposes, please book by Mon 18 Sept with either John Aldrick or John Walker 0113 2661685 john.walker@