Sun 13 May 2018
Hello If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, please speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details pick up a Hello Card.
This Week @ St George’s Sunday 13 May
St George’s Church: 10:30
Morning Worship
Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30
Cafe style service & meal
St George’s Church: 17:30 Student Teas 18:30 Evening Worship Monday 14 May 18:00 English Classes Tuesday 15 May 10:00 St G’s Tots 13:00 Lighthouse Academy 17:30 Farsi Network 19:30 Student Network Wednesday 16 May 13:00 Lighthouse Drop-in 19:30 iStudent Network Thursday 17 May 19:30 Student Network Friday 18 May 19:00 Roots Sunday 20 May - Pentecost 10:30 Morning Worship 18:30 Evening Worship
Networks & Small Groups meet regularly during the week
THY KINGDOM COME Fri 11 - Sun 20 May, Holy Trinity, Boar Lane A global, cross-denominational call to prayer. There will be a range of evening events praying for Leeds and the world. Mon 14 - Sat 19, 8am-5pm Holy Trinity Boar Lane will be open to everyone as a space of prayer Mon 14, Wed 16, Thur 17, 1.05pm Lunchtime service of prayer and worship Tue 15 & Fri 18, 1.05pm Lunchtime Communion Wed 16 May, 7-9pm Archbishop Sentamu (for under 30’s)
For more details, flyers are available in the foyer
St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |
MEN’S EVENTS Pub Night Tue 22 May, 8pm, East of Arcadia Invite your friends! Mens’ Breakfast Tue 26 May, 9am, Centre Sign up at
MICHAEL BOTTING 2.30pm, Mon 14 May, Christ Church, Cheltenham Michael Botting, Rector of St George’s, 1972-84 has passed away. All are welcome to attend the service.
LOST SHEEP PRAYER MEETING Tues 15 May, 8pm, Church Centre, Room 3 Come and pray with others for family members who have drifted away from God. For more info contact Debbie Whitehead
15 May - 14 June This prayer resource equips us to pray with love for Muslims during Ramadan. Available from the bookstall (£2).
Today, 3-4.30pm, Golden Acre Park We’re going on an adventure! All St G’s family & friends are invited to join us for an afternoon stroll.
WALKING GROUP Sat 19 May, 10am This month the group will be taking a 13 mile circular route from North Leeds. Followed by a pizza evening with a Royal Wedding flavour; other varieties are available! New members are welcome. For details contact Lindsey Pallant
PILGRIMAGE 'IN SLOW TIME' OCTOBER 2019 We are hoping to run a week's visit to Bethlehem and Jerusalem. This will be a more meditative/study visit rather than the traditional tourist circuit. For more info contact David Kibble
BEING STILL Mon 21 May, 7.45pm, Centre An evening of contemplative prayer, with music, scripture and silence. All welcome.
ST GEORGE’S CRYPT Please pray this week for peace in the Crypt, that the staff will have time during their working day to seek God’s word.
TABLE TALK Wed 16 May, 12 noon, Centre Communion and talk, followed by lunch at 1pm. Guest speaker; Peter Gillions will be sharing his testimony. To book contact John Aldrick or John Walker T: 0113 266 1685 john.walker@
SUMMER ALPHA 7:30pm, Thursdays, 24 May – 12 July, Venue tbc Alpha is a chance to explore life and the Christian faith. This Summer we’ll be running a low-key Alpha in a city centre coffee shop. Each week we’ll watch the Alpha film series and have a time of discussion over coffee and cake. For more info and to sign up