Sunday 13 November 2011 Remembrance Sunday
If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, do speak to one of the Stewards in the foyer. Feel free to fill in a welcome card and pick up a guide from the information desk if you would like to get involved or join a Network.
Today’s services 10.30am Lead: Preach:
ICF Morning Worship Jonathan Clark Vince Vitale
5.00pm Lead: Preach:
Evening Worship Jon Swales Jonathan Clark
7.30pm Lead: Preach:
Evening Worship Mark Powley Vince Vitale
10.30am Lead: Preach:
Community Church Ann McKenna-Page Christine Shepherd
Info EXPLORERS is the children’s church for 0 to 11s in the Church Centre. Fortnightly we meet in the Church first. Please collect children at 11.50am.
GIVING There is an opportunity to give during the service. If you intend to give regularly, please pick up Standing Order and Gift Aid forms in the foyer.
ROOTS is our 11-18s congregation. In the morning service, when prompted to leave, meet leaders in the foyer.
INDUCTION LOOP St George’s is fitted with an induction loop; please speak to a Steward for assistance.
PRAYER MINISTRY is offered during and after services at the front of church. If you would like to pray about anything, please ask one of our trained prayer ministers.
PASTORAL CARE We are seeking to be a community where everyone can be supported and cared for. We encourage you to ask for support, or get someone to ask on your behalf and we will respond as best we can.
REFRESHMENTS are served after services in the Community Room.
SERMONS are available online.
CHURCH FAMILY ITEMS NEXT SUNDAY Joel Edwards was the Director of the Evangelical Alliance and is now the International Director of Micah Challenge on which he’ll be speaking next Sunday at the 5pm service. WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP 12 noon, Wed 16 Nov, Church Centre Ann Weir will be the speaker ‘God in he wilderness’. You will be most welcome. IMPORTANT INFO: The Christmas Party will now take place on December 14, not 21.
BAPTISMS 4 DECEMBER We are having baptismal services soon. If you are interested in being baptised or would like more info, contact Janet.
HOSPITALITY AT ST GEORGE'S The offer of hospitality in our homes, whether for a meal or a coffee and chat, is highly appreciated by newcomers, ABBEY DASH especially those far from home. If you'd be Sun 20 Nov prepared to be a host from time to time, or Next Sunday is the Abbey Dash, please be would like to find out more about the aware of road closures in order to get here various ways you can offer hospitality, for the morning service and be able to please contact Stuart Roberts. park. Road closures from last year are up in the foyer. ROMANIA SHOEBOX APPEAL BRIDGE CAFE CHRISTMAS OUTREACH Last Christmas about 250 shoeboxes from 10-4pm, 26 Nov, Across the Bridge St George’s and almost 3000 from all over This will be a great opportunity to England made it to Romania to make lots promote the Christmas services at St of children happy. Leaflets are at the back George’s and hopefully share something of the church please take one. For more of the love of Jesus to those walking past details please contact Emi. church. Basing ourselves around the ‘bridge cafe’ serving tea, coffee and possible door knocking, we’ll need VISIT TO AUSCHWITZ volunteers. Contact Jon if you can help for Seven members of the church have a couple of hours or the whole day. recently returned from a four day trip to Auschwitz in the company of the Leeds Jewish community and with a local XCHANGE - THE PILGRIMAGE holocaust survivor. We found it an 7.30pm, Mon 28 Nov, Church Centre unforgettable experience. A further trip is Thank you to all those who prayed for us. being planned for the spring at £750 full We had an amazing and challenging week, board. If you are interested in joining to hear more about the trip join us at please let David Kibble know. Xchange in a few weeks time.
NEW WINE 2012 Sat 28 July - Fri 3 August 2012 Deadline for best price is 30 Nov! Come and join us for a camping holiday at New Wine! Why not do it as a Network? There are day or half week passes available. There are opportunities to be on team. For those who haven’t been before there is great teaching, bands, cafes, loads of fun and fantastic children’s groups. For more info ask the clergy who are setting up camp this year!
HOOK LECTURE 2011 7.30pm, Thu 17 Nov, Parish Church Baroness Mary Wanock is speaking on ‘The foundations of Mortality’. Admission free but a ticket is needed. See foyer for flyers.
CREATE 3-6pm, Sat 3 Dec, St Richard’s Seacroft A Christian Skills Workshop event for young people aged 11-15. The theme is Christmas Crafts and Christingle Service. MISSISON IN SIERRA LEONE £3.50 refreshments provided. Book on Can you help by donating goods or money with Judith Shalkowski or online. to a project in Sierra Leone? Mary Booth is 07759 470 199 going on a short term Mission Trip in Nov/ Dec to work with a drugs rehab project (something close to her heart.) A range of small items that the team can take out will bless the people and any small donations go towards the work with these vulnerable people. For more information on what goods would be helpful contact Mary. IRON SHARPENS IRON Sat 21 Jan, Manchester A day for men who want to make a difference. Hosted by CVM and New Wine, for a day of learning , inspiration, encouragement and friendship. £18 if booked before 22 Nov, £20 thereafter. CREATED GIFTS Catalogues are available from the Information Desk - please take one and pass it round family and friends. Ordering is very easy and online orders over £50 are P & P FREE! Advent and Christmas items will be available to buy at Church on November 13, 20 and 27 and December 4. Please support Tearfund and their trading partners this Christmas! DEADLINE FOR NOTICE SHEET is 12 noon Thursday
This week: 7 - 13 Nov 2011 Mon 14
Student Team Meeting
Wed 16
6.45 am 6.45 Leadership Course // Church Centre 12 noon Wednesday Fellowship // Church Centre 7.00 pm Alpha Week 6 // Church Centre
Thu 17
7.30 pm Breathe* // Church Centre
Fri 18 Sat 19 Sun 20
Roots Weekend Away// Church Centre 8.30 am Men’s Breakfast // Church Centre 9.00 am School of Theology // Church Centre Leeds Abbey Dash 10.30 am Holy Communion // Church 5.00 pm Evening Worship // Church 7.30 pm Evening Worship // Church
SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY: WISDOM 9.30-1, Sat 19 Nov, Church Centre Dr Graham Tomlin, author of The Prodigal Spirit and Spiritual Fitness, will be looking at the Wisdom writings of the Old Testament (Job, Proverbs, etc). This morning will feature a video of Graham’s highly recommended teaching with opportunity for discussion and Q & A with Brunel James, our guest theology teacher. Sign up at the back of church for this particular session, or for a Bible Track Pass which covers the whole 2011-12 programme.
CHRISTMAS SERVICES We have an eclectic blend of Christmas services ripe for you to bring your friends and family along to. Please pick up a flier with all the dates on and think about who you can invite. We’ll be needing a big team for all the events , our first recruitment is for the Contemporary Carols Services on Sun 27 Nov. Please sign up at the back of church, or contact the office if you can help. Thank you.
The office is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 4.00pm St George’s Church Office, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR T: 0113 243 8498 | E: Church Centre T: 0113 383 2140 | E:
contact us
How to get in touch