Sun 15 April 2018
Hello If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, please speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details pick up a Hello Card.
This Week @ St George’s Sunday 15 Apr:
St George’s Church: 10:30
Morning Worship
Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30
Cafe style service & meal
St George’s Church: 17:30 Student Teas 18:30 Evening Worship Monday 16 Apr: 18:00 English Classes Tuesday 17Apr: 10:00 St G’s Tots 13:00 Lighthouse Academy 17:30 Farsi Network 19:30 Student Network Wednesday 18 Apr: 13:00 Lighthouse Drop-in 19:30 iStudent Network Thursday 19 Apr: 19:30 Student Network Friday 20 Apr: 19:00 Roots Sunday 22 Apr: 10:30 Morning Worship 18:30 Evening Worship
Networks & Small Groups meet regularly during the week
ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING Wed 25 Apr, 7.30pm, Church
Worship, Vision, Finances & Prayer with elections for PCC CHURCHWARDENS Andy Eaves is standing down as Churchwarden at the ACM. Nick Bishop and Dianne Riley have indicated their willingness to stand for Election as Churchwardens. Ian Pickup has been nominated to stand for Deputy Churchwarden.
Other nominations for these posts are welcome. PCC There are 8 vacancies on the Council this time: 4 for 3 years , 3 for 2 years & 1 for 1 year. Please pray for and encourage people to stand, as we want to encourage wide representation on the Council.
Job descriptions and application forms are available
THY KINGDOM COME Fri 11 - Sun 20 May, Holy Trinity, Boar Lane A global, cross-denominational call to prayer. There are a range of evening events praying for Leeds and the world.
More details to follow next week.
JONATHAN WALKER Fri 20 Apr, 2.30pm, Leeds Minster Jonathan Walker's funeral will be held at Leeds Minster, St Peters House, Kirkgate. Doors will open at 2.00pm for a 2.30pm start. All are welcome to join us for this celebration of Jonny’s life. Dress as Jonny would, the more colour the better!
VACANCIES: YOUTH WORKER Deadline: 11 May St George’s is looking for someone with enthusiasm, skills and experience to lead our ministry to 11-18s. For more details visit
ROMANIA: CAKE SALE Today after morning service Cakes will be on sale to raise money towards the Romania, ‘Salt & Light’ Mission, in August. The mission team will be very grateful for all donations given.
OPS DIRECTOR Mon 16 April Pray for the Euden family as they settle in to life in Leeds, and for Martin as he prepares to start working with us.
Janet Gibson retires at the end of April after nearly 20 years as Church Administrator. If you would like to contribute towards a gift, please use one of the offering envelopes and mark it ‘Janet’s Farewell’ and put in WOMEN’S PAMPER the offering basket or hand it into the office during the week. EVENING Sat 12 May, 7.30-9.30pm, Centre Bring friends and join us for an free evening of pampering and relaxation. Bring Your Own Bubbly! For more details and to let us know you’re coming
Fri 20 - Sat 21 Apr, 7pm - 7pm, Living Hope Church A great opportunity to come together to pray: focusing on particular spheres and themes which are part of the life of our PRAYER ROOM city. For more details visit All are welcome to use our prayer room in Church. It is a quiet space where you can encounter God and intercede for the world. To book a slot and for more info
TABLE TALK Wed 18 Apr, 12noon, Centre Communion & Talk followed by lunch at 1.00pm. Guest speaker: John Hearson "A Novel Approach". To book please contact John Aldrick Tel:0113 266 1685
ADOPT A STUDENT Sun 29 Apr, 12:30 If you would like to open your home and share Sunday Lunch with one or more students please contact Jon Heasman
SHORT TERM MISSION If you are considering serving overseas in 2018 for any length of time, please contact our missions team as St George's has some funds available to support short-term mission projects overseas.
WALKING GROUP Sat 21 Apr, 10am New members welcome to join us. This month we follow an 11 mile route from Pocklington, through the Yorkshire Wolds. For details contact Alison
Pray this week for strength for the guys in the Growing Rooms, as temptations are all around them to start using
St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |