17 Mar Notice Sheet

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 Sunday 17th March 2013

Welcome If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, do speak to one of the Stewards in the foyer. Feel free to fill in a welcome card and pick up a guide from the welcome desk if you would like to get involved or join a Network.

Today’s Services 10.30am

Hearing God’s Voice Lead: Jon Swales Preach: John Walker


View From The Hill Lead: Joanna Pearson Preach: Mark Powley


Community Church Lead: Roy Foster Preach: Arja Copperwheat


Wrangthorn - Confirmations Preach: John Packer and Joanna Pearson

  EXPLORERS is the Children’s Network for 0-11s. Each week we begin in church before going to our groups in the Church Centre. Children need to be collected at 12.00 noon. ROOTS is our Network for 11-18s. We meet down in the Church Centre at 10.20am each Sunday morning and on Friday night from 7-9pm in the Church Centre. STUDENTS are an integral part of the community here and we run student networks during term time. See the network board in the foyer for details.

REFRESHMENTS are served after services in the Community Room. INDUCTION LOOP St George’s is fitted with an induction loop; please speak to a Steward for assistance. PASTORAL CARE We are seeking to be a community where everyone can be supported and cared for. We encourage you to ask for support, or get someone to ask on your behalf and we will respond as best we can.

GIVING There is an opportunity to give during the service. If you intend to give regularly, please pick up Standing Order and Gift Aid forms in the foyer. PRAYER MINISTRY is offered during and after services at the front of church. If you would like to pray about anything, please ask one of our trained prayer ministers. SERMONS are available online. Go to www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk.

  There will be activities for the children running throughout the Good Friday Service at 11am in the Church Centre, if parents wish to drop their children off before going to church. The children will be altogether in the LFR. More details will follow in an email this week.

jennifer.roberts@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 7.45 pm, Mon 18 Mar, Church Centre We are meeting for quiet, meditative prayer tomorrow evening. Newcomers welcome. For more info, please contact Elsie.


 Many thanks to all those who have responded to our Vision Appeal and helped us achieve an amazing result. There is a letter from Jonathan for you in the Foyer. If you have responded without filling out a Vision form, please let Janet know so that we can amend our details.

janet.gibson@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

  12.30pm, Sun 24 Mar, Centre If you have a heart for worship and can operate a computer, the St George’s Worship Ministry are looking for people to serve on the projection team for one Sunday each month (morning or evening). There will be a 45min info session after the morning service, please email Chris if you are interested.

chris.sayburn@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 A huge amount of very stylish attire has been sadly left here, and is keen to be reunited with its owners. Please check out the table by the bookstall even if you don’t recall losing anything!

  The Leeds coalition of agencies involved in the IF campaign are looking for help. If you could give some time to organise transport down to the demonstration in London on June 8th, contact Mark Powley.

mark.powley@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 We are looking for ladies with pampering or beauty treatment skills to help out with a women's ministry outreach event on 13 April. If you're skilled in massages, nail art or any other pampering, or if you're up for being taught a skill to serve with, please e-mail Lisa.

lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 Please speak to Che if you are interested in the mission trip from the 26th July to 4th August. The deadline for applications is today.


  28-30 June, The Jonas Centre We are pleased to announce that bookings are now being taken for the women's weekend away. Flyers can be found on the notice board in the church foyer, please return the slip to the office or a member of staff. We'd love to see you there, why not come along as a network or small group? Come along to meet women of all ages, worship, pray and receive teaching from Mary Clark.

lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

  7-9 June, Marrick Priory A group of Men from St G's are going to the Yorkshire Dales for a weekend of Sharing Life and Being Men, adventurous activities, challenging teaching and worship together. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Dave.

dave.sankey@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 9.30am-1pm, Sat 23 Mar, Church Centre Academy of Life this week will be looking at Pure Life. Faith Track will be a DVD session covering Resurrection and Ascension by Jane Williams. Come and join us for this morning of teaching and discussion hosted by Jon Swales, pastries on arrival, £8/4.


  Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it... and the LORD brought about a great victory. 2 Samuel 23:12 St George's Church Cricket Club are holding cricket nets at Headingley Indoor Centre on Wednesdays (9-10pm) and Fridays (8-9pm) until Easter. All welcome, even if you're rusty! Matches begin on 13th April, cost £4. Come and play cricket for Jesus! See the website or contact Tony for info.

stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/cricket sheppard.ad@hotmail.co.uk

 () 10-11pm, Tuesdays, Goals Soccer Centre, Kirkstall Friendly five-a-side football matches organised by guys from St. George's, cost £4. See the website, Facebook or contact Sam for more info.

stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/football sam.pecher@gmail.com

 A group of Leeds churches are working together to plant food banks around the city. They are in need of trustees who will lead and support the running of the initiative. People with strengths in finance, organisation and people skills will meet several times a year to release the volunteers to do their amazing work. For more info or to apply, please use the e-mail below.

leedsfoodbank@gmail.com 07821706026

 8.15pm, Wed 27 Mar, St Aidan’s Church, Roundhay Yorkshire choir Ecclesia with St Aidan’s Church Choir will be performing John Stainer’s “The Crucifixion”. Free admission with retiring collection. See the website for details.

   Fri 21-Sun 23 Jun, Derbyshire If you are studying for a masters or PhD while seeking to live out a Christian life, come and unwind in a beautiful setting and share your busy life with other students and young academics. This unique weekend features talks by experienced speakers, group discussion, outdoor leisure and worship time, all in fellowship with other Christians as we seek to integrate academic life with faith in Christ. Tickets for the weekend are £65 before 1 May. To learn more or register, please visit the website.


 For more info about Networks and events please visit:

www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/ networks reception@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk 0113 243 8498

www.ecclesiachoir.co.uk Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday

 Wed 20


Alpha // Church Centre

Thu 21


Morning Prayer Meeting // Church via Thoresby Place

Sun 23


School of Theology / Academy of Life // Church Centre

Sun 24

10.30am 6.30pm

Palm Sunday Service // Church Evening Worship // Church

 This year, six people are to be elected to the Church Council for a period of three years. Richard Smithells is stepping down as Churchwarden but both Lynne Fox and Philip Sykes are willing to stand again and David Kibble has indicated his willingness to stand. Please pray for the right people to be appointed to these offices - we want wide representation on the PCC so that the interests of the whole church can continue to be well served. Nomination forms are available on the Information Desk.

 The Electoral Roll is being completely revised this year which means that everyone needs to fill out a new form. People can join the Roll once they are over the age of 16 and are baptised; have regularly attended worship at the church for 6 months; are resident in the Parish; have completed the Electoral Roll form. Anyone on the Electoral Roll can stand for the Church Council and can vote at the Annual Church Meeting (on 24 April). Forms are now available in the foyer, please fill one in before the deadline - 7th April.

  The Church Office is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am & 4.00pm Church Centre St George’s Church Office, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR 0113 243 8498

A multi purpose venue for meetings, conferences and events. 0113 383 2140

reception@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk bookings@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.stgeorgescentreleeds.org.uk

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