18 September 2011

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Sunday 18 September 2011 Welcome

Today’s services

If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, do speak to one of the Stewards in the foyer. Feel free to fill in a welcome card and pick up a guide from the information desk if you would like to get involved or join a Network.


ICF Holy Communion

Lead: Preach:

Isaiah 4 Mark Powley Jon Swales


Evening Worship

Lead: Preach:

Isaiah 4 Joanna Pearson Jon Swales

Info EXPLORERS is the children’s church for 0 to 11s in the Church Centre. Fortnightly we meet in the Church first. Please collect children at 11.50am.

GIVING There is an opportunity to give during the service. If you intend to give regularly, please pick up Standing Order and Gift Aid forms in the foyer.

ROOTS is our 11-18s congregation. In the morning service, when prompted to leave, meet leaders in the foyer.

INDUCTION LOOP St George’s is fitted with an induction loop; please speak to a Steward for assistance.

PRAYER MINISTRY is offered during and after services at the front of church. If you would like to pray about anything, please ask one of our trained prayer ministers.

PASTORAL CARE We are seeking to be a community where everyone can be supported and cared for. We encourage you to ask for support, or get someone to ask on your behalf and we will respond as best we can.

REFRESHMENTS are served after services in the Community Room.

SERMONS are available online.

CHURCH FAMILY ITEMS 3 SERVICES START 10.30, 5.00, 7.30pm, Sun 25 Sept Next Sunday (25th) marks the start of this term’s 3 Sunday Services. Get it in your diary to avoid disappointment! THE QUIET PLACE GROUP, New Term 7.45pm, Mon 19 Sept, Church Centre This is a time for listening to God in a meditative and reflective way. We meet monthly on the 3rd Monday of each month. If you're not sure if this is for you then do come along and see what we do, or contact Elsie elsie2.haith@btinternet.com BRIDGE CAFE First Cafe: 11.30-2pm, Wed 21 Sept Every fortnight a small free cafe is set up just over the bridge from St G’s for us to meet the community, bless others, chat, pray, and be Jesus to them. There is a training and prayer session if you are interested in joining this team. Contact: Jon.Swales@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP 12 noon, 21 Sept, Church Centre This week Dave Sankey will speak on ‘My Walk With Jesus’. A warm welcome to all those 60+. SCIENCE/THEOLOGY/PHILOSOPHY 8pm, Tue 27 Sep, 6 Adel Pastures The group meet again this month. Eight hundred years ago Islam's was the only (scientific) game in town. Not so today. We need to ask why that is so, and what we can learn from this of relevance to our Christian faith? All enquiries to Paul Vinall. psvinall@btinternet.com

SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY The Bible Track will begin 1 October, consisting of 8 Saturday morning sessions 9.30am-1.00pm. Events will include teaching from guest speakers, worship and discussion over coffee and pastries. To register or for more information, visit www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/sot or contact the church office. sot@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk CALLING ALL 11-18s! If you want to be part of a community of teenagers who Love God, Love each other and Love the World, then Roots is for you! Every Friday 7-9pm term time, and cells throughout the week, including Sundays. Contact Rich or speak to a member of the youth team in the foyer this morning. Rich.Cawdron@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk PRAYER WARRIORS WANTED As part of Roots on a Friday night, SPACE is our group for young people aged 15-18 from the local community who have little previous experience of church. It would be great to have people committed, in their own time, to praying specifically for each young person. Updates and prayer requests would be sent out by email. Rich.Cawdron@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk THANKSGIVINGS & BAPTISMS Dates for this term are 2 and 30 October for Thanksgivings, 4 December for Baptisms. Contact Janet Gibson. Janet.Gibson@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

PARTY FOR ANN WEIR! 2-6pm, Sat 1 Oct Calling all those who have known Ann’s love and care, over the years, through her work with the children of St George's. Drop by to celebrate and reminisce over tea and cakes between 2 and 6pm. More details from Julia Thompson. thompsontowers@tiscali.co.uk

LOVE SERVING, LOVE SINGING? At present St George’s Worship Ministry (SGWM) Choir is particularly short of SOPRANO voices. Altos would also be welcome. The choir rehearses on Mondays from 7.45 to 10.00pm. If you feel you are able to sing please contact David on 0113 261 2679 for further information. david.jackson600@ntlworld.com

HARVEST: 2 OCTOBER This year, for our Harvest gifts, the Crypt would be especially grateful for donations of tinned meat, washing powder and sugar. Other tinned goods also welcome.

ENGLISH CLASSES - VOLUNTEERS We run weekly classes in the Church Centre and would love someone to wash up after the meal and another to be with any children who come - usually just a 10 year old. Monday evenings 5.45 to 7.30. stgeorges_englishclass@hotmail.co.uk

CRYPT MUSIC FESTIVAL 2-12pm, Sat 8 Oct, Holbeck The festival has a mix of 11 indie, rock and acoustic bands, 4 locally known DJ’s and two performing poets taking part. Flyers for further information are available on the information desk. The tickets are £5 available from the student team or Church Office. The event is open to anyone aged 15 or above.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Armley shop premises at 40-46 Town Street is now open! Please go along to grab a bargain and don’t forget to tell everyone about it. Volunteers are needed to help in the shop. If you would be interested in lending a hand, please contact the Crypt. Tara.Mcmillan@stgeorgescrypt.org.uk

THANK YOU!! Just to say a big thanks for your generous crafty contributions for family sewing workshops at Greenbelt this Summer. About 180 people joined in over the weekend, so the materials were well used.

LEEDS FAITH IN SCHOOLS VOLUNTEER 1-2pm Tuesdays, City of Leeds School Each Tuesday at City of Leeds school LFIS run a lunch time club. It's half an hour of hectic fun, games, chilling and a little talk on something with a God focus. It's fun, CAN YOU GIVE SOMEONE A LIFT FROM challenging, but really great! We need WOODHOUSE TO CHURCH? volunteers, especially guys. If you’re A mother from Syria and her young interested, contact Helen. daughter are looking for a lift to St helen@lfis.org George's on Sunday mornings. They live in 07545036342 Woodhouse. If you have space for them in your car please contact Jonathan Beatham DEADLINE FOR NOTICE SHEET on 0113 2611285. Thank you! is 12 noon Thursday jonathan.beatham@gmail.com reception@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

This week: 19-25 September 2011 Mon 19 Wed 21 Fri 23 Sun 25

7.30 pm PCC // Church Centre 11.30 am Bridge Cafe // Church 12 noon Wednesday Fellowship // Church Centre 7.00 pm Roots // Church Centre 3 SERVICES START 10.30 am Morning Worship // Church 5.00 pm Evening Worship // Church 7.30 pm Evening Worship // Church

DAY OF PRAYER & FASTING Wed 28 Sept, St George’s Church A day set aside for us as the community of St George’s to seek God and pray. There will be opportunities to gather together in prayer at 7am, 12.30pm and 7.30pm. How will you protect time on this day to listen to God?

ALPHA Launches Free curry and comedy night: Bring a friend along to hear a great comedian, an interview with the England and Leeds Rhinos star Jamie Jones-Buchanan and enjoy a curry. 7pm -9.30pm Wednesday 5 October Church Centre. The Final Score Sports Quiz: Monday 10 October. 7.30pm Premier Suite, Headingley Carnegie Stadium. Tickets cost £7.50 and are available from Hebbers. Course The course starts on Wed 12 Oct, an opportunity to explore who Jesus is and what that means for us. dan.hebden@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk joanna.pearson@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

The office is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 4.00pm St George’s Church Office, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR T: 0113 243 8498 | E: reception@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk Church Centre T: 0113 383 2140 | E: bookings@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk


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