Sun 19 Feb 2017
Hello If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details about St George’s pick up a Hello Card.
Vision Appeal Thank you to all those who have already responded and contributed to our appeal. If you haven’t made a pledge and wish to do so, there are some pledge cards available in the foyer. For more details
Today’s Services St George’s Church 10.30am One Family Lead: Mark Harlow Preach: Youth & Kids Team 6.30pm Evening Worship Lead: Katie Dowds Preach: Luke Briggs Wrangthorn 10.30am Altogether Lead: Jonathan Philpott Preach: Jonathan Philpott 5.00pm Evening Communion Lead: Beverley Sproats Preach: Che Seabourne Lighthouse 12.30pm St George’s Crypt Cafe-style Service, Testimony and meal
INTERNSHIP Closing Date: Wed 8 Mar St George’s Internship is a one-year programme that runs from September & is designed to equip people for life, work & leadership. It is an amazing opportunity to serve the church, grow as a disciple and discover more of God’s calling for your life. For more details visit
This Week Tue 21
Sun 26
10.30am Holy Communion
Sun 26
Network Celebration
3-4.30pm, Sun 5 Mar, Golden Acre Park As a church family we are going on an adventure! Join us for an afternoon stroll, bring a flask of hot chocolate and bread to feed the ducks. Everyone is welcome.
ASH WEDNESDAY 7.30pm, Wed 1 Mar, Church Join us as we mark the start of Lent with a reflective service. St Augustine’s, Wrangthorn will be joining us.
Prayer for the Crypt Please pray for the recovery project ‘The Growing Rooms’
Play & Pray
Our Next Church Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 28 Feb, Centre
St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |
8-9.30pm, Tues 21 Feb Room 3, Centre One of our Small Groups meets to pray (half-termly), for family members, who grew up in the Church family, but have since drifted from away from their faith and no longer come to Church. All are welcome to join them at their next meeting. For more details contact Debbie Whitehead
10.30am, Fri 3 Mar, St Anne's Cathedral, Leeds This service has been prepared by women from the Philippines and they hope to have some of the Philippino congregation taking part.
CHRISTIANS IN BUSINESS EVENT 7.30am, Fri 24 Feb, Bill’s Restaurant, LS1 6JL Christians in Business, Cinnamon Network and City Vision are working together to demonstrate unity in the business centre of Leeds. For further details contact
WELLSPRING TRAINING DAY 10am-3.30pm, Sat 4 Mar, Harrogate, HG3 2XU Two workshops run by Rev Gaynor Hammond. The aim of the day is to equip churches to meet the pastoral and spiritual needs of people with dementia, their carers and families. Cost £15 per session. For more details and to book, contact 01423 881 881
THE WISDOM HOUSE Wed 22 Mar, The Gateway Church, York, YO24 3BN Spend an evening with Rob Parsons on tour at The Wisdom House, ‘Because you don’t always have to do things the hard way’. Tickets, £6. To book visit wisdomhouselive
CHURCH SCIENTIFIC CAFE EVENT 7.30-9.30pm, Mon 27 Feb Blenheim Baptist Church Come and invite friends to this inside view of scientific research, exploring Christian perspectives. There will be talks with time for discussion over coffee. Free entry and refreshments. For more
HAYDN’S CREATION 7.30pm, Sat 4 Mar, Leeds Town Hall Performed by Leeds Festival Chorus, conductor Simon Wright. Tickets £16.50-£33.50 0113 376 0318
GATHER LEEDS 6-8pm, Thur 9 Mar, Centre Networking event: Mobilising Christians to engage in connected mission across different spheres in Leeds. A hot meal will be provided. For more details contact
MARK BROUGHT TO LIFE 7.30pm, Fri Feb 24 St Catherine’s Church, Wakefield, WF1 5HL A storyteller relates the account of a traveller experiencing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and is underscored by live music. Free entry and refreshments -mark-brought-life-wakefield
RESTORE EVENTS Local Churches changing nations. 7.30pm, Fri 10 Mar, Kings Church, Halifax, HX1 2TS Worship and testimonies by Becky Harcourt and Gill Hampton 1.30pm, Sat 11 Mar, The Gathering Place, Halifax, HX1 1YS Time of teaching, healing and ministry for those in need of emotional healing. For more details Deadline for Notice Sheet: 12 noon Thursday. Please email notices to