21 Dec Notice Sheet

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Sun 21 Dec 2014


Hello! If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved.

Today’s Services 10.30am Nativity Lead: Mark Harlow 6.30pm

Carol Service Lead: Jonathan Clark and Joanna Seabourne

10.30am Wrangthorn Christingle Lead: Hannah Sansome

  The church office will close from 22 - 28 December. There will be reduced hours from 29 December until 2 January. For pastoral emergencies, please ring 0113 380 0835 and leave a message. This number will be monitored regularly. Thank you and Merry Christmas from all the office staff!

Thursday 25 December, 9am for a 10am start Please arrive at 9am as we gather to celebrate Christmas day! There will be activities for children as they get dressed up to play their part in the service. We will then be live on BBC1 from 10am, as Jonathan and Joanna lead us with lots of carols to sing and stories from folk at St George’s. Cameras will switch off at 11am, but we will briefly continue to celebrate with tea and cake served after the service. www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/christmas

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Thank you so much to all those who generously donated money to buy Farsi Bibles - we collected enough money to buy 50! This means that there will be spare copies to give to new Farsi Group members in the future - a huge blessing.

12noon and 3.30pm, Wed 24 Dec, Church If you’d like to see a preview of the Christmas Day service, support those who are taking part and get a behind-the-scenes look at the way the BBC prepare for programmes, please feel free to come along on Christmas Eve. The full rehearsals will take place at the times above and last one hour but please do drop in or leave at any time.

  Jonathan and Mary became grandparents on Thursday! Their son Ed and his wife Kate have had a baby girl called Isobel.

Please pray for joy and peace for all clients and staff over the Christmas period.

This Week Thu 25 9am

BBC Christmas Day

Sun 28 10.30am Holy Communion

Prayer for the Crypt

Church Church

Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday


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7-9.15pm, Wed 14 Jan – Wed 4 Mar, Centre Attend: If you have questions about life and faith then come along to this free 8 week course. Each week we share a meal, listen to a short talk on an aspect of the Christian faith and have discussion around tables. Invite: Know someone who might be interested in coming? Please take a flyer from the foyer and invite them! Serve: We need serving team and table leaders. Volunteers are vital for us to run Alpha and we’d love you to be involved. Training included for table leaders. For info please contact Lisa.

7.30pm, Tue 20 Jan, Church Let’s Talk About Porn is a free seminar tackling the tricky issues of porn, pastoral care and parenting in a relaxed, fun and encouraging environment. Book online, or contact Lottie for info.

lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 St George’s are in great need of people to welcome newcomers to church. This is an ideal job for anyone who enjoys chatting to people and can serve with a smile on Sundays - once a month arriving half an hour before the service and being on hand afterwards is all we ask! For the morning team, please contact Andy. For the evening team, please contact Lisa.

andy.eaves@ntlworld.com lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 In this season of extra postage, please remember the used stamps box near the bookstall. They need a 1/4 inch border and are gratefully received by St Leonard’s Hospice in York.

letstalkaboutpornroadshow leeds.eventbrite.co.uk lottie.jones@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 2-4pm, Sat 31 Jan, Centre Invite your friends and join us as we gather to hear and celebrate testimonies of God at work in the lives of women in our church. Speaker: Naomi Roberts. If you could bake, please get in touch!

lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 Sat 24 Jan/7 Feb, Centre There is a Marriage Prep course for those getting married here or elsewhere in 2015. Please contact Janet for details.

janet.gibson@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

  We are planning to take 32 of our 7-11 year olds on a weekend away in February, however, some of the kids cannot afford to go. We hope this will be an amazing time for the kids to meet with God and strengthen their faith. If you would like to donate money to ensure they can all go, please email Jenni.

jenni.merrett@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

A group of people from St G's pray in confidence for any given situation. If you have anything requiring prayer, please email.

prayernet@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 If you are on a Sunday rota, please e-mail your availability to your team leader. Thank you for your continued service in blessing the congregation!

  No experience needed, the team will meet on Tuesday evenings, monthly to begin with. Our first game will be at Weetwood in Jan 2015. Email Cat for info.


 6pm, Sat 24 Jan, St Chad’s Church, Far Headingley We would like to invite you to join us for food and a Ceilidh with proceeds going to the Crypt and Mind. Tickets available for £20 from Clare or Alison Oldfield, Lindsey Pallant or Laura Proctor.

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