21 Oct Notice Sheet

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Sun 21 Oct 2018

This Week @ St George’s Sunday 21 Oct

St George’s Church 10:30 17:30 18:30 20:00

All Age Holy Communion Student Teas Evening Worship Focus group for city centre workers

Hello and welcome, especially if this is your first time at St George’s. We’d love to meet you and give you a welcome pack. Do come and say hello at the back of church, and stay for a chat if you can.

Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30

Cafe style service and meal Monday 22 Oct 18:00 English Classes Tuesday 23 Oct 10:00 St G’s Tots 13:30 Lighthouse Academy 17:30 Farsi Network Wednesday 24 Oct 13:00 Lighthouse Drop-In Thursday 25 Oct 19:30 Student & International Student Networks Friday 26 Oct 19:00 Roots Sunday 28 Oct 10:30 Harvest + Infant Thanksgiving 17:30 Student Teas 18:30 Holy Communion + Harvest

Networks & Small Groups meet regularly during the week

Alpha has started, but it’s not to late to join in. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. For more details please email


Our Next Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 30 Oct, St George’s Centre A chance to pray for our church our city and our world

St George's Church, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 | hello@stgs.org.uk



Sun 28 Oct This year we are collecting washing powder and Dettol anti-bac laundry cleanser for St George's Crypt. We will also be donating the morning collection towards the purchase of a new commercial washing machine. Please bring your donations to the 10:30 or 18:30 services on the 28th.

Sun 21 Oct, 3-4.30pm Church families are welcome to join us for a stroll around Golden Acre Park this afternoon. For info about meeting point:


Sat 3 Nov, 10am, St George’s Centre Come and pray for the upcoming launch of the Sports Ministry at our church, as we seek to ‘go and make disciples’ in the world of sport. Including brunch. Feel free to join us at the Woodhouse Moor Park Run beforehand.

Tues 6 Nov, 7.30pm St George’s Centre Come and find out more about becoming a Crypt Angel at this presentation evening.

rosie.smith@stgs.org.uk Or see details at:



WEDDING NEWS Sat 27 Oct, 1pm Kevin and Pauline Rhodes would love to invite members of the congregation to their daughter Liz’s wedding to Adam Wells.

ROMANIA SHOEBOX APPEAL Sun 18 Nov Help put a smile on the faces of deprived Romanian children this Christmas by filling shoeboxes with suitable gifts. Pick up a leaflet from the foyer for more info and to complete your box. Bring your filled shoebox to church on or before Sun 18 Nov.


Wed 31 Oct, 4.30-6pm, St George’s Church Music // Fun // Food // Glow Sticks All 4-11s are welcome, and there will be an optional parent cafe. Invite your friends and sign up at


Sat 10 & Sun 11 Nov, St George’s Church

ART EXHIBITION Sat, 10am-4pm Sun, 12-3pm Come and see art inspired by the lives of the soldiers from our parish in WW1. There will be art, poetry, song and a quiet reflective area, as well as pieces created by artists from the congregation, inspired by individual soldiers’ stories.

SERVICE Sun, 10.30am

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