Sun 24 Aug 2014
If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved.
10am-12noon, Sat 13 Sept, Centre If you’ve joined St G’s in the last six months or are looking to join, you are warmly invited to our Welcome Morning. Find out more about the church, ask questions and meet others who are new over tea, coffee and pastries. We’ll be sharing about our values, Networks and ways you can get involved .
Today’s Services 10.30am Morning Worship Lead: Lottie Jones Preach: Mark Harlow 6.30pm
Evening Worship Lead: Joanna Seabourne Preach: Chris Sayburn
7.30-9.30pm, fortnightly from Wed 10 Sept, Centre We encourage all members of St G's to engage with this 7 week course. To come along as an individual or with your Small Group/Network, register with Lisa Woodlock. Flyers in foyer..
10.30am Wrangthorn Lead: Joanna Seabourne Preach: Andreenah
Prayer for the Crypt Please pray for the staff of the Crypt. Some are not very well, so please pray for healing. Others are on holiday. Please pray for a time of rest and that they all come back refreshed.
Many congratulations to Dan and Emily Tyler on the birth of their daughter Alexis Joy Elsie Tyler.
This Week Mon 25
Bank Holiday
Church Closed
Wed 27 11am
Bridge Cafe
Meet in Church
Thu 28
New Interns Start
Sun 31 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening Worship
Church Church
Children/Youth Groups Starting Sun 7 Sept Network Leaders Meeting Mon 8 Sept Academy of Life Express Starting Wed 10 Sept Welcome Event Sat 13 Sept Whole Church Prayer Gathering Wed 17 Sept International Student Welcome Sun 21 Sept Walking Weekend Sat 20 - Sun 21 Sept Women’s Event Sat 27 Sept Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday
7pm, 8 Oct - 26 Nov, Centre The Alpha Course is a great way to explore the big questions of life. Our next course begins in October and runs for 8 weeks. Can you help? We need table leaders to aid discussions and volunteers to help with set up/ serving. If you are interested please email Lisa.
If you are on a rota for one of our serving teams, please e-mail your team leader with availability from Sept - Dec.
Kim, who has worked on the admin team for 7 years, is leaving this month. If you’d like to give a gift please put it in an envelope in the offertory bag.
St George’s Church website will be changing soon. If you regularly attend, please ensure your login and contact details are up to date so that they can be transferred to the new website. You can also create a new login online. If you’d like to sign up for e-mails of the Notice Sheet or St G’s LIFE, please subscribe to our mailing list on the home page.
The notice board in the Community Room has been moved to the Bookstall area. This is where you will find details of external events and property adverts.
City centre off street private car park spaces available for £125 per month. Please contact Christine at Leeds Christian Community Trust. 350 8622
Sat 27 Sept, Scargill House The Moortown small group is organising a Quiet Day - a chance to take time out with God for prayer, quiet reflection and spiritual refreshment, in beautiful surroundings. For more information or to book a place, please contact Andy.
Faith Lodge supports men recovering from addiction and is looking for mature, male Christians who would be prepared to meet with the men. If you are interested, please contact Chris Baxfield
A family of 5 from Derbyshire have been in contact asking for help. Their eldest son, Taylor, has a degenerative condition and is in a wheelchair. His parents have been offered the chance for him to have pioneering life-changing surgery in Leeds. Sadly the hospital is unable to offer accommodation in the recovery period and for the next month after surgery when Taylor will need intensive physiotherapy. They are paying for his treatment which will not be provided by the NHS, and are having trouble finding accommodation that will take them as a family that they can afford. If anyone is able to help, please contact reception.
Graeme Collins and Hazel Radcliffe, South Africa Graeme and Hazel are taking part in a mission near Durban from 10-27 August. The team, including young people from Horsforth School, will help an orphaned children's charity called Sethani. running a holiday club, building and home visiting. Please pray for safety and awareness of God's leading as they step out in faith. Clare Oldfield, Cambodia Claire is going with members of Riverside from 17-31 August. Please pray for good travel and for the projects they will be visiting. Julie Collins, Louise Mann, the Swales family - Treginnis The Swales family with Julie and Louise are leading on a Falcon Camp for 8-11s from 23 - 28 Aug . Pray for protection on journeys and for good loving relationships.