Sunday 25 March 2012 Welcome
Today’s services
If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, do speak to one of the Stewards in the foyer. Feel free to fill in a welcome card and pick up a guide from the information desk if you would like to get involved or join a Network.
St George’s Church 10.30am Less Stuff, More Life #5 Lead Jon Swales Preach Mark Powley 6.30pm Less Stuff, More Life #5 Lead Joanna Pearson Preach Mark Powley
Info EXPLORERS is the Children’s Network for 0-11s. Each week we begin in church before going to our groups in the Church Centre. Children need to be collected at 12.00 noon. ROOTS is our Network for 11-18s. We meet down in the Church Centre at 10.20am each Sunday morning. STUDENTS are an integral part of the community here and we host a student network every Thursday night at 7:30 during term time. PRAYER MINISTRY is offered during and after services at the front of church. If you would like to pray about anything, please ask one of our trained prayer ministers.
10.30am Lead Preach
Community Church Sue Smith Beca Brook
10.30am Preach
Wrangthorn Joanna Pearson
REFRESHMENTS are served after the services in the Community Room. GIVING There is an opportunity to give during the service. If you intend to give regularly, please pick up Standing Order and Gift Aid forms in the foyer. INDUCTION LOOP St George’s is fitted with an induction loop; please speak to a Steward for assistance. PASTORAL CARE We are seeking to be a community where everyone can be supported and cared for. We encourage you to ask for support, or get someone to ask on your behalf and we will respond as best we can. SERMONS are available online. Go to
BAPTISMS Our next baptism service is on Easter Sunday 8 April. If you would like to discuss being baptised please speak to a member of the clergy.
PROPS NEEDED FOR HOLIDAY CLUB We are planning games and set design for Holiday Club and are in need of some props. If you have any of these or similar that you could lend/donate please contact Izzy before 1st April Flags from any country Bike wheels Bike helmets Normal/Mini basketball hoops (freestanding is best) Basketball shirts Small Gym mats/yoga mats Small portable football goal Football shirts Paddling pool Old running trainers/gear CHAMPIONS HOLIDAY CLUB 3-5 Apr, (training 2 Apr), St George’s We need as many people as possible to volunteer at Holiday Club this year. It doesn't matter if you're not available on the day, or even if children's work isn't your thing - you can help us with planning, set design, refreshments or any other area you have a gift in! Get in touch with Ben/ Emi/Jenny, or sign up online. SCIENCE/THEOLOGY/PHILOSOPHY 8pm, 26 March, 6 Adel Pasture LS16 DVD lecture from Tom Wright ‘Can a Scientist believe in the Resurrection?’.
PCC NOMINATIONS New PCC and Diocesan Synod members are needed. Please consider serving in this role or nominating someone before the ACM. If you need further information, please discuss with the clergy or Churchwardens.
ROOTS EASTER EVE SLEEPOVER 7pm, Sat 7—Sun 8 April An exciting evening starting in the church centre followed by a sleepover in church and breakfast before the Easter Sunday morning service. Contact Rich to sign up. SHARE LIFE, JOIN A TEAM! Over three hundred wonderful people volunteer on teams to help make church happen on a Sunday, from welcomers to worship leaders, prayer ministers to projectionists. Joining a team is a great way to get to know folk at St G’s, especially if you are new, to grow as a Christian and to serve in God’s kingdom. If you would like to speak to someone about where you could fit in do get in touch, we would love to hear from you. 0113 2438498
ABBEY GRANGE PRAYER WEEK 27-29 March We're partnering with Leeds Faith in Schools to run a week of prayer in Abbey Grange School, including lessons and a dedicated prayer room. A great week to focus on praying for the school.
SHORT TERM MISSION IN ISRAEL / PALESTINE 3.15pm, 22 April, Church Centre Following our Pick and Mix sessions a number of people have enquired about the possibility of short term mission projects in the Israel / Palestine area. We will be holding a meeting to explore together what possibilities might be open. If you are interested could you please e-mail David Kibble by 13 April.
SUNDAY ROTAS We are currently working on the rotas for the summer term, if you have any availability requests please get in touch by Monday 16 April. Many thanks. MOTIVATION IN BUSINESS 30 Mar - 1 Apr, Ridley Hall Cambridge The conference will offer a varied and stimulating palette of input from key speakers and prayerful worship. CHURCH CENTRE ART WORK If you are interested in creating some art work for the centre, could you please THE MARRIAGE COURSE submit a small sample of what you intend From Wednesday the 2nd of May we're to produce on a full scale. Please send your running 'The Marriage Course" (7 sessions sample by Sun 25 Mar. The Church Centre with a break for half term). Come along for Management Committee will look at what coffee and desert and a fabulous chance to has been offered and a decision will be MOT your relationship. made. We are willing to cover all costs for the art materials. Graeme Collins. THE MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE ST GEORGE’S CRYPT CONCERT If you’re getting married this year, please 7:30pm, Sat 21 April, Church join us for "The Marriage Preparation The Band of The Yorkshire Volunteers will Course" for 5 weeks from the 2nd of May. be holding a concert in aid of St George’s Crypt. Tickets £7 (conc £5) available from the Crypt FUSION CHARITY GOLF DAY 0113 245 9061 22nd May – Fulford Golf Club –York DEADLINE FOR NOTICE SHEET There is one space left on the St George’s is 12 noon Thursday team for the fusion charity golf day. Contact Jonathan for more details
This week: 26 Mar - 1 April 2012 Wed 28 Fri 30
7pm Alpha #8 // Church Centre 9.30-11am Mums Alpha #7 // Church Centre 7pm Roots // Church Centre
Sat 31 Sun 1
7pm Stewards Meal // Church Centre 10.20am Roots // Church Centre 10.30am Palm Sunday // Church 6.30pm Evening Worship // Church
ELECTORAL ROLL Will be open for review from 11 March to 8 April inclusive. People can join the Roll if they are: baptised; aged 16 or over; resident in the Parish; regularly attended worship at St G’s or Community Church during the last six months; have signed an application form for enrolment. Members of the Electoral Roll will have a vote at the Annual Church Meeting and will be eligible for nomination to the office of Churchwarden or to the Parochial Church Council. The Annual Church Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 April. Please fill out a form from the notice board in the foyer if you would like to join the roll.
ROMANIA MISSION TRIP 2012 Application forms are now available in the foyer for the mission trip. The deadline is 14 April and the first planning meeting is 22 April. Please keep a look out for the Talent Night/3 Peaks/International Meal and Movie night fundraising events happening soon. Contact Maureen if you have a talent (good or bad) or would like to be involved in any way with these events. It’s always a lot of fun. We are particularly looking for musicians who can lead from the front to help with services (a subsidy will be available if finances are a problem).
The office is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 4.00pm St George’s Church Office, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR T: 0113 243 8498 | E: Church Centre T: 0113 383 2140 | E:
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