26 Mar Notice Sheet

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Sun 26 Mar 2017



If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details about St George’s pick up a Hello Card.

Sun 12 Mar - Sun 9 Apr The Electoral Roll is now open! Putting your name on the roll is a way of saying “I belong”; it is an act of commitment to St George’s and the wider Church. Those on the Electoral Roll can vote at the ACM and stand for the offices of Churchwarden, PCC & General Synod.

Today’s Services St George’s Church 10.30am Holy Communion Lead: John & Michele Walker Preach: Mark Powley 6.30pm Evening Worship Lead: Luke Briggs Preach: Dan Tyler Wrangthorn 10.30am Holy Communion Lead: Beverley Sproats Preach: John Hebden 5.00pm Evening Worship Lead: John Hebden Preach: Beverley Sproats Lighthouse 12.30pm St George’s Crypt Cafe-style Service, Testimony and meal Prayer for the Crypt Please pray for our Waitrose food drive this weekend

Forms are available in the foyer.

STG’S MUDDY PUDDLE WALK: REPUDDLED Sun 2 Apr, 3 - 4:30pm, Golden Acre Park Due to the washout a couple of weeks ago the Muddy Puddle walk had to be postponed. But fear not! The ducks have waited patiently. Join us for an afternoon stroll. We’ll be meeting by the tunnel in the main car park and to keep up-to-date with the latest weather forecast, visit the St G’s Facebook page.


This Week Tue 28


Play & Pray

Sun 2

10.30am Morning Worship


Sun 2



Evening Worship


EASTER EVENTS Palm Sunday Sun 9 Apr, 10.30am & 6.30pm, Church Maundy Thursday Thur 13 Apr, 7.30pm, St Augustine's Wrangthorn Good Friday Fri 14 Apr, 10.30am, Church Leeds City Centre Churches Gathering Fri 14 Apr, 1pm, Lands Lane StG's Eggstravaganza Sat 15 Apr, 1pm- 4pm, Church Easter Egg hunt, games, crafts and more! Start at the church and meet back at 3pm for prizes. Easter Sunday Sun 16 Apr, 10.30am & 6.30pm, Church

Our Next Church Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 28 Mar, Centre

St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 | reception@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

RECTOR VACANCY UPDATE Thank you for your prayers for the Rector interviews. An announcement will be made in due course.

ST G’S CRICKET CLUB 9-10pm, Wednesdays, Headingley Cricket Club St George’s cricket club are celebrating 40 years with a special anniversary match on 3 June. Before the new season starts there are indoor nets at Headingley every Wednesday night 9-10pm from now until end of April. New players are not only welcome but needed! Contact Tony Sheppard or Dan Tyler for more details


WEDDING INVITATION 1pm, Sat 8 Apr, Church James Birkbeck and Abigail Smith warmly invite members of the congregation to join them for their marriage service.

ACM 7.30pm, Wed 26 April, Church Current Vacancies: Churchwarden: Lindsey Pallant is stepping down after 3 years of unstinting service for which we give thanks. Andy Eaves and Nick Bishop are willing to stand as Churchwardens and Dianne Riley has been nominated as Deputy Warden. PCC: 3 vacancies – two of the posts will also serve on Deanery Synod. Those considering standing for any of these posts must be on the Electoral Roll.

EXTRA TIME WEEKEND 15-17 Sept, Wydale Hall Speakers: The Rt Revd Graham Cray and Revd Jackie Cray. There are a few places left for this weekend. If you are interested contact John Aldrick

0113 2661685/07900338215

QUIZ NIGHT MAKE-OVER PARTY Sat 8 Apr The churchwardens are looking for volunteers to help with updating the Vicarage, including stripping wallpaper. If you can help, bring any useful tools with you on the day and contact

andy.eaves@ntlworld.com Deadline for Notice Sheet: 12 noon Thursday. Please email notices to reception@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

7.30pm, Sat 6 May, Centre St George’s Crypt is holding a Quiz Night. Tickets £10 pp which includes a light supper. Teams of 4-8 max. Licensed bar, raffle and spot prizes. For more details or to book tickets, please contact the fundraising department

0113 245 9061 fundraising1@ stgeorgescrypt.org.uk

VACANCY HOUSEKEEPER 30 hours/week An opportunity to join St George's staff team as Housekeeper for the Church and Centre. Job description and application form from Janet Gibson

janet.gibson@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

NEW WINE INSPIRE Fri 18-Tue 22 August, Thirsk This New Wine local event is all about the family of God gathering together, sharing & worshipping Jesus. For more details and to book tickets (earlybird £95 before 31 Mar)

new-wine.org/events/ inspire-2017

CHURCH SCIENTIFIC CAFÉ 7.15-9.30pm, Mon 27 Mar Have you ever suspected that Christianity could make better scientists? There will be time for discussion over coffee after each talk. All welcome, entry and refreshments are free.

LEEDS CITY CENTRE CHURCHES 1pm, Fri 14 Apr, Lands Lane Churches from across the city will gather together on Good Friday to honour Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. All are welcome. For more information

0113 242 5254

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