Sunday 27th October 2013
Welcome If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, do speak to one of the Stewards in the foyer. Feel free to fill in a welcome card and pick up a guide from the welcome desk if you would like to get involved or join a Network.
Today’s Services 10.30am Pick & Mix Lead: Jon Swales 6.30pm
Uncover (HC) Lead: Mark Powley Preach: Dan Tyler
10.30am Community Church Lead: Sue Smith Preach: Barry Smith 10.30am Wrangthorn Lead: Bob Powley Preach: Jimmy Lawrence
EXPLORERS is the Children’s Network for 0-11s. Each week we begin in church before going to our groups in the Church Centre. Children need to be collected at 12.00 noon. ROOTS is our Network for 11-18s. We meet down in the Church Centre at 10.20am each Sunday morning and on Friday night from 7-9pm in the Church Centre. STUDENTS are an integral part of the community here and we run student networks during term time. See the network board in the foyer for details.
REFRESHMENTS are served after services in the Community Room. INDUCTION LOOP St George’s is fitted with an induction loop; please speak to a Steward for assistance. PASTORAL CARE We are seeking to be a community where everyone can be supported and cared for. We encourage you to ask for support, or get someone to ask on your behalf and we will respond as best we can.
GIVING There is an opportunity to give during the service. If you intend to give regularly, please pick up Standing Order and Gift Aid forms in the foyer. PRAYER MINISTRY is offered during and after services at the front of church. If you would like to pray about anything, please ask one of our trained prayer ministers. SERMONS are available online. Go to
Paul Vinall’s thanksgiving service will take place on Monday at 2pm. Tea and cake will be served afterwards in the Church Centre. If you would like to make a gift in Paul's memory, there will be a retiring collection for "The Barnabas Fund", which supports persecuted Christians worldwide.
Please start saving your shoeboxes for our appeal. Information is available in the leaflet which can be found in the foyer. We would like to send as many gifts as possible to children who have little in Hunedoara, Romania.
St George’s are looking to fill this voluntary position of volunteer coordinator. The candidate must be organised, empathetic, personable and a competent communicator. The role involves supporting the ministry leaders and admin team in recruiting volunteers and helping them to connect to the right serving opportunities. If you are interested, please e-mail Dave.
10am-4pm, Sat 2 Nov, Adel Old Stables The current Alpha course is well underway, and will be going offsite for a day next weekend. If you have been on an Alpha course before and were unable to attend the day away you are most welcome to join us. Please contact Lisa for more info.
We are in need of some older, wiser people to mentor some of our students! If anyone is interested, please e-mail our student team.
3pm, Sun 10 Nov, Church A small service will be held at St George’s for all those who want to give thanks for the life of a loved one. All welcome.
Mon 2 Dec, Doddington Hall Join us for a Christmas meal and private tour of the intriguing Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire. A £10 deposit will be needed by Sun 3 Nov if you would like to come. Please contact David, or sign up in the foyer. 0113 261 2679
Baptisms will be taking place at St George’s in December. If you’re thinking about getting baptised, please speak to a member of clergy or contact the office.
7-9pm, Thur 31 Oct, Wrangthorn Church St Augustine’s Wrangthorn Church are putting on an event called "Light in the Darkness", open to anyone to light a candle and celebrate Jesus' light in the midst of darkness. There will be worship, interactive prayer and a cafe; feel free to drop in at any point in the evening. For more info contact Jimmy.
7.30pm , Mon 18 Nov, Centre This event is to support Christians in adoption and fostering. The church can make a difference to vulnerable children's lives. If you are interested or involved in fostering and adoption and would like to know how the church can provide support, pick up a leaflet at the back of church or contact Ruth Thomas.
In October 2014 the church is running a pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine. We'll be visiting Nazareth, Galilee, Capernaum, Bethlehem, Qumran and Jerusalem. Bookings need to be made by December. Please contact David Kibble for a brochure or for further details.
9.30am-4.30pm, Sat 23 Nov, Bilton Centre, Harrogate This event is hosted by Wellspring Therapy and training to discover the links between physical and emotional experiences of food and eating. The cost is £60 for the day, exploring the way we view food and applying it to daily/professional life. Please email for a registration form.
Naomi Roberts has recently set up a project called Friday's Child. It aims 'to empower teenage girls who are, have been or could be pregnant in LS12 and beyond, by raising their self-esteem’. To find out more or to support Friday's Child through prayer or financial giving please email Naomi.
This charity are looking to recruit a Fundraiser to join the team that serves 2,000 children across inner city Leeds. The role would be a 2 year contract for 19 hours per week, beginning on 3 Dec. Salary dependent upon experience and qualifications. To express an interest, please contact Owen before Fri 15 Nov.
For more info about Networks and events please visit: networks 50+ Network Event Meet the Guest Speaker
12.15pm, Sunday 3 Nov, Centre The 50+ Network are hosting a bring and share lunch to be attended by Roger Simpson. This is to give Roger the opportunity to expand on his sermon and for us to discuss the future aims of our Network. All are welcome.
reception@ 0113 243 8498
This interactive theatre experience starts in just under a month, and Left Bank are looking for help, particularly backstage. Please visit the website to learn more and book tickets, or e-mail to offer help.
We are in need of more volunteers for our Sunday services. There are many teams to get involved with - serving together brings fellowship and involves a good balance of work and fun! Most roles only require one Sunday a month, and it’s easy to sign up - just contact the office.
Please pray for our members of staff this week. Some are recovering from operations, some are ill, some are dealing with a bereavement. Please pray for strength and healing for them at one of our busiest times of the year. We thank God for the support from our volunteers.
reception@ Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday
Tue 29
Pray & Play // Centre
Wed 30
Alpha // Church Centre
Thu 31
Prayer Meeting // Church via Thoresby Place
Sun 3
10.30am 5.30pm 6.30pm
Morning Worship // Church Student Teas // Centre Evening Worship // Church
Building Faith | Equipping for Life 2013-2014 9.30am, Sat 9 Nov, Church Centre The School of Theology is open to all and includes options for concessions and free passes, Season Pass £40/20, Pay-per-Session £8/4. Academy of Life, Joanna Pearson It's not too late to join this year's Academy of Life, our discipleship programme, come along to try it out, or to pick up sessions you may have missed if you have done part of AoL already. This month we will be discovering Full Life, how to be filled, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Bible Overview, Peter Walker (DVD) Explore the six acts of the Bible to understand the development of the Kingdom of God.
The Church Office is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am & 4.00pm Church Centre St George’s Church Office, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR 0113 243 8498
A multi purpose venue for meetings, conferences and events. 0113 383 2140