St George’s: Sharing life Loving Leeds
Day of Prayer and Fasting 28 Sept 2011
Father God, you’ve placed us in Leeds to share life together and love this great city. Give us everything we need to pursue this vision, and let your kingdom come. Amen.
Prayer is part of our daily meeting with God and yet there is something special when the whole community is able to come together to intercede. Think about how you’re going to set time aside during this day to pray and listen to God. There are a number of opportunities through the day for us to gather to pray: 7am, 12.30 and 7.30pm. If you can’t get to any of these then set aside some time in your day to meet with God, take time to reflect on the scriptures, to present your requests and to listen to what God may want to say to the whole family of St George’s through you. Why Fast? Jesus said to his disciples ‘When you fast....’ so it seems that he had an expectation that fasting, (the abstaining from food for a period of time), was something that his disciples would do. Fasting is doing without things in order to focus more on God. Fasting reminds us that we are sustained ‘by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. In experiences of fasting we are not so much abstaining from food as we are feasting on the word of God. Fasting helps us reorientate—how easily we begin to allow nonessentials to take precedence in our lives. How quickly we crave things we do not need. Practicalities: Be sensible - it takes time to build up to being able to do a complete fast from all food for twenty four hours. Do not fast if you are unwell, have an eating disorder or are taking medication; if in doubt consult your GP. You could miss one meal and use the time you would have taken to prepare the meal to pray. It may be that rather than food God is asking you to fast from media for the day - can you go a whole day without switching on the TV, using Facebook or using your mobile phone? Creating space in your day to pray, and silence to listen, is a key part of fasting.
LISTENING What is God saying to the Church?
Our Vision of Sharing Life, Loving Leeds is going to be worked out through Networks. 1 - Pray that people will commit to joining a Network 2 - Pray that people will really commit to Network life Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:1-2
Take time to listen to God and as he speaks make note of what you feel he is saying and either bring it with you to the evening gathering or drop it into the Church office at any time. I heard God say:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, PRESENT YOUR REQUESTS TO GOD Philippians 4:6
REQUESTS for God to work and extend his kingdom: RIVERSIDE CHURCH For clear God-given vision and unity- for James Barnett For a missional way of life that draws people to Jesus For a successful launch of Sunday worship at the Royal Armouries
WRANGTHORN For St George’s to make the right alliances as we look to Love Leeds For God to bless the parish of Wrangthorn (Hyde Park) For God to reveal if and how we can work together
EVERYTHING ELSE Alpha: launches, and courses starting across the city Welcome: that we would be a place of welcome for all ages and all nations. School Of Theology: guest speakers, clarity and relevant life application Planning of Christmas services/gospel events, and all the opportunities they bring Spiritual Protection: we are always in a battle- pray for unity