Sun 29 July 2018
Hello If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, please speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details pick up a Hello Card.
Our Next Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 31 July, St G’s Centre
This Week @ St George’s Sunday 29 July
St George’s Church: 10:30
Holy Communion
A chance to pray for our church, our city and our world. This time we will be focussing on issues surrounding mental health, the NHS and Lighthouse.
Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30
Cafe style service & meal
St George’s Church: 18:30 Evening Worship Tuesday 31 July 17:30 Farsi Network Thursday 2 Aug 19:30 iStudent Network Sunday 5 Aug 10:30 All Age Worship 18:30 Holy Communion
LIGHTHOUSE Lighthouse will be taking a break over August and will resume on Sunday 2 and Wednesday 5 Sept.
Wed 10 Oct - Wed 12 Dec, 7pm, St G’s Centre Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone's welcome. For more details please email
St George's Church, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |
Fri 17 Aug - Tue 21 Aug, Thirsk St George’s, St Paul’s & St Augustine’s are having a long weekend away together at this exciting New Wine camping event. At its heart will be the worship, teaching and ministry that you would expect at a larger New Wine national gathering. 60 people are going from St George’s already, we’d love to see you there too! Day tickets are available Saturday - Monday, why not come and join us? Book your tickets at then email us to let us know you are coming, at
There are some fantastic opportunities to get involved on a Sunday and beyond here at St G’s. If you are able to help with tea and coffee or kids’ ministry on Sunday mornings, projection at either service, are able to give DIY help or can offer HR advice, please email
ST GEORGE’S CRYPT 1) Please pray for our cafés and shops, that they will have lots of customers over the summer. As well as for the staff and volunteers who work there. 2) Please pray for the day centre, as the staff and volunteers adjust to an increase of people coming for lunch.