Sun 29 June 2014
If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved or join a Network.
Today’s Services 10.30am Morning Worship Lead: Mark Powley Preach: Jon Swales 6.30pm
Evening Worship Lead: Chris Sayburn Preach: Chris Balding
10.30am Wrangthorn Lead: Joanna Seabourne Preach: Jimmy Lawrence
7.30pm, Wed 2 July, Church We invite the whole church family to gather together as one to pray for God’s blessing and listen to his voice. We ask that all Small Groups and Networks attend this event instead of meeting this week.
After 3 years as Church Administrator, Dave Sankey is moving on and will be leaving St George's on 20 July. We would like to give Dave a thank you gift on behalf of the church for all that he has done during his time here. Please give any gifts to the churchwardens or put an envelope in the offertory bag.
This is the final week to collect lost items from the foyer table.
This Week Play & Pray
7.30-9.45pm, Thu 17 July, Centre Come and hear about the life of St George’s overseas. Meet our mission partners, hear stories of God at work and pray for our global passion. This is a free event, with light refreshments provided - no need to book, all welcome.
Tue 1
Wed 2
11.30am Bridge Cafe
Meet in Church
Thu 3
Comm. Room
Sun 6
10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening Worship
Prayer Meeting
Church Church
Prayer for the Crypt Please pray for the new Nurture catering project based on a Veolia building site.
All current accommodation and employment notices are displayed on the Community Room notice board, including some jobs for the Crypt. Please browse these at your leisure, and if you’d like to show a notice please e-mail the office. Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday
For details of road closures next weekend, please look at the map on the notice board in the foyer or visit the website. Sunday will be unaffected, but on Friday and Saturday large areas of the city centre will be inaccessible.
Explorers is an exciting team to be part of and we are seeking to recruit more leaders. If you have a passion to see children discipled and growing in faith please pick up a volunteer guide from the foyer and get in touch.
7pm, Thu 10 July, Centre An opportunity for sharing stories about coping with loss through bereavement, separation/divorce or long-term illness, with a view to encouraging and supporting one another. All welcome. The evening will be facilitated by Joanna Seabourne and John Walker.
Phil & Susie Hopkins are running workshops on the theme of “Travelling Light” in August this year. They need; buttons, bows, braid, fabric off cuts, thread, zips, bags, needles etc. There will be a box at the back of church to collect items.
Does anyone have a car they could make available from 29th July to 10th August? Hugh and Heather Nelson are visiting from Japan, and need to be able to get around easily. Please contact Stuart if you can help. Thanks.
28-30 May 2015, Leeds Arena The early bird rate of £50 for this conference ends tomorrow. Bookings of 12 or more receive a free place, if you would like to book as part of a group, contact Lisa by lunchtime on Monday.
1st Practice: Mon 8 Sept Good singers with a heart for worship are invited to join St George’s Choir, who sing in our Carols by Candlelight Service in December. There is no audition. Weekly practices commence in Sept. Contact David for info. 0113 261 2679
7pm Fri 11 - 7pm Sat 12 July Living Hope Church, LS9 8HE Join people from churches all around Leeds to pray for 24 hours. For more info please e-mail.
2pm, Sun 13 July, Park Dale Hall Join us to watch ‘The Quartet’ (12a) with drinks and popcorn. The film will start at 2.30pm - all welcome.
We urgently need people to help with fundraising, management or finance skills, to join local teams or to be a trustee. If you're called to serve some of the most vulnerable in our city, please have a word with Mike Jenkins or Janet Clarke.
7pm, Sat 5 July, Centre Support the team from Leeds churches heading to Cambodia this Summer. Tickets are £5 and there will be a quiz, auction and refreshments on offer. Tickets are available from Clare Oldfield.
7.30pm, Fri 18/Sat 19 July, The Riley Theatre, LS7 4BH Come and support a community of people including some from St G’s in this interpretation of the Psalms through song, spoken word, drama, dance and live music. Tickets are £7/£5 concessions from the website.