Sun 3 June 2018
Hello If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, please speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details pick up a Hello Card.
This Week @ St George’s Sunday 3 June
St George’s Church: 10:30
All Age Holy Communion
SUMMER ALPHA 7:30pm, Thursdays, 24 May – 12 July, Venue: Costa Coffee, Merrion Centre (Leeds Arena side) Alpha is a chance to explore life and the Christian faith. Invite friends and join us this Summer for a low-key Alpha in a city centre Costa. Each week we’ll watch the Alpha film series and have a time of discussion over coffee and cake. For more info and to sign up
Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30
Cafe style service & meal
St George’s Church: 17:30 Student Teas 18:30 Holy Communion Monday 4 June 18:00 English Classes Tuesday 5 June 10:30 St G’s Tots 13:00 Lighthouse Academy 17:30 Farsi Network 19:30 Student Network Wednesday 6 June 13:00 Lighthouse Drop-in 19:30 iStudent Network Thursday 7 June 19:30 Student Network Friday 8 June 19:00 Roots Sunday 10 June: Network Sunday - no services in church
INSPIRE Fri 17 Aug - Tue 21 Aug, Thirsk Come and join us for a long weekend away at this exciting New Wine camping event. At its heart will be the worship, teaching and ministry that you would expect at a larger New Wine national gathering. Book your tickets at then email us to let us know you are coming, at Why not ask others in your small group/network if they are going?
Networks & Small Groups meet regularly during the week
St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |
NETWORK SUNDAY Sun 10 June Network Sunday is an opportunity for your Network/Small Group to meet and share life together. There will be no services on Network Sunday because the ‘World Triathlon’ event will be causing disruption around the city. What is your network doing?
APPOINTMENTS We are excited to announce The following appointments: Director of Interns: Joanna Seabourne has been appointed to lead the Intern Scheme full time from the summer. This post has been made in partnership with the Diocese of Leeds. Youth Worker: Elliemae Hammond has been appointed as our new Youth Worker and will start in July. Office & Hall Manager St Augustine’s: James Meredith has been appointed and will start soon.
GDPR: CONSENT Help us stay in touch and let you know about church family news and events. Get connected at
ROCK SOLID @ NEW WINE INSPIRE One of our Kids’ Team Leaders is heading the team at Rock Solid this year. Will you consider being part of the children’s ministry at this event? For more details please contact Jenny Brady or visit inspire-2018
CARE FOR THE FAMILY EVENT Thur 14 June, 7.30 - 10pm ‘Connected’ is a Care for the Family event, which aims to equip parents to ‘parent their children in this digital world'. For more details and to buy tickets visit
carefor the events/parenting-events/ connected
ST GEORGE’S CRYPT DONATIONS: CRYPT The Crypt will be very grateful for any donations of: coffee, mugs, spoons & forks. There will be a box in the foyer for donations.
Please pray for everyone who is in recovery; especially the guys in Growing Rooms. That God will give them strength to be clean and not relapse.
FANCY LUNCH 12.45pm Sun 6 May, Pizza Expreess, Park Square Rather than eat alone, why not join with others at Pizza Express? Food and drink at reasonable prices. An ‘Extra Time’ initiative.
NEW SMALL GROUP: HALTON We have a new small group starting for those living in the LS15 and LS9 areas. Tony & Kay Sheppard invite you to a buffet lunch on Sunday 10 June at 1pm. For more details and to confirm your attendance please contact Kay Sheppard
0788 0728 162 kmsheppard61@
JUNE PROJECT Mon 4 - Sat 9 June, Hyde Park ‘June Project’ starts tomorrow! Please pray for the students as they come together to share the love of Jesus in Hyde Park. To find out more and how you can help, visit