Sun 5 Mar 2017
Hello If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details about St George’s pick up a Hello Card.
Today’s Services St George’s Church 10.30am Morning Worship Lead: Luke Briggs Preach: Sam Corley 6.30pm Evening Worship Lead: Luke Briggs Preach: Jon Swales Wrangthorn 10.30am Service of the Word Lead: John Hebden Preach: Beverley Sproats 5.00pm Evening Service Lead: Che Seabourne Preach: John Hebden Lighthouse 12.30pm St George’s Crypt Cafe-style Service, Testimony and meal Prayer for the Crypt That our training and engagement activities will help and equip our clients with self-confidence and improve their self esteem.
STG’S MUDDY PUDDLE WALK 3-4.30pm, Today, Golden Acre Park As a church family we are going on an adventure! Join us for an afternoon stroll, bring a flask of hot chocolate and some bread to feed the ducks.
INTERNSHIP Closing Date: Wed 8 Mar St George’s Internship is a one-year programme that runs from September & is designed to equip people for life, work & leadership. For more details visit
BAPTISMS 6:30pm, Sun 19 March If you are wishing to be baptised on the above date during the 18:30 service, please speak to a member of clergy as soon as possible or email
This Week Tue 7
Play & Pray
Sun 12
10.30am Morning Worship
Sun 12
Holy Communion
40 ACTS Are you up for a challenge during Lent? Then join in Stewardship’s 40 Acts of Generosity’ and receive daily challenges to your phone. There are lots of resources available including weekly family devotionals and a family wall chart. To pick up a copy of the wall chart visit the StG’s Kids registration desk on Sunday mornings and sign up for the challenge at
PURSUIT NIGHT 7.30-9.30pm, Wed 15 Mar Join us for an evening of worship, prayer and plenty of space. An atmosphere of openness to the Holy Spirit's leading. We gather in pursuit of Jesus, who gave everything in pursuit of us.
GATHER LEEDS 6-8pm, Thur 9 Mar, Centre Networking event: Mobilising Christians to engage in connected mission across different spheres in Leeds. A hot meal will be provided. For more details contact
St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |
Our Next Church Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 28 Mar, Centre
VACANCY UPDATE Thank you for your prayers for the Rector shortlisting. Four candidates will be interviewed on 20 March, so please pray for them.
ACM 7.30pm, Wed 26 April, Church Join us for our Annual Church Meeting.
ELECTORAL ROLL Sun 12 Mar - Sun 9 Apr The Electoral Roll will be open for revision for 5 Sundays. Those on the Electoral Roll can vote at the ACM and can stand for the offices of Churchwarden or PCC. You can join the Roll if you: - are baptised & aged 16 or over; - have signed an application form; - have regularly attended worship at St. George’s during the six months prior to the date of application for enrolment Forms will be available in the foyer next week.
NEW WINE WOMEN’S DAY 10am-4:30pm, Sat 18 Mar, Harrogate International Centre Featuring speakers Nicola Neal (Revelation Life) and Rachel Gardner (Romance Academy), this will be an inspiring, challenging and empowering day to meet with God and other women from across the north. Tickets £25
THE WISDOM HOUSE Wed 22 Mar, The Gateway Church, York, YO24 3BN Spend an evening with Rob Parsons on tour at The Wisdom House, ‘Because you don’t always have to do things the hard way’. Tickets, £6. To book visit
FANCH LUNCH 12.45pm, Today, Pizza Express, Park Square Rather than eat alone, why not join with others at Pizza Express, Park Square? Food and drink at reasonable prices. An ‘Extra Time’ initiative.
RESTORE EVENTS Local Churches changing nations. 7.30pm, Fri 10 Mar, Kings Church, Halifax, HX1 2TS Worship and testimonies by Becky Harcourt and Gill Hampton wisdomhouselive
Deadline for Notice Sheet: 12 noon Thursday. Please email notices to