7 Feb 2016 Notice Sheet

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Sun 7 Feb 2016



If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved.

Alpha is a great chance to explore questions about life and the Christian faith. It takes place over 9 sessions. Who will you invite? To sign up, email

Today’s Services St George’s Church 10.30am Morning Worship Lead: Mark Harlow Preach: Jonathan Clark 6.30pm Evening Worship Lead: Chris Sayburn Preach: Jonathan Clark Wrangthorn 10.30am Service of the Word Lead: Jimmy Lawrence Preach: Joanna Seabourne 5.00pm Evening Worship Lead: Juliet Radmall Preach: James Blandford Lighthouse 12.30pm St George’s Crypt Cafe-style Service & meal

7– 9.15pm, Wed 10 Feb, Church Centre




7.30pm Wed 10 Feb, Church Our Ash Wednesday Service is this week. St Augustine, Wrangthorn, will be joining us.

Closing Date: 3 Mar Our year long intern programme runs from September and is an amazing opportunity to serve the church, grow as a disciple, be trained as a leader and discover more of God’s calling for your life. For an application form contact

ALPHA COURSE TEAM NEEDED! We are in need of serving team members and table leaders for the upcoming Alpha Course. There will be 2 table leaders to each table. If you are able to help contact Lisa

Prayer for the Crypt Please pray for the staff and residents of Faith Lodge.

lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk Next Prayer Gathering: 7.30pm, Tues 23 Feb, Church Centre

This Week Tue 9


Play & Pray


Sun 14 10.30am One Family


Sun 14 6.30pm


Network Celebration

joanna.seabourne@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

BAPTISMS Sun 13 Mar Baptisms will take place in both morning and evening services. This is also an opportunity to renew your baptismal vows if you were baptised as a baby. If you are considering baptism, please speak to a member of clergy first and then contact Janet Gibson

baptism@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

TRUTH FOR LIFE If you’d like to get stuck into the bible but are struggling, St George’s will be starting a new course that looks at deeper knowledge about the Bible and its message. Sexist, Racist, Genocidal: Who is the God of the Bible? 9.30-12noon, Sat 5 Mar, Church Jonathan and his daughter Joanna Vitale from OCCA will be looking at some of the difficult stories in the Bible and how to understand and respond to these barriers. Big City Disciples: Learning from Romans, Paul's letter to the Empire’s Capital Starts Sat 19 Mar, Centre Running over 4 Saturdays from March to July, Jonathan will be digging deep into the book of Romans. If you’d like to attend, please contact

lisa.woodlock @stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

ROMANIA MISSION: INTEREST LUNCH 12.30pm, Sun 7 Feb, Church Centre Anyone wondering about joining the Team going to Romania this year (29 Jul - 7 Aug) is welcome to come to a ‘Soup and Sweet’ lunch. (Donations welcome!) It’s an opportunity to meet people who have been before and ask questions.

DIALOGUE & RECONCILIATION As part of next week’s 10:30 One Family Service, there will be the opportunity to hear a Jewish member of the Dialogue and Reconciliation Network give a presentation entitled 'First the Saturday then the Sunday People’ - highlighting the Muslim persecution of Christians and Jews. This will be followed by a short time of discussion.

MISSION PARTNER VISIT Our mission partners Rachel and Jason are joining us at the morning service on 21st Feb and would love to see us all and share what they have been doing to bring the gospel to the Middle East.

LIVING ROOM 7.30-9.30pm, Wednesdays, Gateway Church, St Mark's Rd Take a great opportunity to get to know and serve students from countries all around the world every week. Many international students have no opportunity to connect with residents of the city and would love to know more about the area and the Christian faith. Contact

ashley.kim@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

WALKING GROUP 10am, Sat 20 Feb, Whardale We will be walking 12 miles in Wharfedale. For more details please e-mail

walking@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

STG'S VACANCIES OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Closing Date: 15 Feb This exciting opportunity covers an array of jobs ranging from reception to rotas to staff diary management. Excellent IT skills and familiarity with Microsoft packages essential. A high level of verbal and written communication skills required.

0-6s WORKER AND FAMILY PASTOR Closing Date: 19 Feb We are looking for a gifted individual to lead our 0-6s work, develop outreach to families and provide pastoral support. Job descriptions available from Janet Gibson or visit our website: stgs.org.uk/jobs

NIGHT SHELTER FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS 22 - 29 Feb St Matthias Burley are taking part in the West Yorkshire Destitute Asylum Seekers initiative to provide night shelter, breakfast and an evening meal during Feb. If you are able to help, please contact Stuart Ross


The deadline for the Notice Sheet is 12 noon Thursday

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