Sun 8 July 2018
Hello If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, please speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details pick up a Hello Card.
This Week @ St George’s Sunday 8 July
St George’s Church: 10:30
Morning Worship + Baptism
GLOBAL PASSION CELEBRATION Thur 12 July, 6pm/7.30pm - 9.45pm St G’s Centre We have a great line-up of mission partners to tell us how God has been at work over the last year. If you would like to join them for a meal (£8) please sign up by Fri 6 July and come at 6pm for 6.30pm, where there will be time to meet with the mission partners. The main event will start at 7.30pm. For more information
Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30
Cafe style service & meal
St George’s Church: 18:30 Holy Communion Monday 9 July 18:00 English Classes Tuesday 10 July 10:30 St G’s Tots 17:30 Farsi Network Wednesday 11 July 14:00 Lighthouse Drop-in Thursday 12 July 19:30 iStudent Network Sunday 15 July 10:30 Morning Worship 18:30 Evening Worship
Networks & Small Groups meet regularly during the week
ST G’S FAMILY PICNIC Sunday 15th July, 1pm, Kirkstall Abbey (Abbey side) Come along to Kirkstall Abbey, bring along a picnic and a blanket and join us for our family picnic!
Our Next Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 31 July, St G’s Centre A chance to pray for our church, our city and our world St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |
NEW WINE, INSPIRE Fri 17 Aug - Tue 21 Aug, Thirsk St George’s & St Paul’s, Ireland Wood are heading away together for a long weekend away at this exciting New Wine camping event. At its heart will be the worship, teaching and ministry that you would expect at a larger New Wine national gathering. More than 50 people are going from St George’s, why not come and join us? Book your tickets at then email us to let us know you are coming, at
HEDA BUILDING APPEAL Mission Partners Hugh and Heather Nelson in Japan have launched an appeal to raise £100,000 to buy a building in Heda (Izu Peninsula), where they feel called to plant a church. Pledges are requested by 14 July to
Why not ask others in your Small Group/Network if they are going?
More info in their prayer letter at the back of church.
Sat 14 July, Black Sheep Brewery Trip The Men's ministry team have arranged a trip to the Black Sheep Brewery. For more info
Lottie Jones will be leaving St George’s in Sept to train for ordination. If you would like to contribute to a leaving gift please use one of the offering envelopes, mark it ‘leaving gift’ and either put it in the offering basket or hand it in at the office during the week.
SUMMER SUNDAYS 5 Aug - 2 Sept During our 10:30 services over the summer we will be joining together as a church family for all-age services. There will be no groups for children and youth. Groups will start again on Sun 9 Sept.
PRAY FOR LEEDS Tue 10 July, 12.30pm - 1.30pm St George’s Church Join with other churches from across Leeds, to pray for our city and share lunch together. Doors open at 12.10pm.
LEEDS HOUSE OF PRAYER (LEHOP) Prayer Room, Wrangthorn Church Hall, LS6 1BJ LeHop has extended its prayer rhythm to the following times: Tues 6-7pm, Wed 8-9am, Thur 6-7pm. For more details please contact John Hebden
PRISON ALPHA If you’re interested in being part of this ministry and have weekday availability, please contact Emily Spademan
Please continue to pray for our clients on the streets during this hot weather, that they will be able to keep cool and get enough water to drink.
Please pray for those on short-term mission this summer USA Ambassadors in Sport (2/7 - 5/8) Eddie Houghton Cambodia overland mission (17/7 - 30/7) Rosie Smith Central America (23/8 - 15/11) Natalia Dawson Romania mission team (27/7 - 5/8) led by Ann Weir South Africa Graeme Collins, Mary Booth & others (12/7 - 12/8) Those serving at New Wine United & New Wine Inspire, including team leaders: Dan Hebden, Ben Wade, Lottie Jones, Elliemae Hammond, Jenny Brady. Those leading and serving on Summer Youth Camps, including overall leaders: Tim Riman and Christina Grant. If your name should be on this list, please do let us know!