SOT Brochure 2014

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Equipping us for the challenges of life and kingdom ministry.

Discipleship training to make us more like Jesus.

Saturday Mornings 9.30 - 12.00 | St George’s Centre

Wednesday Evenings 19.30 - 21.30 | St George’s Centre

04 OCT 01 NOV 28 FEB

Prayer Ministry

How do I grow in my ability and confidence to pray for people, both within the church family and for friends, family and work colleagues? How do I listen to the Holy Spirit?

Leadership Training

How can I grow in my ability to lead a Small Group, my family or my work team? What biblical principles challenge us and shape us as leaders?


How has God gifted and shaped me for service at St George’s and beyond the church?

Relationships 25 APR

How does God equip us to meet the challenges of the relationships we are called to live in? How can we grow in our ability to communicate, to handle conflict, to forgive and to build one another up in love?

Pastoral Care 16 MAY

How do we care for one another as the Body of Christ, go the extra mile yet maintain boundaries and expectations? How do we care for those we find it difficult to care for? How do we care for those struggling with mental health issues?

Each of these sessions are open to everyone as we seek to be equipped and encouraged in our everyday walk as a disciple of Christ. How do we become more like Jesus? How can we be witnesses for Him in our homes, our families and our places of work? Whether you want to join the prayer ministry team, are leading a small group or simply want to grow as a disciple, then these mornings are for you.

All sessions FREE! Complimentary tea, coffee and pastries available.

10 SEPT 24 SEPT 08 OCT 22 OCT 05 NOV 19 NOV 03 DEC

The Academy of Life helps us to explore our discipleship values as a church. This ‘express’ course contains seven 2 hour sessions led by Mark Powley, looking at how we can experience more of the life God has given us through Jesus. Sessions are practical, interactive, and suitable for both new and older Christians. From the Pure Life session I learned to move on from sins in the past, rather than constantly going back. The time of prayer was really powerful. Bold Life has increased my confidence. Now, with friends, I’m running an Alpha Course for men.

All sessions FREE! Tea, coffee and cake available.

True Life Full Life Shared Life Deep Life Pure Life Serving Life Bold Life


In association with:

Theology teaching for an informed faith Saturdays 9.30 - 16.00 | St George’s Centre Over two Saturdays this short module will equip you for a deeper understanding and more challenging engagement with the New Testatment. Led by Mark Powley, Director of SBTC, the course introduces new ways of studying the Bible and new insights into the life of Jesus and His Kingdom message.

25 Encounter 1 APR 16 Encounter 2 MAY

Choose to access the teaching only, or take up the option of a marked essay. Participants can also use this module as credits towards a Durham University qualification, subject to validation.

Register at

Course fee from £45 includes lunch and refreshments. Course Fee Options

£45 | Teaching

£70 | Assessment

£160 | Fully accredited short module

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