Network News
October 2011
Networks are the extended family groups that enable you to get to know people and where you can find your place within the larger family of St George’s. Each Network has some connecting factor that links people together whether it’s the area within which people live, the language they speak, the life stage they’re at or the sport they enjoy! It’s our networks that provide the context in which we can really work out what it means to share life and love Leeds.
What’s been happening? Outnumbered We’ve had two Network picnics now, one with nearly 20 of us, the other with maybe 30 people. They’ve been great times to meet new people and have some fun in the sunshine. Our kids have loved them too. I think they’ve felt like a simpler way for people to connect with our Network or just to find out more about St George’s. If you’re thinking of going along to a Network picnic, my advice would always be to sit near someone who shops at Waitrose! Mark Powley
Beeston & Beyond Serving coffee and cake after the 5pm service a few Sundays ago worked really well in building a sense of community as a Network. Lots of people pitched in making cakes and we welcomed lots of people! We really enjoyed it - when you serve others it's a double blessing, because those you're serving get to enjoy nice cake and you get to connect with people. So it's just a general positive thing - I think that's why Jesus tells us to serve others ... Pete Rawlinson
We had a fantastic Network weekend away in North Yorkshire, a fantastic opportunity for growth, fun and meeting new people. Having arrived in Osmotherly on Friday, we introduced ourselves, and discovered that one member of the Network has in fact been a member of all of the Connections small groups at one point or another! Saturday took us to the spectacularly beautiful Mount Grace Priory, giving us lots of time to ponder a life of prayer, which seemed appropriate foreshadowing for the Church's day of prayer and fasting at the end of September. A village pub had an invasion of smiles that evening, as we toasted the day in style, anticipating the next day's trip to Lightwater Valley. The only thing louder than the rides were the bloodcurdling screams of the participants! On the journey back to Leeds we were left to remark how lovely the weekend had been. Here's to more in the New Year.
In August we took a minibus to Bolton Abbey. A group of all ages! The journey was fun as we chatted and clapped to Iranian music (not the driver!). The countryside around the Abbey was so beautiful. For much of the time there it rained, but everyone was, in an Englishkind-of-way, so determined to make the most of the day! As we relaxed together, and shared each experience - a surprise wedding in the Abbey, a wet picnic under a tree, and then child-like fun in an Ilkley park on the way home! We created special memories and really got to know each other better!
Che Seabourne
Jonathan Beatham
West Park Wanderers
Holt Park & Headingley
We enjoyed an amazing brunch cooked by our very own chef on Sunday 2nd October.
Enjoyed afternoon tea together in the garden whilst the weather was nice!
Joanna Pearson
FUTURE NETWORK EVENTS Sunday 16 October Holt Park & Headingley host a bring & share lunch at church @ 12.30 followed by a walk on Otley Chevin Horsforth Network will meet for a bring & share lunch at the Taylor’s house from 12.30 til 3pm
Connections Network host coffee and cake after 5pm service
Sunday 23 October Farsi Network lunch – Church Centre
Sunday 30 October Outnumbered meet for a bring & share at 12.45
IDEAS for your Network! NEW WINE Outnumbered go to New Wine. Book by the 30 November for a discount for a week, ½ week or day to join. Why not go with your Network? OTHER EVENTS Why not do an event with another Network? Dinner 8, weekend away, bowling, Christmas Market...