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Sithandweyinkosi S Sivela

As mighty a bird the eagle might seem, mighty battles it does fight. It preys on goats, fish, snakes, and some of these surely try and fight their way out of the eagle's talons. Carrying that snake, the eagle needs to calculate the risk and play it safe. I was watching news the other day and the eagle had been caught by an octopus while hunting and they had to rescue it. Caught in the eight scary octopus legs.! That is what hunting is all about.

I was listening to a speaker who was saying that unless you find your "WHY", I mean, unless you find that one reason to wake up early in the morning and work, then life will be meaningless, then you surely will have no reason to wake up anyway. The eagle has a "WHY". It knows it has to eat fresh food and perhaps it has little ones waiting on it in the nest. So the eagle knows that it has to make tough decisions. Tough decisions may mean scary risks. Tough decisions may mean risking your life in the hands of the eight-legged creature, tough decisions are the language of tough people. Y4P|18

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