St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1933-1934

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CHRONICLE '9 3 3 -3 4 Number 6


THOMAS HENRY ARCHER HOUBLON, D.D. Formerly Archdeacon of Oxford and Canon of Christ Church Chairman of the St. Hugh's College Council 1908-1922 Photograph by Elliott & Fry, Ltd.




Hon. Secretary, 1932-4: MISS C. M. ADY.

Editor of the Chronicle, 1932-4: MISS B. M. HAMILTON THOMPSON, St. Hugh's College, Oxford.




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Council. BARBARA ELIZABETH GWYER, M.A., Principal. PERCY COMYN LYON, M.A., Oriel, Chairman. CHARLOTTE ANNE ELIZABETH MOBERLY, HON. M.A., Hon. Fellow. EDITH ELIZABETH WARDALE, M.A., Hon. Fellow. ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARGERY FREDA PERHAM, M.A., Research Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Official Fellow, Secretary to the Council. EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Official Fellow. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT, Treasurer and Official Fellow. CECILIA MARY ADY, M.A., Research Fellow. MARY REAVELEY GLOVER, M.A., Official Fellow. DAISY EMILY MARTIN CLARKE (Mrs.), M.A., Official Fellow. MARGARET AUGUSTA LEISHMAN, M.A., B.SC., Official Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT., Official Fellow. JOHN LINTON MYRES, M.A., Fellow of New College. ANNIE MARY ANNE HENLEY ROGERS, M.A. REV. VICTOR JOHN KNIGHT BROOK, M.A., Censor of St. Catherine's


Corpus Christi.


Principal. B. E. GWYER, M.A.

Tutors. E. A. FRANCIS, M.A. M. E. SEATON, M.A., F.R.S.L. E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A., F.R.HIST.S.,

French. English Literature. History.

Vice-Principal. M. R. GLOVER, M.A. D. E. MARTIN CLARKE (Mrs.), M.A. A. HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT.

Philosophy and Classics. English Language. Politics and Economics.

Assistant Tutors.

Science. Lettere (Genoa), Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian

M. A. LEISHMAN, M.A., B.SC. 0. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in

Lecturer. D. M. WRINCH

(Mrs.), M.A., D.SC.,



Administrative Officers. Treasurer and Bursar. G. THORNEYCROFT, B.A.



Assistant Bursar and Warden of St. Hugh's House. S. F. SALT.

Principal's Secretary. M. FOWLE.

Custos Hortulorum. A. M. A. H. ROGERS, M.A.


REPORT OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION, 1933 HE Eighth Annual Meeting of the Association was held on Saturday, June 24th, 1933, and was attended by 118 members. T The Chairman briefly reported plans for new buildings to be completed by the Jubilee. She also announced the election of Miss R. J. Mitchell as the first Elizabeth Wordsworth Student, and reported a legacy of 2(3 from Deaconess Amy Mary Wilson to the Studentship Fund. The election of Mrs. W. H. Moberly as a member of Council under Statute XIII was announced. It was decided to mark the Jubilee of the College by a gift from the Old Students, and a Committee was appointed both for this purpose, and also to cooperate in preparations for the Jubilee in whatever other ways the Council should approve. The following were elected members of the Committee, with power to co-opt to the total number of 18, the Principal being ex officio a member of the Committee: E. E. Wardale E. Rosser M. A. Rice M. M. Chattaway C. M. Ady B. M. Hamilton Thompson E A. Phillips M. C. Owen E. M. Talbot C. V. L. Lucas D. Ibberson M. Fowle J. Evans S. F. Salt E. E. Stopford Miss Seaton proposed, seconded by Miss Ady, that the names of Senior Members nominated for election to the Council as representatives of the Association, be accompanied, when circulated, by the dates of their matriculation, &c. Miss Rice drew attention to the work of St. Margaret's House, Bethnal Green, which was receiving considerable support from resident members of the College, and appealed to Senior Members for their co-operation. The Ninth Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 23rd, 1934, at 3 p.m.

THE GAUDY DINNER, 1933 HE College Gaudy was held from Friday, June 23rd, until 9 Monday, June 26th, 1933. The dinner on Saturday, June 24th, was attended by 18o Senior Members. The following toasts were honoured: The King. The Association, proposed by Miss Wardale and replied to by Miss M. Owen. The College, Proposed by Mrs. Moberly. In reply to this toast the Principal spoke as follows : After the meetings of this day, at which so much important business has been done, a certain reaction to frivolity, wherever it makes itself felt, would be a pardonable thing even before dinner. All the nice 7

things which have been said about the Association and the College raise one's spirits the more. There is much, indeed, to be thankful for in the steady progress of our Society during just under fifty years; and happy are we in the prospect of discarding tight garments and putting on for our Jubilee celebrations a fine new suit of clothes. The irritations due to a corset which is too small about the waist (I refer to the dining-hall and servery), a hat which presses too close upon the brain (I mean of course the Mordan Library) will fade away—be replaced, possibly, by a halo of sentiment; but the new elegancies will be worn proudly, at least till, like the naval lieutenant's uniform of William Price, they sink in their turn into a badge of backwardness and disgrace. For such is the fate of every human contrivance! be it never so perfect, the next generation thinks it should be better still. Library, reading-room, and stack rooms, to hold at least 30,000 volumes, should, at least for a limited period, provide tolerable headwear. To what more intimate garments I dare compare the bedrooms and bathrooms of College Tutors I know not; but the same tightness, heroically borne for more than a decade, now gives place to seemly habitations—lull-fashioned', as the drapers' advertisements say. As for administration, where we have been simply out at elbows as long as I can remember, why, we shall actually be able to meet in committees in a chamber not liable to have been the scene of a lunch-party (empty bottles and all) five minutes previously; at Council meetings we shall even have room to breathe. The maids, who have really been more cramped than anybody, will appropriate the first floor of this wing (over our heads) for new diningroom, rest room, and bedrooms for the upper rank of their hierarchy; and a clearer conscience about them will be a very great comfort. The Mordan Library becomes the Mordan Hall, for lectures, meetings of the Governing Body, possibly for the College performances which are so famous; and the students displaced by all these improvements will find homes in about twenty-two new rooms in the extension. Cold financial calculations are quite misplaced after dinner; at this time in the evening we can easily furnish the Library with old oak, give students a bathroom apiece, every Tutor a powderingcloset, the Bursar a private canal in the garden suitable for navigation by canoes, and the Principal her own roulette-table or all-night cabaret. As you know (or as you don't know), going on to the last gasp with old clothes—till the shoemaker says, 'I can't sole these again' and the dressmaker refuses firmly another `do-up'—is the way to prepare for a sensational outburst in the other direction. The former policy has been imposed on us by the occupation of our site by others till 1935 but once the building is up it will 'raise our standard of life' and keep us sternly from any repetition of extravagance. You must forgive my spending so long over the building, but it has been such a preoccupation to us here for the last few years, and we are so glad to have our plans formulated at last, that this subject is necessarily the first to overflow into words. But though what Thring 8

called 'the almighty wall' governs, affecting in a thousand unforeseen ways, the life of those within its control, and therefore is worthy of the most scrupulous and detailed care, the life it shelters, and those who live or have lived in it, are the College, and their services, their successes, their 'work and ways', as the familiar prayer puts it, these are the real burden of our thought whenever the word St. Hugh's is uttered. You will want to know, as usual, what we are all about. Well, we are getting on. Our little band of productive scholars, led by Dr. Evans, now in full academic panoply—we deplore her absence this evening, struck down by a bacillus which is no respecter of persons— has received some recruits, and of this we are proud, as it means the reward of success in a field every year more keenly contested. Miss Evans herself has just been elected Susette Taylor Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall; Miss Cartwright's tenure of the Yarrow Fellowship at Girton, to which she was elected in 1930 and to which she added distinction by many a mysterious dissertation in the higher mathematics, has been renewed this summer; the two Research Studentships annually awarded to young graduates at Westfield College, University of London, will next October both be held by Senior Members, vowed the one to Classical, the other to Byzantine historical studies; while in the field of biological science Miss Chattaway for some time past, and now Miss Margaret Ellis, have both received official encouragement in departments of University work at Oxford. From our two Research Fellows we await what I will call (by way of both warning and encouragement) 'Jubilee publications'. (By the same date the Principal hopes to have completed the solution of her ten thousandth Crossword Puzzle.) There are those of us who believe, with Dr. Flexner, that graduate development should be a University matter, and that a far-sighted and continuous policy alone can develop it. As a College we have tried in our small way to act on the same principle, and as benefactions come our way, have applied what we can to purposes of research. If the first year's work in dealing with the Gamble Fund is any criterion, we are likely to find a good deal going on in which we shall some day be proud to have helped. That the Fellows of the College must carry on advanced teaching and research almost wholly in hours snatched from undergraduate routine will be the destiny of this Society till some one gives us ten or twenty thousand pounds for the endowment of College Fellowships. It is the more pleasant to record that Miss Procter, who has had to devote herself till now to one-half of the chief function of a University—the conservation of knowledge, knowledge acquired by herself a number of years ago—is now, in her quality of University Lecturer in Medieval European History, to have the opportunity of practising the other, namely, the increasing and disseminating of it. No one can be more exquisitely habituated to industry, and from no one can we expect with more confidence fruitful intellectual activity. While on this subject let us offer our congratulations to the first Elizabeth Wordsworth Student, Miss Rosamund Mitchell, whose 9

subject of Englishmen in Italy during the later fifteenth century could hardly have been better devised to fit in with the moment at which the Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer settles down to the completion of her own work on 'The Italian Element in the Elizabethan Novel', to which the College so much looks forward. An impar congress-us, Miss Mitchell would modestly aver; but a duke sodalitium none the less, we know Miss Bickley well enough already to assert in her name. It is a deep satisfaction to record that I have no evidence of acute difficulty as regards employment even among the youngest of our Senior Members. It is true that the situation which was once described to me towards the end of the war by a harassed Head Mistress as 'sitting before a row of young B.A.s armed with note-books in which they took down my answers to their questions about their requirements' has now been reversed; but one can't feel that is altogether a bad thing—at any rate for the young teachers. And they do get appointments, generally before the end of the first year, though the anxiety is necessarily great for them until they do. Education continues to be our chief contribution to the World's work'. When a distinguished Head Mistress, such as Miss Phillips, retires we are always ready to 'oblige' with another; but when I say education, I mean, of course, education in the home as well as in school or college—the nursery not excluded; and that this goes on to good effect is proved by the succession of a second generation matriculating from here—five grandchildren who have completed or are completing their courses is not a bad record three years before the Jubilee of a community which opened with only four students! After education and marriage comes, I think, administrative work: the Civil Service, and national, municipal, and voluntary activity— clubs, housing, occupational centres, welfare services of all kinds; next, clerical employment; then trade and advertising, a small but growing band. Our qualified medical women seem, strange to say, to number but three, nurses two, poets three, members of Parliament, nil—and can you wonder that things go on as they do ? The contingent doing service abroad in every kind of capacity has a special place in our hearts—India, Ceylon, Fiji, Zululand, the Transvaal, Kenya, Northern Canada, Nigeria Egypt, Rangoon, China, Japan: I hope members of the College in all these places may be thinking of us to-night. It is the visits of these members of the Association, with all that they bring of 'news'—especially from what in the language of the day I may call the 'ideological front'—that save us from growing selfcentred and self-satisfied—index, in fact, in the seclusion of our Academe to the way the world is moving. Yes, we are secluded, but not wholly immune from the virus of progress. That sudden, swift, and universal adoption of the bathing-costume effected last year by babes and sucklings—and continued by the same leaders of fashion, without the faintest resistance from their elders, into a second season of happiness—has not been without its results in Oxford. Not, I ,


hasten to add, in the High or the `Giler'—not under an academic gown, short or long, but—very suitably—wherever water was in the near neighbourhood. To keep boats and bathing-dresses in separate compartments of the undergraduate mind has been one of our preoccupations during a glorious May; and it says much for the discretion of junior members of the College that this aspiration should, so far as I know, have been achieved. Warned, however, by I know not what premonition, the Curators of the University Park have begun to discuss with us a Parson's Pleasure for Women. More of this, no doubt, hereafter. This is as far, I hope, as we shall go in Oxford along the path of Revolution—a word which I am told (` I live out of the world and am often astonished at what I hear') is much canvassed in these days. Continuity is so accepted a heritage in our island that we are in danger sometimes of forgetting what qualities, what attitudes and activities will alone secure that fortress against attacks, open and insidious, of contemporary Philistines. The 'sheer recalcitrance' of Oxford, like that of the public schools, may ward off successfully the enemy's most obvious weapons ; but an intelligence rigidly circumscribed by custom and locality is not enough, nor will it suffice to lean helplessly on our native institutions with little curiosity about anything which falls outside our usual experience. The tragedy of most quarrels, not only between lovers, not only between parents and children, or between undergraduates and professors, but between classes and even nations, is less that dues are consciously withheld or obligations evaded, than that each party has something to offer which the other doesn't want, or won't—in the nature of things cannot—see is really a needed gift. The bridging of these gulfs is surely the task of those whose sympathies, as well as whose minds, have had their training, not on a Procrustean bed where education so called is all the time subordinated to some other end, but where the diversity and variety of human character, human intelligence, are reflected freely, subtly, genially, and—as under those conditions, and under those alone, they can be—creatively, in every relationship of the common life. Such places of training are not on the increase in Europe. The humanist, he who wants men to be really free, saved above all from their saviours of the doctrinaire or of the bullying mind, and from the cruel vanity of domineering by mental systems or weapons of statecraft, to-day has something to defend more precious than national sovereignty; and is not as certain, as he used to be, where to look for the most loyal of his allies. In Chinese households, as you know, the father is the supreme authority, living on one side of a courtyard round which all the sons with their descendants are accommodated, one family, one household —a strain on all concerned, we should suppose indeed. A certain family rose to eight assemblages, all in perfect harmony; they kept between them, for instance, too dogs, of which the 99 would never embark upon the dinner spread before them until the tooth had taken its place. The Emperor called in state to ask the secret. The II

head of the family said it could not be stated in one word, and asked for a tablet, on which he silently wrote, all over from corner to corner in Chinese characters. When handed back to the Emperor, it proved to contain the same character written one hundred times, the word `Forbearance.' Can St. Hugh's through its members make any contribution of that quality, as well as of firmness of principle, as well as of flexibility of mind and culture of intellect, to the spiritual movement of our time? If so, it will be justified of its children, who will prove themselves also followers of its patron saint; and worthy in some degree of the woman who to more than one generation showed united in herself those qualities of the true humanist—the first Principal of a Woman's College in Oxford, Elizabeth Wordsworth, to whom we owe our existence and our name. On behalf of the College, I thank Mrs. Moberly and all of you for your toast. Floreat semper Collegium Sancti Hugonis.

MAKING A HOME IN NOItTH-WEST CANADA AY St. Hugh's and insularity never be named together.' I quote these words from a letter written to me some years ago M by the Chairman of our Association, because they seem to form a

fitting prelude for this article. The editor has asked me to give some account of the life of the settlers in one of the remoter parts of the Dominion of Canada, and I feel that the interest and example of our Chairman in spheres of life extending far and wide will do much to engage the interest of Senior Members in the growth of community life in the Peace River country. About 65o miles north-west of Edmonton lies the town of Pouce Coupe, close to the end of the railway and known to travellers by its large hoarding with the words 'The Gateway to the Block' inscribed upon it. This town forms the threshold to a tract of country zoo miles square, the Peace River Block, which has been opened up by the Dominion Government as homesteading land for Canadian farmers. Although the large majority of settlers only came in from 1927 onwards, the country's history goes back to i8o5, when the Hudson's Bay Company established a trading post on the banks of the Peace River below the site of the present settlement. The Indians brought furs to the post and traded there. A few white men hunted and trapped in the thick bush country. And a few more, caring little for difficulty or failure, set to work to cut themselves a home and a farm on the river flats on the level plateau above the Peace. But in 1927-8, following on drought and depression on the prairie, the country was surveyed, and people flocked in from other parts of Canada and from the States. 12

The whole block is divided into two parts by the Peace River which runs roughly from west to east—other smaller rivers, running between high, steep banks, join the Peace at intervals and in their turn are joined by small creeks or coolees. This means that the country is frequently cut up by deep ravines and river beds, with rushing streams flowing down in springtime which often dry as summer turns to fall, leaving the gravel bed dry and easy to cross. All along the Peace, every few miles, the banks fall away from the river, leaving flats, varying in size, which are cleared and used for farming country. Above the river banks the land is fairly level, with an occasional rise and fall, but no high mountains until the Rockies are reached. Some of the plateau is open and ready for cultivation, grassy parkland covered with small scrub bush. Some is thickly wooded with small poplar trees, or in places large spruce timber. And again there are large tracts of swamp or muskeg with small willows in abundance. Roads in a pioneering district are not all that they might be. The road allowance is made, and cut out to a width of six feet, with mounds of earth thrown up every half mile to mark the quarter section limits. Then, as the land is taken up, the road will be cut out to a sufficient width to allow a team and wagon to pass down it. Stumps must be grubbed and the ground made sufficiently level for the horses and wagon to travel without upsetting. Then, perhaps, the cutting meets a swamp : to allow horses to pass over, trees must be cut down and the trunks thrown side by side across the road to form a corduroy over which traffic can pass, except in the heavy rains when the poles float off and leave a lake strewn with driftwood. In the outlying parts, such as the road to Hudson Hope and beyond, pack trains are still used owing to the rough roads and the need of fording creeks and rivers. In the fall the horses can ford on foot. But in spring and early summer all packs have to be taken off while the horses swim behind a boat and are caught and repacked when they each the other side. In mid-winter it is possible to cross the rivers on the ice, and all stores and mails are brought up from the end of steel at Dawson Creek by sleighs each drawn by two or four horses. But in spring and fall the settlers are cut off by the ice pans drifting down the Peace which make it impossible to put the ferry into the river; while, after the break-up in the spring and the first jam of the ice in the fall it is not safe to cross on the ice. This may last from one to four weeks. The settlers come from every quarter—some from other parts of Canada, some from the States, some from Europe. They are of almost every European race, and arrive from their former home driving a car or a covered wagon, prepared, with wonderful courage and endurance to cut a home out of the bush. Some come with cattle, machinery, and household goods. Some sell everything, buy a second-hand car, and drive up to the Peace to make a new start. Imagine a man and his wife and three or four children arriving on their quarter-section of land. In many cases it is largely covered with 13

trees, so the first job is 'brushing' or clearing a sufficient space for a house and barns and garden. While this is going on, the family usually lives in a tent, and then may use the first trees that have been cut to put up a barn for the stock and a temporary house. Then, if the man has any stock, and he wishes to keep the cows milking, he must fence part of his land to prevent them straying into the bush. This means cutting more poles, setting fence posts, and making a pole fence, unless he has brought wire with him or has money to buy it. When he has lived on the land for three years and done certain improvements up to the value set by the Government, the land is his and he gets a title. The houses in the country districts are mostly built of spruce logs. The man takes a team and sleigh or wagon to the bush, cuts his logs, and hauls them to the site, and then gets his neighbours' help in putting up the house. It may have a roof of poles and tar-paper or sods, or, if the owner is wealthy, of wooden shingles, as on the steeples of English fourteenth-century churches. The next thing to face is the water problem. In winter this is easy, as there is a vast quantity of water all around to be had for the melting : but in summer other provision has to be made, so most of the settlers dig a dam or scoopout in the fall: this fills with water in the spring and makes a pond where there is water for humans and animals alike. Many of us haul large blocks of ice from the river and store them in sawdust for summer drinking-water. In winter the stock drink from a hole kept open in the ice. This is not often as easy as it sounds owing to the thickness of the ice. The climate is inclined to be extreme. In an ordinary year the land is under snow for five or six months, with a temperature falling to 40째 or even 500below zero. The frost breaks in April or May and gives place to hot, fine weather followed by heavy rains in June, and more fine weather in July and August bringing in its train the usual plagues of mosquitoes, flies, and horseflies of all kinds. The settlements north of the river, the part which I am considering to-day, are small. Our one town, Fort St. John, consists of two roads with some stores and lumber houses, a flourmill, and two churches, with a population of 150-200 souls. The rest of the country is divided into school districts, with a school and a store, and church according to its size. These settlements are not very imposing. Some years ago two friends of mine were driving along when the woman, new to the country, said: 'Oh, Ernest, how nice to see a good-sized farm at last.' `That's not a farm,' said her husband; `that's Rolla!' Most of the settlers are looking forward to making this a graingrowing country, and most of the land which has been broken is seeded in oats and wheat. In good years the crops produced are excellent; the wheat from the experimental farm took seventh prize at the World Fair, but the climate makes the harvesting uncertain. Seed-time comes in May; and to ensure getting the wheat in before snow and frost spoil it, it should be harvested by the end of August. 14

They use a hard spring wheat which ripens quickly, but even so, last summer most of it was green when on September and a heavy fall of snow, followed by le of frost, ruined the whole crop throughout the country. There is a little stock farming, but those who attempt it are faced with the necessity of harvesting enough hay and grain to feed their herds for six months each year, which means much expense and labour. Also the freight charges on beef and bacon almost prohibit the shipping of the meat at present prices. In the summer there is often quantities of butter for sale, but no certain market for it, and the danger of a feed shortage, such as faced the farmers last year, tends to keep down the numbers of stock. A few people keep five or six sheep for their wool, but this is not general, and is considered rather revolutionary. A neighbour of ours keeps the only buffalo in the place. It is for breeding and runs with the herd. The mainstay of the homestead household is the garden, which provides the family with 75 per cent. of its food, and, if successfully and efficiently cultivated, can also be a small source of gain. Seeds are put in at the end of May and should be ready for harvesting in August or early September. Long days, with sometimes 20 or 22 hours of sunlight, heavy rains, and quick-drying winds bring all garden stuff on quickly. It means constant and careful work to get a good crop, but some wonderful gardens are grown, especially down on the river flats. I have eaten water-melon, in October, grown on the flat and stored. It falls to the woman to make the household harvest; and during the summer and fall she must pack eggs, can chickens and meat, bottle vegetables and wild fruit, smoke and salt bacon and ham and hang it in the smokehouse, store roots in the cellar, and make sure that nothing in her cellar will freeze, or the bottles will break, and the roots will rot. It is the work of the Mission which I have the privilege to serve to provide a scheme of religious teaching and recreational training for the children of such settlers in the northern part of the Block who desire to have it. The Mission house, built, and furnished, and maintained by Miss Storrs lies 21 miles from Fort St. John and is the head-quarters of our work. Under the authority of the parish priest we travel up and down the district on horseback, visiting the women, holding Guide and Scout meetings, Sunday schools, and services in different centres. The work is planned on a monthly scheme. There are three churches in•the parish at different points; in other parts services or Sunday schools are held in the school-house, or in a store, or in remoter parts instruction is given during a home visit to the parents. It is our endeavour to do what we can towards laying the foundations of the church of Christ in this corner of His Kingdom. CECILIA GOODENOUGH.




HE Custos Hortulorum reports : 'A mouse has gnawed and destroyed nine "White Swans" (bulbs of a tulip of that name) ignoring all other bulbs in the shed. This obviously portends something serious and the College should consider an appropriate ab-omination.' The matter is receiving careful attention.

INSTITUTIONAL M NAGEMENT T DO not know whether it can properly be considered a 'busman's I holiday' for a tutor in English, on sabbatical leave, to concern herself with a College of Domestic Science. Perhaps some connexion between domesticity and English literature can be justified ; on one plane by Shakespeare's praise of Fidele's 'neat cookery', Milton's of Eve's discriminating contrivance of a vegetarian picnic, Cowper's of the 'cups that cheer but not inebriate', or Tennyson's of the elegance of a well-made game-pie; and on a very different plane by Herbert's alchemic prescription: 'Who sweeps a room as for Thy laws makes that and the action fine'. 'Thereafter as the answer may be', as Lamb's Quaker might have said. But whether I was justified or no, I took, when in Edinburgh, the opportunity offered me by the kindness of Miss Persis Wingfield of seeing the working of the College that is popularly known in Edinburgh as 'Athol' Crescent', as if it were the Crescent; and some day it well may be. Miss Wingfield left Somerville College not long ago to become Principal of this big institution, and I could wax enthusiastic over her excellent organization of the place, with its eight houses, its thousand and more students, its laboratories, its spotless kitchens and laundries, its dressmaking, millinery, and upholstery rooms, its handicrafts, its nursery-training, its multifarious courses, ranging from Scullery Cleaning to Raffia Work, or from Merchant Marine Cookery to a 'Cordon Bleu' certificate. But I shall refrain because it is of one course only that I wish to write now, as a suggestion to the University Woman Student; that is Course VIII, entitled 'Housekeeper's Course: Training for Institutional Management'. This course is intended to train students for 'posts as Wardens, School Matrons, Housekeepers, . . . Manageresses of Clubs, Hostels . . . etc. . . . There is a demand for cultured and qualified women to fill these posts.' One might add to this list of posts Bursars and Assistant Bursars. Miss Wingfield is very desirous that this course should be brought to the notice of the University student, because it is one of the few departments where the demand for the graduate exceeds the supply. She assured me that she had frequent applications from boarding-schools of a good type and from other institutions asking for women who were both qualified in this way and also University graduates—indeed more applications than she is able to make suitable recommendations for. She is therefore anxious that women 6

should not, for lack of realization, neglect the opportunities arising thus. The course lasts three terms, and the student can enroll in September, January, or April. The terminal tuition fee is ten guineas, to which must be added the cost of living in Edinburgh for about thirty-eight weeks, including four weeks in the College Hostel at 3os. a week. Fortunately it is possible in Scotland to live economically. The course covers many subjects necessary to those who have to direct a large domestic staff, e.g. care and cleaning of kitchen equipment. It gives training in catering and all its ramifications, whether scientific (caloric values), or practical (store-room management): it includes simple book-keeping, ordinary household repairs, and home sick-nursing. As can be seen, the training is closely practical; and for one month the students put theory into practice by taking over the entire running of the fine College Hostel in Rothesay Terrace. Those who wish to know details of the scheme should apply to The Principal, 5 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh. The course does, I think, suggest openings to those who may have found while at the University that they prefer to deal with people and things rather than with books and studies—still more to those who, after some experience of professional life, decide that the chief attraction for them lies in the administrative and the executive side of an institution or a community. To all, Miss Wingfield's warning is addressed: 'The College cannot guarantee to find employment for students on completion of their Course. . . . As most of the higher posts carry considerable responsibility it is easier to place experienced students who are older than the ordinary university student. Younger students must expect to take junior posts to begin with. . . . The salaries offered vary considerably according to age, qualifications, and experience.' She is properly cautious ; but the training would, I think, be profitable and finally lucrative to the woman of the right M. E. SEATON. sort.

SOME PROCEEDINGS OF THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE, u933-4 Q ENIOR Members are aware that the first award has now been made of the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship. Miss Rosamund Joscelyne Mitchell, M.A., B.Litt., who was in residence 1921-5, and was placed in Class II of the Honour School of Modern History 1925, was the successful candidate 1933-4 from a field of five. She is engaged on studies deriving originally from the material collected for her B.Litt. thesis on John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, viz. 'The Early English Humanists: with special reference to Englishmen studying in Italy between 1440 and 1475: Evidence of the intercourse between English scholars and their counterparts in Italian Universities is available on research among records at Cambridge, 17

Oxford, Bologna, Padua, Ferrara, and Venice, and should furnish material for an interesting study on the Italianate Englishman of that period. The Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholarship 1933-4 had also five competitors and was awarded to Miss Sylvia Joan Gibson, B.A. (Manchester), who obtained First Class Honours in Latin 1932 and in Greek 1933, and also carried off a Manchester University graduate scholarship as well as the St. Hugh's Senior Scholarship. Miss Gibson is now in residence; and it is expected that her thesis will be on 'The Development of the Messenger Speeches in Greek Tragedy'. A grant from the John Gamble Research Fund, in addition to those recorded in the last issue of the Chronicle, has been made to Miss K. H. Coburn, B.Litt., for expenses in reproducing two manuscripts by S. T. Coleridge, which she has herself brought to light. The Studentship Fund has received some small contributions during the year, including a welcome legacy of ÂŁ2o from the late Deaconess Amy Mary Wilson ; and is open to accept more. Its present income of ÂŁ150 is too low to provide a complete subsistence, to say nothing of the travelling likely to be necessary to most holders of the Studentship.


Library has, during the past year, increased by over 500 1. volumes, among which are included many welcome gifts both from members of the College, Senior and Junior, and from outside friends. The accommodation problem has increased in a like ratio, and it is only by means of the most careful economy of planning in the distribution of books in the main Library, and in the Lecture Room, that the available shelf-space can be induced to house the 13,00o volumes we already possess, and the extra thousand which it is likely we shall have acquired before the new Library is ready for occupation in 1936. The Librarian is always most grateful for gifts of books of literary, historical, or scientific interest, from Senior Members, whether they are their own productions, or the works of others. Among books of interest acquired by the Library, both by gift and purchase during the past year, are the following: The Exeter Book (facsimile). Rymer. Foedera (3 vols. in 6 pts.), 1816. Norges Gamle Love (5 vols.), 1846-90. Commemorative Catalogue of the Exhibition of Italian Art (z vols.), 1933. Goethe. Reineke Fuchs (illustrated with steel engravings), 1846. B. M. H. T.



THE JUNIOR C MM N OOM THOUGH there were no 'firsts' gained in Finals this year the NJ.C.R. congratulates R. Mallin on her 'First' in Honour Mods., and on being made an Honorary Scholar of the College. We also congratulate E. A. Hearn on winning the Winter Williams Law Scholarship for Women. In February the College Dramatic Society, making a break with tradition, gave convincing performances of 'Nine Till Six' in the Hall of the Taylor Institute on two consecutive nights. Special praise is due to Z. Grey-Turner, the Producer, for her excellent management of the play. A collection was taken for St. Margaret's House. The College Musical and Debating Societies have both been active. A good concert was given by the former this term in which 0. Alexander, the President, was one of the performers. The collection was taken for St. Margaret's House. A Women's United Debating Society has been started in Oxford, its initiation being largely due to the enthusiasm and energy of C. Lawrence, who is at present President, and who is to be succeeded in this office by M. Cochrane. E. A. Hearn is President of the Women's Executive of the Student Christian Movement in Oxford. B. Beale is one of the two representatives for the Women's Colleges on the Committee of the Inter-Collegiate Christian Union in Oxford. C. M. Loveday is Chairman of the Committee of the Pentagon Club. P. Wallbank is President of the University Swimming Club. A. N. Stevenson and B. Stinton are hockey 'blues', M. R. Kershaw is a lacrosse 'blue', and P. Smith and D. Sherwood are netball 'blues'. St. Hugh's hold the Inter-collegiate Swimming Cup and the Second XI Hockey Cup. DOROTHY M. DOVETON, President.

A YOUNG ACT WS DE UT rrHE part of Flush was admirably sustained by Hugo in a recent

1_ performance of The Barretts of Wimpole Street at the Clarendon Press Institute, Oxford. The impression created by his two appearances was such as to lead to rumours of a London engagement in the same role.


DEGREES, 1933-4 D.Phil. M.A. Marshall (in absence). Subject of thesis: 'A Synthesis of Hydrastine' and 'The Stereo Chemistry of the Phthalide Group of Iso-Quinoline Alkaloids'. B.Litt. L. B. Taylor. Subject of thesis: 'The Anglican Tendencies in the Scottish Reformation, and their Bearings on the Significance of the Concordat of Leith.' B.C.L. D. G. Bushnell, B.A.

M.A. F. M. Brown (Mrs.) R. Brown S. S. Deacon M. N. Hewins

J. M. Hussey M. C. Owen M. M. Rees

B.A. J. F. Burton H. T. E. Charles M. S. Cochrane M. B. Dauphinee L. M. Dolphin E. H. Duthoit M. M. Evans H. A. E. French S. M. E. Goodfellow D. I. M. Jeudwine M. B. Johnston B. Le Fanu

M. Ll. Lewis B. M. O'Donovan D. A. Parsons M. N. M. Phillips N. H. Salinger C. Stonham (Mrs.) E. B. Sturgis M. Tamplin H. M. Taylor B. Whaley H. M. Winter

HONOUR SCHOOLS 1933 Literae Humaniores.

Class II. L. M. Dolphin S. W. Hingley E. Portsmore M. E. White Class III. M. Garbett H. M. Newell 0. M. Sweeting Class II. E. L. Parsons

Mathematics. Natural Science. Chemistry. Part II,

Class II. E. M. W. Lavington Class III. E. L. Baker Zoology. Class II. J. F. Burton. J. Lippold Botany. Class III. B. Le Fanu 20

jurisprudence. Modern History.

Class II. H. G. Skidelsky Class II. M. S. Cochrane M. B. Johnston M. Macdonald D. A. Parsons Class III. H. T. E. Charles D. I. M. Jeudwine E. M. Ockenden B. M. O'Donovan H. M. Taylor H. M. Winter

English Language and Litera- Class II. A. M. Bell M. M. Evans ture. H. J. F. Lapraik M. Ll. Lewis M. G. Milner M. N. M. Phillips E. B. Sturgis Class IV. B. Whaley

Modern Languages.

Class II. E. J. Sparks N. M. Thorp A. M. Walker Class III. R. M. Preston A. S. M. Richardson N. H. Seymour M. Strong M. Tamplin

Philosophy, Politics, and Eco- Class II. H. A. E. French S. M. E. Goodfellow nomics. 0. Owen-Jones N. H. Salinger C. Stonham E. Temple M. M. Woolf Class III. F. M. Houlston

Classical Honour Modera- Class I. R. D. Mallin Class II. C. M. Loveday tions. Class III. P. Hardcastle

Mathematical Honour Moderations.

Class II. F. E. Gregory C. M. Todd UNIVERSITY AWARD

Winter Williams Law Scholarship for Women, 1933: Ellice Aylmer Hearn. 21


Hurry Prize, 1933:Sylvia Whitfield Hingley, Class I, Classical Honour Moderations, 1931. Class II, Final Honour School of Literae Humaniores, 1933. Hilary Haworth Prize, 1933:Madge Gertrude Adam. HONORARY SCHOLARSHIP

Rosemary Dorothea Mallin. Class I, Honour Classical Moderations, 1933-



SCHOLARS M. G. ADAM, 1930. J. C. M. WHATLEY, 1930 E. L. JEWITT, 1931. C. M. LOVEDAY, 1931. R. D. MALLIN, 1931, HOnorary. D. M. MATTHEWS, 1931. P. WALLBANK, 1931. C. S. M. ABBOTT, 1932, Gilchrist. M. A. CLERK, 1932. M. P. REEKIE, 1932.

1933, Roedean School, Brighton. M. GREAVES, 1933, Alice Ottley School, Worcester. V. HUGHES, 1933, Manchester High School. D. M. SHERWOOD, 1933. Streatham Hill High School. M. STEPHENSON, 1933, Wigan Girls' High School. N. M. L. FIELD,

EXHIBITIONERS M. L. DOWNES, 1930. M. KER, 1930. E. E. NAYLOR, 1930. S. M. H. BIRD, 1931. B. L. CORBITT, 1931. F. E. GREGORY, 1931. P. HARDCASTLE, 1931. G. KEAY, 1931. M. WHITTAKER, 1931. LONGBOTTOM, 1932. E. N. MACLEAN, 1932. E. M. R. McICEE, 1932. J. M. RAWLINSON, 1932 P. A. SMITH, 1932. G. P. STRADLING, 1932. E. W. TANNER, 1932. M. R. WILSON, 1932.


1933, Wycombe Abbey School. M. M. BURGESS, 1933. Brigg Girls' High School. B. R. HAMILTON, 1933. Blackheath High School. D. M. W. KEAST, 1933. Mary Datchelor School for Girls, Camberwell. M. A. LEWIS, 1933. St. Brandon's, Bristol. I. P. PALMER, 1933. Wyggeston Grammar School for Girls, Leicester. J. M. PARKINSON, 1933. Croydon High School. M. A. R. PARSONS, 1933. Ashford High School, Kent. P. M. BRENTNALL,

ADVANCED STUDENTS A. T. GARY, 1931. B.A., Columbia University, New York City. J. C. BELL, 1931. B.A., Cambridge. D. M. WILLARD, 1933. M.A. The George Washington University,

Washington, D.C. UNDERGRADUATES, NOT BEING SCHOLARS OR EXHIBITIONERS Fourth Year. P. H. V. Lawrence. Z. Grey-Turner. D. E. Ackroyd. M. I. Milkins. A. M. Grutter. E. M. R. Crosland. M. Ralli. D. D. Harris. W. Hesketh-Wright. A. H. Reynolds. E. E. Herron. M. Jackson. J. Richardson. R. E. Hunter. B. J. Reeve. M. M. Ross. J. Jackson. W. M. M. Troup. B. Samuell. M. R. Kershaw. 0. E. Shaw. M. P. Lee. Third Year. R. Sykes. V. F. H. Lister. 0. L. B. Alexander. E. H. Thorpe. L. Lomax. I. S. T. Aspin. C. M. Todd. J. S. Lumsden. B. M. A. Beale. H. M. McCutcheon. T. G. I. Bird. E. M. Mitchell. Second Year. H. K. Bone. K. A. Moore. N. I. Chmelnitzky. J. M. Bews. M. I. Noble. A. H. Bishop. D. M. Doveton. M. E. Patton. K. M. Downham. H. A. Buchan. M. B. H. Reynard. P. M. C. Evans. E. Castledine. N. Rice-Jones. S. de C. Forster. K. T. Classen. E. Robinson. D. D. Clegg. E. H. Fyleman. A. N. Stevenson. K. M. Harris. P. E. Crisp. M. E. Stinton. W. J. L. Hazlehurst. N. E. L. Cummins. L. C. H. Symonds. E. A. Hearn. C. M. Exley. D. Tarrant. L. Fallas. A. E. Hinch. V. Watson. J. E. Ironside. M. I. Foster. I. D. Whitehorn. C. E. M. Lawrence. A. V. Gordon. E. M. Worley. First Year. E. M. ALLUM St. John's Royal Latin School, Buckingham. B. L. BOSWORTH SMITH St. Felix School, Southwold. R. M. BUSHELL •• The Mount School, York. I. K. CARVER •• Sandecotes School, Parkstone. W. M. CATLIN •• School of St. Clare, Polwithen. C. M. CLARK •• St. Helen's School, Northwood. J. CLIFFE •• Barnsley Girls' High School. M. M. CORK •• Collegiate School for Girls, Leicester. •• Manchester High School for Girls. E. P. CORNER •• Godolphin School, Salisbury. F. A. A. DEAS A. J. EBRARD •• gcole Villiers, Paris. 23

Bedgebury Park, Goudhurst. Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Clifton High School, Bristol. St. Felix School, Southwold. Cheltenham Ladies' College. Harrow Girls' County School. The Laurels, Rugby. Duchess' School, Alnwick. Church of England School, Edgbaston. Grassendale, Southbourne. Skinners' Company School, N. 16. Bournemouth High School for Girls. Headington School, Oxford. Tiffin Girls' School, Kingston-onThames. D. M. NIBLETT • • County School for Girls, Dover. S. H. M. PATRICK • • Headington School, Oxford. M. M. PROSSER .. • • Malvern Girls' College. A. A. L. SPRULES • • St. George's School, Harpenden. • J. 0. STOVIN Queenswood, Hatfield. S. L. STURGE • • The Mount School, York. K. I. TEASDALE • • Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, B. J. THEOBALD • • Bedford High School. [Penrith. E. K. WALLEN • • Camden School for Girls. R. C. WHITMORE .. St. Swithun's School, Winchester. A. A. M. WILSON .. Bedford Girls' Modern School. C. P. YOUNG St. George's School for Girls, Edin[burgh. The following B.A.'s are in residence for further study:






ILIEE 1936

HE General Committee elected by the Association at the Annual T Meeting last June has met twice and has made a good beginning with the work entrusted to it. An Executive Committee has been elected, which has submitted the draft of a circular letter for the information of Senior Members and others ; and to this, when finally approved, it is hoped that the signatures of some members of the Governing Body and others associated with the College may be appended, together with those of representative members of the General Committee. It is intended that this letter shall reach members of the Association in May. An advertisement will be put out in the press at the same time in the hope of eliciting the names and addresses of any members of the College whose names are not now on the Register of the Association. The General Committee consists of the following members of the 24

Association, the names of those who are also members of the Executive Committee being marked with an asterisk:


* * * *


St. Hugh's Club.


Miss Chattaway, 151 Woodstock Road, Oxford, has kindly consented for the present to act as hon. secretary of the General Committee; and Miss Rosser, 9 Old Square, London, W.C. 2, has been appointed hon. secretary of the Executive Committee.



N December 9th, 1933, a dinner was held at the Garden Club, 9 Chesterfield Gardens, W. 1. Professor Dr. Bonn and Miss Joan Kennedy, the chief guests, were introduced by The Principal, who took the Chair. Miss Marjorie Moller thanked the visitors for coming and for their interesting speeches. Membership of the Club is open to all old students of the College and to second and third year students on payment of 1* life subscription. IRENE SHRIGLEY,

Honorary Secretary.



ALTER LOCK was born in 1846. He was educated at Marlborough, and in 1865 went up to Oxford with a classical scholarship at Corpus Christi College. This was the beginning of a distinguished academic career. 'Firsts' in Classical Moderations and Literae Humaniores were accompanied by further distinctions—the Hertford in 1867, the Craven in 187o, and a Fellowship at Magdalen in 1869. This last, Mr. Lock held until his marriage in 1892. Concurrently with his Fellowship he held a Tutorship at the newly founded Keble College, and in 1897, on the retirement of the late Bishop Talbot from the Wardenship, Dr. Lock was his obvious successor. 25

He held office as Warden until his departure to Christ Church in 1920, thus completing half a century's connexion with Keble. He had been ordained in 1872, and in 1895 was elected to Dean Ireland's Professorship of Exegesis. In 1919, when the Lady Margaret Professorship fell vacant through the death of Dr. Sanday, the Warden of Keble's wide knowledge of exegetical scholarship and his weighty contributions to learning, made him, in spite of his advanced years, the choice of the electors to the oldest chair in the University, and to the canonry in Christ Church to which it is annexed. From this double office, Dr. Lock retired in 1927, and from then until his death in August 1933, lived in North Oxford. Among Dr. Lock's many contributions to theological learning may be specially noted his commentary on The Pastoral Epistles, and his essay on the Church in Lux Mundi—he was one of the two last survivors of the group of Oxford scholars who contributed to this work, being outlived only by his predecessor at Keble, Dr. Talbot. He took a keen interest in the cause of women's education, and was elected in November 1894 a member of the Committee governing St. Hugh's Hall, just before the resignation of the late Sir John Hawkins as Chairman, and the election in his place of the Rev. C. G. Lang, now Archbishop of Canterbury. He resigned his seat on the Council in 1923, after nearly thirty years' service on the Governing Body. He took a great interest in University business, and though he ceased after his retirement to play any active part in University affairs, he was deeply interested to the last in the many forms of work, both scholarly and administrative, with which he had been concerned.—R.I.P.

THOMAS HENRY ARCHER HOUBLON DR. T. H. ARCHER HOUBLON came of a Berkshire family of Flemish

extraction. He was born in 1849 and was educated at Radley and at Christ Church, Oxford, where he distinguished himself as an oarsman, and rowed in the University Boat in 1872. In the following year he was ordained to the curacy of Wantage, and in 1875 succeeded his father as Rector of Peasemore, Berks. In 1881 he returned to Wantage as vicar and remained there for twenty-two years, where his great gifts as a parish priest had full scope. In 1903 he was appointed, by Bishop Paget, to the Archdeaconry of Oxford, and to the canonry in Christ Church which accompanied the latter office. He continued as Archdeacon and Canon during the episcopate of Dr. Gore and Dr. Burge respectively, resigning his double office in 1921. Dr. Archer Houblon was Chairman of the Governing Body of St. Hugh's College from 1908 to 1922, and retained till his death a close interest in all its affairs. He returned to live in Oxford with his sister in 1929, and being a near neighbour as well as a friend of the College, asked to be allowed to celebrate the Holy Communion in our chapel 26

on Sundays during term—a privilege gladly accorded and very deeply valued on both sides. He died after a short illness in November 1933, at the great age of 84, and is much missed by his many surviving friends. R.I.P.

AGNES EUGENIA GILES AGNES EUGENIA GILES came up to St. Hugh's College in 1911 to read for the Honour School of Modern History. She was an only child and she lived too much in a world of her own to take her place easily in College life. It needed time and perception to grasp that the quaint, old-fashioned 'little Agnes', for whom her contemporaries showed a real, if slightly patronizing, affection, was a person of original mind, unusual force of character, and complete selflessness. Her four years at Oxford meant much to her; she was devoted to the College and found joy in her work and in her growing circle of friends. Home duties claimed her when she first went down, but when she was free to take up public work she set herself with characteristic energy to seek out ways in which she could serve those most in need of help. She worked for the Church Tutorial Classes Association and the Industrial Christian Fellowship, making a serious study of social questions and taking the Oxford Diploma in Theology to fit herself for adult religious teaching. She possessed a great capacity for enjoyment ; when an opportunity for travel came, she set out in the spirit of a pilgrim, knowing little of the way but determined as to her goal, and returned in triumph having seen the places in Italy and elsewhere on which her thoughts had long been fixed. A year ago she developed heart trouble and her death, on August 19, came after eight months of wearying illness, borne with courage and cheerfulness. Those who knew and loved her rejoice even as they mourn her loss, that her brave and loving spirit is no longer bound by mortal clay. c. M. A.

MARGARET HONESS KENNABY (née ELLIMAN) writes :—Margaret Elliman came up from the Godolphin School, Salisbury, in October 1929, and took her degree in History at the end of three years. She was President of the Junior Common Room 1931-2, and of the S.C.M. in College in the same year; she had also been churchwarden at one time, and her various interests took her on to other committees in College and in the University, including the 'Archbishop's Committee' in connexion with the Mission conducted by Dr. Temple in the spring of 1931. But it is not in that sort of capacity that one thinks of her; rather it is as if those things were the incidentals which gave her added opportunity for the helping of other people, and, though she was quite unconscious of it, for the development of her personality; it was as a much A FRIEND



loved friend of many that she was and will continue to be known. Those who knew her would desire to pay tribute to the wholeness of her character, which was one of great natural sweetness enhanced by the depth of spiritual understanding that gave her her maturity; she was indeed a person who loved God first, and everything else in her life followed naturally from this. From this also came the wisdom that made her counsel often sought, and the serenity which made it so restful to be in her presence: peace and order were about all her ways. In the carrying out of any official duty her fairness and sense of justice were always evident, as they were in her balanced outlook upon life. She was as much aware as any one of the troubles of the world, and as anxious, but she was never one to storm and fret about them. Instead she gave her help on every possible occasion to those who needed it, whether privately, or in such ways as producing plays and entertainments, or carol-parties for the patients in hospitals at home, helping with camps for factory girls, or going on Sundays during term with a small company of friends to take Services for the children in the Wingfield Hospital. She was a person with many friends, many calls upon her strength and sympathy, and many interests, which included music and art and all beautiful things. One friend has written of her: 'I never knew any one who faced life so happily and yet so solemnly'; and another, on her twenty-first birthday, said: 'You see, everybody loves Margaret', which comment seems now to be the corollary of the other. There was a particular quality about her home life which must have prepared the way for the perfection of her short married life. Surely the bonds of love by which she was held and by which others were bound to her can never be broken, though nothing can express what her going means. She was married in April 1933 to the Rev. Noel Kennaby, Curate-in-Charge of Christ Church, Scarborough, and died, after only two hours' illness, in December of the same year. To those who did not know her, these few words will convey nothing, and for those who did, there is no need of them.


at St. Mark's Church,

Norwich, April 17th, 1933. PHYLLIS MARY BYRAM to MR. R. R. TROTMAN

at Market Drayton,

Salop, April 18th, 1933.


Church, Epsom, April 19th, 1933.


FLORENCE MARY THELWELL to MR. H. KREUGER, May I ith, 1933. FREDA MARIE HOULSTON to MR. B. P. L. BEDI at Oxford, June 2 I St, 1933. MARGARET ANNE MeNAIR to MR. C. D'O. GOWAN at the Church of St.

Mary the Virgin, Oxford, August loth, 1933. 28


at St. John Baptist Church, Hilling-

don, August 12th, 1933. ELIZABETH NORAH SYMES to MR. G. ST. LEGER MYLES

at All Saints

Church, Bristol, August 17th, 1933. RUTH HAZLEWOOD LEAROYD to MR. R. H. S. PIERCEY,

at St. Peter's,

Belsize Park, August 25th, 1933. at the Parish Church, Esher, Surrey, September 2nd, 1933. HILDA GRACE SKIDELSKY to MR. A. PERSITZ, in Paris, September, 1933. MARY ARCHDALE OGILVY to MR. B. S. POTTER at St. George's Church, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, September 3oth, 1933. EDITH TEMPLE to MR. J. HOARE, at St. Peter's Church, Chailey, Sussex, October 3rd, 1933. MARY-ELLEN BARON RUSSELL to MR. M. CARDEW at the Parish Church, Winchcombe, Glos., December 24th, 1933. MARGARET ALMENA MATHIAS to MR. H. V. LLOYD-JONES, at St. Margaret's Church, Roath, Cardiff, December 28th, 1933. ENA MARY STANBURY to MR. R. C. KNIGHT, at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, December 3oth, 1933. ELEANOR BECKMAN to MR. A. R. MARTIN at Naperville, Illinois, February 17th, 1934. VIVYAN EYLES to DR. MARIO PRAZ, in London, March 17th, 1934.



(M. Hemstock)—a son, Henry Richard, February

rah, 1933. MRS. MARCUS BROWN (P.

K. Hatton)—a:son, Robert Michael, February,



(G. Gardner)—a son, Robert William Gardner, February 18th, 1933. MRS. DREW (J. M. L. Currey)—a son, April 19th, 1933. MRS. MACKILLIGIN (M. Horn)—a son, John Richard, May 7th, 1933. MRS. A. V. J. RICHARDSON (E. M. Hornibrook)—a daughter, Frances Eileen, June 25th, 1933. MRS. CUTTLE (S. J. Baker)—a son, Timothy, September 7th, 1933. MRS. JAFFt (G. Spurway)—a daughter, September loth, 1933. MRS. CAMPBELL (C. G. Dahl)—a son, September 25th, 1933. MRS. ALLEN (W. E. Brooke)—a daughter, November 22nd, 1933. MRS. BLAXLAND (D. Platt)—a daughter, Elizabeth Mary, November 23rd, 1933. MRS. CHAPMAN (N. P. Abbot)—a son, December 19th, 1933. MRS. WHEELER (H. B. Williams)—a daughter, Jennifer, January 1st, 1934. MRS. ANDREWS (A. Le B. Daman)—a daughter, January 7th, 1934. MRS. STANLEY HARRISON (R. E. Greenhill)—a son, Ian Stanley, January i3th, 1934. MRS. HARKNESS BROWNE (F. M. Fox)—a daughter, March 15th, 1934. MRS. MOBERLY


PUtLIC TINS Central Africa in Pictures. D. C. Abdy. U.M.C.A. 1933. is. Italian Studies. By Edward Armstrong. Edited by C. M. Ady, M.A.

Macmillan. 1934. Nature in Design: A Study of Naturalism in Decorative Art from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance. Joan Evans, D.Litt. Oxford

University Press. 1934. 15s. English Mediaeval Lapidaries. Joan Evans and Mary Sergeantson.

(Early English Text Society. Original Series, 190.) Oxford University Press. 1933. ,6s. A Selection from the Letters of Lewis Carroll to his Child-Friends. . . .

Edited with an introduction and notes by Evelyn M. Hatch. Illustrated. Macmillan. 1933. 8s. 6d. Life and Adventure in Medieval Europe. R. J. Mitchell, MA., B.Litt. Illustrated. Longmans. 1934. 5s. Ye Goode Olde Dayes. R. J. Mitchell and I. L. Plunket. Methuen. 1934. 5s. Alexander the Corrector. The Life and Adventures of an Eccentric.

Edith M. Olivier. Faber & Faber. 1934. 12s. 6d. Donne's Sermon of Valediction. . . . Edited by Evelyn Mary Simpson,

D.Phil. Nonesuch Press. 1932. POETRY Samplers. Alicia C. Percival, M.A. Basil Blackwell. 1933. 2S. 6d. The Slaves of Rose Hall. Eveleen E. Stopford, M.A. Heinemann.

1933. 3s. 6d. ARTICLES `A Charter of an Italian Rural Commune.' English Historical Review. April 1933. C. M. Ady, M.A. 'On the Holder and Cesarb means of an analytic function.' Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. xxxvii. M. L. Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil. (in collaboration with L. S. Bosanquet). `Some Tauberian theorems.' Loc. cit. M. L. Cartwright (in collaboration with L. S. Bosanquet). `On Analytic Functions regular in the Vint Circle.' Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford Series), vol. v. M. L. Cartwright. `Perforated Ray Cells.' Proceedings of the Royal Society, cxiii. B. 1933. M. M. Chattaway, M.A., B.Sc. (with Dr. L. Chalk). `Tile-cells in the Rays of the Malvales.' New Phytologist, vol. xxxi, pp. 261-73. 1933. M. M. Chattaway. `Ray Development in the Sterculiaceae.' Forestry, vol. vii, no. z, pp. 93-108. 1933. (Paper read at Leicester Meeting of the British Association, 1933.) M. M. Chattaway. `Goethe's Mind and Art.' Hibbert Journal, July 1932. H. C. Deneke, M.A. `Huguenot Goldsmiths in England and Ireland.' Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London, vol. xiv (1933), no. 4. Joan Evans, D .Litt. 30

`Medieval Wheel-shaped Brooches.' The Art Bulletin (Chicago), September 1933. Joan Evans. Vocabulary to A German Reader for Biology Students. By H. G. Fiedler and G. de Beer. 1933. Herman E. Fiedler, M.A. `Comments of an Educationalist.' Oxford and the Groups. Edited by R. H. S. Crossman. 1934. B. E. Gwyer, M.A. `Archbishop Whitgift and the Lambeth Articles.' Church Quarterly Review. October 1933. B. M. Hamilton Thompson, M.A., B.Litt. `The Second East Suffolk Local Militia, 1814-15.' Ipswich Library Journal. August 1932. Barbara Makepeace, B.A. `Louis Barrau-Dihigo. His work in Spanish History.' Revue Hispanique. Tome lxxxi. 1933. Evelyn S. Procter, M.A. `Costume in History.' Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. February 1934. Mrs. Herbert Richardson, F.R.Hist.S. `The Old English Newspaper.' English Association Pamphlet. No. 86. December 1933. Mrs. Herbert Richardson. `Bequests to John Ford.' Review of English Studies. October 1933. M. Joan Sargeaunt, B.A., B.Litt. `The Interpretation of Phyllotaxis.' Biological Reviews, vol. ix, no. ,, January 1934. Mary Snow, M.A., B.Sc., and R. Snow, M.A., B.Sc. `Experiments on Phyllotaxis. Part II. The effect of displacing a primordium.' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B. 222. 1933. Mary Snow and R. Snow. `Some Notes on an Unpublished Letter of Joseph Addison.' Notes and Queries, February 25th, 1933. Louise B. Taylor, B.Litt. `Czechoslovakia and Central European Tariffs.' II and III. The Slavonic and East European Review. Nos. 33 and 34. April, July 1933. Doreen Warriner, B.A. REVIEWS `Donato Giannoti. Lettere a Piero Vettori.' Review by C. M. Ady, M.A. English Historical Review, April 1933. `Curt Ferdinand Biihler. The sources of the Court of Sapience.' Review by D. Everett, M.A. Review of English Studies, June 1933. `Rolles Incendium Artie, ed. Schnell. The Pearl, ed. Bowdoin College. The Pearl, paraphrased by S. P. Chase.' Review by D. Everett. R.E.S., October 1933. `Winner and Waster. Death and Life, ed. Gollancz.' Review by D. Everett. R.E.S., April 1933. `H. 0. Evennett. The Cardinal of Lorraine and the Council of Trent.' Review by B. M. Hamilton Thompson, M.A., B.Litt. English Historical Review, June 1933. `J. Brodrick, S.J. The Life and Works of Blessed Robert Bellarmine.' Review by B. M. Hamilton Thompson. E.H.R., January 1934. Reviews in Theology, by V. I. Ruffer, B.A. `The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe. . . . Vol. III. The Jew of Malta and The Massacre at Paris, ed. by H. S. Bennett.' Review by Ethel Seaton, M.A., Review of English Studies. July 1933. 31

`G. Keynes. A Bibliography of John Donne.' Review by E. M. Simpson. R.E.S., January 1933. Reviews in The New Statesman and Nation, The Week-end Review, and Time and Tide by M. M. Evans, B.A., H. F. A. Lapraik, B.A., and E. B. Sturgis, B.A.

APPOINTMENTS, i933-4 University Lecturer in Medieval European History, from October 1933, for two years. M. L. CARTWRIGHT, M.A., D.PHIL., Staff Fellow and Lecturer in Mathematics, Girton College, Cambridge, 1934. D. WARRINER, B.A., PH.D., Assistant Lecturer in Political Economy, University College, University of London, September 1933. J. EVANS, D.LITT., Susette Taylor Fellow, Lady Margaret Hall, 1933-5. W. ALDER-BARRETT, B.A., Chief Assistant, Nottinghamshire County Library, December 1933. E. M. BONE, B.A., Assistant History Mistress, Bedgebury Park, Goudhurst, Kent, September 1933. H. BRADBROOKE, B.A., Senior Biology Mistress, Haberdashers' Aske's School, West Acton, September 1933. I. J.R.BROMLEY,B.A., Contingent Staff, Harrods, Ltd., September 1 933 H. J. BUTT, B.A., History Mistress, West Cornwall School, Penzance, 1932. E. M. BUTTERWORTH, Warden, Clough Hall, Edge Hill College, Ormskirk, Lancs., 1933. L. M. R. CATTLEY, B.A., English Mistress, Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate, September 1933. D. CHELL, B.A., French and English Mistress, Queen Mary School, Lytham, Lancs., 1933. H. R. CLARKE, B.A., Classics Mistress, St. Cyprian's School, Cape Town, January 1934. M. B. DAUPHINEE, B.A., English Mistress, P.N.E.U. School, 22 Burns Street, Nottingham, September 1934. s. s. DEACON, M.A., English Mistress, Twyford School, Kingsbridge, May 1934. K. M. DENCER, B.A., History Mistress, Lincoln High School, September 1933. A. C. DEWHURST, B.A., Junior French Mistress, Merchant Taylors' School for Girls, Great Crosby, Liverpool, September 1933. E. M. ELLIS, B.A., B.SC., Research Assistant to Senior Demonstrator, Department of Botany, Oxford University, 1933. H. M. FORTH, B.A., Assistant Mistress, Royal Normal College for the Blind, Upper Norwood, London, S.E. 19. M. H. GENT, B.A., Classics Mistress, Clifton High School, Bristol, September 1933. E. S. PROCTER, M.A.,



Head Mistress, Eastbourne High School, Septem-

ber 1933. Private Secretary to General Secretary of the N. and N.W. Divisions of the Y.W.C.A., June 1933. M. HALL, M.A., English Mistress, Brackley High School, Northants., 1933. M. V. HALMSHAW, B.A., English Mistress, Spurley Hey School, Rotherham, 1933. P. M. HARTNOLL, M.A., Secretary to the Headmistress and Assistant French Mistress, Girls' College, Jerusalem, July 1933. O. L. M. HELLMAN, B.A., Assistant Mistress, Thomas Street Central Girls' School, Limehouse, April 1933. K. N. H. HOARE, M.A., Mathematical Mistress, Harrow County Girls' School, 7933. M. P. HOLT, B.A., Junior History Mistress, Holly Lodge High School, Liverpool, 1933. J. M. HUSSEY, M.A., B.LITT., Senior Research Student, Westfield College, University of London, 1933-4. W. KNOX, B.A., English Mistress, Queen Anne Secondary School, York, September 1933. D. M. LAYTON, B.A., Secretary, The Manor House Boys' Preparatory School, Horsham, Sussex, 1933. O. H. LISTER, B.A., House Surgeon, Bath and Wessex Children's Orthopaedic Hospital, Bath, April 1933. C. V. Al. LUCAS, Research Student, Westfield College, University of London, 1933-4. I. F. V. LYNN, M.A., Second History Mistress, Truro High School, 1933. M. A. MARSHALL, D.PHIL., Research Assistant, State Experiment Station, Amhurst, Mass., U.S.A., 1933. M. MOLLER, M.A., Head Mistress, Headington School for Girls, Oxford, September 1934. D. B. MORGAN, M.A., Assistant Mistress, English High School, Haifa, Palestine, September 1933. G. MORLEY, B.A., Mathematics Mistress, Holly Lodge High School, Smethwick 1933. A. M. MORTON, English Mistress, Grammar School, Hindley, Wigan, September 1933. V. C. MURRAY, M.A., Warden of Endcliffe University Hall for Women, Sheffield University, October 1933. 11. M. NEWELL, Classics Mistress, Chantry Mount School, Bishop's Stortford, September 1933. D. M. PARR, M.A., House Mistress, Uplands School, St. Leonards-onSea, September 1932. J. REYNOLDS, B.A., Secretary to the Advertisement Investigation Committee, Advertising Association, Fleet Street, W.C. 1, May 1933. E. ROSSER, Legal Adviser to the John Lewis Partnership Ltd., 1933. E. M. P. SCOTT, M.A., History Mistress, Godolphin and Latymer School, Hammersmith, September 1933. 0. M. SHAPLEY, B.A., Surrey Organiser of W.E.A., 1933. A. HADFIELD, B.A.,


Classics Mistress, High School for Girls, Gloucester, September 1933. E. M. TALBOT, M.A., Governor of Newbury County Girls' School, 1933-6. (Appointed by the University of Oxford.) L. B. TAYLOR, B.LITT., Lecturer in History and History Method, St. Mary's College, Bangor, N. Wales, September 1933. N. H. THORPE, B.A., Modern Languages Mistress, Drayton Manor School, Hanwell, September 1933. E. R. W. UNMACK, M.A., Secretary of the Student Careers Association and Loan Fund, April 1933. M. E. WHITE, B.A., Classics Mistress, Riversbend School, Winnipeg, Canada, September 1933. K. M. WOODS, B.A., Mathematical Mistress, Tiffin Girls' School, Kingston-on-Thames, September 1933• E. WILSON, M.A., Senior Mistress, Southlands, Harrow-on-the-Hill, 1932. 0. SWEETING, B.A.,

The Editor wishes to apologize for a mistake made in the last issue of the Chronicle. It is D. N. GLENDAY, not E. I. GLENDAY, who has been appointed Head Mistress of Clifton High School.

NEWS OF SENIOR MEM E S WHO WENT DOWN IN 1933 E. L. BAKER, J. F. BURTON, L. M. DOLPHIN, H. A. E. FRENCH, M. LL. LEWIS, M. N. M. PHILLIPS, M. TAMPLIN, and B. WHALEY are reading for the Oxford Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Education. E. M. OCKENDEN is also, at the same time, reading for the Diploma in

Geography. A. M. BELL has returned to her home at Hamilton, Ontario. D. G. BUSHNELL has been appointed Enquiry Officer in the Criminal

Investigation Department of the Birmingham Police Force. H. T. E. CHARLES is reading for the Social Service Diploma at Bedford College, Regent's Park, N.W. M. s. COCHRANE is reading for the Oxford Diploma in Economics. M. M. EVANS is conducting a Tutorial Class on seventeenth-century literature at Morley College. M. GARBETT is teaching at a small private school at Oldham. s. M. E. GOODFELLOW passed into the Departmental Class of the Civil Service in July 1933, and was posted to the Ministry of Labour. She is now working in the Employment Exchange at Bolton, Lancs. S. W. HINGLEY is taking a secretarial course. F. M. HOULSTON was married to Mr. B. P. L. Bedi in June 1933. D. I. M. JEUDWINE is living at home in Oxford. M. B. JOHNSTON has returned to her home in Ireland. H. J. F. LAPRAIK has been travelling. E. M. LAVINGTON is Research Assistant under Dr. Gulland, at the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chelsea Bridge Road, S.W. 34

is engaged in botanical research under Mr. G. R. S. Snow, in Oxford. J. LIPPOLD is living at home. A. M. MORTON (see Appointments). H. M. NEWELL (see Appointments). B.M. O'DONOVAN is taking a secretarial course in London. 0. OWEN-JONES is working at St. Margaret's House, Bethnal Green, for the Social Service Certificate of the London School of Economics. D. A. PARSONS is living at home. E. PORTSMORE is training for elementary school teaching. R. N. PRESTON has been travelling on the Continent. A. S. M. RICHARDSON is taking a secretarial training course. N. H. SALINGER is working for the Oxford degree of B.Litt. N. H. SEYMOUR is living at home. H. G. SKIDELSKY was married to Mr. A. Persitz in September 1933. E. J. SPARKS has been travelling on the Continent. M. STRONG is living at home. E. B. STURGIS is working for the Macmillan Publishing Company, Toronto. O.M. SWEETING (see Appointments). H. M. TAYLOR is living at home. E. TEMPLE was married to Mr. J. Hoare in September 1933. A. M. WALKER. (No news has been received.) M. N. WOOLF passed into the Departmental Class of the Civil Service in July 1933, and was posted to the Department of Customs and Excise.




obtained the Diploma of the London School of Librarianship in July 1933, and is now Assistant Librarian, Nottingham County Library. B. H. ALEXANDER was, in November 1933, awarded a Yarborough a year for three years, by the Inner Anderson Scholarship of Temple. She was called to the Bar in January 1934, but has no present intention of practising and is now taking a secretarial course. M. A. BEESE has a part-time post as Senior English Mistress at St. John's High School for Girls, Newport, Mon., and is at the same time working for the Oxford degree of B.Litt. L. I. BEVIS is running 'The Willow Parlour' Tea-Shop and TeaGarden at Blandford, Dorset. L. F. BRADBURY (nĂŠe Todd) is returning to England in June 1934, from India, and expects to be at home for the next four years. E. M. BROWN has passed the first Departmental Examination (Civil Service) and has been transferred to H.M. Inspector of Taxes (4th District), Richmond House, Newhall Street, Birmingham. M. CHALLANS began in October 1933 to train as a nurse at the Radcliffe County Hospital, Oxford.



is teaching children who for various reasons are not able to go to school. She also does some coaching, on the literary side, for Miss Plowman of the Oxford School of Dramatic Art, and helps with Rangers and a Girls' Club. u. DACOMBE is private secretary to one of the directors of the `K' Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, Kendal. R. J. DEAN is working for the degree of D.Phil. on an edition of the Anglo-Norman Chronicle of Nicholas Trevet. H. C. DENEKE is Honorary Secretary to the Oxfordshire County Federation of Women's Institutes, and is a member of the (Oxford) Public Assistance Committee. A. DISNEY-ROEBUCK has been, since September 1933, Club Leader at the Katherine Low Settlement, Battersea, but has temporarily had to give it up. H. F. DOUGLAS is testing her vocation as a Postulant in the Community of the Sisters of the Church, Kilburn, N.W. J. EVANS has been elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, a member of the Council of the Hellenic Society, a member of the Education Committee of the Girls' Public Day School Trust, and an Honorary Fellow of the Huguenot Society. E. DE L. FAGAN is working for the degree of M.A. at London University on 'The King's Chamber in the reign of Henry V'. E. N. FAWCETT is Lecturer in English at the Gloucestershire Domestic Training College. G. GAUGE has finished her training as a Hospital Almoner, and is now looking for a post. M. GODLEY is now Head of Citizen House, Westonbirt, a branch of of the School separately housed where students of over 18 reside for courses of a year or less, on such subjects as Political Economy, Geography, Imperial History, Business Procedure, Hygiene, and Nursing, and Civics. University Lecturers attend the House, and students are given opportunities for practical surveys, &c., in Bristol and elsewhere. D. M. GREY has been working in the Art Department of Messrs. Sotheby, Ltd. o. M. GRIFFITHS has obtained the degree of Ph.D. at Bristol University for her thesis on 'English Presbyterian Thought' which she hopes shortly to publish. G. GRIGG (nee Hough) is resigning her Assistant-Secretaryship of the Pilgrim Trust, as her husband has been appointed Finance Member of the Viceroy's Council, and she will be leaving very shortly for India, where she expects to be for the next five years. E. HARRIS (nĂŠe Phipps) is working at the Administrative Headquarters of the Bechuanaland Protectorate Government (Mafeking, S. Africa). M. HOPPER (nee Harvey) has joined the John Lewis Partnership Ltd. as an assistant in the Chief Staff Office. H. K. HUDSON has returned from Australia, and is now living at home with her invalid sisters. R. M. COMPSTON


is returning shortly from India, and expects to be permanently in England. J. IRWIN is Secretary to the Manchester University Dental Hospital, and also to Professor Wilkinson, Professor of Dental Surgery. K. JACKSON is working at the Barkingside Village for Children maintained by Dr. Barnardo's Homes (Inc.). She writes: 'I am in what is known as the Service Department, which is concerned entirely with placing girls in suitable situations and looking after them while they are there. This involves a good deal of interviewing and investigating, and I personally have done a good deal of interviewing—both prospective mistresses and also girls. Complaints from both mistresses and girls have sometimes to be investigated, and I have had experience with that. At the same time I come into contact with the girls themselves in Clubs and Guides. The Village is a wonderful place: a number of houses built in a large estate, with gardens, lawns, trees, and flowers, a large Village Green, a hospital, school, swimming bath, and stores. . . . There are, of course, about 1,500 children, mostly girls (nearly zoo are small boys under 7 years of age). Each cottage houses between 16 and 20 children, and they are supervised by "Mothers". There is a sort of High School in the Village where the more intelligent can take Junior and Senior Cambridge and pass on as Probationers in hospitals or students at a Training College for teachers. The majority go into domestic service, mostly in exceedingly good houses. The demand for maids is much bigger than the supply, and part of the work of the Service Department is refusing about zoo applications every week! Excellent work is done here at the Massage Hut and Sunshine House, but it is surprising what good food and fresh air alone can do for most of our youngsters! We have over 50o Guides and about zoo Brownies here, and our Companies are colossal. One thinks nothing of organizing work and games for 8o or 90 girls! I am a Guide Lieutenant, and enjoy it immensely. I have always wanted to do Guiding, and I had my opportunity here. Incidentally, I have found that it is, to a great extent, part of one's duty here to be a Guider, for in any shows or displays, Guiders in uniform are always on duty. The staff houses here are very comfortable and nice. Cairns House is supposed to be the nicest, and I certainly have got a glorious room, which I share with my friend here. It is mostly window, facing south and east, and on days like this it is full of sunshine. It is beautifully furnished, and has a gas fire and ring in it. The attention and service is good, and the head of the house is kindness itself. Of course, all laundry is done in the Village, and there is also the library for the use of staff. In the summer months there is tennis and swimming, and during the winter hockey. We are also given a number of lectures on child mentality, and kindred subjects. So you can see, we have a full and varied life.' E.A.JEFFREv, who has charge of the Scripture teaching at the Collegiate School for Girls, Leicester, has been appointed by the authorities H. M. IRVING


of the University College, Leicester, to give in the spring term of 1934 a course of lectures on the Teaching of Scripture in Schools for the benefit of students in the Department of Training there. G. JOEL is working on the clerical staff of the Courtauld Institute of Art. B. KENDAL is English Mistress at the Godolphin and Latimer School, London, W. M. L. LARDELLI has been elected a member of the Council of the Historical Association and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. L. F. LIMPUS has returned home from work in Palestine. D. T. McNEILL is a Director of John H. Bennett, Ltd., Maltsters, Cork. E. K. MILNER is Assistant Maternity Almoner at the London Hospital. M. A. MILNER is testing her vocation as a Postulant in the Community of St. Mary the Virgin at Wantage. B. MOBERLY wishes to call the attention of Senior Members to The Village Book (Hall the Printer, Queen Street, Oxford, as. 6d.) compiled by members of the Forest Hill with Shotover Women's Institute, in the production of which she has played a large part. I. MORRIS is running a tea-shop and circulating library at Northampton. M. M. MORTLOCK is teaching at Ryhalls Court, Seaton, Devon. B. M. NICKALLS is Editor of the Woman's Page, Bristol Evening Post. G. I. PARSONS is Secretary of the Oxhey Group of the Guild of Health. M. F. PERHAM writes: 'I have now joined my sister and brother-inlaw in a dairy farm near Guildford, where I have the advantage of complete quiet for work, and an easy run up to London by car. I expect to return to Africa during the summer of 1934.' H. G. PERSITZ (nĂŠe Skidelsky) is helping her husband in his family's publishing firm at Tel-Aviv, Palestine, but has not abandoned the hope of completing her Bar Examinations in due course. M. E. PRICHARD is Riding Instructress at the Peterstow Court Residential Riding Academy, Ross-on-Wye. J. REYNOLDS is running the Advertisement Investigation Department of the Advertising Association. Her work consists in examining the bona fides of advertisers, and the desirability of advertisements, and also in giving information to newspapers about advertisements offered to them. N. RICHARDSON (nĂŠe Dening) is giving Extension Lectures for the Universities of both Oxford and Bristol, and also for the W.E.A. A. D. ROUNTREE is Supervisor and Petitioning Officer under the Mental Deficiency Acts, in West Bromwich, and Visitor for the West Bromwich Girls' Welfare Society. M. SHELLEY is teaching at Dartington Hall, Devon. G. M. s. SIMEY was called to the Bar in January 1934. She is resigning her post as Organizer of the Bethnal Green Branch of the Invalid Children's Aid Association, to take up an organizing post with the Charity Organization Society. M. SINCLAIR is Assistant Secretary to the Universal Christian Council for Life and Work, Geneva. 38

has been selected for a post under the Home Office Scheme for training Probation Officers. J. M. SPRULES is taking a course of instruction in the principles and practice of occupational therapy at a London centre. L. STAVE is Private Secretary to Mr. Reed, Managing Director of Messrs. Austin Reed, Ltd. C. STONHAM (nĂŠe West) is engaged in lecturing for the W.E.A. and in work in Hounslow and the neighbourhood for the local Association of the Labour Party. E. M. STRONG is working at the Royal Free Hospital for the London M.R.B.S. P. M. TALBOT is now living at home. V. K. TALLENT is engaged on work of her own at the Institute of Animal Genetics, King's Buildings, West Maine Road, Edinburgh, and not as Waterfowl Research Assistant, as was wrongly stated in the last issue of the Chronicle. L. B. TAYLOR was awarded a Carnegie Research Scholarship in 1933, but accepted in September the post of Lecturer in History and History Method at St. Mary's College, Bangor, intending to resume, later on, her investigation into Scottish Emigration. D. TUPPER is Organizing Secretary to the Harrow and Wealdstone District Nursing Association, for the purpose of organizing a Provident Scheme. Al. s. WALFORD is engaged in private secretarial work, and in breeding Scottish terriers. c. E. WATSON is training as a House Property Manager. B. WATTS is Editorial Assistant and Dramatic Critic of The Amateur E. SLIMON

Theatre and Playwrights' Journal. w. L. WILSON is temporary History Mistress at St. George's School,


GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE gifts lately received by the College are the following: AMONG From Sir Michael Sadler, the painting 'Clay Cross' by Sir Charles Holmes. From the same donor, the painting 'Yachts' by Paul Maze. From Miss Moberly, the late C. M. Yonge's brass inkstand, part of her constant equipment as a writer. From Miss G. I. Parsons, a water-colour painting by her sister, Miss B. Parsons, of the garden at St. Hugh's College [the first Jubilee Gift].

'POEMS ND PLAYS' TT is thought that those Senior Members who knew Miss Wordsworth may like to hear that a limited number of copies of her book

Poems and Plays may be obtained from the Oxford University Press

at a reduced price of 3s. 6d. per copy. 39







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