CHRONICLE '934 -35 Number 7
Chairman: THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1934-6:
MISS C. M. ADY Editor of the Chronicle, 1934-7: MISS B. M. HAMILTON THOMPSON, St. Hugh's College, Oxford
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DEGREES, 1934-5
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Council. BARBARA ELIZABETH GWYER, M.A., Principal. PERCY COMYN LYON, M.A., Oriel, Chairman. CHARLOTTE ANNE ELIZABETH MOBERLY, HON. M.A., Hon. Fellow. EDITH ELIZABETH WARDALE, M.A., Hon. Fellow. ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARGERY FREDA PERHAM, M.A., Research Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Official Fellow, Secretary to the Council. EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Official Fellow. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT, Treasurer and Official Fellow. CECILIA MARY ADY, M.A., Research Fellow. MARY REAVELEY GLOVER, M.A., Official Fellow. DAISY EMILY MARTIN CLARKE (Mrs.), M.A., Official Fellow. MARGARET AUGUSTA LEISHMAN, M.A., B.SC., Official Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT., Official Fellow. JOHN LINTON MYRES, M.A., Fellow of New College. ANNIE MARY ANNE HENLEY ROGERS, M.A. REV. VICTOR JOHN KNIGHT BROOK, M.A., Censor of St. Catherine's
Corpus Christi.
Principal. B. E. GWYER, M.A.
Tutors. E. A. FRANCIS, M.A. M. E. SEATON, M.A., F.R.S.L. E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A., F.R.HIST.S.,
French. English Literature. History.
Vice-Principal. M. R. GLOVER, M.A. D. E. MARTIN CLARKE (Mrs.), M.A. A. HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT. D. H. F. GRAY, M.A.
Philosophy. English Language. Politics and Economics. Classics.
Assistant Tutors. M. A. LEISHMAN, M.A., B.SC. Science. 0. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in Lettere (Genoa), Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian
Lecturer. D. M. WRINCH
(Mrs.), M.A., D.SC.,
Gamble Lecturer in Philosophy, 1934-5. J. W. MACLEOD, B.LITT., M.A.
Treasurer and Bursar. G. THORNEYCROFT, B.A.
Assistant Bursar and Warden of St. Hugh's House. S. F. SALT.
Principal's Secretary. M. FOWLE.
Custos Hortulorum. A. M. A. H. ROGERS, M.A.
ED ITORI L NOTE PrHE Jubilee Committee will place before the -11- Association at its Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 29th, a proposal that there shall be a Special Jubilee Number of the Chronicle in 1936, and that it shall contain a full report of the proceedings of next summer. Should this proposal be adopted, the compilation of the Chronicle will be postponed until July 1936 and Members will not receive it until that month or the next.
REPORT OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION, 1933 FrHE Ninth Annual Meeting of the Association was held on
J1 Saturday, June 23, 1934, and was attended by thirty-two members. The Chairman's statements on the events of the year included (1) a report on the building, (z) the announcement of the retirement of Mr. Charles Ball, Head Gardener since 1915, (3) the announcement of the appointments at Girton College of Miss M. L. Cartwright as Staff Fellow and Lecturer in Mathematics, and of Miss J. M. Hussey as Pfeiffer Research Fellow, and (4) the successes in the Examination Schools up to the present date. The election of Miss E. M. Talbot as a Member of Council under Statute XIII, and the re-election of Miss C. M. Ady as Secretary to the Association, were reported. Miss B. M. Hamilton Thompson was re-elected Editor of the Chronicle of the Association to hold office for three years. Miss E. A. Phillips presented the Report of the Jubilee Committee. Some discussion followed on the date of the Jubilee Celebrations, and preference was expressed for holding them in June 1936, rather than for postponing them until the following year. The Chairman read a letter from the Secretary of the Oxford Society announcing that the Executive Committee of the Society had decided in future to admit the members of any College Society to life membership of the Oxford Society for the reduced subscription of ÂŁ2. Miss Rice reported on the response which she had received to her appeal to Senior Members for subscriptions to St. Margaret's House, Bethnal Green. She again urged all Senior Members to do their best to support it. The following were present: The Chairman. M. L. Lee. E. Rosser. The Hon. Secretary. B. L. Lefroy. S. F. Salt. E. Lemon. M. E. Seaton. J. C. Bell. L. I. G. Bickmore. W. M. Mammatt. M. R. B. Shaw. M. Mathews. I. Shrigley. D. M. Butler. A. H. Moore. E. E. Stopford. M. L. Cartwright. M. C. Owen. G. Thorneycroft. M. M. Chattaway. E. A. Phillips. P. M. Trotman. J. Evans. M. A. Rice. M. Tudor. M. Fowle. E. E. Wardale. M. E. Robertson. B. M. Hamilton E. M. M. Robinson M. G. Watson. Thompson. The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Association will be held on Saturday, June nth, 1935, at 3 p.m.
its inception in June 1933 the Jubilee Committee has held four Meetings, while the Executive Committee has met more frequently. There have been two additional members appointed to the Committee, Miss Francis to represent the Official Fellows of the College, and Miss Doveton, who was President of the J.C.R. in 1933-4. A report from the Committee was presented to the Association of Senior Members at its annual meeting held at the College on June 23rd, 1934. The Appeal for funds for the Jubilee Gift to the College was sent out in the summer of 1934, and a letter from the Committee informing members of the College of the result of this appeal is printed below. There is also a printed list of those who have already subscribed. The Committee would also like to draw attention to the list of those members of the College whose present addresses are unknown, which is included in this issue of the Chronicle. The Committee is anxious that these members should be informed of the Jubilee Celebrations, and they would be grateful for any information which can be given which will assist in tracing these addresses.
ST. HUGH'S COLLEGE JUBILEE FUND Committee think that Senior Members will be interested to hear of the progress of the Fund. In response to the appeal issued in June 1934 the sum of ÂŁ795 has been either received or definitely promised. This sum represents the contributions of 103 members of the Association, other old students, and friends, and the donations range from 5s. to zoo guineas. The Committee feel that a good beginning has been made, and thank those members who have made such prompt response. They venture to remind those who have not sent in their subscriptions that the nature of the gift to be made to the College must depend on the amount subscribed, and that it will be convenient if a decision can be made by the end of this year. It seems to be generally agreed that the establishment of a Scholarship or Scholarships would be the most satisfactory and acceptable gift, but if this is to be possible a minimum sum of L2,000 will be needed. The actual subscription may be paid in instalments or at any date convenient to the subscriber, but it will be helpful if the Treasurer can be informed of what is intended. All readers of the Chronicle will be aware that the gift is to be the corporate expression by all old students of their love for and gratitude THE
to the College, and the Committee trust, therefore, that no one will refrain from giving because she knows that her contribution must be a small one. We would say with the writer of the Book of Tobit, `If thou hast much give plenteously, if thou hast little do thy diligence to give of that little.' ELEANOR ADDISON PHILLIPS, Chairman. E. E. WARDALE, Hon. Treasurer. ENID ROBBER, Hon. Secretary. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION AND FRIENDS OF THE COLLEGE WHO HAVE ALREADY CONTRIBUTED TO THE FUND D. C. Abdy. C. M. Ady. R. Arbuthnot Lane. M. H. Birley. E. Brown. G. Buckler (Mrs.). D. Bushnell. M. L. Cartwright. M. Chappel. M. M. Chattaway. A. Clark. M. L. Clarkson. B. Corrie. M. M. Dalston. E. Daws. H. Deneke. E. L. Dixon (Mrs.). G. B. Eastwood (Mrs.). Z. Eppstein. F. Ertz (Mrs.). J. Evans. H. E. Fiedler. M. R. Fookes. W. A. Forth. A. Fowle. B. Fowle. M. Fowle. M. J. Fowle (Mrs.). L. E. Glover (Mrs.). C. P. Goodenough. M. L. Gordon. M. Gower Gardner (Mrs.). B. Greenhalgh. I0
J. Greig. Lady Grigg. B. E. Gwyer. P. M. Gwynne. M. B. Hall. A. M. Hart. C. Hedley. M. Henson. E. Herdman. S. W. Hingley. C. M. Hobhouse. C. Houghton (Mrs.). Lady Irving. M. E. Irwin. F. M. Jenkins. M. Jones. B. B. Kendall. M. Kennard Davis (Mrs.). J. Lake. M. M. Lardelli. M. M. Lawson (Mrs.). M. L. Lee. L. Leigh Spencer. L. Lennard. E. Lidbetter. M. M. Mackilligin (Mrs.). Lady Marriott. M. E. Maurice. M. G. McGregor. D. T. McNeill. M. Nichol Smith (Mrs.).
P. M. Nott. W. A. Odell. H. M. Osbome. G. Parsons. D. A. A. Penny. A. C. Percival. M. F. Perham. A. D. K. Peters. E. A. Phillips. D. Pike (Mrs.). M. Porcher. D. D. Power. E. S. Procter. E. Reynolds. V. Rhys Davids. M. A. Rice. A. Robb. B. H. Roberts. F. Robinson. A. M. A. H. Rogers. E. M. Scott. I. Shrigley. E. M. Simpson (Mrs.). J. Simpson. M. Simpson. M. L. Slocombe. B. Sparks. D. W. Sprules. E. E. Stopford. E. B. Sturgis. E. M. Talbot. E. M. ThoMas. M. Tudor. M. E. K. Wait.
E. E. Wardale. M. D. Weston. D. H. Wethered.
M. Whiteley (Mrs.). W. Windle. D. M. Willard. M. E. Wood. A. Windham. W. Woolley.
Promises have been received from the following: B. M. Hamilton Thompson. E. Rosser. K. M. Hobbs. B. J. Spedding. Lady Moberly.
THE P INCIPAL'S LETTER DEAR MISS HAMILTON THOMPSON, SEE that in my last letter to you (1933) I referred cautiously to `the objective of a new structure to be opened for use in the year of the Jubilee'. These words I write to the agreeable accompaniment of falling bricks next door, where No. I St. Margaret's Road is speedily disappearing from sight, and every omen points to the attainment of that 'objective' in time for the academic year beginning in October 1936. (Your frontispiece, if rather sketchy, gives some little idea of the aspect of the future buildings, but I think we may say the extension will surpass any expectations aroused by this illustration.) Twenty-seven new students' study-bedrooms, and two tutors' suites, are contained in the building, as well as the Library, Librarian's office, and rooms for reading, lecturing, and 'stack'. This new space will allow us to dispose in various ways of the less convenient rooms now used for some of the above purposes. The detached Houses will still be inhabited, but by smaller numbers; and the whole of the east wing, after extensive internal alterations, will be given over to domestic uses. The architect's plan of alteration for the Mordan Hall is expected to make of this favourite room a most dignified as well as a most useful rendezvous for purposes of assembly. Other minor changes in the main building will give better office and cloakroom accommodation, and will include a dispensary for Miss Salt. The new building will occupy the greater part of the garden of No. 1 St. Margaret's Road, and the trees on that side will have to be cut down. Luckily they are not of special beauty, and we can keep the beeches which stand on our side of the fence. The ground formerly belonging to the Ansell family which lies south of No. has been levelled and sown with grass; the little partly-enclosed orchard south again is to be kept, probably as a S.C.R. garden. Plans for paths and flower-beds are maturing in the mind of the Custos Hortulorum, and by the time the building is finished and furnished its immediate surroundings will be continuous, and in character, with the College garden. These great and most welcome changes will add immensely to our comfort. Senior Members will be glad to know that though of necessity
a considerable debt must be incurred in financing them, prudent management has kept it within safe limits, and the period of repayment is expected not to extend to a great number of years, and to be carried through without any diminution of the annual allocation at present made from revenue to scholarships, &c. In this connexion, Senior Members will be glad to know that the Council has lately resolved to offer, probably next year for the first time, a further Senior Scholarship, to be awarded annually to that undergraduate of the College who, already qualified for the degree by First or Second Class Honours, is adjudged most worthy of a further year's study in the University. Conditions governing this annual award are shortly to be drawn up. The need for endowment continues acute. Can there be another residential College for women in any of the greater Universities of the Empire which has at its disposal one open entrance Scholarship, and no more, of the value of £4o a year, awarded but once in three years ? Unquestionably, endowment both for Scholarships and for the higher ranges of research—in which more and more of our members are acquiring competence—is an object the College and all its friends must still set firmly before themselves. We shall soon set about planning in earnest for our Jubilee celebrations. The date is fixed for the Saturday to Monday after the end of the Trinity Term 1936, viz. June 27th-29th, and full particulars of the programme will be sent to Senior Members in April next year. I hope every forgetful graduate of the College who has dropped off, and every casual graduate who has never put herself on, the Association Register will repair her omission between now and then. We want the gathering to include every single member who is not prevented by physical impossibility from coming to Oxford at the time. The near future is, as you see, much in our minds, but I must not leave your readers without any news about the present. There have been no changes on the Council except the inevitable annual replacement of one of the three Elected Members by another, Miss Talbot having succeeded Mrs. Kennard Davis last October. A new tutorial appointment has been made, Miss D. H. F. Gray, M.A., formerly Scholar of Somerville College and Gilchrist Student 1928, having last October taken charge of the Classics teaching of the College. Miss Glover, who is away on a year's leave of absence, travelling in the Far East, will return to take charge in future of the Philosophy teaching alone. For the current year a member of the College, Miss J. W. Macleod, B.Litt. (M.A. Glasgow), has been directing Miss Glover's pupils, and as Gamble Lecturer in Philosophy 1934-5 has during the year delivered two courses of intercollegiate lectures for the College. We congratulate Bristol University on its appointment of Miss Macleod, in succession to the late Miss Staveley, as Warden of Clifton Hill House from September next, and the South generally on retaining her. Senior Members will, I know, be sorry to hear that advancing age has compelled the retirement of Ball, the College Head Gardener 12
for twenty years. He and his wife went in the autumn to live in the house they had bought several years ago, taking with them the good wishes of us all. Harris, who had worked under Ball during recent years, is proving an excellent successor to him. For the rest of our doings I must refer your readers to other pages. They will find much on which to congratulate the College. Yours sincerely, March 1935. B. E. GWYER.
'THE T WN WHERE GI LS LIVE LONE' T N a series of articles entitled 'Aspects of present day life' printed .11. by an Italian daily paper, the Gazzetta del Popolo, there recently appeared one by Ercole Palti entitled 'The town where girls live alone', which was intended as a faithful description of Oxford as seen by 'our special correspondent'. The following is a literal abridged translation of the article, with the paragraph headings as they stand in the original. It begins by describing how, on leaving Paddington for Oxford, the writer sees a girl arriving at the last moment when the train is about to move. `Running for all she is worth, with her legs beating against a little grey checked skirt' she rushes into a compartment but immediately rushes out again and into another, only to leave this too and fling herself into a third one on the window of which the word 'Smoking' appears. `SMOKER OF EIGHTEEN' `She is a girl of about eighteen years with a fresh and clear complexion, a thin slightly snub nose, and limpid eyes with little specks of brown, like beauty spots, in their iris. Fair hair, gathered together at the back of her head, and a small hat tilted over one ear. She has a bundle of illustrated papers, three books, bound in the severe manner of schoolbooks, a large handbag. Shoes with high heels, golf socks carelessly worn neither up nor down, left falling untidily round the ankle, like those worn by sucklings. Out of these socks rise two slender long legs, encased in very thin stockings, tightly pulled, which the girl manoeuvres all the time, stretching them out or crossing them inside the compartment with slow and easy movements as if she were swimming. A very attractive girl, on the whole, with wonderful legs. `And now she takes a packet of cigarettes out of her handbag with her pink unpolished nails, opens the folded tin-foil and extracts a cigarette. She taps it two or three times on to the back of her hand with a vague far-away reminiscence of Marlene Dietrich, strikes a 13
match, lights her cigarette, puts out the match with a simple and measured flick of her fingers, (and) sends out a big puff of smoke, gives slight kicks (meanwhile) with the tip of her crossed foot, and looks out of the window. Very well done indeed. One feels inclined to congratulate her. All these movements, far from simple especially in front of a masculine audience, have been executed with ease and simplicity. She is a student who is going back to Oxford after having been one day in London to see her people. She lives in Oxford, alone : she shows in her gestures and in her way of looking at things the assurance of one who is used to live and to move among unknown people. Of girls like this Oxford has hundreds.' In fact, having arrived in Oxford and being afraid of finding the town as described in the literature which deals with the 'unbridled gaiety, due to sport, of English students which makes them a bit irritating', he is delighted to see that though 'one approaches these famous towns of students with a certain diffidence, luckily the atmosphere of the boat race is not apparent in the roads of Oxford'. And he adds: 'It is probably there, it probably smoulders under the surface, but it is not in the air, as I feared.' `STUDENTS ON BICYCLES' What he sees are 'Swarms of women students, between fifteen and twenty, who pass on their bicycles. Hundreds of legs move up and down with a slight accompanying movement of the shoulders in the effort of going up a slope. Rubber boots glisten, stockings the colour of turtle doves or of banana skins, now and then a garter appears and a bit of white lace over a knee. Here and there a skirt is blown back by a gust of wind coming from a cross roads. It is z p.m. It is the time for the legs of the Oxford women students who, after the pause of noon, run to their afternoon lessons, and hasten to the libraries. They all have an air of hurry and decision, their faces the colour of pink apples. They are the daughters of doctors, of lawyers, of London Civil Servants. Some have their families in Nottingham, Birmingham, or Leicester, and live here alone like young men. They receive cheques from home and go to cash them at the banks; they administer their pounds and their shillings which tinkle at the bottom of their large handbags. . . . `Along the pavement, beside the doors of libraries, dozens of bicycles stand in rows. Mostly feminine bicycles, with their curved bars and their wicker basket fixed to the steering handle. The girl cyclists have gone to consult some books. There are also some women students with cars. Behind the shining panes of certain little cars, one catches a glimpse of the pink face of a girl at the wheel, alone, with a cigarette between her lips. Cars are left standing at the doors of libraries. On the cushions, a pair of gauntlets, a knitted beret, a bound book with the library mark on the back. `The road teems with adolescence and youth. But the colour of all the faces is always the same, fresh and clear, the colour of the student "Oxford" complexion.' 4
`A few couples of students : he fair, thin, with a canary-coloured pullover; she, freckled, with her hair flying round her ears, and slender ankles. The women students have left their boarding-houses, their quiet dining-rooms with the huge store of bright porcelain, their little bedrooms filled with light scent of soap and toothpaste, leaving in their hurry some pink undergarment on the back of a chair, or on their pillow, and have gone. They run rapidly in all directions. The afternoon work begins. Short greetings between girls and boys who cross each other on the road. A date flung out whilst speeding along. They will meet to-night, at six or seven p.m. The women students swarm with their straight single skirts, with their coats tight-fitting at the waist, up the stairs of the libraries, or walk gaily along the pavement. The whole town is in their hands. It is they who give Oxford life its tone. `In this atmosphere of school days, of marks, of exams which, together with a vague swooning feeling pervades the whole city in these afternoon hours there is a silence in the library. Fair heads bent over books, a glimmer of glasses, blue eyes the colour of an enamelled saucepan, a hasty moving of pencils upon note-books, the atmosphere of the whole town is strictly that of the class-room. One finds a strange pleasure in going along the roads of Oxford in these hours of the early afternoon when all are at their work. One walks with the pleasant feeling and with the slight remorse of one who has cut a lesson at school. Now and then a tapping of feminine heels. A girl hastens and looks round with the grey eyes of a cat in the solitude. Books and copy-books under her arm. 'At this hour in the lounge of the Mitre Hotel there may be an authoritative old lady, who has left her stick in the cloak-room on entering, awaiting the return of her daughter from the University.' `EVENING DESCENDS UPON THE HOUSES' 'In the streets the gay traffic of bicycles has again begun. The girls come out of the libraries and the class-rooms, pass like lightning, rapidly and alone, on their shining bicycles, their fair hair flying in the early evening breeze. `At the station a few girls wait for the train. There are couples walking slowly who let fall a word now and then—the town where girls live alone is slowly and gradually swallowed up by the night.'
Nthe recommendation of the Committee, Miss Mitchell's tenure of the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship, to which she was elected in 1933, was extended for a second year, and she has continued her study of the relations between English and Italian University 15
students in the fifteenth century. The Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship, 1935, has been awarded to Mary Margaret Chattaway, B.Sc., M.A., who was in residence 1920-3 and was placed in Class I of the Honour School of Natural Science (Botany) in 1923. She was afterwards Demonstrator in the Botanical Department of the University and Assistant Lecturer in Botany at the Royal Holloway College, University of London; and is now Research Assistant in the Department of Wood Structure, Imperial Forestry Institute. Miss Chattaway will continue the research into the structure of timber, on which she has been engaged since 1930, and is permitted to retain her present or any similar position in the Institute if offered to her for 1935-6, subject to the conditions of Clause 5 of the Regulations for the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship. A grant from the John Gamble Fund has been approved as follows: to Miss 0. M. Griffiths, M.A., for expenses in connexion with the publication by the Cambridge University Press of her forthcoming book, A Study of the History of English Presbyterian Thought. Reports were received during the autumn from the Research Fellows of the College. Miss Ady's 'study in medieval despotism' is approaching completion. Miss Perham, who was not able to carry out her programme of farther African travel in 1934, has begun the writing of her book on African administration.
ST. HUGH'S CLU VERY successful Bridge Party was held on June 1st, 1934, at the Garden Club, 9 Chesterfield Gardens, W.' ; prizes for each A table were presented by friends of St. Hugh's Club. The dinner, held on October 5th, was also at the Garden Club. The chief guests were Miss Margery Fry and Sir Ernest and Lady Benn ; they were introduced by the Principal who took the Chair, and Dr. Peters, on behalf of the Club, thanked them. Membership of St. Hugh's Club is open to all old students and to second and third year students on payment of one subscription, a Life Subscription, of los. I. SHRIGLEY.
(Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.)
THE JUNI R COMMON ROOM rpHE academic year 1933-4 has been a most successful one. We
.11. record with pleasure the Firsts gained in Honour Schools by Miss Doveton, ex-President of the J.C.R., who is the first to achieve this distinction in Geography; by Miss Adam, the first woman to gain it in Physics; by Miss Hearn, holder of the Winter Williams Law Scholarship for women, in Law; by Miss Keay in Zoology; and by Miss Wallbank in Mathematics. We congratulate Miss Doveton, who has been awarded the Drapers' 16
Senior Scholarship of the University; Miss Adam, who has won a Senior Scholarship at Lady Margaret Hall; and Miss Thorpe, who has been awarded a Graduate Scholarship to Wellesley College, U.S.A. In addition to achieving academic distinctions, St. Hugh's has been interested in a considerable number of other University activities. In the Student Christian Movement in Oxford, Miss Foster succeeds Miss Hearn as President of the Women's Executive. Miss Manger is a member of the Council of the Inter-Collegiate Christian Union. In conjunction with the Mission held in Oxford during the second week in February, a meeting was arranged by certain members of the J.C.R. to relate more personally to ourselves its implications for individuals. St. Hugh's has its representatives in political affairs: Miss Harris has been elected secretary of the Labour Club, and Miss McKee, who recently had the unusual privilege of speaking at the Union, is a prominent member of the Conservative Association. The Debating Society has been exceptionally active, with a wide range of interesting fixtures, including a stimulating debate on the English Educational System with the Senior Common Room, when paper speeches were made by the Principal and Miss HeadlamMorley. The Dramatic Society's annual performance has been postponed until the Trinity Term; but its vitality is clearly indicated by its newly instituted play-readings and by the fact that it was responsible for a talk upon the Soviet Theatre by one in the unique and authoritative position of Miss Marie Seton. A 'cello and piano recital was arranged by the Musical Society in the Michaelmas Term, and its President, Miss Symonds, is on the committee of the Opera Club. The 'Cygnet' still exhibits the literary aspirations of the college. Miss Loveday is President of the Pentagon Committee again this year. An enthusiastically organized sale of home-made cakes, &c., was held in December for St. Margaret's House. The terminal dances have been enjoyed by members of the J.C.R. and their friends. The J.C.R. showed its keen interest in problems of international peace by electing Miss Gammack to be its representative at the AntiWar Conference held at Brussels during the Christmas Vacation. In games, the season has on the whole been a successful one. Hockey Blues are held by Miss Stevenson and Miss M. E. Stinton, and Miss Field and Miss F. M. Stinton are playing in the United Team. Lacrosse Blues have been awarded to Miss Kershaw, Miss Stradling, Miss Gibbons, and Miss Barrett; Netball Blues to Miss Smith and Miss Sherwood, and Swimming Blues to Miss Wilson and Miss Clark. The Inter-Collegiate Netball and Swimming Cups have been won by St. Hugh's, which has also reasonable hopes of adding the Hockey Cup to its trophies. Miss Hamilton and Miss Thom are members of the University Women's Eight. A. MARIE GRUTTER,
President. 17
A YOUNG ACTO 'S PR GRESS -11..T was not long before Hugo's outstanding success in the part of Flush last year carried him, as anticipated, to farther heights. The Barretts of Wimpole Street was included by the management of the Playhouse in their Trinity Term programme—largely, we believe, with a view to securing the services of this talented young performer who (it is understood) does not care, even in the interests of art, to be far from home. The same discretion, the same delicacy, characterized his delineation of Flush in this, as in the earlier and amateur performance. The latter, we learn, was commemorated by a gift of modish and inscribed neckwear in scarlet from fellow members of the cast ; the former by what is, we suppose, every amateur's secret aspiration—professional praise. The simplicity of his domestic tastes remains unchanged.
GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE the Executor of the late Emeritus Professor L. J. Rogers, FaROM dish in beaten copper by J. Pearson, and a large copper jug. A group of three Senior Members who had acted as 'Churchwardens', 1929-30, presented a new cruet for use on the Chapel Altar.
DEGREES, 1[934-5 D.Phil. J. C. Bell. Subject of thesis : 'The Investigation of "Myrtil-
lin", the Colouring Matter of the Bilberry, and Allied Pigments.' B.Litt. H. A. Buchan. Subject of thesis : 'A Critical Edition, with
Introduction and Explanatory Notes, of MS. Malone 54.' B.Litt. J. W. Macleod. Subject of thesis : 'The British Moralists,
and particularly Adam Smith.' B.Sc. E. L. Baker (Final Honour School of Natural Science,
Chemistry, Pt. II). B.Sc. E. M. W. Lavington (Final Honour School of Natural
Science, Chemistry, Pt. II). M.A.
E. L. Bell (Mrs.) R. M. Campbell K. M. Dencer R. Gordon Potts (Mrs.) H. G. Harwood M. N. Hensman
K. M. Hobbs 0. J. Lace M. B. Maynard B. Mott G. M. B. Williams E. J. Woodrow B.A.
D. E. Ackroyd 0. L. B. Alexander i8
B. M. A. Beale T. G. I. Bird
H. K. Bone N. I. Chmelnitzky B. L. Corbitt E. M. R. Crosland D. M. Doveton K. M. Downham P. M. C. Evans S. de C. Forster E. H. Fyleman M. Garbett K. M. Harris W. J. L. Hazlehurst E. A. Hearn W. Hesketh-Wright A. E. Hinch S. W. Hingley E. Hoare (Mrs.) J. E. Ironside M. Jackson E. L. Jewitt G. Keay M. Ker C. E. L. Lawrence P. H. V. Lawrence
C. V. M. Lucas D. M. Matthews M. J. Milkins M. G. Milner E. E. Naylor H. M. Newell E. Ockenden 0. Owen-Jones E. L. Parsons E. Portsmore M. Ralli B. Reeve M. H. B. Reynard H. Reynolds J. Richardson B. Samuell 0. E. Shaw P. Singleton E. J. Sparks R. Sykes E. H. Thorpe W. M. M. Troup A. M. Walker M. Whittaker
HONOUR SCHOOLS, '934 Literae Humaniores.
Mathematics. Theology.
Class II. M. Jackson M. Ker B. J. Reeve J. Whatley Class III. M. L. Downes P. M. C. Evans E. E. Naylor Class I. P. Wallbank Class II. E. Fyleman Class III. R. Sykes
Class I. M. G. Adam Natural Science. Physics. H. K. Bone Chemistry. Part I. W. Hesketh-Wright Class I. G. Keay Zoology. Physiology. Class II. E. M. R. Crosland Jurisprudence.
Class I. E. Hearn 19
Class II. N. I. Chmelnitzky S. de C. Forster E. Jewitt C. S. M. Lawrence P. H. V. Lawrence M. J. Milkins E. H. Thorpe Class III. M. Ralli
Modern History.
English Language and Litera- Class II. B. Corbitt K. M. Downham ture. J. Hazlehurst A. Hinch J. E. Ironside D. Matthews Aegrotat. A. H. Reynolds
Modern Languages.
Class II. 0. Alexander K. M. Harris J. Richardson B. Samuell 0. E. Shaw M. Whittaker
Philosophy, Politics, and Eco- Class II. D. E. Ackroyd B. M. A. Beale nomics. M. Macdonald M. H. B. Reynard Class III. T. G. I. Bird Class I. D. M. Doveton Class II. W. Troup
Honour Classical Moderations. Class II. F. Longbottom G. P. Stradling Class III. K. T. Classen R. E. Hunter M. Stinton Class IV. L. C. H. Symonds UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE AWARDS
Drapers' Scholarship, 1934-6: Dorothy Mary Doveton. Lady Margaret Hall. Senior Scholarship, 1935-6: Madge Gertrude Adam. COLLEGE PRIZES
Hurry Prize, 1934: Dorothy Mary Doveton, Class I, Final Honour School of Geography.
Hilary Haworth Prize, 1934: Ethel Marjorie Mitchell. Elizabeth Wordsworth Prize, 1934: Elsie Ellerington Herron. 20
UNDERGRADUATES IN ESIDENCE 1934-5 SCHOLARS M. G. ADAM, 1930. C. M. LOVEDAY, 1931. R. D. MALLIN, 1931. Honorary. C. S. M. ABBOTT, 1932. Gilchrist. M. A. CLERH, 1932. M. P. REEKIE, 1932. N. M. L. FIELD, 1933. M. GREAVES, 1933. Alice Ottley.
V. HUGHES, 1933. D. M. SHERWOOD, 1933. M. STEPHENSON, 1933. N. PAPPEROVITCH, 1934.
Birkenhead High School. R. E. TAYLOR, 1934. Harpurhey High School.
EXHIBITIONERS 1934. Ladies' College, Cheltenham. L. E. HOMEWOOD, 1934. School of St. Mary and St. Anne, Abbots Bromley. J. LANE, 1934. Alcester Grammar School. M. B. LEWIS, 1934. Manchester High School for Girls. E. B. MACKINLAY, 1934. Bangor School for Girls. M. G. K. MOILLIET, 1934. Malvern Girls' College. N. C. SHAW, 1934. The Laurels, Rugby. H. J. SOUTHERN, 1934. Girls' County Girls' School, Bishop Auckland. B. MCN. THOM, 1934. St. Paul's High School. D. F. BLEASBY, 1934. South Girls' School. Hampstead High School. J. M. YEAXLEE, 1934. King Edw. M. FOX, 1934. Streatham ward's High School, Birmingham. County Secondary School.
F. E. GREGORY, 1931. P. HARDCASTLE, 193r. F. LONGBOTTOM, 1932. E. N. MACLEAN, 1932. E. M. R. MCKEE, 1932. P. A. SMITH, 1932. G. P. STRADLING, 1932. M. R. WILSON, 1932. P. M. BRENTNALL, 1933. M. M. BURGESS, 1933. B. R. HAMILTON, 1933. D. M. W. KEAST, 1933. M. A. LEWIS, 1933. I. P. PALMER, 1933. J. M. PARKINSON, 1933. M. A. R. PARSONS, 1933. S. B. ANDREWS, 1934. Leeds
UNDERGRADUATES, NOT BEING SCHOLARS OR EXHIBITIONERS P. E. Crisp. E. E. Herron. Fourth Year. N. E. L. Cummins. R. E. Hunter. I. S. T. Aspin. C. M. Exley. J. Jackson. C. M. Todd. L. Fallas. M. R. Kershaw. Third Year. M. I. Foster. M. P. Lee. J. M. Bews. A. V. Gordon. V. F. H. Lister. A. H. Bishop. Z. Grey-Turner. L. Lomax. K. T. Classen. A. M. Gruffer. J. S. Lumsden. D. D. Clegg. D. D. Harris. H. M. McCutcheon. 2I
E. M. Mitchell. K. A. Moore. M. I. Noble. M. E. Patton. N. Rice-Jones. A. N. Stevenson. M. E. Stinton. L. C. H. Symonds. D. Tarrant. U. Watson. E. M. Worley. Second Year.
E. M. Allum. R. M. Bushell.
S. McKenzie. I. K. Carver. I. A. L. Manger. W. M. Catlin. D. M. Moody. C. M. Clark. J. M. Munn-Rankin. J. Cliffe. J. Newman. M. M. Cork. D. M. Niblett. E. P. Corner. S. M. H. Patrick. F. A. A. Deas. D. N. Finn. M. M. Prosser. E. B. Gammack. A. A. L. Sprules. D. M. Gardner. J. 0. Stovin. M. E. Gibbons. S. L. Sturge. P. K. Hesketh-Wil- K. I. Teasdale. B. J. Theobald. Hams. E. K. Wallen M. E. Long. A. A. M. Wilson. M. R. Lovett. M. E. E. McDougle. C. P. Young.
First Year. The Godolphin School, Salisbury. Wycombe Abbey School. Oakdene, Beaconsfield. Dulwich High School. Ladies' College, Cheltenham. Enfield County School for Girls. Allenswood (French) School, Wimbledon Park. .. Clifton High School. M. B. R. COLLINS .. Poltimore College, near Exeter. .. J. M. FIELD .. Roedean School, Brighton. C. A. GAMINARA .. Ladies' College, Cheltenham. B. J. HARRIS .. .. Ladies' College, Cheltenham. A. M. HEDLEY .. M. HELLIWELL .. .. Hebden Bridge Grammar School. .. Lowestoft Secondary School. G. E. S. HUNT .. • Herts. and Essex High School, Bishop's .. E. JACKSON Stortford. .. Howell's School, Denbigh. M. C. JACKSON .. .. Chesterfield Girls' High School. W. H. JONES .. E. A. M. LLEWELLYN .. St. James's, West Malvern. .. High Wycombe High School. P. H. McGREGOR .. St. Winifred's, Eastbourne. D. McKENNA .. .. Colchester County High School. P. B. MANTON .. .. Ladies' College, Cheltenham. R. G. L. MOSS .. .. Wolmer's Girls' School, Jamaica. .. L. I. PARKS .. Clifton High School. M. S. C. PETERS .. Howell's School, Denbigh. L. POWYS-ROBERTS .. Bedford High School. E. W. REYNOLDS B.A., Toronto University. M. I. M. ROGER.. Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham Girls' M. E. RYALL .. School. E. S. BANNING .. M. E. BARRETT .. G. M. BLACKMORE M. BRUCE M. K. CANE M. E. CLARK .. A. E. CLIFFORD ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. St. George's School, Edinburgh. .. Redland High School. • Brampton Down, Folkestone. .. Orme Girls' School, Newcastle, Staffs. • Brentwood County High School. .. St. Paul's Girls' School.
The following have been in residence, during the whole or part of the year, for purposes of further study : D. E. ACKROYD, B.A.
April 1933. RUTH BROWN to MR. H. T. PLEDGE, at Bromley, Kent, January 27th, 1934. AUDREY CLARISSA STEPHENSON to MR. J. FARISH, at St. Mary's Church,
Wimbledon, April 5th, 1934. at the Church of St. Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, May 12th, 1934. NAN ASTON KEYS to COMMANDER L. V. DONNE, at Nicholas's Church, Royal Naval Barracks, Devonport, June 16th, 1934. NANCY SALINGER tO the REV. J. C. G. BURTON, in Manchester College Chapel, Oxford, June loth, 1934. KATHERINE HARMAN to MR. D. H. MeLACHLAN,
at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, June 21st, 1934. at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, June 23rd, 1934. NITA HELEN SEYMOUR to MR. E. P. MARSHALL, at St. Thomas's Church, Elsfield, Oxon., June 23rd, 1934. MARY KATHARINE BEATTIE to MR. E. H. BOAS at the Church of St. Alban the Martyr, Golders Green. HESTER MARY BRADBROOKE to MR. C. N. BAGGALEY, at All Saints' Church, Sutton Courtenay, Berks., August 8th, 1934. SYLVIA JOAN GIBSON to PROFESSOR BEARE, August i ith, 1934. EVELYN ALICE JEFFREY to MR. F. G. MACNAUGHTON, M.D., at Thorpe Parish Church, Derbyshire, August loth, 1934. MARY GWENDOLINE SHELLEY tO MR. D. NEYLAN, at St. Botolph's Church, Bradenham, Berks., August 3oth, 1934. CONSTANCE RITA MCDERMOTT to MR. F. S. BEDFORD, at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, September 1st, 1934. SUSANNAH MARGARET HELENA BIRD to MR. M. E. DAVIES, at Amersham, Bucks, October 6th, 1934. JOAN PAPE to the REV. W. GASTON HARWARD, at Rye Parish Church, Kent, January 22nd, 1935. ELSIE MARGARET RAVEN CROSLAND tO MR. S. M. ALEXANDER, at Highgate, April 4th, 1935.
(F. M. Nakamura)—a son, Masaichiro, February
iith, 1934. (V. A. Basilewitch)—a son, Edward Andrei Patrick Marie, March i8th, 1934. MRS. GOWAN (M. A. MeNair)—a daughter, Elizabeth Anne, April 24th, 1934. MRS. BEDI (F. M. Houlston)—a son, Ranga Trilochan, May 1934. MRS. OMAN (J. Trevelyan)—a son, May 7th, 1934. MRS. PERSITZ (H. G. Skidelsky)—a son, Raphael Joseph Arie, May 26th, 1934. MRS. GARRICK (P. F. Michell)—a daughter, Clare, May 31st, 1934. MRS. LAYBOURNE (H. D. Burnett)—a son, June 4th, 1934. MRS. MARTIN (F. H. Moore)—a son, John William Prior, July 23rd, 1934. MRS. NIEBUHR (U. M. Keppel-Compton)—a son, Christopher Robert Reinhold, September iith, 1934. MRS. SPEER (M. Le Masurier)—a son, September 15th, 1934. MRS. LOVELL (B. M. Wardell)—a son, October 4th, 1934. MRS. BOYD (J. M. Elles)—a daughter, Fiona Mary, October 25th, 1934. MRS. CARDEW (M. E. B. Russell)—a son, Seth Christopher Mason, November 11th, 1934. MRS:DREW (J. M. L. Currey)—a son, George Quentin, December 8th, 1934. MRS. STONEY (M. C. T. Nugent)—a son, Thomas Vesey, December 8th, 1934. MRS. FARISH (A. C. Stephenson)—a daughter, December 22nd, 1934. MRS. SYKES (M. J. Whicher)—a son, Robert, December 3oth, 1934. MRS. HATCH (M. L. H. Stanes)—a son, January 14th, 1935. MRS. McLACHLAN (K. Harman)—a son, Andrew David, January 25th, 1935. MRS. HOOGEWEEGEN
PU It LICATIONS The House of History, Introductory Volume: The Basement. From the Earliest Men to the Fall of Rome. D. Edwards Rees, M.A. Nelson. 2s. 9d. Life and Work in England. Mrs. H. A. L. Fisher. Arnold. 3s. The Housewife and the Town Hall. Mrs. H. A. L. Fisher. Nicolson and Watson. 2S. 6d. The Story of Ben Ban: Siamese Cat. A. M. M. Hales. Burne, Oates and Washbourne. 2S. 6d. The Consecration of Archbishop Parker. B. M. Hamilton Thompson,
M.A., B.Litt. Faith Press. 1934. is. The Borough of Bury St. Edmunds. M. D. Lobel, B.A. Oxford
University Press. 1935. 12S. 6d. 24
Life and Adventure in Medieval Europe. R. J. Mitchell, M.A., B.Litt., Longmans. 3s. The Eccentric Life of Alexander Cruden. E. Olivier. Faber. 12s. 6d. Mary Magdalene. E. Olivier. Peter Davies. 5s.
FICTION Our Young Barbarians. Barbara Silver (B. Sturgis). Macmillan.
1935. 75. 6d. POETRY The Dancer and other Poems. Phyllis Hartnoll, M.A. Contemporary Poets Series. Macmillan. is. ARTICLES, ETC. Contributions to India Analysed (4 vols.) (Edited by Freda M. Bedi and B. P. L. Bedi.) Freda M. Bedi, B.A. `Experiments on the Synthesis of Authocyanins, Part XX. Synthesis of Malordis 3-Galactosids and its probable occurrence as a Natural Autocyanin.' Journal of the Chemical Society. 1934, p. 813. Janet C. Bell, D.Phil., and R. Robinson. `Experiments on the Synthesis of Authocyanins, Part XXIII. Glucosids of Petrinidin Chloride.' Ibid., p. 1604. Janet C. Bell and R. Robinson. `On the Minimum Modulus of Integral Functions.' Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. xxx, 1934. M. L. Cartwright, D.Phil. `On Functions which are Regular and of Finite Order in an Angle.' Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (2), vol. xxxviii (1935). M. L. Cartwright. `On the Directions of Borel of Analytic Functions.' Ibid. (2) vol. xxxviii (1935). M. L. Cartwright. `Anatomical Evidence that Grewia and Microcos are distinct Genera.' Tropical Woods, vol. xxxviii, 1934. M. M. Chattaway, M.A., B.Sc. `Measuring the length of Vessel Members.' Tropical Woods, vol. xl, 1934. M. M. Chattaway and L. Chalk. `S. T. Coleridge's Philosophical Lecture of 1818-19.' Review of English Studies, October 1934. K. H. Coburn, B.Litt. `Treasures and Trinkets.' Section on Jewellery in The Conquest of Ugliness (ed. J. de La Vallette), Methuen. 1935. Joan Evans, D.Litt. `The Family of Vergil.' Journal of Roman Studies, vol. xxiv (1934), pt. i. M. L. Gordon, M.A., B.Litt. `School Worship.' Religion in Education, October 1934. C. M. Hargrave, M.A. `Joseph Priestley', in Great Democrats (ed. Barrett Brown). Anne Holt, M.A. `Philippine Islands and the United States', in Survey of International Affairs (ed. A. J. Toynbee), 1934. A. Holt. 25
`Michael Psellus the Byzantine Historian.' Speculum, January 1935. J. M. Hussey, M.A., B.Litt. `Heterogeneous Catalysis in Reactions in Solution.' Journal of the Chemical Society, July 1934. Elisabeth Lavington, B.A., B.Sc., and T. W. J. Taylor. `The Ecclesiastical Banleuca in England', in Oxford Essays in Medieval History presented to H.E. Salter (1934), M. D. Lobel, B.A. `The Gaol of Bury St. Edmunds: Some additions to Andre Reville's account of events at Bury St. Edmunds following on the revolt of 1381: A detailed account of the 1327 rising at Bury St. Edmunds.
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, vol. xxi, pt. 3. M. D. Lobel. `Steroisomerides of Narcotine and Hydrastine.' Journal of Chemical Society, September 1934. Maud A. Marshall, D.Phil., with
F. L. Pyman and R. Robinson. `A Re-statement of Indirect Rule.' Africa. July 1934. M. F. Perham, M.A. `A British Trust.' Two articles in The Times, May 7th and 8th, 1934. M. F. Perham. `Travel for Women.' Times Travel Number, March 15, 1934. M. F. Perham. `Some Problems of Indirect Rule in Africa.' Journal of Royal Society of Arts, May 18th 1934. M. F. Perham. `Hirsuties treated by Ovarian Follicular Hormone.' Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (reprinted Clinical Journal, December 1934). A. D. K. Peters. `Some leading Girls' Schools.' The Landmark, August 1934. E. Addison Phillips, M.A. `The Castilian Chancery during the reign of Alfonso X, 1252-84,' in Oxford Essays in Medieval History presented to H. E. Salter (1934). E. E. S. Procter, M.A. `Writings ascribed to John Ford by Joseph Hunter in Chorus Vatum.' Review of English Studies (April 1934). M. Joan Sargeaunt, B.A., ,
B.Litt. `More Manuscripts of Donne's Paradoxes and Problems.' Review of English Studies (July and October, 1934). Evelyn M. Simpson, D.Phil. `A Plea for Toleration.' Report of Summer School of the British Social Hygiene Council. Mary Tudor, M.A. `Applications of Prolate Spheroidal Harmonics.' Philosophical Magazine, Series 7, vol. xiv, p. 289, November 1934. D. M. Wrinch, D.Phil. TRANSLATION Translations by Herma E. Fiedler, M.A., of three articles by Albert Jarosy, in Music and Letters. October 1934.
APP•INTMENTS, 1[934-5 Examiner in the Final Pass School, B. r, B. 3, University of Oxford, 1935-6. O. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Examiner in the Final Pass School, B. 7, University of Oxford, 1935-6. M. L. CARTWRIGHT, D.PHIL., Staff Fellow and Lecturer in Mathematics, Girton College, Cambridge. R. J. DEAN, M.A., Instructor in French, Department of Romance Languages, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, U.S.A. J. M. HUSSEY, M.A., B.LITT., Pfeiffer Research Fellow, Girton College, Cambridge, 1934-7. J. W. MACLEOD, B.LITT., Warden of Clifton Hill House, University of Bristol, August 1935. M. A. MARSHALL, D. PHIL., Instructor in Chemistry, Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts. 1/ EDWARDS REES, M.A., Headmistress, The Godolphin School, Salisbury, April 1935. W. A. ODELL, Headmistress, Newcastle Central High School, 1935. 0. M. POTTS, M.A., Headmistress, Liverpool College for Girls, Hoyton, May 1935. F. N. SAVORY, M.A., Headmistress, York College for Girls, 1935. B. H. ALEXANDER, B.A., Assistant Secretary to the Manager of the Merchant Trading Company, Aldwych, London. E. N. BAKER, B.A., Chemistry and Physics Mistress, Varndean School for Girls, Brighton, September 1934. A. BARLOW, B.A., Mathematics Mistress, Hayes Court, Kent, May 1935. M. A. BEESE, B.A., English Mistress, St. John's High School, Newport, Mon. E. M. J. BAXTER, B.A., Assistant Mistress, Latin and English, Bredenbury Court, near Bromyard, Hereford, January 1935. ETHEL BROWN, B.A., Temporary Assistant French and German Mistress, Berkhampstead School for Girls. H. M. BRYANT, M.A., Assistant Secretary, Women's Appointments Committee, Oxford, 1934. D. G. BUSHNELL, B.A., B.C.L., Officer in the Criminal Investigation Department, Birmingham City Police, 1934. J. BURTON, B.A., Laboratory Demonstrator, Wyggeston Girls' School, Leicester, September 1934. H. J. BUTT, B.A., Second History Mistress, Varndean School for Girls, Brighton. E. I. COOPER, B.A., Sub-Warden, United Services Fund Training Home, October 1934. L. M. DOLPHIN, B.A., Junior Classics Mistress, The Perse Girls' School, Cambridge. C. M. G. DUTHOIT, B.A., Biology Mistress, Raine's Foundation School, Stepney. E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A.,
E. H.
minim, B.A., Organizing Secretary, South Shields Conservative Association, January 1935. E. GAMMACK, Student Secretary (Episcopal Church) in St. Margaret's House, Berkeley University, California, August 1935. G. GAUGE, B.A., Almoner, City General Hospital, Sheffield, September 1934. P. M. M. GRAHAM, M.A., Part-time French and English Mistress, St. Swithun's School, Winchester, 1934. T. HALE, B.A., Assistant Secretary to the Lewisham Committee of the Charity Organization Society, December 1933. K. M. HARRIS, B.A., Assistant Mistress, School of St. Clare, Polwithen, Penzance, September 1935. L. HARRISON, B.A., Assistant Mistress, Castleford Grammar School, Yorks, February 1934. P. HARTNOLL, M.A., Secretary to Mr. Daniel Macmillan, of Macmillans, London, Publishers, October 1934. S. W. HINGLEY, B.A., Secretary to the Education Department of the Advertising Association, Iio Fleet Street, E.C. 4. K. M. HOBBS, M.A., Senior Mistress, Brentwood Senior School, Southport. A. D. HOLT, M.A., Joint Honorary Secretary, History of Parliament Committee ; Editor, Transactions of the Unitarian Historical Society. J. HOOLE, B.A., Charge of Junior Department, Farlington School, Hants, May 1934. MRS. ASHTON HOPPER, B.A. (M. Harvey), Senior Mistress, The Grange, Totteridge, Herts. D. IBBERSON, M.A., District Officer, Unemployment Assistance Board. H. 3. F. LAPRAIK, B.A., Assistant English Mistress, St. Andrew's School, Johannesburg, January 1935. D. MARTIN HURST, M.A., Almoner in the Public Assistance Department in the service of the London County Council. H. moss, M.A., Senior English Mistress, Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham. B. MOTT, M.A., Mathematics Mistress, Sale County School for Girls, Cheshire, September 1934. E. OCKENDON, B.A., History Mistress, Duchess' School, Alnwick, September 1934. M. O'FARRELL, B.A., Almoner, Kings' College Hospital, London. j. E. PARRY, B.A., Junior Form Mistress, Palmer's School for Girls, Grays, Essex, September 1934. E. L. PARSONS, B.A., Assistant Mistress, Normanhurst School, Chingford, Essex. M. N. PHILLIPS, B.A., Assistant English Mistress, Royal School, Bath. M. REES, B.A., Classics Mistress, School of St. Mary and St. Anne, Abbots Bromley. N. M. ROBERTS, B.A., English Mistress, Kingsmoor School, Glossop. G. M. S. SIMEY, B.A., Secretary to the Paddington Committee of the Charity Organization Society, February 1935. 28
and A. H. REYNOLDS are reading for the Diploma of Education at the Institute of Education, London University. E. M. R. CROSLAND was married on April 4th. D. M. DOVETON has been awarded a Drapers' Scholarship, 1934-6, in the University of Oxford. She is working for the B.Litt. degree on the human geography of Swaziland and has gone to Africa for six months to pursue her studies there. M. L. DOWNES has been appointed Classical Mistress at the Royal Naval School, Twickenham. K. M. DOWNHAM, J. E. IRONSIDE, M. MACDONALD, and M. I. MILKINS are taking secretarial training courses in London. S. DE C. FORSTER is training for Social work at the Settlement House, Middlesbrough. E. A. HEARN is reading for the Oxford degree of B.C.L. W. HESKETH-WRIGHT is living at home. M. JACKSON has a post in the Buying Department of The Times Book Club. G. KEAY is working for the Oxford B.Sc. degree. The subject of her research is 'The Harvest Bug'. P. H. V. LAWRENCE is living at home. E. E. NAYLOR is training in House Estate Management at St. Helen's, Lancs. M. RALLI is travelling in Egypt. B. J. REEVE is working for the Certificate in Social Studies at Bedford College. B. SAMUELL is Secretary to the Kilburn Committee of the Childrens' Country Holiday Fund. 0. E. SHAW is living at home. R. SYKES is training at Kennaway Hall for missionary work under the C.M.S. E. H. THORPE has been awarded a Graduate Scholarship at Wellesley College, Mass., 1934-5. She is working there for the M.A. degree in history. P. M. WALLBANK has been appointed Mathematics Mistress at St. Leonards' School, St. Andrews. J. c. M. WHATLEY has been appointed Classics Mistress at the Jersey College for Girls. M. WHITTAKER has a post au pair at Maison d'1ducation de la Legion d'Honneur, St. Germain-en-Laye, France. No news has been received from E. L. JEWITT and j. RICHARDSON.
NEWS OF SENIOR MEMBE S K. L. BALL is working in the Library of Toronto University. L. F. BELL is engaged in secretarial work at the Heston Airport. MRS. BEDI (F. M. Houlston) is Managing Editor of Contemporary
India, a quarterly review on Indian affairs.
during 1934, partly worked her passage to Australia as a deck hand, on a Norwegian motor-ship, and then sailed from Adelaide to Falmouth with the Finnish windjammer, Herzogin Cecilie, Captain Eriksen, a voyage which lasted four months. I. J. R. BROMLEY is in charge of the General Office, Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights, and Composers, ix Gower Street, London, W.C. 1. D. Al. BUTLER is doing housing work under the Oxford City Council. 0. CHANDLER is taking the Social Science Course of the London School of Economics in preparation for welfare work. H. T. E. CHARLES is Assistant Club Leader, Princess Club Settlement, Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, S.E. x6. M. M. CHATTAWAY has been awarded a grant of too from the Christopher Welch Reserve Fund for the promotion of the study of Biology. A. CLARK has had to give up her post as governess at Hayford Hall, Buckfastleigh, as the children she has been teaching are going to school. J. E. CLARKE has been accepted by the C.M.S. and is training at Kennaway Hall, London. M. S. COCHRANE is Organizer for the Conservative Party at Swindon. D. COCKER is responsible for some subjects of general education in the Junior Art Department of the Sheffield College of Arts and Crafts. E. COE is companion-secretary to a German lawyer and his wife at Hampstead. M. E. COLLINGTON is doing a short engineering course at Loughborough College, with the object of obtaining an industrial post, either in a firm or as Factory Inspector. M. M. DODSLEY-FLAMSTEED is now drawing a Government pension after teaching for twenty-four years in the Cape Province, South Africa. C. E. DORMOR is working at Bedford College for the Social Studies Certificate, with the object of eventually doing House Property Management. J. EVANS gave a lecture on Jewellery on February 23rd, in connexion with the 'Art in Industry' Exhibition at Burlington House. M. F. EVANS is taking a year's course of training at Roehampton in preparation for the Nursery School Diploma. M. M. EVANS is editor of Axis, a quarterly review of contemporary painting and sculpture, the first number of which was published in January 1935. She has been lecturing at Morley College since September 1933. H. E. FIEDLER is Honorary Secretary of the Oxford Subscription Concerts. K. C. GENT has given up teaching for a year, and is taking the daughter of an old friend about Europe. She is hoping to visit France, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Scandinavia. C. P. GOODENOUGH has moved from Fort St. John and now lives in a shack at Taylor's Flats, ten miles away. P. BOURNE,
took the Civil Service Examination (Junior Administrative Grade) for the second time in August 1934, having prepared for it while working under the Ministry of Labour (Departmental Grade) in the Manchester area. She took the highest place (43rd) allotted to a woman candidate in 1934, and was successful in obtaining an appointment of the rank of Assistant Principal. B. M. GOSS has a secretarial post with Delvitte Plender & Co., Accountants, Johannesburg, South Africa. D. M. GREY is now teaching at Glentower House School, London. D. M. HAMMONDS is still an Inspector under the Board of Education, but is now working in the SE. area, and has moved from Newcastleon-Tyne to London. M. F. HARDIE is Secretary to the Faculty of Arts, Edinburgh University. c. M. HARGRAVE has taken a term's leave of absence, and is qualifying herself for teaching scripture at Westhill Training College, Selly Oak, Birmingham. A. M. HART is now working with the British Social Hygienic Council, Carteret House, S.W. 1. P. M. HARTNOLL before her appointment as secretary to Daniel Macmillan spent three months in cataloguing a biological collection at Tring Museum. G. M. K. HILL has been elected to serve on the Paddington Borough Council. J. M. HUSSEY is continuing her study of Byzantine theology and theologians of the eleventh century, and is making a second visit to the State Library at Vienna for the purpose. She has been awarded a Junior International Fellowship in Arts by the International Federation of University Women, in addition to her Research Fellowship at Girton. LADY IRVING (M. M. Crick) is District Officer St. John Ambulance Brigade, No. 1 District (Prince of Wales' Own) London. She was given a gold Kaisar i Hind medal in the New Year Honours, 1935, and has been promoted from serving sister to Officer in the Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. D. E. LINGARD has a temporary post at Cleethorpes Secondary School. C. LUCAS is a research student of London University and is doing some part-time teaching. The subject of her research is The Hellenistic period in Macedonia and Greece. x. J. MARSHALL has been teaching for a period at the Scottish Mission School, Kalimpong, N. Bengal, which is developing higher work in classes intended to pave the way for future instruction of a University standard. She is now taking a course of training as a teacher at the Cambridge Training College and hopes to return to India after completing this. E. A. V. MERCER finished her two-year contract in Egypt at the end of September, and after returning to England by way of Palestine, Greece, Turkey, and Germany, has now sailed for Shanghai where she expects to be for the next three years teaching some children. S. M. GOODFELLOW
H. M. TAYLOR is training for secretarial work. MRS. TUPPER (D. F. H. Chappell) is Organizing Secretary
to the Harrow, Wealdstone, and Harrow Weald District Nursing Association. A. WALKER had a temporary post as German Mistress at Queen Margaret's School, Scarborough last year and is now in Paris taking a four-months' course at the Sorbonne. B. WHALEY has since September 1934 been teaching at the Dragon School, Oxford.
'POEMS AND PLAYS' T T is thought that those Senior Members who knew Miss Words./ worth may like to hear that a limited number of copies of her book Poems and Plays has been entrusted to me by her sister for presentation to any Scholars or former Scholars of the College who would like to possess one. Will any such kindly write to me ? B. E. GWYER.
AUDLEY SQUARE, SOUTH AUDLEY STREET, LONDON, W. T T is thought that University women who do not already know of I this Club may be glad to hear of one in a central position in London, with a low rate of subscriptions. It offers to them all the usual amenities of a Club together with the opportunity of meeting old friends. The Club house is a few minutes' walk from Hyde Park Corner Station on the Piccadilly Tube Railway, one minute's walk from Park Lane with its many omnibus routes, and three or four minutes from the authorized omnibus stopping-place at the foot of Down Street in Piccadilly. Entrance Fee . . £1 Is. od. Annual Subscription . £3 3s. od. Country . . 25. od. 2
Nara.—A Country Member is one whose residence is served by a station not less than 3o miles from London as given in the A.B.C. Railway Guide. Any member with a residence within the 3o-mile radius is counted as a Town Member.
Bedrooms from 6s. a night including bath and attendance. The Entrance Fee is waived for all students who join between the end of their sixth term and June 3oth of the year following that in which they leave College. Further information may be obtained from the Secretary at the above address. Signed on behalf of the Committee, WINIFRED DAKYNS,
Hon. Secretary.
XFORD SOCIETY HE Association is co-operating with the Oxford Society, and has T JL been able to arrange for members of the Association to join the Oxford Society on advantageous terms. Particulars of this arrangement may be obtained either from the Secretary of the Association or the Secretary of the Oxford Society, 65 St. Giles'. The Oxford Society now issues free to all its members three times a year a magazine entitled Oxford, which enables them to keep in touch with events and developments in the University. Through the Society's local branches, which are being formed all over the world, its members have the opportunity of meeting at periodical dinners or other functions those Oxford men and women resident in their neighbourhood with whom they might never otherwise come in contact. Valuable introductions can also be given to members travelling oversea or arriving to take up work in a district where they are strangers.
EMBERS of the Association, B.A.s and M.A.s both, are reminded of the approaching General Election, and are urged to make sure that their names are on the University Register of Electors. The fee for registration is ios. except for M.A.s who have compounded for University dues and pay no fee. Graduates wishing to register should write for a form to the Registrar, Clarendon Buildings, Oxford. All Parliamentary Electors must inform the Registrar of change of address, as at an Election the voting papers are sent out from the Registry.
1. The Studentship is open to all women graduates who were formerly (a) undergraduates of St. Hugh's College, or (b) students admitted and on the books of St. Hugh's College before Michaelmas Term 1920. Subject to the provisions of 5, its value is not less than Âś50 a year. 2. The Studentship is tenable at Oxford or at any University or Institution approved for this purpose by the Council. 3. A candidate in making application is required to describe her proposed scheme of research or higher study, and may submit a 35
dissertation or published work in addition to any evidence she may desire to offer of her fitness to undertake it. 4. The tenure of the Studentship will be from October 1st, 1935, and in the first instance for one year. The stipend will be paid halfyearly in advance, provided that the student shall have forwarded a statement before March 1st following, satisfying the Council that she is pursuing the course of research or higher study approved. 5. The Council reserves the right to take into consideration the emoluments of other awards which may be held by the Student for purposes of research. 6. The Studentship may be renewed for a further period or periods. 7. When in Oxford during term the Student will be entitled to dinner in Hall without charge. 8. The Student, except as hereinafter provided, will have the status of a junior member of the College. When a Member of Convocation, or by election in a special case, she will be admitted to the privileges of the Senior Common Room. 9. Applications (six copies) should be sent on or before February I5th, 1935, addressed to the Principal. They should include: (a) A statement of the scheme of research or higher study proposed. Candidates should ascertain in advance whether the University or Institution in which they propose to work can provide suitable facilities for the subject or branch of study proposed. (b) Evidence of fitness to undertake it. (c) The names of not more than three persons to whom reference may be made. o. Selected candidates may be required to come to the College for an interview.
The receipt o f the Bursar for the t ime being o f the s aid College
purposes o f t he College as t he Council of the College may t hink
St. Hugh's College, Ox for d, tobe dealt with or disposed of for t he
I give andbequeath (specify t he property) to t he Council of