St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1935-1936

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ELIZABETH WORDSWORTH D.B.E., HON. M.A., HON. D.C.L. Principal of Lady Margaret Hall and Foundress of St. Hugh's College



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facing page 8



ST. HUGH'S COLLEGE JUBILEE Tune 27th, 1 936 Dear Senior Members, I am permitted to send a short letter of acknowledgement to all those who have written to me since the Jubilee Gaudy. It has been the greatest possible pleasure to receive their letters, showing as these do such warm appreciation of the work of preparing for the large number of guests, and such a full understanding of the various labours of love undertaken by resident members of the College. No detail has passed unnoticed, and the pleasure given will, I know, be the best reward to those whose careful thought provided and foresaw everything. It only remains for me to say how thoroughly we all enjoyed the Gaudy, and how proud we felt of each other and the College: FLOREAT. Kindest wishes to all from B. E. GWYER.

July 3rd, 1936.



ow that Gaudy Days are over, the big events fall into the background of one's memory and it is the unimportant details which stand out with distinctness: the remembered thrill of guilty haste at the familiar sound of the electric bell; the slight sense of grievance at discovering that the staircase carpet is now brown instead of blue; the sudden sensation of arrested time at seeing the College Messenger, stooping a little but not more than one had remembered, waiting in the entrance hall as he has waited for—how many years? But as one is told that this description of the week-end is to be written chiefly for the benefit of the five hundred Senior Members who were unable to be present, random impressions must be banished and an effort made towards chronology and coherence. In order that the priggishness of the repetition of the pronoun `one', the egotism of the first person singular, and the condescension of the editorial 'we' may be avoided, you are to imagine that a certain `Una Swan' was present as a Senior Member at all the functions of the Jubilee week-end. Full of unreasoning apprehension that they would not see any one they knew during the entire week-end, Una Swan and her companions arrived on Friday, June 26th, at college or at one of the 'out-houses' as they are unbeautifully termed in Oxford. These nervous guests were soon relieved to discover, by eagerly reading the names on the doors or by bumping into other people on the stairs, that they were surrounded by members of their own year; 3

the agreeable impression this gave of human sympathy, underlying the multitudinous arrangements made for their comfort, was deepened when a feverish scanning of the table list for the Jubilee Dinner, thoughtfully placed in their rooms, revealed the pleasant fact that not only were all the members of a year placed at the same table but that the choice of immediate neighbours was left to the individual. Greatly reassured, Miss Swan, who was lucky enough to be given a room in college, was now able to take stock of her surroundings and noticed with appreciation a vase of wild flowers on the bureau. Commenting later on the pleasantness of this detail, she was told that when the Bursars found that it was not humanly possible, among their many other duties, to arrange for flowers to be placed in all the rooms, the domestic staff had asked if the matter could be left to them and had actually supplied, as well as arranged, the flowers. Miss Swan was glad to hear that a Jubilee outing for the maids—a day at Bournemouth—had been arranged, to take place later in the month. Dinner that evening was an informal meal, chiefly remarkable to Miss Swan for the nonchalance with which people, whom she had not seen for decades, strolled into Hall as if they had just returned from an evening tutorial. The meeting of Senior Members followed, officially minuted elsewhere in the Chronicle. At its conclusion Miss Wardale presented the Principal with a Jubilee gift, her portrait executed in crayons by Mr. Dodd, in a speech of such wit and felicity that it defies anything but direct quotation: 'I have the honour, Principal, of being deputed by the donors, members of the College and their friends, to beg you to accept for the College this portrait of yourself. It is a pity that you have had to know so much about it beforehand and that the agreeable element of the unexpected is therefore wanting, but what can be done with a portrait? The victim must know as much as anybody else. Anyhow, we beg you to accept it as a token of our great regard for you and great appreciation of all that you have done for St. Hugh's during the years that you have been Principal. They have been years of prosperity. Not that they have shown any spectacular increase in the number of students. Even if the College had wished it, the University would have made that impossible with its conviction that it requires eight men to balance one woman. But I could say a great deal about the extension of College property by the acquisition of the large piece of garden ground giving us all the land between the Banbury and Woodstock roads, or the erection of the two blocks, the Gray Allen and the one to be completed soon with its fine library. I could speak too about the way in which the College has strengthened its constitution in getting its charter, and approximated itself more nearly to the Oxford idea of a college by giving its Tutors the status of Fellows, or how it has taken its share of academic and university honours as for instance in taking its turn in gaining the Newdigate. But all this is public property and probably we shall all hear about it again. It seems to me that this evening is the occasion for a more personal note, and 4

I should like to express what I know to be the feeling of a great many Old Students besides myself. What we have especially appreciated has been the way in which you have from the first identified yourself with the whole of the College, past and present, the way in which you have interested yourself in its early history, in the doings of the earlier students, the help you have given, and the warm welcome which you have extended to all who have come up to Oxford, to which also I may add the insertion of the names of early benefactors into the service in Chapel. This linking up of past and present, this careful recognition of the large body of Old Students as an essential part of the College to which we are so closely attached, has been a source of great gratification to us and must, I am sure, make for the strengthening of the College. We are glad to know that we shall have your portrait in the College beside those of your predecessors, and if we do not see eye to eye with the artist in many details in his conception of you, we will hope that in one respect we have a happy omen and that he has, in a moment of second sight, seen you still presiding many years hence over the destinies of St. Hugh's. So I ask you to accept this portrait with our best wishes for many years of health and activity.' And so to bed—perhaps—but Senior Members showed due appreciation of the fact that Working Hours were now an anachronism and many a decent law-abiding soul found compensation for the disciplined past in indulging to the full her suppressed craving for a Bath after Eleven. Miss Swan was interested to find that, once back at College, she was able to recapture the gift, supposedly lost beyond recall, of combining the maximum amount of social activity with the minimum amount of sleep. At a suitably mature hour next morning St. Hugh's Club held a meeting which resolved itself into a struggle between those who looked on the annual dinner as an opportunity of hearing about matters of domestic interest and those who thirsted after tidings of the world outside, to be supplied by distinguished visitors described as 'big guns'. The result was a draw. The Senior Members then dispersed to lunch at the houses of friends or in some well-remembered Oxford haunt, leaving the Principal free to entertain the Visitor and visitors at a luncheon party. The Jubilee Service was remarkable, not only for the dignity and simplicity of the order of service, but for the extreme beauty of the setting. The Doctors, pacing up the aisle in their scarlet robes, presented a magnificent spectacle and few will forget the scene afterwards when the members of the congregation, in their black gowns and hoods of crimson, white, or blue, streamed out into the sunshine of Tom Quad. Now thank we all our God' was a fitting opening to the Thanksgiving Service. After Psalm cxxii the Visitor read the Lesson, i Corinthians xii. 4-13. The Anthem, Purcell's setting of Philippians iv. 4-7, was followed by the stately sonorousness of the Bidding Prayer, with its long list of Founders and Benefactors and of 'those who in the past have governed the College or taught within its walls'. The Address is reproduced in 5

full in this supplement. The final hymn, 'Christ hath a garden walled around', was felt by some not to be as appropriate to the occasion as the more stirring strains of the opening hymn, but was remembered with affection by Miss Swan and her contemporaries from the days of Sunday hymn-singing in the Principal's room. After this, some in cars, some in omnibuses, specially chartered by the College authorities, the Senior Members drove back to St. Hugh's for the Garden Party. The garden was looking at its loveliest, a fitting tribute to the years of labour and care of the Custos Hortulorum, one of our Jubilee Honorary Fellows,—`si monumentum requiris—' The only serious rival to horticultural beauties during the week-end was to be found in the J.C.R., where was displayed the painting of some of the Fellows by Mr. Henry Lamb, a Jubilee gift from Mr. and Mrs. Ross and other friends of the College. At no time during the next two days, except perhaps at the very smallest hours of the night, was this picture without its little group of admiring, amused, or protesting critics. Acclaimed by some as one of the greatest Conversation Pieces of our time, upon others, as their vociferations witnessed, it exercised one of the greatest functions of a work of art, that of purging by pity and terror. It is perhaps worthy of remark that the blackboard and ladder excited feelings fully as violent as did the artist's presentation of the human components of the group. The Garden Party was, as always, a delightful opportunity of meeting friends resident in Oxford. As time went on, the fragrance of roast duck, wafted on the air from the field kitchen behind the marquee, reminded the company of the final event of the day, and, after a short interval, once more the Senior Members filed past the Principal in a procession, described by her later in the evening as one of 'youth, beauty, and fashion', to receive her welcome to the Jubilee dinner. There had been misgivings when, the number of expected guests outgrowing the accommodation to be provided by any college hall, the idea of dinner in a tent had been mooted. The result surpassed all expectation. Forebodings of stuffiness were dispelled by the noble proportions of the marquee, whose sides were looped back to show the background of the garden; and when it was found that the speeches were to be relayed through amplifiers, the other serious objection of inaudibility was admittedly overcome. Many appreciative comments were passed on the munificence of the Council in providing, not only an excellent dinner, excellently served, but also 'wine with the dinner'. After 'The King', Miss E. Addison Phillips, Chairman of the Jubilee Committee, rose to propose a toast to 'our Principal and every person who has ever been at St. Hugh's'. After expressing her opinion that for an ordinary member to speak on such a toast on such an occasion was 'stark presumption, unredeemed by gumption', Miss Phillips said that St. Hugh had not been casually selected as the patron saint of the College by Miss Wordsworth and Miss Moberly. He had been a master builder, of known reverence to women, fearless of speech, a man of wisdom and loving-kindness. It was with the hope that the 6

steady pursuit of that deeper understanding, which is wisdom, should be characteristic of all the members of the College that the saint had been chosen. Though we all acknowledged Dame Elizabeth Wordsworth as our Foundress and loved and revered her memory, it was the figure of Miss Moberly that stood out in the history of our College. She possessed the heart of a child and the mind of a prophet. Miss Jourdain had brought to a natural conclusion the work begun by Miss Moberly, and she will always be remembered for that spirit of homeliness and simplicity associated with the early days at the Hall. Miss Phillips then indulged in cheerful reminiscence of those early days when, as it was thought necessary for students to have some place in which to talk, the Library was, somewhat surprisingly, the place selected; and when, as no student might cross the road from one college building to another without a hat, the system of the `communal hat' had grown up. Although the Library was no longer set apart for conversation and the communal hat had vanished, under Miss Gwyer the College still kept the same spirit of homeliness and the same reputation for being a working College. Miss Phillips then mentioned, as among the increasing number of Senior Members who are achieving merit in the realms of research, Miss Ellice Hearn with her First in Jurisprudence, among many other legal successes; the two Jubilee Fellows, Miss Rogers, who would be remembered not merely as a teacher but also as a friend, and Dr. Joan Evans who had brought great honour to the College by her work in her own special field of knowledge, and who had received in 1932 the signal honour of Doctorate of Letters; our two Research Fellows, Miss Perham, Fellow of the International Institute of African Culture, who has recently been elected to a lecturership at Oxford in African Studies, and Miss Ady, the first woman to get First Class Honours in History in this university, who was now preparing a work to the publication of which we looked forward. Among our Honorary Fellows we must not forget Miss Wardale, whose work for Oxford and St. Hugh's went right back to the early days and whose energy in working for the College had never flagged. St. Hugh's was a College which specialized in Headmistresses, and the presence of Miss Sparks, Principal of Cheltenham, among our Honorary Fellows was a distinction to the College. Miss Phillips ended by expressing the deepest gratitude of the College to Miss Gwyer, and the gratitude of all to St. Hugh's and to Oxford to whom we owed a duty that we could never repay. She then presented the Chairman with a cheque for 43,135 is. 4d., the proceeds of the Jubilee Fund, which she hoped would provide for a Scholarship or Scholarships, and added that she had great pleasure in proposing the toast to St. Hugh's Hall and St. Hugh's College. The Chairman thanked the College warmly for the magnificent gift, recalling Dr. Johnson's remark that 'without money, some virtues are difficult; some impossible'. Miss L. V. Southwell, acknowledging the toast of the Association of Senior Members, said that as she stood in the middle of the fifty 7

years, she possessed, like the summit of a watershed, position but not magnitude. She, too, spoke of the unqualified gratitude with which all past students remembered Miss Moberly and Miss Jourdain, and said that in the government of the College we had been especially fortunate in our present Principal who had proved herself to be able to guide it in a time of crisis. The Chairman, in proposing 'The College', said that he was glad the toast was to be replied to by one who really knew the College, and described Miss Gwyer as one who had come in a time of difficulty, who had given the College full devotion and had seen it increase in the number of its membership and in material growth. We must consider what was a College. The Bishop of Winchester, who had got leave from Henry VIII to found a college in Oxford, described it as a 'perpetual and certain place'. This was a good description. Firstly we must think of 'a certain place'. This might be either Miss Moberly's house, the hostel, or the growing College, with its garden which was the creation of the, genius of Miss Rogers and her indefatigable tenacity. We could drink then to the health of a certain place. We must remember also the venture of faith made by two women in planting in a University, for six hundred years exclusively male, an institution viewed at the time with apprehension and suspicion. We must admire, too, their imagination and courage in starting it in a building supposed to be typical of all that was most bourgeois and unenterprising—a semidetached villa. It had grown for fifty years like the grain of mustard seed. Plato said that 'a State which does not use its women halves its strength', and this was true, whether women's education was used in the professions or whether they managed to carry into their family interests the ideals of their intellectual training. St. Hugh's was a place of education which had given hundreds of women their chances, but it was of something deeper, behind the immediate ends of a College, that we must think. The Principal, acknowledging the toast, said that she would like to add a tribute to the many that had been made, by mentioning the members of the Council who had helped the College through all stages of its life since the first Committee had been brought together in 1890 down to the present day. It was a great pleasure to have three members of the Council with us that night. In spite of the large assembly present, half the names on the College books were still only names, but many of them had written to say that they were longing to be with us. Miss Sparks had sent a kind message through her sister that she wished us all happiness and wished she could be with us. We regretted very much also the absence of one of our own Official Fellows, Miss Headlam-Morley, who had been ill but was recovering in a very satisfactory way. Letters and telegrams had been sent from members of the College in Canada, Nigeria, India, and South Africa and from the Principals of Girton and Newnham and of the Oxford and London women's colleges. The Principal then described the Jubilee gifts which are enumerated elsewhere, finally reminding the Association of its own gift yet to come, a tree or shrub to corn8

(By courtesy o f the OXFORD MAIL)

memorate the Jubilee, to be planted in the autumn. The dons at St. Hugh's, continued the Principal, unlike those described in a contemporary work of fiction, were neither dim nor inscrutable but got younger and prettier every year. The 'untiring conscientiousness of administrative women' was, however, a phrase that was true in this College. No detail was ever too small for them to think of. The College would not be what it was without them and appreciated deeply all that they did. The Principal concluded by saying that in the last twelve years which had passed since she had been honoured by election to be Principal of this Society, she had had from her colleagues, the Fellows and Tutors of the College, and from its members, a help, support, and friendliness which it would be impossible for her to exaggerate. She would not live to see the Centenary but she was quite certain that whoever was in her place then would not have had colleagues equal to hers. Next morning there was a corporate celebration of the Holy Communion in the University Church. The consideration of the College was shown once more in the excellent transport arrangements made for the convenience of those who wished to attend. The rest of the day was left free from arrangements, and those who could stay were able to investigate the new wing, with its promise of a magnificent library and reading room, and enjoy the hospitality of the College for lunch and tea. So ended the Jubilee. May those who celebrate the Centenary be equally blessed with good weather, good cheer, and good company. Our best thanks are due to the administrative staff for their untiring labours, both before and throughout the week-end, which resulted in everything going with complete ease and with that apparent spontaneity which is the high-water mark of organization. To the Principal we should like to express our gratitude, not only for presiding over all these arrangements and for the welcome she gave to every Senior Member of every generation, but above all for her twelve years of steady administration by which the College is now enabled to stand for us all as 'a perpetual and certain place'.

SERMON Preached at the Thanksgiving Service on June 27, by the REV. A. T. P. WILLIAMS, Dean of Christ Church


Acts xxviii. z5 (part): 'Whom when Paul saw, he thanked God, and took courage.'


E are met to-day to recall the past with thankfulness, to renew friendships and associations in the present, and not least to gain new hope and encouragement for the future. And for the central act of commemoration you have come to this church, linked so closely by the legend and history of twelve hundred years with the past of Oxford and England, that you may remember and look forward with 9

thanksgiving and prayer in a place where the things of time, if we enter into this service aright, must be viewed in the light of eternity. It is especially fitting that you should come here, not only because this is your Cathedral Church but because its whole beginnings are wrapped up with the story of a woman. The small community which settled here chose this place because of some association with St. Frideswide's name. And just as the roll of your benefactors, governors, and teachers, read just now, is a roll in which men and women stand side by side in a common endeavour and a common faith, so here, we have much reason to think, at the beginning men and women worked and prayed together in a common life. Who can tell what precisely it was that brought them to this spot ? But outside St. Lucy's Chapel, east of the South Transept, there is still an ancient well—a spring of living water, unseen or hardly noticed and yet very possibly the fountain and source without which much that is would never have been. At least there is the ground for that true and often repeated parable of life—the spring and what flows from it— the far-off small beginnings, the struggle and excitement of the infant stream, the broad river and all to which it brings strength and refreshment. There are some here who were born before your Society was born, and in Oxford fifty years seems but a short time. Yet those fifty years have seen changes greater perhaps in their obvious effect on human life than those of any previous half-century, greater certainly than any save the fifty years before. They have not been years of quiet steady growth in the world around, but years of threatened peace, of war, of a peace that is no peace. And yet they have been years in which a vast deal of thought and effort has gone into the task of strengthening and purifying what is best and most hopeful in our civilization. People talk often of the contrasts of some past ages— of medieval times or the days of the Reformation, the contrasts between barbaric violence and the creations of man's best gifts of mind or hand. But we may be sure that posterity will find contrasts as sharp in these fifty years of your Society's life, and not least between the spectacle of a world which sometimes seems to hasten to its own destruction and that same world planning and building in hope—that age-long race between the destroyers and the makers which is as old as history and never more strenuous than now. This service, commemorating those fifty years, is first a service of remembrance, a service of gratitude. And there I can add little to the majestic words of the Bidding Prayer and to the memories called up for many of us by the names recorded in it. The poets have always known and the reader of the Bible knows that nothing has greater power to stir the imagination than a name—so easily uttered, so short and yet so full of inspiration to those who can remember the living reality for which it stood, the strength and confidence which it brought. And when those names are linked as they are to-day in our thoughts with the birth and continuing life of a Society their significance is deeper yet. They live in memory not only for their own I0

sake and in their own right but because something of them is built into the very structure of the College which they served. Without each one of them something precious would have been lacking: they differed in gifts, in opinions, but out of those diversities there grew a unity, a fellowship, a body, because they believed and went forward, though, in early days at least, there might seem but little security that faith and confidence could find solid ground. We do well to recall their names: they would say themselves, we may be sure, that they were but paying a debt: that they gave only the little they had and felt it to be little : but what they gave they gave in faith, and God took and multiplied it as He takes and multiplies all that we are humble enough to offer to Him. But no service of commemoration is or ought to be a service of remembrance only. 'It is for us, the living, to be dedicated here.' The past, however great its inspiration, cannot solve our difficulties for us though it may show us the temper in which they should be faced. The England and the Oxford we know would already seem strange to many of those of whom we have been thinking. The work of the past has made some of our burden lighter no doubt, but 'no man may deliver his brother'. Our world is different from theirs: the kinds of action open to us in that world are, many of them, new and comparatively untried: it may seem to you, whether rightly or wrongly it is hard to judge, that many of the tasks of to-day have a complication which the experience of the past can do little to unravel. And yet the life of a society in which younger and older work together forbids us to think that there is utter diversity in the tasks for which each generation is trained. That life has, and indeed is, a spiritual force which, if we truly share in it, reveals some common ground where we are all at one. However outward circumstance and opportunity may change, the eye of the soul sees in outline much the same causes at stake, much the same ends to be pursued: our actions, unless we remain children carried to and fro by every passing wind, will still depend on much the same faith in what is true and lovely and of good report which guided those of old time. We may think that the world presses upon us more heavily than it did, and that ours are days more meet for action than for those times of quiet, and preparation of mind and heart, which can be the gift of places such as these. But it is still as true now as ever it was or will be that we do much to make our own world, and that our action in it will depend on what we love and hate. And so when a living society remembers its past and re-dedicates itself for new tasks it is no mockery or mere sentiment to pray that the experience and faith of the generations that are gone may be our strong support in the future as well as an abiding memory. There are, and I expect there always will be, things enough in our time to discourage those who are by the grace of God unwilling merely to take the world as they find it and leave it there. The words from the narrative of St. Paul's journey to Rome which I have taken for my text suggest that even that great and courageous man had his II

times of doubt and depression. But when his friends met him in the course of his long and hazardous enterprise, met him as he neared the very heart and centre of the pagan world, he thanked God and took courage. The spirit-of Christ, he saw, was there in Rome as it had been on the Damascus road or in Corinth, or in the barbarian Galatia. He felt the presence of that spirit because he met it in the welcome and the love of his friends at a time when that welcome and that love were most needed. So you may thank God and take courage from the witness of friends, visible and invisible, that your Society has striven and still strives to win and keep the vision of the city which has foundations, whose maker and builder is God.

ST. HUGH'S COLLEGE JUiii ILEE FUND Income and Expenditure Account from the Opening of the Fund to June 11th, 1936. RECEIPTS


s. d. Subscriptions . 3,028 14 Interest on Investments . 53 2 Refund from The Times . 5

9 3 0




I 0 0

8 2 4

3 sz 5 91 o 6








5 3i



15 36 15 2


s. d.

Balance in the Bank 1,448 55 Balance with Treasurer 5 2 Total

s. d.

£ Investments . . • Portrait of The Principal Cheque book . Printing, Typing, and Advertisement . Circulars . Postage . Hire of Room for Meetings


The Stock noted below is held by this Fund. £250 Consols ai% Inscribed Stock. £1,129 7s. sod. War Loan A% Inscribed Stock. Hon. Treasurer: E. E. WARDALE. Audited and Found Correct: P. C. LYON. June zo, 1936.


C. K. M. Abbott D. C. Abdy D. E. Ackroyd M. G. Adam 12

C. M. Ady C. E. M. Alcock (Mrs.) W. E. Alder Barratt B. H. Alexander

P. M. Allen W. E. Allen (Mrs.) P. H. Anderson A. le B. Andrews (Mrs.) S. M. Andrews Anon. Anon. Anon. through the Westminster Bank A Friend of the College R. Arbuthnot Lane Miss Archer Houblon I. Ashcroft H. N. Askey (Mrs.) I. S. T. Aspin Mr. W. W. and Mrs. Aspin L. E. Auld G. M. Baker M. C. D. C. Barbier D. M. C. Barker G. I. Barker M. L. Battersby E. M. J. Baxter E. Beames B. E. Beaver C. R. Bedford (Mrs.) E. Beere M. A. Beese A. E. Bell J. C. Bell M. A. Bellamy 0. D. Bickley M. H. Birley M. M. W. Bone W. G. Bosward E. W. Bowman (Mrs.) L. A. Bradbury, Esq. L. F. Bradbury (Mrs.) L. E. Braddick E. M. R. Bradshaw L. C. Braine Hartnell (Mrs.) The Rev. The Censor of St. Catherine's Society E. J. Brook E. Brown K. M. Brown E. M. Browne M. K. Brunton (Mrs.) H. M. Bryant H. Buchan H. Buckland, Esq. M. M. B. Bulkeley G. Buckler (Mrs.) D. G. Bushnell D. M. Butler E. M. Butterworth F. L. E. Camous C. Campbell (Mrs.) G. M. Chappel

E. D. Carr (Mrs.) M. L. Cartwright H. T. E. Charles M. A. Charman M. M. Chattaway D. N. Cheetham (Mrs.) N. I. Chmelnitzky A. Clark D. H. Clark H. A. Clarke M. L. Clarkson A. H. Cooke (Mrs.) E. I. Cooper P. M. A. Cooper (Mrs.) V. H. Cooper. B. L. Corrie M. C. Corrie (Mrs.) W. Cray E. Crichton M. R. Cunningham G. M. E. Cunynghame A. B. Curtis (Mrs.) U. M. S. Dacombe M. Dalgleish M. M. Dalston D. E. H. Darker A. M. Davis E. Daws M. E. Day (Mrs.) I. P. M. L. de Castro K. M. Dencer H. C. Deneke D. K. Denham I. M. de Reyes A. B. Disney Roebuck E. L. P. Dixon (Mrs.) M. Dover (Mrs.) D. M. Doveton K. M. Downham M. Dunch C. M. G. Duthoit G. B. Eastwood (Mrs.) D. M. M. Edwards Rees M. S. Ellis (Mrs.) Z. Eppstein F. Ertz (Mrs.) L. M. I. Escombe Lady Evans (in memory of E. F. Jourdain) J. Evans K. M. Evans M. M. Evans P. M. C. Evans E. H. de L. Fagan J. Faldo (Mrs.) R. Farnell H. E. Fiedler W. Finn (Mrs.) M. R. Fookes


W. A. Forth M. I. Foster A. Fowle B. Fowle M. Fowle M. J. Fowle (Mrs.) E. A. Francis P. Fulford A. T. Gary M. Gay (Mrs.) K. C. M. Gent S. E. Gent (Mrs.) M. H. Gent M. V. Gibson D. N. Glenday L. E. Glover (Mrs.) M. C. Godley C. P. Goodenough Admiral Sir W. and Lady Goodenough S. M. E. Goodfellow R. V. Gordon M. L. Gordon Mrs. M. Gower Gardner F. E. Graham P. M. M. Graham M. A. Grant E. H. G. Grattan S. H. L. Greaves, Esq. B. Greenhalgh M. J. Greig Lady Grigg The Principal Sir Maurice Gwyer, K.C.B. P. M. Gwynne A. Hadfield R. M. Haig Brown T. L. Hale A. M. M. Hales M. B. Hall M. M. J. Hall G. Hamilton B. M. Hamilton Thompson D. M. Hammonds P. Hardcastle M. F. Hardie F. W. Hare C. M. Hargraves C. Hargreaves K. M. Harris A. M. Hart The Rev. M. Hartley D. Harvey (Mrs.) M. G. Harwood E. M. Hatch W. M. Hatton (Mrs.) C. A. M. Havergal W. J. L. Hazlehurst A. Headlam-Morley

H. Heard • E. A. Hearn C. Hedley M. Hensman E. Herdman N. K. Hewett V. Higgin K. I. Hind S. W. Hingley K. M. Hobbs C. M. Hobhouse M. S. Holland A. D. Holt M. A. Holt (Mrs.) J. Hoole M. F. Hopkirk (Mrs.) L. M. Horan (Mrs.) M. Hornibrook (Mrs.) C. S. Houghton (Mrs.) J. Howard (Mrs.) J. M. Hussey A. G. Hyde Lees (Mrs.) D. Ibberson J. E. Ironside Lady Irving J. Irwin M. G. Irwin E. M. Jay Browne F. M. Jenkins J. A. Johnston M. Jones Menai Jones Junior Common Room (per B. Harris) G. Keay B. B. Kendall M. Kennard Davis (Mrs.) M. E. King E. T. Kingston J. M. Lake H. Lamb (Mrs.) M. L. Lardelli (the late) M. Graham Laws M. L. Lawson M. M. Lawson (Mrs.) D. M. Layton M. L. Lee M. A. Leishman E. Lemon L. M. Leonard (Mrs.) E. F. C. Letts E. M. Lidbetter M. Lilly (Mrs.) The President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford M. A. Lloyd Jones (Mrs.)

M. D. Lobel (Mrs.) A. Lomax C. M. Loveday C. V. M. Lucas P. C. Lyon, Esq. M. E. Macaulay H. M. McCutcheon H. K. Macdonald M. Macdonald M. G. McGregor M. E. McIntosh (Mrs.) M. H. Mackenzie N. C. Mackenzie (Mrs.) M. E. Mackilligin (Mrs.) M. J. Maclagan J. W. Macleod E. D. McLeod D. T. McNeill V. M. Macpherson L. F. Madan R. D. Mallin A. J. G. Malone W. M. Mammatt M. H. Mansell M. L. Marr Lady Marriott D. E. Martin Clarke (Mrs.) D. F. Martin Hurst M. E. Maurice M. B. Maynard R. M. Mitchell Lady Moberly B. H. Moberly C. A. E. Moberly M. Moller N. Moller A. H. Moore M. Moore D. C. Moorhouse B. M. C. Morgan C. R. Morris, Esq. G. M. Morton B. Mott Z. Murray (Mrs.) V. C. Murray

P. B. Muscott E. E. Naylor B. E. Negus M. I. Nichol Smith (Mrs.) E. S. Nicholas U. M. Niebuhr (Mrs.) P. M. Nott W. A. Odell B. M. O'Donovan A. M. Ogilvie E. M. T. Oliver H. M. Osborne M. C. Owen

M. J. Pain (Mrs.) A. H. Park B. 0. Parkes, Esq. B. G. Parrett J. E. Parry B. Parsons (Mrs.) G. I. Parsons H. J. Paterson (Mrs.) M. G. Peebles (Mrs.) N. Penhale D. A. A. Penny A. C. Percival M. F. Perham A. D. K. Peters E. A. Phillips K. M. Phillips D. Pike (Mrs.) M. J. Porcher S. E. L. Porter (Mrs.) M. L. Potter D. D. Power D. A. Pratt J. A. Price (Mrs.) P. M. Price E. M. C. Prideaux E. E. S. Procter W. A. Pronger E. R. Provis (Mrs.) J. Rawlinson M. M. Rees B. Reeve M. Reeves E. Reynolds V. B. C. F. Rhys Davids M. A. Rice N. Richardson (Mrs.) D. B. Riviere A. Robb B. H. Roberts E. M. M. Robinson F. Robinson H. Robson A. M. A. H. Rogers D. N. Rolfe E. Rosser B. F. Rycroft C. E. M. Rygate St. Hugh's Club (per E. Morgan) S. F. Salt M. J. Sargeaunt F. R. Saunders-Jacobs F. I. Savory M. N. Savory E. M. P. Scott M. E. Seaton H. M. Semple (Mrs.) The Rt. Rev. Bishop Shaw H. V. Shebbeare (Mrs.) S. M. Sheppard (Mrs.)


I. M. Shrigley G. M. S. Simey E. M. Simpson (Mrs.) J. Simpson M. L. Simpson V. A. Simpson I. M. Sims M. Sinclair E. J. C. Slimon M. L. Slocombe I. J. Smith K. L. Smith C. M. Snow (Mrs.) E. M. H. Snowdon H. C. Solly (Mrs.) L. V. Southwell B. M. Sparks E. J. Sparks L. Leigh Spencer B. J. Spedding D. W. Sprules M. Stinton (Mrs.) E. E. Stopford Mrs. Stovin J. 0. Stovin E. M. Strong E. B. Sturgis E. M. Swallow R. Sykes E. M. Talbot P. M. Talbot C. M. Taylor L. B. Taylor E. M. Thomas F. Thomas, Esq. G. Thorneycroft C. M. Todd U. Todd-Naylor E. M. Tostevin

M. R. Toynbee P. M. Trotman (Mrs.) V. H. Truman E. M. A. Tudor A. K. P. Tyacke The Registrar of the University of Oxford M. Venables B. E. Vint (Mrs.) M. E. K. Wait M. Walford, M.E. M. B. Walker (Mrs.) A. R. Wardale (Mrs.) E. E. Wardale M. G. Watkins J. Watson M. D. Weston D. M. Wethered I. C. White (Mrs.) M. Whiteley (Mrs.) M. 0. Whittaker S. J. Wickham R. M. Wildy D. M. Willard G. M. Willing A. Windham W. Windle M. Wood N. B. Woodcock H. Woodman E. J. Woodrow M. M. Woolf W. Woolley A. L. Wright (Mrs.) M. Zvegintzov The Sale of an Etching by the Principal

ST. HUGH'S CLU iii PAPER glance through the earlier numbers of our forerunner, which

pr째came into existence with the St. Hugh's Club in 1898, and was issued regularly until 1928, is a most stimulating experience for an editor. The Paper gives delightful peeps of fin-de-siecle Oxford and of early development in our Hall, afterwards our College; and we have reprinted some excerpts from pre-War letters and articles, in the hope that they may revive memories among our elders and betters which will add to their pleasure in reading the Chronicle of 1936.

June 1898 The study is now the drawing-room. I think it will interest every one to know that it is entirely furnished from Miss Moberly's old homes in Winchester and Salisbury, and so even the armchairs have 16

historic associations. The new study is over the library, which is an old friend with a new face, so improved is it in a hundred little ways. Chief of these additions is the beautiful Arundel given by Mrs. Romanes, which forms a centre-piece for the two you will all remember. And we must not forget E. Grattan's oak steps which lend such literary dignity to the room. The dining-room is not yet papered, leaving something for zealous reformers to desire, but Miss Wardale's Turner and the Constable which H. Wilson and D. Abdy gave us do much to adorn the walls. Looking out of the windows we see a reformed garden! The ivy has been cut away in many places, trees have been lopped, lending an air of lightness and freshness to the scene, the gravel tennis-court has been remade, and lastly the borders are well stocked with flowers. Of course the lovely background is the same as ever, and the elms and larches and whispering aspens still remain the glory of St. Hugh's. The birds still sing there better than anywhere else in Oxford, the wood-pigeons still croon in the trees just outside our windows, and we have already heard nightingales this term on one or two perfect moonlight nights.

January 1899 The Richter concert was more popular than ever this year, and the orchestra, which was quite up to its usual standard of excellence, played Tschaikowsky's Symphony in B minor and selections from Wagner. Sir John Stainer gave a most interesting and amusing lecture at the Sheldonian upon hymn-tunes this term. Last, but not least, must be mentioned a visit from Barnum's show, which paraded, in all its glory of gilded wagons and shambling elephants, through the town. The whole of Oxford was in the streets, and I hear Miss Rogers was considerate enough to take her class out to view the sight as it passed the Association rooms.

June 1899 F. Etlinger, who in former years was a chief agent in enabling St. Hugh's to win, for two successive years, all its tennis matches, and brought the cup to the Hall from Wimbledon the first year that Oxford and Cambridge women played for it, is still covering herself with glory. Last week she won the Irish Ladies' Singles Championship at the Fitzwilliam Club. She is also the conductor of a ladies' orchestra in Dublin, which has given some excellent concerts and is highly spoken of.

January 1900 M. A. Rice has been appointed headmistress of St. Anne's School, Abbots' Bromley (one of the Woodard Girls' Schools). It has fine buildings and a beautiful chapel. At present there are about 70 girls. This makes our sixth headmistress窶馬ot a bad proportion out of 108 persons. The High Schools of Madras, Toronto, and Grahamstown are important posts, and these have been held by our students. G. Steer has been appointed to the Salisbury High School in Miss Rice's place. 17

January 1901 The Bodleian question was again raised, as a good many of you already know, at the end of last term. Certain letters then appeared in the Oxford Magazine objecting to the presence of the womenstudents, who, it was said, took up much of the available space and used the Bodleian merely as a central waiting-room in the intervals between lectures. Feeling has become more acute this term and we have been requested by our authorities to confine ourselves as much as possible to the Nettleship, so as to give the troubled feeling time to subside! To obviate the immediate difficulty the A.E.W. have now secured another large room in the Clarendon Building, next to the Nettleship Library, which will be fitted up with tables and chairs, ink, &c., and can be used by all students. We are now more than ever anxious to improve our own Hall Library and we hope some day even to be the proud possessors of the Dictionary of National Biography. . . . You will have seen in the Fritillary a Hockey notice, written in a spirit of calm resignation after a series of defeats, but perhaps the new red ties worn by the XI for the first time turned our luck, for we had the satisfaction of inflicting upon L.M.H. 2nd XI the first and last defeat their club had suffered this term: thus encouraged we proceeded to beat the Etceteras and. But the match we enjoyed more than any was, without a doubt, our encounter with the old students who came up for their half-term. The 'old ladies' (to use Mrs. Davis' polite appellation) were able to muster a strong team, including W. Mammatt, H. Hudson, H. Fear, E. May, I de Castro, D. Hodge, B. Warner, E. Blamire-Brown, G. Steer, with C. Hedley as Captain, many of last year's first XI being among them. We had a capital game, the result being a draw, two all. After the match the Present XI entertained the Past XI at a large tea in the Library, and the occasion was further celebrated by a Sociable in the evening and the singing of Auld Lang Syne. We hope the old ladies enjoyed their visit as much as the young ones enjoyed seeing them again. It has been suggested that some reminiscences of the early days of St. Hugh's, when the swan was as yet an ugly duckling, would be interesting to present students. Imagine then four, or shall I say five, homesick people, established in a small and scantily furnished house in Fyfield Road. The four original students all worked in one room, the dining-room. There were little tables in the corners at which we wrote, and into the drawers of which we put the note-books and papers, the results of our labours. There was no library and no chapel, hardly any garden, no tennis, and no boat. Next door there was a girl who played the piano. She was practising for some examination, and continued from morn till dewy eve, with scales, arpeggios, and studies. This was not conducive to the study of classics and mathematics. How often did we desire to bombard the partition wall, and lay the enemy low with IS

the poker! We, who were also examination candidates, ought to have had a fellow-feeling, but human nature has its limitations. The room in which we breakfasted looked out into the back gardens of Fyfield Road. The proprietor of the piano had also another possession, some white rabbits, which lived in a hutch at the bottom of the garden. These served a very useful purpose. When we came down feeling desperately shy of each other, and perhaps a little more homesick than usual, as one is apt to do in the mornings, we found that the only subject of conversation which seemed possible was the health, manners, and customs of the rabbits. The brother of our senior student came one day to call upon her, and looking out of the window, he observed, 'What a deadly dull place! I should think you never talk about anything but the rabbits'. As that continued to be the stock subject of conversation, she was often impressed with the truth of his remark, and, let us hope, tried to arouse interest in other topics: though it is astonishing how soothing and consolatory rabbits may be under some circumstances. In those days '5o per cent. of the students of St. Hugh's were Science', as the Science Tutor of Somerville observed, and one of them had an interesting experience when taking her final. The Final Honours School of Botany had only just been opened to women, and when the fatal moment of the examination arrived, it was found that no other candidate, either man or woman, had entered. The University did not wish to pay two examiners to examine this solitary woman, and the subject was debated in Convocation, with the result that they decided to examine the candidate, though the resolution was carried by only three votes. A notice with regard to this discussion appeared in the Oxford Magazine. It began : 'The case of the misguided female who seeks to be examined in Botany came on yesterday in rather a thin house.' Some one in the course of the debate observed that he had 'always considered Botany a suitable subject for well-nurtured females'. Perhaps it was this rather objectionable remark which moved the Council to admit the 'female' to the examination. When St. Hugh's was in its infancy the members of the Hall were admitted to the Somerville and Lady Margaret debates, but for a long time no one had the courage to contribute an observation or speech of any kind. When the last debate of the first summer term arrived, we all implored each other to speak, to get up and say something, however stupid: as an extra inducement we all promised a halfpenny to the one who should thus screw her courage to the sticking point. As there were then five of us, you will perceive that the large sum of zed. would be the reward, for Miss Moberly had also offered to contribute. Now, whether it was the prospect of zed. or a sense of duty cannot be told, as all our motives are known to be mixed, but certain it is that one of our number arose in the course of the debate, with horrible heart-beatings and trembling limbs, and gave vent to an exceedingly feeble remark, which, to her surprise, was received with rapturous applause. The explanation of 19

this was that, at the business meeting which had taken place before we came in for the debate, a resolution had been passed to the effect `that the members of St. Hugh's Hall be invited to the debates next term, and that they be encouraged to speak'. In those early days the residents of Oxford were exceedingly kind to the students of St. Hugh's. We shall always have a grateful remembrance of the goodness of Mrs. Johnson, Miss Weld, and Mrs. Toynbee, and the Science students especially at the friendly interest taken in their welfare by Prof. Clifton, Dr. Watts, Mr. Harcourt, Mr. James Walker, Prof. Vines, and Prof. Poulton. There are compensations in every situation, and though our home arrangements were not so comfortable as those enjoyed now in Norham Gardens, we had many privileges which the present students cannot have. We had much more personal intercourse with Miss Moberly than can be possible now that the numbers are so much larger. We used to read Dante on Sunday evenings then as now, and we tried to • translate for ourselves: some of our wild attempts were rather amusing, no doubt. A great feature of this time was the band which met at St. Hugh's. Several violinists came from Somerville and Lady Margaret, and we had some very good music under Miss Moberly's direction. I believe at first she had to conduct with the hearth-broom for want of a baton, but it answered very well. At the first garden party we had in the present Hall garden the band performed with much eclat, and those who did not play in the orchestra contributed to the musical entertainment by singing some of Mendelssohn's duets and Brahms's four-part songs for female voices. GRACE PARSONS.

June 1901 On the 24th May the return of the University troops from the front caused great excitement. They arrived at the station about 12.3o and received a boisterous welcome from their fellow undergraduates, frantic attempts being made to burst through the carefully guarded gates of the station to greet them. The men were chaired from the station to the Cathedral, whence, after the service, they proceeded to the Town Hall, where they were sumptuously feasted and entertained. . . . A good deal of excitement was aroused in University circles last term by what is spoken of as the 'Parks Question'. It appears that the science men have been agitating for a house in the Parks for the Professor of Astronomy, so as to be near the Observatory, and it was also proposed, I believe, to make a carriage road, to enable science professors to 'drive with fitting dignity' to their lectures! Not unnaturally there was a very strong, I might almost say violent, opposition to both proposals, and perhaps you will not be sorry to hear that the Parks are to be left intact. The house proposal, however, was only lost by one vote. 20

August 1906 The term just over has been, as usual, probably the fullest of the three. Every one came up with the Education Bill in her pocket. The first Thursday of term saw a memorable debate at the Union, in which the principle of the Bill was eloquently supported by Mr. Temple and convincingly condemned by Mr. Talbot. On the following Tuesday there was a great meeting of Protest against the Bill in the Town Hall. The meeting was addressed by the Bishop of Oxford, the Earl of Jersey, Sir William Anson, and Lord Hugh Cecil. The striking figures and strenuous gestures of the Bishop and of Lord Hugh Cecil, the gathering behind them—filling every available inch of the platform, and including nearly all the clergy of Oxford, from the aged Father Benson downwards, as well as younger members of the University and the leaders of the Thursday night Debate —the vast audience, its attention riveted, and its purpose becoming every moment more immutably fixed in opposition to the Bill, made a scene not easily forgotten. Our own debate on the subject was notable, not for the inadequacy of the speeches on paper, but for the eagerness and effectiveness of Public Discussion, which reached a climax in a masterly speech from Miss Rogers.

August 1908 For some time a paper had been posted on the St. Hugh's Hall notice-board about the Suffrage procession, which was to take place on June 13th, and when the day arrived a crowded special train carried to London the delegates from the Oxford Women's Suffrage Society, together with those members of the Women's Colleges who were glad of the opportunity to join in a peaceable demonstration. There was an air of expectation about the London streets from midday onwards, and by two o'clock Whitehall Place and Parliament Street were gay with banners stationed at different starting-points. The University contingent held what was practically a Gaudy in the street, and Oxford assembled behind the dark-blue banners sent by Somerville College and Lady Margaret Hall Old Students. After the representatives of different colleges had sorted themselves out, the wearers of academic dress leading, the march began: a quick march, punctuated by a stop now and again when the banner-carriers halted for a moment, and interrupted at street corners by a gusty, dusty wind that threatened to tear away banners and violently remove mortar-boards. Along the Embankment we marched and up Northumberland Avenue, a foot or two only away from a crowd that just tolerated us as a Saturday show, but kept a line as firm and straight as if it had been ruled. The crowd kept within bounds in every sense, though the two French doctors' gowns provoked a good deal of curiosity and speculation. It was interesting to be hailed as the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and to hear an intelligent workman informing his friends that the University of Oxford had 2I

sent down its Proctors to keep order. At another corner we were supposed to be delegates from the Franco-British Exhibition. But the amusement provoked was only spasmodic, and cheers and kindly interest greeted the procession as it moved along its lengthy route. Half-way along, Miss Wardale, who with two old Senior Students (M. Crick and E. Bazeley), in Dublin robes, had headed the St. Hugh's part of the procession with me, had to leave, and we filled up the rank with R. Lane. M. Keeling, R. Farnell, M. Ottley, E. Lidbetter, M. Wigg, M. Wyld, J. Watson, were among the other St. Hugh's Old Students present. Just in front of us the Somerville dons were represented by Miss Pope and Miss Kempson ; not far off were Miss Burrows from St. Hilda s, and Miss MacMunn, an old HomeStudent, now Demonstrator in Geography at Oxford. Lady Margaret was represented by some of its Old Students. At last we reached the Albert Hall, and the procession began to display its great numbers as column after column marched up. The impression of the massed bands playing at the same time fifteen different encouraging tunes, including the Marseillaise, was hardly as harmonious as that of the massed banners with their beautiful flower-like colours. Of the Albert Hall Meeting I cannot say anything, as I did not go to it, but I would not have missed the drive back, which gave me a view of the two miles of procession. The grave, purposeful expression on the faces of the women who were asking for the suffrage was most impressive, not only to the onlooker, but, as it proved in the course of the next day or two, even to the correspondents of the newspapers. Literary women, doctors, nurses, actresses, typewriters, barmaids, `home-makers'—all trades and professions were represented and gave their varied interest to the picture. Not the least interesting was the concluding procession of carriages and motors, suggesting the stream in Hyde Park on a summer afternoon. These were filled with people who contributed their gentle dignity to the occasion. The disapproving expression on the faces of their coachmen added a touch of comedy to the scene, and was only paralleled by the behaviour of some old gentlemen coming out of their clubs after lunch, who crossed the road and looked the other way lest they might have to see us. The practical advantage of the carriages joining on to the walking procession was that it saved the demonstration from the usual tail of street rabble. Our end was as dignified as our beginning. E. F. JOURDAIN.

August 1911 It seems fitting to begin this letter with congratulations to Miss Bebb, who has brought honour to St. Hugh's by being the first woman to obtain a First Class in the School of Jurisprudence. Such an achievement makes us all shine with reflected glory. . . . Oxford provided us with an unusual spectacle last term, when the town was decorated in honour of the Coronation. The flags and 22

festoons, it is true, made Oxford streets look less distinctive than usual, but the High was very picturesque even in the day-time, and at night the effect of the illuminated Colleges was very fine. Perhaps the irregular buildings of Holywell Street made the most beautiful vista of lights and colours. I have reached the end of this letter without mentioning the two things which most concern us in the year's history. They are of course the transformation of St. Hugh's into a College, and the establishment by the University of a Women's Delegacy, which gives us a recognized place in Oxford life. Each of these events marks the threshold of a new era for us, and this account of the year may be fitly closed by noticing that it is thus the opening of a fresh chapter in our history.

August 1912 One of the great events of the year has been a series of four lectures on the 'Reconstruction of Belief', given by the Bishop of Oxford to crowded audiences of men and women in the largest room at the Examination Schools. The lectures were remarkable for their expression of the speaker's deep personal conviction, and for the force with which he had seized upon great tendencies of thought in history, and concentrated their meaning in single phrases. They were also an illustration of the method of theologians of the 'Lux Mundi' school. . . . The duty which the lecturer laid on his audience was that of intellectual decision. 'It is better truly to choose wrong, and then to put your mistaken thoughts into action, and find they are wrong, and come back to the correction of your premisses, than to suffer yourself not to choose at all.'

August 1913 As last year we became a College by constitution, so this year we are on the way to having a college architecturally. As many of you will have heard, the Council have succeeded in obtaining a fine site in the Banbury Road, opposite Park Town. When this was first announced, members of St. Hugh's were to be seen casually strolling round outside the estate with an air of proprietorship. When visitors now are being shown round the Hall, you hear, 'This room is the Library— Of course when we build we shall have a proper Library. Oh yes . . . and a Dining Hall', &c., &c. The air over the Mount must be thick with castles. We hope speedy success will attend the financial work that must be done before they can materialize.

Reminiscences of Miss Clara Evelyn Mordan (From St. Hugh's Club Paper, October 1915) Miss C. E. Mordan was a strong Suffragist, and was greatly re-

sponsible for the original funds of the W.S.P.U., and for financing the first Suffragist procession in London. It was in I9oi—a very marked 23

year to me—that she and her friend Miss Gray Allen came to Oxford to look over the women's colleges, incited thereto by a paper written by Miss Rogers on University education for women. The next day she wrote to me, saying that it was obvious that St. Hugh's was the College most in need of outside help, and enclosing a cheque for £1,000 to found a Scholarship to bear her name, and imposing only one condition—that no student whilst holding the scholarship should practise Vivisection. The Council willingly accepted the condition, for the occasion was not likely to occur. From that time she became a great personal friend, and her interest in the College has been unflagging and disinterested and true. On her annual visits she asked many questions about St. Hugh's finance, inquired of me what large houses within grounds were in the market, and, years before such a scheme was suggested to the Council, looked at the plans I had drawn for college buildings and gardens, calculating the probable cost, and saying that she meant to endow them. When I knew, in 1901, that our Council would not secure z8 Norham Gardens, which seemed to some of us a necessity at the moment, unless they had some promise of funds, a letter to her brought the answer that I had done well to write to her, for I 'must know that she cared for St. Hugh's as much as I did'. Enclosed was the promised loan of £1,000, to belong to us in ten years. Sad as her loss is, no one would have enjoyed more than she the dramatic way in which the knowledge of her legacy to us saved the plan for the new buildings. A meeting of the Building Committee was to be held in the same week in which she died. Knowing myself to be an executrix of her estate, I ventured to write to the lawyer for particulars of the legacy. They arrived on the morning of the meeting, with the result that an unanimous vote was passed to carry out, in spite of war conditions, the whole of the original plan. The Council had met in the belief that, sad as it was to relinquish it, the War made it necessary to curtail the work. She has left to us not only sufficient for security for further necessary loans, but personal gifts. Having been a lovely girl, her portrait had been often taken by good artists ; two of these, of large size, as well as a miniature by Lucas, are now permanent and much-valued possessions of the College. She has also left us the goodwill of her chief friend, Miss Gray Allen, who has taken her place on the Council, and has passed over to us books and small personal properties of Miss Mordan's, and is prepared to take a continued interest in St. Hugh's. C. A. E. MOBERLY.




THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1934-6:

MISS C. M. ADY Editor of the Chronicle, 1934-7 MISS B. M. HAMILTON THOMPSON, St. Hugh's College, Oxford




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. facing page 4 8









of Corpus Christi

College, Chairman. CHARLOTTE ANNE ELIZABETH MOBERLY, HON. M.A., Hon. Fellow. EDITH ELIZABETH WARDALE, M.A., Hon. Fellow. ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARGERY FREDA PERHAM, M.A., Research Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Official Fellow, Secretary to the Council. EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Official Fellow. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT, Bursar and Official Fellow. CECILIA MARY ADY, M.A., Research Fellow. MARY REAVELEY GLOVER, M.A., Official Fellow. DAISY EMILY MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow. MARGARET AUGUSTA LEISHMAN, M.A., B.SC., Official Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT., Official Fellow. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, M.A., Official Fellow. JOHN LINTON MYRES, M.A., Fellow of New College. ANNIE MARY ANNE HENLEY ROGERS, M.A. REVD. VICTOR JOHN KNIGHT BROOK, M.A., Censor of St. Catherine's




Principal B. E. GWYER,


French. English Literature. History. Philosophy. English Language. Politics and Economics. Classics.

Assistant Tutors Science. Lettere (Genoa), Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian.

M. A. LEISHMAN, M.A., B.SC. O. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in

Administrative Officers Bursar G. THORNEYCROFT, B.A.



Assistant Bursar and Warden of St. Hugh's House S. F. SALT.

Principal's Secretary M. FOWLE.

Custos Hortulorum A. M. A. H. ROGERS, M.A.




Tenth Annual Meeting of the Association was held on Fr HE Saturday, June 29th, 1935, at St. Hugh's College, the Principal

in the Chair. The Chairman's statement on the events of the year included (I) the resignation of the Chairman of the Council, Mr. P. C. Lyon, who during the last six years, first as Treasurer, then as Chairman, had rendered service of peculiar value to the College; (2) the nomination as his successor of Sir Richard Livingstone, President of Corpus Christi College; (3) the announcement that Miss E. A. Hearn had been placed in the First Class in the B.C.L. Examination, being the first woman to attain this honour; (4) the election of Miss Mary Carleton, B.Sc., Bristol University, to the Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholarship. The election of Miss D. N. Glenday, Headmistress of Clifton High School, as a member of Council under Statute XIII was reported. The Report of the Jubilee Committee was presented by the Secretary in the absence of Miss Phillips. Attention was drawn to the satisfactory state of the fund, which made practicable the original intention of the Committee to make the endowment of a Scholarship the chief Jubilee gift of the Association to the College. The suggestion of the Committee for a special number of the Chronicle to appear after the Jubilee in 1936 was approved. Miss Rice reported that there were now 36 subscribers to St. Margaret's House among the Senior Members. The following members were present : M. A. Rice M. L. Lee The Chairman M. E. Robertson The Hon. Secretary B. L. Lefroy E. Lemon A. M. A. H. Rogers M. A. Bellamy S. Salt M. D. Lobel L. Bentley M. E. Seaton M. Mathews M. Fowle A. H. Moore 0. M. Sweeting E. A. Francis P. M. Nott G. Thorneycroft M. M. Irving P. M. Trotman M. G. Peebles M. G. Irwin E. E. Wardale M. Kennard Davis E. S. Procter



chief purpose of this letter is to put myself into touch with

those of your readers who are prevented by unavoidable causes from being with us on June 27th, and to express the regret not only

of myself but of all their friends among the senior resident members of the College, that they should be missing from our circle on the grand day. When these words are printed, the 'official' account of our proceedings, so wisely entrusted to Miss Stopford's pen, will be alongside; and I have not any doubt whatever that by then 5

June 27th will have realized our hopes in all the most important ways. Weather we cannot command, but the downpour of last summer's garden-party can surely not be repeated in 1936! The Day has had many pleasant forerunners in the shape of gifts to the College. First in seniority we must place Miss Parsons' watercolour, already familiar to us, of a corner of the garden in the height of the Canterbury bell season. Next comes Miss Ady's clock, with its formidable 'strike' and its two faces, visible one over the main front door and the other over the garden door of the old building. The Council has seized the occasion to electrify the whole system of College clocks, which now tick in unison. Next, the groupportrait by Henry Lamb, 'The Principal and four Fellows of St. Hugh's College, Oxford', gift of a number of friends of the College of whom Mr. and Mrs. Ross are the chief. This highly characteristic work of the artist is already arousing keen discussion; In addition, the Council has accepted from myself the statue of St. Hugh with his swan, an almost exact replica of the statue in one of the niches over the altar in the University Church, and by the same sculptor, Mr. Esmond Burton; and the Custos Hortulorum is planting in due season trees presented by herself and by the J.C.R., and also a willow sapling brought by Lady Blackett from the shores of the Lake of Galilee, and presented to us for the garden in memory of her husband. Miss Chattaway and her mother are giving to the College a large chest in oak, beautifully carved by the latter's hand; this will be extremely valuable for the stowage of Council papers and the like. I have left, as you see, till the last our Association's great effort, so splendidly rewarded already, to raise an endowment for some part of the College's work. The result of this will no doubt be communicated to members at the next Annual Meeting, i.e. on or just before the Jubilee Day, but the news with which the Hon. Treasurer favours me is such as to cause a gratifying thrill of anticipation. The Association's other gift, a crayon portrait of the Principal by Francis Dodd, R.A., is to be presented also at the Annual Meeting of the Association. The Council has caused to be affixed to the Chapel organ a small plate given by Miss Mammatt, which bears these words : '1886-1915. This organ was presented in 1915 by 216 students, to commemorate the z8 years' work of Miss C. A. E. Moberly as first Principal of St. Hugh's.' I am very glad that this memorial has been put up in 1936, as it will serve to remind us now and in the future of what we owe to our first Principal, happily still with us, though too infirm to do more than follow in spirit our proceedings at the end of the month. For all these kindnesses I want to thank the givers yet once more. On the College Council Miss Gray, Tutor in Classics, was elected to an Official Fellowship last year. We have welcomed as an Extraordinary Member Captain Henry Birch-Reynardson, C.M.G., Christ Church, and have lost through pressure of his own work, and to our great regret, the Censor of St. Catherine's Society. It is a happiness to us to know that Mr. Brook's new building, designed by Sir Percy 6

Worthington, is rising rapidly on the former car park south of the Christ Church Memorial Garden, and we recognize that we must spare him from our counsels in this critical period of development in his Society. Lady Moberly's re-election, unopposed, for a further period as an Elected Member is a great satisfaction. Since your last issue some developments have occurred in the University which are of special interest to women members. The degrees for which an exception was made in 192o—the B.D. and D.D.—have now been opened to us; and (in lighter vein) I am pleased to record that this year for the first time the Encaenia Procession was graced by the presence of the five Women Principals, who had been invited to join beforehand, in the Vice-Chancellor's College Hall at Balliol, the other Heads of Houses and Doctors, and to partake with them of Lord Crewe's Benefaction. The work of the Women's Appointments Sub-Committee has been the subject of a special report approved by the Hebdomadal Council and it will enjoy next year a more promising position financially and in other ways. Mrs. Poole's work in building it up during the four years of its official existence, in somewhat limiting conditions, is much appreciated. I cannot close this letter without referring to what is a source of mingled delight and the reverse—your own appointment as University Lecturer in History and Tutor in St. Mary's College, Durham. It is work which you are excellently qualified to do, and Durham is a place with which you are already familiar; but the College will miss all the gifts you have so generously placed at its disposal, and your daily presence and unfailing interest in every detail of our life here. That we do not at once have a new Editor for the Chronicle—already a model for all such publications—is the greatest relief, and adds yet one more boon to all that you have already conferred on the Association Believe me, Yours sincerely, B. E. GWYER.

Postscript. The above list of gifts to the College is already out of date. Dr. Evans has presented a beautiful circular dish in copper gilded, copy of an antique Spanish example; and Miss Gray, Miss Sturgis, Miss Playne, and Mrs. Buckler have enriched the Library. In addition, Miss R. J. Mitchell gave a large quantity of flowers for the decoration of the College during the Jubilee proceedings. The Jubilee Fund is, I learn, being kept open until January 1st, by which date many more names now missing from the list of contributors will no doubt have been appended. June 1936. Postscript No. 2. A bequest is coming to me for the College under the will of the late Elsie Theodora Bazeley ; and I mention it here because I know that it will give her friends pleasure to read the announcement. It is an honour to have been thus remembered by her.


22, 1936.




Nthe recommendation of the Committee the Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholarship was awarded to Mary Carleton, B.Sc. (Bristol), who is completing a piece of research on the Sawfly for her degree of Ph.D. at Bristol, having in 1933 been awarded a Second Class in the Final Examination for Honours in Zoology, and subsequently appointed Demonstrator in the Zoology Department of that University. Miss Chattaway's tenure of the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship, awarded to her for the year 1935-6, has been renewed for a second year, during which she hopes to complete her thesis on the Sterculiaceae family and to offer it for the degree of D.Phil. A grant from the John Gamble Fund has been approved for Joan Hussey, B.Litt., M.A., in connexion with the forthcoming publication by the Oxford University Press of her work on Church and

Learning in the Byzantine Empire under the Macedonians and the Comneni (867-1185). Miss Ady reports that her book The Bentivoglii of Bologna is now in the hands of the Oxford University Press and will be out before the end of the year; Miss Perham, that her Native Administration in Nigeria has been accepted by the same publishers, and should also be ready during 1936. It is of interest to record that Miss R. J. Mitchell, first holder of the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship, has been awarded the Alexander Prize by the Royal Historical Society for her essay on 'English Students at Padua, 1460-1475'.


May 1935)

N presenting a play in the open air a producer is faced with the 1 problem of how best to reconcile the natural elements of the setting with the conventions implicit in any theatrical production. Two courses lie open. One is to retain the artificialities of stage conventions, admitting them boldly; saying, in effect, 'This is still a play, and we are still actors.' The other is to develop the naturalistic element, and to try to beguile the audience into thinking the characters as real and as unqualified as the trees and flowers among which they play; in short, to subdue the theatrical element. The latter was apparently the course adopted in presenting Comus in the gardens of St. Hugh's College. And since the lighting and the other artificial devices must necessarily be somewhat limited in these circumstances, it was perhaps a wise decision. The producer was 8


ELEANOR FRANCES JOURDAIN M.A. (OxoN), DR. UNIV. PARIS Vice-Principal, Igoe-1915. Principal, 1915-1924 (After the drawing by F. Sanderson)

hampered in her design, however, by two obstacles, one of her own placing. Choosing a play set in an ominous wood, she discarded the 'shady brows' of the exquisite trees which border the lawn, and, although producing in a purely naturalistic style, set her players on the formal terrace, which, however attractive in itself, imitated the proscenium of a theatre with its two stiff little trees and its 'apron stage' of stone, and, moreover, provided a facade of variously opened windows and waving curtains difficult to dissociate from the existence of undergraduates! The Rout, instead of running to their shrouds within these brakes and trees, which they might have done so effectively, were obliged to canter a hundred yards along the terrace, and one was torn between curiosity to see when they would eventually disappear, and desire to keep one's attention focused on the remaining characters. Entrances were magnificently timed (how any one ever heard a cue I cannot conceive). In fact, there was no delay or hitch at any time during the performance, when once it had really started! But one felt that something more might have been made of those long approaches to the 'stage'. It was disconcerting to find that the chief characters one and all advanced with the same swift, sure tread, and not until they had gained their obvious objective (the apron stage in front of the sundial) and begun to speak, had one the faintest idea of their character or state of mind. The other difficulty with which the producer must have been confronted was the successful portrayal of the unpleasant characters in the play. I refer especially to Comus and the Rout. The naturalistic method had been chosen for the general presentation, but to present any of these characters too realistically would hardly have been desirable, even had it been possible. Here it seems that resort might have been had to more theatrical methods, for considerable ingenuity would be needed to invest these 'brutish forms' with any sinister meaning. This Rout, wearing some most effective masks, contrived to look an altogether amiable throng. Without wishing to see this gentle band rolling with pleasure in a sensual sty, I did feel that their gambolling might have been more orchestrated, especially in the Palace Scene. Here skilful grouping, careful arrangement, and a ruthless cutting of all amusing but irrelevant by-play might have conveyed a menacing and sinister impression, without detracting from the purport of words as these harmless gambollings did. The lack of make-up, too, while adding to the charm of The Lady, The Attendant Spirit, and others, proved something of a handicap to Comus. These are the adverse criticisms; but there was much more to admire than to blame in the performance. The speech was clear, and the emphasis intelligent and musical. Movement was graceful and restrained, and most of the positions were helpful to the action. A fine simplicity governed the play throughout. 9

The actors served the producer well and were well in tune with the atmosphere of the play. There was for the most part a fine economy of movement, marred only by a very occasional fidgeting. The Lady brought out the dignity and grace of her part, although I thought her nervousness in the Palace of Comus had something weak in it that was not compatible with The Lady's strong Virtue. Comus was played with really splendid vitality, and perhaps gained our sympathy and admiration rather more than he should have done. More distinction might have been made between his normal manners and his address as a simple countryman. The Attendant Spirit gave a beautiful performance, speaking her lines well, and bringing the play to a measured and effective close. The last slow retreat up the centre of the stage showed what effective use might have been made of this part of the terrace had not the Producer preferred to keep the action almost entirely in front of the sundial. The various elements of the play—the long moralizings, the songs (beautifully sung), the Rout, and the country dancers—were admirably blended. The whole production showed evidence of a directing mind, and consequently achieved a harmony and finish that is all too rare. B. W.



ECENTLY a new stress has been laid in the press, in books, in lectures, and in speeches on the word 'citizenship'. The public are beginning to realize that it is vital to train the younger generation to remedy existing abuses and to prevent their recurrence by bringing informed judgement and enthusiasm to bear on social and administrative problems. Two years ago a House of Citizenship was opened at Westonbirt in Gloucestershire; last summer the Advisory Council for Training in Imperial Citizenship held in London the first of its annual short courses in Imperial Citizenship ; and the Association for Education in Citizenship launched its campaign to spread the teaching of Citizenship in the schools. In October 1936 two members of St. Hugh's, Margaret C. Godley and Dorothy Neville-Rolfe, are to open a House of Citizenship in London. The Course prescribed, like the one at Westonbirt, is meant for girls who do not wish to take up a training for paid work, but who, after a Season or a spell at home, wish to fit themselves for social service, local government, or residence overseas. Many girls who have a desire to be useful find their enthusiasm misdirected because they have not that modicum of training or experience now required even for voluntary work. Moreover, the girl of to-day wants to know what is going on in the world and is not content to vote simply in conformity with family tradition—and it is the individual's vote that Io

ultimately decides such questions as oil sanctions and the autonomy of India. Nor is the part of women in politics confined to voting. Those who are going overseas cannot escape the responsibility involved in personal contacts with people of other races. If they are to make the most of their opportunities and responsibilities they must know something of the outlook, problems, and traditions of those amongst whom they are to live. They should, too, for their own comfort, understand the elements of tropical hygiene and dietetics. This knowledge it is the aim of Citizenship training to provide. Students at the London House of Citizenship can be either 'Citizens proper' taking the full year's course approved by the Advisory Council, or 'Associates' taking less specialized courses of varying lengths. The course, which is open to girls over seventeen, and to young married women whose husbands are abroad, is primarily resident, but special arrangements could be made for those who wished to attend daily. Full information regarding all the facilities for training in Citizenship can be obtained from Miss Neville-Rolfe, 5 Bramham Gardens, London, S.W. 5, which will be the permanent address of the London House of Citizenship.





DINNER for members and their friends took place on Saturday, October 5th, 1935, at the St. Ermin's Hotel, Caxton Street, Westminster. Miss Gwyer, Principal of the College, presided, and the toasts were as follows : Miss Gwyer proposed 'The King' and 'Our Guests', and Miss Irwin the toast of 'Absent Friends'. The guest of the evening was Mr. Robert Bernays, M.P., who spoke of the Abyssinian Problem and Geneva. He had then just returned from Geneva, where the nations had decided to impose sanctions. Lady Irving thanked him on behalf of the Club. Miss Baker and Miss Shrigley sold Christmas presents for the Jubilee Fund, and Mrs. Victor Evans and Miss Biddy Heard raffled an engraving of St. Hugh's College, kindly given to us by Mr. Exley. ÂŁ313.5. 6d. was sent to the Jubilee Fund. In all over 6o people were present. The Annual Meeting of the St. Hugh's Club will take place on Saturday, June nth, at 11.3o p.m. at St. Hugh's College. Members of St. Hugh's College are invited, but they may not vote unless they are also members of the St. Hugh's Club. The Club subscription is now only ios. for life membership, and subscriptions can be received by the Hon. Sec., Miss Enid Morgan, Park Hall, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. We are arranging an evening Reception in London in October for members and their friends. Details will be sent to Club members after the Annual Meeting. ENID MORGAN.


JUNIOR COMMON ROOM, 1935=6 ripHIS year has worked up to a climax in which the present third I. years will have little part. Those who heard the Mary Gray Allen Wing going up will, no doubt, remember what the noise was like, and will sympathize with us. Before anything else we should like to extend our sympathy to the mother of Margaret Warner, a first-year student who died as the result of an accident early this term. Work and play during the year have gone on in their usual way, and we have, as usual, honours to boast of in both fields. M. Grutter, ex-President of the J.C.R.: First Class, Final Honour School of English Language and Literature, 1935. D. F. Bleasby : First Class, Classical Honour Moderations, 1936. B. J. Harris, President-Elect of the J.C.R.: Winter Williams Law Scholarship for Women (St. Hugh's has now won this distinction three times in succession, and as the Principal remarked, 'It seems a pity for others to win it now'). S. B. Andrews : Goldsmiths' Exhibition for Undergraduates. In the games world, too, we have attained certain achievements : B. J. Theobald and C. Peter have been awarded Blues for Tennis, M. E. Barrett, D. Yeats-Brown, and M. E. Gibbons for Lacrosse, M. Stinton and M. Gay for Hockey, and D. F. Bleasby for Swimming. C. M. Clerk is Captain of the O.U. Women's Swimming Team, and D. M. Sherwood of the United Netball Team. In addition we have four representatives in the O.U. Women's Cricket and Rowing Teams respectively. Among the numerous clubs which are part of the J.C.R. activities the Dramatic Club has undoubtedly been the most energetic. InterCollegiate play-readings and lectures have all worked up to a production of Twelfth Night which was to have taken place in the College Garden, but unfortunately on the second night had to move into the Hall on account of the weather. We would all congratulate W. M. Fox, the very able producer, for the success which the play achieved in spite of all difficulties. And last, only because best, comes the Jubilee visit to Stratford. The Principal and Council very generously gave to the J.C.R. an opportunity of celebrating the College Jubilee, and the ultimate choice was a visit to King Lear at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. Thanks are due, as well, to the Bursar's marvellous organization, by means of which we all spent an afternoon which will not soon be forgotten. A. L. SPRULES.

DEGREES, 1935= 6 D.Phil. A. T. Gary (in absence). Subject of thesis : 'The Political and Economic Relations of English and American Quakers, 1750-85: 12


B.Litt. M. A. Beese, B.A. Subject of thesis: 'A critical edition of

the poems printed by John Donne the younger in 166o, as written by William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Sir Benjamin Ruddier.' B.Litt. W. Pronger, B.A. Subject of thesis : 'A comparison of the attitude of Pecock and Gascoyne towards ecclesiastical organization and abuses.' B.Litt. D. B. Saunders (in absence). Subject of thesis : 'Dr. Johnson's knowledge of the English writers to the year 1600, excluding Shakespeare.' B.C.L. E. A. Hearn, B.A. M.A.

N. Barrows E. Clough P. M. Elliott (Mrs.)

K. M. Evans (Mrs.) F. W. Hare B.A.

E. N. MacLean H. M. MeCutcheon R. D. Mallin M. I. Noble 0. Owen-Jones M. P. Reekie N. Rice-Jones M. Ross B. Samuel! P. A. Smith A. N. Stevenson L. C. H. Symonds D. Tarrant P. Wallbank U. Watson J. C. Whatley M. R. Wilson E. M. Worley

C. S. M. Abbott M. G. Adam I. S. T. Aspin J. M. Bews H. M. Bishop D. D. Clegg P. E. Crisp C. M. Exley L. Fallas M. I. Foster A. V. Gordon F. E. Gregory P. Hardcastle E. E. Herron V. F. H. Lister F. Longbottom C. M. Loveday J. S. Lumsden

HONOUR SCHOOLS, 1935 Literae Humaniores. Mathematics. Natural Science. Physics. Physiology. Botany.


Class I. C. M. Loveday Class II. R. D. Mallin Class II. C. M. Todd Class II. F. E. Gregory Class II. E. M. R. M째Kee Class III. E. M. Mitchell Class III. P. Hardcastle



Class II. E. N. Maclean D. B. Morgans E. W. Tanner E. M. Worley Class III. D. D. Clegg J. Jackson M. I. Noble M. E. Patton Class III. F. Longbottom Theology. English Language and Litera- Class I. A. M. Grutter Class II. E. E. Herron ture. J. S. Lumsden M. P. Reekie Class III. S. M. H. Davies (Mrs.) M. I. Foster A. V. Gordon A. N. Stevenson Class IV. M. M. Ross Class II. I. S. T. Aspin Modern Languages. J. M. Bews A. H. Bishop N. E. L. Cummins L. Fallas J. M. Rawlinson P. A. Smith Class III. C. S. M. Abbott Z. Grey-Turner V. F. H. Lister H. M. McCutcheon Philosophy, Politics, and Eco- Class II. U. Watson Class III. P. E. Crisp nomics. M. R. Kershaw N. Rice-Jones D. Tarrant Class II. M. A. Clerk Geography. C. M. Exley M. R. Wilson Class III. M. P. Lee Examination for the degree of Class I. E. A. Hearn, B.A.

Modern History.

Bachelor of Civil Law. Honour Classical Moderations, Class I. D. F. Bleasby Class II. M. K. Cane 1936. K. M. Hargreaves A. M. Hedley E. Jackson Class III. E. S. Banning L. E. Homewood


Winter Williams Law Scholarship for Women: Betty Joan Harris. Goldsmiths' Exhibition: Sylvia Boyd Andrews, Exhibitioner of the College. COLLEGE PRIZES

Hurry Prize: E. A. Hearn, B.A., B.C.L. B. R. Hamilton, Exhibitioner of the College. Hilary Haworth Prize: S. M. H. Patrick. Elizabeth Wordsworth Prize: M. Greaves, Alice Ottley Scholar.


Advanced Student: IDA BUSBRIDGE, M.A. (London). Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholar: MARY CARLETON, B.SC. (Bristol).

SCHOLARS N. M. L. FIELD, 1933. M. GREAVES, 1933. Alice Ottley. V. HUGHES, 1933. D. M. SHERWOOD, 1933. M. STEPHENSON, 1933. N. PAPPEROVITCH, 1934. R. E. TAYLOR, 1934.

I. P. PALMER, 1-935. J. P. DAWSON, 1935. M. K. JAMES, 1935. A. PELLEW, 1935. M. SHEEHAN, 1935. D. F. BLEASBY, 1936.



EXHIBITIONERS G. P. STRADLING, 1932. P. M. BRENTNALL, 1933. M. M. BURGESS, 1933. B. R. HAMILTON, 1933. W. M. W. KEAST, 1933. M. A. LEWIS, 1933. J. M. PARKINSON, 1933. M. A. R. PARSONS, 1933. S. B. ANDREWS, 1934. W. M. FOX, 1934. K. M. HARGREAVES, 1934. L. E. HOMEWOOD, 1934. J. LANE, 1934.

M. B. LEWIS, 1934. E. B. MACKINLAY, 1934. M. G. K. MOILLIET, 1934. N. C. SHAW, 1934. H. J. SOUTHERN, 1934. B. MCN. THOM, 1934. J. M. YEAXLEE, 1934. P. M. BIRLEY, 1935. C. HORNBY, 1935. S. M. MANDELKORN, 1935. I. C. POMPHRETT, 1935. M. D. TULL, 1935. R. B. M. YULE, 1935. 15

UNDERGRADUATES, NOT BEING SCHOLARS OR EXHIBITIONERS C. E. Crittall. Second Year. M. M. Darwall. E. S. Banning. M. Donaldson. M. E. Barrett. M. G. Duce. G. M. Blackmore. M. G. Edwards. M. K. Cane. A. A. B. Fairlie. M. E. Clark. Third Year. T. Finkelstein. A. E. Clifford. M. Garnett. E. M. Allum. M. B. R. Collins. M. Gay. R. M. Bushell. J. M. Field. J. Gillett. I. K. Carver. C. A. Gaminara. M. H. Gillett. W. M. Catlin. J M. L. Greaves. D. M. Goschen. C. M. Clark. B. J. Harris. K. E. Hardy. J. Cliffe. A. M. Hedley. 0. M. K. Harris. M. M. Cork. M. Helliwell. M. T. James. E. P. Corner. G. E, S. Hunt. S. M. R. Keay. F. A. A. Deas.E. Jackson. P. Llewellyn-Smith. D. N. Finn. M. C. Jackson. D. N. Lovegrove. D. M. Gardner. W. H. Jones. M. E. S. McIntosh. M. E. Gibbons.P H. McGregor. E. I. Marshall. P. K. Hesketh-Wil- D. McKenna. E. Mason. hams. P. B. Manton. E. Mitchison. M. E. Long. R. G. L. Moss. M. R. Lovett. L. I. Parks. M. S. Oswald. J. E. Perkins. M. E. E. McDougle.M. S. C. Peters. J. M. Pye. S. McKenzie. L. Powys-Roberts. D. E. A. Raby. I. A. L. Manger.E. W. Reynolds. G. M. S. Ratcliffe. D. M. Moody. M. I. M. Roger. M. E. Rose. J. M. Munn-Rankin. F. E. Saintsbury. S. H. S. Smith. J. Newman. J. E. R. Salter. D. M. D. Spikes. D. M. Niblett. F. V. Scurfield. J. M. Summers. S. M. H. Patrick. F. M. Stinton. S. Sutton Smith. M. M. Prosser. D. Thornton. I. M. Townsend. A. A. L. Sprules. R. D. Wise. M. La T. Warner. J. 0. Stovin. R. W. Weaver. S. L. Sturge. First Year. J. M. Whitehead. K. J. Teasdale. S. H. M. Wilson. M. C. B. Acaster. B. J. Theobald. D. A. H. Yeats I. J. Baker. E. K. Wallen. Brown. E. M. Beer. A. A. M. Wilson. C. W. Bradbury. C. P. Young. Fourth Year.

K. T. Classen. D. D. Harris. R. E. Hunter. L. Lomax.





LICE GREENWOOD, who was a member of the College Council from 1910 to 1916 and its Hon. Secretary for the last four years of that period, was born in 186o, the elder of the two daughters of J. G. Greenwood, Principal of Owens College, Manchester. After coming down from Somerville with First Class Honours in History, she held posts in two girls' schools which have long associations with St. Hugh's—Clifton and Withington, being the first Headmistress of the latter. Her contributions to historical studies were The Hanoverian Queens of England, two volumes published in 1909 and 1911; and a History of the People of England, in the Bede Histories series, ed. H. L. Powell, four volumes published from 1921 to 1929. She also edited the Paston Letters in 1920. Miss Greenwood spent the latter years of her life at Williton, near Taunton, with a friend whose house she shared, and died there on April 27th, 1935. Her keen interest in local history expressed itself in light verse which she delighted to send to her private circle, and which showed her to be thoroughly at home in Somerset lore. Elder members of the Council recall her energetic work for us during a difficult financial phase of our College history; and remember her name with gratitude. R.I.P.

BASIL PHILLOTT BLACKETT THE College Council sustained a serious loss last year in the death of Sir Basil Blackett in Germany, the result of an accident between the car which he was driving and a local train, at a level crossing near Allendorf. An operation and a blood transfusion failed to save Sir Basil's life, and he died not long after the accident. He was only 53, but he had behind him a long and brilliant record of public service. Educated at Marlborough and at University College, Oxford, where he was awarded a First in 'Greats', he took the first place in the Civil Service examination of 1904, and was posted to the Treasury. He will, perhaps, be chiefly remembered for his work in India, as Finance Member from 1922 to 1928, but his record was already a great one when he was appointed to this very responsible post. He had already been Secretary to the Chamberlain Commission on Indian Finance and Currency in 1913, whilst, during the War, he played an outstanding part in the vital monetary negotiations between the Allies and the United States of America. In October 1914 he went on a special mission to the United States in connexion with exchange problems arising out of the War. A year later he was a member of the Anglo-French Financial Mission to the United States which raised the joint loan of 500 million dollars. An interval of a year elapsed during which he was a member of



the National War Savings Committee, and then he became representative of the British Treasury in the United States until the end of the War. Recalled to England, he was appointed Controller of Finance at the Treasury until 1922, when he went to India. His vigour and financial genius found full scope there, for the aftermath of the War and a series of adverse seasons had led to a number of successive unbalanced budgets. During the six years of his tenure of office he not only restored the national finances, but was able to remit to the Provinces the annual contribution which they were under legal obligation to pay to the Central Government, under the 1919 Reforms. This was a boon of incalculable value to the Provinces, and the Moral and Material Progress Report on India for the year of Sir Basil's departure rightly said that if a monument for him was to be sought, it would be found wherever the eye fell. Hospitals, schools, roads, and many other benefits were made possible to the people of the Provinces by his work. Throughout his life Sir Basil Blackett's abiding interest was the progress and development of the British Empire. His work, his travels, and his studies all put him in the first rank of authorities on the Empire, and it was known that he intended to produce a comprehensive work on its political and economic organization. His thought on this subject must now be seen in his book Planned Money, and in a number of fugitive writings and essays. But he was keenly interested in the smaller worlds of Oxford University, his College, and his old School, and on his election as an Extraordinary Member of the St. Hugh's Council in 1929 he threw himself with energy into our concerns, particularly the field of our financial administration and prospects. His genial presence is much missed at the Council table, and we count ourselves fortunate indeed in having had his experienced advice throughout so important a period in our development as were the six years of his association with the College. R.I.P.

ELSIE GERTRUDE MAY ELSIE GERTRUDE MAY, whose death occurred on December 21st of last year, was one of the most distinguished of the early students of St. Hugh's Hall, as it was then called. She came up to Oxford from Birmingham, where she had been at the High School and later at Mason College, working at German under Professor Fiedler, then Professor of German at that College. In this she gained a First Class at Oxford in 1897. On coming into residence at St. Hugh's she went on to read English with Old Norse for her Special Subject; and in this also she distinguished herself by a First Class in 1899. In consequence of these achievements, when the Royal Holloway College was looking for a lecturer in Germanic Philology, Elsie was one of the two selected, and she only just missed, by what I believe I may call an accident, being the candidate to whom the post was eventually offered. On leaving Oxford, she went back to


Birmingham and took her M.A. degree there, being the first woman to do so. In this examination she showed her versatility by offering a literary subject for her thesis, 'Child Life in Shakespeare', though her work here had been chiefly on the linguistic side. The next years were a time of varied experiences. A short period of teaching in English High Schools was followed by one of study at Bryn Mawr on a travelling scholarship, and a second of teaching at Mt. Holyoke. In 1912 she returned to England and took a course of training in London for secretarial work. The years of the War brought yet further experience, for Elsie was for a while on the Appointments Board in Manchester and filled in her spare time with V.A.D. work. Finally, on August 1st, 1917, she began what was to be her life work when she joined the British Thomson-Houston Company as Lady Staff Supervisor, for here she remained till her death, giving herself unreservedly to her work and earning the esteem and respect of all with whom she came in contact. She stayed with me for a day or two not long after this and it was delightful to see how her own keenness for the welfare of those with whom she had to do had enabled her to make her interest and sympathy felt and appreciated by them, in spite of her natural reticence and shyness. In Elsie May, St. Hugh's has lost a distinguished and loyal member, one who throughout her full life devoted her great ability and energy to the service of others. She did not perhaps give her friendship easily, but when given it was deep and constant, and her loss will be mourned sincerely by her friends. E. E. W.

ELSIE THEODORA BAZELEY entered St. Hugh's Hall from Bedford High School in 1902, and read for Honours in Zoology, taking her B.A. (Dublin) in 1907, and her B.A. and M.A. at Oxford in 1921. After some years of educational work as lecturer in the Mary Datchelor and Whitelands Training Colleges, and as a member of the staff of the Little Commonwealth, Dorchester, she successively held the responsible appointment of Principal in three Training Colleges of the Church of England, the Warrington, Home and Colonial, and Bishop Otter Colleges, and died after a very short illness in April 1936, after six years' service in the last named. A Memorial Service was held at Chichester Cathedral on May 9th. A friend writes : 'It seems almost impossible to realize that a being so full of ardour, vigour, and enthusiasm has passed out of life.' The distinction of her career is known to all : a great teacher, she filled three Training College Principalships at Warrington, Wood Green, and Chichester with successful originality, and one cannot but reflect with joy and thanks to God upon the influence now diffused up and down the country by the many students who have gathered inspiration at her feet. ELSIE THEODORA BAZELEY


All that is written of her now reads as though that vivid personality of Oxford days found a curiously close fulfilment. The strong sense of vocation, fostered perhaps by her own and her family's friendship with that great saint, Canon Stuckey Coles; the love of bird and beast and flower; the passion for beauty in every form, all were there in the early days. She delighted in music, especially in Bach; no mean draughtsman herself, she delighted in art, her catholic interest ranging from early mural painting to the Turner water-colours in the Ashmolean; the joy of the sea, the joy of the river, all were hers, and some of us, even in callow youth, realized that we had the companionship of a spirit rare indeed. Her career was great and distinguished, but she is happier still in that her memory will live while life lasts in the hearts of her many friends.

MARIA LOUISA LARDELLI came up from Queen's College, Harley Street, in 1903 with a Hall Scholarship, and received the Honour Certificate, with a Second in History, in 1906. After a period of work as Assistant Mistress in Bradford Girls' Grammar School, she successfully took a course of training as a teacher, and was appointed Lecturer in History at the Ladies' College, Cheltenham. Her appointment as Headmistress of Brigg High School followed, and she held this responsible post from 1919 to 1935. Her work there had its difficulties during the post-War period, when expansions of building, however desirable, were felt to be imprudent, and headmistresses had to 'make do' with what they knew to be structurally behind the times. All problems were faced by Miss Lardelli with indomitable spirit. The standard of work was raised and the whole life of the school animated by the warmth of heart, enthusiasm, and scholarly spirit of its ruler, who was a keen Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. She died, after a severe attack of illness earlier in the year, on July 1st, 1935. R.I.P. MARIA LOUISA LARDELLI

JOYCE KATHLEEN MACHIN MEMBERS of the College who knew Joyce Kathleen Machin were much moved on hearing of her death at Skodsborg, Denmark, on Whitsun Day, June 9th, 1935, of a tumour on the brain after an illness lasting only two weeks. The eldest daughter of the Rev. B. W. Machin, formerly Vicar of Broughton Astley, Leicester, she took her degree in History in 1927, and at her death was only 29 years of age. She had devoted herself wholly since 1933, when she gave up her appointment as secretary to Dr. Graham Brown, formerly Principal of Wycliffe Hall and now Bishop in Jerusalem (on his leaving England for the Near East), to work in connexion with the 'Groups'. Joyce Machin impressed all who knew her as an entirely consecrated character, without guile, without selfassertion, without thought for the morrow save as it might be 20

redeemed for God's purposes. She never, I believe, spoke on platforms, but worked quietly to meet the multifarious demands of correspondence and organization brought into being by 'Group' tours and 'House Parties' ; showing at the same time a sure touch in pastoral work among individuals that was born of her complete surrender to the Divine Will, adding grace to a spirit innately pure and gentle. In her short career many have found occasion to bless the day which brought her serene influence into their lives, and her good works do follow her. B. E. G.

MARGARET LA TALLE WARNER THE death of Margaret Warner in her third term, after an accident while cycling in the Banbury Road, was a sad prelude to the rejoicings of the College's Jubilee Year. A pupil of the Wyggeston Grammar School, Leicester, and a State Scholar, she entered the University in October 1935 under the happiest auspices, and had already embarked on the course prescribed for Honours in English, her work showing considerable promise. She was also keenly interested in the S.C.M., and there, as in other fields of College activity, had made for herself a group of friends who deeply mourn her untimely loss. She was buried at Caister, Norfolk, on May zoth, 1936, near her father, whom she lost at an early age. Deepest sympathy is felt with her mother, who is well known to many among us, and whom we hope to see as often as possible in future. R.I.P.

MAR IAGES to MR. E. M. WELLINGS, at St. Peter's Church, Notting Hill Gate, December 29th, 1934. KATHLEEN ELEANOR VILE tO MR. R. D. PHILLIPS, at St. Woollos Cathedral, Newport, Mon., April 3oth, 1935. HELEN WINIFRED MARGUERITE RODRIGO to MR. C. B. E. WICKRAMASINGHE, at Colombo, Ceylon, May 1935. FAITH OCTAVIA WINIFRED HOARE to MR. JOHN PEILE, at St. Mary's Church, Old Basing, May iith, 1935. AILEEN BRUNYATE to MR. W. B. G. COLLIS, at the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Lincoln, June 29th, 1935. EVELINE MARGARET BROWN to MR. H. R. IVIOULTON, at Brompton Parish Church, S.W.I, July 18th, 1935. ANNE HEATHORN HUXLEY tO MR. GEOFFREY COOKE, at St. Michael's Church, Cumnor, July zoth, 1935. WINIFRED HESKETH-WRIGHT tO MR. KESTER STEPHEN FINN, at Edgbaston Old Church, Birmingham, July 27th, 1935. PATRICIA HELEN VAUGHAN LAWRENCE to MR. HAROLD EVANS, at St. Mary's Church, Bryanston Square, W.', July 3oth, 1935. MARY ELIZABETH STINTON tO MR. J. K. DAY, at St. Paul's Church, Newcastle, Staffs., August 1st, 1935. MARGARET DOROTHY WOOD tO MR. NORMAN BLACK, August 18th, 1935. GWENDOLINE ANNIE WITTS


at First Presbyterian Church, New York City, September i4th, 1935. PAMELA BOURNE to CAPTAIN SVEN ERIKSSON, at Nystad, Finland, September 28th, 1933. MARY GARBETT to MR. S. F. HAYES, October 19th, 1935. DOROTHY CLARK tO MR. C. A. N. SADLER, at Dewsbury, December 31st, 1935. HELEN MARGARET NEWELL to MR. S. M. MISCHLER, at Toft Parish Church, Knutsford, January 4th, 1936. MARGRET ROSS to MR. F. BURCKHARDT, at First Presbyterian Church, New York City, January 9th, 1936. BETTY SAMUELL to DR. PHILIP ELLMAN, at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, St. John's Wood, February 27th, 1936. ELIZABETH JOAN HACKSHAW to MR. J. GODWIN, at St. John's Church, Holland Park, W.14, April 25th, 1936. DOROTHY JACQUELINE STOPFORD to MR. T. G. STRANGEWAYS, at Accra, W. Africa, April 3oth, 1936. PATRICIA HILL JENKINS to MR. DONALD HUNTER OGILVY,

JOSEPHINE REYNOLDS to MR. 3. M. EDMONDS, May 27th, 1936. JEAN MARGARET SPRULES to the REVD. F. WOODS, at the Abbey Church,

St. Albans, June 9th, 1936.

BIRTHS MRS. OAKE (M. Benson)—a son, Richard, April i8th, 1933. MRS. GORDON (A. Crosthwait)—a daughter, Anne Henriette,








(E. Mathias)—a son, David Mathias, November

E. P. Douglas)—a son, Ian Douglas, January 26th,


MRS. HOARE (E. Temple)—a daughter, Rosamund, April 12th, 1935. MRS. ELLIS (M. Evans)—a son, July 1935. MRS. EASTWOOD (G. B. Hurry)—a son, July z9th, 1935. MRS. BEARE (S. J. Gibson)—a daughter, Rhona, July zoth, 1935. MRS. GOWAN (M. McNair)—a daughter, July 28th, 1935. MRS. HUGHES (M. Roberts)—a son, Robert David Bryan, August 25th,

1935. MRS. LETTS (E. Bonner)—a son, August 6th, 1935. MRS. JAFFE (G. Spurway)—twin sons, September i8th, 1935. NM. BOAS (M. K. Beattie)—a daughter, October 26th, 1935. MRS. BEDI (F. Houlston)—a son, November 1935. MRS. SMITH (L. Smith)—a daugh ter, December 31st, 1935. MRS. MANSERGH (I. Spurgeon)—a daughter, January 15th, 1936. MRS. MACKINTOSH (M. Betts)—a daughter, January 29th, 1936. MRS. ADAM (M. Ervine)—a daughter, Ruth Margaret, February 4th,


MRS. ALEXANDER (E. Crosland)—a son, February 8th, 1936. MRS. R. ALLEN (I. Otter-Barry)—a daughter, Jane, March loth, 22


(W. Brooke)-a daughter, Margaret Beatrice, March 18th, 1936. MRS. BELL (H. Faure)-a daughter, March 24th, 1936. MRS. LEONARD (L. Leonard)-twin sons, of whom only one survived, April 1st, 1936. MRS. CAMPBELL (C. Dahl)-a son, April 15th, 1936. MRS. WICKRAMASINGHE (W. Rodrigo)-a daughter, May 19th, 1936. MRS. J. ALLEN

PU LICATIONS Out of the World. Pamela Bourne. Bles. 1935. los. 6d. Forest Trees and Timbers of the British Empire. III. Fifteen South African High Forest Timber Trees. M. M. Chattaway, M.A., B.Sc. (with L. Chalk, &c.). O.U.P. 1935. 7s. 6d. England and Europe. Mrs. H. A. L. Fisher. Gollancz. 1935. 8s. 6d. Religion and Learning. A Study in English Presbyterian Thought from ifozz to the Foundation of the Unitarian Movement. 0. M. Griffiths,

M.A., D.Phil. (Bristol). C.U.P. 1935. 125. 6d. Exhortations. Selected from among those delivered in St. Hugh's College Chapel, 1925-1935. B. E. Gwyer, M.A. Blackwell. 1936. 5s. od. The Roots of the 26th Century Reformation: Ecclesiastical and Doctrinal.

B. M. Hamilton Thompson, M.A., B.Litt. S.P.C.K. 1936. 4d. The Story of Layer-de-la-Haye. Mary Hopkirk, M.A., Colchester, Essex County Telegraph. is . A Ministry to the Poor. Anne Holt. Young, Liverpool. 1935. 2s. 6d. The History of Dean and Chalford. M. D. Lobel, B.A., Oxford Record Society. 1935. los. 6d. The Protectorates of South Africa. The Question of Their Transfer to the Union. Margery Perham and L. Curtis. O.U.P. 1935. Ten Africans. Edited, with an introduction by Margery Perham, M.A. Faber and Faber. 1936. 15s. Parody. English Association Pamphlet, No. 92. Mrs. H. Richardson. John Ford. M. Joan Sargeaunt, B.A., B.Litt. Blackwell. 1935. I2S.


Literary Relations of England and Scandinavia in the Seventeenth Century. (Oxford Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, ed. Fiedler.) M. E. Seaton, M.A. Clarendon Press. 1935. 15s. od. Chapters in Old English Literature. E. E. Wardale, M.A., D.Phil.

(Zurich). Kegan Paul. 1935. 8s. 6d. ARTICLES `Materials for the history of the Bentivoglio Signoria in Bologna,' in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. xvii, i934. C. M. Ady, M.A. `Francesco Puteolano', in L' Archigiunasio, vol. 3o, Bologna. 1935. C. M. Ady. `Florence and North Italy', Cambridge Medieval History, vol. viii, ch. 6. C. M. Ady. `On the Directions of Borel of Functions which are Regular and of 23

Finite Order in an Angle.' Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, (z) xxxviii (1935). M. L. Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil. `Some Generalizations of Montel's Theorem.' Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, xxxi (1935). M. L. Cartwright. `On Certain Integral Functions of Order 1 and Mean Type.' Ibid. M. L. Cartwright. `Some Unequalities in the Theory of Functions.' Mathematische Annalen, cxi (1935). M. L. Cartwright. `On the Behaviour of an Analytic Function in the Neighbourhood of its Essential Singularities.' Ibid. cxii (1936). M. L. Cartwright. `On Analytic Functions regular in the Unit Circle.' Part II. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford Series), 6, (1935). M. L. Cartwright. `An Early Fragment of a Manuscript of St. Augustine's Sermons on the Gospel according to St. John.' Journal of Theological Studies, vol. xxxvi, no. 142, April 1935. R. J. Dean, M.A. `French Med ieval Literature.' The Year's Work in Modern Languages, vol. vi, 1936. E. A. Francis, M.A. `Edmund Calamy (1671-1732) and the Camisards.' Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society of England, May 1935. 0. M. Griffiths, M.A., D.Phil. (Bristol). `The Church in England and the Reformation' (Pt. I—II). In Sobornost, June 1935, March 1936. B. M. Hamilton Thompson, M.A., B.Litt. `The British and American Constitutions', 'The Communist and Fascist Experiments', and 'Parliamentary Government in France and Germany' in The Listener. Oct. 3oth, Nov. 6th, i3th, 1935. A. Headlam-Morley, M.A., B.Litt. `John Johns', in Transactions of Unitarian Historical Society, 1935. Anne Holt. `Conservative Reconstruction', in Tory Oxford, 1935. R. McKee. `The Office of Thyle in Beowulf', in Review of English Studies. D. E. Martin Clarke, M.A. `English Law Students at Bologna in the Fifteenth Century', in English Historical Review, April 1936. R. J. Mitchell, M.A., B.Litt. Essay in Ten Africans (ed. M. Perham), 1936. K. A. Moore. `A Latin Epithet.' Mnemosynae (Leiden), October 1935. M. Osborn. `Our Task in Africa.' The Times, Feb. loth, l ith, izth, 1936. Margery Perham, M.A. `The Development of the Catalan Corts in the Thirteenth Century', in Homenatge a Antoni Rubio i Lluch. (Estudis Universitaris Catalans) Barcelona, 1936. E. S. Procter, M.A. `Fashionable Crazes of the Eighteenth Century. With special reference to their influence on Art and Commerce,' in Journal of Royal Society of Arts, June 1935. Mrs. H. Richardson. `Experiments on Phyllotaxis. III. Diagonal Splits through Decussate Apices.' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B, May 1935. R. Snow and Mary Snow, M.A., B.Sc. 24

`The Contractile Factors of the Chromosome Micelle.' Nature, vol. 135, p. 788, May II, 1935• D. M. Wrinch, D.Phil. FICTION The Holy Hunger. Renee Tickell, B.A. Hutchinson. 7s. 6d. The Beginning. Mervyne Lagden. Cresset Press. 1935. 3s. 6d. Faith, Hope, and No Charity. Margaret Lane, B.A. 1935. 7s. 6d. `They Guard the Land', in Cornhill Magazine, May 1935. E. E. Stopford, M.A.



Research Lecturer in Colonial Administration under Social Studies Research Committee, University of Oxford, for three years from October 1935. E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A., Lecturer in Medieval European History, University of Oxford, for three years from October 1935 (reappointment). M. L. CARTWRIGHT, M.A., D.PHIL., Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Cambridge, October 1936. H. BUCHAN, B.LITT., Extra-Mural Lecturer, English Department, University of Glasgow, 1935-6. K. H. COBURN, B.LITT., Lecturer in English on the permanent staff of Victoria College, Toronto, 1936. B. M. HAMILTON THOMPSON, M.A., B.LITT., University Lecturer in History and Resident Tutor at St. Mary's College, Durham, October 1936. M. MOORE, M.A., Lecturer, Women's University for Reformed Hindus, Poona, 1936. F. L. E. CAMdUS, MA., Headmistress, Burton-on-Trent High School, September 1936. Al. E. MACAULAY, B.A., Headmistress, Sheffield High School for Girls, G.P.D.S.T., September 1936. E. E. STOPFORD, M.A., Headmistress, St. Mary Hall, Brighton, September 1936. C. L. EDWARDS, B.A., Joint Headmistress, St. Kilda's School, Southbourne, January 1936. MRS. CHEETHAM (D. N. NEAL), M.A., Assistant Editor of Time and Tide, 1936. s. S. DEACON, M.A., English Mistress, St. Margaret's School, Hampstead, 1935. K. J. ELLIS, M.A., French Mistress, St. Elphin's School, Darley Dale, September 1935. MRS. EVANS (K. M. DAWSON), M.A., Co-Warden with her husband of Aberdare Educational Settlement, 1936. D. IBBERSON, M.A., District Officer, Unemployment Assistance Board, 1936. M. H. MANSELL, M.A., English Mistress, Queen Anne's School, York. A. C. PERCIVAL, M.A., Assistant English Mistress and House Mistress, Westonbirt, September 1936.



Assistant Organizer to the Hospitals' Contributory Scheme, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, 1935. M. J. PORCHER, M.A., Lecturer in English, Hockerill Training College, Bishops Stortford. I. D. A. ABBOTT, B.A., B.LITT., Senior History Mistress, Clifton High School for Girls, September 1935. D. M. ABSON, LA., Junior Modern Languages Mistress, Alderman Wraith (Secondary) School, Spennymoor, Durham. D. E. ACKROYD, B.A., Research Assistant to the Oxford Survey, January 1936. C. A. M. BARLOW, B.A., Mathematics Mistress, Hayes Court, Kent, 1935. M. BATTERSBY, BA., Classics Mistress, Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate, May 1936. M. BAXTER, LA., Classics Mistress, St. Mary Hall, Brighton, September 1936. ETHEL BROWN, B.A., Modern Languages Mistress, Heaton Secondary School, Manchester, September 1935. J. BURTON, B.A., Science Mistress, Nottingham County High School. A. CAMBRIDGE, B.A., English Mistress, Coptic Girls' School, Cairo. D. CHELL, BA., Modern Languages Mistress, Queen Mary's High School, St. Anne's-on-Sea. M. E. COLLINGTON, B.A., H.M. Inspector of Factories, Northampton District, 1935. E. I. COOPER, B.A., Domestic Bursar, Clifton Hill House, University of Bristol, January 1936. K. M. DOWNHAM, B.A., Secretary to Education Officer, Workers' Educational Association, October 1935. P. M. C. EVANS, B.A., Classics Mistress, St. Mary's School, Colne, September 1935. C. M. EXLEY, B.A., Mistress for Geography and Mathematics, Clifton High School for Girls, September 1936. E. FYLEMAN, B.A., Assistant Mistress for Latin and Divinity, County School for Girls, Hove, September 1935. K. C. M. GENT, B.A., History Mistress, St. Felix School, Southwold, 1936. S. M. E. GOODFELLOW, B.A., Assistant Principal, Board of Education, 1935. F. GREGORY, B.A., Mathematics Mistress, Municipal High School, Rotherham, September 1935. D. GREY, B.A., Modern Languages Mistress, Southorn Manor School, Lewes, 1936. D. M. HAMMONDS, Divisional Inspector of the S.W. Division under the Board of Education, September 1936. P. HARDCASTLE, B.A., Assistant Secretary, Institute of Christian Education, Gordon Square, W.C. 1, December 1935. K. M. HARRIS, B.A., French Mistress, School of St. Clare, Polwithen, Penzance, September 1935. J. HAZLEHURST, BA., Assistant Mistress, Tiverton Girls' School, 1936. D. E. U. POPE, M.A.,


English Mistress, Badminton House, Westburyon-Trym, Bristol, September 1935. L. M. H. HILL, B.A., Junior Assistant Inspector of Homes for Boarded-Out Children under L.C.C., October 1934• A. E. HINCH, B.A., English Mistress, Tunbridge Wells High School, G.P.D.S.T., 1935. I. I. H. JONES, B.A., English Mistress, St. Monica's, Kingswood, Tadworth, 1936. G. KEAY, B.A., B.SC., Science Mistress, Westcliff High School, Kew, 1936. M. KER, B.A., Classics Mistress, Royal School for Naval Officers' Daughters, Twickenham, September 1935. W. KNOX, BA., English Lecturer, Warrington College, Wavertree, Liverpool. C. E. M. LAWRENCE, B.A., History Mistress, Thoresby High School, Leeds, September 1935. M. E. LOWE, B.A., Classics Mistress, St. George's School, Clarens, Switzerland. R. D. MALLIN, BA., Assistant Classics Mistress at the Atherly School, Southampton, September 1936. D. MATTHEWS, B.A., Junior English Mistress at Penistone Grammar School, 1935. M. J. MILKINS, B.A., Librarian to the Cardiff Law Society, 1935-6. A. M. OGILVIE, B.A., Staff Nurse, Barrasford Sanatorium, Northumberland. K. M. PAGE, B.A., History Mistress, Downhurst School, Hendon, September 1935. M. E. RATCLIFFE, B.A., Sub-Warden, Student Movement House, Russell Square, W.C. x. A. REYNOLDS, B.A., English Mistress, Bedford Grammar School, September 1935. A. S. M. RICHARDSON, B.A., Appointment on Secretarial Staff of the London Diocesan House. A. D. ROUNTREE, Superintendent of the Bristol Diocesan Refuge and Hostel of the Good Shepherd. M. L. SIMPSON, B.A., History Mistress, St. John's High School, Newport, Mon. E. J. SPARKS, B.A., Secretary to one of the Managing Directors of Liptak, Furnace Arches, June 1935. M. TAMPLIN, B.A., Assistant French Mistress, Church of England College for Girls, Edgbaston, September 1935. C. M. TODD, B.A., Junior Mathematics Mistress, The Downs School, Seaford. A. WALKER, B.A., Modern Languages Mistress, St. Mary's School, Wantage, September 1936. D. L. WHYMAN, B.A., Children's Librarian, Public Library, Surbiton, 1936. S. J. WICKHAM, B.A., History Mistress, Ladies' College, Cheltenham, 1936. M. HENSMAN, B.A.,


J. C. WINNINGTON-INGRAM, B.A., Assistant Estate Manager, Golborne Estate of the Improved Tenements Association, N. Kensington.


and Practice of Education. C. S. M. ABBOTT, E. E. HERRON, R. KERSHAW, J. LUMSDEN, and L. C. H. SYMONDS are taking secretarial courses in London. I. S. T. ASPIN is at present acting as assistant to the Reader in Palaeo-

graphy in the University of Oxford. is taking the Teachers' Training Course in the Education Department of the University of Leeds. M. A. CLERK has a post in The Times Book Club. N. E. L. CUMMINS has been travelling. E. B. GAMMACK is Student Secretary (Episcopal Church) in St. Margaret's House, Berkeley University, California, August 1935. A. V. GORDON is training at St. Mary's College, Paddington, W. 2. A. M. GRUTTER has lately returned from Switzerland. F. E. GREGORY has been appointed Mathematics Mistress at the Municipal High School, Rotherham. P. HARDCASTLE is on the Secretarial Staff of the Institute of Christian Education. V. F. H. LISTER is taking a fifteen-months' course at the Gloucestershire Training College of Domestic Science. c. M. LOVEDAY is working for the Civil Service (Administrative Class) Examination. H. M. McCUTCHEON is teaching the children of the Countess of Orford. E. M. R. McKEE is continuing her medical training course at St. Mary's Hospital, London. R. D. MALLIN has been appointed Assistant Classics Mistress at the Atherly School, Southampton. K. A. MOORE is teaching in Nigeria. M. E. PATTON is living at home and has broadcast on one or more occasions. M. P. REEKIE is on the staff of the Tatler. N. RICE-JONES is Assistant District Organizer of Care Committee work under the L.C.C. M. ROSS was married in January 1936 to Mr. F. Burkhardt. M. E. STINTON was married in August 1935 to Mr. J. K. Day. c. M. TODD has been appointed Junior Mathematics Mistress at the Downs School, Seaford. D. D. CLEGG



been acting as Assistant at the Vereinigte Sprachschule at Hanover for the season 1935-6. No news has been received from J. JACKSON and M. P. LEE.

NEWS OF SENIOR MEM ER S D. c. ABDY has returned temporarily to her previous educational work in the Diocese of Zanzibar. C. M. ADY has been re-elected to the House of Laity of the National Assembly of the Church of England (1935-40) and has been appointed by the Board of Supervision as a Visitor to Church Training Colleges. She has lectured during the year for the Historical Association at Bath and Birmingham, for the Italian Committee of the Modern Language Association at Girton College (Summer School of Italian) and Clifton College, and for the Church Assembly at Lincoln and Bristol Diocesan Training College. P. M. ALLEN has left the Macmillan Memorial Library, Nairobi, and is returning to England. MRS. ALLEN (W. Brooke) is at present in England, but hopes to return with her husband to Africa in October. She taught in the Government Girls' School at Dar-es-Salaam for a time last year. C. AWDRY NICKS is at present with the Oxford Repertory Company. J. BELL is doing some part-time teaching at Belvedere School (G.P.D.S.T.), Liverpool, and is also researching with Professor A. Robertson at Liverpool University. L. F. BELL has left Heston Airport, and is secretary to a gynaecological specialist in London. MARY BONE is about to start training as a nurse at the Radcliffe County Hospital, Oxford. MRS. BRADBURY (L. F. Todd) is living at Berkhampstead with her two sons, until her husband returns from India in 1938. B. I. I. BUCKLER has been working at the Courtauld Institute of Art in the Department where photographs are prepared for slides and the illustration of lectures. F. L. E. CAMOUS was one of the six Assistant Mistresses appointed by the Headmistresses' Association to be present and to speak at the Modern Language Conference held in Oxford in February 1935. J. E. CLARKE is teaching in a girls' boarding-school at Onitosha, S. Nigeria. M. R. CUNNINGHAM is living at home, but has charge of a form at the Downs School, Seaford, and is preparing boys and girls from II to 14 for Public Schools. MRS. ELGOOD (D. G. Lawson Lewis) is an active member of 14 committees, representing many different interests. J. BvANs has been appointed a member of the Executive Committee of the British School of Archaeology in Iraq, and also a member of the Council of College Hall, University of London. E. DE L. FAGAN has just completed a thesis for the degree of M.A. in the University of London. 29

W. J. FORREST is living near Bognor, and has adopted a little girl. c. GODLEY started in September 1935 on a world tour to last nine


months. She has visited India, Ceylon, Malay States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, and is proposing on her return to open, with D. Neville Rolfe, a House of Citizenship in London. M. HAIG is a professional designer of theatrical scenery and costumes, and lecturer on historical and theatrical costume. 3. M. HARRISON is Secretary to Alfred Hitchcock, Gaumont British Films. E. A. HEARN has been awarded in the Hilary Bar Examinations for 1936 a first class in Constitutional Law and in the Elements of the Law of Contract and of the Law of Tort and a second class in Criminal Law and Procedure. In addition she was awarded a special prize of ÂŁ50 for the best examination in Constitutional Law and Legal History. In the Final Bar Examination in June 1936 she gained a place in the first class. K. JACKSON is Assistant Social Worker and Club Leader on one of the Marquis of Northampton's estates in London. E. LAVINGTON is in the office of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. B. LE FANU is taking a teachers' training course in Cambridge. J. LIPPOLD is working in her father's office. MRS. LOBEL (M. D. Rogers) is sub-editor of the Oxford Volume of the Victoria County History. M. MACDONALD is working for the degree of B.Litt., and has been temporarily at St. Hugh's, teaching politics and modern history during Miss Headlam-Morley's absence. D. MADDOCK returned from New Zealand in February 1936, and is working temporarily under the Bristol Education Committee in one of their Central Schools. E. K. MILNER is Matron-Almoner at the London Hospital. R. J. MITCHELL has been awarded the Alexander Prize by the Royal Historical Society for 1936, for her essay on English Students at

Padua, 146o-1475. has opened a home-made cake-shop in Northampton in connexion with the tea-room and library which she runs. MRS. NICHOL SMITH (M. Harford) is about to go to Canada and the United States with her husband for six months. B. M. NICKALLS is Vice-Chairman and Hon. Sec. of the Bristol Branch of the National Union of Journalists, and was one of the three Bristol delegates to the Annual Delegates Meeting of the Union at Carlisle in April 1936. She broadcasts occasionally on the West Regional. A. C. PERCIVAL has had an interesting season with the B.B.C. Choral Society. B. J. REEVE is training for Moral Welfare Work at the Josephine Butler Memorial House, Liverpool. D. RIVIERE is a copy-writer in Unilever's Advertising Section. B. F. RYCROFT has been working for the Conservative Association in London. I. MORRIS


is Assistante Anglaise at the College Joachim du Bellay, Angers, France. M. SHERLOCK is recataloguing the Library of the University of Saskatoon. B. M. SPARKS is resigning the Principalship of Cheltenham Ladies' College in July 1936. MRS. STONEY (M. C. T. Nugent) has been engaged with her husband in running an exhibition of Irish Homespun in Dublin. E. H. THORPE is teaching at the English College for Girls, Alexandria. E. TOSTEVIN is Secretary to the Assistant Director of the Post Office. M. TUDOR has been appointed to serve on the Committee representing Great Britain at the International Conference on Social Work, which takes place in London in July 1936. D. WARRINER has been awarded a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship for nine months from January 1936, to study agricultural conditions in Europe. M. ST. J. WRIGHT is Secretary to three dentists in Wimpole Street. 0. E. SHAW

OXFORD UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE ripHE Women's Sub-Committee formed three years ago has fully

JL justified its existence. Mrs. Poole, of St. John's House, St. Giles', Oxford, its able and enterprising Secretary, has interviewed a large number of undergraduates, helped them to decide upon their careers, put them in the way of the right training, and assisted several of them to suitable posts. Mrs. Poole would be particularly glad if graduates who have had some years of experience after going down would communicate with her when they are looking for posts. Graduates with scientific qualifications would be particularly welcomed. There is also a demand for graduates with good experience in social work. It would also be helpful if graduates with knowledge and experience would let the Secretary know if they are willing to give advice and information on the conditions and prospects in their particular professions. The following are some of the posts which have been through her hands during the past year: Secretary to the Society for Cultural Relations with the U.S.S.R. Secretary to the British School at Rome. Travelling Organizer for the Emergency Open Air Nursery Company, to work in the distressed areas. Archivist to a County Council. Director of the Tyneside Council of Social Service. Vacancies for graduates with languages in well-known business firm with branches abroad. It may interest members of the Association to know that Miss H. M. Bryant, M.A., a member of St. Hugh's College, is at present Assistant to the Secretary. 31

UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CLU (Founded May 1887) 2


TT is thought that University women who do not already know of 1. this Club may be glad to hear of one in a central position in London, with a low rate of subscription. It offers to them all the usual amenities of a Club together with the opportunity of meeting old friends. The Club house is a few minutes' walk from Hyde Park Corner Station on the Piccadilly Tube Railway, one minute's walk from Park Lane with its many omnibus routes, and three or four minutes from the authorized omnibus stopping-place at the foot of Down Street in Piccadilly. The house contains large, quiet, and attractive public rooms and about i8 bedrooms for members. Great attention is paid to the catering; the menus are varied and the charges moderate. According to the Club Rules the following women are eligible for election as University members : . Graduates of any British University. 2. Registered Medical Practitioners of the United Kingdom. 3. Women who have pursued a course of full-time study, or have been Lecturers, at any British University or at any College of a British University for a period of not less than six terms. 4. Students who have passed the second Professional Examination of any Medical Corporation of the United Kingdom. . LI is. od. Entrance Fee . . 43 3s. od. Annual Subscription : Town . Country . 42 2s. od. NOTE—A Country Member is one whose residence is served by a station not less than 3o miles from London as given in the A.B.C. Railway Guide. Any member with a residence within the 3o-mile radius is counted as a Town Member.

Bedrooms from 6s. a night including bath and attendance. The Entrance Fee is waived for all students who join between the end of their sixth term and June 3oth of the year following that in which they leave College. Further information may be obtained from the Secretary at the above address.









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