St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1936-1937

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CHRONICLE 19 3 6 3 7 Number 9





Hon. Secretary, 1934-6: MISS C. M. ADY

Editor of the Chronicle, 1934-7: MISS B. M. HAMILTON THOMPSON, St. Mary's College, Durham


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Corpus Christi, Chair-






Principal B. E. GWYER, M.A.


French. English Literature. History. Philosophy. Politics and Economics. Classics.

Assistant Tutors

Science. Lettere (Genoa), Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian.

M. A. LEISHMAN, M.A., B.SC. 0. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in

Administrative Officer Bursar G. THORNEYCROFT

Librarian (temporary) P. K. HESKETH-WILLIAMS, B.A., F.L.A.

Warden of St. Hugh's House S. F. SALT.

Principal's Secretary M. FOWLE.

Assistant Bursar M. J. MACLAGAN

Custos Hortulorum A. M. A. H. ROGERS, M.A.

REPORT OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION, 1936 f째 HE Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Association of Senior J1 Members was held at 8.3o p.m. on Friday, June 26th, 1936, at St. Hugh's College, the Principal in the Chair. The Chairman's statement on the events of the year referred to Miss B. M. Hamilton Thompson's appointment as Lecturer in History in Durham University and Tutor at St. Mary's College, and noted with pleasure that the Association would be able to retain her services as Editor of the Chronicle; it also spoke of the fresh distinction won by Miss E. A. Hearn, who had been placed second among the four candidates in the first class in the Final Bar Examination. The re-election of Lady Moberly as a Member of Council, and of Miss Ady as Secretary of the Association was announced. Miss Phillips read the final report of the Jubilee Committee, and the thanks of the Association were expressed to her and all other members of the Committee for their work during the past three years. Miss Rice reported that there were now 39 Senior Members among the subscribers to St. Margaret's House. The proceedings concluded by the presentation to the Principal of her portrait, in the form of a pencil drawing by Mr. Francis Dodd. Miss Wardale, in making the presentation, expressed the appreciation of all Senior Members of Miss Gwyer's work for the College during the past twelve years, and their gratitude for the interest which she took in their doings and for the welcome which they received on returning. The Principal accepted the portrait in the name of the College, and thanked the Senior Members for their confidence in her. The meeting was attended by 114 Senior Members. c. M. ADY (Hon. Sec.)

FURTHER LIST OF C ONTI IBUTORS TO THE JU IL EE FUND E. L. Bell L. F. Bell L. Bentley (Mrs.) M. Bignall P. Bixby E. Blades V. Boone F. L. Brook A. Brough Ethel Brown D. Daniell Jenkins F. M. Doherty L. N. Dolphin J. M. L. Drew (Mrs.) J. M. Dyke L. Fisher (Mrs.) M. G. Foulkes (Mrs.)

E. V. Fowler E. J. Glenday M. R. Glover B. E. Gwyer (2nd donation) R. W. Goddard F. Hargreaves (Mrs.) D. M. V. Hodge 0. Howland Lister W. F. Hutchinson H. W. Irwin, Esq. W. Knox F. M. Kreuzer (Mrs.) M. Lauterbach L. F. Limpus M. C. McNair (Mrs.) M. A. McNeile M. Matthews


G. Morley K. A. Moore D. B. Morgan K. L. Morrals Miss Nagel D. Nixon Miss Osbourne and friends J. Peters R. L. Phillips M. Ralli I. Smith

A. Spinks H. M. Stanton C. J. W. Symonds (Mrs.) L. Symonds E. R. W. Unmack M. L. Wallace A. E. Wayment E. Williams G. Williams E. Wilson J. Woods (Mrs.)

THE PRINCIPAL'S LETTER DEAR MISS HAMILTON THOMPSON, TT is but a short while since I last wrote to you, for the special a number of the Chronicle issued in August; but 1937 seems to be divided from 1936 by something more than time, namely, a kind of turning-point in the life of the College. I have quoted to you before Thring's favourite phrase 'the almighty wall', supreme and perhaps final arbiter of educational work. 'There is no law more absolutely certain than that mean treatment produces mean ideas.' Slowly but surely, the immovable, unless demolished, determines the shape of all inside it.' Never rest till you have got the almighty wall on your side and not against you.' So run some of his deliberate, inspiring exaggerations; and I think he would have understood what we feel about the recent developments in our 'perpetual and certain place'. Space and quiet, nobility of architectural proportions, seclusion but everywhere an excellency of light—here are the outward marks of a room fitted for study and of a worthy library. Contents of shelves are in good hands too; for the Council has allotted £1,600, in five annual instalments, to make good the deficiences accumulated during the winter of our discontent, or, more literally, our many seasons of overcrowding. Tutors have carefully compiled lists in all subjects, and the new books are being bought and drafted in as the Librarian can deal with them. Gifts we still have, and always shall have, space for if consultation with Tutor or Librarian precedes the choice; and indeed as all of us know well, the Library shelves bear witness to the generosity of many, both members and friends, during our fifty years of progress. The Mordan Hall, where Miss Mordan's portrait still presides, among others equally familiar to past and present generations, has been admirably treated by Mr. Buckland, and whether by day or by night is a most dignified and attractive place. In addition to providing ample space for meetings of the Governing Body and other gatherings, it realizes certain long-cherished hopes of my own, in that it can be used as a music-room. The Musical Society has given us one excellent concert there already, moreover the individual musician can practise there undisturbed and undisturbing; for—as under the housekeeper's wing at Rosings—`she will be in nobody's way, you know, in that part of the house'. 8

The lay-out of the garden south-east of the Library requires very careful consideration, and the Custos Hortulorum, with the head gardener, has given endless trouble and thought to the problem, patiently trying second thoughts if first ones do not seem to fill the bill, and spending hours in wind and damp to study the terrain. We have to decide what can be done in an area where sunlight is largely blocked, even in summer, by the big beech, and by the lofty building which rises west of it, and also whether to vary the generally informal treatment of the garden by something more formal where the outstanding 'feature' of the Library diversifies the architectural scene. The problem will no doubt be solved in time, so much devotion and experience being available for its solution; but we may with certainty predict many more discussions on the subject. I took the opportunity last year to mention in a postscript the late Miss Bazeley's legacy. It has not yet been received, nor its amount defined; hence no plans for its use are yet available. The College has received since then another valuable bequest from Miss Catherine Yates, who left us her furniture and effects and also goo for theological studies, with a reversion later on of £6,000 for the same purpose. This generosity, from a woman who was not a member of our Society, but recognized our zeal for theological study, is warmly appreciated. A scholarship of £200 is being offered for 1937-8 to a woman graduate of any British University who can show evidence of fitness to read for the Final Honour Examination in Theology. Members of the Association who are preparing candidates for the Scholarship Entrance Examinations of 1938 will perhaps have seen the College notice headed 'Graduate and Other Scholarships 1937 to 1938' which includes particulars of the new Jubilee Entrance Scholarship of oo a year provided from the munificent gift collected by themselves. We anticipate keen competition next March from candidates 'of outstanding merit' and hope especially to see it among those who have already, through home or school, some links with St. Hugh's. A gift of £25, share of the balance of money collected for the old 'Appeal Fund of the four Women's Colleges', was received from the authorities of St. Winifred's School, Eastbourne, and has been applied to the Research Studentship Fund. The Council has co-opted Mr. A. Ewert, M.A., Professor of the Romance Languages and Professorial Fellow of Trinity College, to fill the seat vacated by the Censor of St. Catherine's Society. I am glad to say no other replacement has been needed. The Bursar's many friends will be delighted to hear that she has become a graduate of the University of Oxford as well as of Birmingham. The degree of M.A. was conferred upon her by decree during the Hilary Term, under a new Statute admitting to this privilege, among other persons, certain categories of non-tutorial Fellows in the Women's Colleges. The College shares to the full her pleasure in the conferment of the degree. The Library has been since your departure in the care of Miss Procter as Hon. Librarian together with Miss Hesketh-Williams, B.A., 9

F.L.A., who is reading for her B.Litt. in English after taking her first degree last year and who before coming up had had several years' experience in a Public Library. The College is fortunate in having available during this transition period, while the scope of the Librarian's work is being re-defined under new conditions, such experienced help and leadership. I hope your readers will respond zealously to the appeal contained in this number of the Chronicle for co-operation in tracing certain lost books. There is matter for deep thankfulness in the steady progress of our work and the widening of opportunity for our members which each year—and 1936-7 so conspicuously—continues to see. To the elder among us it is a challenge to constant prayer that daughters of St. Hugh may be equipped to play a worthy part in the critical period through which Europe is passing and the end of which no man can see. May I end with another word or two from that great teacher who is yet an inspiration to such of us as still keep one foot (unmoved by obloquy) inside the nineteenth century ? `There is room for all workers. There is no room for fighters. A few acres maintain the husbandman, a wilderness is needed by the hunter, and a world by the fighters, and is too small after all.' `I believe it to be a law of God's world that the living truth of any movement may be exactly measured by the amount of resistance, and dull obstruction, and bitter antagonism it has to encounter during its growth, and that debility in life is marked by easiness and progress in the first instance.' `I had rather be an unknown part of the inner life of Christ's world than sway empires. The Empire ruler puts in motion for good or evil external machinery which the inner life has to deal with, but the inner life is the only truth even then.' Yours sincerely, B. E. GWYER.

P.S. An error or two crept into the 1936 Chronicle which would no doubt have been corrected but for pressure of time. Miss Ady asks me to say apropos of a compliment to her in one of the speeches, that the 'first woman to get first Class Honours in History in this University' received the distinction some years before Miss Ady had arrived at years of discretion; and I must point out the 'Sale of an etching by the Principal' should have been 'Sale of a copy of the etching by J. R. G. Exley'. Also the late Miss Lardelli was appointed Headmistress of Brigg High School while Assistant Mistress at Tonbridge County School.



ALESTINE to-day has three official languages, Arabic, Hebrew, and English. Most of its people are Moslem, Jewish, or Christian. These differences affect educational development, and the system of education as it now exists, tends to accentuate the differences rather than to bring the diverse peoples together. I0

The Jews have their own system of schools, run and endowed by their societies, and aided by a government grant. The Jewish part of the population is almost ioo per cent. literate. Some of the schools reach a high standard, and are making interesting experiments. They work under difficulties, for their teaching is in Hebrew, which as a living language is a revival scarcely spoken outside Palestine. Children arriving in Palestine from other countries may not know Hebrew, and must learn it. None but Jews speak Hebrew, so their schools and the University in Jerusalem remain purely Jewish. Among the Arabs, who still form two-thirds of the population, there is a difference between town and country. Rural education consists of a network of government village schools, some with school gardens. There are very few schools for girls. These village schools ought to fit children for life under Palestinian conditions. The people are backward, more from lack of opportunity than lack of capacity to learn. Agriculture is the chief occupation. The average income of a farmer is 27 a year. The girls will have to live in small one or tworoomed houses, with beds to roll up during the day, charcoal or a primus to cook on, and will have to carry water from the well, all much as in Bible times. Simple health rules can be practised, but the people live on a bare minimum. At present there are two agricultural colleges provided by the Kadoorie bequest for Jews and Arabs, and administered by government. There is also one small rural school for girls, begun last year. The Arab town dwellers live simply, but more under European conditions. There is a tremendous demand for education for boys and girls. The average income in Palestine is very small, rents are high, and families large, but many parents pay a large proportion of their incomes in school fees. The government schools are free, and very overcrowded, but still cannot take nearly all the children who wish to attend. The Jewish schools are also overcrowded. A few boys' schools do two years of secondary work, and the Government Arab College in Jerusalem has a course up to Matriculation standard, and adds one year of teacher training. As the great majority of Arab-speaking people in Palestine are Moslem, these schools tend to be strongly Moslem in outlook. There is no government girls' school with a full secondary course. The Women's Elementary Training College in Jerusalem takes girls who have finished an elementary school course, and gives them a four years' course which combines some secondary work with teacher training. The teaching in all government schools is in Arabic, and English is taught in the upper classes. In Palestine, unlike all other countries in the Near East, private schools are allowed great liberty so long as they reach an approved standard. Almost all non-Jewish secondary education is in the hands of the Christian schools. Of these, the schools which the writer knows best are those within the diocese of the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem. In these schools pupils of any nationality and religion are accepted, and no distinction whatever is made between them, II

except for language lessons. All the staff, both Palestinian and English, are Christians. The children study the Bible as part of their normal work, and learn to understand the Christian point of view. The non-Christian systems, by adopting either the Arabic or Hebrew language, separate the two communities. They have no common language or place of meeting; both are strongly nationalist, and tend to become increasingly separated. The Christian schools bring these warring elements together. In the secondary classes the teaching is in English, which becomes a language common to all. The racial label becomes less aggressive as individuals become part of a community, and work and play together. During the troubles last year the government schools were closed from May to October for lack of pupils, but mission schools were able to carry on. In Haifa we had no absences because of the troubles, and life in school continued normally. Arab and Jewish parents attended Speech Day as usual. This year there are three Arab and one Jewish prefect, and they run form picnics, Christmas parties, school order, and loud and animated discussions, with marked cheerfulness. Life in such a school is stimulating. There are many points of view in a class composed of Moslems, Christians of many churches and nationalities, Jews, Persians and Turks, with an English teacher. Our work-people are nearly as varied ;—one may have to eject a Jewish workman (ex-university student), who is officially mending the roof, but unofficially reading in the library while it rains, in order to clear the way for a group of girls which includes a veiled Moslem. The children who come to the Haifa school have very varied homes. Some of the parents are doctors or government officials, some are shopkeepers, and a few are very poor, charwomen and street-vendors; yet all, except four scholars, pay the full fees. There has not long been a secondary school in Haifa, and many mothers have had a very elementary education. Children of the second generation of secondary education have a great advantage. For years parents have been asking for a similar school for boys, who now have to go to boarding school, a financial strain, and a problem, as all the board-schools are crowded. A new school for boys is now being built in Haifa by the Jerusalem and the East Mission, and it will almost certainly be full the first term. Town life has developed rapidly, and a generation of Palestinians has grown up without knowing the country. The West has brought its materialism more quickly than its other qualities; in Haifa we have abundance of cars and cinemas, but in the houses of a great number of children there are no books. People read the newspapers and believe all they say, but in Arabic there are few suitable books available, apart from school books, though translations from other languages are increasing. Even among those who read English, few buy books, and when they do, they usually buy the cheapest, and there are no public libraries. Until recently, children, when offered a well-illustrated book from the school library, might reject it because `picture books are for babies'. I2

The school has to introduce children to many things. On a picnic along Carmel we found rock-hewn tombs, but no one recognized them; a mosaic pavement, a common thing to tourists here, but new to most of the girls; a potter at his wheel moulding clay into common pots, and the girls were delighted, but few had seen the method before. As we collected flowers for a competition they were surprised to find so many kinds. Thus there are almost endless opportunities to introduce interesting things. The girls love netball, rounders, and English country dancing; they join the school library, and use it well. In spring they go for at least one whole day picnic, and this gives an opportunity for the older girls to see some new place. The Christian secondary schools usually provide a course which reaches School Certificate or matriculation standard. The Jerusalem Girls' College has a two years' course of study after matriculation, and a teacher training course, but there is no university, for nonHebrew-speaking people, nearer than the American University in Beirut. Many new experiments are being tried out in Palestine to-day. The liberty at present given to private schools provides very great opportunities for original and constructive thought and work. The people of Palestine are in a difficult position, and need all the help available to build their country on secure foundations. D. B. MORGAN.

UNIVERSAL CHRISTIAN COUNCIL FOR LIFE AND WORK CONFERENCE ON CHURCH, COMMUNITY AND STATE, 1937 HE following is a summary of the history, aims, and programme T of the Conference, which will meet at Oxford in July after several years of quiet preparation. The totalitarian claims advanced to-day in various quarters on behalf of the modern State to control and shape the whole life of the community, however startling they may be, are only the culminating expression of tendencies towards governmental control and social uniformity which are present everywhere and affect the entire life of mankind. What the State does openly and directly the Community may achieve by less deliberate and less easily perceptible but hardly less effective methods. Through eugenic measures, education, literature, broadcasting, and the press it may organize, direct, and mould the whole life of its members from the cradle to the grave. The attempt to control and shape the whole life of a community and to utilize for this purpose the incalculable resources of modern science marks a new fateful epoch in the history of mankind. For such an attempt must be based, consciously or unconsciously, on certain assumptions 13

regarding the meaning of human life and destiny. It is a question of vital import for the future of mankind whether these assumptions are compatible with, or are a more or less complete denial of, the Christian understanding of the life of man. As one means of bringing home to Christians everywhere the gravity of the new situation, of deepening their understanding of its meaning and its demands, and of assisting the Churches to bear a more united and more deeply considered Christian witness in relation to the problems of to-day, there is to be held a World Conference of the Churches. It would be an almost complete misunderstanding of the nature and purpose of the Conference, however, to regard it as an end in itself. The effects of a Conference which is merely an isolated and unrelated event must be transient and unimportant. What the situation demands is the mobilization of the entire resources of the whole Christian Church in an endeavour to think out afresh the nature and content of the Christian witness in relation to the powerful forces which are reshaping the thought, life, and institutions of mankind. Only a sustained and continuous effort through a long period of years could accomplish this, and the proposed Conference has significance only in relation to the larger and wider purpose. The selection of subjects has not been arbitrary; they have as it were selected themselves from the result of many discussions in groups and hundreds of conversations with individuals. Formidable as the programme is, careful thought has been given to the ways and means of carrying it out, and there is a reasonable hope that good work may be done in some of the subjects, and something accomplished in regard to all of them. One cannot proceed far in the study of the relations between Church, Community, and State without discovering that fundamental questions of ultimate belief are involved. The preparation for the conference has therefore included the examination of these issues. Underlying the whole discussion are the questions, What is the Christian Conception of man as this has been understood in the main Christian traditions, and as contracted with alternative viewse.g. those of idealist philosophy, naturalism and humanism, Marxism, modern biological doctrines, the new psychology, racial theo ries, and Chinese systems of thought? What is the meaning of history, and what is the Christian contribution to its understanding as contrasted with the evolutionary, the Marxist, the nationalist views, or the view that history has no ultimate significance at all? What is the relation of the Church to the common general life in which Christians as well as others share, and to those particular spheres which are not specifically religious, the spheres of culture, politics, economics ? The Church cannot evade the problems set by the claim of the State to impose a particular view of life through the schools and universities ; by the economic forces which operate within it; or by the group of controversies on which Christians are perhaps most deeply divided to-day—involving the Christian attitude to war and peace, military service, and military preparedness. 14

Two or three hundred of the ablest Christian thinkers in many different countries have been actively engaged in the study of these subjects. Memoranda have been written by members of each group and have been sent to the other members for comment and criticism and the preparation of further memoranda. It is hoped that as a result of this interchange of ideas between those representing different national and ecclesiastical traditions it will be possible to produce on most of the subjects a volume in which both the measure of present agreement and also the major disagreements will be set forth. An effort has been made to publish as many such volumes as possible in advance of the conference to serve as a background and basis for its discussions. Over and above these groups, which constitute the official 'Research Department' of the Conference, there are hundreds of groups in existence in different countries, in local centres, in universities, in theological seminaries, and in connexion with various youth organizations. It cannot be too strongly asserted both that an effort of thought is indispensable as a means of understanding the present situation and of inspiring and directing action, and that thought by itself is quite insufficient to meet the demands of that situation. Only the living, united witness in act and life of the entire body of Christians can avail to stem forces by which the whole Christian understanding of life is menaced. The issue is not a theoretic or speculative one, but a life and death struggle with the demonic forces of evil. To rouse the whole body of Christian people to the reality of this conflict and to prepare and equip them for the struggle is the task of the individual Churches. In the endeavour to fulfil it, they may derive help from the world-wide fellowship of the Universal Church and the opportunities for common counsel and mutual strengthening which the ecumenical movement provides. The Conference will be held at Oxford from July 12-26, 1937. Its membership will be composed of 30o members appointed by the Churches in the different countries and of ioo additional members appointed by the Universal Christian Council after consultation with the Churches. The object of the latter provision is to ensure an adequate representation of the laity, and especially of those who possess a special knowledge of the subjects which the conference will consider. Publications already available are: Church, Community and State. J. H. Oldham. S.C.M. is. Church and State on the European Continent. A. Keller. Epworth Press. is. Church and State in Contemporary America. W. Adams Brown. Scribner. 2 dollars, 75 cents. Christianity in the Eastern Conflicts. W. Paton. Edinburgh House Press. 2S. 6d. Religion and the Modern State. C. Dawson. Sheed & Ward. 6s. A World Conference of the Churches, Oxford 1937. Edinburgh House. 2d. 15

An Interpretation of Christian Ethics. Reinhold Niebuhr. S.C.M. 6s. Ready in May

The Function of the Church in Society. J. H. Oldham and Visser t'hooft. Allen & Unwin. 7s. 6d.

THE LIB ARY 1936-7 HE books were moved into the Moberly Library in the Long Vacation. The additional space afforded by the new stack-room and reading-room has relieved the congestion on the shelves and at the tables. An unpacking-room and a lift connecting the Library with the ground fluor has been provided. Further expansion has been amply allowed for in the whole Library wing. The provision of a separate room for the Librarian, with access both to the Library and to the main staircase of the new wing, facilitates the running of the Library considerably. St. Hugh's now supports a sectional subject (Zoology) in the Women's Inter-collegiate Science Library scheme. A joint catalogue of all the books available to science students by means of this organization has also been made. The gifts made to the Library by Senior Members and others at the time of the College Jubilee were noted in the last issue of the Chronicle. A collection of miscellaneous books (largely theological and topographical) has lately come to the College by bequest from Miss Catherine Yates. Owing to the generosity of the Council in granting a large sum of money for the purchase of books for the new library, to be spent over a period of five years, the total number of books is now over 14,000. A recent check of the Library has resulted in a long list of missing books. The Librarian would be very grateful if Senior Members would examine their shelves and make sure that no books which are the property of St. Hugh's College, have found their way to them. A list of more important missing books is appended below.


P. K. H.-W.

CLASSICS CICERO, Orations. (O.C.T.) HORACE, Works, ed. Wickham, vol. i. SUETONIUS (Loeb edn.), trans. Rolfe, vol. ii. MACKAIL, Aeneid, 1930. HARRISON, Ancient Art and Ritual. MAHAFFY, History of Greek Classical Literature, vol. i. POWELL and BARBER, New Chapters in the History of Greek

THUCYDIDES, Historiae, O.C.T., vol. i. — History, bk. viii, ed. Goodhart. XENOPHON, Hellenica, ed. Underhill, bks. ARISTOTLE, Ethica nichomachea, trans. Ross, 1925. — Constitution of Athens, trans. Kenyon. it 6


HISTORY OGG, Europe in the 17th Century. FOREIGN OFFICE, British Documents on the vol. ix. EGERTON, British Foreign Policy in Europe. PEPYS, Diary, vol. ii.

Origin of the World War,

HARRISON, Chatham. ROSEBERY, Pitt. FITZMAURICE, Shelburne, vol. 1. TREVELYAN, John Bright. MONYPENNY and BUCKLE, Disraeli, vol. Vi. HAMMOND, Shaftesbury. SPENDER, Henry Campbell Bannerman. LAVISSE, Histoire de France Contemporaine, vii. ROSE, Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era. YOUNG, Travels in France. BOURGEOIS, Modern France, vol. ii.


Early Middle English, vol. ii. ENGLISH LITERATURE

NICHOL SMITH, Shakespeare in the NICOLL, British Drama. TUCKER, Sonnets of Shakespeare. BRADLEY, Shakespearian Tragedy. TEMPLE. Essays.

18th Century.

— Miscellanea. BATESON, English Comic Drama. GILCHRIST, Blake. JOHNSON, Works, vols. Hi, Vi. RICHARDSON, Clarissa, vol. i. CARLYLE, Critical Essays, vol. 11. MORRIS, Earthly Paradise.

— Poetical Works, 19t0. Gaston de Latour. — Marius the Epicurean, vol. i. WORDSWORTH, Journal, vol. 11. GARROD, Wordsworth. HARPER, Wordsworth. MYERS, Wordsworth. PATER,





HEN the present members of the J.C.R. recall the jubilee year of the College they will think chiefly of the opening of the new Mary Gray Allen wing with its wonderful library and delightful rooms. Among academic successes this year we congratulate Miss Margaret


Greaves on obtaining a first class in the Final Honours School of English and Miss I. Palmer on obtaining a post in the Civil Service Administrative class a year before taking her B.A. examination. In games we have won the Inter-collegiate Hockey Cup and have obtained many blues. Hockey blues have been awarded to Miss A. Pellew and Miss J. Field; lacrosse blues to Miss Yeats Brown and Miss Barrett; and rowing blues to Miss M. Gillett, Miss I. Pomphrett, Miss M. Richardson, and Miss S. Harbottle. This year has also witnessed the resuscitation of the Musical Society. After inducing the J.C.R. to raise its terminal subscription it has shown signs of great activity. A very successful concert was given in the Hilary Term at which the chief work performed was Purcell's Te Deum. The revival has been accompanied by the renewed interest taken in music by members of the J.C.R. Unusually great interest has also been taken in politics, and the secretaries of both the Conservative and Labour Clubs are members of the College. At the last J.C.R. meeting a motion was passed by which four times a term we have bread and cheese for lunch so that the money so saved may be sent to a distressed area. BETTY HARRIS

(President, 1936-7).

DEGREES, 1936-7 D.Phil. M. M. Chattaway. Subject of thesis : 'The Wood Anatomy of the Family Sterculiaceae.' M.A. P. M. Allen W. E. E. Allen (Mrs.) M. A. Beese C. M. G. Duthoit

M. E. Macaulay 0. M. Sweeting G. Thorneycroft (by decree). N. M. Thorp

B.A. E. M. Allum P. M. Brentnall M. M. Burgess R. M. Bushell I. K. Carver W. M. Catlin K. T. Classen M. A. Clerk J. Cliffe M. M. Cork F. A. A. Deas D. N. Finn M. E. Gibbons 18

M. Greaves B. R. Hamilton P. K. Hesketh-Williams D. W. M. Keast M. P. Lee L. Lomax M. E. Long M. R. Lovett M. E. E. McDougle S. McKenzie I. A. L. Manger D. M. Moody J. M. Munn-Rankin

J. Newman D. M. Niblett J. M. Parkinson M. A. R. Parsons S. H. M. Patrick M. M. Prosser D. M. Sherwood

A. A. L. Sprules M. Stephenson J. 0. Stovin S. L. Sturge K. I. Teasdale B. J. Theobald E. K. Wallen

HONOUR SCHOOLS, 1936 Literae Humaniores.

Class II. G. P. Stradling Class III. R. E. Hunter

Class II. L. Lomax Natural Science. Physics. Class III. S. H. M. Patrick Botany. Part I. B. R. Hamilton Chemistry.

Modern History.

Class II. E. M. Allum T. G. I. Bird J. Cliffe M. E. Gibbons M. E. Long M. R. Lovett M. M. Prosser E. K. Wallen Class III. D. N. Finn B. J. Theobald


Class III. M. M. Cork Class IV. C. P. Young

English Language and Literature.

Class I. M. Greaves Class II. R. M. Bushell P. K. Hesketh-Williams D. M. Niblett M. Stephenson S. L. Sturge Class III. D. W. N. Keast J. D. Stovin

Modern Languages.

Class II. M. M. Burgess I. A. L. Manger J. Newman J. M. Parkinson D. M. Sherwood Class III. W. M. Catlin S. McKenzie A. A. L. Sprules '


Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

Class II. K. T. Classen D. D. Harris D. M. Moody J. M. Munn-Rankin M. A. R. Parsons M. I. M. Roger Class III. I. K. Carver A. A. M. Wilson


Class II. P. M. Brentnall N. M. L. Field K. I. Teasdale Class III. F. A. A. Deas M. E. E. McDougle

Honour Classical Moderations.

Class I. D. F. Bleasby Class II. K. M. Cane K. M. Hargreaves A. M. Hedley E. Jackson Class III. E. S. Banning L. E. Homewood

IN RESIDENCE 1[936-7 Elizabeth Wordsworth Student, 1936-7 : MARY MARGARET CHATTAWAY, B.SC., M.A., D.PHIL. IDA BUSBRIDGE, M.A. (London). ADINA ILIESCU, M.SC., M.S.TH. (Bucharest). Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholar: MARY WATLING, M.A. (Somerville

Advanced Students: College).

Moberly Senior Scholar: DORIS MARY NIBLETT, B.A. SCHOLARS V. HUGHES, 1933. N. PAPPEROVITCH, 1934. R. E. TAYLOR, 1934. 1. P. PALMER, 1935, Honorary. J. P. DAWSON, 1935. M. K. JAMES, 1935. A. PELLEW, 1935.

M. SHEEHAN, 1935. D. F. BLEASBY, 1935, Honorary. B. N. BOLLAND, 1936. B. C. H. BRODIE, 1936. C. I. KAHN, 1936. E. A. POOLE, 1936.

EXHIBITIONERS B. R. HAMILTON, B.A., 1933. M. A. LEWIS, 1933. S. B. ANDREWS, 1934. W. M. FOX, 1934. K. M. HARGREAVES, 1934. 20

L. E. HOMEWOOD, 1934. J. LANE, 1934. M. B. LEWIS, 1934. E. B. MACKINLAY, 1934. M. G. K. MOILLIET, 1934.

N. C. SHAW, 1934. H. J. SOUTHERN, 1934. B. McN. THOM, 1934. J. M. YEAXLEE, 1934. P. M. BIRLEY, 1935. C. HORNBY, 1935. S. M. MANDELKORN, 1935. I. C. POMPHRETT, 1935. M. D. TULL, 1935.

R. B. M. YULE, 1935. D. CHITTY, 1936. M. LEA-WILSON, 1936. P. MACLEAN, 1936. R. G. MARTIN, 1936. J. E. SEYMOUR, 1936. K. F. SLATTERY, 1936. D. TOWNSEND, 1936. D. U. C. WESTON, 1936.

UNDERGRADUATES, NOT BEING SCHOLARS OR EXHIBITIONERS F. M. Stinton. M. E. Rose. Fourth Year. D. Thornton. S. H. S. Smith. B. L. BosworthD. M. D. Spikes. R. D. Wise. Smith. J. M. Summers. C. M. Clark. Second Year. S. Sutton Smith. D. M. Gardner. I. M. Townsend. M. C. B. Acaster. Third Year. R. W. Weaver. I. J. Baker. J. M. Whitehead. E. S. Banning. E. M. Beer. S. H. M. Wilson. C. W. Bradbury. M. E. Barrett. C. E. Crittall. D. A. H. YeatsG. M. Blackmore. M. M. Darwall. Brown. M. K. Cane. M. Donaldson. M. E. Clark. First Year. M. G. Duce. A. E. Clifford. M. G. Edwards. M. Anderton. M. B. R. Collins. A. A. B. Fairlie. H. J. M. Annett. J. M. Field. T. Finkelstein. R. Barbour C. A. Gaminara. H. A. Clarence. J. M. L. Greaves. M. Garnett. M. Gay. E. B. Dean. B. J. Harris. J. Gillett. E. M. Edmunds. A. M. Hedley. U. C. Fitzhardinge. M. Helliwell. M. H. Gillett. B. Forbes Adam. D. M. Goschen. G. E. S. Hunt. K. E. Hardy. S. E. Fryer. E. Jackson. 0. M. K. Harris. J. M. Fursdon. M. C. Jackson. M. T. James. W. H. Jones. H. M. Gilmour. S. M. R. Keay. B. W. Gimson. P. H. McGregor. P. Llewellyn-Smith. M. E. L. Griffiths. D. McKenna. D. N. Lovegrove. C. A. Hall. P. B. Manton. M. E. S. McIntosh. S. Harbottle. R. G. L. Moss. E. I. Marshall. M. F. Harding. L. I. Parks. E. Mason. M. B. Holdgate. M. S. C. Peters. L. Powys-Roberts. E. Mitchison. R. M. Howard. M. S. Oswald. E. M. Jackson. E. W. Reynolds. J. E. Perkins. E. H. G. La 'Brooy. M. I. M. Roger. F. E. Saintsbury. J. M. Pye. A. A. E. Levinson. J. E. R. Salter. D. E. A. Raby. P. E. Loveday. G. M. S. Ratcliffe. F. M. E. Macdonald. F. V. Scurfield. 21

M. M. McKinstry. D. E. WK. Milner. A. P. Portlock. S. C. Pridmore. J. M. D. Purnell.

H. C. N. Turnbull. M. F. Richardson. A. I. M. Shaw. A. M. Watson. D. M. M. Thomas. P. B. B. Whitehouse. S. M. Tilling. G. M. P. Wortley.



ATHERINE THOMPSON was one of the two daughters of Sir James Paget, the famous physician, and sister of Dr. Francis Paget, Dean of Christ Church and later Bishop of Oxford. She married in 1877 the Rev. H. L. Thompson, Vicar of Iron Acton and afterwards Warden of Radley, who became Vicar of St. Mary's in 1897, and she remained in Oxford till some years after his death in 1905. She was a warm friend to the women students of her period, her most cherished interest being the Society of the Annunciation, which banded together those of us who felt the need of corporate help in resisting, amid the pressure of University life, tendencies to slackness in Church attendance and habits of devotion. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were influential supporters of St. Hugh's in early days, he being Chairman of the Council from 1898 to 1904, while the minutes of its meetings are recorded in her delicate, peaked handwriting from 1905 to 1912. She then resigned the Hon. Secretaryship but never lost her interest in our doings, and attended a College garden party as late as 1934. She died in February last at the advanced age of 91, G. and lies buried in Holywell churchyard. R.I.P.

MIRIAM MARGERY HOMERSHAM Opportunity, the Organ of the National Association of Women Civil Servants, the following obituary is reproduced: `Miss Miriam Margery Homersham, who died on July 27, 1936, at the early age of 44, was one of the first qualified women accountants to enter into practice on her own account. She was educated at Sutton High School and afterwards at St. Hugh's College, Oxford, where she took a First-Class Honours Degree in English at the age of zo. After taking her degree Miss Homersham taught for a number of years in England and America. The idea of changing her career came during the war when so many women found that new employments were open to them. She joined the staff of Messrs. Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths and Co., and soon after began to think of qualifications as an accountant. She first qualified as a member of the then Central Association of Accountants, being awarded the gold medal of the Association. The Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors had altered their rules in order to provide for the admission of women before the actual passing of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act in 1919, and Miss Homersham therefore decided to take the examinations of the Society. She was admitted as an Associate of the Society in 1922, and in 1925 she was elected a Fellow. BY the courtesy of


`Immediately after qualification Miss Homersham started in practice under the style of Homersham and Co., at St. Clement's House, Clement's Lane. It was no easy period during which to embark on the founding of a firm. The stability which the war had given to all commercial undertakings whether soundly administered or not had come to an end, and with it had ended the rapid transformation of small firms of accountants into large ones which had been comparatively common during the war. Indeed, it sometimes seemed as though the women had qualified in time for the slump. In such circumstances, the enterprise which led to the founding of a small firm by a woman with no special influence to help her beyond her own abilities provided a source of encouragement to her contemporaries and successors. Apart from her own example, Miss Homersham's help to other women in the profession was endless. She was always ready to advise, to suggest possibilities, and to try to find posts. Only those intimately connected with her knew how unsparingly she gave her own energies to all who came to her for assistance. `In other ways Miss Homersham attempted to improve the conditions of women workers, notably by her work in the formation and administration of social centres such as clubs; and she gave her professional services generously to associations and other bodies working for causes in which she was interested, sometimes for very small fees, but more often working as honorary auditor or accountant. `The success of her firm was a marked tribute to one whose professional capacity had so small an admixture of self-interest. Miss Homersham will be remembered by Women Civil Servants as the Auditor of the Federation and later of the N.A.W.C.S. from 1923 to 1934, and not only as Auditor but as one to whom the work and principles of the Association were a cause of sympathy and pride.' E. E. W.

To this appreciative notice I should like to add a postscript, giving something of my personal recollection of Miriam as a student. I need not dwell upon her ability as it is abundantly shown in the notice and in the First Class which she gained in the Schools, but what I should like to emphasize is the force of her personality. This made itself felt at once, in spite of a great deal of reserve, and attracted to her friends whose devotion was lasting. The mental gifts which most impressed me personally were her astounding memory and her brilliant command of words, which had full play in a School like the English, with its constant demand for Essays. It was probably this delight in speech and feeling for words that made her choose for her Special Subject Old Norse with its vigorous vocabulary and lively idiom. Had Miriam turned to literature on leaving E. E. W. College, she would, I am sure, have met with success. The following has been received from a Senior Member: 'Those who knew Miriam Homersham at College will not have forgotten her, and yet her sudden death moves one to write of her, to call to her friends to remember her. 23

`She came up to College at seventeen : a tall, dark, serious fresher. We thought her rather 'intense' and did not scruple to tell her so; and we teased her a good deal about her inveterate habit of quoting. She took it very well, and laughed with us at herself. She was a firstrate exponent of the typical undergraduate capacity for prolonged argument, and would throw herself into abstract topics with tireless and timeless zeal. The well-stored memory and the original and eager mind were recognized by the examiners, and she took a First in English. `After some years of teaching and then of nursing she turned her attention to accountancy, and was one of the first women to qualify as an Incorporated Accountant. Her abilities seemed to move as freely in this field as in that of literature, and she evidently found in it for many years a refreshing mental exercise and a great deal of human interest. She was especially keen about various concerns for social welfare with which her work brought her in contact: for instance, the St. Pancras Housing Society, the City Women's Club, the Institute of Medical Psychology. I remember her saying she was particularly struck by the capacity for getting things done manifested by Anglo-Catholics and Christian Scientists. Her appreciations always covered a wide range. `Her prominence in her profession and her capacity for longsustained hand work ought to have brought her to a position of some affluence. That they did not appear to have had this effect is no longer surprising to those who knew her attitude to money and to other people. If you owed her a debt, she felt impelled to give you a present: there was no getting even with her. It was a strange, almost pathological generosity. `In like manner she seemed to draw very little sense of confidence or of achievement from her successes, and was painfully free from the comfortable vice of self-satisfaction. `A personal impression of her is that she lived in exact defiance of the motto muv ayay. The Greeks had all too good reason to cry out for the safety-first way of 'nothing too much'. Miriam Homersham went 'all out', whether it was in Schools work or accountancy, in floating a company, developing an estate, or simply doing kind and generous things for her friends. Brilliant and hard-working and quixotic, she yet defied some law of spiritual gravity which the mediocre never think to challenge. She would be embarrassed both by our admiration and by our pity, but would surely welcome our remembrance of past gaiety and continuing affection.' L. V. S.

HELENA BETSY HEARD HELENA HEARD came up to Oxford from the Clapham High School in 1918, and took her Final Honour School in Chemistry in 1921. After leaving College she devoted herself lovingly and unselfishly to the care and interests of her parents, and to the life of the home. The kindness and thoughtfulness of her hospitality will be long remem-


bered by those who were privileged to enjoy it. The creation of the beautiful garden at Wimbledon occupied much of her time, and she became an experienced and adventuring gardener. The gardens of all her friends show evidence of her wise suggestions and her generous gifts. Helena's health had been uncertain during the summer, and she was delighted to be well enough to take part in the celebrations of the Jubilee Gaudy. In July, on the advice of a specialist she went to bed for a long rest, and appeared to make satisfactory progress. Her sudden death on October 9th came as a shock to her friends. They miss greatly her unfailing sympathy, her sound and sensible judgement, and her gentle kindliness. M. M.

MARGARET DOROTHY WOOD MARGARET DOROTHY WOOD, later to become Margaret Dorothy Black, came up to St. Hugh's in 1926 from Ackworth School and The Mount, York. She left in 1929, having taken a Second in Modern History. She left Oxford with the idea of becoming a private secretary, but after she had taken a secretarial course she decided that secretarial work failed to give her the scope she desired and she then took up Estate Management. She worked for some time in Rotherham and enjoyed her work there in connexion with the municipal housing. In 1931, however, she came to the conclusion that it was in the higher ranks of the Civil Service that she would find the work most congenial to her, and with this aim in view she returned to London to prepare at the London School of Economics for the two major Civil Service examinations open to women. It was by the narrowist margin that she escaped success in the Administrative Class Competition, and eventually she was appointed as a Third Class Officer in the Ministry of Labour and stationed at Leeds, her home town. For the next three years she was very successful as a young Civil Servant, doing useful work, now in charge of the Women's Department of the Sunderland Employment Exchange, now in the more rarefied atmosphere of the Divisional Office in Leeds. She was thought much of by her superior officers and would undoubtedly have climbed far up the ladder had she not, in the summer of 1935, resigned in order to marry Mr. Norman Black, a barrister. Fond as she was of her work in the Ministry she had no pangs at relinquishing it : to herself, as indeed to her family and friends, it was apparent that for her marriage was the ideal career. Everybody who met her at the Jubilee last summer must have remarked how it suited her. To its service she brought all the confidence, common sense, and intellectual ability which had always been her outstanding qualities, and rarely had any marriage seemed so blessed by fortune, so predestined to happiness. But it was not to be. She died on Christmas Day 1936, after only sixteen months of married life, and leaving a son, six weeks old, whom she had barely seen. She was twenty-eight. She will always be remembered by her friends for her single-minded enthusiasm in all she undertook. We shall remember her confident 25

enthusiasm for the League of Nations Union, her work in connexion with the Peace Ballot, and her practical interest in housing schemes in Leeds. We shall remember her as one who looked upon the world with an almost uncompromising confidence in the power of logical and liberal thought to prevail. And that is how she would have wished to be remembered. E. M. T.

ARTHUR BALL ARTHUR BALL, who died on February 22nd, 1937, had been head gardener of the College since the present site was taken over. He had held the same position under Mr. Hartley, the former owner, for about 2o years and had taken a large share in the laying out and planting to which the garden owes so much of its interest and charm. The adaptation of a private garden to the needs of a College was not an easy matter, and it meant the giving up of the greenhouse work in which Ball had been very successful as an exhibitor. There was very little money to spend, and the staff did not increase as quickly as the work and responsibility caused by the growth of the College and the purchase of more houses and gardens : but it was possible gradually to develop a garden which is not unworthy of an Oxford College. Mr. and Mrs. Ball served St. Hugh's loyally and well till the time came in 1934 for a well-earned retirement to their own house. A. M. A. H. R.

MARRIAGES to MR. B. WHITE, at Wolverton, Bucks., September loth, 1934. ANNIE MARY MORTON to MR. J. CARRUTHERS, at Linslade, Bucks., July 1936. JOAN LIPPOLD tO MR. JOHN HUDSON, at High Wycombe, July 3oth, 1936. MARJORIE BUICK to MR. K. C. LEWIS, July 3oth, 1936. CICELY MARGARET HOBHOUSE to MR. W. D. HUSSEY, at Pitcombe, Somerset, August tzth, 1936. ANNIE CONSTANCE DEWHURST to MR. H. R. SMYTHE, at the Church of St. Stephen-on-the-Cliff, Blackpool, August 12th, 1936. HELEN MARY McCUTCHEON to MR. J. J. COLLINGWORTH, at All Saints' Church, Ladbroke, Rugby, August 18th, 1936. MARJORIE MARY WILDE to MR. A. J. F. WROTTESLEY, at St. Augustine's Church, Edgbaston, August zznd, 1936. GERTRUDE GAUGE to DR. M. J. SHEEHAN, at St. Monica's Church, Palmer's Green, August 29th, 1936. ANNIE THOMAS GARY to MR. H. C. PANNELL, at St. Luke's Church, Atlanta, Georgia, September znd, 1936. PHYLLIS MAY FULFORD to MR. A. R. SIMS, at Ruislip, Middlesex, September 5th, 1936. BARBARA WHALEY to MR. D. H. SHUTTLEWORTH, at St. Thomas's Church, Dudley, September izth, 1936. CATHERINE MARY VICKERS



Church, Boscombe, September rzth, 1936. ELSPETH JANET CAMPBELL SLIMON to MR. T. F. THOMAS,

at St. John's

at Edinburgh,



October r7th,

DACOMBE, in London,

December r9th, 1936.

KATHLEEN WILLSON to MR. B. L. BUCHANAN, at Cape Town, March 1937. KARIN CLASSEN to MR. W. R. ELLIOTT, at St. Olave's, Hart Street, E.C. 3,

March zoth, 1937.

MARGARET JANE MILKINS to MR. W. HEBDITCH, at St. German's Church, Roath, Cardiff, April 3rd, 1937. EILEEN MARGARET CLARE WILKES to the REV. R. G. CORNWELL, at Holy

Trinity Church, Winchester, April 7th, 1937. 11 110


MRS. STEPHENS (A. Fowler)—a son, David, February znd, 1935. MRS. JULL (C. Macdonald)—a daughter, Jean, January 1936. MRS. CARDEW (M. Russell)—a son, Brian Cornelius McDonough,

May 7th, 1936. MRS. LOVELL (M. Wardell)—a son, July 4th, 1936. MRS. PIERCY (R. Learoyd)—a son, Mark, August z7th, MRS. OGILVY (P. Jenkins)—a son, October 1936. MRS. BURTON (N. Salinger) a daughter, Frances Naomi,

1936. October 31st,

1936. (U. Morse)—a daughter, Miranda Mary Florence, November 6th, 1936. MRS. BLACK (M. D. Wood)—a son, Anthony, November lath, 1936. MRS. NICHOLAS (E. Crosthwaite)—a daughter, November 29th, 1936. MRS. ERIKSSON (P. Bourne)—a son, December 29th, 1936. MRS. CUTTLE (J. Baker)—a son, January loth, 1937. MRS. HOARE (E. Temple)—a daughter, Elizabeth, February 9th, 1937. MRS. COOKE (A. Huxley)—a son, Martin, February 14th, 1937. MRS. BOAS (M. Beattie)—a son, John Robert Sotheby, February 28th, 1937. MRS. BROWNE (P. Fox)—a son, Richard William Harkness, March 9th, 1937. MRS. EDMONDS (J. Reynolds)—a son, March 1937. MRS. THOMPSON (E. Barry)—a son, March 1937. MRS. KENNY

PU LICATJI SNS The Bentivoglio of Bologna. C. M. Ady, M.A. Oxford University Press. 1936. 75s. Comedy in Germany. Betsy Aikin-Sneath, B.A. Oxford University Press. 1937. 7s. 6d. An Anthology of the Seasons. R. Arbuthnot Lane. Muller. 6s. 27

Before and After the Oxford Movement. M. I. M. Bell. C.L.A. is. Index to the Palace of Minos, by Joan Evans, with special sections

classified in detail and chronologically arranged by Sir Arthur Evans. Macmillans. 1936. 35s. A Short Historical and Architectural Guide to Oxford Cathedral. [B. M. Hamilton Thompson, M.A., B.Litt.] S.P.C.K. 1937. 3d. History of Parliament. Biographies 1439-1509. Rt. Hon. J. C. Wedgwood in collaboration with Anne Holt. H.M.S.O. Theophilus Lindsey and the Essex Street Chapel. Anne Holt. Lindsey Press. 1937. 6d. Church and Learning in the Byzantine Empire (867-1185). J. M. Hussey, M.A., B.Litt. Oxford University Press. 1937. 125. 6d. The Native Administration of Nigeria. Margery Perham, M.A. Oxford University Press. 1937. 17s. 6d. ARTICLES `Fifty Years of a Women's College,' Oxford, November 1936. C. M. Ady, M.A. `Constituents of the Bark of Zanthoxylum Americanum (Mill), Part I. Zanthoxyletin', by J. C. Bell, A. Robertson, and T. S. Subramanian. Part II. Xanthyletin. J. C. Bell and A. Robertson. `Some Uniqueness Theorems.' Proceedings of London Mathematical Society (9), xli (1936). M. L. Cartwright, D.Phil. `On the Asymptotic Values of a Function with a Non-enumerable set of Essential Singularities. Journal of London Mathematical Society, xi (1936). M. L. Cartwright. `On Certain Integral Functions of Order One.' Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford Series), vii (1936). M. L. Cartwright. `Relation between Fibre Length and Canbial Initial Length.' Tropical Woods, no. 47, 1936. M. M. Chattaway, D.Phil. `An Early Fragment of a MS. of St. Augustine's Sermons on the Gospel according to St. John.' The Journal of Theological Studies, xxxvi. 142 (April 1935), pp. 113-22, with plate. R. J. Dean, M.A. `A Missing Chapter of the Vie de Tobie.' Modern Philology, xxxiii. (Aug. 1935), pp. 13-19. R. J. Dean. `Nouvelle Liste de Membra Disiecta.' Revue Benedictine, xlvii. Oct. 1935), pp. 3o5-11. R. J. Dean with Dr. E. A. Lowe. `An Anglo-Norman version of Grosseteste : part of his Suidas and "Testamenta XII Patriarcharum",' Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, li. 3 (Sept. 1936), pp. 607-2o. R. J. Dean. `Manuscripts of St. Elizabeth of Schonau in England.' The Modern Language Review, xxxi. 1 (Jan. 1937), pp. 62-71. R. J. Dean. `The Economic Geography of Swaziland.' The Geographical Journal, vol. lxxxviii, no. 4, October 1936. Dorothy M. Doveton, B.A. `Some Aspects of the King's Household in the Reign of Henry V (summary of thesis). Bulletin of Institute of Historical Research, xiv.. 42. February 1937. E. de L. Fagan, B.A. (M.A. London). 28

`Homesteading in N.W. Canada.' The Geographical Magazine, Jan. 1937. C. Goodenough, M.A. `The Patria of Tacitus.' Journal of Roman Studies, 1937. Mary L. Gordon. `Literary Speed Regulations.' English. Vol. i, no. 4, 1937. Renee Haynes. `Side Lights on the History of Presbyterian-Unitarianism from the Records of Lewins' Mead Chapel, Bristol.' Transactions of the Unitarian Historical Society, vol. vi, no. 2. 0. M. Griffiths, M.A. `Auxin and Correlative Inhibition.' The New Phytologist, vol. xxxv, no. 3, 1936. Barbara Le Fanu, B.A. `English Students at Padua, 1460-1475.' Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1936. R. J. Mitchell, M.A. `The Art of A. E. Housman.' The Poetry Review, July-August 1936 (vol. xxviii, no. 4). A. C. Percival, M.A. `Fashionable Crazes of the Eighteenth Century; with special reference to their influence on art and commerce.' Journal of Royal Society of Arts, June 21st, 1935. C. L. A. Richardson. `Early Commercial Advertising in England (from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century).' Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, August 14th, 1936. C. L. A. Richardson. `Early Advertising in England.' Discovery, December 1936. C. L. A. Richardson. `The Emotional Wave.' A Radio 'thriller', broadcast from Western Regional, October 1st, 1936. C. L. A. Richardson. `The Treasure-House of Montacute.' A Radio dramatized Feature Programme, broadcast from Western Regional. February 6th, 1936. C. L. A. Richardson. `Towers and Sheep-Bells.' A Radio dramatized Feature Programme, broadcast from Regional. October 1st, 1936. C. L. A. Richardson. `The Hydrogen Bond and the Structure of Proteins.' Nature, vol. cxxxviii, October 3ist, 1936. D. M. Wrinch, M.A., D.Sc. `Structure of Proteins and of Certain Physiologically Active Compounds.' Nature, vol. cxxxviii, October loth, 1936. D. M. Wrinch. `On the Molecular Structure of Chromosomes.' Protoplasma, 1936, vol. xxv, no. 4. D. M. Wrinch.

APPOINTMENTS, 1936-7 Public Examiner in the Final Honour School of Modern Languages (Italian) in the University of Oxford, 1936-7. M. R. GLOVER, M.A., Moderator in the Pass School, University of Oxford. H. T. 1937—H. T. 1938. H. BUCHAN, B.LITT., Warden of Robertson Hall, University of Glasgow, 1936. R. J. DEAN, M.A., Instructor in Romance Languages, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, 1936. 0. D. BICKLEY, M.A.,


Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, Royal Holloway College, October 1936. v. C. MURRAY, M.A., Warden of University Hall, St. Andrews, Fife, October 1936. M. J. SARGEAUNT, B.A., Barn., Adviser to Women Students and Warden of Masson Hall, University of Edinburgh, September 1st, 1937• B. WATTS, B.A., Tutor in Drama for the University Extension Committee, University College of the South West, Exeter, October 1936. E. M. W. LAVINGTON, B.A.,

Secretary (Temporary) to the Assistant Commercial Attache, U.S.A. Embassy, 1936. W. ALDER-BARRETT, B.A., Deputy Librarian, Nottingham County Library, 1936. MRS. CHEETHAM (D. N. NEAL), M.A., Secretary to Lord Trent, Chairman of Boots, Ltd., 1937. N. I. CHMELNITZKY, B.A., History Mistress, Bingley Girls' Grammar School, 1936. D. CLEGG, B.A., History Mistress, Kirby Stephen Girls' Grammar School, September 1936. M. A. CLERK, B.A., Lecturer in Geography, St. Mary's Training College, Poona, 1936. J. M. DICK, M.A., Senior French Mistress, Wycombe High School, Bucks., 1937. K. M. EVANS, B.A., History and English Mistress, Tewkesbury High School for Girls, March, 1936. E. FACON, B.A., Classics Mistress, St. Brandon's School, Bristol, 1936. L. FALLAS, B.A., Language Mistress, Cheadle Hulme School, Cheshire (The Manchester Warehousemen and Clerk's Orphan School), 1936. H. M. FORTH, B.A., Assistant English Mistress (Temporary), Southendon-Sea High School, September 1936. M. I. FOSTER, B.A., Junior English Mistress, Polam Hall, Darlington, September 1936. M. H. GENT, B.A., Classics Mistress, Headington School, Oxford, September 1936. A. V. GORDON, B.A., Second English Mistress, Bridlington High School, 1936. P. M. M. GRAHAM, M.A., Assistant French Mistress, North London Collegiate School, September 1936. M. V. HALMSHAW, B.A., English Mistress, Thoresby High School, Leeds, September 1936. B.A., History Mistress, Ely High School, September 1936. F. W. HARE, B.A. Secretary, Froebel Society and Junior Schools' B. ILIFFE, B.A., Association. K. JACKSON, B.A., Area Organizer, Yorkshire Association of Girls' Clubs under National Council, September 1936. P. KIRKBY, B.A., Sister on Staff of St. Thomas's Hospital, 1936. A. LOMAX, B.A. Assistant Modern Language Mistress, Wyggeston Grammar School for Girls, Leicester, September 1936. , C. S. M. ABBOTT, B.A.,



Assistant Mistress, West Leeds High School,

September 1936. D. MADDOCK, B.A.,

English Mistress, Brigg High School, Lincs.,

September 1936. E. M. MITCHELL, B.A., Biology Mistress, Grammar School, Weymouth, 1936. N. MOLLER, M.A., Warden and Secretary at the London School of

Medicine for Women, September 1937. M. I. NOBLE, B.A., History Mistress, St. Michael's Lodge, Stoke, Devonport, September 1936. I. PALMER, Assistant Principal, Board of Education, April 1st, 1937. R. L. PHILLIPS, M.A., Senior English Mistress, County High School for Girls, Colchester, Essex. D. E. U. POPE, M.A., Secretary to the Professor of Forestry in the University of Oxford, 1937. M. REEVES, B.A., Junior French Mistress, Liverpool College for Girls, Huyton, September 1937. N. M. ROBERTS, B.A., Assistant English Mistress, Girls' Grammar School, Leigh, Lanes., September 1935. M. ROBERTSON, B.LITT., Organizing Secretary, Oxford University Women's Appointments Board, October 1937. E. M. M. ROBINSON, B.A., Assistant Classics Mistress, Solihull High School, September 1936. P. A. SMITH, B.A., Assistant French and Latin Mistress, Copthall County School, Mill Hill, N.W. 7, September 1936. A. N. STEVENSON, B.A., English Mistress, Stamford High School, September 1936. E. TANNER, B.A., Assistant History Mistress, Girls' High School, Ludlow, Shropshire, September 1936. E. M. TOSTEVIN, B.A., Secretary to the Assistant Director, Post Office, 1936. E. VOSPER, B.LITT.,

Associate Reference Supervisor, The National Archives, Washington, D.C. G. WATKINS, M.A., Senior French Mistress, George Dixon School for Girls, Birmingham, September 1937. G. M. WILLING, B.LITT., Senior French Mistress, King Edward's High School, Birmingham, September 1936. M. R. WILSON, B.A., Geography Mistress, Girls' High School, March, Cambridgeshire, September 1936. E. M. WORLEY, LA., Assistant History Mistress, Abbeydale Secondary School, Sheffield, September 1936.

NEWS OF SENIO MEM ILERS WHO WENT DOWN IN 1936 E. M. ALLUM, M. M. BURGESS, R. M. BUSHELL, W. M. CATLIN, J. CLIFFE, D. W. M. KEAST, M. E. LONG, M. E. E. McDOUGLE, K. I. TEASDALE, and E. K. WALLEN are reading for the Oxford Diploma in the Theory

and Practice of Education. 31

P. M. BRENTNALL, M. A. R. PARSONS, D. M. SHERWOOD, J. 0. STOVIN, S. L. STURGE, and B. J. THEOBALD are taking secretarial courses in

London. I. K. CARVER has been travelling. K. CLASSEN was married on March loth to Mr. W. R. Elliott. I.M. CORK has been appointed Theology Mistress at Burlington School for Girls, London, and Extra-mural Lecturer in Theology for Loughborough College (under the direction of Leicester University College). F. A. A. DEAS is training for missionary work at the College of the Ascension, Selly Oak. D. N. FINN is living at home. M. E. GIBBONS is working for the Social Science Diploma at the London School of Economics and is living at St. Margaret's Home, Bethnal Green. M. GREAVES is reading for the Oxford degree of B.Litt. D. D. HARRIS is training for House Property Management. P. K. HESKETH-WILLIAMS has been appointed Librarian, for two years, at St. Hugh's College, and is reading for the Oxford degree of B.Litt. R. E. HUNTER has been travelling. L. LOMAX is training at St. Thomas's Hospital. M. R. LovErr is living at home. I. A. L. MANGER is working for the Social Science Diploma at the London School of Economics. D. M. MOODY is taking a course of training at the College of Estate Management. J. M. MUNN-RANKIN is reading for the London degree of Ph.D. D. M. NIBLETT is working for the Oxford degree of B.Litt. J. M. PARKINSON is training for House Property Management. S. H. M. PATRICK is reading for the Oxford degree of B.Sc. M. M. PROSSER is reading for the Oxford Diploma and Certificate in Social Science. M. I. M. ROGER is engaged on statistical work for the National Employment Commission, Ottawa. A. A. L. SPRULES is taking a course of training in House Property Management. M. STEPHENSON is engaged in theatrical work. G. P. STRADLING is taking the Teachers' Training Diploma Course at the University of Manchester. A. A. M. WILSON has been appointed Appeal Secretary to the National Children's Home. C. P. YOUNG has been working for the Social Science Diploma at the London School of Economic and working at the Presbyterian Settlement at Poplar, but has had to give up this work for the present owing to ill-health. No news has been received from N. M. L. FIELD, S. MCKENZIE, and J. NEWMAN. 32

NEWS OF SENIOR MEMBE S has just returned to England after a year's work in two U.M.C.A. schools in Zanzibar diocese. M. G. ADAM was awarded a Junior British Scholarship by the British Federation of University Women, 1936-7. c. M. ADY has given three lectures on 'The rise and fall of an Italian Despotism' in a course on Italy in the Cinquecento given at the Institute of Education, Southampton Row, under the auspices of the Modern Language Society (Italian Committee). G. M. BAKER is Hon. Secretary of the South Wales Branch of the Association of Assistant Mistresses in Secondary Schools and also of the Cardiff Association of University Women. A. M. BELL is a Graduate Student in Philology at Radcliffe College, Harvard University. M. E. BONE has been a Probationer at the Radcliffe County Infirmary, Oxford, since August 1936. M. CARLETON is working for the degree of Ph.D. at Bristol University. M. CHALLANS has been appointed to a temporary post at the Sanatorium, Marlborough College, Wilts. A. CLARK is helping a friend to run a small riding school at Sedbergh, Yorks. M. CLARKSON is County Secretary to the Warwickshire Federation of Women's Institutes. M. COCHRANE is Assistant Organizer for the Nottingham Conservative Association. P. CRISP, was from September to December 1936 in Eastbourne in charge of foreign students visiting England, and from January 1937 has been tutor to two English girls. N. CUMMINS has a post in the Library of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, St. James's Square, W. 1. M. DALE has been since January 1937 Secretary to Mr. Michael Reynolds, Public Relations Officer, B.B.C. North Regional Offices, Manchester. M. DOVETON has completed her work for the B.Litt degree and has returned to Africa for three months' study in connexion with a survey in Kenya for the Social Studies Research Committee, Oxford University. E. H. DUTHOIT has resigned her post as Organizing Secretary to the South Shields Conservative Association to take training under the Octavia Hill scheme for Housing Estate Management. A. EBRARD is working for a degree at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. M. GODLEY iS Co-Principal with D. NEVILLE-ROLFE of the London House of Citizenship, 5 Bramham Gardens, S.W. 5, which opened in October 1936 with a full complement of resident students and 35 outside students. The lectures given at the school cover a wide range of subjects and are open to people of all ages who can take either the whole course or parts of it. D. C. ABDY


has left Fort St. John and is now studying for the Lambeth Diploma in Theology and lecturing for the Fellowship of the Maple Leaf. She will be at St. Christopher's College, Blackheath, for the summer term. M. A. GRANT'S name appeared in the Birthday Honours List for 1937 (0 .B .E. Civil Division). A. M. GRUTTER was from May to September 1936, Reader and Chairman's Secretary to Chapman & Hall, Ltd. From Jan. 1937 she has held a temporary teaching post in English at Bedford High School. M. HAIG has been giving a course of lectures on costumes and lighting at Morley College, Westminster. She is going to lecture in the early summer at the Educational Settlement in South Wales, of which Mr. and Mrs. Evans are co-wardens, on dramatic production. B. M. HAMILTON THOMPSON has during the past year lectured for the Historical Association at Bath, and has spoken for the Church Union at Leeds and Middlesbrough. P. HARDCASTLE was from August to October 1936 Classical proof reader at the University Press, Oxford. She has since then been doing a considerable amount of work in connexion with parliamentary by-elections and local elections in London. E. A. HEARN was called to the Bar on January z6th, 1937. She has been awarded a Lord Justice Holker Senior Scholarship of 200 a year for three years, and the Arden Scholarship for 1937 (ÂŁ15o a year for three years). C. HEDLEY resigned the Headmistress-ship of Chiswick County School for Girls in July 1936, and is travelling for a year, before settling down in a new home. M. HIRST has resigned her post at Maltman's Green, Gerrard's Cross, and is temporarily living at home. K. M. HOBBS is teaching history at St. George's College, Red Lion Square, W.C. 1, a college for preparing candidates for the Civil Service, &c. J. A. JOHNSTON is shortly retiring from the Headmistress-ship of Bussage House, Gloucester, and is going to live in the Cotswolds in a house designed by herself. J. LAPRAIK has been in India, for the cold weather, visiting friends. N. E. V. LAWRENCE is Senior Filing Assistant, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Millbank. C. LOVEDAY is studying philosophy at Glasgow University. M. L. LEE retired in 1936 from her post as English tutor to the Society of Oxford Home Students, after 40 years of University teaching. She still has Wychwood School to administer to which she hopes to devote much energy in the future. o. H. LISTER has illustrated What they Were (a history of children's dress) by M. Jackson. F. H. McCALL, after returning from New Zealand, where she had been Headmistress for ten years of the Wellington Diocesan School for Girls, has taken over a Folkestone school and re-established it at Eversley, Lymington, Hants. C. GOODENOUGH



St. Clare's School, Penzance, last year, and has taken over Danesfield, Walton-on-Thames, a large Private School of 15o girls. D. MARTIN-HURST has given up her post as Hospital Almoner under the L.C.C. for the present, owing to illness, but hopes to resume work again before the end of the year. E. A. V. MERCER came home in July 1936, after a journey round the world. R. J. MITCHELL is at present assistant librarian at the Nettleship Library, Oxford. M. MOORE left the Women's University, Poona, in March, and since then has been teaching at St. Andrew's High School for Indian Girls. She has helped to found at Poona a small hostel for Christain and other students in co-operation with the Missionary Settlement for University Women which has had for many years a hostel in Bombay. P. G. moss visited schools in Holland for a fortnight last year, mostly in the Hague and Amsterdam. The visit was arranged by the Board of Education and the British Embassy at The Hague. E. E. NAYLOR is Housing Assistant in the Hendon Borough Housing Council. B. M. NICKALLS is Chairman of the Bristol Branch of the National Union of Journalists for 1937-8 and is to be one of the three Delegates from Bristol at the Annual Delegates Meeting of the Union at Torquay in 1937. u. M. NIEBUHR is studying the doctrine of Salvation in early Patristic writings with a view to submitting a thesis for the Oxford B.D. degree. B. O'DONOVAN has been appointed to the Staff Reserve of the B.B.C., and is at present in the Training Department, where instruction is given on sound and electricity, technical apparatus, speech training, programme building, &c. M. PATTON has been playing at the Mercury Theatre in Panic. M. F. PERHAM is travelling in Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, and Sudan as Travelling Fellow of the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures, continuing her study of native administration. She expects to return to Oxford for the summer term in order to lecture. She is Vice-Chairman of the University Summer School in Colonial Administration for serving officers on leave, which is to be held at St. Hugh's in July. She has again suffered from malaria, and writes from hospital at Kampala, Uganda. E. PORTSMORE is training at the Institute of Almoners. E. M. C. PRIDEAUX is now a member of the Executive Committee of the Association of Headmistresses. M. P. REEKIE is on the advertising staff of the Illustrated London Group of Magazines. B. J. REEVE is Outdoor Worker in Oldham for the Manchester Diocesan Association for Preventive and Rescue Work. ETHEL REEVES is Personal Service Worker for the National Council of Social Service. 35

coaching, lecturing, and writing (including plays and Feature Programmes for the B.B.C.). She has also occasionally done broadcasting of talks. G. M. S. SIMEY has transferred from the Paddington to the Holborn Committee of the Charity Organization Society. M. L. SIMPSON is now a partner in Mrs. Hunter's Coaching Establishment, 68 Banbury Road, Oxford. B. M. SPARKS retired from the office of Principal of the Cheltenham Ladies' College in December 1936. E. J. SPARKS is working as a Secretary at the Iranian Legation in London. S. F. STALLMAN during 1936 acted as Exhibition and Appeal Secretary to the British School of Archaeology at Athens in connexion with the Exhibition illustrating British Archaeological discoveries in Greece and Crete, organized in celebration of its 5oth anniversary at the Royal Academy of Arts, London. C. M. STRADLING is Head of the office of the Oxford Society at Oxford. E. M. STRONG has just passed her medical final examinations (M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.). F. G. SUTTON has a year's leave of absence from the East and West Friendship Council to take up a temporary appointment as General Secretary, Y.W.C.A., Durban, Natal. L. SYMONDS has been since November 1936 Private Secretary to Dr. William Byam of Harley Street. P. TALBOT is reading for the Social Science certificate at the London School of Economics. D. TARRANT is Young Peoples' Club Leader at the Bristol University Settlement.


YATES SCHOLARSHIP IN THEOLS GY (Tenable at St. Hugh's College) r. Applications are invited for the Yates Scholarship in Theology from women who are graduates of any British University, and who can produce evidence of their fitness to read for the final Honour Examination in Theology of the University of Oxford.' 2. The Scholarship will be tenable from the first day of Michaelmas Term, 1937. When candidates are of equal merit, preference will be given to a candidate able to take the Final Honour Examination in one year. If the Scholar be required to devote two years to the prescribed Course the Scholarship will be renewable for a second year.2 The Course prescribed for Honours in Theology will be found in the Examination Statutes (from the Clarendon Press Depository, x x6 High Street, Oxford, price 3s. sod., post free). 2 A candidate who is already a graduate in Honours of the University of Oxford is, after the end of the fifteenth term from her Matriculation, 'overstanding for Honours' in any further Examination. A candidate who is a


3. The Scholar will be required, under the supervision of a Tutor, to follow the course prescribed for Honours in Theology, and, if not a member of the University of Oxford, to present herself for Matriculation. She will be required to reside in Oxford, and to dine in College not less than three times a week, during Term. 4. The Scholarship is of the value of £zoo, payable in three terminal instalments of 66 13s. 4d. on the first day of each Term. University Dues are £2 per term; Tuition Fees and College Establishment charge about £22 per term. The Scholar will be entitled to dine daily in Hall free of charge. 5. Should a Scholar marry she may be required to vacate her Scholarship. 6. Applications accompanied by two testimonials giving evidence of the candidate's qualifications for the prescribed Course, and the names of two persons to whom reference may be made, should reach the Principal on or before May 8th, 1937. Selected candidates may be required to present themselves later for interview.


is to be a Sale in St. Hugh's College on November 17th, 1. 1937, in aid of St. Margaret's House, and the Committee would be very grateful for contributions in money or kind (i.e. needlework, leatherwork, china, baskets, &c.) from any Senior Member who may be interested. Contributions should be sent to Miss Salt, St. Hugh's House, 8o Woodstock Road, Oxford.

CLARA EVELYN MORDAN SCHOLARS 1898 MARGARET MARY CRICK. 1902 ZOE EPPSTEIN. 1905 FRANCES MARY KNIPE. 1908 EDITH MARY LINTON. 1912 MURIEL LUCY POTTER. 1918 ELIZABETH NADA HORA. 1921 MARGARET JOYCE PATERSON. 1924 MARY GWENDOLEN WATKINS. 1927 WINIFRED ALICE PRONGER. 1930 MARY GRACE MILNER. 1934 NAOMI PAPPEROVITCH. graduate of another University, and has been granted Senior Status, may qualify for the Oxford B.A. by taking a Final Honour Examination and residing for not less than six terms, and will be 'classed'. The conditions on which a graduate in Theology is subsequently eligible for the B.D. and D.D. degrees will be found in the Examination Statutes (see note I, p. 36).









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