St Hugh's College, Oxford - Chronicle 1937-1938

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CHRONICLE I 9 3 7-3 8 Number lo


ANNIE MARY ANNE HENLEY ROGERS Master of Arts, Honorary Fellow of St. Hugh's College ; Tutor of the College, 1886-1922 ; Member of the Council, 1896-1925,1926-38 ; Custos Hortulorum, 1927-38





THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary,1933-8:

MISS C. M. ADY Editor of the Chronicle, 1937-8:

MRS. M. D. LOBEL, i6 Merton Street, Oxford






3 5 6 7 7 Io




















1937 .

28 31 36 37 38 39 42 43 46




Council BARBARA ELIZABETH GWYER, M.A., Principal. DOUGLAS VEALE, M.A., Fellow of Corpus Christi, Chairman. EDITH ELIZABETH WARDALE, M.A., Hon. Fellow. ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARGERY FREDA PERHAM, M.A., Research Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Official Fellow. EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Official Fellow. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT, M.A., Official Fellow. CECILIA MARY ADY, M.A., Research Fellow. MARY REAVELEY GLOVER, M.A., Official Fellow. DAISY EMILY MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., Official Fellow. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, M.A., Official Fellow, Secretary

to the




Principal B. E. GWYER, M.A.

Tutors French. English Literature. History. Philosophy. Vice-Principal, English Language. A. HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT. Politics and Economics. Classics. D. H. F. GRAY, M.A. 0. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in Let- Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian. tere (Genoa) E. A. FRANCIS, M.A. M. E. SEATON, M.A., F.R.S.L. E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A., F.R.HIST.S. M. R. GLOVER, M.A. D. E. MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A.

Assistant Tutor Science.

M. G. ADAM, B.A.

Lecturer D. M. WRINCH (MRS.), M.A., D.SC.



Librarian (temporary) P. K. HESKETH-WILLIAMS,


Warden of St. Hugh's House S. F. SALT.

Principal's Secretary M. FOWLE.

Assistant Bursar M. J. MACLAGAN.

REPORT OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION, '937 rpHE twelfth Annual Meeting of the Association was held in the Mordan Hall, St. Hugh's College, on Saturday, June 19th, 1937, the Principal in the Chair. The Chairman, in her statement on the events of the year, spoke of the resignation of Sir Richard Livingstone from the Chairmanship of the Council and the election as his successor of Mr. Douglas Veale, Registrar of the University; and reported other elections to the Council and College awards. The result of a contested election by the Association of a member of Council was reported. Miss H. E. Fiedler received sixty-four votes and was declared elected. Miss F. Robinson received fortyfive votes, and Miss J. M. Hussey twenty-nine votes. Mrs. Lobel was elected as Editor of the Chronicle. It was agreed to send the thanks of the Association to Miss Hamilton Thompson for her work as Editor during the past seven years. Notice was given of a College Gaudy which it is proposed to hold in 1939, and for which invitations will be sent to all members of the Association, and of St. Hugh's Club. Miss Wardale gave a delightful account of Miss Moberly, as first Principal of the College. She laid stress on her gaiety of spirit and many interests, showing from her own experience as a student, and afterwards as Vice-Principal, how greatly Miss Moberly had contributed towards the development of the College in its early days. The following members were present : The Chairman The Hon. Sec. K. Coburn H. E. Fiedler L. Fisher M. Fowle P. Hartnoll

M. Irving B. L. Lefroy W. M. Mammatt M. J. Pain A. C. Percival E. S. Procter F. Randolph

M. C. Robertson S. F. Salt M. E. Seaton C. M. Stradling E. M. Talbot G. Thorneycroft P. M. Trotman E. E. Wardale C. M. ADY (Hon. Sec.).


N event of sad significance for St. Hugh's occurred in Oxford


in October, the death of Miss Rogers, our Custos Hortulorum, Honorary Fellow and formerly Tutor in Classics to the College, and for forty-six years a member of the Council. Miss Rogers met with an accident in St. Giles', which she was crossing on a dark, rainy night on her way to a meeting of the Archaeological Society, and died early the next morning without recovering consciousness. She is commemorated on other pages of this number and I will not attempt to say here how much we have lost through the death of this firm friend and counsellor whose love for the College expressed 7

itself in many ways, most of all in her fostering care of the garden. A great responsibility devolves upon us in the duty of maintaining its reputation. The Gardens Committee has been enlarged and Miss Procter, designer of the terrace, who has been appointed to act as its secretary and convener, may be trusted to keep our activities up to the mark. A committee of Senior Members of the University, of which I am Chairman, is raising funds for a memorial garden in the ground north of St. Mary's Church, and the Hon. Treasurer, Miss Burrows, 47 Woodstock Road, is glad to receive donations from friends and admirers of Miss Rogers. A College Memorial is under consideration. The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to our Visitor gave keen pleasure to us all. In these days such dauntless faith, courage, sincerity, and sense of justice as Lord Cecil's are rare, and a tonic indeed to all who are honoured by any association with him. The most important event in the University has been the passing of the Statute providing for the Nuffield College. The choice of the architect and the appointment of the first Warden are matters now under consideration, and all hope that these critical decisions may be made during the term of office of Dr. Lindsay, in consultation with whom Lord Nuffield formulated his great project. Dr. Lindsay's Vice-Chancellorship will be long remembered as a period of sound development during which his powers of devotion and judgement have found full scope. Notices of the University Appeal over his signature were sent out to members of the Association in January, and I take this opportunity of reminding you of the University's needs, as set out by him, and of all we owe to it ourselves. The retirement from the Council of Sir Richard Livingstone owing to pressure of other work was much regretted. But the election of the Registrar as Chairman in his place is matter for strong congratulation. Mr. Veale's experience is unique, and his sympathy and devotion to our interests are already amply proved. We look forward to fruitful development under his chairmanship. Mr. C. S. Orwin, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, has been co-opted as an Extraordinary Member. We have already had occasion to thank him for advice about plants and shrubs, and above all on the still unsolved question of the permanent lay-out of the area east of the Moberly Library—a question now being tackled anew and with good hope of ultimate success. Miss Fiedler's election was also received with much pleasure. Miss Leishman's period of appointment under Dr. Lee's Professor having ended in 1936, she accepted for September 1937 an important appointment at St. Swithun's School, Winchester. The College was very sorry to lose so excellent a tutor and Official Fellow. Miss Bickley's election to an Official Fellowship and tutorship-in—Modem Languages is a great satisfaction, expressing as it does recognition of the work she has done in the College and University since she became the first Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian six years ago. This title she retains and it is our hope that Italian studies in Oxford 8

may long have the advantage of her presence. Miss M. G. Adam, B.A., formerly Scholar of the College and now Research Assistant in the University Observatory, has been appointed Assistant Tutor in Science. Miss Adam was awarded a Second Class in Honour Mathematical Moderations in 1932 and a First Class in Physics in 1934; held a Senior Scholarship at Lady Margaret Hall 1935-7 and a B.F.U.W. Junior British Scholarship in 1936, and has been working at Astrophysics under the Savilian Professor of Astronomy, Professor Plaskett, since 1935. The Senior Common Room lost Miss Perham for the Hilary Term, during her further travels in East Africa, and the Bursar for the Michaelmas Term, which she spent in the U.S.S.R. on a tour lasting five months, a term's leave of absence having been offered to her by the Council after her strenuous labours of 1936-7. Since her return Miss Thorneycroft has delighted several audiences with her account of what is to be seen in the U.S.S.R. to-day by an ordinary visitor. She met with the friendliest reception and looks forward to another stay. The Library, its appointments, and system of mangement continue to excite unstinted admiration. Miss Procter's work as Hon. Librarian and the specialized technique and organizing ability of our temporary Librarian, Miss Hesketh-Williams, have now brought it to a high level of efficiency, and its growing importance has caused the Council to decide on appointing a full-time Officer to take the whole responsibility from October 1st next. A large special grant for books, provided by the Council on the completion of the Moberly block, and now being spent in annual instalments, together with the normal terminal expenditure, makes each year's intake not less than 500 volumes. Gifts and bequests, some of which are recorded on another page, have also swelled the total during the present academic year, and have kept the Librarian fully occupied. May I conclude by offering you my best wishes as Editor of the Chronicle? We have learnt to depend a great deal on the Editor for supplying an annual work of reference convenient for many purposes; and the high standard of accuracy attained by your predecessors is known to be very safe in your hands. The work is by no means a sinecure and we are very grateful to the Senior Member who undertakes it. Yours sincerely, B. E. GWYER.

PS. It will be of interest to those who knew our first Principal that her privately printed and circulated work, an interpretation of the Book of Revelation, is now being brought out serially in The Church and the yews, the quarterly edited by Dr. P. P. Levertoff. The January number is of especial interest not only on account of this, but as announcing the first International Conference, in London, April 20-22, of the Jewish-Christian Union. Miss Moberly's deep interest in the Hebrew Christian Church, its liturgy, history, and


hopes, all her friends will remember, and rejoice in this the firstfruits of the many prayers offered by her and others for the progress of its cause. March, 1938.

S ME P OCEEDINGS OF THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE, 1937-8 elections of 1937 were as follows: To the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship, Miss J. M. Hussey, B.Litt., M.A., Ph.D. London, Pfeiffer Fellow of Girton College. Miss Hussey with the leave of the Committee withdrew on her appointment as Lecturer in History at the Victoria University, Manchester, and Miss M. A. Beese, B.Litt., M.A., was then elected. Miss Beese has been admitted to the status of Advanced Student and is working for the D.Phil. degree on 'Mary, Countess of Pembroke, and the Arcadian tradition in English prose fiction'. To the Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholarship, Miss M. L. Cunningham, B.A., Lady Margaret Hall. Miss Cunningham was awarded L First Class in Honour Moderations in 1935 and a Second Class in Literae Humaniores in 1937. She is working for the B.Litt. degree on some passages in Aeschylus. In the absence of other candidates Miss D. M. Niblett, B.A., was elected a second time to the Moberly Senior Scholarship, and is continuing her work on 'A study of the significance and variations in meaning and usage of certain important terms of literary criticism during the period from the late seventeenth to the late eighteenth century' for the B.Litt. degree. Grants from the John Gamble Fund for Research were approved for: Miss R. J. Dean, M.A., Advanced Student, for travelling expenses in connexion with her work on Anglo-Norman MSS. Miss R. J. Mitchell, M.A., B.Litt., sometime Elizabeth Wordsworth Student, for expenses of publication of her book on John Tiptoft, by Messrs. Longmans. Miss M. Greaves, B.A., for expenses in connexion with her study of The Life and Work of Robert Rage.




ISS MOBERLY'S retirement from the Principalship of St. Hugh's in 1916 was no doubt the real close of the first chapter in the history of the college; her death twenty-one years later in May of last year at the advanced age of 90, which may be said to have ended a long postscript to it, sent one's thoughts back to the chapter itself and especially to the beginning of it. Often when I sat talking with Miss Moberly in her house in Norham Road during the last I0

months of her life, and still more when I listened to the words of the Burial Service on May 7th, my mind went back with a sad pleasure to dwell on that beginning, on the days when I first knew her, when she came in her full vigour and with all her social gifts to be the first Principal of the newly-opened Hall. It was no easy task which she had undertaken, for she had to combine in her own person the offices of Vice-Principal, Bursar, and Secretary as well as that of Principal; nevertheless she took up the work with courage. While never a good housekeeper, in other ways she was perhaps specially well fitted by her earlier life for a post of such mixed professional and social duties. Having been equally familiar with the atmosphere of a great public school and the more varied one of a bishop's palace, she understood both the importance of her students' work and the undesirability of allowing that work to become unduly absorbing, and she did all she could to prevent the latter. All students of those early days will remember how she threw herself into the social life of the Hall as well as upholding its intellectual interests; how she led the liveliest talk at mealtimes; how her eyes lighted up at anything which appealed to her keen sense of humour; with what unwearying vigour she played for our dances and the energy with which she conducted her band gathered from the several Women's Societies. We were an intimate little party in those days. When one breakfasts, lunches, dines, and often has tea in the same company of ten or twelve people for the seven days of twenty-four weeks in the year, one gets to know and understand those companions rather well, especially one of them of such outstanding personality as the Principal, and I think we were all aware of her guiding influence at the time. Now, however, seen through the long vista of the years it stands out with greater clearness and its direction shows itself more distinctly. I see now what she did for us, how she widened our lives and provided the right atmosphere for our work. It was, I think, Miss Moberly's social charm which first drew students to her, and when they found her ready to sympathize with them and to understand their difficulties, the links were strengthened, but what riveted them most firmly were her Sunday evening lectures. Well read as she was on general lines, it was theology which appealed most to her religious nature and for this she learnt Hebrew. The Sunday evening lectures with their combination of learning and mysticism had a rare attraction for many and left a lasting impression on them. Miss Moberly was not, of course, always thus full of life and enthusiasm. She had other moments. A firm supporter of the movement for the admission of women to degrees, she entered fully into the difficulties of their actual position at the time in Oxford, and she was, at times, perhaps unnecessarily anxious and afraid lest we should offend against old traditions and so hinder the progress of the movement; she was also often troubled about finance. But such anxieties were largely kept to herself, though a later Vice-Principal II

might be allowed sometimes to share them. To me, as a student, and I believe to others, Miss Moberly appeared as a highly gifted and cultivated woman, of unusually strong family feeling; keenly alive to beauty of all kinds but specially to that of thought and sound, she herself played the piano extremely well. A delightful talker with a ready perception of anything humorous, she was excellent company for all, and she found herself easily at home in the mental and social atmosphere of a University. Through her connexions in Oxford she was able to take her right place as the head of a college, but she was ready at the same time to use all her gifts and accomplishments for the benefit of St. Hugh's. She was a strong Churchwoman of moderate views; in other matters her opinions were equally definite and what one might call cautiously progressive, for she was curiously diffident sometimes about acting upon them. Probably her particular work was done when she retired. As numbers increased her method of government, so successful in the infancy and early years of St. Hugh's, had become outgrown, and she was right in committing to younger hands the charge of the community she had built up with such care. But to her remains the credit of the building, of having created a college out of a little group of students. Such was our first Principal, by whom the foundations of the future college were indeed well and truly laid. E. E. W .

[Editorial Note: Miss Moberly's death occurred when the 1937 issue of the Chronicle was already in the Press. A specially printed Obituary was sent out with it, but there was no time for her friends to pay further tribute to her memory. We therefore include the above in this number.]

ANNIE GE S (Reprinted by permission of The Oxford Magazine) N August 23, 1873, a report in The Times on the Oxford Local Examinations of that year remarks on 'an interesting question' raised by the name which headed the Senior list: `Certain Exhibitions are offered to successful candidates by Balliol and Worcester College. The question is thus raised as to the admission of women to University residence, examinations and degrees.' A romantic experience for the girl of seventeen—`a daughter of Mr. Rogers, Tooke Professor of Political Economy at King's College' —to have evoked this fantastic idea! Miss Rogers—I think there can be no one left now in the University who used any more intimate address—was the last survivor of the Big Three of the women's movement. With an inheritance and traditions wholly different from those of Mrs. Johnson and Miss Wordsworth, she added to their gifts, complementary to her own and not less essential to its success, a backbone of sagacious foresight



and organizing ability which were a tower of strength to supporters. She was fortunate in her parents and undoubtedly inherited from Professor Thorold Rogers her tough, stalwart Liberal opinions, forceful disposition, and intellectual powers, though his influence upon her character was perhaps less than that of her mother, to whom she was deeply devoted. After Mrs. Rogers's death in 1899 she lived alone, and save for regular holidays in Italy in company with some close friend, the University and its affairs became her exclusive interest. She had been since 1879 a member of the Council of the Association for the Education of Women, had successfully promoted a movement for the recognition of the Home-Students as a separate body in 1887, and on the resignation of Mrs. Johnson followed her as secretary to the A.E.W. in 1894. In that year also she became a member of the Committee of St. Hugh's Hall. She was, therefore, to use her own phrase 'in the thick of it' when the A.E.W. in 1895-6 committed itself to the move for the degree. Miss Rogers's narrative of this abortive effort and of the successful defeat of an attempt to sidetrack its leaders into acceptance of a special women's Diploma instead of the B.A., had always a flavour of 'out in '45' ; it was then she measured her task, noted who were 'friendly' (a word of peculiar significance on her lips), and proceeded to organize her forces for a later assault. Twenty-five years later 'with dignity and with generosity' the University opened its gates, perhaps more completely than women themselves had dared to hope. The watchful eye of Miss Rogers had now to concentrate on minor strongholds of resistance within the surrendered town; her busy pen to urge more active exploitation of the victory, more courting of opportunity. Thus in her eighty-second year the project of the Nuffield College found her still alive to danger, and a letter full of pertinent query was sent to head-quarters on the day it was announced. Her whole life and activity, therefore, were devoted to the interests of women in her father's and her own University; she never felt the least attraction towards a wider sphere. To her Oxford was all; and even in the War period, whatever happened, her chief concern was always the effect it had or might have on the University. This absorption was protective; so long as Oxford stood, adapting itself in its own characteristic tortuous style to every new development or shock, and offering still some peaks, few or many, to be conquered by her sex, she retained sanity, resolution, happiness—disturbed only by occasional infiltrations from Cambridge, of which place she cherished undying suspicion. Few of Oxford's adaptations can have been more quaintly tortuous than that of the period 1878-19 ro, preceding the institution of the Delegacy for Women Students. Year by year women were taking University Examinations, members of the University were lecturing to and instructing them, and they were openly alluded to in moments of exaltation as 'honoured guests'. Meanwhile the book of Statuta annually republished its statement that no one who was not a member of the University could be admitted to its examinations, and feminine



candidates for the same were subintroductae through the medium of the Local Examinations Delegacy in Merton Street. Unique the triumph for Miss Rogers when the 'stage secret', now thirty-two years old, was exchanged for open recognition and ten years after for full membership of the University—outcome in part, as she always allowed, of the great advance made by women in all spheres during the War. The three phases of the movement, and the transitions from one to the other, in each of which she had been a leading figure, gave to Miss Rogers unrivalled knowledge of University Statutes (which, it was said in an after-dinner speech, she 'savoured with the voluptuousness of an artistic sensation'), immensely enhanced experience of working with the responsible officers of the University, and a highly critical attitude towards her own sex as coadjutors in the great enterprise now crowned with success. More than one factor contributed to this attitude, which was no doubt reciprocated by those who had earned it. The growing solidarity and strength of the Women's Halls tended to contract the sphere of her influence; and frail human nature, whether inside or outside those precincts, responds not always with meekness to intimations of belonging to the vast undifferentiated mass of persons to whom one may safely be rude. Not that distinctions of this kind ever existed for Miss Rogers! She was a thorough realist, under no temptation to figure anything as larger or smaller than life; she knew, too, that what passes on this planet can generally be stated in terms of, generally perhaps in fact exemplifies, the contest for power; and that this is particularly true of collegiate societies, where the autocrat is by definition the enemy. She was herself no autocrat and, a true daughter of the University to which she belonged, detested the breed; but in what serves for machinery among self-governing communities—the preparation of business, the calculation of forces, the collecting of votes—in all this she was supreme, at times confounding the 'friendly' as well as opponents by the success of her manoeuvres—for which, since they were mitigated by a certain naive transparency, 'intrigue' is too harsh a word. The fact is that Miss Rogers, a woman of flawless health and spirits, who knew as little of diffidence or of hesitation as she did of headaches, had the temperament which finds its happiest fulfilment in the vicissitudes of a long campaign; and she maintained always— in moments both of progress and the reverse—that her own wisdom at least was wholly justified of its child. Inevitably, therefore, the society about her divided itself into 'friends' and the Opposition. Among the former Professor Geldart stood always supreme. It was in the garden of St. Hugh's, on the Governing Body of which she sat for forty-two years, that Miss Rogers, a more or less contented Cincinnatus, spent the greater part of her last decade, and she was certainly as proud of being its Custos Hortulorum as of the Honorary Fellowship to which the College elected her on the occasion of its Jubilee. Her genius for gardening has given to this beloved angulus terrarum a rare pre-eminence for the uncommon variety of '


its scene, its choice collection of flowers and shrubs, and its famous terrace, blazing each May into ever more diversified and brilliant beauty. To this interest she postponed all others, even the book Degrees by Degrees, of which many of her friends have heard diverting passages, and publicity for which is long overdue. It has been stated that she was 'not a great teacher'. I do not think she would have aspired to that adjective, but she was certainly a good one. How delightfully, too, the ruling passion disengaged itself from her instruction! Famous lines in Greek poetry would evoke judicious comment : 'This is regarded as an exceptionally fine passage.' But Livy or Cicero brought 'It doesn't matter at all whether this was ever said; what you have to note is the qualities expected of a public man.' Observe here an analysis of the way things get done.' Moreover, as Dame Elizabeth put it in 193o, 'There may come a time in life when we cease to care very much about Greek prepositions and the "cases" they govern—a time when we are not quite clear about the Punic Wars—a time when we almost forget about Delegacies, Boards of Faculties, Education Committees and the like—but there never comes a time when we are not thankful for a drop of humanheartedness, and we always felt, there it was, in Miss Rogers!' It is her pupils who know best the worth of that human-heartedness, and will never forget what we owe to it. To those most intimate with her another aspect of her character stands out very clearly and in strong contrast to her wears as a politician. She was a perfect hostess and the best of comforters in sorrow, when a tact, a gravity, a tenderness —Christian sympathy at its highest—in rich measure supported and calmed her friends. Those friends need not mourn over the quick close of a life so full of buoyant energy and congenial activity, crowned by achievement with recognition in the sphere where most she valued it. They will rather thank God for work well and G. truly done.



AY I ask for a little space in the Chronicle in which to express something of what I feel that all we members of St. Hugh's College owe to Miss Rogers, whether in common with other women members of this University or, in special, as members of this College ? Among the various Obituary Notices of her which have appeared some are deeply appreciative and satisfying. I am not therefore attempting here to add anything to them; I am writing from a different and particular point of view, to emphasize the extent of our indebtedness to her. Appreciative as some of these notices are, I do not think that any one has spoken quite strongly enough of the part Miss Rogers played in the long effort to obtain admission for women to membership of the University. To my mind we owe more to her than to any other



individual among our many good friends in those early days. Far be it from me to undervalue for a moment all that was done by such people as Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Dame (then Miss) Elizabeth Wordsworth, Mr. Arthur Sidgwick, Mr. Grose, Mr. Nagel, and later so successfully by Professor Geldart, to mention a few only whom I knew personally; but none of these could devote themselves so wholeheartedly to the matter, all had other claims on their time and thoughts, some did not live so long, others only joined the movement later. For nearly fifty years I have had the privilege of watching Miss Rogers's work. If, as one notice has very truly said, the movement was the centre of her life, it is equally true that she during nearly all that time was the centre of the movement, not always, certainly, working in harmony with all her colleagues, but following out the line she had mapped out for herself with unwavering determination and undaunted courage. And she was admirably fitted for the work by her special gifts. She had the farsightedness of the true statesman, the clearness of thought of the lawyer, and she acted always on her own maxim, that in a fight it is essential to study the enemy's point of view, in order to foresee how he will react to any given step. When the first application for the admission to the degree failed in 1896, Miss Rogers did not allow herself to be discouraged, but took up her work again at once with undiminished zeal and thus led the way for the final successful effort of Professor Geldart and Mr. Stocks. I feel, therefore, that I am fully justified in saying that it is to her and to her persistency in the first place that we owe our present position as members of this University. It has been her happy lot to have seen the great purpose of her life attained and to have lived long enough afterwards to realize that the work to which she had thus devoted herself was developing in a manner to justify her efforts. But we of St. Hugh's are indebted to her for more. How many realize that to her we owe our greatest benefactress and that, therefore, through her we have now not only our beautiful garden but the greater part of our building ? She was always a good friend to us in those early days when the struggling Hall had need of friends and their support, and when Miss Mordan came to Oxford to see where and how she could best help on the Women's Movement there, it was Miss Rogers who directed her attention to us. Thus it was through her that at a crucial moment in our history we received from Miss Mordan the first legacy which enabled us to move from our cramped position in Norham Gardens to our present roomy site, and through her also that on the death of Miss Gray Allen, to whom Miss Mordan had left a large share of her property for her lifetime, we received the second, which allowed of our expansion. Thus it was through Miss Rogers in the first place and her goodwill and faith in St. Hugh's that we gained the possibility of development, which under an enterprising Principal and Council enabled us to grow rapidly and provide suitable buildings for the increasing numbers. 16

Of the garden, which in itself we thus owe to her, it is unnecessary for me to say much. All who have been back of late years must be familiar with the sight of her wandering about, directing the gardeners, and showing her treasures or giving of them to other flowerlovers. She had always been a keen gardener in the early days when she lived in St. Giles' and had only a narrow strip behind her house to cultivate, but after she had given up teaching and had more leisure, she found an outlet for her energies at St. Hugh's. Her love of flowers and her feeling for line and colour all found expression in her work there, and what was already a fine garden with well-grouped trees developed under her care into one which in its planning and in the variety and arrangement of its flowers is unsurpassed in Oxford. Of what many of us owe to her individually it is impossible to speak adequately. Many of us could cite instance after instance of kindness of all sorts, for behind the often stern fighter there was always the generous, warm-hearted woman, who was ever ready with a word of encouragement in difficulties, of congratulation in success, and of sympathy in sorrow, especially in family sorrow, for, devoted to her own Mother, she well understood the strength of domestic ties. I should like to end with a little anecdote which, though it does not strictly belong to my theme, fills in the picture of her as we knew her in those early times. When in 1896 the debate was going on over the admission of women to degrees, she with, I believe, Mrs. Poole was sitting up in the Office at the top of the Clarendon Building, choosing the material for a dress. In those days she was not indifferent to dress and she took a lively and sometimes embarrassing interest in that of other people, showing, perhaps, in this something of the same quality which manifested itself in a more exalted sphere in the way in which she filled her house with beautiful objects of all kinds and planned and arranged her garden. E. E. W.

WOMEN IN JOURNALISM rjr HEORETICALLY, journalism in England is one of the pro." fessions to-day which provides equal opportunities for men and for women. Practically speaking, however, it is harder for the average woman to become a member of the reporting staff of an English daily paper—national or provincial—than it is for the camel to get through the proverbial needle's eye. After that remark, let me explain that there is journalism—and journalism. There are plenty of people who contribute regular or casual articles to papers and magazines of every type who call themselves journalists, but I am concerned here only with the staff 'journalist' who rarely uses that title at all because he—or she—is a reporter, sub-editor, feature writer, and so on. The National Union of Journalists, which is the largest organization of working journalists in the world, lays down as its primary condition of membership that every applicant shall 17

be earning a living by journalism and shall have been engaged in doing so for at least a year before applying for probationary membership. The Union, which is the only body which has agreements with the proprietors regulating the wages and conditions of those working on the editorial side of the newspaper industry, makes no distinction between the sexes. Its agreements insist on equal pay for men and women, and women are equally eligible with men to hold office and to claim benefits in it. Yet out of a total membership of 6,223 for 1936 there were only 215 woman journalists included. Take that figure, 215, as a start, and you will probably find that at least twothirds of these women are engaged on 'Woman's Page' work. They are Woman's Page Editors, social writers, and so on, and they deal exclusively with features concerning such subjects as cookery and dress, which are designed only for women, and cover only engagements of a social nature. There is certainly a definite, if limited, opening for women in this branch of journalism, but once you are in it you can very rarely get out of it. If you have a taste for the latest fashions, or a flair for cookery—well then, you may be happy. If, on the other hand, you are not particularly 'domesticated', you will find that the work may become what has been described as a 'deadly drudgery'. Now let's turn to 'real journalism', and by that I mean the gathering of news, which, after all, is the main object of any paper. Every one's ambition, naturally, is to get to Fleet Street. I've not been there, but I know enough to be able to say that there are a handful of women staff reporters working on the national papers in London. The majority of them are pretty well known, because they sign their stories. Margaret Lane made a big name for herself on the Daily Mail, and every one in journalism to-day has heard of Hilda Marchant of the Express, Phyllis Davies of the Daily Mail, and Louise Morgan of the News-Chronicle. People I know there have told me, however, that it is extraordinarily difficult for a woman to get on to a Fleet Street paper without either influence—of various sorts—to give her a start, or the ability to work for months 'on space'—and there are few people who can hang on for long without a pay-packet on Friday. Then turn to the provinces. There are remarkably few women staff reporters (I'm leaving free lances out of the argument) in any of the big towns. For instance, I believe there is only one in Manchester and none in Birmingham. In Bristol, where the Union has a membership varying between 90 and 100, and where there are three local papers, there are only three women members. One is a Woman's Page Editor, and the other two—myself and a girl on my rival evening paper—are reporters. (I might add 'curiously enough', judging by the scarcity of 'newspaper women' in other big centres.) As for sub-editors: well, women 'subs.' are practically non-existent. What is the reason why women are not getting a 'break' on the news side as reporters ? Well, partly, I believe, tradition and the natural dislike that men have for women poaching on what has always been 18

regarded as a man's preserve. Partly, perhaps, the idea that the average man has, even in these days, that women ought to be protected from the more seamy side of life. A News Editor explained to me the other day that he heartily disliked the idea of sending a girl of i8 to the police court where eventually she was bound to hear some of the more unpleasant cases that come up before the magistrates—but then, if she doesn't start young, when is she to start? The fault, however, I fancy, very often lies with the women themselves. Unless you are prepared to take the rough with the smooth, you may as well stay at home. You've got to be ready to work at all sorts of curious hours, to scrap any social engagements you may ever make, to mix with all sorts of people from navvies to peers, to turn out in all sorts of weather, and ruin all sorts of clothes. That may sound exciting. It is—sometimes. And sometimes—like every other job—it is boring, monotonous, and trivial. If you could choose what work you did as a reporter, then probably the average woman might be more successful. But you can't. You do what the Chief Reporter tells you, and it's most certainly not yours to reason why. Actually, of course, if you are earning the same pay as a man it's no good pleading privilege to get out of an unpleasant job. Women have got to realize that before they become reporters at all. Other people may be able to suggest better reasons, but there is no doubt that the fact remains unaltered. Although many women in England have proved themselves to be as capable at news-reporting as men, and sometimes even more so, at the moment women are not getting a chance to make good in the profession. Do they want to? Well, judging by the number of people who have told me my job must be a very interesting one, presumably they do. Would they like it if they got it? Well, I can only say I do. I think they would, if they were the right type of person. If you have a news-sense—and that is the most essential qualification for any reporter—`getting a story' can be a very exciting job indeed. Then your work as a whole will take you out and about amidst a wide variety of people, and you'll find that you'll learn by degrees the right way to tackle them. B. N.

IN THE U.S.S.R. FTAHANKs to the kindness of the Council in granting me leave of

-IL absence for Michaelmas Term I was able to spend five months in the Soviet Union. And this was a most exhilarating experience. I travelled through many parts of the country: from Leningrad to Moscow; to Gorky (Nijni Novgorod) on the Volga; by steamer down the Volga to Stalingrad; to Rostov-on-the-Don; into the Caucasus mountain country to Kislovodsk where I spent three weeks in delightful country; by road over a pass in the Caucasus to Tiflis; to Baku on the Caspian Sea; by air over the Caucasus from Tiflis to Erivain near Mount Ararat and the Persian border; to Batum on the Black Sea; by steamer along the Black Sea coast to Yalta and 19

Sevastopol; to Kharkov and Kiev in the Ukraine and back to Moscow. Trains now run well to time, and travel everywhere is very clean and comfortable and in spite of long journeys never tedious, for the Russians are very good travelling companions. Some of the most interesting things I saw I stumbled on by accident. In Baku I happened to go one evening to the large Park of Culture and Rest and found that a special children's evening was in progress. The park and everything in it was free to them. There were thousands there and such a variety of good healthy entertainments—bands, concerts, displays, games, dancing, cinema, fireworks. It is impossible to enumerate all the attractions. Sometimes the children were spectators, sometimes they took part. No one was marshalling them about. There was no sign of any one keeping order. It was good to see these thousands of independent, well-behaved young people choosing their entertainments and amusing themselves. It is difficult to describe the spirit of the evening. There was plenty of noise, the children were all thoroughly enjoying themselves, and no one seemed to be spoiling any one else's enjoyment. Another evening in Erivain I went into a Workers' Club and asked if I might see something of it. The next evening happened to be the opening night of the season and I was invited to go. The club was not large. About 600 members with their wives and families were there. (Family life is very strong in the Soviet Union; almost all clubs make provision for the whole family.) They wandered about in the garden, talked, played games, danced, and listened to music. Later there was a formal opening of the club and a very good short concert and play given by well-known artists. I could not follow the play, which was given in Armenian, but it was interesting to see the audience and share the general enjoyment. Again by chance I heard that the children of a Moscow House of Culture were preparing a ballet and when I asked about it was at once invited to go and see it. And very delightful it was. Most of the music and dances were the work of the children themselves. The story of the ballet was simple, and the dances were well within their powers. The whole was well done and simply staged. A winter public holiday was a rather different and quite a new experience for me. December 5th was a special holiday. There were processions and demonstrations in different parts of Moscow in the morning. In the afternoon and evening the streets were full of people and in several of the large squares enormous crowds were watching various kinds of entertainments. Neither audience nor performers took any notice of snow falling. Bands travelled round on lorries and played in different places and people danced. Almost every one in Russia dances and national dances are very popular. On another occasion in Tiflis I happened to go to the Children's Theatre on the opening night. I could not buy a ticket, but a seat was found for me. The theatre was not quite ready when I arrived and I was asked to wait on the stairs with a jolly little boy who 20

was told off to take me to my seat as soon as it was ready. Below in the large hall six or seven hundred children were waiting. The noise was terrific but there was no disorder. My young guide was sent off to deliver a message. While he was away a bell rang and in a flash a cheering mass of children was surging up the stairs past me. With a deafening noise but with no confusion the children all found their seats and as soon as a gong sounded for the curtain to rise there was immediate silence. The play was an exciting one about the Spanish situation. It was in Georgian and I could not understand any of the words, but the children's reactions made the story very clear. In the intervals the children go to the playrooms and the buffet, rush around and make a great noise, but no one interferes with them unless there is any sign of trouble brewing. There are very few adults in the theatre. They keep very much in the background, but are alive to all that is happening. It is a children's evening and the children are left free to enjoy it. In a Jewish Children's Theatre in Kiev my neighbour was a very pretty, lively little girl of about eleven years old. She felt it her duty to interpret the play for me and in a loud voice in Russian explained each incident. In the intervals I was besieged by children asking questions, chiefly about children in England. The play was a delightfully staged fantasy El Dorado. On the stage at the beginning of the last act was a signpost pointing to the U.S.S.R. When the curtain went up, it seemed to me that all the children in front of me (rows of them) turned round, many stood up, and all called out with such pride `Nasha, nasha'—`ours, ours'. That is the spirit of Russia. At the end of the play several of the staff came and invited me to the theatre the next night to see a different type of play. That is typical of Russian hospitality. Throughout the country there is cheerful activity. The mass of the people are happy and enthusiastic. They are full of hope and look to the future with confidence. It was a very invigorating atmosphere to live in. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT.



Y companions were a small party from Oxford, chiefly undergraduates. Friendships made in Germany and renewed when a party of Germans visited Oxford had led to an invitation to our conductor to give concerts at Heidelberg and Marburg with a small choir: we were to sing English music, and meet German undergraduates. They were delighted to entertain us and eager to display their universities. There was hardly a hint of dissatisfaction with the Nazi regime, and no one, I noticed, ever mentioned Hitler by name in conversation, though they would talk vaguely of 'recent changes'. But one undergraduate, when I remarked upon their greater freedom in such ways as dancing and drinking and keeping 2I

no 'midnight rule', answered that Oxford undergraduates were really much freer. Our first public appearance was at a students' festival in Heidelberg castle. Representatives of other German universities were there, after an inter-university conference, and most of the Heidelberg students, several thousands altogether. There was nothing academic or formal about the affair, just an atmosphere of gaiety and determination to make merry as long and well as possible. When we arrived at supper-time the party was already in full swing, the castle and grounds were bright with faery lights, and seven dance bands played in various parts of the building, not American jazz, which Hitler condemns as negro, but light nondescript tunes and sometimes well-known German waltzes. We were led into the great panelled hall of the castle, 'restored', I was told, but with a modern look about it. The dancing-floor was already crowded with students, but in an interval some one announced our presence and we were asked to sing a few songs. Uncle Tom Cobley, Green Grow the Rushes0, and What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor? were well received. Later on there were fireworks, a magnificent display—very noisy ones that blazed high into the air and echoed among the hills: the castle was illuminated with red flares and every one sang the Heidelberg song very loudly and out of time. Then we drank beer in medieval surroundings, sitting on benches at long wooden tables in the bare whitewashed vaulted cellars, under the shadow of Heidelberg's famous beer-barrel, reputed the largest ever built. Our concert took place the next evening before a crowded audience. We were to sing Byrd's Four Part Mass and had hoped to do so in a church, but, as it was decided to sing secular music at the same concert, we used a university hall and followed the Mass with some madrigals and part-songs and piano solos and duets, including The Silver Swan, Draw on Sweet Night, and Sir Donald Tovey's Balliol Dances. The audience was enthusiastic and the atmosphere friendly and informal, the more so at the end when every one joined in some rounds, with a great deal of laughter as Three Blind Mice and Great Tom is Cast were explained in German They were quick to learn the tunes and sang them with spirit. I noticed an elderly German and his wife looking completely happy as they sang Three Blind Mice with all their heart. The rest of our time we spent with the students who were always ready to take us walking. I went with them along the Philosopher's Walk through the woods above the town with a glorious view through the trees down to Heidelberg. They would have liked more walks and parties than our brief two days allowed and saw us off to Marburg with many handshakings and promises to meet again. It was too hot for walking while we were there but we had several bathes at the university baths in the river. Swimming was every one's recreation; and when they tired of that they sunbathed or played ball games in the meadow by the river. At Heidelberg I had been 22

impressed by beautifully fitted open-air baths that we saw in the country, with grass all round, and woods behind, and crowded with healthy sunburnt young people. Our concert with much the same programme was again well attended but more formal this time, and preceded by a lecture by a Professor of Music on the history of music and English composers in particular. But we had a chance of informal singing the next day when the students joined with us in the garden of the English Seminar for songs and rounds. Their best choir, who I learnt with amazement practised half an hour every day, had just left on a trip like ours in Jugoslavia. When I said we could never meet so often in an Oxford term they shook their heads and said 'but the Marburg choir was wunderschOn but of course we were very good'. Certainly those who remained sang well : they had learnt some English rounds for the purpose, and we knew some German ones. Afterwards the Professor of English showed us his 'workshop of English literature'—an extensive library of English classics. He was an authority on Shakespeare and we attended his final lecture that morning, not at all like an Oxford lecture, with no formality of gowns and panelled hall, but a bare modern lecture-room, and an audience of young men and women in about equal numbers, whose enthusiasm even rose to clapping the lecturer when he finished. Our farewell party began that afternoon and lasted all the evening. The German students' ability to enjoy themselves with a minimum of entertainment—all they wanted was beer and talk and some one to play the piano—contrasted with their rather formal manners, made every party we had with them a success, especially this last one which was given by the Professor of English in honour of his birthday and of the end of term. About fifty of us went to a hill near Marburg where there was a ruined castle and an inn, and there we climbed the tower and saw how the land dropped suddenly to the Rhine valley and eastward the rolling wooded country spread for miles. From our tower we sang songs to the Germans below and they to us. For the rest of the day they entertained us in the inn with very fast waltzes, a great deal of talk about university life, and a long speech from the Professor, who presented every man with a cigar and every girl with a cream tart in honour of his birthday. My last memories were my host's little girl waving good-bye next morning to her `neue haidedoo' (= new how d'you do = guest) and the Byrd Mass which we sang, just before we left, in the Lutheran church. We heard that visiting choirs sometimes sang religious music there, and were glad to be able to do so ourselves as a fitting end to the tour. —



THE LI RARY, 1937-8


URING the past year the Library has increased rapidly; it now contains over fifteen thousand books, and has been greatly augmented by several valuable gifts and bequests which have not yet been made available to students. The Library of the late Miss Jourdain, which has been presented to the College by Dr. Joan Evans, consists chiefly of material for the study of French literature and history, and it contains library editions of such writers as Rousseau, Voltaire, and Hugo, and a magnificent set of Diderot's Encyclopedie. There are also certain books on Italian literature and miscellaneous subjects, and several bibliographical rareties. The latter include first editions of the following works : Vellutello's edition of Dante, printed in 1544, bound in England in the seventeenth century and rebacked later; Condorcet's Esquisse d'un tableau historique (as issued), and the first 4 volumes of the 1st edition of the Histoire du thicitre francais by the Freres Parfaict, which was published in 15 volumes from 1735 to 1749 (as issued). Interesting from the point of view of ownership are the SaintSimon Memoires, a first edition published in London to avoid the censorship, and containing the book-plate and signature of Maria Waldegrave, the illegitimate daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, who was secretly married in 1766 to William Henry, ist Duke of Gloucester (2nd creation). A fine set of Condillac's Cours d' etude is a special large paper copy made and bound for Marie-Joseph Chenier and containing his book-plate. This copy is of the znd edition and is interesting bibliographically, as it contains several passages which were cancelled on account of the political and religious opinions expressed in them; the cancellantes are found in place in correct sequence and their corresponding cancellanda have been bound in by mistake at the ends of the appropriate volumes in spite of several of them having been 'slashed' to attract the binder's attention. The frontispiece of the first volume lacks the inscription as it was proofed before letters. There is also a very fine copy of the Collection complete des tableaux historiques de la Revolution francaise bound in the elaborate style of the first decade of the nineteenth century. Dr. Evans has presented a special book-plate for this collection. The late Canon Streeter, Provost of The Queen's College, left to the Library a choice of his books on philosophy, psychology, and theology, and all his early books printed before 166o. Over one hundred books were chosen from among those on the specified subjects, and nineteen early printed books were received. The latter include several Bibles, the majority of them printed by Barker of London; among them are a copy of the second edition of the Authorized Version (the 'she' Bible printed in 1611 to correct the 1st edition); a copy of the Geneva version, or 'breeches Bible', printed in 16o2, and bound in a contemporary English binding with


clasps and studs of worked metal; and a fine folio edition of the Hebrew and Greek Testaments, printed probably at Antwerp by La Rouiere in 1619, and bound in the late seventeenth century. The collection also contains two Elzevirs, one of them, belonging to the Bonaventura period when the printing-house was at Leiden, in mint condition; a first edition of Isaac Watts's Christian Doctrine of the Trinity, as issued; and a copy of the Aduertisements partely for Due Order in the Publique Administration of Common Prayer, 1584, which belonged to William Herbert the antiquary, who had it bound and marked it 'perfect' on the title-page. A copy of the 'enlarged edition' of Ellyot's Castle of Health, printed in 1576 by Thomas Marshe 'at London in Flete strete neare unto Saynt Dunstones church', is apparently unique. The binding, for which the book has been cut down, is unfortunately about a century later, and the title-page is missing. The collection contains other books of bibliographical interest: an imperfect copy of the Golden Book of Marcus Aurelius, translated by Berners and printed in 1557 by A. Vele; the Breviary of Health and the Natura brevium, printed by William Powell at London in 1546 and 1553 respectively. There is also a copy of Charles Butler of Magdalen's curious Feminine Monarchie, or The History of Bees, printed by William Turner at Oxford in 1634 in phonetic spelling, and containing the ingenious 'Song of the bees', written for four voices and conveniently printed with two voices on each page, the upper half of which is printed upside down, so that four people could use the book simultaneously and only one copy would be required for rendering the song. Master Jherom Brunswyke's Vertuose Book, an early work on the distillation of herbs printed in 1527, is interesting as it is illustrated with woodcuts made from the same blocks as those which had been used for Treveris's Great Herbal. A copy of Rolt's Lives of the Reformers, 1759 (the 1st and apparently the only edition), contains fine mezzotints by R. Houston. There is also a 2nd edition (as issued) of Virgilii Evangelisantis Christiados libri xiii, an epic recension of the Bible laboriously compiled by Alexander Ross of Aberdeen line by line from Virgil's works, with suitable alterations to proper names. The references to every line of the original are faithfully given in the margin. For this bequest also a special book-plate has been made. The College has been enriched by the bequest of the late Duchess of Bedford, from whose large collection of books a choice of over one thousand has been made, the majority of which will be put in the Library. These books are miscellaneous; a certain number are on art and a large section on natural history with emphasis on birds and fishes. A special book-plate has been made for them. A sum of money to be devoted to a gift to the College in memory of the late Dorothea Davies (nĂŠe Keble), is being expended as follows : a new show-case in Australian walnut designed for the Reading Room, the residue to be used for the purchase of works of reference 2


which would not be acquired by the Library in the normal course of events. The Council has given the old show-case to the Residential College for Working Women, Hillcroft, Surbiton; an engraved plate has been put on the case to commemorate the fact. The Library has received the offer of a number of books on Shakespeare and the drama, with a special book-plate, to be presented in memory of the late Antonia Brough. Many other gifts have been received during the year from members and friends of the College, including several publications by members of the College. Among these gifts is a copy of the only edition of John Spelman's 2E7fredi Magni Anglorum Regis invictissimi Vita printed at Oxford in 1678. This copy is in mint condition, unsewn, in sheets. The following rare books have been bought for the Library: Rotuli parliamentorum, in six volumes with the rare index volume; Florio's Queen Anna's new world of words, i6iI; and a first edition of Johnson's Dictionary. Special provision is being made to house the rare books which are acquired by the Library. P. K. H-W.

DEGREES, x937-8 D.Phil. I. W. Busbridge. Faculty of Physical Sciences. Thesis: `General Transforms.' N. M. Thorp. Faculty of Modern Languages. Thesis: 'The Study and Literary Treatment of the Nibelungen Legend and Nibelungenlied from 1752 to the present time.' B.Litt. E. M. M. Robinson. Faculty of Literae Humaniores. Thesis: `The issue between Bradley and his critics concerning the nature and reality of relations.' D. M. Doveton. Faculty of Social Studies. Thesis: 'Human Geography of Swaziland.'

M.A. D. E. Ackroyd B. H. Alexander I. Ashcroft B. E. I. Buckler D. G. Bushnell E. M. Ellis I. D. Free R. E. Gunter C. A. M. Havergal L. M. Hilliard M. Ker 26

H. M. Mischler (Mrs.) G. Morley E. E. Naylor M. Osborn J. E. Parry B. J. Reeve A. S. M. Richardson E. M. Strong P. M. Eliot (Mrs.) (omitted from the Chronicle last year)

S. B. Andrews E. S. Banning M. E. Barrett G. M. Blackmore K. M. Cane 0. Chandler C. McF. Clark M. E. Clark M. B. R. Collins E. P. Corner J. M. Field W. M. Fox D. M. Gardner J. M. L. Greaves B. J. Harris D. D. Harris M. Helliwell V. Hughes G. E. S. Hunt R. E. Hunter W. H. Jones

B.A. M. B. Lewis D. McKenna E. B. MacKinlay M. G. K. Moilliet N. Papworth L. I. Parks M. S. C. Peters L. Powys-Roberts R. M. Preston G. M. S. Ratcliffe E. W. Reynolds M. E. Rya11 F. E. Saintsbury J. E. R. Salter F. V. Scurfield N. C. Shaw H. J. Southern G. P. Stradling R. E. Taylor D. M. Thornton J. M. Yeaxlee

HONOUR SCHOOLS, 1937 Literae Humaniores.

Class II. C. M. Clark E. P. Corner V. Hughes I. P. Palmer G. M. S. Ratcliffe Class III. M. A. Lewis

Natural Science. Physics. Class III. D. M. Gardner Class III. M. E. Barrett Animal Physiology. Part II. Class II. B. R. Hamilton Chemistry. Part I. J. M. L. Greaves Class II. S. B. Andrews Zoology. Class III. J. E. R. Salter Botany. Jurisprudence. Modern History.

Class I. B. J. Harris Class II. J. M. Field D. McKenna N. Papworth B. McN. Thom Class III. B. L. Bosworth Smith W. H. Jones R. G. L. Moss 27

English Language and Literature.

Modern Languages.

Class I. W. M. Fox Class II. C. A. Gaminara L. I. Parks R. E. Taylor J. M. Yeaxlee Class III. G. E. S. Hunt P. H. McGregor E. B. Mackinlay E. W. Reynolds M. E. Rya11 F. E. Saintsbury D. M. Thornton Class I. G. M. Blackmore M. B. Lewis Class II. M. E. Clark M. B. R. Collins M. Helliwell M. C. Jackson M. G. K. Moilliet M. S. C. Peters L. Powys-Roberts

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

Class III. J. Lane F. V. Scurfield


Class II. N. C. L. Shaw H. J. Southern Class III. K. M. Cane

Honour Classical Moderations.

Class II. J. M. Pye P. L. Smith S. H. S. Smith Class III. S. M. R. Keay

Honour Mathematical Modera- Class II. A. Pellew Class III. I. J. Baker Lions. D. M. D. Spikes

IN RESIDENCE 1937-8 Elizabeth Wordsworth Student, 1937-8.



Advanced Students: Mary Gray Allen B.A.

(Lady Margaret Hall).

Moberly Senior Scholar: 28


SCHOLARS D. F. BLEASBY, 1934, Honorary. J. P. DAWSON, 1935. M. K. JAMES, 1935. A. PELLEW, 1935. Gilchrist. M. SHEEHAN, 1935. B. N. BOLLAND, 1936. B. C. H. BRODIE, 1936. C. I. KAHN, 1936. E. A. POOLE, 1936.

Clara Evelyn Mordan. Classics. Sydenham High School. F. E. BRAMLEY, 1937. Classics. Mary Datchelor Girls' School. J. M. CRUM, 1937. Natural Science. Wycombe Abbey School. D. F. CUMBERLEGE, 1937. English. School of S. Mary and S. Anne, Abbots Bromley. E. G. ELLIOTT, 1937. History. Herts. and Essex High School. N. W. GAMON, 1937. Classics. Howell's School, Denbigh. M. M. GYDE, 1937. Modern Languages. Camden School for Girls. G. M. MOSSOP, 1937. Withington Girls' School, Manchester. D. E. STANCLIFFE, 1937. Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Wycombe Abbey School. ELLEN VERA ALICE TURNER, 1937. Yates Theological. Sheffield High School. J. WILTSHIRE, 1937. Geography. Wigan High School. G. E. M. ANSCOMBE, 1937.

EXHIBITIONERS K. HARGREAVES, 1934. L. E. HOMEWOOD, 1934. P. M. BIRLEY, 1935. C. HORNBY, 1935. S. M. MANDELKORN, 1935. 1. C. POMPHRETT, 1935. M. D. TULL, 1935. R. B. M. YULE, 1935.

D. CHITTY, 1936. M. LEA-WILSON, 1936. P. MACLEAN, 1936. R. G. MARTIN, 1936. J. E. SEYMOUR, 1936. K. F. SLATTERY, 1936. D. TOWNEND, 1936. D. U. C. WESTON, 1936.

D. M. FORSTER, 1937. Central Newcastle High School. M. G. FORSTER, 1937. Leeds High School. G. MURRAY, 1937. Manchester High School. G. M. TREVALDWYN, 1937. Wycombe Abbey School. E. M. WOOD, 1937. Brownhills High School, Stoke-on-Trent.

UNDERGRADUATES, NOT BEING SCHOLARS OR EXHIBITIONERS Fourth Year. Third Year. C. E. Crittall. M. M. Darwall. A. M. Hedley. M. C. B. Acaster. M. Donaldson. I. J. Baker. E. Jackson. M. G. Duce. E. M. Beer. F. M. Stinton. M. G. Edwards. C. W. Bradbury. R. D. Wise. 29

S. Sutton Smith. A. A. B. Fairlie. I. M. Townsend. M. Garnett. R. W. Weaver. M. Gay. J. M. Whitehead. J. Gillett. S. H. M. Wilson. M. H. Gillett. D. A. H. Yeats D. M. Goschen. Brown. K. E. Hardy. 0. M. K. Harris. Second Year. M. T. James. M. Anderton. S. M. R. Keay. P. Llewellyn-Smith. H. J. M. Annett. R. Barbour. D. N. Lovegrove. M. E. S. McIntosh. H. A. Clarence. E. B. Dean. E. I. Marshall. E. M. Edmunds. E. Mason. U. C. Fitzhardinge. E. Mitchison. B. Forbes Adam. M. S. Oswald. S. E. Fryer. J. E. Perkins. D. J. M. Fursdon. J. M. Pye. H. M. Gilmour. D. E. A. Raby. B. W. Gimson. M. E. Rose. M. E. L. Griffiths. S. H. S. Smith. C. A. Hall. J. M. Summers.

S. Harbottle. M. F. Harding. M. B. Holdgate. R. M. Howard. E. M. Jackson. E. H. G. La 'Brooy. A. A. E. Levinson. P. E. Loveday. F. M. E. Macdonald. M. M. McKinstry. D. E. McK. Milner. A. P. Portlock. S. C. Pridmore. J. M. D. Purnell. M. F. Richardson. A. I. M. Shaw. D. M. M. Thomas. S. M. Tilling. H. C. N. Turnbull. A. M. Watson. P. B. B. Whitehouse. G. M. P. Wortley.

First Year. M. M. L. Bailey. County School for Girls, Chislehurst. H. F. Bloodworth. Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham. M. L. Campbell-Renton. Heathfield, Ascot. H. L. Coates. BA., Auckland University. C. Dastur. M.A., Nagpur University. M. Davis. B.A., Wells College, U.S.A. V. L. Disney-Roebuck. Westonbirt School. J. A. Dixon. St. Paul's Girls' School. K. Dixon. Whitehaven County Secondary School. A. M. Downie. Wakefield Girls' High School. J. A. Gaved. B.A., London; University College of the South West, Exeter. E. Gold. Kendal High School. H. M. Green. Tonbridge County School. J. P. Harris. Wycombe Abbey School. K. A. Haslam. High Wycombe High School. M. C. Honour. B.A., Bryn Mawr College, U.S.A. W. M. Laws. Orme Girls' School, Newcastle, Staffs. G. C. M. Lewis. Manchester High School. J. G. Miln. Howell's School, Denbigh. A. B. Y. Mitchell. St. Michael's School, Bognor Regis. E. P. Mollet. Jersey College. D. C. Paige. Frensham Heights, Farnham. 30

J. M. Peel. Howell's School, Denbigh.

D. E. Penny. Godolphin School, Salisbury. E. Renwick. Manchester High School. M. C. Rylands. Casterton School, Carnforth. F. H. E. Shepstone. Girls' High School, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. B. A. Skemp. St. Felix School, Southwold. D. M. Thompson. Godolphin School, Salisbury. J. Tresise. Burton-on-Trent Girls' High School. K. F. B. Tyabji. B.A., Bombay University. C. M. Upton. Wellington Diocesan School for Girls and Auckland University. T. Zakharoff. Eversley School and private.




DWARD DOMETT SHAW was born in 1861 and was admitted to Holy Orders in 1889. His ministerial life was spent in Bucks. and Oxon. where he had the abiding affection of the people among whom he worked, and both as Vicar and as Rural Dean of High Wycombe and later as Bishop of Buckingham and Archdeacon of Oxford was an active promoter of religious education. He was Chairman of the College Council from 1926 to 193o, showing himself excellent in that office and a faithful supporter of the principles for which the College stands. R.I.P.

THE PROVOST OF QUEEN'S CANON STREETER'S saintly elevation of character, his eminence as a

Biblical scholar, and his life-long devotion to the best interests of undergraduates in general, as well of his own College, have been fully commemorated in the newspapers, and there is no need to describe them here. His election to the Council of the College in 1924 was followed by eight years of valuable service to it in that capacity, and unstinted support and sympathy for the new Principal. Junior members of the College were among those who year by year gathered at Jordans under his leadership in conference on every kind of high theme, and theological students always found available his interest and advice. We value our association with one who had more than a touch of greatness, and appreciate greatly his having remembered us in his Will. R.I.P.

ANTONIA BROUGH ANTONIA BROUGH'S untimely death has robbed St. Hugh's College

of one of its most versatile and talented members. Born in 1897 she won a scholarship at Roedean and entered St. Hugh's in 1919 with the intention of reading Chemistry. A severe attack of asthma forced her to change her School to that of Agriculture, in which she took 31

her B.A. degree in 1922. She excelled in games, gaining a Lacrosse Blue, a remarkable achievement for one suffering from recurrent bouts of ill health. Acting was her great interest, and her performance as Ernest Woolley in the college production of The Admirable Crichton attracted attention for its perfect characterization and excited comment as to her being worthy of the dramatic traditions of her family. She was a niece of Mary Brough. She toured with Sir Frank Benson for three years and was invited by him to play Peter Simple in The Merry Wives of Windsor in his memorial week at the King's Theatre, Hammersmith. She played in numerous productions in London: in Prisoners of War at the Playhouse, The V oysey Inheritance at Sadler's Wells and the Shaftesbury, in The Nameless Play at the Mercury, Chicago at the Gate Theatre, Theme Song at Fulham, in The Mask of Virtue at the St. James's and the Ambassadors'. In the provinces she toured with The Private Secretary, The Rising Generation, and The Rose Without a Thorn. Her last part was at Oxford in Night Must Fall just before her death on November 4th, 1937. On the films her first part in The Farmer's Wife created her reputation as a fine actress of character parts. She also played in The Song of Soho, Under the Greenwood Tree, Maria Martin, and in Dandy Dick. Her acting was characterized by originality tempered with restraint. Her sympathy was such that she could make her audience see life from her 'character's' point of view. As a student her exceptional capacity for friendship and wide interests brought her a large and varied circle of friends, who will not easily forget her sincere charm nor the courage and humour which enabled her to laugh at the ill health which overshadowed her. Her friends wish to express their pride and pleasure in her friendship and their sympathy with her mother in her loss. A. D. K. P.

EILEEN HILDA DE LACY FAGAN came up to St. Hugh's in 1923 from the Godolphin School at Salisbury; she brought with her from school a reputation for thoroughness and a capacity for taking responsibility which remained her outstanding characteristics throughout life. She was an exceptionally diligent and clear-sighted student, and at least one of her friends owes her a tremendous debt of gratitude for her example and encouragement. Always rather reserved, she had not a large circle of intimate friends, but those who were privileged to know her well could not fail to be struck by a certain steadfastness in her character which made her seem, perhaps, older than her years. She had keen musical perception, and threw herself whole-heartedly into the music of the College Chapel, when in 1925 she became Organist. She went down in 1926 after taking a good degree, full of ambitions for the future and with a great desire to pursue a course of historical research for which, temperamentally, she was well equipped. She was needed at home, however, and except for a brief period of trainEILEEN FAGAN


ing as Local Organizer for the Conservative party, and for two years' teaching at Exmouth, she remained at home for the rest of her short life. Her great interest during the last few years was her return to historical work, and in 1936 she completed an extremely thorough institutional study of the King's Chamber in the fifteenth century as a thesis for the London degree of M.A. She had, however, never been strong and at the end of 1936 she became seriously ill. Though every form of treatment was tried, it soon became evident that there was no hope, and she died in June 1937, having borne great pain with that fortitude which was the key-note of her dauntless and resoB. M. H. T. lute nature. R.I.P.

LYDIA MAUD HILLIARD came to St. Hugh's from St. Margaret's School, Bushey, in October 1919, and read Modern History. She died suddenly and peacefully of cerebral haemorrhage on the morning of November 25th, 1937, at New Hall, Chelmsford, where she was a member of the teaching staff. She was frail in physique, and on that account in some respects an onlooker, but she leaves behind her, now that she is gone, a vivid impression of the energy and zest with which she none the less threw herself into everything she did, and even more into what other people did. For she was fundamentally interested in people, their potentialities, their successes, almost, as it seemed, to the exclusion of herself. The source, indeed, from which she seemed to draw most strength and which gave life for her its particular flavour, lay in her keen appreciation and judgement of personality and character. There was very little egoism in her own. She seemed, too, to face the prospect of a life that bade fair to be anything but free from material anxiety with humour and optimism. (It was these qualities, coupled with her love of the English countryside, that made her, one remembers, though it may seem trivial to recall it, an avid reader of the J.C.R. copy of Country Life, and of its real estate advertisements of properties never likely to be hers.) Her courage and more particularly her faith never seemed to desert her, and they inspired and supported her in taking a few years ago what she admitted to be the risk of diminishing her chances in the field of history teaching, by joining the Roman Catholic Church, in which she found great happiness and fulfilment. m. s. LYDIA HILLIARD

EVELYN MARY LIDBETTER came up to St. Hugh's in 1897 and read for the English School, specializing on the linguistic side and obtaining a Second Class in 1901. At a time when most students took their work very seriously she was conspicuous for the keenness and enthusiasm with which she threw herself into hers, as she did indeed into the whole life of the Hall, as it was called then, where her capacity for deep affection gained her warm and lasting friends. I remember well the eager look in her eyes when we were discussing some EVELYN MARY LIDBETTER


subject in which she was much interested, and she was interested in many, which she approached with a striking freshness of outlook. On leaving Oxford she taught in different schools, going in 1908 to Cheltenham Ladies' College. But here she had a nervous breakdown and was obliged to give up teaching for a while. As soon, however, as she was swell enough she went to Italy to study the Montessori method, and after six months' training and work there she returned to devote herself to the spreading of that method in England, finally starting a school of her own. Not content, however, with this outlet for her energies, Evelyn set to work to fill in the necessary qualifications for her degree and this double strain proved too much for her. She had another nervous break-down, so serious this time that she never wholly recovered, though after a while she was able to join her sisters at Malvern and to resume a little private teaching which she much enjoyed. But this was for a short time only, her health soon gave way again, and after some months of suffering from an acute form of arteriosclerosis, she passed quietly away on November 17th, 1936. Evelyn loved her profession and was a stimulating and successful teacher. Her special gift was for teaching young children and this was, I believe, also her special delight. Her wide sympathies and varied interests enabled her to get into touch with all, she could rouse and manage even the most unruly, and that apparently without effort. On her return from Italy she took an important place among Montessori teachers in England. Highly strung and very sensitive, she had already at college shown signs of possible nervous strain; she had not the physical strength for all which she in her eagerness and ardour set herself to do, but in spite of difficulties of health she has left behind her a noble memory of eager effort and successful achievement, and of an extremely lovable personality. E. E. W.

MARGARET NANCY MARY PHILLIPS sudden death of Margaret Phillips last summer meant more to her friends than any obituary can imply. She was all that it can lamely say: warm-hearted, intelligent, and unselfish. Things came easily to her and she made use of them by being both enthusiastic and conscientious. She was a good friend and a gay companion. But she stood for far more than all this. She was one of the few people who, at heart, knew where she belonged—to the persistent, real flow of life in the English countryside. The fact that she was born in 1912, to be a great success at school and at Oxford and to make use of those successes in a brilliant beginning in the difficult job of teaching, instead of being born perhaps a hundred years ago to live all her life in the simple variety of a single village, meant only a change of outward occupation, not a change of heart or ambition. She was not interested in becoming famous or rich, or in acquiring the responsibilities of a public figure: her dreams like her capacities lay in the acceptance and enrichment of a small piece of the world that she THE


made her own. And so she was a very vital person, understanding and preserving her very real background. She embodied a local stability to which we all like to be able to turn. To lose her is like losing a whole tract of familiar country, with its trees and churches and houses and its gentle daily life. M. P.

CHARLOTTE GWENDOLEN WORTLEY SYMONDS (nee WATSON) A FRIEND writes : C. Gwendolen W. Symonds died very suddenly at her home at Grasmere on May 21st, 1937, at the age of fifty-one. She lived to the last day, in happy completeness, a vigorous and always beautiful life, strong in mind and body and full of unassuming and convincing friendliness to all with whom her changing homes, Clifton, Rugby, Chester, Liverpool, and Grasmere, made her a neighbour. She went down from St. Hugh's in 1907, and for a few years taught at Queen Anne's School, Caversham: in 1911 she married H. H. Symonds. Outside the home of her own children—the eldest, Lorna, was at St. Hugh's—she gave her enthusiasm to many causes : to the well-being and happiness of young children always foremost, but to many other things, the citizenship of women, education, Youth Hostels, the world's peace, the preservation of natural beauty, and the uncovenanted care of the friendless person. The memorial spoken by her husband revives the picture of her which many will have: 'The worldly compromiser and the respectable person did not control either her opinion or her deeds. Her generous and utterly unadvertised helpfulness to the old and the young, and her almost flagrantly unselfish lovingkindness, made the sky radiant about her. She knew nothing of any imposed "duty". If you name in her the most abiding and pre-eminent gift of her heart, it is the "genial sense of youth". In the measured tract of the republic of God's sons and daughters where the phases of her life set her from time to time at work, she stood out always a leader—a leader not of the great, or of the prosperous, but of the simplehearted; for it is they who pay full honour to ;hose blithe and confident qualities which shone like a star in her forehead.'

HOPE MARJORIE WINTER came up to St. Hugh's in 1929 from the Lincoln Girls' High School to read for an Honours Degree in History. Her academic career was interrupted in her first year by a break-down in health from which she never seemed to have made a complete recovery. After a year's rest she resumed her course and finally graduated in 1933. She spent the following year taking the Oxford University Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Education, and then taught for a time at Ladybam House School, Manchester. For the last months of her life she was living at her home, to



which she was devotedly attached, under the shadow of Lincoln Cathedral. Hope always took an active part in the corporate life both of her school and college. She was a good all-round athlete, and a particularly good hockey player, for which she was awarded her 'Blue'. She will be remembered very kindly by her friends for her generous and considerate nature, and unassuming manner. She rarely attempted to impose her will on others, but she had a firm determination and independence of mind by which her own way of life was directed. She had, above all, a quiet courageous spirit which inspired her to face declining health and ultimately a long and weary illness with uncomplaining fortitude. She seldom spoke of herself, her feelings or personal ambitions, but she had of recent years contemplated training for missionary work, until the onset of ill health sapped her mental energy. Her death at the early age of 27 on August 22nd, 1937, was a tragedy to all who knew her, and our deepest sympathy is with her E. B. S. parents and sisters in their great loss.


C. PIPER, at Marylebone Registry Office,

February 24th, 1937. 1. A. YARWOOD to MR. CHARLES TESTER at the Blue Idol Meeting House, Coulsdon, April 3rd, 1937. P. E. CRISP to MR. A. L. wARR, at Bladon Parish Church, Somerset, May 11th, 1937. B. L. CORRIE to MR. LOVELL FOOT, at Bramhall, Cheshire, June 1937. J. C. BELL to MR. I. VENTERS, at Gaston Congregational Church, June 19th, 1937. P. M. TALBOT tO MR. DENYS EDWARD OSBERT THACKWELL, July i7th, 1937. O. OWEN-JONES to the REV. T. DIXON, July 24th, 1937. D. M. GREY to MR. UVEDALE LAMBERT, at St. Barnabas' Church, Pimlico, July 29th, 1937. D. T. McNEILL to MR. T. R. WEST, July 29th, 1937. M. P. HOLT to the REV. RUPERT E. DAVIS, August 7th, 1937. B. MOTT to MR. W. E. GREEN, August r4th, 1937. M. B. R. COLLINS to MR. FRANK GORDON KING, at St. Paul's Church, Camberley, September 14th, 1937. C. A. GAMINARA tO MR. ERIC A. MIDGLEY, at St. Mary's Church, Chigwell, September r8th, 1937. G. I. BARKER to MR. TREVOR D. PEARCE, November 16th, 1937. M. A. CLERK to MR. RICHARD THORNTON, at All Saints' Church, Margaret Street, W. 1, November 3oth, 1937. M. 0. WHITTAKER tO MR. JOSEPH EDWARD HOARE, at St. James's Church, Paddington, December 1st, 1937. D. M. DOVETON tO MR. PATRICK CECIL DICEY, at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton Road, S.W. r, December 11th, 1937. 36

at St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral, Malta, December 4th, 1937. B. E. I. BUCKLER tO MR. CHARLES WRINCH, at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, December 21st, 1937. D. M. MATTHEWS to MR. JOHN M. CHAMBERS, at Fitzwilliam Street Unitarian Church, Huddersfield, December 22nd, 1937. MRS. GORDON POTTS (R. JOHNSON) to MR. W. PYEMONT, 1937. J. F. BURTON tO MR. E. S. BROWN, at St. Andrew's Church, Hove, January 1st, 1938. G. M. BLACKMORE tO MR. WILLIAM FERNIE STIRLING, at Holy Trinity Church, Montevideo, Uruguay, January 26th, 1938. E. J. SPARKS to MR. HAROLD KENNETH PUSEY, at St. George's Church, Cullercoats, February 19th, 1938. P. KIRKBY to LIEUTENANT PETER MERE LATHAM, R.N.,

BIRTHS MRS. BEARE (S. J. Gibson)—a son, Oliver, 1937. MRS. FLEMING (I. J. R. Bromley)—a daughter, Jean, 1937. MRS. CUTTLE (S. J. Baker)—a son, Christopher, January 1937. MRS. DREW (J. M. L. Currey)—a son, Angus Leacroft, March 3oth,



MRS. GOODWIN (E. A. Jeans)—a son, March 31st, 1937. MRS. ASKEY (H. N. Humphreys)—a daughter, Susan Noel,

April 26th,

1937. MRS. HATTON (W. M. Burt)—a son, Christopher, April 1937. MRS. GODWIN (E. J. Hackshaw)—a son, May 4th, 1937. MRS. ANDREWS (A. Daman)—a daughter, Caroline Elizabeth,


16th, 1937. MRS. WHEELER (H. B. Williams)—a daughter, May loth, 1937. MRS. McLACHLAN (K. Harman)—a son, May 2rst, 1937. MRS. HARRISON (R. E. Greenhill)—twin sons, May 19th, 1937. MRS. HUSSEY (C. M. Hobhouse)—a son, William Nicholas, May 27th,



MRS. McINTOSH (M. E. Betts)—a daughter, June 1937. MRS. PANNELL (A. T. Gary)—a son, Henry Gary, July 6th, 1937. MRS. VINT (B. Jowers)—a son, July 4th, 1937. MRS. WOODS (J. M. Sprules)—a son, Theodore Frank Sprules,

August 4th, 1937. (D. I. M. Jeudwine)—a daughter, Mary Dorothea Olga Laura, October loth, 1937. MRS. ELLMAN (B. Samuell)—a son, November 25th, 1937. MRS. cows (A. A. M. Brunyate)—a daughter, December 22nd, 1937. MRS. NEYLAN (M. Shelley)—a daughter, January ,5th, 1938. MRS. FARISH (A. C. Stephenson)—a daughter, Jane Margaretta, January 23rd, 1938. MRS. MANSERGH (I. Spurgeon)—a SOD, January 28th, 1938. MRS. MISCHLER (H. M. Newell)—a daughter, Jane, February 3rd, 1938. MRS. ALLEN (W. E. Brooke)—a daughter, February 23rd, 1938. MRS. WARR (P. Crisp)—a son, March 13th, 1938. MRS. DANIELL-JENKINS


PUBLICATIONS A Short Life of Frank Weston, Bishop of Zanzibar. D. C. Abdy. S.P.C.K. 4d. The History of St. Louis by John of Joinville, Seneschal of Champagne, translated by Joan Evans, D.Litt. Gregynog Press, 1937. ÂŁ6 6s. The Painter's Object. Edited and with an Introduction by Myfanwy

Evans, B.A. Gerald Howe, 1937. los. 6d. Earning and Spending: an Introduction to Economics. Mrs. H. A. L.

Fisher. Collins, 1938. Christ's Challenges. Sixty-eight Outline Talks for Bible Classes and

Youth Groups. Cecilia Goodenough, M.A. S.P.C.K. Educational Books, 1937. 2s. John Tiptoft, 1427-1470. R. J. Mitchell, M.A., B.Litt. Longmans, 1938. 16s. Without knowing Mr. Walkley. Edith Olivier. Faber. I2S. 6d. An Introduction to Middle English. E. E. Wardale, M.A., Ph.D. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1937. 7s. 6d. ARTICLES `Spectroscopic Determination of Indium in Minerals, and Association of Indium with Tin and Silver.' Journal of the Chemical Society, 1936, no. 276. E. L. Baker, B.Sc. `Extraction of Indium from Cylindrite, Chaleopyrite, and Metallic Tin.' Loc. cit., no. 277. E. L. Baker with F. M. Brewer, M.A., D.Phil. `On Functions Bounded at the Lattice Points in an Angle.' Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, series 2, vol. M. L. Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil. `On the Level Curves of Integral and Meromorphic Functions.' Loc. cit. M. L. Cartwright. `The Exceptional Values of Functions with a Non-enumerable Set of Essential Singularities.' Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Series, vol. viii. M. L. Cartwright. `Identification of Woods with included Phloem.' Tropical Woods, no. 50, 5937. M. M. Chattaway, B.Sc., M.A., D.Phil., with L. Chalk, M.A., D.Phil. `The Wood Anatomy of the Family Sterculiaceae.' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B. 228, no. 554, 1937. M. M. Chattaway. `Chaucer, Gower, and Lydgate.' Year's Work in English Studies, vol. xvi. Dorothy Everett, M.A. `An Anglo-Norman version of Grosseteste: part of his Suidas and Testamenta XII Patriarcharum.' Publications of the Modern Languages Association of America, vol. li (September 1936). R. J. Dean, M.A. `Manuscripts of St. Elizabeth of Schonau in England.' The Modern Language Review, vol. xxxii (January 1937). R. J. Dean. 38

'Jeu de la Confession de Saint Guillaume D'Aquitaine.' Humanisme et Renaissance, tome iv, fasc. iii 1937. E. A. Francis, M.A. `The Ecology of the Harvest Mite (Trombicula Autumnalis) in the British Isles.' The Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. vi, no. 1, May 1937. Gladys Keay, B.Sc. `Scottish Law Students in Italy in the Later Middle Ages.' The Juridical Review, March 1937. R. J. Mitchell, M.A., B.Litt. `A Fifteenth-century Rector of Beckington.' Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, March 1937. R. J. Mitchell. `A Renaissance Library: the Collection of John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester.' The Library, June 1937. R. J. Mitchell. `English Students at Ferrara in the Fifteenth Century.' Italian Studies, October 1937. R. J. Mitchell. `Partial Resolution of Leukaplakia Vulvae under Oestrin Therapy.' Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. A. D. K. Peters, B.M., with A. N. Macbeth. Preface to The Headmistress Speaks. Kegan Paul, 1937. 7s. 6d. E. Addison Phillips, M.A. `Training for Citizenship through Religious Education.' The Citizen, November 1937. E. Addison Phillips. `Girls' Public Schools.' Year Book of Encyclopedia Britannica, 1938. E. Addison Phillips. `The Wardrobe in 1837? Times Coronation Supplement, May 1937. C. L. A. Richardson. Torde Abbey in Dorset.' A Radio-dramatized Feature Programme broadcast from Western Regional, December 1937. C. L. A. Richardson. `The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.' A Radio-dramatized Feature Programme broadcast from Western Regional, December 1937. C. L. A. Richardson. `The Clock Goes!' A Children's play broadcast from 'Western Regional, January 1938. C. L. A. Richardson. `Marlowe and his Father.' Times Literary Supplement, June 5th, 1937. Ethel Seaton, M.A. `Richard Galis and the Witches of Windsor.' Library, December 1937. Ethel Seaton. `The Folio Text of Ben Jonson's Sejanus ! Anglia, xlix. 398-415. E. M. Simpson, D.Phil. `Nibelungenlied.' Journal of Germanic Philology, October 1937, January 1938, April 1938. N. M. Thorp, M.A., D.Phil. ,


Moderator in the Pass School, University of

Oxford, 1937-8. Public Examiner for the Pass School, Group B. z, University of Oxford, 1937-8. M. M. CHATTAWAY, B.SC., M.A., D.PHIL., Sterling Fellowship, Yale University, U.S.A. E. A. FRANCIS, M.A.,


Walter Hyde Page Travelling Fellowship, 1937; Board of Education Inspectorship, 1937. M. c. GODLEY, B.A., Co-Principal of the London House of Citizenship. C. P. GOODENOUGH, M.A., Head of Bishop Talbot Settlement, Camberwell, April 1938. P. M. GWYNNE, M.A., Headmistress of the English Girls' College, Alexandria. D. M. HAMMONDS, Senior Woman Inspector at the Board of Education, July 1938. J. M. HUSSEY, B.LITT., M.A., Assistant Lecturer in History and Tutor of the Mary Worthington Wing, Ashburne Hall, University of Manchester. I. F. V. LYNN, M.A., Headmistress of St. Hilda's Diocesan School, Brown's Town, Jamaica. M. MACDONALD, B.A., Acting History Tutor, St. Hugh's College, for the Trinity Term, 1938. M.H. MANSELL, M.A., Headmistress of the Cavendish High School for Girls, Buxton, 1937. N. MOLLER, M.A., Warden and Secretary of the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women, 1937. A. C. PERCIVAL, M.A., English Lecturer at the Madras Christian College, 1937-8. M. E. REEVES, B.A., Tutor in Modern History to the Society of Oxford Home-Students, October 1938. N.M. THORP, M.A., Assistant Lecturer, Breslau University, April 1938. T. M. M. DEAN, M.A.,

Secretary to the Clerk of the Hampshire County Council, November 1937. E. M. ALLUM, B.A., Assistant History Mistress, School of S. Mary and S. Anne, Abbots Bromley, September 1937. G. M. BAKER, M.A., Senior English Mistress, Ashby-de-la-Zouche Girls' Grammar School, May 1938. A. H. BISHOP, B.A., Third Modern Language Mistress, Gloucester High School for Girls. H. K. BONE, B.A., Junior Secretary to the Ranyard Mission, February 1938. M. M. W. BONE, B.SC., Science Mistress, Ladies' College, Cheltenham, September 1938. L. E. BRADDICK, B.A., Classics Mistress, Peterborough County Girls' School, September 1937. P. M. BRENTNALL, B.A., Headmaster's Secretary, Bradfield College, September 1937. M.M. BURGESS, B.A., Assistant Modern Language Mistress, Streatham High School for Girls. w. M. CATLIN, B.A., Assistant Modern Language Mistress, Streatham High School for Girls. M. DALE, B.A., Secretary to the North Regional Press Officer of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

C. S. M. ABBOTT, B.A.,


Assistant Classics Mistress, Godolphin School, Salisbury, September 1938. C. E. DORMOR, M.A., Secretary to the N. Lambeth branch of the Invalid Children's Aid Association, 1938. C. M. EXLEY, B.A., Geography Mistress, East Dereham High School for Girls. s. DE C. FORSTER, B.A., Organizing Secretary of Girls' Clubs in the Birmingham Union of Boys' and Girls' Clubs. M. GREAVES, BA., Assistant English Mistress, Lincoln High School for Girls, September 1937. A. M. GRUTTER, B.A., English Mistress, Wycombe Abbey School. M. B. HALL, M.A., English Mistress, Lincoln High School for Girls B. R. HAMILTON, B.A., Analyst at the Central Laboratory (Imperial Chemical Industries), Widnes, Lancs. C. A. M. HAVERGAL, MA., Senior French Mistress, St. Swithun's School, Winchester, September 1938. E. ILIFFE, B.A., Secretary in Training with the British Broadcasting Corporation. M. JACKSON, B.A., Secretary to Dr. Gilbert Murray. D. W. M. KEAST, B.A., Junior English and History Mistress, Hereford High School for Girls. G. KEAY, B.A., Biology Mistress, St. Anne's College, Natal, April 1938. M. E. KING, MA., Senior Modern Language Mistress, St. Mary's Hall, Brighton, September 1938. O. J. LACE, M.A., Senior Mathematics Mistress, St. Margaret's School, Bushey. M. LL. LEWIS, B.A., English Mistress, Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate, September 1938. M. E. LONG, B.A., History Mistress (temporary), Delabeche Girls' School, Swansea. H. K. MACDONALD, French Mistress (temporary), Birklands, St. Albans. M. E. E. McDOUGLE, B.A., Tutor to Lady Walker's daughter, January 1938. S. McKENZIE, B.A., Secretary to a Director of H. E. Boulter Publicity Ltd. (London Offices). B. M. O'DONOVAN, B.A., Secretary to Colonel Charles Ponsonby, M.P., Chairman of the Joint East African Board. M. A. R. PARSONS, B.A., Clerical Post with the National Council for Social Service. N. PENHALE, BA., English Mistress, Mill Hill County School. D. E. U. POPE, M.A., Secretary to the Professor of Botany, Oxford University, November '937. J. E. A. ROBERTSON, M.A., Secretary to the Administrator of the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. D. M. SHERWOOD, BA., Temporary Secretary to the Charity Organization Society (Lambeth Branch). P. SINGLETON, B.A., Senior English Mistress, Girls' High School, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. L. M. DOLPHIN, B.A.,



Secretary to Miss Matheson, African Research


G. P. STRADLING, B.A., Classics Mistress, Benenden School, September 1937. M. G. WATKINS, M.A., Senior French Mistress, George Dixon School for Girls, Birmingham. K. M. woons, B.A., Mathematics Mistress, Girls' Secondary School, Cheam, May 1938. M. ZVEGINTZOV, Secretary to the Master of University College, Oxford.


WHO WENT DOWN IN 1937 S. B. ANDREWS is working for the Oxford B.Sc. degree. M. E. BARRETT is continuing her medical studies at King's

College Hospital. G. M. BLACKMORE has been with her parents in New York before her marriage. A. E. CLIFFORD is doing private teaching in Washington. E. P. CORNER is working for the Social Service Diploma of Liverpool University. J. M FIELD has been appointed Senior History and Geography Mistress at Shute School, nr. Axminster, Devon. T. FINKELSTEIN was called to the Bar (Gray's Inn), November 1937, and is now working in Chambers in the Inner Temple. D. M. FOX has a post at the Home Office, having been placed 39th in the Civil Service Examination (Administrative Class). D. M. GARDNER has been appointed Physics and Geography Mistress at Queenswood School, Hatfield. B. J. HARRIS is working for the Oxford B.C.L. degree. M. HELLIWELL is training in a departmental store at Birmingham. V. HUGHES is training for the Diploma of. Education of Manchester University. G. E. S. HUNT is training for Club work at St. Margaret's House, Bethnal Green. J. LANE has been working at the Talbot Settlement, Camberwell. M. A. LEWIS is teaching at Hong Kong University. Al. B. LEWIS is training at the Cambridge Training College. P. B. MANTON was awarded the Pfeiffer Scholarship at the Women's University Settlement, Southwark, and is training for House Property Management. P. H. McGREGOR is taking a secretarial training course in London. I. P. PALMER was appointed Assistant Principal at the Board of Education, having passed the Civil Service Examination (Administrative Class) in 1936. L. I. PARKS is working at Journalism in Oxford. L. POWYS-ROBERTS is studying at the London School of Economics. M. E. RYALL is training at Clapham Training College. 42

is organizing a Private Travel Agency for Camping and Winter Sports. D. M. THORNTON is training as a Hospital Almoner. J. M. YEAXLEE is working for the Oxford B.Litt. degree.



working at Oxford for the University Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Education.

NEWS OF SENIOR MEMBE S c. M. ADY has been made a member of the Governing Body of St. Swithun's School, Winchester, and a member of the Council of the Friends of Christ Church Cathedral. P. M. ALLEN spent the Summer at Oxford studying the Mental Health work in the city and county, and is now taking a course at the Institute of Child Psychology, London. I. s. T. ASPIN is taking the Diploma in Librarianship at University College, London. F. M. S. BATCHELOR has given up her school for English girls, and now occupies herself with foreign students of English. She holds courses from May to September, and last year had about fortyfive students. MRS. BEDFORD (C. R. McDermott) is working for the M.A. degree of Sheffield University. MRS. BLAXLAND (D. Platt) is in Tanganyika and hopes to return to England for six months' leave next autumn. E. B. C. CLARK has sold her father's business, but is still living at her old address in Southampton. C. M. CLARKSON is living in Washington, D.C., and writing radio script for the Oxford Group's weekly broadcasts in Baltimore, Maryland. R. J. DEAN is enjoying leave of absence from Mount Holyoke College for research. She holds the Fanny Bullock Workman Scholarship for 1937-8 from Wellesley College, and has been awarded a grant from the John Gamble Fund by St. Hugh's College to assist with her work in 1938. C. E. DORMOR is now living at the Lady Margaret Hall Settlement. C. L. EDWARDS is going to give up her work of private teaching in order to live with her father, her mother having died. M. F. EVANS is Superintendent of the Somers Town Nursery School, N.W. 1. M. E. GIBBONS was awarded the Home Office Scholarship for Probation training. R. I. GLENDAY has been appointed President of the Association of the Headmistresses of Preparatory Schools. L. E. GLOVER has been appointed to the Norfolk and Suffolk Area Committee under the Physical Training and Recreation Act, 1937. M. C. GODLEY writes that the London House of Citizenship is growing .


rapidly, and has been full since October 1937. Members of St. Hugh's College, past or present, will be welcomed at its lectures. c. P. GOODENOUGH was on the staff of St. Christopher's College, Blackheath, during the summer term, 1937. Since September she has been at Oxford working for the Archbishop's Diploma in Theology. B. M. HAMILTON THOMPSON is giving a course of Church Tutorial classes in the diocese of Durham. P. HARDCASTLE has held two temporary government posts and is at present doing temporary work in a local office of the Ministry of Labour. She has been doing political work at elections and publicity work. F. W. HARE is now a postulant in the Community of St. Mary the Virgin, Wantage. P. HARTNOLL is still with Macmillan's but has been lent to Dr. H. C. Colles, Musical Critic of The Times, to assist in the revision of, and supplement to, Grove's Dictionary of Music. She has contributed poems and reviews to John o' London, the Observer, and the Lyric, &c. Last summer she accompanied the Old Vic Company to Denmark to see the rehearsals and performance of Hamlet at Elsinore. G. M. K. HILL has been re-elected to the Paddington Borough Council, November 1937. M. S. HOLLAND has resigned her post to be at home with her mother. J. HOOLE has an au pair post at L'Institution Notre Dame, Alencon, Normandy. R. E. HUNTER is doing a year's Social Service Course at the London School of Economics. E. L. JEWETT has a secretarial post with the National Council of Social Service. J. A. JOHNSTON retired last Easter, but is still living at Bussage House. MRS. LOBEL (M. D. Rogers) has lectured for the Historical Association at Coventry and to several schools. She has organized and coached two working-girls' hockey teams, and hopes to start two more next October. She would be glad to hear from any member of the college, living in Oxford, willing to help in coaching or umpiring. M. E. LONG has been teaching in a boarding-school in Hampshire for a term. H. K. MACDONALD returned from the U.S A. in July 1937. M. MACDONALD has been working in Vienna for a couple of months in order to finish a thesis on Austrian Constitutional History, 1918-34. S. McKENZIE has had a temporary secretarial post in the office of the Royal College of Surgeons. E. A. V. MERCER is taking a secretarial course in London. M. G. MILNER (Sister Lucia of the Community of St. Mary the Virgin) has a teaching post at St. Mary's School, Wantage. R. J. MITCHELL has enlarged the scope of her market-garden at Martock, Somerset, and now supplies wedding decorations, bouquets, &c. 44

A. H. IVIOORE has been made a Justice of the Peace for Berkshire. B. M. C. MORGAN has sold St. Joan's School, and is living at home. B. M. NICKALLS has been elected Honorary Secretary of the Bristol

Branch of the National Union of Journalists for the third year in succession. A. M. OGILVIE has given up her work at Barrasford Sanatorium. E. M. T. OLIVER is coaching at the Convent School, Shepton Mallet. N. OSBORNE has been taking a secretarial course in London since January. MRS. PAIN (M. J. Patterson) has resigned her post as Lecturer at King's College as her husband has been moved permanently to Middlesbrough. M. A. R. PARSONS has a clerical post with the National Council for Social Service. A. D. K. PETERS has been made a member of the Council for the Section of Dermatology of the Royal Society of Medicine. E. A. PHILLIPS has been made a member of the Higher Education Committee of the National Council, and a member of the Governing Body of Chorley Wood School for Girls. E. M. PRIDEAUX is retiring from teaching at Easter. M. E. REEVES has been running a Children's Play-centre, organizing club work amongst her students at St. Gabriel's College, London, and editing a series of history books for Junior Schools. MRS. RICHARDSON (C. L. A. Dening) has been coaching, lecturing, and writing. M. i. M. ROGER is engaged on statistical work for the National Employment Commission of Canada. L. C. ROGERS resigned her post as Second Mistress and Senior Science Mistress at Watford Grammar School for Girls in December 1936, and has since been living with her sister in the Isle of Wight. B. F. RYCROFT has been working for the South Berkshire Conservative Association at Newbury. A. A. L. SPRULES worked at the West Ham Central Mission for eight months, and is now working for the Oxford University Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Education. j. o. STOVIN has a secretarial appointment with a firm of Chartered Accountants. L. SYMONDS is working for the Wordsworth Trustees at the Museum at Grasmere. V. K. TALLENT has left the Institute of Animal Genetics, and is studying Medicine at Edinburgh University. M. THORP'S thesis for the degree of D.Phil. was accepted in January 1938. She has held a temporary post as Senior Modern Language Mistress at the Nantwich and Acton Grammar School. MRS. WEST (D. McNeill) is still working with John H. Bennett, Ltd. M. D. WESTON has resigned the Lady Wardenship of The Abbey House, Glastonbury, and has retired to Lynton, but she is prepared to help in emergencies in running institutions. x. M. WILSON has been having a year's leave, learning Arabic in 45

Beirut, and coaching in English at the American University there. She is now near Jerusalem at a Girls' High School teaching English, and continuing her Arabic lessons in Jerusalem. The staff is mainly Arab, and she writes that she is 'soaking in the Arab point of view, anti-Jewish and anti-British, on the Palestine problem'. N. B. WOODCOCK was House Mistress at Maltman's Green for the Summer Term 1937, and has since been living at home and doing occasional teaching.



1933 1935



HURRY PRIZE-WINNERS 1933 1934 1935



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