CHRONICLE 1 94 5-4 6 Number 18
In accordance with the provisions of Statute XI, 7, the twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Association will take place at St. Hugh's College on Saturday, July 6, 1946, at 3 p.m. DRAFT AGENDA 1. Minutes. a. Chairman's Statement.' 3. Report of Election of a Member of Council under Statute XI. 4. Election of Editor of The "Chronicle." 5. Proposal for a memorial of Members of the College who lost their lives through enemy action. DR. j. EVANS. 6. Other Business, if any. C. M. ADY, Secretary.
Notice of further business for inclusion in the Agenda should be sent to me by June ist.
THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1943-7: MISS C. M. ADY, D.LITT. Acting Editor of the Chronicle:
3 5 6
7 7
14 15
12 13 13
1945 1945-6
17 19 19 35
Council BARBARA ELIZABETH GWYER, M.A., Principal. DOUGLAS VEALE, M.A., Fellow of Corpus Christi,
until the 1st day of October
1945 (Chairman). ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Official Fellow, Secretary to the Council. EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Official Fellow. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT, M.A., Official Fellow and Treasurer. CECILIA MARY ADY, M.A., D.LITT., Research Fellow. DAISY EMILY MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, M.A., Official Fellow. OLGA DELFINA BICKLEY, M.A., Official Fellow. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. IDA CAROLINE MANN, M.A., Professorial Fellow. JOHN LINTON MYRES, M.A., Fellow of New College, until the 1st
day of
October 1945. ALFRED EWERT, M.A., Fellow of Trinity, until the ist day of October 1946. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT., until the 1st day of October 1947. GWENDOLEN MOBERLY (LADY), M.A., until the 1st day of October 1948. MARJORIE MOLLER, M.A., until the 1st day of October 1947. JOAN MERVYN HUSSEY, B.LITT., M.A., until the ist day of October 1946. STEPHEN GROSVENOR LEE, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen, until the 1st day
M.A., Principal of Jesus College, until the ist
day of October 1948.
Principal B. E. GWYER, M.A.
Tutors E. A. FRANCIS, M.A. M. E. SEATON, M.A., F .R.S.L. E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A. , F.R.HIST.S. D. E. MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A. A. IIEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT. 0. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in Lit-
tere (Genoa). D. H. F. GRAY, M.A., O.B.E.
French. English Literature. History. English Language. Politics and Economics. Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian. Classics.
Assistant Tutors I. W. BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL. M. G. ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., F.R.A.S.
Mathematics. Science. Treasurer
Bursar S. MASON.
Principal's Secretary M. FOWLE.
REPORT OF THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION SF SENIOR MEMItEELS MHE Meeting was held at Holywell Manor on Saturday, June 23rd, 1945, I. the Principal in the Chair. The following members were present: Miss Adam, Dr. Ady, Miss Beese, Miss Chattaway, Miss Fowle, Mrs. Hardie, Miss Hobbs, Miss Lefroy, Miss Lemon, Miss McKenna, Miss Martin-Hurst, Miss Moller, Miss Perham, Miss Procter, Miss Seaton, Mrs. Snow, Miss Talbot, Mrs. Trotman. The Chairman in her statement gave the cheering news that there was good prospect of the return of the College to its own buildings not later than Hilary Term 1946. The release of Miss Gray, Fellow and Tutor of the College, from Government work was also expected by the same date. Miss Glover had resigned her Fellowship in order to continue the work in connexion with industrial welfare on which she was now engaged. The period of undergraduate residence was no longer curtailed, although annual reports on the progress of each undergraduate were still asked for by the Government. Postgraduate residence for purposes of research was now allowed, and the College looked forward to having research students once more. Undergraduates and candidates already accepted by the College were applying to come into residence on their release from national service. Preference was being given to applications from Scholars and Exhibitioners and from State Scholars. A special examination was being arranged by the Women's Colleges for ex-national service candidates seeking admission to the University in the coming academic year. The recently opened Endowment Fund was attracting further gifts, including from Mrs. Snow, and ÂŁ60 from Miss Dolphin. The gift of ÂŁ500 from an anonymous donor for research had been used to augment the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship. The Chairman ended by saying that the date of her retirement was approaching and that the Annual Meeting of 1946 would probably be the last over which she will preside. The result of a contested election to the Council was the return of Lady Moberly (G. Gardner) for three years (Lady Moberly Io6 votes, Miss D. McKenna, 68 votes). The Membership of the Association rose from 653 to 691 during the year.
THE PRINCIPAL'S LETTER T\ EAR Miss Lemon, It is very pleasing to be writing to you from the proper address, and since it is my last Annual Letter to the Editor of the
Chronicle, to address it from Holywell Manor would have been a disappointment indeed. First, let me thank you in the name of all members of our Association for taking on the editorship when Mrs. Jalland found herself obliged to leave Oxford owing to her husband's appointment as Lecturer in Theology in the University College of the South-West, Exeter. Your devotion to the College
and experience in such compilations as are required for our periodical are assets one could hardly expect to find in such full measure ready to hand a second time. The expansion of the issue to over thirty pages is a fine send-off to your editorship. As to our return, we had uncertainty hanging over us all through the Long Vacation, and then at a few weeks' notice (with promises of help in the struggle which did not all 'come off') were obliged to remove ourselves, our furniture and our books, into a College which needed cleansing in every corner, filled with broken furniture and worn-out equipment, and the essential services in dangerous disarray. Ready in a month ? The first feeling of all who looked on the spectacle was of utter incredulity, but, by a feat of organization for which the Bursar deserves the greatest credit, it proved just possible to receive students 'not earlier than 2 p.m.' on October i3th (the first day of Term). A hundred helpers, miscellaneous in character and antecedents, had been gathered together, including German p.o.w. who proved effective cleaners, undergraduates and domestic workers of every grade, while electricians, plumbers, and emissaries of the War Office intent on their own mysterious business, threaded their way among the rest. All our buildings, with the exception of part of the Mary Gray Allen Wing and the Moberly block, which were themselves newer and perhaps were treated with more care than the rest, urgently need re-decoration, and the Council has decided to refuse all Conferences and Vacation Courses this summer in order to get it done and also to give adequate opportunity for the demolition of the brick wards now ranged over the garden. The garden itself, even when cleared, will take years to recover. Professor Cairns, the brain specialist in charge of St. Hugh's Hospital, worked miracles of surgery, and the Hospital was visited by distinguished medical men from all over the world. It is 'this picture' rather than 'that' that we must 'look on' when tempted to be dismayed by our own problems. We are thankful to have been of use to the nation and to Service personnel suffering from head wounds, and proud that such advances in brain surgery should have been made at St. Hugh's Hospital. The Chapel, which I am glad to say had been used by Chaplains and worshippers of various denominations, had its first College Celebration on the Sunday following St. Hugh's Day, when Dr. Hone, till lately Bishop of Wakefield, came to us. Our sense of being fully at home again awaited this climax, and the College goes on joyfully into its new future. The Librarian reports that our 'treasures', deposited under the wing of Bodley's Librarian in some secret fastness, have safely returned. With characteristic courtesy she made it her aim during the occupation of the College to put the Library at the service of the studious among patients and orderlies. Warm appreciation and some delightful gifts have resulted. All must share her hope that the restricted paper supply will soon be a thing of the past, and English and foreign books begin again to flow on to the shelves which have so long waited in vain. There have been a few changes on the Council since last year. Dr. C. S. Orwin, who has retired to his country home and can no longer attend regularly, has to our great regret resigned his seat as a co-opted member, and Sir Frederick Ogilvie, Principal of Jesus College, has been elected as an extraordinary member. Dr. Busbridge, known to ten generations of mathematical students in Oxford, has been elected to an Official Fellowship. Miss Glover, to whom her war service has given a keen interest in factory 8•
conditions, has resigned her Fellowship in order to accept an appointment on the staff of the Institute of Industrial Psychology. Miss Gray returned to the College in October from Washington. Her services as temporary Assistant Secretary, the Board of Trade, have been recognized by the well-deserved honour of the O.B.E. in the New Year's List. Mrs. Martin Clarke, who was given sabbatical leave for two terms at the end of the war, writes happily from the United States where she is visiting Colleges and delivering courses of lectures. The Council has under ,consideration as I write a revision in the scale of stipends to be paid to its Officers and other persons in its employ, and in the fees to be paid by undergraduates in residence, from October 1946 onwards. Careful administration of the Tuition Fund has enabled the College to meet the increased cost of tuition received from tutors in other Societies in the University (where fees have already been raised) for 1945-6, but this reserve fund will not last longer. Warning of the impending change was given in January to all parents of undergraduates in residence, and to candidates for admission to the College in October next. The number of candidates exceeds all records, and with the addition of returned 'Shortened Course' graduates, ex-service women entitled to Government grants, and the graduates of other universities all over the world who now hope to fulfil the long-cherished hope of further study at Oxford, the problem becomes almost insoluble. Exservice women have had special consideration given to them in the form of a special examination in the summer of 1945, to be repeated in the summer of this year (with a reservation of five places). They were also encouraged, if demobilized before November 1st, 1945, to sit for the ordinary College Scholarship and Entrance Examination in March 1946. Conferences between high-ranking officers of the three auxiliary Services, Principals and tutorial representatives of the five Women's Societies, were held in the winter, with helpful advice available on both sides, and a high level of candidates is expected to result. But accommodation outside the College, and service and fuel both within and without, are very scarce still. The derequisitioning of houses proceeds slowly, their setting in order more slowly still. The present complexity of both financial and domestic administration has caused the Council to revert to an arrangement which was modified in 1932 (in favour of a combination of the two offices), viz. a division of labour between Treasurer and Bursar and the re-institution of the former nonresident Office. Senior members of the earlier period will not forget what the College owes to the work of the late Dr. Cronshaw, Dr. Radclyffe, and Mr. Lyon, former Treasurers; but I am glad to be able to report that Miss Thorneycroft's experience now qualifies her for full responsibility in the financial field; while the new Administrative Office of Bursar is to be limited to internal management. Miss Mason, who joined the bursarial staff in 1941 and became Assistant Bursar last year, has been appointed Bursar, and it is generally expected that this development will strengthen and continue the high reputation enjoyed by the College for its success in both the financial and the domestic spheres. I am looking forward greatly to our first post-war Gaudy, and hope that many Senior Members on war service will have been released by that time and will come to my farewell. They know that the engrossing interests, the firm and energetic support, and the friendly relationships, which from the date of my appointment in 1924 have given me so much happiness, will not be 9
forgotten in my retirement, and as a Life Member of the Association the doings of every fellow-member will still count with me as of the first importance. We shall continue to be and to feel part of a single family. I shall not, therefore, say good-bye to the Association, but shall prepare to join with you in welcoming its new Chairman, whose period of office will begin on August 1st. It is with sad but proud appreciation that we shall consider the proposal to be made by Dr. Evans at the Annual Meeting in June—how best to commemorate our departed 'by enemy action'. If I can help in any way to set forward this act of remembrance I shall greatly value the privilege. With kindest regards, Yours sincerely, March 1946 B. E. GWYER.
BENEFACTIONS ON the Council's behalf I have acknowledged with grateful thanks the following gifts made since the last issue of the Chronicle: From a Senior Member remaining anonymous, 5oo for purposes of research. This has been added to the endowment of the Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship. From Mrs. Snow (1922-6), roo for the Endowment Fund. From Miss Dolphin (1929-33), ÂŁ6o for the Endowment Fund. Under the Will of the late Margaret Bixby (1928-30), 471 for 'the scholarship fund of the College'. B. E. G.
ST. MARGARET'S HOUSE, POST-WAR TIKE other more celebrated institutions, St. Margaret's House has been
making some plans for 'after the war'. Some of these we hope may be carried out in the not too distant future, and we welcome this opportunity to tell you of them. During the war the House took on a number of emergency jobs (rest-centre work, help with evacuation, work for the Soldiers', Sailors' & Airmen's Families Association) the need for which has disappeared. We are, however, anxious to maintain on war-time activity the Citizens' Advice Bureau, for it has become a permanent part of our work for the neighbourhood. Its maintenance will, however, be difficult financially if the Ministry of Health grant, which ceases at the end of March, is not replaced by help from other sources. We hope that the Town Hall which has used the C.A.B. continuously will give us the necessary support. Our club work we feel demands more than the maintenance of our existing clubs. During the war we have been able to keep all the existing groups from Toddlers to the Old Age Pensioners' Cozy Club' running. We are faced with the problem of making them still more useful by trying to meet the needs of every age group. At present we cannot boast a proper club ladder. Some of the most important rungs are missing. Thus there is no club for boys over zd
14 until they qualify for the Mixed Club at x6 plus. There are no 'Fathers Clubs', and there is no Mixed Club for young people over 21. The potential club members are there but we just have no accommodation to offer them. As it is our present clubroom is shared by every existing group, and this is hard on members and leaders alike. The children in particular need at least one properly equipped room of their own. All this points to expansion. There is a possibility that St. Margaret's could acquire the house next door, which has a garden adjoining ours, at the end of which is a burnt-out factory. Now the factory could convert into excellent club-rooms, and the house might well be used for additional students and workers. These would probably be of the opposite sex, since a man club leader is already badly needed and would be indispensable under the new regime. Such plans as these are of course tentative and may have to be modified by events. What is clear is that if St. Margaret's is to play a full part in building up a happier and more self-reliant Bethnal Green it must itself be sufficiently many-sided to attract neighbours of all ages. It must also be sufficiently secure financially to be able to plan with confidence for the years ahead. We look to all our most generous supporters to help us to realize our dreams. STELLA PENLEY
THE JUNIOR COMMON ROOM MHE activities of St. Hugh's as a community have been limited by the prolonged separation of its members in Holywell Manor, Savile House, and the various college houses. Third years, living in splendid isolation, were viewed with something like distrust by freshers when they made their infrequent visits to the Manor for J.C.R. meetings. There was a consequent lack of understanding of each other's problems and proposals in these meetings which made the task of a war-time President an unwieldy one, and even the academic comradeship and enthusiasm of the College were to some extent imperilled by the unfamiliarity of the names on the Honours List and the comparative inaccessibility of the Library, our one remaining foothold in St. Hugh's, during the war. May 1945, when peace returned to a tortured Europe, will remain gloriously in the memory of all who had the good fortune to be in Oxford at the time. St. Hugh's rejoiced, under the benevolent eye of the S.C.R., and there is not one of us who will not remember as long as she lives the spirit of goodwill and joy which filled the College and united it still more firmly with the whole University on that day of sunshine and showers, breakfasts in boats on the peaceful Cher., greeting from undergraduate to undergraduate, known and unknown, thanksgiving made with all England at the three o'clock broadcast, and a more personal thanksgiving for the peace that had never been disturbed, as the hymn of praise rose in college chapels. Then a night of bonfires and singing, of dancing on Magdalen Bridge under the soaring, floodlit spires, and of weary, contented home-coming on the first starlit night of peace. The Michaelmas Term was a memorable one for the J.C.R., none of whom, excepting perhaps those few whom we were proud to welcome back at that time from the Forces, had known our own College building. Herculean labour made the College habitable in an incredibly short space of time, and II
though huts and passages could not be torn out of the once lovely gardens, nor a faint hospital odour removed from the central regions (now fortunately used as a surgery), yet St. Hugh's is once more a gracious and friendly building in which nearly all the members of the J.C.R. are housed. Grateful as we were in our exile for the mellow, sheltering walls of the Manor, it is only now, reinstated after that exile, that we know the fullness of pride in the words: `Our college, St. Hugh's.'
DEGREES, 1945-6 B.C.L. K. Tyabji. B.M. Mrs. Balf (M. Burch),* J. M. Briscoe, E. H. Hadfield. M.A. C. S. M. Abbott,* Mrs. Biltcliffe (M. C. B. Acaster),* B. C. H. Brodie, Ethel Brown,* Mrs. Calvert-Smith (S. M. Tilling), L. M. Clish, S. F. De Sa, C. M. Dowler,* P. M. C. Evans, M. C. Finch, A. H. Gabain,* Mrs. Gadomski (S. S. Pridmore),* M. C. Godley, Mrs. Grandy (A. I. M. Shaw), J. 0. Harries, Mrs. Hobson (S. Surtees),* Mrs. Howell (G. E. Davies),* M. F. H. Hume,* Mrs. Johnson (H. J. M. Annett), N. S. Jones, G. I. Keenleyside, Mrs. Kershaw (H. M. Healey), W. M. Laws, F. M. E. Macdonald, I. A. L. Manger, A. B. Y. Mitchell,* Mrs. Moignard (J. P. Dawson), G. M. Mossop, G. L. Musto, D. Neville-Rolfe, E. L. Oldham,* M. H. B. Reynard, M. Rhys,* F. E. Saintsbury, H. J. Southern, M. Standeven, Mrs. Thomson (P. B. Davies),* H. C. N. Turnbull,* K. Tyabji, Mrs. Walmsley (A. J. Parker),* A. M. Watson. B.Sc. Mrs. FitzPatrick (J. M. Richardson). B.A. C. C. Aspinall, L. D. Bechler, B. A. Bristow, A. C. Burrows, S. M. Castor, M. C. Chapman, D. E. Chatfield, M. P. Ciantar, M. E. Clifford, M. J. Croft, M. J. Daniels, 0. L. Davison, Mrs. Dawkins (B. W. Brown), E. J. Ellis, H. S. B. Felberbaum, A. F. Fisher, J. D. Fitzpatrick, 0. P. Frodsham, J. M. Gamon, Z. G. Garrett, J. M. Gibbins, M. J. Gilbertson, Y. L. Harrison, S. Hassid, J. W. Hollins, M. Igglesden, Mrs. Johnson (H. J. M. Annett), N. M. King, C. M. Lilleyman, M. J. Linklater, 0. A. W. Lyon, Mrs. McElhinney (E. J. Williams), J. E. McKinstry, D. P. MacLean, N. Rhys, J. F. Robertson, Mrs. Scott (N. M. Miall), Mrs. Suggate (0. D. Reynolds), D. E. Watson, A. M. Weeks,* M. K. B. Wilkins, S. Wolff, M. L. Woodward. * In absence.
HON UR EXAMINATIONS, 1945 Modern History. Class II, C. C. Aspinall, R. L. Dennis, H. S. B. Felberbaum, L. Lewenz. Class III, B. Arnold, J. E. Dawson.
Theology. Class III, J. E. Taylor. English. Class II, Y. L. Harrison, M. J. Linklater, C. Lyon. Class III, D. E. Chatfield. Class IV, M. J. Croft.
Modern Languages. Class I, 0. L. Davison (Fr. Ger.). Class II, E. J. Ellis (Fr. Ger.), M. Igglesden (Fr.), N. M. King (Fr. Ger.), N. Rhys (Span.), D. E. Watson (Span. Fr.). 12
Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Class I, A. D. Dockerill. Class II, B. A. Bristow, J. M. Gibbins, P. M. Humphreys, M. L. Reid.
Geography. Class IV, J. M. E. Fortescue-Foulkes. Hon. Classical Moderations. Class I, H. Goodwin. Class II, J. M. Lloyds, P. Pedlar.
Hon. Mathematical Moderations. Class II, B. E. Blomfield, P. H. M. Rothwell. Class III, J. E. Jones. Hon. Moderations in Natural Science. Class III, J. Le Gros Clark.
Modern History, Part I. Class II, 0. R. Gee, V. J. Langton, M. E. Newman. Modern Languages, Part I. Class I, H. N. Mitsotakis (Fr.), Class II. F. E. Bates (Fr.). M. C. B. Burbury (Fr.).
Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Class III, The Hon. J. Somerset.
TWordsworth Studentship
HE war having ended, the Council has decided to offer the Elizabeth once more. Applications are invited from former undergraduates of the College qualified for research and prepared to devote themselves to study on an approved subject as from October 1946. Particulars from the Principal. On the recommendation of the Committee, the Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholarship 1945-6 was awarded to Margaret Allnutt Priestley (B.A., Newnham College, Cambridge). Miss Priestley was placed in Class I of both parts of the Historical Tripos and was then employed by the Admiralty on specialized work. The Moberly Senior Scholarship 1945-6 was awarded to Olive Lenore Davison, B.A. (Class I, Honour School of Mediaeval and Modern Languages 1945).
Michaelmas Term, 1945 Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholar: MARGARET ALLNUTT PRIESTLEY, M.A. (Newnham College, Cambridge).
Jubilee Scholar: Scholars:
English, Pitman's College.
Carlisle and County High School.
Modern Languages, Wycombe High
School. RHODA SEAMAN, History, Mundella Secondary School, Nottingham. ARABELLA ANN WARDLEY, Chemistry, Downe House, Newbury.
Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Wycombe
High School. JEAN MELITA BULLEN, Geography, Cheltenham Ladies' College. HILDA DALLEY, History, Cheltenham Ladies' College. ELIZABETH MARION DEUCHAR, Zoology, Cheltenham Ladies' College. AUDREY ISABEL GILLMORE, English, King Edward VI's High School,
ingham. ELIZABETH MADGE HAMPSON, History, Southport High School. BARBARA VIVIAN HARRIS, Modern Languages, County Intermediate
and Economics, Birkbeck College. Modern Languages, Cheltenham Ladies'
Medicine, St. Paul's Girls' School.
RUBY MILDRED BROOKE, B.A., Westfield College, London. CATHERINE HESTER DOROTHY DAWSON, St. Mary's School, Wantage. ELIZABETH RUTH EADE, West Cornwall School, Penzance. WANDA GAWROKSICA, Liceo Mamiani, Rome. MARION CUNNINGHAM GRAHAM, The Mount School, York. JOAN MARIE dCILE HARPER, Talbot Heath, Bournemouth. BRENDA MARY HENDERSON, M.A., Glasgow University. DOROTHY MARY LANE, Chesterfield High School. VALERIE BRENDA LEDGER, Watford Girls' Grammar School. MARIE LEWIS, Brownhills High School. PAMELA MARY MAYCOCK, Eothen School, Caterham. ELEANOR RUTH MICKLEM, Cheltenham Ladies' College. HESTER MARY OGILVY, M.A., Edinburgh University. HELEN WATTERS PATTON RICHARDSON, Howell's Glamorgan County
Llandaff. PAULINE RIPLEY, Cheltenham Ladies' College. HELEN MARGARET WALLIS, St. Paul's Girls' School. TSAI WANG, B.A., Rockford University, Illinois. MARY TEMPLETON WHITCOMBE, Bedgebury Park, Dolgelley. (MRS.) GWENDA WHITTY, B.A., Victoria University, New Zealand.
Harrogate College.
®iiiITitJA Y On April 29th, 1945, suddenly in New York, MARGARET FRANCES BIXBY, Undergraduate of the College, 1927-30. Aged 41. On February 4th, 1946, INEZ PAULINE MELANIE LOPEZ DE CASTRO, M.A., Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1897-1900. Aged 7o. In September 1945, BRIDGET JOAN YAPP, M.A. (née Spedding), Undergraduate of the College, 1928-31. Aged 37. 14
M RR][AGES (late R.A.F.), at St. Andrew's, Backwell, nr. Bristol, on January Izth, 1946. ANN TWYNAM BLAKE to DR. L. D. HAMILTON, in Oxford, on July 20th, 1945. STELLA MARY CASTOR to MR. N. S. FORWARD, at Stony Stratford, on August 9th, 1945. DAUGHNE EILEEN CHATFIELD to CAPTAIN J. B. DANCER, R.A.M.C., in September 1945. KATHLEEN IRIS COOMBS to MR. RALPH GLASSER, at Oxford, on September 29th, 1945. MARY MARGARET DARWALL to MR. PETER LUCAS, on August loth, 1942. COOMIE JEHANGIR DASTUR to MR. EVELYN WOOD, in India, in 1944. ELSIE BARBARA BETTY DAY to MR. R. W. SMALL, at St. Pancras Registry Office, in September 1944 ROSEMARIE HELEN FANNING to MR. NOEL FARQUHARSON SHARP, in February 1945. DAPHNE ANN OLIVER HUDSON to MR. G. F. HARDING, on July 28th, 1945. GLENYS MARY JOLLIFFE to MR. G. T. ROBERTS, in September 1945. NANCY MARGARET MIALL to LIEUT. JOSEPH SCOTT, R.A.C. (Queen's College), at Lastingham Church, Yorks., on March 9th, 1945. ETHEL MARJORIE MITCHELL to MR. JAMES BAND, on March 18th, 1945. VIOLA MARY NEWPORT to THE REV. DR. G. B. CAIRD, in August 1945. ADELINE JOY PARKER to FLIGHT-LIEUTENANT H. WALMSLEY, at Holy Innocents' Church, High Beech, Essex, on May 23rd, 1945. ANGELA ROSALIE POW to MR. ROBERT P. KOENIG, on February r6th, 1946. RUTH ALICE ANDREWS to MR. TIMOTHY FULLER
in St.
George's Cathedral, Madras, on October 28th, 1945. SHEILA ROGERS to MR. ROSE. ALEXANDRA IRENE MACKINTOSH SHAW to MAJOR JAMES F. GRANDY,
Royal Canadian Artillery, at St. Lawrence, North Hinksey, on August 18th, 1945. NINA SHILSTON tO MR. PETER J. C. DESPRL (Merton College), on August 15th, 1945. PATRICIA STOCKDALE to MR. DAVID JARVIS COWPERTHWAITE (Exeter College), in Llandough Parish Church, on September 3oth, 1944. MARYLLIS DORA TULL to CAPTAIN E. M. CONDER, Royal Tank Regt., at Perth, on August 8th, 1945. ELLEN VERA ALICE TURNER to MR. DENNIS HEROD, at St. Michael's Church, Teignmouth, on September 7th, 1945. ELIZABETH JOY WILLIAMS to MR. D. M. MCELHINNEY, in St. John's Church, Palmers Green, on November loth, 1945. JEAN CRUM is to
be married to
on April 9th, 1946. 15
BI THS MRS. ANDERSON (Diana Morgans)—a son (Roy), October 6th, 1945. MRS. BARRATT BROWN (F. E. Lloyd)—a son (Christopher John), on Christmas
(M. C. B. Acaster)—a daughter (Arnie), on January 3oth,
1945. MRS BIRTWELL (Nancy Deas)—a son, on December 3oth, 1945. MRS. BLACK (Mary Stradling)—a daughter, on March 8th, 1945• MRS. CALVERT-SMITH (S. M. Tilling)—a son (David), on April 6th, 1945. MRS. CARR (D. M. Butler)—a daughter (Judith Catharine), on April 3rd, 1945. MRS. CHAPUT DE SAINTONGE (Barbara Watts)—a daughter (Rebecca), on July
27th, 1945. (B. R. Hamilton)—a daughter (Monica Clare), on December 9th, 1944.. MRS. DISNEY (Eira Wynn Williams)—a daughter (Sarah Wynn), on February 25th, 1945. MRS. DOHERTY (Romola Sykes)—a son (Julian), on October 4th, 1945. MRS. MORDA EVANS (C. M. G. Davies)—a son (Llewellyn John Morda), on December 9th, 1945. MRS. FITZPATRICK (J. M. Richardson)—a son (David), who lived only a few hours, on October 1 ith, 1945. MRS. FLASH (Delphine Chitty)—a daughter (stillborn), on February 27th, 1945. MRS. GARRETT (H. L. Coates)—a son (Robert Martin), in Toronto, on September 24th, 1944. MRS. GROOM (Phyllis Horseman)—a son (Christopher Louis), on October 2211d, 1945. MRS. HOBSON (Sheila Surtees)—a son (Peter), on October 2nd, 1944. MRS. HOWELL (Gwendolen Davies)—a son (Richard Stanley Charles), on August i3th, 1945. THE COUNTESS OF HUNTINGDON (M. Lane)—a daughter, on March 5th, 1945. MRS. IBBOTSON (Patricia Day-Winter)—a daughter (Penelope Jennifer), on October 3rd, 1945. MRS. LATHAM (Pauline Kirby)—a son, on June loth, 1945. MRS. LEIGHTON THOMSON (Prudence Davies)—a son (David George Courtenay), on April izth, 1945, MRS. LEONARD (V. P. Swann)—a son, in 1944. MRS. LUCAS (M. M. Darwall)—a son (Jonathan), on February 6th, 1944. MRS. PYEMONT (Ruth Johnson)—a daughter, on July 24th, 1945. MRS. ROBERTS (C. McClark)—twins (David Hugh and Helen Alison), on August 2nd, 1944. MRS. ROBERTSON (M. M. Prosser)—a daughter (Elizabeth), on May 28th, 1942. MRS. SANDERS (Irene Townsend)—a son (Francis Edward), on March 1st, 1945. MRS. SCHULTZ (Maureen McKinstry)—a son (Robert), on August 18th, 1945. Ants. SMITH (Stella Tilling)—a son (David), on April 6th, 1945. MRS. VENTNERS (J. C. Bell)—a daughter (Catherine), on August 4th, 1943: a daughter (Elizabeth), on February 26th, 1945. MRS. WROTTESLEY (M. M. Wilde)—twins (Michael Francis and Letitia Marjorie), on October 23rd, 1945. MRS. DAVIES
PUBLICATIONS Behind the Mud Walls. Freda Bedi. The Unity Publishers, Lahore. Rs. 5. Biography of Grace Hadow. H. C. Deneke, M.A. O.U.P. ros. 6d. Youth Club Epilogues. D. M. M. Edwards Rees, M.A., and Jack Peel. Evans
Brothers, 1943• is. 6d.
A Rural Youth Service: suggestions for youth work in the countryside. D. M. M.
Edwards Rees, M.A. Religious Education Press, 1944. 3s. 6d. Forthcoming: Leconte de Lisle's Poems on the Barbarian Races. A. A. B. Fairlie, M.A., D.Phil. C.U.P. Spirit of Canadian Democracy: A collection of Canadian writings from the beginning to the present day. Selected by Margaret Fairley. Progress
Books, Toronto, 1945. $3.00. Teach yourself about the Greeks. Edited and abridged from J. C. Stobart's The Glory that was Greece. E. E. Herron. English Universities Press, 1939. 2s. 6d. A Children's Pilgrim's Progress. E. E. Herron. Brockhampton Press, 1946. 45. 6d. Danbury—Historical Notes and Records. F. Mary E. Hopkirk. Clarke & Co.,
Chelmsford, 1945. 4s. (Sold out). Forthcoming: Queen Adelaide. F. Mary E. Hopkirk. John Murray, 1946. About 15s. Forthcoming : Austria 1918-1936: a study in the failure of democracy. Mary Macdonald, B.Litt., M.A. O.U.P. Four Victorian Ladies of Wiltshire. Edith Olivier. Faber. r2s. 6d. Death takes the Stump. Eunice H. Duthoit (Mrs. Turner). Phoenix Press, 1945. ARTICLES Two Articles on Sherborne School for Girls—one on war-time activities, one on extra-curricular work—written for American educational magazines at the request of the Ministry of Information. M. A. Beese, B.Litt., M.A. `Elizabeth, abbess of Schonau, and Roger of Ford' in Modern Philology, xli, 4 (May 1944), pp. 209-20. R. J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. `Latin Paleography : 1929-1943' in Progress of Medieval and Renaissance Studies in the United States and Canada, Bulletin No. 18, Boulder, Colorado, June 5944, pp. 6-18. R. J. Dean. `A Fourteenth-century manuscript of Le Roman de la Rose and a fragment of Le Compot: Huntington manuscript 9oz' in Medium Aevum, xii (1943 publ. August 1944), pp. 18-24. R. J. Dean. Review of: Ystoire de la Passion: B.N. MS. fr. 821. By Edith Armstrong. Wright. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press ; London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press ; Paris, Societe d'Edition 'Les Belles Lettres', 1944. Pp. 78. In The Romanic Review, xxxv,, 3 (October 1944), pp. 252-4. R. J. Dean. `The Earliest Known Commentary on Livy is by Nicholas Trevet' in Medievalia et Humanistica, III (1945), pp. 86-98, with plate. R. J. Dean. `The Kinetics of the Sulphonation of some Aromatic Compounds by Sulphur Trioxide.' Journal of the Chemical Society, December 5944. Eva M. Dresel, B.A., B.Sc., and C. N. Hinshelwood. 17
`Anna Karenina.' The Slavonic and Eastern European Review, vol. xxiv, no. 63. N. Gorodetzky, B.Litt., D.Phil. `What I owe to a classical education' in The Glory that is Greece, compiled and edited by Hilda Hughes and published in aid of the Greek Red Cross under the auspices of the Greek Government Department of Information, by Hutchinson & Co. B. E. Gwyer, M.A. Memoir on Annie Mary Anne Healey Rogers in the Supplement to the Dictionary of National Biography. B. E. Gwyer. `The reproduction of the house-mouse (Mus musculus) living in different environments.' In press. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. E. M. 0. Lawrie, M.Sc. `The effect of ascorbic acid on the occurrence of hyphaema after cataract extraction.' Brit. Journ. Ophthal., April 1945. I. C. Mann and A. Pirie. `Ariboflavinosis'. Amer. Journ. Ophthal., 1945 vol. xxviii, no. 3. I. C. Mann. `Report of 48 cases of marginal blepharitis treated with penicillin.' Brit. Journ. Ophthal., July 1945. I. C. Mann, M. E. Florey, and A. M. McFarlan. `Ophthalmology in the factory'. Brit. Journ. Indus. Med., July 1945. I. C. Mann. `Exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia and its relation to thyrotoxicosis.' Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., October 1945, xxxviii, iz, pp. 667-70. I. C. Mann. `Industrial Dermatoses. Diagnosis and Treatment.' Article in Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1944. A. D. K. Peters. `Treatment of War-time Skin Diseases.' Medical Press and circular, reprinted in Modern Treatment Year Book, 1944. A. D. K. Peters. `The Scientific works of the Court of Alfonso X of Castille: the King and his collaborators.' Modern Language Review, vol. xl, 1945. E. E. S. Procter, M.A. `The Demon of Tidworth.' A Radio Play, broadcast in the Home Service, January 1944. C. L. A. Richardson, M.A. `The Dead Drummer of Salisbury Plain.' A Radio Play, broadcast in the Home Service, November 1945. C. L. A. Richardson. `A Midshipman for my Lord Nelson.' A Radio Play, broadcast in the Children's Hour, June 1944. C. L. A. Richardson. `Beware of the Lion.' A Radio Play, broadcast in the Children's Hour, August 1945. C. L. A. Richardson. `Implantation of acrylic-vesindises in Rabbits' skulls.' Brit. Journ. Surgery, vol. xxxiii, p. 83. D. S. Russell, M.A., and D. J. K. Beck, J. Small, — Graham. `I saw young Harry.' Review of English Studies, October 1945, xxi, pp. 319-22. M. E. Seaton, M.A., and K. M. Lea. Jonson and Dickens: A study of the comic genius of London.' Essays and Studies, vol. xxix, pp. 82-92,1944. E. M. Simpson, D.Phil. `Notes on Donne.' Review of English Studies, xx, pp. 224-7, July 1944. E. M. Simpson. `King Charles II and Dusseldorf.' Notes and Queries, February loth, 1945. M. R. Toynbee, M.A. `An Early Correspondence of Queen Mary of Modena.' Notes and Queries, March loth and 24th and April 7th, 1945. M. R. Toynbee. `The Early Work of Sir Peter Lely.' Burlington Magazine, May 1945• M. R. Toynbee. 18
M. J. CROFT, B.A.; E. J. ELLIS, B.A.; H. S. FELBERBAUM, B.A. ; Y. L. HARRISON, B.A. ; L. L. LEWENZ ; M. L. LINKLATER, B.A.; E. F. PAGE, and D. E. WATSON, B.A. ; are
reading for the Oxford Diploma in the Theory, History, and Practice of Education. A. J. B. ARNOLD, Temporary Assistant, Board of Trade. C. C. ASPINALL, B.A., Temporary Assistant Inspector, Ministry of National Insurance, Liverpool. B. A. BRISTOW, B.A., who is expecting to take the Civil Service Examination in the near future, is a temporary Administrative Assistant (Trainee) in the Burma Office. J. E. DAWSON, B.A., worked at the Red Cross Depot in Oxford while keeping her ninth term. O. L. DAVISON, B.A., Moberly Senior Scholar 1945-6, is reading for the Diploma in Comparative Philology. She will enter on her appointment as Lecturer in German at Somerville College in October. R. L. DENNIS is training for House Property Management. A. D. DOCKERILL, Temporary Assistant Principal, Ministry of Works. J. M. E. FORTESCUE-FOULKES, B.A., domestic work at the House of Citizenship Ltd., Woodstock. J. M. GIBBINS, B.A., secretarial training. P. M. HUMPHREYS has been assisting temporarily at the House of Citizenship Ltd. M. IGGLESDEN, B.A., reading for Education Diploma at Birmingham University. N. M. KING, Temporary Junior Administrative Assistant in the Art Branch of the Admiralty. O. A. W. LYON, B.A., reading for B.Litt., Faculty of English. M. I. REID, B.A., Temporary Administrative Assistant (Trainee), Treasury. NEST RHYS, B.A., is taking a secretarial course in Oxford. J. E. TAYLOR, teaching Divinity at Barr's Hill School, Coventry.
NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENI IR MEM ERS, 1945-6 [These notes are mainly the replies sent by members on the printed form of request for information and in some cases include details of appointments that have been recorded before.]
still teaching refugees in Reading, and teaching Swahili to candidates for U.M.C.A. at Central Africa House. C. M. ADY, M.A., D.LITT., worked for three years for the Naval Intelligence Department, Oxford section, on Italian subjects. She was re-elected a member of the House of Laity (Church Assembly) for the Diocese of Oxford in April 1945. W. E. ALDER-BARRETT, M.A., was appointed County Librarian for Cumberland in January 1946. D. C. ABDY is
was promoted Flight Officer, W.A.A.F., in March 1945, and is now with a Vocational Advice Unit, R.A.F., in the Middle East. R. A. ANDREWS, B.A., has served in the W.A.A.F. as a wireless mechanic since July 1943, for the last sixteen months on aircraft maintenance with Flying Training Command in Somerset. S. B. ANDREWS, B.SC., M.A., was appointed Biology Mistress at Wimbledon High School (G.P.D.S.T.) MRS. ANNESLEY (C. A. J. Awdry-Nicks) was an ambulance driver in F.A.N.Y. in London from 1939 to 1941, a convoy driver till 1943, and in the Army Education Corps till 1945. M. E. ASHE, B.A., was appointed to the Overseas Finance Department of the Treasury. K. E. BARBS, M.A., was appointed Hostel Head, Goldsmiths' College, University of London, from January 1946. G. M. BAKER, M.A., was appointed Senior Mistress at the Banbury County School from September 1945. She did five years' service as an auxiliary nurse (civilian nursing reserve). MRS. BALF (Mary Burch), B.A., B.M., was appointed House Physician in the Emergency Hospital, Shotley Bridge, Co. Durham. MRS. BAND (E. M. Mitchell), M.A., was appointed Demonstrator in Botany at Reading University in October 1945. EVERITT BARBER is the Assistant County Director for Hampshire, British Red Cross Society. RUTH BARBOUR, M.A., has been at the Board of Trade since March 1941, first as Assistant Principal on price control, and then as Temporary Administrative Officer on clothes rationing. When released she is going to University College, Leicester, as Assistant Lecturer in Classics. MRS. BARNES (M. M. Beaver) spent about eighteen months in the Censor's office in Karachi, and was then an assistant mistress in a war school in Karachi, as well as doing canteen work for the W.V.S. She has now left India and is an Assistant Mistress in the King's School, Peterborough. F. M. S. BATCHELOR taught English to refugees and German to English people during the war, besides doing some work for the French Red Cross. She was bombed out of London. She is now an assistant examiner in French, Cambridge Local Examinations. L. D. BECHLER, B.A., is still Assistant Welfare Officer at Batchelor's Peas, Ltd., Sheffield. She is on the panel of speakers to address youth clubs in Sheffield for the Education Committee. PATRICIA BEER has been appointed Lecturer in English at the University of Padua from September 1946. M. A. GEESE, B.LITT., M.A., who is teaching English and Scripture at Sherbome School for Girls, has been appointed Senior English Mistress. L. F. BELL, M.A., has now left the W.A.A.F. and is hoping to teach. I. D. BENNETT writes that her war work was A.R.P. and Red Cross Hospital Supply. E. M. BONE, B.A., was Sister-in-Charge at an M.A.P. factory, near Oxford, from June 1941 to October 1945, taking care of the health, safety, and general welfare of 1,600 men and women employees, and training A.R.P. personnel in First Aid. She was appointed Warden of Muir Hall hostel for women medical students, Edinburgh, in November 1945. P. M. ALLEN, M.A.,
was appointed French Mistress at Wellington High School, Shropshire. MRS. BRADBURY (L. F. Todd) was a W.V.S. Rest Centre helper and a hostess to evacuees throughout the war, and helped at a club for evacuated mothers from 1939 to 1940. C. W. BRADBURY, M.A., is stationed at Bad Ocynhausen, working in the Employment and Labour Supply branch of the Manpower Division of the Control Commission for Germany. MARGARET BRITTAIN, B.A., is serving as a 2nd Subaltern, A.T.S., at the Central Ordnance Depot at Greenford, Middlesex. BETTY BROADBENT, B.A., was appointed Assistant English Mistress at Hebden Bridge Grammar School, Yorks., in 1944. B. c. H. BRODIE, M.A., has an Interpreter's post with the British Control Commission in Berlin. ETHEL BROWN, M.A., who was evacuated to Kendal with the Heaton High School from 1939 to 1943, was appointed French and German Mistress at Pontefract and District Girls' High School in January 1945. MRS. BROWNRIGG (I. M. Miles) is the County Organizer of Music under the Rural Community Council, York. A. C. BURROWS, B.A., did one year's service in the Foreign Office, 1944-5. MRS. CAIRD (V. M. Newport), B.A., who was English Mistress at Russell School, Addington, Surrey, from September 1944 to July 1945, will be going to Canada in July with her husband, who is Professor-designate of Old Testament Theology at St. Stephen's College, in the University of Edmonton, Alberta. G. A. CAMPBELL-JAMES, B.A., is serving as a Junior Commander in the A.T.S. in Palestine, acting as Education Officer, M.E.F. K. L. CARRICK SMITH, M.A., was appointed Lecturer in Education in the Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham. MRS. CARRUTHERS (A. M. Morton), B.LITT., is Mistress of the Family to the Friends' School, Wigton, Cumberland, where her husband has been appointed Headmaster. MRS. CASTLE (B. A. Betts) was elected M.P. (Labour) for Blackburn at the General Election 1945, and is Parliamentary Private Secretary to Sir Stafford Cripps, the President of the Board of Trade. L. M. R. CATTLEY, B.A., was appointed Second Mistress at the Ipswich High School (G.P.D.S.T.) in January 1945. OLIVE CHANDLER, M.A., was seconded to U.N.R.R.A. for work in Italy. J. S. A. CHAPPAT, B.A., has had her Fellowship at Radcliffe College extended. M. M. CHATTAWAY, B.SC., M.A., D.PHIL., who was a Junior Commander, Army Education Corps, A.T.S., was demobilized in August, and is now Assistant Secretary of the International Federation of University Women in London. MRS. CHEETHAM (D. N. Neal), M.A., is a First Officer in the W.R.N.S., and was posted Command Education Officer, S.E. India Station, in May 1945. ANNIS CLARK, M.A., who was an examiner in the Aeronautical Inspection Department of M.A.P. during the war, posted first with Messrs. Armstrong Siddeley Motors Ltd., at Sedbergh, and later with De Haviland's at Lostock, hopes to re-start her riding school at Tenbury Wells, Worcs. E. B. C. CLARK, M.A., has passed the necessary examinations and is awaiting recognition by the Central Council for Women's Church Work. M. G. D. BOYALL, B.A.,
L. CLARKSON, M.A., gave up her work as Secretary to the Guild of Service in Kendal in February 1945 and, for the past nine months, has been doing welfare work, with the rank of Captain, with the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen's Help Society. She sailed for India in March 1945 and worked in Delhi until December when she was appointed to Hong Kong. She has found her previous experience very helpful and is enjoying her work, but thinks it probable that she will be returning to England this spring. M. E. CLIFFORD, B.A., was released from war service with the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough after one year to complete Finals. L. M. cum, M.A., was appointed English Mistress at Bradford Girls' Grammar School. DOROTHY COCKER, B.A., was appointed Headmistress of Alpha Drive Secondary School for Girls, Birkenhead, in February 1945. R. M. COMPSTON, M.A., has done a National Savings round for four years. MRS. COOKE (A. H. Huxley), M.A., writes that she is fully employed looking after her husband and three children aged 8, 6, and 1. M. M. CORK, M.A., who has been teaching throughout the war, and compiling and producing children's tableaux, and Carol services at Harborough Parish Church, is opening a girls' school in Market Harborough, with boys in the junior school only, after Easter. The Willows School is to be a boarding and day school with a highly qualified staff, and a good many names have already been entered for next term. MRS. COWPERTHWAITE (Patricia Stockdale), B.A., B.A. was Secretary to the Regional Commissioner for Wales in the Ministry of Production during the war. She is now in Nigeria with her husband, who is in the Colonial Service. MRS. CULLEY (Elizabeth Cough), M.A., has taken a full-time teaching post since the death of her husband in September 1944. She was appointed Assistant Mistress (English and History) at Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School in September 1945• MRS. CULLOTY (M. E. Clark), M.A., was appointed Senior Mistress at Holly Bank School, Chester, in September 1944. D. F. CUMBERLEGE, B.A., was appointed Assistant English Mistress at Worthing High School for Girls. M. R. CUNNINGHAM, B.A., is Tutor to the Workers' Educational Association, Southern district—concentrating almost entirely on Adult Education. She has resumed her unofficial visitor's work at H.M. Prison, Winchester. MRS. CURTIS (A. B. Buller), B.A. was an A.R.P. warden, a member of the W.V.S., and did work in a Red Cross Gift Shop and Red Cross Depot, besides National Savings work during the war. MRS. CUTCLIFFE (E. M. 0. Farrow), M.A., is on the staff of Epsom College, Surrey. M. J. DANIELS, B.A., held an appointment under the Foreign Office at Bletchley from July 1944 till January 1946: and has been appointed Assistant Librarian, Printers and Allied Trades (Research) Association, from March 1946. D. R. DAVIE, B.A., joined the A.T.S. Intelliegnce Corps in November 1943. MARJORIE DAVIES, B.A., was appointed English Mistress at Fylde Lodge High School, Stockport, September 1945. M. W. DAVIES, B.A., is teaching English in the Study School, Wimbledon. S. S. DEACON, M.A., was appointed Headmistress of the Hiatt College, Wellington, Shropshire. 22,
I. M. M. DEAN, M.A., is one of H.M. Inspectors of Schools. R. J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL., was promoted Associate Professor
of French Language and Literature at Mount Holyoke College, Mass., from July 1945. She was President of the Massachusetts State Division, American Association of University Women 1944-6, and Chairman of the Resolutions Committee at the Biennial National Convention, A.A.U.W., in 1945. H. C. DENEKE, M.A., is Chairman of Benenden School Council, Vice-chairman of the Oxfordshire Federation of Women's Institutes, a member of the Oxfordshire County Education Committee, and a member of the Advisory Committee for Bucks., Berks., and Oxon. on Adult Education. S. F. DE SA, M.A., has been an Assistant Lecturer in Geography at Reading University since 1944. MRS. DESPRES (Nina Shilston), B.A., was appointed Assistant English Mistress at King Edward VI's Girls' School, Birmingham. Z. M. DIGGINES, B.A., was an Assistant Principal in the Ministry of Fuel and Power from 1942 to 1943 and H.M. Inspector of Factories, Cambridge district, from 1943 to 1946. A. C. DOBBS retired from the L.C.C. on December 31st, 1945. M. M. DODSLEY-FLAMSTEAD, who will be 8o this year, went twice a week to the W.V.S. office in Canterbury from 1939 to 1945 to do soldiers' mending; she also knitted for the Services. L. M. DOLPHIN, M.A., is going to Fourah Bay College (Training College for West African Teachers) in the summer of 1946, as Lecturer in Classics. c. M. DOWLER, M.A., has an appointment with the Council of Industrial Design in London. K. M. DOWNHAM, B.A., has been Assistant Editor of the Student Christian Movement Press, Ltd., which publishes general religious books, since September 1944. E. M. DRESEL, B.A., B.SC., is still doing physico-chemical research with the British Coal Utilization Research Association. A. M. S. DUNN, B.A., still teaches English in the same school, but its name has been changed to the City of Worcester Grammar School for Girls. MRS. DYKE (J. M. Smith) was appointed a J.P. for the borough of Wolverhampton. L. B. EAGLE-BOTT, B.A., is breeding pedigree Jersey cows. M. G. EDWARDS, B.A., who has been an Assistant Principal, Ministry of Supply, since February 1943, is now dealing with supplies to liberated areas. She was a district leader under Greenwich W.V.S. for Charlton district from June 1941 to March 1943, and an Air Raid Warden for Greenwich from 1941. M. R. ELDRIDGE, B.A., is now an articled clerk preliminary to becoming a solicitor. A. H. ELLIOTT, B.A., took a teaching post at Wychwood School in January 1946. ELIZABETH ELLIOTT, B.A., is now personal Assistant to the Secretary-General of the Inter-Allied Reparations Agency in Brussels. NORA ELLIOTT, B.A., is a Section Officer in the W.A.A.F.—a meteorological forecaster. MRS. ELLIOTT (K. T. Classen), B.A., did a little W.V.S. work during the war and some translating from Swedish for the Ministry of Information. MRS. ENNIS (B. M. Y. Tyler) is now living in Virginia, U.S.A. 23
zoil EPPSTEIN did office work in connexion with W.V.S. during the war, and
some Red Cross Work. President of the Wotton-under-Edge Historical Society, and a Governor of Katharine Lady Berkeley's Girls' School, Wotton-under-Edge. P. M. C. EVANS, M.A., was appointed Headmistress of Nga Tawa, Marten, New Zealand, 1946. E. A. FACON, B.A., professed a member of the Anglican Order of the Holy Paraclete at Sneaton Castle, Whitby, in July 1945, and continues to teach in the school. A. A. B. FAIRLIE, M.A., D.PHIL., was a Temporary Administrative Officer in the Foreign Office from September 1942 to May 1944. From September 1944 she has been Lecturer in French at Girton College, Cambridge, and has been appointed Director of Studies in Modern Languages at Girton from October 1946. H. E. FIEDLER, M.A., was a V.A.D. at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, and in the Blood Transfusion Service at Oxford. J. M. FIELD, B.A., has been Command Education Officer, W.R.N.S., Rosyth Command, since September 1945, which includes responsibility for W.R.N.S. education in Scotland and Northern Ireland. She will probably be demobilized in May and return to teaching. M. C. FINCH, M.A., who is assistant to Dr. Percy Scholes, the author and musician, hopes to go to live in Switzerland soon in connexion with her work. A. F. FISHER, B.A., has been an Assistant Principal, Supplies to the Liberated Areas, Ministry of Production (now Board of Trade), since September 1944. MRS. FLETCHER (Mary Jackson), B.A., has been working in the purdah part of the British Council's Institute at Aden. She is shortly returning to England for domestic reasons. D. M. FORSTER, M.A., worked in the Foreign Office during the war. M. G. FORSTER, B.A., was appointed Modern Language Mistress at Sydenham High School. w. M. FOX, B.A., was appointed a Principal in the Ministry of Town and Country Planning in 1944. J. M. B. FRADIN, B.LITT., who was an Assistant Principal in the Ministry of Economic Warfare from July 1942 to September 1945, was appointed Assistant in the Department of History in the University of Glasgow from October 1945. MRS. FREETH (R. M. Preston), B.A., held various appointments as G.3 and Intelligence Officer to Department of G.H.Q., Middle East Forces, in Cairo, from 1941 till the autumn of 1944, when she resigned her appointment to look after her two children, and returned to England in September 1945. MRS. GADOMSKI (S. C. Pridmore), M.A., worked for the War Office at Oxford in 1940, was in 'Polish Hearth' (run by the British Council) in 1941, and from 1942 to July 1945 was a translator and editor of information bulletins in the Polish Ministry of Information in London. J. M. GAMON, B.A., was appointed Temporary Assistant Inspector in the Ministry of Health, Insurance Department, in September 1943, and Temporary Assistant Principal in the Ministry of National Insurance in April 1945. She is returning to Oxford to complete the course for History Honours. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT., is
was Officer-in-Charge of the City of Oxford Red Cross Hospital Supply Depot from September 1939 until July 1945. MARJORIE GARNER, M.A., was appointed an Assistant Mistress at King's Norton Grammar School, Birmingham. MRS. GARRETT (H. L. Coates), M.A., is now a Reader in English at Trinity College, University of Toronto. During the war she taught English at St. Andrew's College, Aurora, a boys' school in Ontario, where her husband was acting Headmaster for the duration. For a short period she worked in the R.A.F. Delegation in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., and at the end of 1946 she hopes to take her son to New Zealand to visit her parents as she has not been home since coming to Oxford in 1937. z. J. GARRETT, B.A., worked in the Foreign Office from August 1943 to September 1945, and is now completing her course for Final Honours in Mathematics. J. A. GAVED, M.A., was Senior English Mistress in Devonport High School for Boys during the war, and an ambulance attendant and in the Civil Nursing Reserve. She is County Commandant, Cornwall, G.T.C., and stood as Liberal candidate for the Sutton Division of Plymouth in the General Election in 1945. Now she is Senior English Mistress in the Devonport High School for Girls. K.C. M. GENT, M.A., worked in a First Aid Post and an Emergency Rest Centre from 194o to 1945. She was appointed Headmistress of Friary School, Lichfield, from September 1945. M. H. GENT, M.A., is working for Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd., in the Midlands, visiting schools and acting as liaison officer. M. E. GERKEN has been teaching at Southampton Girls' Grammar School since June 1944. MRS. GLOVER (L. E. Bolton), M.A., was Interviewing Officer, Ministry of Labour, from May 1942 till August 1945. She was appointed Modern Language Mistress at East Dereham High School for Girls from September 1945. M. R. GLOVER, M.A., was appointed to the staff of the Institute of Industrial Psychology in October 1945. M. C. GODLEY, M.A., is Co-Principal of the House of Citizenship, Ltd., at present seconded to a post under the Government of India. This is a Goodwill Mission from Lady Wavell to the educated women of India, an extremely interesting appointment, which is for one year and includes visits to educational and welfare centres throughout India. C. P. GOODENOUGH, M.A., has resigned the headship of Talbot Settlement and is now in charge of the Guest House at St. Mary's Abbey, West Mailing. NADEJDA GORODETZKY, B.LITT., D.PHIL., has been appointed University Lecturer in Russian at Oxford from October 1946. MRS. GRANDY (A. J. M. Shaw), M.A., was employed in the War Office from 194o to 1942, and in the Admiralty from 1942 to 1945. D.H. F. GRAY, M.A., was released from the Ministry of Production and resumed residence in October 1945. She was awarded the O.B.E. in the New Year Honours 1946. BERTHA GREENHALGH, M.A., was appointed Senior Mistress at the Waverley Grammar School, Birmingham, in 1945. Al. E. GRIFFITH, B.A., was appointed Secretary to the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. MRS. F. GOWER GARDNER
still working on the Official War History of Fuel
and Power. S.
G. GROVE, BA., has been a Temporary Assistant Principal, Ministry of Health, since 1942, first in the Public Relations Division and recently in the Maternity and Child Welfare Division. A. M. GRUTTER, M.A., is a Senior Commander, A.T.S. From May to December 1945 she was Staff Officer, Education H.Q., 21 Army Group, responsible for organizing A.T.S. Education in N.W. Europe. Since December she has been Senior English Lecturer at the College of the Rhine Army at Gottingen, responsible for organizing the English Faculty in this Army College to which over 1,000 students of all ranks go every month from all over the British Army of the Rhine for courses in a wide number of subjects to 'limber them up mentally' before their return to civilian life, and to prepare them for professional training. MRS. GURNEY (N. K. M. Dewar), B.A., was Duty Coding Officer, Forecast Section, Admiralty, from January 1944 to August 1945, responsible for compiling and sending all Fleet weather messages, and for upper air calculations for Dover Cross Channel guns. Since August she has been Personal Assistant to the Director of Naval Meteorological Service. ANNIE HADFIELD, M.A., was Assistant Secretary, Regional Committee for Education in H.M. Forces (Devon and Cornwall), University College of the South-West, Exeter, from 1940 to 1945. A. M. M. HALES continues to be District Representative for Writtle Women's Land Army. MRS. HANDFORTH (Joan Tresise), M.A., was appointed German Mistress at Downham School, Hatfield Heath. F. M. HANSON, B.A., was appointed History Mistress at Alderman Newton's Girls' School, Leicester, from September 1945. PHYLLIS HARDCASTLE, M.A., is a Senior Temporary Assistant, Central Statistics Department, Ministry of Supply. MRS. HARDING (D. A. 0. Hudson), B.A., was appointed an Assistant Mistress at Fulham County Secondary School from September 1945. K. E. HARDY, B.LITT., M.A., was appointed Warden of Elvaston Castle, Derby Training College. F. W. HARE, M.A., was appointed Senior History Mistress at Howell's School, Denbigh, from September 1945, and House Mistress in January 1946. c. M. HARGRAVE, M.A., resigned from Gainsborough High School in April 1943, and has been working full time with the International Voluntary Service for Peace since July 1944. MRS. HARRIS (Evelyn Phipps) should have retired on pension in August 1942, but was asked by the Bechuanaland Protectorate Government to stay on in view of the shortage of staff due to war service, and she has not yet been released. She was awarded the M.B.E. H. M. HARRIS was appointed Temporary Assistant Principal, Ministry of Civil Aviation, in November 1945. LILIAN HARRISON, M.A., was appointed Senior English Mistress at Newlands High School, Hull, from September 1945. MRS. HEBDITCH (M. J. Milkins), M.A., who was a temporary Lecturer at Leeds University 1941-3, is Archivist, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Leeds. ETHEL HERDMAN, M.A., was Director of all the educational work and sending of books, courses, examination papers, &c., to British Prisoners of War in 26
Germany, Italy, North Africa, Crete, Switzerland, Denmark, and other places. Over a quarter of a million books were dispatched and over 8,000 results (passes) in examinations—professional, technical, vocational, ranging from University Finals, Law, Architecture, Accountancy to Shorthand, Typing, Plumbing, Electricity, Horticulture, and the examinations of City Guilds and the R.S.A.—were recorded. She was awarded the M.B.E. and received the Distinguished War Service Certificate from H.M. the Queen. MRS. HEROD (E. V. A. Turner), M.A., resigned her temporary post at Roedean School in July 1945. E. E. HERRON, M.A., who was appointed to the Editorial Staff of Hodder & Stoughton in March 1938, was an Air Raid Warden from 1939 to 1943 and in the Women's Land Army from September 1943 till March 1945 when she was released to return to Hodder & Stoughton. CATHARINE HILL, B.A., who was invalided out of the A.T.S. on account of rheumatic fever, started her secretarial training course at Mrs. Hoster's in September 1945. NANCY HOARE, B.A., has been Lecturer and Tutor in Theology and Secretary of Wiston Training Centre for post-war Christian Service since going down in 1943. The main work has been the training of men and women, so far all German and Austrian refugees, for full-time lay work in the German Church. I. R. HODGSON is now a Sergeant in the W.A.A.F. serving with the B.A.O.R. stationed at Buckeburg, Germany, in January 1946. R. M. HOWARD, M.A., was released from the Ministry of Supply, where she was a Temporary Senior Executive Officer, on December 31st, 1945, and has now started practice at the Bar as a pupil in Chambers. M. F. HUME, B.A., has left the B.B.C. and is now Registrar at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. MRS. IREMONGER (L. Parks), M.A., writes that she has been concentrating on portrait painting while unable to take up a permanent appointment because of her small daughter, aged 2, and she will be living in London until her husband returns from the East in September. JOAN IRWIN, M.A., was appointed Secretary and Supervisor at the Dental Hospital of Manchester, and the Turner Dental School, University of Manchester. K. A. M. JACKMAN, B.A., was appointed French Mistress at Ilfracombe Grammar School from September 1945. MRS. JALLAND (B. M. Hamilton-Thompson), B.LITT., M.A., was elected a member of the House of Laity (Church Assembly) for the Diocese of Oxford in April 1945. M. T. JAMES, B.A., is still a temporary Assistant Examiner at the Estate Duty Office, Inland Revenue, Llandudno. J. A. JOHNSTON writes that her occupation is dividing and modernizing large Vicarage houses. GLADYS JONES, B.A., was appointed an Assistant Mistress at Llanelly Girls' County School from April 1945. M. M. B. JONES, B.A., was appointed Assistant Lecturer in English at Leicester University College from January 1946. RUTH JONES, B.A., has been in the W.R.N.S. since January 1944, until August 1944 in England and Scotland, and in Alexandria as a Coder until January 1946 when she returned to England. 27
has been Travelling Secretary for the S.C.M. in the Midlands since September 1944. c. M. W. JOSEPH, B.A., was Organizing Tutor in East Sussex for Tutorial Classes of the Oxford University Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies from 1942 to 1945 when she was appointed a Temporary Administrative Assistant in the Overseas Finance Division of the Treasury. MRS. KALEN (Vera Pattison) was Secretary of the British Red Cross in Gothenburg, Sweden, during the war. G. I. KEENLEYSIDE, M.A., is Junior English Mistress at Burlington School, Shepherd's Bush. MRS. KERSHAW (H. M. Healey), M.A., recently Assistant to the Secretary of the Curtis Committee on the care of children deprived of normal home life, is now an Assistant Principal in the Local Government Division of the Ministry of Health. E. T. KINGSTON, M.A., continued her peace-time work as Director and Assistant Manager of the Mayfair Catering Company, Ltd., throughout the war. MRS. KNIGHT (E. M. Stanbury), M.A., was lent to the Belgian Government by the British Council as Liaison Officer connected with the Education of the Troops, and has taught in English to them in England. I. E. LAMBERT, B.A., was Assistant Almoner, Nottingham Health Department, working in Clinics from January 1945 till November, when she was appointed Assistant Almoner at the Nottingham City Hospital. D. M. LAYTON, B.A., has been teaching in her sister's private school in Sutton Coldfield since she was released from work in a bank. MRS. LETTS (E. F. C. Bonner), B.A., has been running a Y.M.C.A. canteen in Cirencester, as well as the catering and domestic side of a Preparatory School for 85 boys, during the war. MRS. LEYS (R. J. Mitchell), B.LITT., M.A., did W.V.S. work in a British Restaurant and driving hot meals in vans, as well as farming, during the war. She continues W.E.A. lecturing, but has had to give up her farm on account of her husband's serious illness, and is now living in Lyme Regis. c. M. LILLEYMAN, B.A., was appointed Physics and Chemistry Mistress at Coloma School, Sydenham, in 1944. L. F. LIMPUS, B.A., was a Billeting Officer during the war, as well as being Deputy Leader of a First Aid Point, Captain of a Guide Company in an evacuated school, and a member of a Women's Institute fruit-preserving centre. PHOEBE LLEWELLYN SMITH, B.A., was transferred to the Ministry of Civil Aviation from the Air Ministry in February 1945. Since being released from the Civil Service in September she has returned to full-time study at the Central School of Arts and Crafts. ELEANOR LLOYD is the Bassoon player in the Birmingham City Orchestra. J. s. LUMSDEN, M.A., was appointed County Librarian of Kesteven from February 1946. E. M. LUSCOMBE, B.A., who has been a Sergeant in the Intelligence Corps, A.T.S., for two years, is now Orderly Room Sergeant at Newmarket. C. A. W. MCCALL was the Liberal Candidate for Bury at the General Election. MARY MACDONALD, B.LITT., M.A., was appointed Lecturer in Modern History at Somerville from October 1945, after serving in the A.T.S. from 1939. She was awarded the M.B.E. and the Bronze Star (U.S.) for services in N.W. Europe since D-Day while serving on the planning staff of S.H.A.E.F. W. H. JONES, B.A.,
who was a Temporary Junior Assistant in the Foreign Office from 1942, is now doing a secretarial training course at St. James's Secretarial College. MRS. MCKANE (E. C. Harris), B.A., has now resigned her teaching post at Hastings on the return of her husband from service overseas. DIANA MCKENNA, M.A., on release from the W.R.N.S., was appointed Research Assistant to the Historical Section of the Cabinet from October 1945. ENm MCLEOD, M.A., left the Ministry of Information, in whose French section she worked throughout the war, as head of it for the last two years, in October 1945, and in November she joined the British Council and is now Assistant Director for France. V. M. MACPHERSON, M.A., is a House Mistress at St. Swithun's School, Winchester. PROFESSOR IDA MANN, M.A., F.R.C.S., the Ophthalmological Department, Oxford, was head of a Research team under the Chemical Defence Research Department of the Ministry of Supply during the war. MRS. MARSDEN (M. H. Gillett), M.A., writes that she is living at her old home until her husband's release in March 1946. E. H. MARSH was French Mistress at Ealing Priory School from April 1945 and has had a post in the Junior Department of Messrs. Daws, Larg and Dick's Boys' School in Holland Park, since August 1945. D. F. MARTIN-HURST, M.A., was appointed in December 1945 a Social Worker to the recently created Neurological Department which, sponsored by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, the Ministry of Pensions, and the Radcliffe Infirmary, has been founded to carry out after care of ex-service men who have suffered from head injuries and to research into problems connected with their disabilities, including their rehabilitation. M. E. MEEHAN, B.A., is Modern Language Mistress at the Scarborough High School for Boys. E. M. MELLES, B.A., was on the staff of the Aeronautical Inspection Directorate at Portsmouth Airport until July 1945 when she joined the South Regional staff of the Ministry of Labour and National Service, Research and Intelligence section. E. A. V. MERCER, M.A., is now teaching at Torquay Girls' Grammar School after a fairly exciting journey home from South Africa last year. J. G. MILN, B.A., who was a Temporary Assistant Principal in the Board of Trade during the war, was recently promoted Temporary Administrative Officer. M. G. MILNER, M.A., has now left the Wantage Community. LADY MOBERLY (Gwen Gardner), M.A., in addition to her work previously noted in the Chronicle, is a Trustee of the Mary Stevens Trust, a member of the Diocesan Board of Women's Work, Kennington, and of the Diocesan Conference, Southwark. MARGARET MOORE, M.A., who has been Lecturer in New Testament and English Literature at the Women's Christian College, Madras, since 1943, is now on a year's furlough and hopes to return to India in 1947. M. ENID M. MORGAN was on the Assistance Board for three years, and in the Photograph Library of the Air Ministry, Press and R.A.F. official photographs, for three years. J. C. MORLAND, B.A., obtained a Social Service Diploma with distinction at the London School of Economics in 1944. She was then appointed Labour
Officer at the Royal Ordnance Factory at Risley, and Regional Staff Supervisor in 1945. D.M. MOSS, B.M., has still a temporary appointment with the Foreign Office, now in the Cultural Relations Department in London. GLADYS MURRAY, M.A., was appointed Assistant Classics Mistress at St. Paul's Girls' School from September 1945. G. L. MUSTO, M.A., is teaching at Atherley School, Southampton. B. E. NEGUS, M.A., was still in the A.T.S. in January 1946. MRS. NIEBUHR (U. L. Keppel-Compton), M.A., was appointed Lecturer in Theology at Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, in 194o on her return from England. She is on a year's leave of absence 1945-6, and hopes to be in England in 1947 with her husband and children. K. G. NORTON, B.M., M.A., was Assistant Medical Officer to Southwark First Aid Posts, Medical Officer, Kennington Tube Shelter, and Medical Officer of a Mobile Light Unit in the Southwark A.R.P. service. P. M. NOTT resigned her post as History Mistress at Monmouth High School in April 1945. She took the place of a master (awaiting demobilization) at Monmouth School (Boys) from September to November. E. L. OLDHAM, M.A., was appointed History Mistress at St. Mary's School, Gerrards Cross. R. M. ORGILL, B.A., who was Welfare Officer in a National Service Hostel from 1943 to 1944 and Assistant Labour Officer in a Royal Ordnance Factory from 1944 to 1945, is now intending to take up Probation work. M. C. OWEN, M.A., during the war has been responsible for the administration of Y.W.C.A. War Services overseas in N.W. Europe, M.E.F., C.M.F. and India, S.E.A.C., and has recently completed a second flying tour of Y.W.C.A. Centres for Service women and their men friends in Italy, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. She was appointed Assistant General Secretary of the Y.W.C.A. of Great Britain in January 1945 and was awarded the M.B.E. in July 1945. She writes: 'The Y.W.C.A. has got a big job ahead of it in the next few months in helping Service women, Land Army girls, munition workers, &c.—for whom we have been running clubs, leave hostels, &c., during the war—to re-adjust themselves to civilian life. We are still running a number of R.O.F. hostels, Service women's centres, and Land Army hostels—here and overseas—apart from developing the permanent civilian club work in a number of new places. We are anxious to recruit staff who want to take up Christian social work.' NAOMI PAPWORTH, B.A., was appointed Senior History Mistress at High Wycombe High School from September 1945. G. I. PARSONS worked with the W.V.S. in Watford during the war, doing needlework of various kinds. A. E. L. PEET, B.A., was appointed Publicity Assistant to the Friends' Service Council, Friends' House, Euston Road, January 1946. A. C. PERCIVAL, M.A., was a Lecturer with the British Council in the Middle East (Cairo, Beirut, Damascus) and Personal Assistant to the Assistant Commissioner, British Red Cross Balkan Civilian Relief. She was overseas for nearly three years and invalided home from Italy soon after VE-Day. She is now quite recovered and has been appointed Vice-Principal of Forest Training College, Walthamstow, one of the mixed, non-residential, emergency training colleges—a post which she finds most absorbing. 30
Fellow of Nuffield College, who has been reappointed Reader in Colonial Administration for seven years from October 1946, was appointed Director of the new University Institute of Colonial Studies, Oxford. A. D. K. PETERS, B.A., B.M., was Factory Medical Officer from October 1940 to 1941 when she was appointed Senior Medical Officer at the Royal Ordance Factory, Chorley, Lancs. She was awarded the O.B.E. in the Birthday Honours, June 1945• R. L. PHILLIPS, M.A., was appointed Senior English Mistress at the County High School for Girls, Colchester. M. J. PORCHER, M.A., had planned to retire when Berridge House returned from Bournemouth to Hampstead, but was asked to fill an emergency vacancy for the college year as temporary Lecturer in English and Divinity at Edge Hill College, Ormskirk. LUNED POWYS-ROBERTS, M.A., was appointed Assistant Warden to the Women Students' Hall of Residence, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, from September 1945. MRS. RAHMAN (E. Castledean) has passed her final Nursing Examination. S. E. E. RANDALL, B.A., has been an Assistant Mistress at St. Philomena's Convent School, Northwood, since September 1944. G. M. S. RATCLIFFE, B.A., has been Senior Classics Mistress at Roedean School since September 1944. MRS. RAWLINS (D. M. F. Colbeck), B.A., is doing part-time teaching in a school in Harrow. M. M. REES has held a temporary appointment in the Juvenile Employment Bureau at Manchester since December 1945. MORFUDD RHYS, M.A., is acting as hostess for her father at the British Legation in Bolivia. V. B. C. F. RHYS DAVIDS, B.A., who has been a Councillor, Banstead Urban District Council, since 1940, has been Chairman of the Housing Committee since 1941, and is on the Emergency Housing Committee and three other standing committees of the Council, and on four sub-committees. She represents the Council (as one of two representatives) on the N.E. Surrey Regional Planning Committee. She has been instrumental in starting a Community Centre Association in Chipstead and is helping in this direction in other parts of the area. During the war she was Deputy Post Warden, H.Q. Post, Chipstead, 1939-45, London Region C.D. and an Invasion District Leader in the W.V.S. as well as Commandant of the Coulsdon and Purley G.T.C. and Senior Commandant for Groups 3 and 4 Surrey. MRS. RICHARDSON (C. L. A. Dening), M.A., acted as hostess for the summer schools, arranged by the Oxford University Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies and the British Council, for foreign students in 1940, 7942, and 1944. LADY RICHARDSON (E. M. Hornibrook), B.A., is still serving on the Grants Committee of the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund, as she has been doing throughout the war. M. J. RIGBY, B.A., is a Sergeant in the A.T.S. She was a Sergeant in the Intelligence Corps from 1943 to 1945, and is now teaching Economics at the Army Formation College, Luton. D. M. L. RIPPON, B.SC., M.A., is still teaching Science at Downe House. M. F. PERHAM, M.A.,
N. Hora), B.A., gave private tuition to children whose school work was interrupted by the war, and did some work for the W.V.S. and helped at an E.A.W. canteen. B. H. ROBERTS, B.A., was appointed a Deputy Welfare Officer, U.N.R.R.A., in February 5945, went to Germany in April and worked for three months in a Russian camp, and then did Personnel Work, among U.N.R.R.A. personnel, at the Staging Centre at Heidelberg and Karlsruhe. Since December 1945 she has been District Welfare Officer in the Southern District of the French Zone. MRS. ROSE (Sheila Rogers), B.A., has lectured for the W.E.A., for the Committee for Adult Education in H.M. Forces, and for the London University Tutorial Classes Committee, during the past four years. D. L. ROWLEY, B.A., was appointed Senior History Mistress at Chiswick County School from September 1945. V. I. RUFFER, B.A., who is now a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, is Editor of the Journal of the British Archaeological Association. D. S. RUSSELL, M.A., was appointed to the Scientific Staff, Medical Research Council, attached to the Bernhard Baron Institute of Pathology at the London Hospital. From August 1940 to October 1944 she was attached to the Nuffield Department of Surgery and the Military Hospital for Head Injuries at Oxford. She was also appointed to the Advisory Medical Committee of the University Grants Committee in 1945. P. M. RUSSELL, B.A., was a Temporary Assistant Civilian Officer in the Operations Division of the Naval Staff of the Admiralty from April 1942 to August 1945. J. E. R. SALTER, B.A. has given up her work as a sound camera operator at the Shepherd's Bush Film Studios, and returned to teaching as Science Mistress at St. George's School, Ascot, in January 5946. MRS. SCOTT (N. M. Miall), B.A., was Assistant Labour Officer, Ministry of Supply, at Thorp Arch Royal Ordnance Factory, from October 1943 to June 1945. She is now living in Oxford while her husband finishes his Finals at Queen's. M. D. B. SEATON, B.A., is now a Welfare Officer (St. John) with S.E.A.C. J. E. SEYMOUR, M.A., who is still in the W.R.N.S., was posted to Naples in 1945. MRS. SHARP (R. H. Fanning), B.A., was analyst at the Government Communication Bureau from July 1943 to July 1945. H. D. SHEPHERD, B.A., held a temporary post with the Ministry of Information at Dundee from November 1942, a temporary post with the Ministry of Labour in February 1943, was in the Appointments Office at Dundee from March to April 1943, and was then in the W.R.N.S. from May 1943 to November 1945. J. M. SHEPPARD, B.A., was a Temporary Junior Administrative Officer in the Foreign Office from August 1943 to December 1945. G. M. S. SIMEY, B.A., has adopted a second child. M. L. SIMPSON, M.A., is part-time History and Language Mistress in Brighton and Worthing schools. SISTER ELSA (E. Henry), M.A., was appointed Headmistress of St. Hilda's Priory, Sneaton Castle. M. I. G. SMITH, B.A., was commissioned znd Subaltern, A.T.S., in November 1945 after nearly two years' service. 32
M. Pilkington), B.SC., M.A., was County Secretary of the Oxford and Buckinghamshire Herb Committee, which worked under the Ministry of Supply during the war to increase the supply of medicinal plants in this country. She is now tutoring and examining in Botany for Somerville and Lady Margaret Hall. L. V. SOUTHWELL, M.A., is returning with St. George's School to Clarens, Switzerland, on May 1st, 1946. S. F. STALLMAN, M.A., is Assistant Secretary of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Secretary of the Emsile Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund and Assistant Secretary of the Folk Lore Society, all at zI Bedford Square, W.C.I. MILLICENT STANDEVEN, M.A., was appointed English Mistress at Greenhead High School, Huddersfield. MRS. SUGGATE (0. D. Reynolds), B.A., is a Research Assistant in the Ministry of Town and Country Planning. R. M. P. SWAIN, B.A., was appointed London Secretary of the S.C.M. from September 1945. E. M. TALBOT, M.A., continued in her usual post and did some temporary local school work during the war. K. I. TEASDALE, B.A., is teaching at Lowther College, Abergele. P. T. THOMSON, B.A., is a Sergeant in the Intelligence Corps, A.T.S., awaiting demobilization. M. R. TOYNBEE, M.A., was re-elected to the Council of the Historical Association for a further period of three years, in January 1945. G. M. TREVALDWYN, M.A., was appointed Research Assistant to Dr. Wilkins in the Department of Botany in September 1945. V. H. TRUMAN worked at a First Aid Post during the war in addition to her usual teaching at the Wimbledon High School. E. M. A. TUDOR, M.A., resigned the post of General Secretary to the Brighton and Hove Social Service Centre on December 3 ist, 1945, after 33 years social service in the town. She is now Honorary Secretary in a consultative capacity and still represents the Centre on certain national and local bodies. She was President of the Sussex Association of the British Federation of University Women 1944-5. H. C. N. TURNBULL, M.A., is a Flight Officer in the W.A.A.F., stationed in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. MRS. TURNER (E. H. Duthoit), M.A., is a partner in the firm of Messrs. Crawter, Surveyors and Land Agents, Cheshunt, Herts. A. K. P. TYACKE, B.A., is a clerk in the Ministry of Food. E. R. W. UNMACK, M.A., was an Air Raid Warden in Hampstead, Welfare Adviser at a Rest Centre in the Bethnal Green area, and a Divisional Officer in the Ministry of Labour and National Service, during the war. She is at present Psychologist at the National Children's Home, Highbury Park. MRS. VINT (B. E. Jowers), B.A., writes that she did only voluntary war work, chiefly visiting for the S.S.A.F.A. M. E. K. WAIT, B.A., was in the A.T.S. from August 1939 until she was invalided out in April 1943 as the result of an accident. M. W. WAIT was appointed Classics Mistress at Northampton High School from September 1945. A. M. WALKER, M.A., who is still in the W.R.N.S., spent five months in Germany MRS. SNOW (C.
in charge of W.R.N.S. Interpreters, and has now returned to England to be appointed Rehabilitation Officer in Plymouth Command, helping to advise Wrens who are being demobilized. E. M. WALLACE, M.A., has now retired from the South African Government Service, but is staying on at the St. Cuthbert's Mission, doing a little voluntary teaching in the Primary School and various odd jobs, from office work to running the cinema, for the Mission. MRS. WALMSLEY (A. J. Parker), M.A., had a post in the Foreign Office from 1941 and is now employed in their peace-time organization. DOREEN WARRINER, M.A., was working for U.N.R.R.A. in Jugoslavia in 1945. A. E. WAYMENT, M.A., was appointed Headmistress of St. Peter's Secondary School, Harrogate. A. M. WEEKS, B.A., spent two and a half years in W.R.N.S. in the category known as Special Duties Linguist, and is now working on German documents in the Admiralty. M. N. WHITTAKER, B.A., is a Sergeant in the A.T.S. G. M. WILLING, B.LITT., has left Palestine and is now living in Cheam, Surrey. ETHEL WILSON, M.A., is Assistant Chaplain to the Forces in Cairo. H. M. WILTON, B.A., has been in the A.T.S. for three years, attached to the Intelligence Corps, and is now a Subaltern. W. M. WINDLE, B.A., has been Extension Secretary for the Y.W.C.A. in Ireland since 1942, opening clubs for Service women in Ballymena, Co. Antrim, and in Omagh, Co. Tyrone 1942-4, and a hostel in Londonderry in 1944• The Derry hostel is primarily for civilians and is likely to be permanent. E. J. WOODROW, M.A., was appointed Headmistress of Kettering Girls' High School from January 1946. G. M. P. WORTLEY, B.A., was a Temporary Assistant Principal in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Health before going to London in December 1944 to assist in the preparation of the History of the Home Services during the war, under the Establishment Officer, Ministry of Health. G. v. W. YEATS BROWN, B.A., left the Bromsgrove County High School in 1945, and is now doing one year's training at Homerton College, Cambridge. MRS. YOUNG (E. I. Marshall), B.A., has been doing administrative and educational work in the W.R.N.S., for the last year in the Orkneys. She has now been discharged as her husband is coming home from Germany. G. M. ZIAR, B.A., flew to America on January 2Ig, 1946.
HURRY PRIZE-WINNERS 1943 1944 1945