CHRONICLE 19 4 6- 4 7 Number 19
THE PRINCIPAL Hon. Secretary, 1943-7:
MISS C. M. ADY, M.A., D.Lirr. Editor of the Chronicle:
MISS E. LEMON, B.A., 1946-8
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Council EVELYN EMMA STEFANOS PROCTER, M.A., Principal. DOUGLAS VEALE, M.A., Fellow of Corpus Christi, until
the 1st day of October
1948 (Chairman). ELIZABETH ANNIE FRANCIS, M.A., Official Fellow. MARY ETHEL SEATON, M.A., Official Fellow. GERTRUDE THORNEYCROFT, M.A., Official Fellow and Treasurer. CECILIA MARY ADY, M.A., D.LITT., Research Fellow. DAISY EMILY MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A., Official Fellow. AGNES HEADLAM-MORLEY, B.LITT., M.A., Official Fellow. DOROTHEA HELEN FORBES GRAY, M.A., Official Fellow, Secretary to the Council. OLGA DELFINA BICKLEY, M.A., Official Fellow. MADGE GERTRUDE ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. IDA WINIFRED BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL., Official Fellow. IDA CAROLINE MANN, M.A., Professorial Fellow. SIR JOHN LINTON MYRES, M.A., Fellow of New College, until the 1st day of
October 1949. ALFRED EWERT, M.A., Fellow of Trinity, until the 1st day of October 1949. JOAN EVANS, D.LITT., until the ist day of October 1947. GWENDOLEN MOBERLY (LADY), M.A., until the ist day of October 1948. MARJORIE MOLLER, M.A., until the 1st day of October 1947. STEPHEN GROSVENOR LEE, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen, until the 1st day
M.A., Principal of Jesus College, until the 1st
until the 1st day of October 1949. Fellow of All Souls, until the 1st day of
October 1948.
Principal E. E. S. PROCTER, M.A., F.R.HIST.S.
Tutors E. A. FRANCIS, M.A. M. E. SEATON, M.A., F.R.S.L. D. E. MARTIN CLARKE (MRS.), M.A. A. HEADLAM-MORLEY, M.A., B.LITT. 0. D. BICKLEY, M.A., Dottore in Lit-
tere (Genoa). D. H. F. GRAY, M.A., O.B.E. M. G. ADAM, M.A., D.PHIL., F.R.A.S. I. W. BUSBRIDGE, M.A., D.PHIL. B. KEMP, B.A. (MANCHESTER)
French. English Literature. English Language. Politics and Economics. Martinengo Cesaresco Lecturer in Italian. Classics. Science. Mathematics. History.
Bursar S. MASON.
Principal's Secretaries J. ANSLOW (MRS.). E. BEERE.
ivE should like to offer our congratulations to Miss Procter on her appointment as the fourth Principal of St. Hugh's, and to welcome her as the new Chairman of the Association of Senior Members. We had meant to have her photograph as the frontispiece to this number of the Chronicle but this has not been possible, and we hope it will be in the next issue. Miss Procter, who was a student at Somerville, was placed in the First Class in the Final Honour School of Modern History in 1918. She was History Mistress at St. Felix School, Southwold, 1919-21, and then returned to Somerville as the Mary Somerville Research Fellow. In 1925 she was appointed Tutor in History and in 1926 a Fellow of St. Hugh's College, and was a University Lecturer in Medieval European History from 1933 to 1939. She is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and has a number of publications to her credit. We wish her all happiness and success in her new office.
REPO11T OF THE TWENTY-]FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF SENIOR MEM IERS HE Meeting was held in the Mordan Hall, St. Hugh's College, on Saturday, July 6th, 1946, the Principal in the Chair. One hundred and forty-three members were present. The Chairman in her statement referred to the raising of Students' fees made necessary by the increase both in the cost of maintenance and in the tuition fees charged in the University. The new fees, ÂŁ187. los. per annum, would come into force in M.T. 1946 for all the Women's Colleges. A new scale of Tutorial Stipends was about to be introduced, fixed in amount and rising by instalments, and the stipends of other College Officers had been raised. The responsibility now assumed by the Ministry of Education for increasing the value of College Scholarships in order to enable a Scholar to take advantage of an award was a step in advance, but College Scholarships must not be less than 4o in order to benefit by the scheme. Recent benefactions to the College included 7c)o to the Bazeley Fund from two Senior Members, a gift from the anonymous founder of the Endowment Fund which would make possible a second Jubilee Scholarship, a statue of the foundress, Dame Elizabeth Wordsworth, being the Principal's parting gift to the College, a silver bowl from Dr. Evans, and a silver tea-tray for use in the S.C.R. from Miss Chattaway. The meeting heard with regret that Miss Fowle was laying down the office of Principal's Secretary which she had held for twenty-one years. Among recent appointments of Members of the Association were those of M. Macdonald as Lecturer in History, 0. Davison as Lecturer in German, and Mrs. Geach as a Research Fellow, all at Somerville College. Miss Chattaway was going to Australia as Chief Assistant in the Forestry Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. The Principal concluded by expressing her satisfaction that she would be succeeded by Miss Procter, well known to the Association as tutor, historian, and administrator.
The election of Miss Herma Fiedler as a Member of Council was announced. Miss E. Lemon was elected Editor of the Chronicle and congratulated on the appearance of the eighteenth number for which she had been responsible as Acting Editor. On the motion of Dr. Evans it was agreed to appoint a Committee of five to consider a form of memorial for the eight members of the College who had lost their lives through enemy action. On the motion of Dr. Ady, Miss M. D. Weston, Student of St. Hugh's Hall, 1891-4, and Miss S. Mason, Bursar of the College, were made Hon. Members of the Association. On the proposal of Miss Thorneycroft, Mrs. Gough, for nine years Assistant Bursar, was also made an Hon. Member. At the conclusion of the meeting the Secretary, on behalf of 290 members of the Association and other old students, handed a cheque to the Principal together with a book containing the names of subscribers. She spoke of the appreciation shown of Miss Gwyer's work for the College no less by members belonging to a period before her Principalship than by those who had been undergraduates under her, and asked her to accept this parting present as a token of affection and gratitude. The Principal in returning thanks assured the members of the Association that her interest in their doings would in no way diminish when she ceased to be their Chairman. Presentation Fund. Statement of Accounts s. d.
s. d.
. 313 0 0 To Miss Gwyer . Received by subscrip. 321 19 6 To J. K. Brookes for tions preparing book of names . • • 4 14 6 Expenses of collection z 4 0 Earmarked for portrait z i o £321 19 6 19 6 4321
EPO T OF GAUDY, 1946 HAT over zoo Senior Members came to it is proof of the pleasure with which all members received the news that the College was holding a T Gaudy as soon as possible after the war. The Mordan Hall was packed for the Business Meeting and the presentation to Miss Gwyer which is reported above, and the unsightly buildings on the lawn were quite unnoticed by the crowd who had tea and ices, and exchanged news outside the J.C.R. after the meeting. To arrange for so many people to dine when the Hall has space for about 150 only must (and did) give a great deal of work to Miss Fowle, Miss Beere, Miss Thorneycroft, and Miss Mason, but the idea of a buffet supper in the Mordan Hall for those who applied last for places solved the problem, and chairs between the tables in Hall for them after dinner made it possible for all to hear the speeches. Miss M. J. Sargeaunt in proposing the toast of 'The Association and Senior Members' spoke of their feeling of deep thankfulness for meeting in a College undamaged and not too much bespattered by war and for celebrating the 8
coming of age of the Association in the traditional manner; they were grateful to the Principal and College for making it possible. She acknowledged the great debt they owed the Principal as Chairman of the Association since its foundation. Individuals must feel gratitude for the interest she always showed and for her wise counsel so understandingly and generously given to all. Miss Gwyer had been heard to describe herself as a gossip—a good Anglo-Saxon word meaning godparent—and she seemed to be a godparent to all of them and not to cut them off when, if ever, they reached years of discretion. Miss Ady and Mrs. Jalland had earned their thanks for doing so much for the Association during the dark days. In those days the Chronicle had been a great comfort and the List of Senior Members very welcome. The thoughts at this first meeting since the war, and the last with Miss Gwyer in the Chair, lay too deep for utterance, and the links binding so goodly a fellowship were best invisible. Educated women must play a big part in the making of a new world and it indeed seemed sad that it should have taken two wars to bring anything like real recognition of this. Miss Campbell James in responding said she could only explain the honour done to her in asking her to reply by mentioning 'the lost generation'. This was only the second time that she had dined in Hall and there were members who had never done so. A war generation knew the College from people rather than from buildings. The presence of some of its representatives and the invitation to her to speak showed that the Association accepted them and did not think them outcasts, and she hoped they had learnt that they were indeed members of St. Hugh's College. It was a curious life at Holywell Manor, Savile House, &c., with its scattered existence, bicycling up the Banbury Road to tutorials with the Library so far off. The Manor was pleasant to live in but it was not St. Hugh's. There were compensations, however; for example, a Tutor might be wafted off at short notice to the Board of Trade, and for recreation one washed up in the British Restaurant, took difficult children for walks, drove and taught boys to drive tractors. On becoming a Senior Member there was found to be wide choice of employment; one might teach, be hustled into a Ministry or into the Services, but one never got away from St. Hugh's College. She herself was inspected in the Middle East by Chief Commander James, the head of the Women's Section of the Army Education Corps, which was largely derived from St. Hugh's College. They did peculiar things in the A.E.C. but Miss Gwyer would not be ashamed of them. It was curiously comforting to find St. Hugh's people waving the flag in different parts of the world. The important thing to emphasize was that however much they missed not being in College they were one with all St. Hugh's, and they still felt they had come back. She hoped the Association would continue to flourish. The Chairman of Council (the Registrar of the University) in proposing the toast of 'The College coupled with the name of Miss Gwyer' said: THIS is a notable occasion in the history of the College. We are, in the first place, celebrating the survival of the College from the war. On the outbreak of the war, the College buildings, as you all know, were requisitioned for use as a head-injuries hospital. This was an important contribution to the war effort; but it might easily have led to the disruption of the College. It did, in fact, lead to the disruption of a good deal of the College furniture at the hands of the military, who are, so I am told, a notoriously unladylike body. That it 9
did not lead to the disruption of the College, we owe to the wisdom and devotion of the Principal and Fellows and to the good sense of the undergraduates. It is not without significance that we choose this way of celebrating our survival. This is an iconoclastic age—or to use the more elegant modern term, a debunking age; and one of the English habits which it is fashion to debunk is that loyalty to institutions—the family, the school, the College— which has been so potent an influence in moulding the national character. Whatever its critics may say of the English character, it has at any rate proved its survival value, and I rejoice that the members of the College should at once revive this symbol of their loyalty. But what must be uppermost in the minds of all of us this evening is that besides celebrating the end of the war we are doing honour to the retiring Principal after twenty-two years of unsurpassed devotion to the College. It is always difficult for people in authority to know what their juniors think of them. I remember that a few weeks after returning to Oxford as Registrar, when I was still under forty, and not yet conscious of being particularly decrepit, I was met at the bottom of the Registry stairs by a young man who said to me: `Excuse me, sir, but can you tell me where I can borrow a gown to go and see the bally old Registrar ?' Now, when he was shown, properly habited, into my room a few minutes later, I got the distinct impression from a rather sheepish expression which spread over his face that he had not previously known to whom he was speaking. There was nothing personal in his remark; he was just generalizing, justly, no doubt, as to the bally, but as to the old, perhaps with less certainty. If I cannot guess what that candid young man really thought about me, still less could I hazard a guess about what young women undergraduates have thought about the Principal. But I do feel certain that no undergraduate—or Fellow, or Member of the Council for that matter—ever went to see her intending to speak anything but the exact truth, or to treat a serious subject flippantly, or, least of all, to indulge in humbug. Those propositions will be recognized by the logicians among you as having all the certainty of a syllogism in Barbara. It is not, therefore, my intention to-night to talk humbug. I am not going to pretend that on the 1st of August—the day after the Principal's retirement —the College is going to begin falling into decay. Indeed, the success with which it bears the shock—wrench would be a better word—of her retirement will be a measure of her achievement as Principal, of whether she has built a structure sound enough to bear any shocks that may come to it in the course of nature. As a matter of fact, we know for the best of all possible reasons that her work will emerge triumphantly from the test, because she has never been content to accept either from herself or from other people anything short of the best that they can give. But this exacting standard does not make her harsh or inaccessible. Many undergraduates, and others, too, have had reason to feel gratitude to her for her sympathy with their weaknesses: not that she pretends that weakness of any kind is a virtue or that its consequences can be escaped in any way except one ; no one in trouble ever had need to feel afraid to go to her for help or counsel. She has the rare art of combining the role of candid critic with that of warm-hearted friend. And thus she has played her part in compounding that love of the College which is its very life-blood. Nor will I pretend that, deprived of the daily comfort of our society, Miss Gwyer will herself fall into a decline. She has a mind too richly stored and a 10
character too robust for anything so feeble as that. We all know what is meant by a ripe old age. We all know how much a country which is throbbing like ours with new life owes to the retired and old people in its midst for the maintenance of its sanity, its rectitude, and of the things which make life gracious. It is on the threshold of an old age of that kind that we take leave of Miss Gwyer to-night in her official capacity as Principal. She is not, then, really retiring from active life: she is only changing from one sort of happy and useful activity to another. But, of course, no one could leave St. Hugh's without poignant regrets. Recall the feelings with which you yourselves went down for good. St. Hugh's is indeed a College—I speak from experience—with which anyone must be proud to be associated even in the humblest capacity. The struggle for the higher education of women is an epic story. The fight was none the less stirring for having been won by wise strategy rather than by force. There were, of course, some Amazons on the side of the women, and among the men a number of old women. Less than due honour would be done to St. Hugh's if we did not in this connexion recall the memory of one doughty champion no longer with us who believed that diplomacy and strategy were all the better for a little force behind them. Now, though the champions are one by one leaving the field, their spirit lives. No more than thirty years ago, St. Hugh's was an intruder in the sacred circle of Oxford Colleges, tolerated because of its insignificance. To-day it commands an undisputed equality with the proudest of the old foundations. The Principal replied: WHEN I was young my brothers and I were very fond of a Punch drawing which portrayed a dinner-party of men silently digesting the climax of a very tall story till a quiet man says: Will somebody pass the salt, please ?' I think we should help ourselves at this moment to a few grains each. I have often looked at my face in the glass, but it doesn't seem quite to accord with all that has been said about me in the preceding speeches. I should more correctly be described as the last of the amateur Principals. I did, it is true, get my degree by examination, but it is no use pretending that your retiring Principal ever published any research, ever worked in a Government Department, or sat on a Royal Commission, or indeed ever did anything whatever except play the modest violet. (Even the one point of superiority—that I had held appointments previous to this one in two other Universities—is now taken from me by the Principal of St. Anne's.) All the other women Principals have done great things, and my successor is worthy to join them. Compared with such, you see before you a nobody! But nobodies, like mongrel dogs, have a way of getting themselves loved ; all through to-day I have felt that, and have valued it more than I can say. What it means is that we are moving out of the adolescent stage of Women's College life in Oxford. We produce among our Heads and Fellows women whose achievements place them on a level with the men who by their experience, richly placed at our disposal, have helped us till now, and continue to help us. I don't think even the most conservative of our male colleagues now feel they can do without the women. We see women more and more on University Bodies; and at our table to-night, there is that most distinguished member of her Faculty and our Professorial Fellow, Dr. Ida Mann, while Miss Headlam-Morley is deputy during his absence for the Montagu Burton Professor of International Relations. II
I am very glad that earlier speakers have referred to our contributions to educational advance. It is a matter of great pride to me that leading figures in the educational world are members of our Society, and particularly of late that they have turned to us in the A.T.S. for guidance in educational work there. Mrs. James, Miss Grutter, and Miss Campbell James have proved their worth to admiration. Education is a unity. Whether on the academic, the secondary, the primary, the 'adult', or the 'modern' level, not one of us is before or after other in the work. If this occasion is the end of a certain phase of our development, it is worth while to look back over the last twenty-two years. It does seem to me that momentum has increased, and the war has not delayed it at all. Our difficulties were a challenge, and the undergraduates and my dear colleagues did rise to it in a way that is a strength for the future. I had a very great respect for the undergraduate body during that period. Things were not easy; attempts at undue coercion from outside were resisted steadily and under the voluntary principle they achieved as much 'war work' as anybody else in their position. Before the war came, our buildings had advanced by two more stages—the Mary Gray Allen Wing and the Moberly Block are subjects of great pride. The Library is the envy of all who see it. A deputation from Newnham arrived recently, and I urged upon them the desirability of consulting our architect, Mr. Herbert Buckland, when deciding upon their own plans for extension.' Keeping the Library was an inestimable advantage during our exile, and we owe a great debt to our Librarian, who throughout was able to place everything at the full disposal of students. Our life as a whole, as well as our buildings, has given us increasing prestige. The Fellows of our Society are distinguished each in her own Faculty; their contributions are second to none, and I look for further responsibilities to be given them in the future. What of the spirit of the whole community, which is what we mean by 'the College' ? A little while ago somebody alluded to a 'godmother'. One of the duties and privileges of a godmother is to cause her godchildren to listen to sermons. I do strongly believe that the tone of our Society is something of definite value to the University. We have, for instance, a clear and consistent conception of the social life befitting a mixed University, preferring it to be on the basis of the highest common factor rather than the lowest common denominator between the sexes. If there is one thing more objectionable than Kinder, Kiiche, Kirche, it is glamour. Of course, we all feel an enhanced exhilaration from the presence (as this evening) of even one gentleman, but— away with glamour. (If the American loan fails to go through there will be at least one good result: American magazines will be kept out of the country!) I am all for elegance and charm but associate them more with youth in unsophistication than with shoddy imitations of the West End of London. Let us keep our entertainments simple and inexpensive, and maintain dignity and ceremony on social occasions, instead of cultivating vulgar familiarity of manners. There is my last 'sermon' ; and now it only remains to say goodbye. Not that it is a real goodbye, for I am glad to have heard a reference to the Chronicle. That humble little publication keeps us in touch, and did do so during the war years in a way nothing else could have done. Many in distant The speaker has since been informed by Mr. Buckland that he has been invited by the Council of Newnham College to submit plans. I2
lands have written to say how they value it. I hope it will continue to flourish, and I shall always look forward to mine. Please give the support you have given to me to the friend on my right, who is taking up responsibilities which I know she deeply feels, who knows the College in and out and up and down, and whose administration of and love for our garden are only equalled by those of Miss Rogers. She knows what I think about her, and has sometimes kindly told me what she thinks about me, and I do not fear but that the continuity we prize here will survive under her rule. We have been blessed in having only three Principals in sixty years— few Societies enjoy the continuity that implies. And now, God bless you all.
IMPRESSIONS OF ST. HUGH'S COLLEGE GAUDY, JULY 1946 ("NNE revisits one's College after many years, many vicissitudes, many kJ travels. It is a Gaudy and here are gathered numbers of students, most of them past, most of them, particularly one's own year, getting very grey. But as one looks up at the College buildings one almost exclaims, 'How young! How assured!' If ghosts of old hopes, ambitions, expectations, dreams, peep over shoulders and look out of eyes, they are banished by the confidence expressed in the building with its long rows of windows, its lovely library, confident in spite of the vanished beauty of the garden. And does a shadow slip across the strong sundial, the shadow of a small, grey, abrupt, untidy, little old woman, passionately tending the plants along the terrace ? The College architecture is but one expression of the reputation for achievement, reliability, and good sense which the long stewardship of Miss Gwyer has sustained for St. Hugh's ; for this is the true College, this crowd of students gathered on this summer evening on the terrace—past and present and perhaps to come, for some have daughters. 'Women . . . some of them brilliant . . . all of them good', so Miss Gwyer describes them. What a rallying-point are her words with the emphasis on quality, herself good! Miss Gwyer is one of those persons who are privileged to carry through life the vitality of youth; she will not grow old nor lose touch with youth. To-night she replies in terms of salty wit and classical moderation to the compliments and the speeches. She meets affection with charm and restraint. She blesses the gathering as she passes from group to group, here exchanging mirth, now a word of friendship, a touch, a pressure on the hand of a stranger, a wanderer. Clearly this is a person to be loved and her love for the College will mellow and vitalize it when v. L. P. many present to-night can come no more.
It will be remembered that on Dr. Ey.ans's motion it was resolved at the Annual Meeting in July 1946 to commemorate in some suitable manner the eight Members who lost their lives by enemy action during the Second World War, and to invite contributions for the purpose. The Committee appointed to act (the mover, Miss Gwyer, Dr. Ady, Miss Fiedler, and Miss Downham) is therefore inserting this reminder to members. It is hoped that the Fund will enable a memorial plaque to be designed by an artist of repute and affixed to the wall of the Chapel. Any balance will be reported to the Association at the Annual Meeting, 1947, with the Committee's suggestions, if any, as to its disposal. Miss H. Fiedler, Lane House, Norham Road, Oxford, is kindly acting as Hon. Treasurer. Receipts will not be sent, but a list of contributors will be compiled before the Annual Meeting, 1947, when the Fund will be closed.
THE PRINCIPAL'S REPORT s events up to last July are referred to in the reports of the Annual Meeting of the Association and of the Gaudy, I shall confine myself in this report to the period from August to February. It is not, however, possible to begin any such survey without some reference to Miss Gwyer's retirement after twenty-two years of distinguished rule as Principal and of single-minded devotion to the interests of the College. The marked progress made by St. Hugh's during the last two decades is the measure of its debt to Miss Gwyer. It was in recognition of the signal services rendered to the College that the Council at its first meeting in Michaelmas Term elected Miss Gwyer to an Honorary Fellowship. Another retirement which took place last summer was that of Miss Fowle, well known to generations of undergraduates for the skill, firmness, and kindness with which she marshalled them through the intricacies of matriculation, collected their forms and fees for examination, and sent in their names for degree givings. It is now more than eighteen months since we returned to our own buildings. To those of us who watched with some anxiety the disintegrating effects of six years of scattered existence, the rapidity and completeness with which we have regained our sense of corporate entity has been a matter for rejoicing. We are again a College and not a collection of hostels for students, as we tended to become in exile. One material benefit we do, however, owe to our exile—the complete interior redecoration of the College during the Long Vacation as part of our 'reinstatement'. Our walls and ceilings are wonderfully clean and bright but furnishings and floor coverings still show unmistakable signs of their six years of exceptional wear and tear. Some of the stores and huts in front of the main building have been removed, but in the middle of August it became clear that there was no possibility of obtaining the immediate demolition of the six wards and their ancillary corridors which cover so large a portion of the garden. These huts—although 'hut' is an inappropriate designation since they are well-constructed buildings of brick and concrete— have now been let to the University on a three-year tenancy, and are being
converted into offices for the use of certain university departments including the Institute of Statistics, which is already installed, the Bureau of Animal Population, and the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology. University and College equally benefit from this agreement, but it inevitably postpones the time when the reinstatement of the grounds can be carried out and the College will once more possess, as it did before the war, one of the loveliest gardens in Oxford. Meanwhile the now-purposeless corridor which runs from the terrace across the lawn to the wards is being demolished by the College gardeners, and should be entirely removed before this appears in print. Certain changes have been made in the use to which accommodation is put; no. 3 St. Margaret's Road is no longer used for undergraduates but has been converted to provide lodgings for the Principal and a set of rooms for a Tutor. What used to be the Principal's sitting-room in College is now a much-needed additional Senior Common Room. The 'Shrubbery' (72 Woodstock Road), the lease of which was acquired by the College in 1943 but which is not suitable for use for undergraduates, is being let to the Maison Francaise, an institution sponsored by the French Government and which aims at increasing Anglo-French educational contacts. The house, which was requisitioned during the latter years of the war and used as a club for American soldiers, requires reconditioning and redecorating, but should be ready for occupation in the spring. The decision of the Ministry of Education to supplement College Scholarships and Exhibitions from 1946 onward, provided they carry emoluments of not less than k40 per annum, has necessitated a revision of our scheme of Scholarship finance. In spite of the generous benefactions recorded on p. 16, the College is not well provided with endowed Scholarships. To do something towards meeting this deficiency the Council has decided to use the income of the Gumble Bequest for the provision annually of a Gumble Scholarship of k4o. There will thus be at least two endowed Scholarships available for award each year, and the Council will also offer not more than twelve College Scholarships and Exhibitions of k40 out of general revenue. The total will be one less than the total hitherto offered, but all will be eligible for supplementation by the Ministry. Of the Scholars and Exhibitioners who matriculated in October 1946 four were also State Scholars who did not require supplementary grants. It was not, therefore, necessary to draw as heavily on the Bazeley Fund as had been anticipated in order to raise emoluments to the requisite L40. Post-war Oxford is in some ways as abnormal as was war-time Oxford. The number of undergraduates in residence at the University is very much larger, their average age very much higher, and their experiences wholly unlike those of the pre-war undergraduate. There is inevitably a marked difference between the Men's and Women's Colleges in this respect. During the six years of war no man (unless he was physically unfit for military service) completed the full course in an arts subject. Consequently in the Men's Colleges some 90 per cent. are returned ex-service men, and only a small minority, consisting largely of recently elected scholars, has come direct from the schools. With the women the case is different; the number of women undergraduates did not fall appreciably during the war and the shortened two-year course applied only to those who entered in 1941 and 1942. The number of women, therefore, whose course was interrupted or who were
prevented by the `call-up' from coming into residence is limited. The majority of our undergraduates have come up direct from the schools and only a minority from some form of national service. These older students have a great contribution to make to College life ; they are, naturally, more mature, more experienced, and have more capacity for assessing relative values than have their younger contemporaries, and in most cases this greater maturity and experience more than compensate for the inevitable 'rustiness' due to a more or less lengthy time away from books. A welcome feature this year is the resumption of research in arts subjects, opportunities for which have been virtually suspended since 1939, and the College now has a small group of young graduates working in Oxford for the degree of B.Litt. E. E. S. PROCTER SINCE this report was written Miss Mary Cartwright, M.A., D.Phil. (1919), Fellow of Girton College, Cambridge, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. I am sure that all members of the Association will join with me in congratulating her on this outstanding distinction. E. S. P.
BENEFACTIONS following benefactions have been received since the last issue of the Chronicle: From Lord Nuffield, provision for a Scholarship of £ oo per annum for a candidate intending to read Medicine. Similar provision has been made at Lady Margaret Hall, Somerville College, and St. Hilda's College. From an anonymous donor, provision for a Scholarship of £Ioo per annum to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the College. From a Senior Member remaining anonymous, £600 for the Bazeley Fund. From a Senior Member remaining anonymous, £Ioo for the Bazeley Fund.
PRESENTATION TO MISS FOWLE N the Michaelmas Term, at an informal gathering after dinner one evening
IL in the S.C.R., to which representatives of the J.C.R. were invited, a
presentation was made to Miss Fowle on the occasion of her retirement. The gifts, a cheque for £75 and an attractive brooch set with garnets and pearls, were made on behalf of past and present members of both the Senior and Junior Common Rooms. Owing to the shortness of the time, and the uncertainty of addresses due to recent war conditions, it was possible only to make a 'token' presentation for the many who have been so kindly and surely guided in their academic career from matriculation onwards by Miss Fowle. It is hoped, therefore, that those readers of the Chronicle and their friends who could not be notified will feel that they fully shared in this expression of affection. As an Honorary Member of the Senior Common Room Miss Fowle will still be easily found by old students revisiting the College. E. A. F.
MEETING of St. Hugh's Club, with Miss Gwyer in the chair, was held at St. Hugh's College on Sunday, July 7th, 1946, when notice of the following motion was given: To wind up the Club, as it now served no
useful purpose. The Secretary was asked to send out the agenda and the date of the next meeting. On Saturday, October 5th, the Club, at the kind invitation of Miss Nancy Moller, met at the London School of Medicine, Hunter Street, when Miss Proctor was in the chair. Miss Gwyer was among the guests present. The Meeting proceeded to discuss the winding up of the Club and, on a vote being taken, there was found to be a majority in favour. A suggestion that in the years when no Gaudy took place a dinner should be arranged either in London or the North was accepted with acclamation. By courtesy of St. Hugh's College, invitations to the Gaudy were extended to those members of St. Hugh's Club who were not members of the Association. The funds of the Club (amounting to rather more than I50) were handed over to Miss Proctor to buy a present for the College, at her discretion and when the opportunity occurred. The Meeting passed a vote of thanks to the Secretary, Miss Irwin. After business was concluded, Miss Moller entertained the Members to a tea reminiscent of pre-war days. M. G. IRWIN
ITH the purchase in November last of the house, garden, and factory next door, St. Margaret's was assured of premises which could enormously increase the value of its work. Much will, however, have to be done before we can hope to put them into full use, and write finis to the story of the Extension Scheme. The new house, now in the process of being turned into two attractive flats and offices on the ground floor, will ultimately be used for our own students and workers. The possibilities of the garden and the bombed factory, as envisaged in our Architect's plans, are most stimulating. At present St. Margaret's only possesses one fair-sized hall and a small room beyond. In this limited space Play Centres, Junior Clubs, Women's Clubs, the Old-Age Pensioners' Club, and the Youth Club all have to carry on their activities and (still more difficult) to keep their equipment. The new club-building will provide a canteen, kitchen, and gym on the ground floor, with a boys' room, girls' room, and children's room above, an office for the Club leader, and a flat roof for games. The garden's possibilities are also many. Certainly the Extension will mean much more generous accommodation for our existing groups and will also, we hope, enable us to develop a Senior Club for young people over twentyone. If our plans to have a man Club Leader and some men students in the new house are realized, we should also be able to do more for the 12-14-yearold boys and to cater for the 14-16-year-old boys, an age-group which we hardly touch at present. Club members and residents alike realize that considerable development will be possible in the future, but at the moment the Extension Scheme weighs rather heavily on all of us. Financing the position is by no means easy, and all friends of St. Margaret's will have to give the greatest possible support if our plans are to be realized. The new property was acquired by raising a mortgage on St. Margaret's House, and every year approximately ÂŁ240 will have to be 17
found to pay the interest and repay part of the capital borrowed. This is not an easy matter for we have never been able to do more than just pay our way. The Extension Fund, set up to meet the cost of repairs and alterations to the new premises, aims at raising £5,000. So far over £700 has been raised. Of this £600 has been given by friends and subscribers, £7 was made by a special entertainment by St. Margaret's clubs, and £r o by the Christmas Sale. The sale was a great success and was most staunchly supported by the members of the Mothers' Club, who, with groups from the Mixed Club and the residents, had provided much of the stock. Unfortunately very few outsiders came, and a considerable amount of the more expensive goods were consequently not sold. These are being sent to the sale to be held at Oxford next November, at which there will be a special stall for the Extension Fund. Possibly the Christmas Sale will now become an annual event. Certainly much further hard work will have to be done to reach the goal of £5,000. At the moment club members and residents are immersed in rehearsals, properties, costumes, and publicity for our performance of Pilgrim's Progress, which is to take place on Thursday, April loth, at 8 p.m., at York Hall, Bethnal Green. Miss Barbara Murray, a member of St. Margaret's Council and the Honorary Secretary of the Extension Fund Appeal, is the producer, and is also taking the part of Christian. All the clubs are represented as well as a number of the students and residents. Rehearsing in this bitter weather has been exceedingly difficult, and, as York Hall needs 1,70o people to fill it, we are faced with a formidable task. Alongside these special efforts for the Extension the normal routine of club and play centre, of Care Committee, and of Citizen's Advice Bureau continue, and the students receive their training. The Extension has given new stimulus to all our work, the Mixed Club in particular having taken on a new lease of life. So, in spite of anxieties over fuel, food, and plumbing St. Margaret's is confident that it will be able to meet the challenge of the future. STELLA PENLEY
THE JUNIOR COMM N ROOM, 1946=7 TN the whiteness of new paint and snow-covered gardens—sheltering though _IL they do the Institute of Statistics—memories of Holywell Manor and Savile House are relegated to the position of Third Year anecdotes, and it is remarkable how easily and unconsciously the J.C.R. has reassumed the condition of communal life, brought home particularly forcibly amid the green-glass partitions of the Gray Allen bathrooms. To those who can remember life at St. Hugh's before the war, the present J.C.R. may seem to have lost something of the old unity that pervaded all the Colleges; there is perhaps an individualism, a certain carelessness of the outward forms of community life ; but whether this is due to the years when the College lived 'out', or to the increased age of the present undergraduate, it does not result in any real division within the College. It was with feelings of regret and gratitude that the College took leave of Miss Gwyer at the end of the Trinity Term; realizing how much her personality and whole-hearted endeavour had carried the College through the difficult war years, and the still more difficult period of readjustment: probably the whole extent of our debt to her will only be fully appreciable in retrospect, but we can admire most profoundly the great success with which she retained 18
the spirit of community—the thing that she prized above all else—within the College. It is only to be hoped that she will frequently find time to visit the College in the future. The undergraduate's best friend has always been the College staff, and although we have returned to our own buildings, they will never seem quite the same without Bella, Annie, and May, who left at the end of the Trinity Term, having stayed just long enough to settle the College in: everyone most remembers their unfailing kindness and good humour and the many things which they did, so unselfishly, that made life so pleasant. So far, at any rate, we can be thankful for having been so little touched by the fuel crisis—rug-wrapped forms in the Library and broken boilers may be indicative of the weather, but we still have coal fires in our grates and in the coldest weather a fire in the J.C.R. Minor inconveniences may occasionally loom large: they cannot obscure our deep appreciation for the privilege of University life at such a time as this.
DEG EES, I946-7 M.A. by Decree. Nadejda Gorodetsky, D.Phil. M.A. Mrs. Atkinson (H. R. M. Cobb),* E. L. Baker, Mrs. Barbour (Muriel
Griffith), Mrs. Barry (E. R. Wynne), L. F. Bell, Dora Bishop, D. R. Bleasby, Mrs. Brownrigg (I. M. Miles), Mrs. Carlisle (S. G. Grove), J. S. A. Chappat,* M. S. Cochrane, Mrs. Cowperthwaite (P. Stockdale), Lily Crankshaw, M. R. Cunningham, Mrs. Denbeigh (M. G. Beamish), Mrs. Despres (N. Shilston), L. M. Diggines, D. J. Dixon, E. M. Dresel, M. G. Forster, N. W. Gamon, Mrs. Geach (G. E. M. Anscombe), Mrs. Gurney (M. K. M. Dewar),* F. M. Hanson, E. A. Hearn,* B. E. How, E. M. Jackson, M. T. James,* Mrs. Letts (E. F. C. Bonner), Mrs. McKane (E. C. Harris), E. M. Melles, D. M. Moss, Mrs. Shackleton (M. N. S. Boyall), H. D. Shepherd, M. H. Sykes, Mrs. Thompson (0. B. N. Fawcett), E. C. Vollans, H. M. Wilton. B.A. A. J. B. Arnold, H. E. Bambridge, D. N. Barrett, Mrs. Barry (E. R. Wynne), R. L. Beaumont, Mrs. Brownrigg (I. M. Miles), Brenda Cowderoy, Brenda Coxon, J. E. Dawson, R. L. Dennis, B. P. Deverell, A. D. Dockerill, M. P. Dodwell, J. M. Dutton, M. 0. Easter, S. M. Eaton, A. H. Elliott, B. E. Fielding, J. M. E. Fortescue-Foulkes, Clarice Garnett, Mrs. Geach (G. E. M. Anscombe), M. E. Gerken (War Degree),* S. W. Glenister, A. E. Guilding, M. G. Hartshorne, M. H. G. Hastings (War Degree), Catharine Hill, M. I. Hodgkins, S. P. C. Hodgson, M. A. E. Howard, A. M. James, G. M. James, Phyllis Knights (War Degree), L. L. Lewenz, E. M. C. Liddiard, C. M. Lilleyman, M. A. Lister, S. M. Lugard, J. D. McCall, Margaret McConnachie, H. D. Martin, Joan Melley, N. M. Moore, Margaret Nicklin, Diana Nixon, D. M. Nutbourne, A. M. M. Oriel, B. M. Orton, G. M. Parry, M. I. Reid, P. M. Robertson, E. S. Robinson, J. P. Robinson, X. V. Ryder, J. M. Segar, Mrs. Shaw (M. S. Plowman), M. L. Sims, Helen Singer, Mrs. Small (E. B. B. Day), Mrs. Spencer (D. L. Lindsay), K. D. Stedmond, H. M. Stewart, F. V. Tallack, J. E. Taylor, J. M. Telfer, M. P. Thorneycroft, M. A. W. Toovey, M. E. J. Trinder, M. M. Y. Tyler, G. H. Weston, Margaret Wheeler, N. M. Windross, P. E. C. Wood, R. E. Woolf. * In absence. '
HONOU EXAMINATIONS, 1946 Trinity Term Modern History. Class II, D. N. Barnett, E. Cowderoy, B. M. Orton, G. M. Parry. Class III, M. I. Hodgkins, M. A. Lister, H. M. Stewart, M. A. V. Toovey. Theology. Class II, A. E. Guilding. English Language and Literature. Class I, V. J. Pitt. Class II, B. Coxon, B. P. Deverell, J. M. Dutton, R. S. Maas, H. D. Martin, J. Melloy, N. M. Moore, J. P. Robinson, M. M. Stewart, M. M. Y. Tyler, G. H. Weston, R. E. Woolf. Class III, S. M. Eaton. Modern Languages. Class I, J. M. Telfer (Fr. Ger.). Class II, M. P. Dodwell (Ger. Fr.), S. W. Glenister (Fr.), M. G. Hartshorne (Fr.), J. D. McCall (Fr.), M. McConnachie (Fr.), J. E. Richards (Ger. Fr.), P. M. Robertson (Fr. Ger.), M. E. J. Trinder (Ger.), P. E. C. Wood (Ger. Fr.). Class III, B. E. Fielding (Fr.), M. Nicklin (Fr. Ger.). Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Class I, N. M. Windross. Class II, M. 0. Easter, H. Singer. Class III, P. M. J. Higham, S. P. C. Hodgson, A. M. James, D. Nixon, K. D. Stedmond, M. P. Thorneycroft. Geography. Class II, M. L. Woodward. Class III, J. C. Blomfield. Class IV, D. M. Harvey. Mathematics. Class II, D. M. James. Natural Science. Class II, Clarice Garnett (Zoology). Class III, Stella Hassid (Chemistry, Part II). Class IV, X. V. Ryder (Zoology). Aegrotat. J. E. McKinstry (Animal Physiology). Hon. Classical Moderations. Class II, E. T. Keenor. Hon. Mathematical Moderations. Class II, G. L. A. Schiller. Class III, Ina Herbert. Hon. Moderations in Natural Science. Class III, E. R. Micklem.
Michaelmas Term Modern History. Class II, H. M. Watt, C. M. Werner. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Class III, D. L. Werner. Modern Languages. Class III, M. Y. B. Boyd (Span. Ger.).
PROCEEDINGS OF THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE, 1946-7 MHE Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship was not awarded, but a grant from .1 the Research Studentship Fund was made to Miss H. S. B. Felberbaum, B A., former Scholar of the College, Modern History, Class II, 1945, to enable her to work for the degree of B.Litt. The Mary Gray Allen Senior Scholarship was awarded for a second year to Miss Priestley; during the Long Vacation Miss Priestley asked to be allowed to relinquish the Scholarship in order to take up an appointment as Lecturer in History at Leeds University. The Scholarship thus lapses for the year 1946-7. The Moberly Senior Scholarship 1946-7 was awarded to Heather Martin, B.A. (Class II, Honour School of English Language and Literature), who is working for the degree of B.Litt. 20
ELIZABETH WORDSWORTH STUDENTSHIP, 1947-8 PLICATIONS are invited for an Elizabeth Wordsworth Studentship A: of the maximum value of ÂŁ175 per annum, open to a graduate of St. Hugh's College wishing to pursue a definite course of higher study or research. Further particulars may be obtained from the Principal, to whom applications should be sent before May loth, 1947. II
rr HERE is at present a very serious shortage of standard books and editions .11. of texts required by undergraduates. Any members of the Association who may have books which they no longer require, but which might be suitable either for the Library or for the use of present students, are asked to send lists of such books to the Librarian, stating whether they are intended as gifts or for sale ; if the latter, owners should state a price. No books should be sent until definite requests for them have been received.
MATRICULATIONS, 946-7 Michaelmas Term, 1946 Scholars: History, County High School, Altrincham: University College, Manchester: W.R.N.S. JOYCE ROTHWELL GRATTON, English, West Cornwall School, Penzance. JOAN MARGARET HAWORTH, English, School of St. Agnes and St. Michael, East Grinstead: Blunt House. GILDA MARY ROBERTS, Modern Languages, St. Bride's, Helensburgh (daughter HELEN MARGARET ELLIS,
Of E. N. HORA, 1919). PRISCILLA VALERIE THIRKELL, Classics, City of Cardiff High School. GILIAN KATHLEEN WEST, Geography, Yeovil High School: St. Felix, South-
wood. Exhibitioners:
(Organ Exhibition), Music, King Alfred School, Hampstead: W.R.N.S. DAPHNE MARGARET DEINER, English, Huyton College, Liverpool. DOROTHY DYSON, Modern Languages, Skipton High School. MARY FLEW, Modern Languages, Gloucester High School. JEAN MARGARET FLOYD, Modern Languages, King Edward VI High School, Birmingham. PAULINE MARIAN CLARA GREEN, Botany, Blyth Secondary School, Norwich. JOSELYN FRANCES LESLIE, Classics, St. Paul's Girls' School. GABRIEL MARY SELLERS, Modern Languages, Claremont, Esher: W.R.N.S. SYBIL PAMELA WHEELER, Modern Languages, Nonsuch School for Girls, Cheam. ALICE LINDSAY DAVENPORT WILLAN, Chemistry, St. Paul's Girls' School. CLARE CONSITT BOULTER
Commoners: Hilary Term, 1946 PAULETTE LUCIENNE LIBERMANN,
University of Paris.
University College of Wales, Aberyst-
wyth. Michaelmas Term, 1946 GRACE EVELYN ADLAM, Worcester Grammar School. EILEEN MABEL ANDREWS, Private : Liverpool School of Art: National Service. FLORA JESSAMINE MARY ARTHUR, Downe House, Newbury. AUDREY ELIZABETH BALMFORD, Aigburth Vale High School. JOSEPHINE BRADFORD, Clifton High School. HEATHER COUPER, City of London School for Girls. ELIZABETH DAVID, Howell's School, Liandaff: Sunbury Lodge: W.R.N.S. BARBARA DENNYS, Runton, Runton Hill, Norfolk. PATRICIA TEMPE DUKE, St. Paul's Girls' School: W.R.N.S. ILSE LORE ECHT, King Edward VI High School, Birmingham. ELIZABETH MARJORIE GIBSON, M.A., University of Glasgow. JOAN MARY GOODRICH, Kesteven and Grantham High School. PATRICIA HACKWOOD, City of London School for Girls. CHARLOTTE HAJNAL-KONYI, North London Collegiate School. JOYCE MARY HAWKINS, City of Worcester Grammar School. JOAN PATRICIA HORRIGAN, In Holland: A.T.S. PAMELA FRANCES HUNT, High Wycombe High School: W.R.N.S. DOREEN MARY HUNTER, Mount School, York. JUNE ELSIE JACKSON, James Allen's Girls' School, East Dulwich. ROSEMARY JOHNS, Bedford High School: National Service. ELIZABETH ROBERTS JOHNSTON, Cheltenham Ladies' College: National Service. ANN HELEN MCMICHAEL, Sidcot School, Somerset. JOAN DORIS MAY, Godolphin School: Manile Internment Camp Educa-
tion Dept. JOY MARGARET MUMFORD, St. Hilda's Diocesan High School, Jamaica. ANN ELIZABETH MURRAY, St. Paul's Girls' School. MARJORIE PHYLLIS PAINE, Haberdasher's Aske's Girls' School, Acton. ALISON DOUCE PHILLIPS, St. Helen's, Northwood. CAROLINE AMY READ, Queen Anne's School, Caversham. ALICE JUNE ANNETTE REID, Wilmer's High School, Jamaica. FRANCES MURIEL REID, Sunderland High School. RUTH MAISIE REYNOLDS, The Study School, Montreal: McGill University:
W.A.A.F. CHRISTINE DOROTHY ROGERS, Dudley Girls' High School. JUNE PETRONELLA SHIELDS, Malvern Girls' College. ELIZABETH MARY GRANT SIMPSON, St. Paul's Girls' School. ANN SLATER, Lincoln Girls' High School. BETTY SMITH, B.A., Manchester University. PAMELA MARY STRINGER, City of Worcester Grammar School for Girls. PAMELA MERCY CROISSANT UHDE, Cheltenham Ladies' College: National
B.A., University of Wales.
MARY ELIZABETH STUART WEIR, M.A., St. Andrews University. CECILY MILDRED WHEATLEY, Truro High School. EDITH WILSON, Bede Collegiate Girls' School: London School of Economics (Extra-mural Delegacy Scholar). DORIS FLORENCE WRIGHT, Lambeth Diploma.
Hilary Term, 1947 ANNE ELIZABETH NAPIER WHITTINGHAM, Challoner School: W.R.N.S.
OBITUARY On August i3th, 1946, at Great Horwood, Bletchley, LADY IRVING (née Margaret Mary Crick), Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholar 1898-9, 1901-4. Aged 68. On October 4th, 1946, BETTY BERYL KENDALL, M.A., Commoner of the College, 1920-3. Aged 46. On October loth, 1946, at Neath, JOAN MYFANWY LEWIS, Commoner of the College, 1943-5. Aged 20. On February 3rd, 1947, CICELY KNIGHT, B.A. (née Chorlton), Commoner of the College, 1922-6. Aged 45.
MARGARET MARY IRVING (née CRICK) MARGARET CRICK came up to St. Hugh's Hall in 1898, going down after a year to nurse her mother through her last illness. She returned in 1901 and, after taking Mathematical Moderations, read History. She was the first Mordan Scholar, and as Miss Mordan liked to know her scholars personally, she was introduced to her. In this case the acquaintance ripened into a friendship. A keen historian, with many friends in the College and in the University, and acting as Senior Student for two years, she lived her Oxford life to the full. At the same time she was playing a mother's part by her younger brothers and sisters. After holding various teaching posts in England, including that of Mistress of Method at Whitelands College, she was made Principal of Queen Mary's College, Lahore, in 1914. Her pupils were the daughters of chiefs and other high-class Indians, and she was soon on very friendly terms with Indian ladies. They showed their confidence in her after her marriage by electing her as President of the Indian Women's Educational Conference, an unprecedented honour for the wife of an English civil servant. Her work in connexion with the women and children evacuated from their homes during the Amritzar riots won for her the thanks of the Punjab government. When Sir Miles and Lady Irving returned to England they settled at Bayswater Farm, Headington, which became a pleasant centre for their friends and those of their three daughters. The Sandhills Housing Estate was just coming into being nearby, and Lady Irving took it under her wing, doing much to make it into a community. Her manifold activities during the war included work as a billeting officer and as County Officer of the Order of St. John. 'Margaret is a rock', a College friend once said. Wise, courageous, and unfailing in her kindness, people turned instinctively to her for support. Her first thought was to serve those among whom she lived, and their interests became her own. Her love of God was as spontaneous and as real as her love of man. c. M. A. 23
at Bristol, on August
at St. Peter's-in-the-
East, Oxford, in February 1946. BETTY BROADBENT to CAPTAIN F. M. KEARNS, M.C., M.A.
(Oxon.), at St. John's,
Clough Fold, on December 28th, 1946. MARGARET CROSBY CHAPMAN tO THE REV. R. K. WALKER, in July, 1946. BARBARA MARY CHILD to MR. DAVID ISHERWOOD COLLEY, at Hainton,
on January znd, 1947. SHEILA FAY DE SA tO MR. R. KENNEY, B.A., on September 2nd, 1946. ELIZABETH GAYE ELLIOTT tO MR. GERALD NORMAN, at the Grosvenor
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, at St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, Ospringe, Faversham, on June 15th, 1946. SYLVIA EUNICE FRYER to MR. HERBERT EDWARD POPE, on September 7th, 1944. JANE MORRIS GALBRAITH tO MR. KENNETH MICHAEL BARBOUR, at Christ Church, Woburn Square, on July 17th, 1946. ZAIDEE JEAN GARRETT to MR. RICHARD A. S. GODFREE, at Christ Church, Epsom, Surrey, on December 14th, 1946. ANNE PEARCE GOULD (née Pellew) tO MR. DENIS OWEN BURNS, on February 8th, 1947• MURIEL GRIFFITH to MR. W. H. BARBOUR, at Caxton Hall, on January 26th, 1946. STELLA GLADYS GROVE to MR. ANTHONY FREDERICK APCAR CARLISLE, at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton, on August i4th, 1946. STELLA HASSID tO MR. DAVID J. STRAWBRIDGE, on December 21st, 1946. ELLICE AYLMER HEARN to MR. JOHN EADIE, in London, on December 4th, 1946. MARGARET ANNE ELIZABETH HOWARD tO LIEUTENANT (S.) DAVID CHARLES ROGER SCOTT, R.N., at Holy Trinity Church, Coleman's Hatch, on September
14th, 1946. RUTH JONES tO MR. DAVID BIDGOOD, on December 31st, 1946. DOROTHY WINIFRED MARY KEAST to MR. ERIC CRAWSHAW, on August loth, 1946. MARY JOHN LINKLATER to MR. PHILIP RAE-SCOTT (Worcester College), at
Caxton Hall, on December 23rd, 1946. at Sutton St. Nicholas Church, near Hereford, on August 17th, 1946. JEAN VALERIE MCQUILLEN to MR. RONALD A. BURROUGHS at St. Mary Abbotts Church, Kensington, on January 8th, 1947. RACHEL GWENLLIAN MARTIN to MR. LAURENCE JOHN VIGOR,
Burnley Parish Church, on October 11th, 1946. ANNE MARGARET WALKER to MR. C. J. B. CHALKLEY, EX-LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER, R.N.V.R., at Church Crookham, on October i9th, 1946. GLADYS MARY WILLING to CAPTAIN W. C. THOMAS, Welch Regiment, on Sep-
tember i4th, 1946. 24
(Hester Cobb)—a son (Timothy Christopher), October 2nd,
1946. MRS. BARRY (E. R. Wynne)—a daughter (Elizabeth), August 23rd, 1945. MRS. BOUSTEAD (Alice Lomax)—a daughter (Alison), January 29th, 1946. MRS. CONDER (M. D. Tull)—a son (Thomas Edward), May 9th, 1946. MRS. CROCKER (0. M. K. Harris)—a son (Philip), in 1945: a daughter (Cathe-
rine), June loth, 1946. MRS. CULLOTY (M. E. Clark)—a son (Cedric Nigel), June 6th, 1946. MRS. DANCER (E. D. Chatfield)—a son (Gareth Bernard), June 5th, 1946. THE HON. MRS. J. R. DU PARCQ (E. A. Poole)—a daughter (Elizabeth Jane),
February 14th, 1947. (P. H. V. Lawrence)—a daughter (Diana Margaret Rosalind Carlyon), December 5th, 1946. MRS. FLASH (Delphine Chitty)—a daughter, September 2nd, 1946. MRS. FREETH (R. M. Preston)—a son (Antony Stewart), August 29th, 1946. MRS. GEACH (G. E. M. Anscombe)—a son, December 1945. MRS. GILLINGHAM (Brenda Gimson)—a daughter (Sarah), May i5th, 1946. THE COUNTESS OF HUNTINGDON (Margaret Lane)—a daughter, June rzth, 1946. MRS. HUSSEY (C. M. Hobhouse)—a son (Michael Henry), November 25th, 1946. MRS. JAMES (M. E. Gibbons)—a son, April 27th, 1946. MRS. JAMES (M. G. K. Moilliet)—a son (David Alistair), March znd, 1946. MRS. JOHNSON (H. J. M. Annett)—a son, March 13th, 1946. MRS. KEITH (Margaret Lea-Wilson)—a daughter, May i6th, 1946. MRS. LEWIS (Marjorie Buick)—a son, July 9th, 1946. MRS. LINES (E. M. Allum)—a daughter (Diana Mary), May 2nd, 1946. MRS. MCELHINNEY (E. J. Williams)—a daughter, August 19th, 1946. MRS. MCKANE (E. C. Harris)—a son (Christopher Hugh), July 13th, 1946. MRS. MORDA EVANS (C. M. Gernos Davies)—a son (Llewellyn John Morda), December 9th, 1945 (died March 15th, 1947, aged 15 months). MRS. MORGAN (E. Cundall, formerly Domestic Bursar)—a daughter (Ann Myfanwy), December 4th, 1946. MRS. MOWAT (L. E. Homewood)—a son (Timothy Richard), June 7th, 1946. MRS. POPE (S. E. Fryer)—a daughter (Edna Margaret), June 24th, 1945. MRS. RAWLINS (D. M. F. Colbeck)—a daughter (Anne Caroline Pepys), July 25th, 1946. MRS. SADLER (D. H. Clark)—a daughter (Susan Jane), July 5th, 1946. MRS. SCOTT (N. M. Miall)—a son (Michael Rowland), October 6th, 1946. MRS. SHAW (P. M. Madden)—a son, October 28th, 1946. MRS. WRINCH (B. E. I. Buckler)—a daughter (Charlotte), May 26th, 1946. MRS. EVANS
PUBLICATIONS Joan Evans, D.Litt. The Pursuit of Happiness: The Story of Madame de Serilly 1762-99. Longmans. 5s. E. E. Herron. The E. U.P. Anthology of Verse. English Universities Press. los. 6d. Lucille Iremonger. It's a Bigger Life. Hutchinson's. 18s. 6d. I. C. Mann. The Science of Seeing (with A. Pirie). Penguin Publications, 1946. 25
Constance Reaveley (M. R. Glover) and John Winnington. Democracy and Industry. Chatto & Windus. 7s. 6d. M. E. Reeves. Growing up in a Modern Society. University of London Press. 4s. 6d. ARTICLES D.Litt. 'The Post-Reformation Episcopate.' England in C. M. Ady, M.A. ed. K. E. Kirk. Hodder & Stoughton. £2.2s. the Apostolic Ministry, , M. L. Cartwright (with J. E. Littlewood). 'On Non-linear Differential Equa= bAk cos(At+a), k large.' tions: I. The equation ji—k(i —51) Journal London Math. Soc., vol. xx, pp. 180-9. N. I. Chelton. 'The Teaching of Citizenship in the Post-war Grammar School.' Educational Papers, publ. by King's College Education Society, Newcastle, vol. vi, no. I, 1946. R. J. Dean, M.A., D.Phil. Le Secre de Secret by Pierre d' Abernun of Fetcham from the Unique Manuscript B.N. f. fr. 25407. Edited by Oliver A. Beckerlegge, M.A., Ph.D. Oxford. Published for the Anglo-Norman Text Society (Anglo-Norman Texts, V) by Basil Blackwell, 1944. Pp. lviii+94. The Romantic Review, vol. xxxvii, no. 1 (February 1946), PP. 82-5.
An Anglo-Norman Rhymed Apocalypse with Commentary. From the Giffard MS. formerly in the Possession of Sir John Fox and now in the Bodleian. Edited by Olwen Rhys, M.A., Lecturer in Old French,
St. Anne's Society. With an Historical Introduction by Sir John Fox. Oxford. Published for the Anglo-Norman Text Society (Anglo-Norman Texts, VI), by Basil Blackwell, 1946. Pp. xlix+564. Symposium, Winter 1946-7, vol. i, no. I. H. C. Deneke, M.A. Report [with Miss Norris] on the Women of Germany, publ. by National Council of Social Service. N. Gorodetzky, M.A. 'St. Tikhon as Representative of the Orthodox Tradition.' Supplement, Eastern Churches Quarterly, January 5947. Phyllis Hartnoll. 'Albert Smith, a Forgotten Novelist.' English, Spring 1946. `A Plea for Theatrical History.' Theatre, Autumn 1946. `Educating the Audience.' Theatre Newsletter, October 5th, 1946. — 'An Amateur among her Roses.' Rose Annual, 5947. `A Repertory for a National Theatre.' Theatre, Winter 1946. A. M. Hedley. 'Greek for To-morrow.' Journal of Education, August 1946. J. M. Hussey. 'The Authorship of the Sex Hymni attributed to St. John of Damascus.' Journal of Theological Studies, vol. xlvii (July–October 1946). Oxford Encyclopedia for Boys and Girls: article on 'Byzantine Empire'. Chambers's Encyclopaedia: Articles on 'Serbia, Rumania, Greece, &c. in the Middle Ages, Balkan Peninsula, Crusades, Byzantine Empire, St. John of Damascus, &e.'. Dora Ibberson. Our Towns. For a Committee of the National Council of Social Service. Lucille Iremonger. 'Across the World with a Baby in Wartime.' Nursery World, January 3oth, 1947. B. M. Jalland, M.A., B.Litt. 'The Post-Reformation Episcopate in England: from the Reformation to the Restoration.' The Apostolic Ministry, ed. K. E. Kirk. I. C. Mann. 'A New Synthetic Mydriatic.' Brit. Journ. Ophthal., January 5 946. 26
I. C. Mann. 'The Intra-ocular Use of Penicillin.' Ibid., March 1946. `The Normal Visual (Rod) Field of the Dark-adapted Eye' (with F. W. Sharpley). Journ. Physiol., 1946, civ, 4, p. 384. — `Exophthalmic Ophthalmoplegia and its Relation to Thyrotoxicosis.' Amer. Journ. Ophthal., vol. xxix, no. 6, June 1946. 'Some Effects of Vitamin A Deficiency on the Eye of the Rabbit' (with A. Pirie, K. Tansley, and C. Wood). Ibid., no. 7, July 1946. M. E. Reeves. 'The Content of Education.' Two articles in a series in The Times Educational Supplement, Autumn 1945. — 'The Education of Young Workers in Industry.' Christian Newsletter Supplement, no. 265, July 24th, 1946. C. L. A. Richardson. 'The Silver Wand: a Story of Bishop Ken.' Radio Play, Children's Hour. D. S. Russell. 'Experiments on Thrombosis of the Superior Longitudinal Sinus' (with Diana J. K. Beck). .7. Neurosurg., vol. iii, p. 337 (1946). — 'Radiation Treatment of Cerebral Tumours.' Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., vol. xxxix, p. 678 (1946). M. E. Seaton. 'John Selden in Contact with Scandinavia.' Saga-Book, vol. xii, pp. 261-71, December 1945. — `Comus and Shakespeare.' Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association, vol. xxxi, pp. 68-8o, 1945. `Goode Lief my Wife.' Mod. Lang. Review, vol. xli, pp. 196-202, April 1946. ' Antony and Cleopatra and the Book of Revelation.' Rev. of Engl. Studies, vol. xxii, pp. 219-24, July 1946. The Year's Work in English Studies, 1944, vol. xxv, ch. i, 'Literary History and Criticism—General Works.' E. M. Simpson, D.Phil. 'The Date of Donne's "Hymme to God my God, in my Sicknesse".' Mod. Lang. Review, vol. xli, pp. 9-15. January 1946. M. R. Toynbee, M.A. 'The Portraiture of Isabella Stuart, Duchess of Brittany.' Burlington Magazine, December 1946.
NEWS OF SENI011,1 MEMBERS WHO WENT DOWN IN 1946 RUTH BEAUMONT, B.A. (1940); P. B. DEVERILL, B.A. (1943); M. P. DODWELL, B.A. (1944); J. M. DUTTON, B.A. (1943); S. M. EATON, B.A. (1943); B. E. FIELDING, B.A. (1943); M. I. HODGKINS, B.A. (1943); J. D. MCCALL, B.A. (1943); MARGARET NICKLIN, B.A. (1943); B. M. ORTON, B.A. (1943); P. M. ROBERTSON, B.A. (1943); J. P. ROBINSON, B.A. (1943); K. D. STEDMOND, B.A. (1943); M. E. J. TRINDER, B.A.
(1943) are reading for the Oxford Diploma in the Theory, History, and Practice of Education. BRENDA COWDEROY, B.A. (1943), was awarded an Entrance Scholarship to Gray's Inn for three years in November. C. GARNETT, B.A. (1943), is teaching at St. Elphin's, Darley Dale. A. E. GUILDING, B.A. (1944), is reading a B.Litt. in Theology. D. M. HARVEY (1943), Geography Mistress, Adcote School, nr. Shrewsbury. S. P. C. HODGSON, B.A. (1943), is going to Geneva for three months to teach English. A. M. JAMES, B.A. (1943), is Research Assistant at Nuffield College. 27
is at the Cambridge Training College, and has been appointed to the staff of Sherborne Girls' School from September 1947. M. A. LISTER, B.A. (1943), was appointed History Mistress at Brighton High School (G.P.D.S.T.) from January 1947. R. S. MAAS (1943), reading for a Research Degree at London University. MARGARET MCCONNACHIE, B.A. (1943), is taking a six months' course at Marlborough Gate Secretarial College, London. H. D. MARTIN, B.A. (1943), Moberly Senior Scholar 1946-7 is reading for a B.Litt. JOAN MELLOY, B.A. (1943), has gone into advertising. DIANA NIXON, B.A. (1943), post with Inter-Governmental Committee for Refugees, Statistical Assistant , from January 1947. D. M. NUTBOURNE, B.A. (1943), is reading for Chemistry, Part II. V. J. PITT, B.A. (1943), is teaching at King Edward VI Grammar School, Camp Hill, Birmingham. JOAN R. RICHARDS (1943) has been granted an award by the Principia College of Liberal Arts, Elsah, Illinois, U.S.A., to enable her to study there as a student-tutor in the Junior Teaching Faculty for the year 1946-7. E. S. ROBINSON, B.A. (1943), is now Mrs. Sampson. M. L. SIMS, B.A. (1943) was appointed Staff Tutor in Literature and Drama in the department of Adult Education at University College, Hull. H. SINGER, B.A. (1943), returned to Czechoslovakia, working at Prague University. J. M. TELFER, B.A. (1943), is reading for a B.Litt. in Oxford. M. P. THORNEYCROFT, B.A. (1943), on staff of Guinness Mahon, & Co. M. A. V. TOOVEY, B.A. (1943), has returned to India. G. H. WESTON, B.A. (1943), is reading for the Education Diploma at the London Institute of Education. N. M. WINDROSS, B.A. (1943), was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Philosophy at the University, Reading. IL E. WOOLF, B.A. (1943), is reading for a B.Litt. in Oxford. D. M. JAMES (1943)
Went down in Michaelmas Term H. E. BAMBRIDGE, B.A. (1943), is
doing her Clinical Course in Oxford.
A. M. M. ORIEL, B.A. (1943), is doing her Clinical Course in London. F. V. TALLACK, B.A. (1943), 1S doing her Clinical Course in Oxford. C. M. WERNER (1944), is training for House Property Management.
NEWS AND APPOINTMENTS OF SENIOR MEMBERS, 1946 [The date of appointment is 1946 unless otherwise stated. The date after each name is that of entry to the College.]
D.LITT. (1900), gave a course of lectures on English Church History at the Oxford and Coventry Diocesan Summer School for those engaged in Religious Education, and was a selector at a Centre for candidates for Women's Church Work. W. E. ALDER-BARRETT, M.A. (1929), obtained the London University Diploma in Public Administration, Part I, in July.
C. M. ADY, M.A.,
(1940), was Technical Assistant in the Ministry of Aircraft Production from June 1944 to June 1946, and is now Principal Assistant to the Director of the Waterways Division of the European Central Inland Transport Organization. P. M. ALLEN, M.A. (1923), was released from the W.A.A.F. in 1946 and appointed Librarian, Medical Department, Kenya Colony, from November 1st. s. 0. ALLISON, B.A. (1925), is Assistant English Mistress at Stanley Grammar School. S. M. ANDREWS, M.A. (1921), has been producing for the Tonbridge Theatre Club, as well as at School (Tonbridge County Grammar). A. J. B. ARNOLD, B.A. (1942), has been Temporary Assistant Principal in the Board of Trade since March. M. E. ASHE, B.A. (1941), was appointed Assistant Principal in the Treasury. C. C. ASPINALL, B.A. (1942), was appointed History Mistress at Wings School, Fairford. G. M. BAKER, M.A. (1917), writes that her family have left Yorkshire for a cottage in Norfolk. RUTH BARBOUR, M.A. (1936), is now Assistant Lecturer in Classics at University College, Leicester. ELSIE BAXTER, B.A. (1942), was appointed Tutor in Religious Education to students taking the Teachers' Diploma at Reading University. M. A. BEESE, M.A. (1926), is the Hon. Secretary of the new branch of the British Federation of University Women which she has formed in Sherborne. H. C. Thomson (1922) is its Vice-President and E. R. Haslop (1927) another of the original members. L. F. BELL, M.A. (1929), was appointed an Assistant Mistress at Penrhos College, Colwyn Bay, in May. EVELINE BLADES, M.A. (1909), is the Regional Nursing Appointments Officer for the North-West Region, Ministry of Labour and National Service. J. M. BLOMFIELD, B.A. (1939), was appointed Secretary to the Organizing Secretary of the Political Education Committee of the Conservative Party. MRS. BRADBURY (L. F. Todd, 1904), writes 'We have just left a big town parish in Luton for a country one in Wiltshire, where we live in a large vicarage with a big garden attached, at present a complete wilderness. The view is lovely and the country-side beautiful.' E. M. R. BRADSHAW, B.A. (19x1), is working as an examination coach. F. E. BRAMLEY, M.A. (1937), had a temporary post at Camden School, London. P. M. BRENTNALL, B.A. (1933), was demobilized from the W.A.A.F. in January after 41 years, mostly spent as an Intelligence Officer in the Air Ministry in London. She was appointed Warden of South Hill (a hall of residence for 32 women students), University College, Southampton, from September 1st. B. A. BRISTOW, B.A. (1942), was promoted Temporary Assistant Principal in the Burma Office. MARGARET BRITTAIN, B.A. (1941), is now a Subaltern, A.T.S., still at the Central Ordnance Depot, Greenford. B. C. H. BRODIE, M.A. (1936), was appointed Interpreter for French in the Quadripartite Conferences of the Allied Control Authority in Berlin from August 1945. ETHEL BROWN, M.A. (1927), was appointed Senior French Mistress at the Pontefract and District Girls' High School from September.
is now working at the Royal Academy of Music as Secretary to the Principal, Sir Stanley Marchant. E. M. BUTTERWORTH (1916), Principal of Edge Hill Training Centre for Women Teachers, writes: 'We have been re-evacuated during the past year to our own quarters at Ormskirk, have increased numbers of students in training from zoo to 28o, extended premises, increased staff, and added a Housecraft Centre and a course of Social Studies to the possibilities of the Students' Course.' K. M. CANE, B.A. (1934), was demobilized from the W.R.N.S. in January and took up in February the post of Senior Assistant in charge of the Students' Section and Headquarters non-fiction service at the County Library, Gloucester, to which she was appointed in October 1945. She was elected an Associate of the Library Association in October. MRS. CARDEW (M.-E. B. Russell, 1923), M.A., is a Part-time Art Teacher for North Cornwall under the Education Committee. She is also taking private classes and painting portraits, inn-signs, &c., besides educating her three sons. ivnts. CARLISLE (Stella G. Grove, 1939), M.A., was appointed to the Public Relations Division of the Council of Industrial Design, to do editorial work, in May. OLIVE CHANDLER, M.A. (1929), was seconded from the Cambridgeshire Education Committee in March 1945 to be a Regional Welfare Officer, U.N.R.R.A., in Italy, and she has since resigned from Cambridgeshire in order to continue the work in Italy. J. S. A. CHAPPAT, M.A. (1938), was awarded a Social Science Research Council Fellowship for one year from September to write up the material she has collected in the past two years in New Mexico. Since 1944 she has been making a comparative study of the 'race' attitudes of forty-eight children— Navaho, Indian, Spanish-American, Mormon, Anglo—living in the same area of the south-west. M. M. CHATTAWAY, B.SC., M.A., D.PHIL. (1920), was appointed Research Officer, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Division of Forest Products, in the Commonwealth of Australia. She and her mother sailed in August to Melbourne, where she works. ESTHER CHAWNER, B.A. (1922), is now Deputy-Directress for Women's Education under the Government of Jammu and Kashmir State. MRS. COLLEY (B. M. Child, 1940), B.A. is doing supply teaching for the Liverpool Education Committee. R. M. COMPSTON, M.A. (1919), has been teaching at home for the past year preparing candidates for Common Entrance, Responsions, &c. P. M. COOPER, M.A. (1921), was appointed Senior Mistress at Claremont, Esher, from September. E. P. CORNER, B.A. (1933), is a Probation Officer for the High Peak division of Derbyshire. MRS. COWPERTHWAITE (P. Stockdale, 1938), B.A., who has been in England recently, left for Nigeria in February to join her husband. WINIFRED CRAY, B.A. (1920), is now Vice-Principal of the Training College, Lincoln. M. J. CROFT, B.A. (1942), is teaching at the Dragon School, Oxford. D. E. H. DARKER, M.A. (1924), has been appointed Senior English Lecturer at Leavesden College, Watford, from the summer of 1947. A. C. BURROWS, B.A. (1942),
(1941), was demobilized from the A.T.S. in October and is now doing a six months' course at the Mayfair Secretarial College. MARJORIE DAVIES, B.A. (1941), was appointed English Mistress at Thistley Hough School for Girls, Stoke-on-Trent, from September. M. w. DAVIES, B.A. (1939), has been accepted for the Friends' Relief Service abroad. 0. L. DAVISON, B.A. (1941), was appointed a Lecturer in Modern Languages at Somerville, and a University Lecturer in German. EVA DAWS, M.A. (1924 was appointed Second Mistress at Watford Grammar School for Girls from September 1945. J. E. DAWSON, B.A. (1943), is working at the Treasury. R. J. DEAN, M.A., D.PHIL. (1922), was appointed to the Board of Directors of the New England Modern Language Association. She is a member of the Committee on Resolutions to the Biennial National Convention of the American Association of University Women, 1947. At the initiation exercises when she was elected an alumna member of Phi Beta Kappa by Wellesley College last spring, she spoke to the Wellesley Chapter on her work on Nicholas Trevet. K. M. DENCER, M.A. (1926), was appointed an H.M. Inspector of Schools by the Ministry of Education. She will be moving from Kenilworth when she can find a house. H. C. DENEKE, M.A. (1900), is a Governor of Banbury County School, a member of the L.E.A. Further Education Committee, Oxfordshire, and Chairman of the Drama Group, Oxfordshire Rural Community Council. She is now Chairman of the Oxfordshire Federation of Women's Institutes. In August and September 1945 she was sent (with Miss Norris) by the Education Branch of the Control Commission of Germany to contact German Women's Organizations and to report on their work in view of re-education. MRS. DESPFLES (Nina Shilston, 1939), B.A., was appointed Senior English Mistress at Alderman Newton's Girls' School, Leicester, from January 1947. L. M. DIGGINES, B.A. (1939), is still H.M. Inspector of Factories at Cambridge. MRS. DOBSON (F. M. Stinton, 1934), M.A., is Senior Classical Mistress at the Abbey School, Reading, till the end of the summer only. A. D. DOCKERILL, B.A. (1942), was appointed to a Fellowship at the London School of Economics in June. C. E. DORMOR, M.A. (1921), is still with the Ministry of Labour as a Temporary Civil Servant—Resettlement Advice Service in Oxford. C. L. EDWARDS, B.A. (1916), is at Bletchington Court School, Seaford. D. M. M. EDWARDS REES, M.A. (1918), was appointed Further Education Officer, Lancashire County Council, from August. A. H. ELLIOTT, B.A. (1938), was appointed Assistant Classics Mistress at Downe House, Newbury. E. J. ELLIS, B.A. (1942), was appointed an Assistant Mistress—French and German—at the North London Collegiate School from September. E. A. FACON, B.A. (1927), is in charge (with another member of the Order of the Holy Paraclete) of the first Secondary School for Girls in Ashanti. A. A. B. FAIRLIE, M.A., D.PHIL. (1935), Director of Studies in Modern Languages, was appointed a Permanent Fellow of Girton College, Cambridge. H. E. FIEDLER, M.A. (1921), has been helping with the publication of her late father's book Textual Studies on Goethe's Faust, which came out during the year. D. R. DAVIE, B.A.
J. M. FIELD, B.A. (1934), was
appointed Senior History and Geography Mistress at Reed's School, Dogmersfield Park, from September, after leaving the W.R.N.S. A. F. FISHER, B.A. (1942), was appointed Assistant Principal, Economics Department, Control Office for Germany and Austria. J. D. FITZPATRICK, B.A. (1942), is reading Theology while learning to do practical social and church work at St. Francis House, Woolwich. MRS. FLEET (N. M. Thorp, 1929), M.A., resigned her lecturership in German at University College, Nottingham, on her husband's appointment as Assistant Register at the University of Bristol. M. R. FOOKES, M.A. (1924), writes that her father has now retired and they are living in Gainsborough. MRS. FORWARD (S. M. Castor, 1940), B.A., is 'keeping house for my husband, one of Cambridge's many married undergraduates, and working in a parttime capacity at the University Library'. w. M. FOX, B.A. (1934), is now Principal Private Secretary to the Minister of Town and Country Planning. R. E. FRANKLIN, B.A. (1941), was appointed a Full-time Tutor by the Oxford Tutorial Classes Committee in North Staffordshire from September. MRS. FULLER (R. A. Andrews, 1940), B.A., was appointed an Assistant in the Records Department of Chambers's Encyclopaedia. A. H. GABAIN, M.A. (1938), resigned her post at St. Leonard's School in July to take up an appointment as head of the French side at Kingsmead School, Johannesburg. MRS. GADOMSKA (S. C. Pridmore, 1936), M.A., is the Honorary Secretary of the Advisory Committee for British-born wives of Polish nationals under the auspices of the Central Council of Anglo-Polish Societies. J. M. GAMON, B.A. (1941), returned to Oxford in the Trinity Term. N. W. GAMON, M.A. (1937), is a Medical Student at University College Hospital. J. A. GAVED, M.A. (1937), is a Member of the National Council of the Liberal Party. MRS. GEACH (G. E. M. Anscombe, 1937), M.A., was appointed Mary Somerville Research Fellow. M. E. GERKEN, B.A. (1943), was appointed Assistant English Mistress at the County Grammar School for Girls, Dartford, Kent. J. M. GIBBINS, B.A. (1942), was appointed a Temporary Assistant in the Colonial Office. H. M. GILMOUR, M.A. (1936), was appointed Geography Mistress at the High School for Girls, Horsham. MRS. GLOVER (L. E. Bolton, 1915) was appointed French Mistress at the Blyth School, Norwich, from September. R. W. GODDARD (1902), has retired from teaching. M. C. GODLEY, M.A. (1919), has returned from India. C. P. GOODENOUGH, M.A. (1924), was appointed Lay Worker at Holy Cross Church, Greenford, from June. A. V. GORDON, B.A. (1932), is now Senior Mistress at Badminton School. M. L. GORDON, M.A. (1905), is engaged in classical research at the University Library, Cambridge, with a view to ultimate publication. MRS. GRANDY (A. I. M. Shaw, 1936), M.A., is Secretary at New College, Oxford. A. M. GRUTTER, M.A. (1932), was demobilized from the A.T.S. and appointed Senior English Lecturer at Homerton College, Cambridge. After her year's 32
service with the B.A.O.R. she has been lecturing in Kent and in Cambridge district to adult education bodies on Germany to-day. MRS. GURNEY (N. K. M. Dewar, 1939), B.A., has entered a Carmelite Convent as an extern sister (Sister Jane). E. H. HADFIELD, B.A., B.M. (1940), was appointed House Physician at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. MRS. HAMILTON (A. T. Blake, 1941), B.A., was appointed Assistant Mistress at Shelford Junior School. D. M. HAMMONDS (1904), is one of the six H.M. Chief Inspectors, Ministry of Education, of whom two are women. MRS. HANDFORTH (Joan Tresise, 1937), M.A., went to Hong Kong in December to join her husband who is a doctor in the Colonial Medical Service. K. E. HARDY, M.A., B.LITT. (1935), has been Deputy Principal of Derby Training College since September 1945. C. M. HARGRAVE, M.A. (1908), is still working at headquarters—recently moved from Leeds to London—of the International Voluntary Service for Peace. MRS. HARRIS (Evelyn Phipps, 1912) is Principal Clerk to the Government of the Bechuanaland Protectorate. Y. L. HARRISON, B.A. (1941), was appointed Assistant English Mistress at the Alice Ottley School, Worcester, from September. PHYLLIS HARTNOLL, M.A. (1926), who was awarded the Newdigate Prize for English Verse in 1929, was awarded the Prize for an English Poem on a Sacred Subject in February 1947. The subject was St. Luke, and it will be published by Blackwell's in the Trinity Term 1947. C. A. M. HAVERGAL, M.A. (1926), was appointed Headmistress of St. Andries', Westquantoxhead, Taunton, from January 1947. ETHEL HERDMAN, M.A. (1907), was appointed Counsellor, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Section, U.N.E.S.C.O. E. E. HERRON, M.A. (1932), was appointed Secretary to the Department of Surgery, University of Durban, from June. K. M. HOBBS, M.A. (1924), is running a private coaching establishment in London and Guildford and, in her spare time, collecting and dispatching relief supplies for two French hospitals. MRS. HOLDSWORTH (M. Zvegintzov, 1927), B.A., was teaching in the R.A.F. and R.N.A.S. under the Central Advisory Council for Adult Education in H.M. Forces during the war; she has since been teaching an 'Informal Instruction' W.E.A. class at Headington Community Centre. M. S. HOLLAND, M.A. (1913), who is living at home to look after her mother, is secretary of the Cirencester Youth Committee, and runs a Girls' Club. MRS. HORNIBROOK (Margaret Hemstock, 1918), M.A., was elected a member of the Bucks. Higher Education Committee. She is a Manager of the Elementary School, Chairman of the Library Committee, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Community Centre of Gerrard's Cross. B. E. HOW, M.A. (1939), was appointed History and Scripture Mistress at Middlesbrough High School for Girls. H. R. HUDSON (1918) is at home with an invalid sister and does some coaching. P. M. HUMPHREYS (1942) was appointed Research Assistant at Unilevers, Ltd., from January. MARGARET IGGLESDEN, B.A. (1942), was appointed Assistant French Mistress at the Royal Masonic School for Girls, Rickmansworth, from September. DORA IBBEFtSON, M.A. (1910), Social Welfare Adviser to the Comptroller of 33
Development and Welfare for the British West Indies, was elected a member of the Caribbean Research Council. A. C. ILIESCU, D.PHIL. (1936), was released from the W.A.A.F. in September, and appointed Scientific Officer, Intelligence Section, with the Gas Research Board, in London. D. R. K. IRVINE, B.A. (1941), was appointed Junior History Mistress at Pate's Grammar School for Girls, Cheltenham, from September. M. C. JACKSON, B.A. (1934), who was in the Foreign F Office from 1940 to 1945, was appointed French Mistress at Frensham Heights School, Surrey, from September. MRS. JALLAND (B. M. Hamilton-Thompson, 1923), B.LITT., M.A., iS doing part-time teaching (History honours) at University College of the SouthWest, Exeter. G. M. JAMES, B.A. (1942), was demobilized from the A.T.S. and is now reading for the Teaching Diploma at University College, Swansea. J. A. JOHNSTON (1901) is on six Diocesan Committees in Gloucester, including the Board of Finance, the Board of Dilapidations, and the Council of Education. RUTH JONES, B.A. (1940), was demobilized from the W.R.N.S. in April, and appointed sub-editor on the staff of Chambers's Encyclopaedia from July. W. H. JONES, B.A. (1934), resigned from the staff of the S.C.M. in April because of ill health, and though better is not yet at work again. c. w. M. JOSEPH, B.A. (1939), was promoted Assistant Principal in the Overseas Finance section of the Treasury. MRS. 'ULAN (Vera Pattison, 1916) is lecturing and teaching in Sweden. She writes that she will be pleased to help any member of St. Hugh's who wishes to tour Sweden. G. I. KEENLEYSIDE, M.A. (1938), was appointed Scripture Mistress at Ashford School for Girls. MRS. KERSHAW (H. M. Healey, 1938), M.A., is Secretary of the Consultative Committee on Publicity for Local Government, and is also working on Rent Control in the Ministry of Health. N. M. KING, B.A. (1942), was appointed Junior Executive Officer in the London Passenger Transport Board from January 1947, when the Admiralty released her. M. L. LAUTERBACH, B.A. (1922), was appointed Senior Clerk to the Cambridgeshire Education Committee. W. M. LAWS, M.A. (1937), was appointed Junior Science Mistress at Croydon High School from September. MRS. LE MARE (Gladys Keay, 193 x), B.A., returned to Singapore in the summer. L. L. LEWENZ, B.A. (1943), was appointed Assistant History Mistress at Nottingham High School from September. G. C. M. LEWIS, M.A. (1937), was appointed Administrative Officer in the Secretary's Department of the National Coal Board, at the London headquarters, from December. M. B. LEWIS, M.A. (1934), was appointed an Assistant Mistress—Modern Languages and Scripture—at Cheltenham Ladies' College. MRS. LEYS (R. J. Mitchell, 1921), B.LITT., M.A., was appointed Hon. Curator of the Philpot Museum, Lyme Regis, and Archivist for the Borough records. L. F. LIMPUS, B.A. (1922), is a member of the Rural District Council and a Church School Manager at Verwood. 34
(1927), has been appointed Headmistress of Kirkby Stephen Grammar School, Westmorland, from May 1947. She was co-opted a member of the Cumberland County Education Committee in December 1945. E. M. LuscolvrBE, B.A. (194o), was demobilized from the A.T.S. in October. I. F. V. LYNN, M.A. (1923), was appointed a Housemistress at Wycombe Abbey School from May. M. E. MACAULAY, M.A. (1922), at present Headmistress of Sheffield High School, has been appointed Headmistress of Streatham Hill and Clapham High School from September 1947. F. M. E. MACDONALD, M.A. (1936), is a Graduate Assistant in Orthopaedic Surgery working at the Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Oxford. D. K. MACDONALD (1914) returned from Toronto for permanent residence in England after teaching for twenty-two years in the United States and Canada, and was appointed Second Mistress at Birklands Private Boarding School for Girls, St. Albans. D. P. MACLEAN, B.A. (1941), was appointed Assistant Personnel Officer, Osram G.E. Company, Hammersmith, in August 1945. ENID MCLEOD, M.A. (1915), was appointed Director of the Western European Section of the British Council. PROFESSOR IDA MANN, M.A., F.R.C.S., is Senior Surgeon of Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. MONA MATHEWS, M.A. (1923), was appointed Headmistress of Peterborough County Grammar School for Girls from September. M. E. MEEHAN, B.A. (1941), was appointed French and German Mistress at the Lady Eleanor Holies School, Hampton, Middlesex. E. M. MELLES, M.A. (1939), passed the Civil Service reconstruction examination and was awarded a Departmental Class Officership (third place) in the Ministry of Labour and National Service. LADY MOBERLY (G. Gardner, 1912), M.A., is on the Central. Council for Women's Church Work and on the S.C.M. Religious Book Club Publication Committee, in addition to the other activities previously noted. MRS. MOIGNARD (J. P. Dawson, 1935), B.M., was appointed Assistant Medical Officer of Health for Maternity and Child Welfare in the borough of Poole, Dorset. MRS. MORDA EVANS (C. M. Gernos Davies, 1938), B.A., was Classics Mistress at Crofton Grange, Buntingford, from 1942 to 1945. G. M. MOSSOP, M.A. (1937), was in the Air Defence Research and Development Establishment 1941-3 and the Signals Research and Development Establishment 1943-5 of the Ministry of Supply. In 1946 she was appointed Science Mistress at Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate. MRS. MOULTON (E. M. Brown, 1927), M.A., was appointed Control Officer I, Public Revenue and General Finance Branch of the Control Commission for Germany, and arrived in Berlin in October. Her husband is also working with the Control Commission. W. E. MURRELL, M.A. (1924), was appointed Occupational Therapist at the Royal Hospital, Wolverhampton, in October 1944. After 13 months she had to give up work temporarily to keep house when her mother died suddenly. Now she is at the Guildford Art School turning a war-time training in Occupational Therapy into a full qualification.
M. E. LOWE, M.A.
(1917), was released from the A.T.S. in July and resumed Octavia Hill housing work, being appointed Temporary Assistant Housing Manager for Southwark Borough Council. MRS. NICHOLAS (E. M. Crosthwaite, 1920) has started a hand-weaving business for furnishing fabrics, table linens, &c., at Campden. ELEANOR NICHOLAS, M.A. (1913), completed her work as Deputy Director of the Children's Overseas Reception Board, Dominions Office, in February and was promoted to O.B.E. for her services in June. She is now Deputy Director and Assistant Treasurer, London Office of American Congregational Churches. MRS. NIEBUHR (U. L. Koppel-Compton, 1926), M.A., has returned to Columbia University as head of the Department of Religion at Barnard College, after leave of absence. She was unable to accompany her husband to Europe, where he is on a government mission for the United States, but hopes to be in England in 1948. E. L. OLDHAM, M.A. (1938), was appointed Senior Mistress at St. Mary's School, Gerrard's Cross. MRS. OLLARD (R. M. P. Swain, 1940), B.A., is continuing as the London Secretary of the S.C.M. until April 1947 when she is joining her husband in Nigeria where he is in the Colonial Administrative Service. E. F. PAGE (1942) was appointed Biology Mistress at West Bank School, Bideford, from September. J. E. PARRY, M.A. (1929), was appointed Senior History Mistress at Selhurst Grammar School for Girls, Croydon. A. C. PERCIVAL, M.A. (1921), was elected to the Executive Committee of the English Association. D. E. V. POPE, M.A. (1924), is still Secretary at the Department of Botany, Oxford. M. J. PORCHER, M.A. (1910), did a month's work as Supervisor of School Practice for the Oakley Emergency Training College near Cheltenham after her temporary work at Edgehill College ended in July. MRS. POTTER (V. E. Houghton, 1917), B.A., taught in a school in New Zealand in 1942 after leaving Malaya, and at Huhareri Church of England College for Maori girls from 1943 to 1944 when she returned to England. She now lives in Oxford. LUNED POWYS-ROBERTS, M.A. (1934), was appointed Secretary-Bursar at Alexandra Hall of Residence for Women Students, Aberystwyth, from July. P. M. PRICE, M.A. (1914), was appointed Deputy Regional Controller (Acting), Ministry of National Insurance. M. A. PRIESTLEY (1945) was appointed a Lecturer in History at Leeds University. H. M. PURKIS, B.A. (1940), is `assistante' at the College Moderne de Jeunes Filles, Reims. MRS. QUARRIE (E. M. Worley, 1932), B.A., was appointed History Mistress at the Frances Holland School, Graham Street, London. MRS. RAE-scorn (M. J. Linklater, 1942), B.A., was appointed English Mistress in the Junior part of St. Paul's Girls' School, from September. MABEL M. REES, M.A. (1927), is a Vocational Guidance Officer for Secondary School Girls at Manchester. B. J. REEVE, M.A. (193o), left York in 1944 and is now working with the Manchester Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare Work. B. E. NEGUS, M.A.
(1923), was appointed a member of the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) in February. This Council was set up by the Ministry of Education under the 1944 Act. She broadcast in October in the Home Service Programme in the series 'What is Man ?' NEST RHYS, B.A. (1942), is secretary to Mr. J. L. Gili of the Dolphin Book Co., Ltd., in Oxford. MRS. RICHARDSON (C. L. A. Dening, 1899), M.A., is on the regular visiting staff of the Abbey, Malvern Wells. She is still writing radio plays. LADY RICHARDSON (E. M. Hornibrook, 1918), B.A., moved to Cheltenham, in September. ROSAMUND RIEU, B.A. (1940), spent 22 years in the Middle East, first in Intelligence and finally in Army Welfare when she became a Staff Captain, Welfare, at H.Q. Palestine and Transjordan, in Jerusalem. She returned to England in September for release. M. J. RIGBY, B.A. (1940), is a Staff-Sergeant Instructor, A.T.S., in Economics at an Army Pre-release College in Dalkeith. B. H. ROBERTS, B.A. (1926), left U.N.R.R.A. in September and was appointed a Regional Welfare Officer, Ministry of Health, in December. MRS. ROBERTS (E. N. Hora, 1918), B.A., is engaged on Mathematical Computation, and does some private tuition. E. M. M. ROBINSON, B.A., B.LITT. (1928), was appointed an assistant mistress at Redland High School. M. M. ROGER, M.A. (1934), was appointed Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Manitoba. D. S. RUSSELL, M.A. (1942), was appointed Professor of Morbid Anatomy in London University, and Director of Bernhard Baron Institute of Pathology at the London Hospital. She is the first woman to be appointed to the senior medical staff of the hospital. MRS. RUSSELL (Mary Holt Hutton, 1919) was a driver and office clerk in the Women's Auxiliary Military Service, S. Rhodesian Forces, during the War and was released in October 1945. F. E. SAINTSBURY, M.A. (1934), has resigned her post at the Old Palace School, Croydon, and become a Novice in the Anglican Community of the Sisters of the Church. M. J. SARGEAUNT, M.A. (1922), was appointed Principal of King's College of Household and Social Science, University of London, in February 1947. MRS. SAVORY (Mabel Davies-Colley, 1914), M.A., and her husband have a dairy, pig and poultry farm of some 70o acres (of which 13o are still forest) in Kenya. G. M. SAVORY, B.A. (1918), served in the A.T.S. from September 1939 to April 1944 working in Italian military intelligence and on Personnel Selection Staff. She was appointed J.C.A., War Office, in June 1944, acting as demonstrator in 'Q' operations and information room, and from 1945 to 1946 was on the Secretariat of Army Requirements for Civil Affairs. MRS. SCOTT (M. A. E. Howard, 1942), B.A., was demobilized from the W.R.N.S. in April. MRS. SEAL (D. M. Abson, 1929) and her husband are running a pioneer school for 'mat-adjusted children' in Cheshire. J. M. SEGAR, B.A. (1942), was appointed Assistant Welfare Officer at Bryant & May, Ltd., from February. M. E. REEVES, M.A.
(1936), was appointed Language Mistress at St. Stephen's College, North Foreland, in 1945. E. B. B. SHARP, B.A. (1928), is Secretary of the Institute of Personnel Management, Old Broad Street, London. MRS. SHAW (M. S. Plowman, 1942), B.A., toured the British zone of Germany on Intelligence work for the Admiralty in May and June. Her appointment with the Admiralty ended in July and she was appointed Geography mistress at St. Juliana's Convent, Oxford, from September. H. D. SHEPHERD, B.A. (1939), was appointed Secretary, Press Library of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. J. M. SHEPPARD, B.A. (1940), was appointed an Intelligence Officer in Intelligence Organization of the Allied Commission for Austria (British element) in Vienna. MRS. SIMPSON (E. M. Spearing, Tutor 1918), D.PHIL., was elected a Research Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge for three years from October. M. L. SIMPSON, M.A. (1895), is still doing part-time teaching but may have to resign from school work owing to the ill health of a sister. MARGARET SINCLAIR, B.LITT. (1919), is Associate Editor of the International Review of Missions. B. A. SKEMP, M.A. (1937), has been Squadron Officer in charge of all the W.A.A.F. aspects of Educational and Vocational training in Fighter Command for the past year. She was released from the W.A.A.F. in December. E. M. H. SNOWDON (1901) is doing some visiting teaching. D. W. SPRULES, M.A. (1902), has been spending some time near Aboukir on her third visit to Egypt. She is going to Cyprus in March 1947 to see about building a house at Kyrenia. MRS. STANTON (H. M. Stansfield, 1909), M.A., is a member of the Blackburn Diocesan Board of Moral Welfare and of the Diocesan Conference. MRS. STRAWBRIDGE (Stella Hassid, 1942) is an Assistant Chemist in the Technical Information Division of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. E. B. STURGIS, M.A. (1930), was appointed English Mistress at Roedean School. MRS. SUGGATE (0. D. Reynolds, 1941), B.A., has resigned her post at the Ministry of Town and Country Planning and sailed for New Zealand (where her husband has a post on the Geological Survey) in March 1947. R. E. TAYLOR, B.A. (1934), was appointed Lecturer in English Language and Literature at the Rachel McMillan Training College, Deptford. She writes topical feature articles in the Manchester Evening News. MRS. THOMAS (G. M. Willing, 1929), B.LITT., is temporary French Mistress at the Henrietta Barnett School, London. P. T. THOMSON, B.A. (1940), was demobilized from the A.T.S. in October and appointed Assistant Lecturer in English at Sheffield University. MRS. THORNTON (M. A. Clerk, 1932), B.A., has been a member of the L.C.C. and the Chelsea Borough Council since the last elections. V. H. TRUMAN (1913) was appointed Deputy Head Mistress of Wimbledon High School. E. M. A. TUDOR, M.A. (1905), was appointed Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of the newly formed provisional National Council of the Family Welfare Association in June. She writes: 'In changing its name from Charity Organization Society to Family Welfare Association the Society has become a national instead of a London body since February 1946. Its National Council is a provisional one for two years, whilst try-
ing out its constitution. The General Purposes Committee is composed of eight provincial and four London members of the Provisional Council.' MRS. TUPPER (D. F. H. Chappel, 191i), M.A., has now given up her appointment at the Focus, S.P.C.K., and has no paid work. She is Honorary Secretary to the Christian Council of Women in the Harrow area (interdenominational). MRS. TURNER (L. B. Taylor, 193o), B.LITT., was appointed Part-time Lecturer in History in the University of Aberdeen. E. R. W. UNMACK, M.A. (1915), is assistant Psychologist at the Child Guidance Clinic, St. George's Hospital, in addition to her work at the National Children's Home. M. P. M. VAULK (1910) was appointed Mathematics Mistress at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Hove. MRS. VIGOR (R. G. Martin, 1936), M.A., was appointed Deputy Organizing Secretary for the Oxford Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare—part-time. K. A. WALKER, M.A. (1925), is an Education Officer in Germany under the Allied Control Commission. E. M. WALLACE, M.A. (1908), who is still helping at the St. Cuthbert's Mission, hopes to get a furlough at the end of 1947. MRS. WALMSLEY (A. J. Parker, 1938), M.A., left the Foreign Office at the beginning of 1947 and is now doing some teaching. A. M. WATSON, M.A. (1936), was appointed Probation Officer, Nottinghamshire Combined Probation Area. M. N. WHITTAKER, B.A. (1941), was released from the A.T.S. and returned to College for further study. MRS. WILLIAMSON (M. M. Gyde, 1937), M.A., relinquished in May the appointment as Administrative Assistant at the Air Ministry which she had held since October 1941. BRIGITTE WOLFF, B.SC. (1939), was appointed Research Assistant at the Mount Vernon Hospital and Radium Institute in January 1947. E. M. WOOD, M.A. (1937), was appointed Temporary Administrative Officer in the Board of Trade from November. M. L. WOODWARD, B.A. (1941), after returning to St. Hugh's to finish her degree went out to Harvard University in August and was awarded a Fellowship at Radcliffe College for research in Geography for 1946-7. E. M. WRIGHT, B.A. (1941), was appointed French and German Mistress at St. George's School, Ascot. M. ST. J. WRIGHT, B.A. (1917), is now living quietly in Eastbourne. G. v. w. YEATS BROWN, B.A. (1939), has been at a Day Continuation School in St. Albans but has given up her post to go to Baghdad to join her sister (Dora Yeats Brown, 1934). She left by air in January 1947. MRS. YOUNG (E. I. Marshall, 1935), B.A., is living in Cambridge till June 1947 while her husband finishes his degree in Economics there. She is a Parttime lecturer for the W.E.A. on International Affairs for the Cambridge and Bedfordshire area.
THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE THE Secretary would like it to be made known that this Committee will in future deal with teaching posts as well as with other types of employment, and that she will be glad to receive the names of old students who desire to obtain teaching and other posts.